What is VKontakte id. How to view a user’s VK ID using a short link

The need to obtain a VKontakte ID may arise in a variety of situations. For example, you need to restore access to your account (when you can’t use your phone), send your link to a certain person, or change your ID from a random set of numbers to a beautiful nickname. Let's look at how you can find out the ID account VKontakte and how to do it the easiest way.

How to find out your VKontakte ID

ID is a unique identifier that is associated with an account when a person decides to register it. Let's look at methods to find out its meaning.

If the ID has not changed

The easiest way to find out the ID of your own or someone else’s account is if the owner has not changed the link. To see the number, you just need to log into Contact, open the page and look at the number after “ID” in the search bar of the browser.

The above method does not require any additional effort, but is only suitable when the ID has not been changed. What to do otherwise, we will consider further.

If changed to an alphabetic nickname

It may also happen that a change numerical value to an alphabetic one has already happened, but you need to find out the original ID.

Instructions for searching for a number will look like this:

  1. Open your account, click on the avatar icon in the upper right corner and go to “Settings”.

  1. Select the “General” section and go down to the end of the window, where the ID number will be displayed in the “Page Address” field. The system allows you to return it instead of a literal value. To do this, you need to replace your nickname with “id123”, where 123 are the numbers specifically for your account number. You won't be able to link someone else's ID. Any letter in the ID turns the number into a nickname.

  1. Save the changes (if they have been made). This method will always work (if the user has access, of course).

The question arises: how to find a numeric ID if it has been changed to an alphabetic one, but the page is someone else’s and there is no password for the account? In this case, just open any photo and click on the link - in the displayed text, the set of numbers up to the underscore will represent the page ID. Having such a link, you can always find out whose account was opened.

But what to do if the user does not have photos? All is not lost - you just need to go to one of the available sections, for example, videos or music. A numeric ID will be displayed in the address bar after the words “videos” or “audios” open page. The same can be done with posts on the wall or with personal messages - when an entry is open or in a dialogue, you need to click on the search bar and copy the ID from it.

As you can see, everything is as simple as possible. The above options can be applied not only to your own page, but also to the accounts of other users.

How to watch from your phone

Statistics show that users rarely access social networks via a personal computer - most of them prefer to use mobile phones.

To find an ID through your phone, all you need to do is:

  1. Open the desired page via official application, click the three dots and select “Copy link”. This can also be done through the browser version.

  1. Paste the copied value into any empty field. For example, in a message field, in notes or in a browser. The ID will be in its place.

Surely most of our readers are registered and actively use the largest social network in Russia and the CIS, VKontakte, also known as vk.com. Many also know that any page (be it a profile page, group page, public page or meeting) has its own unique identifier - VKontakte ID.

And if previously the digital ID was always displayed in the address bar of the browser, then for quite a long time now you can set it for any page beautiful name of letters and numbers, which will be displayed instead of the "sequence number". But in some situations, we still need the digital identifier of a particular page, which is not so easy to find at first glance.

It's about what is VKontakte page ID what they are like, how to find out your or someone else's ID address in VK, as well as the ID of the public/group/meeting, you will learn today from this detailed instruction article.

What is a VKontakte id and what does it look like?

Before we figure it out, how to find out id the object you need on a social network VKontakte (vk.com) we want to briefly tell you about what an id in VK is, why it is needed, and what types this identifier is.

VKontakte ID is a unique identifier that any page on VK has: user profile, public page, group or meeting. The IDs of these pages are slightly different. The ID is assigned when the page is created and cannot be changed in the future.

Let's first figure out what IDs we need to know and how to distinguish them.

https://vk.com/ id 1234567890 - ID person profile

https://vk.com/ public 1234567890 - ID public page (public)

https://vk.com/ club 1234567890 - ID groups

https://vk.com/ event 1234567890 - ID meetings

ID includes only one of the above Latin words and numbers (and only numbers, not letters!).

How to find out your VKontakte ID

Most often, users need to look at their ID in vk.com. It couldn't be easier to do this. Your profile ID can be found in the address bar of your browser (if you have not set a nickname for yourself), or in your profile settings.

At first, all VKontakte users had only a digital ID, and there was no problem finding out yours at all, but for quite some time now everyone has been able to set a unique name for themselves, which is displayed instead of an ID in the browser.

If you haven't done this, just click on the link "My page" on the left side of the screen and you will see your ID in the address bar of your browser.

If instead of a digital identifier you see text in English, it means you have set yourself a beautiful address for your profile page. But it’s okay, in this case you can see the ID in the settings in just a couple of clicks.

Click on the VK profile name in the upper right corner and select the item in the drop-down menu "Settings".

Just below on the main settings screen you will see the page address you have set. Click the button "Change" next to him.

A field with the name will appear under the "Page Address" line "Page number"- this is your ID on the VKontakte social network.

Now you have found out your ID. But if it’s quite easy to look up your number, then in order to look up another person’s ID, sometimes you may need to work a little (just a little), and sometimes it’s no more difficult to do this than to find out your ID.

How to find out the ID of another VKontakte user

In order to find out someone else's ID, you need to do the following. Open the profile of the person whose ID you want to see and simply hover over his avatar. In most browsers, a pop-up address bar will appear in the lower left (or right) corner, in which you will find the person's ID.

In this case the ID is set of numbers after the word photo And before the underscore, i.e. 1234567890.

If your browser does not show a pop-up message on hover, then this is also not a problem. Click on the user’s avatar and in the address bar of the browser you will also see the ID of this profile, similar to the option above, after the word photo and before the underscore there will be exactly what you were looking for.

Everything can be made even simpler if you have a correspondence with a VKontakte user whose ID you want to know. In this case, simply open your dialogue in the "Messages" tab and in the address bar of your browser you will see the ID of this profile immediately after the letters "im?sel=".

As you can see, finding out the id of any user is not at all difficult. However, none of the above methods (except the last one) will work if you are on a person’s blacklist. What to do in this case? Let's talk.

How to find out ID if you are on the black list (blocked)

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to find out the ID of the person whose blacklist you are on, i.e. locked down. In this case, you can also view his ID, but it’s a little more complicated; to do this you will have to open the code of his VKontakte profile page.

Open the page to which access is limited for you, call the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on this page and select the item in it "View code"/"View element code" or similar, depending on your browser.

Enter the text in the search bar that opens using the page code "user_id". As a result of the search, you will see this text in the page code, followed by the digital ID of the VKontakte user, which is what we need.

As you can see, it is quite easy to find out the ID of any VK user, even if you are on his blacklist.

How to find out the ID of a public, group or meeting

The simplest thing in this entire instruction is to find out the public ID, group ID or VKontakte meeting ID. This can be done in many ways in various ways, and here are a couple of the simplest ones.

Click on the avatar of the public/group/meeting and you will see the identifier in the address bar of your browser immediately after the word "photo-" And before the underscore.

The group doesn't have an avatar? No problem. Open any post on her wall and you will find the desired ID still there, in the address bar, this is numbers before underscore and after "wall-".

In the same way, you can view the ID by opening albums or videos of the group. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated; one of the proposed methods will definitely help you find out the required identifier.

Social networks are an integral part of the lives of modern Internet users. The VKontakte website is extremely popular in Russia. Here residents of the Russian Federation and other countries communicate, relax and even work. Sometimes you have to think about how to find out your VKontakte ID. What kind of element is this? What is it used for? Where is? Next, we have to find answers to all of the above questions. Even a schoolboy can cope with the task!

What is ID

How to find out the VKontakte ID? First, a few words about what we have to deal with.

"ID" is unique number on a social network. It serves as an identifier for a user, group or file in VK. This is a kind of short address for a particular page. Used when replenishing a VKontakte account, to search for people and add/remove them from the blacklist. This is an extremely useful element.

But how do you find out your VKontakte ID? What do you need to know about this procedure? In fact, the process does not cause any difficulties.

User page

It is worth noting right away that it is impossible to find out a phone number using a VKontakte ID. There is only one exception - when the mobile phone is written in the user's profile. But to do this you will have to look at the profile of this or that user. There are no more official and safe options.

Let's start with our own identifier. To find out, you need:

  1. Go to vk.com.
  2. Log in to the system using your username and password.
  3. Click on the line “My Page”. Usually this page opens by default.
  4. Look at the address bar. ID is written here after the corresponding inscription. This is a unique set of numbers.

Friend ID

The next option is to search for a friend's ID. The technique is extremely easy to learn. And even a novice Internet user can handle it.

In order to bring the idea to life, the user just needs to go to the main page of his friend’s profile and look at the address bar of the browser. The ID is displayed here.

Similarly, you can see the unique identifier of any user registered on a social network. Everything is extremely simple and clear.


How to find out the ID of a VKontakte group? A similar question often arises among many users. And it didn't cause any problems before. A person could achieve the desired result in just a few seconds.

Instructions for extracting the ID of a public or group look like this:

  1. Log in to the social network "VK". This is necessary to ensure that access to groups is 100% open.
  2. Go to a group or public whose ID the person is interested in. For example, by clicking on the “Groups” menu and selecting the appropriate page.
  3. Look at the address bar of your Internet browser. Here "ID" is displayed after the word clud.

That's all. The process does not require any special skills or knowledge. But there are exceptions. We'll talk about them later.

Photo and video

How to find out the VKontakte ID of photos and videos? To do this, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Open the desired file in the browser.
  2. Examine the inscriptions that appear in the address bar. There will be a signature like photoxxxxx_yyyy. YYYY is the identifier of the photo or video.

But that is not all. There is another interesting option for solving the problem.

Unique name and ID

Today on VK users have the right to assign unique short names to their profiles. These are inscriptions that replace ID. They will be displayed in the browser when you go to a particular page. The same goes for publics and meetings. Similar situation makes it difficult to find an ID number.

To implement the task, the user needs:

  1. Go to the desired page. For example, a user or group.
  2. Open any photo or video.
  3. Pay attention to the address bar in your Internet browser. An inscription like videozzz_nnn will appear here. ZZZ is the “ID” of a group or user. Unique short names are not displayed in such addresses. And you can take advantage of this.

Through settings

How to find out the VKontakte ID? If you need to get information about your own page, users are asked to act in this way:

  1. Open your profile and log in to the social network.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the button with the arrow icon.
  3. Select "Settings".
  4. Scroll through the page that appears until you reach the “Address of your page” block.

That's all. A unique profile identifier will be displayed next to ID.

Many users of the popular social network Vkontakte have noticed that the address of their page on this resource consists of a certain set of numbers. It is these numbers that are called the strange and for many incomprehensible combination “ID”. So let's find out why it is needed?

Initially, this combination of Latin letters came from English word identifier and was widely used in various information systems. With the development of the Internet, the combination “migrated” to a number of resources where it was necessary to identify a certain number of users. The most popular one was no exception social network in the Russian-speaking sector of the Internet. VKontakte users learned almost immediately with the advent of this resource. It was this “identifier” that was placed in the address bar immediately after the name of the site and allowed acquaintances in the vastness of “Contact”.

Just a few years ago, a VKontakte user ID was required to be included in the address of that user’s page and could only consist of a set of numbers. After some innovations in the address bar you can now see letters rather than numbers - with their help, any visitor to Contact can come up with a more memorable address for their page. But the network user ID still remains completely “numeric” and unchanged. To find out, just go to someone’s page and hover over the “Send message” item. In many browsers, an inscription will appear in the lower left corner consisting of a short address of the resource, the word write and a set of numbers, which represents the same identifier. You can find out your page ID much easier. Just go to the settings and in the field called “Your page address” you will see the numbers you are looking for.

ID and how to find it out, the user can only win. For example, many applications and games ask you to enter the ID of your page or the pages of your friends (for which you can get some kind of bonuses in any game). In addition, it is easier to give new acquaintances whom you want to see in your “Friends” an identifier by which they will immediately find your page, than to force them to try to look through hundreds of your namesakes in search of the desired profile. Thus, ID can easily serve as a kind of business card or, if you wish, even a unique address on the site.

Now that you know what an ID is, it won’t hurt to figure out what it’s for (besides receiving bonuses in games and quickly finding friends). First of all, it is needed to assign your profile/page/profile on various Internet resources its own serial number. For example, the social network Vkontakte uses a digital identifier to link all files and links to one profile. That is, even if you change your first or last name in the settings and specify a different page address, all information will come to you not based on the new address, but using the page number, that is, its unchanging ID.

Knowing what a user ID is can make your life a lot easier. Essentially, this identifier is much like a car license plate, your phone number, or an identification code. And it serves the same purpose - using this number is the easiest way to establish your “identity” (find exactly your profile) on one or another Internet resource. So don’t underestimate the need to know your ID on a particular site - perhaps knowing this ID will make your life a little easier someday, since you won’t have to explain for a long time and indistinctly how to get to your profile to new acquaintances. And knowledge of such “high-tech” things will help create the image of a person who understands modern Internet technologies.


How to find out VKontakte ID?

Social networks have opened up a lot of new opportunities for us. Now you can listen to music online, publish any recordings, communicate with users and much more.

There are many functions on large sites, which is why various questions arise about their use.

How to find out VKontakte ID? Frequently asked question newcomers. What is ID? This is a unique page number, it is automatically issued to each profile (group, public).

Sometimes an ID is needed for a quick search, sometimes for adding to the VKontakte blacklist, and sometimes for cheating or presenting an example.

Finding out a person’s VKontakte ID is not difficult

The unique page number is not hidden in any way, so you can easily find it out.

Here are some simple ways:

1. Look in the address bar, the VKontakte user ID is displayed there:

2. If the address bar contains letters rather than numbers, then you can go to its wall by clicking on all entries:

The line will also open the address where the page ID will be presented:

3. If the previous methods do not suit you, open a dialogue with the user and his account number will appear in the address bar:

Using one of these methods, you can definitely find out a person’s VKontakte ID and, regardless of your goals, use it.

How to find out IP by VKontakte ID?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to find out an IP address from a VKontakte page. This can be done, but it is not so easy.

When a person visits the site, his data is recorded in statistics, but VK closes such data. It is not possible to hack their database, so the easiest way is to use the website.

It offers to create a free blank page to collect information about the visitor. Your task is to send a special link to a person and wait for him to click on it. When you visit the site, find the button to generate a new page:

How you do this is up to you. You can try to make acquaintances, offer a job, say that you are in an advertisement, and so on. In general, come up with anything, and to avoid being found out, buy a profile on or use a fake page.

As you can see, not only the network address is determined, but also the city. If you're lucky, you might even find out the address where the IP is used. To do this, go to and enter the received data.