Exact time of the new moon in August. The new moon is one of the most important stages of the lunar cycle.

Our ancestors had many beliefs associated with the night luminary that are still followed today. For example, they still try to adjust work in the garden or trips to the beauty salon to the proper phase of the moon, and the full moon is considered a particularly magical day. No less close attention is paid to the first day of the lunar calendar, the new moon. On the first lunar day, when the calendar is “updated,” the heavens are considered open to human requests. This means that you can make a wish and the Universe will make sure that the person is provided with convenient opportunities to fulfill it.

  • Moon phases for August 2018

How to make a wish on a new moon

Many people recommend that when making a wish, imagine that it has already come true: for example, imagine a picture of the fact that you already have a boring quality or thing. But many people get too carried away by their dreams and, subconsciously believing that they already have what they want, they stop making efforts and using the opportunities presented by fate to achieve it.
Therefore, it is worth using this method before the ritual in order to “try on” the desire and understand whether its implementation evokes the necessary emotions, and if not, change the goal in time.

There are several accepted ways to give a message to the Universe. You should choose the ritual that you like and that will give you a feeling of completion personally.

1. The simplest (and probably the first invented) method is considered to be going outside during the new moon and making a wish in the open air. It is believed that in this way it will go directly to its destination.
2. For another, on the night of the new moon you need to retire in a dark room by the window in order to see the “newborn” month. You need to light a candle at the moment of the new moon and think about your deepest desire.
3. Those who feel more confident with the ability to see the result of their efforts can take a pen and a nice, clean notebook. On day X, you need to make a clear list of your wishes, on subsequent days, crossing out what has been fulfilled and adding new ones. You should start with the words “I accept with gratitude”; after completion, add “thank you”.
4.If the dream is related to the financial side or stability in something, then the piece of paper with the desire should be buried in the ground.
5.If you have a “money” desire, you can write yourself a check for the desired amount and, putting it in a red envelope, hide it in a secluded place.

Important! Regardless of the chosen method, remember: during the ritual you should be alone with yourself, because this is a secret directly between you and higher powers. The aspiration must not only be sincere, but also clearly formulated. Without the proper determination and specificity, what is planned can be embodied in such a way that all that remains is to regret the rash act.

When is the best time to make a wish on the new moon of August 2018?

The most favorable day for making wishes is considered to be the first day of the lunar calendar. However, in August of this year there will also be a solar eclipse, accompanied by retrograde planets, so you should take advantage of the opportunity at your own peril and risk. If desired, this can be done at 12:47 Moscow time. But it is best to give the Universe an “order” on the second lunar day, when the Moon is in Virgo. It will last from August 12, 6:59 to the 13th until 7:21.

Moon phases for August 2018

waning moon - from August 1 to 10 and from August 27 to 31;
the last quarter of the month is August 4 at 21:18:04;
Moon at perigee - August 10 at 18:06;
new moon - August 11 at 12:57:37;
solar eclipse - August 11 at 12:47;
waxing moon - from August 12 to 25;
first quarter of the month - August 18 at 10:48:29;
Moon at apogee - August 23 at 11:25;
full moon - August 26 at 14:56:12.

By wisely managing the lunar phases, you will attract into life what you want. It is only important to rely on Lady Luck and not set clear deadlines: she knows well when a gift given to you will be beneficial and will give you the chance of receiving it at the right time.

Different periods of visibility of the Moon are called phases, but in addition to them, there are also unique days of the lunar cycle, when the influence of the night star is more pronounced than usual. One of these days is the New Moon.

The Moon will spend the upcoming New Moon in the constellation Leo. It will come on August 11th. However, this is not one astronomically important event for the current day: on the 11th, along with the renewal of the Moon, an eclipse of the Sun will also occur. In combination with a solar eclipse, the New Moon in August 2018 can have an ambiguous impact on people and life events. Astrologers, as well as website specialists, recommend not to force events, but to adhere to the established rules.

Negative aspects of the New Moon in August

Let's start with the not so pleasant news: the New Moon in August coincides with a solar eclipse. This promises increased emotionality, nervousness, absent-mindedness and painful sensitivity. On such a day, it is important to think rationally, stick to your loved ones and not make hasty decisions - any rash actions can lead to significant financial and emotional losses.

Approaching its renewal, the Moon overcomes a rather difficult period, which in astrological language is called the “New Moon”. In simple terms, the night star at this moment will be at the stage of an energy reboot, when, along with its energy, all the energy around will be renewed. In August, the picture will be something like this: most people will feel as if many life chances have been missed, that everything has begun to fall apart and they urgently need to jump into the last car and grab any opportunities. But don't tempt fate.

The New Moon is a difficult time when the Moon tests us for strength, forces us to pass an exam, take stock, and learn lessons from the past. The August New Moon will be no exception. This will be a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but subsequently it will lead to positive changes.

Positive aspects of the New Moon in August

According to astrologers' forecasts, the upcoming New Moon is not an easy one, but it will have more pros than cons. This is largely the merit of Leo, whose influence will give self-confidence, inspiration, luck and success.

In August, the energy of the night luminary will contribute to any undertaking, since on the New Moon the Moon will join forces with Mars, Leo and the Sun. This means that all our dreams can easily become plans for the future. Among other things, the New Moon in Leo will provide a celestial shield that will reflect negativity until August 25th.

The upcoming New Moon favors new beginnings and starts, which will appeal to Leo, the leader among the Zodiac Signs. The conjunction of the main luminaries on August 11 carries a huge charge of energy for the entire lunar month. The influence of Leo will help you find your strengths, but remember that a side effect of the upcoming New Moon is excessive self-confidence, overestimation of your strengths, and abuse of authority. In order for everything to go smoothly, you should avoid negative emotions, strengthened by Leo’s uncompromising attitude. The energy of the New Moon makes it possible to either become the master of the situation or find helpers with whom you are not afraid to move forward.

The new moon in August will give a powerful impetus to business development, expansion of boundaries and worldview, and will also bring good luck. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to drive away bad thoughts and devote time to spiritual growth and accumulation of positive energy. The desire to improve life and spiritual quests will find the support of the night luminary. We wish you good luck, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2018 04:44

The new moon is a special time when magical currents are especially strong. Using money signs and beliefs accumulated...

Every month the Moon waxes and wanes, but there are a couple of days when it is hidden from human sight. This is a natural process and it is called the New Moon. During this period, the Moon is reborn and a new period begins. Its energy has a great influence, so it is believed that it can be directed to attract favorable conditions in a person’s life. Also, this energy can have both positive and negative effects on human health.

  • How to make a wish
  • Moon phases
  • The influence of the new moon on humans
  • Conclusion

New moon in 2018, when to make wishes

In August 2018, the New Moon will occur on the 11th, at 12:37 Moscow time.

It is believed that on this day all wishes made will come true. The most suitable time for this is the first lunar day. However, astrologers say that this month it is worth making a wish starting from August 12 at 7:00 Moscow time until August 13, until 7:20, on the second lunar day, when the Moon is in Virgo.

How to make a wish

To fulfill your wishes on the New Moon, you should perform a small ritual: take a notebook or notepad and write down your wishes on the New Moon. All fulfilled wishes are crossed off the list, and new ones can be added to them. All desires must be formulated clearly and clearly.

If you want financial stability, then you need to bury this piece of paper with your wish in the ground.

When starting a new business, plan it for the New Moon.

As soon as the New Moon arrives, think about your cherished dreams, you need to focus on them.

Important! When making a wish, you must understand that when it comes true, the consequences can be unpredictable. Therefore, before you make a wish, think carefully about whether you will be ready for them.

Moon phases

Moon phases are the varying shapes of the part of the Moon illuminated by the Sun that can be seen from Earth.

There are 4 phases in total:
new moon - in this phase the Moon cannot be seen. At such times she is connected to the Sun;
the first quarter is the phase when half of the Moon is illuminated;
full moon - in this phase the Moon is fully illuminated;
the last quarter is a state when the other half of the Moon is already illuminated.

The influence of the new moon on humans

During the New Moon, everyone can feel a change in mood and a deterioration in well-being. The energy of the moon can change a person's mood. It is noteworthy that at this time the number of accidents, accidents, and fights increases.

Scientists say that at this time chronic diseases worsen, nausea, dizziness and increased or decreased blood pressure are commonplace.

The new moon in August 2018 coincides with the day of a partial solar eclipse. According to astrologers, this period will be a very unusual time with powerful energy. Many people will feel special, devote more time to self-development, and also think about how to coordinate plans for the near future. Today we will tell you what date the new moon is in August 2018, what signs and beliefs are associated with this event, as well as what you can and cannot do on this day to make the new moon as favorable as possible for you.

When is the new moon in August 2018?

Astronomers report that in August 2018 the new moon will occur on the 11th, at 12:57 p.m. Moscow time. This will be Saturday, under the powerful energetic influence of Saturn, which is considered the patron saint of people who have decided to make dramatic changes in life. The New Moon of August 2018 will be in the zodiac house of Leo, which means that the level of emotional tension within many family relationships will reach its limit. Conflict situations are also aggravated by the fact that the Eclipse Corridor will end on August 11, 2018, which means that the time has come to put everything in its place and try to start achieving your goals despite past difficulties. A solar eclipse in August 2018, which can be observed in the countries of Northern Europe, Greenland, Canada, North America, as well as almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

How will the Solar Eclipse take place in August 2018?

The solar eclipse in August 2018 will be the last event in the series of eclipse corridors. It will take place from 9:21 to 9:50 am Moscow time. Despite its short duration, this astronomical event will have a powerful impact on the psycho-emotional state of people. To minimize the likelihood of negative events in life, you should be prepared for the fact that you may experience the following consequences of a solar eclipse associated with a new moon:

  • The appearance of unreasonable attacks of aggression, which will contribute to the fact that even the most minor quarrel can develop into a protracted conflict;
  • Deterioration in the level of concentration, which negatively affects the performance of work duties;
  • Increased drowsiness and exacerbation of chronic fatigue syndrome, which can contribute to the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • Attacks of melancholy and hysteria, as well as dizziness, nausea and other ailments.

Astrologers strongly recommend that people who work in the field of passenger or cargo transportation be extremely careful on August 11, 2018, from seven in the morning until noon. At this time, the risk of getting into an accident increases. It is also undesirable to enter into important transactions and make serious decisions. Being distracted will prevent you from concentrating, and you may miss key details.

Signs and folk beliefs associated with the new moon in August

From time immemorial, our ancestors believed that the new moon and full moon are special days during which fortune telling can be carried out, as well as paying attention to signs indicating the main trends in fate. Here are the main ones corresponding to the new moon in August:

  • If you suffer from insomnia on the night of the new moon, then in the next month you will become seriously ill;
  • If you find a coin on the street on the day of the new moon, this is considered a sign of impending financial problems;
  • If on August 11, 2018 you become an accidental witness to a serious quarrel, then this is a sign of imminent prosperity and sudden monetary gain;
  • If on the night of August 10-11 you look up at the sky and see many bright stars, then a quick rise up the career ladder awaits you. And if the sky is overcast, beware of the machinations of enemies who will spread unpleasant rumors about you.

In addition, it is believed that if a girl goes outside on the August new moon and a strong wind rises, then she needs to be prepared for quick changes in her personal life.

Do's and Don'ts for New Moon

In order for success and luck to be your constant companions, you should know what you can and cannot do on the new moon, which fell on August 11 in 2018. Astrologers recommend:

  • Do not start important projects;
  • Do not gamble;
  • Do not sign up for elective surgeries;
  • Do not visit a cosmetologist or dentist, because the rehabilitation period may be prolonged;
  • Avoid large purchases at least in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the list of restrictions is not that long. But in addition to the prohibitions, there is a list of activities that can be performed during the new moon. Here are the main ones.

The full moon and new moon are the times when almost every person feels the influence of the Earth's satellite. It is characterized by drowsiness, confusion of thoughts, headaches, even the development of migraines, exacerbation of physical, emotional and nervous problems. But at the same time, a person feels inspiration, a thirst for something new, a desire to change the course of life. Therefore, it is important to know the dates of the new moon and full moon in August 2019, what date the Moon begins to wax or wane, since this also affects the body and psyche.

What to expect from the full moon and new moon?

The full moon in August 2019 falls on the 15th. During the full moon, the following negative phenomena are likely:

  1. Deterioration of health due to crises of chronic diseases.
  2. Cuts, stitches and wounds do not heal well and may bleed again.
  3. Depressive thoughts arise.
  4. Alcohol binges begin.
  5. Early birth is possible.

There will be two new moons in August 2019, which date is not so important, since both dates are characterized by:

  1. A surge of strength.
  2. Good luck in your new endeavors.
  3. Exacerbation of diseases.
  4. The likelihood of deception.
  5. Traumatic situations.

Moon phases

August in 2019 is a month rich in “lunar” events. It begins with the new moon - August 1, and ends almost with the same period. The second new moon falls on the 30th, and the 31st is a favorable day for the waxing moon. You can learn more about other features of this month from the lunar calendar.

dateDay of the weekLunar dayPhaseZodiacSunrise time/Note
1 Thursday1 New Moona lion04:23/21:08
2 Friday1, 2 + 05:51/21:36
3 Saturday2, 3 + Virgo07:22/21:29
4 Sunday3, 4 + 08:52/22:18
5 Monday4, 5 + Scales
6 Tuesday5, 6 + An ideal day for relaxation, a romantic date, starting new projects, making useful connections, and physical activity.

It is better to postpone making important decisions, as doubts about the correctness of the choice will be tormented for a long time.

7 Wednesday6, 7 + Scorpion13:09/23:11 During this period, concentration and analytical thinking improve, mental activity and intuition increase. These days are favorable for starting new things, establishing social connections, and communicating with the opposite sex. Travel and physical training will be good. There may be conflicts and injuries that will take a long time to heal.
8 Thursday7, 8 I quarter14:30/23:34
9 Friday8, 9 + Sagittarius15:47/–:–
10 Saturday9, 10 + 16:58/00:01
11 Sunday10, 11 + Capricorn18:01/00:35
12 Monday11, 12 + 18:53/01:19
13 Tuesday12, 13 + 19:33/02:13
14 Wednesday13, 14 + Aquarius20:04/03:14 There is an energy boost. Social and political activity and sports are recommended. The day is suitable for moving, concluding contracts, and establishing new connections.
15 Thursday14, 15 Full moon20:28/04:22
16 Friday15, 16 Fish20:48/05:31
17 Saturday16, 17 21:04/06:41
18 Sunday17, 18 21:18/07:51
19 Monday18, 19 Aries21:32/09:01
20 Tuesday19, 20 21:45/10:11
21 Wednesday20, 21 Taurus22:00/11:22 This period is suitable for any property and financial matters. Investments will be stable and sustainable. You should engage in self-development and spiritual practices. Romantic dates are best spent in a cozy environment.

Friday is great for surgical operations and planting root crops.

22 Thursday21, 22 22:18/12:35
23 Friday22, 23 III quarter22:40/13:50
24 Saturday23, 24 Twins23:09/15:05
25 Sunday24, 25 23:48/16:18
26 Monday25 Cancer–:–/17:24
27 Tuesday25, 26 00:42/18:20
28 Wednesday26, 27 a lion01:52/19:02 On these days, it is recommended to hold or attend mass celebrations, holidays, and fairs. But you shouldn’t risk your finances and succumb to flattery. Quarrels and resentments are possible. It is better to reschedule business meetings. At this time, you need to listen to the advice of your elders and the opinions of your other halves.
29 Thursday27, 28 03:16/19:34
30 Friday28, 29, 1 New MoonVirgo04:47/19:59
30 Saturday1, 2 + 06:20/20:20 The financial sector is very successful. You can invest money, enter into business alliances, hold meetings, introduce innovations, draw up estimates and business plans.

On this day it is good to start a diet and exercise cycle.

The full moon in August 2019, when all the sharp corners of your life become noticeable, is better spent in peace. For this:

  1. Collect medicinal herbs.
  2. Educate yourself.
  3. Visit close relatives and friends.
  4. Engage in creative or scientific activities.

On the first new moon of August (01.08) you should avoid:

  1. Gambling.
  2. Drawing up contracts related to shares and large investments.
  3. Self-flagellation.

It is better to spend this day with your loved ones or reading an exciting book.

The second full moon (30.08) should be dedicated to:

  1. Self-care, beauty and relaxation treatments.
  2. Buying new clothes and jewelry.
  3. Self-improvement and study.
  4. Start a diet, or you can have a fasting day.
  5. Financial transactions and cash investments.

Look video about the influence of the Moon on humans: