How to strengthen your body before autumn. How to stay healthy in the fall: tips for everyone

And a bad mood increases the risk of any disease. The most common of them are - common cold And flu. These diseases, familiar to us from childhood, can take over entire cities and even countries. In addition, people suffering from chronic diseases also find themselves at risk with the arrival of autumn. With the onset of autumn bad weather, people with heart and vascular diseases, digestive disorders and immunodeficiency conditions most often suffer.

Chinese medicine - the difference in approach to health and treatment

But deterioration in health in the fall can be prevented. Moreover, the methods of autumn prevention are quite simple and anyone can do it. We can safely call Chinese medicine experts in the prevention of various diseases, dating back not even hundreds – thousands of years! Many principles of therapy used by Eastern healers are recognized as effective and are actively used in the West. By the way, according to WHO, Chinese medicine methods have been proven effective in treating more than 40 diseases. But - prevention. Unfortunately, people with a European mentality go to the doctor because they feel unwell, while the basis of Eastern medicine is to maintain health.

IN traditional chinese medicine the arrival of autumn is a period when it is important to accumulate strength in preparation for winter (symbolic death), which is necessary before the awakening of life in the spring. In accordance with the canons, this period may not be easy: someone will feel sad, someone will feel depressed, and winter illnesses are just around the corner. That is why recommendations made many centuries ago, but which have not yet lost their meaning, are so relevant.

Seven steps to improve your health in autumn

1. No – inactivity!

Residents of the Celestial Empire, young and old, practice the famous strengthening exercise in any weather in the fresh air. Although eastern healers welcome any activity: simple exercises, leisurely walking, swimming. However, fans of traditional Western medicine also recommend starting the day with exercise. Any physical exercise in the morning saturates the body with oxygen, which helps increase defenses.

People have different opinions about morning exercise. Some people start the day with a run, while for others it is difficult to find 20 minutes for morning exercises. But all you need is to get up a little early. However, physical activity during the day will also be beneficial. Improving blood circulation will lead to activation, which contributes to better resistance of the body to adverse factors. No desire to exercise? , do , ride a bike! You will immediately feel a surge of strength and a burst of optimism!

2. Hardening – rule No. 1 for strengthening the immune system

Do you want it with the onset of cold weather and a stuffy nose? Start hardening procedures as early as possible. Immediately after charging, a cool shower is an excellent remedy that will help you invigorate and has a hardening effect. You can gradually lower the temperature. However, remember: the procedure should be enjoyable. By the way, for those who find morning water procedures a burden, good news: it will be difficult for the first three weeks, then the person will get involved in the process.

3. Lifestyle – correction

As soon as daylight hours begin to wane, changes to the daily routine are necessary. Go to bed early. The optimal duration of sleep is 7-8 hours. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get enough sleep, but fatigue can accumulate. may turn out to be disastrous. Remember: a good night's rest has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Equally important is not having a full stomach at night. Eating no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. However, herbal tea or a glass of warm milk will help quench your appetite at night.

4. Nutrition is the basis of health

If you believe the ancient Chinese treatises on medicine, a balanced diet is perhaps the most important condition for maintaining health in the fall. But unlike Western medicine, which focuses on balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in Eastern teachings there is a different approach. It takes into account balance of flavors: sour, sweet, etc. For example, in autumn it is recommended to eat food with a spicy taste, for winter the main taste is salty. Eating large amounts of food with a negative taste for a given season will lead to poor health.

If we adhere to the principles of nutrition that are familiar to us, then the emphasis is on the sufficient content of nutrients in food. Of course, at the beginning of autumn the body does not lack vitamins, since summer with its variety of fruits and vegetables is behind us. However, reserves of useful substances should be replenished. As winter approaches, the body's need for vitamins, especially A, C, E, as well as minerals and trace elements, increases. A deficiency of any component will lead to problems. First of all, the body's ability to resist infections deteriorates. Trouble is indicated by the appearance of lethargy, fatigue, and decreased performance.

For autumn prevention, the diet should contain sufficient quantities of fruits and vegetables, seafood, lean meats and fish, nuts, cereals, etc. How much fruits and vegetables should you eat per day? The required minimum is five servings (a serving is the volume that fits in a handful).

However, according to the principles of Chinese medicine, there are a few more rules that should be followed. First of all, you need to remember: moderation is important when it comes to food. It is also recommended to avoid sausages and smoked meats. There should be plenty of clean water and warm green tea, however, fruit drinks or compotes are suitable. By the way, in China, attention is paid even to the temperature of the dish. In winter, to maintain energy balance, preference should be given to hot food; in summer, cold food; however, for people of asthenic physique, hot food is better suited at any time of the year.

5. Fresh air - to the maximum!

The end of summer is not a reason to stay at home. On the contrary, on the eve of the cold period it becomes a necessity. Remember, the likelihood of contracting colds indoors or in transport is much higher than outdoors, even in cool weather. Pathogens of airborne infections (ARVI, influenza, measles, etc.) are concentrated at a distance of 2-3 meters. They can spread over a much greater distance by coughing and sneezing. Even a talking person who will certainly share a problem with you is dangerous.

When going for a walk, you should dress according to the weather. Don't try to prove to yourself that it's still warm. Change from light clothing to more durable items, and it is better to do this before you catch a cold. But you shouldn't go to the other extreme. If you wear clothes that are too warm, you will inevitably sweat, and a draft or the slightest breeze will cause illness. Also, let's face it, if it's cold, moving more will help keep you warm, as opposed to wearing too warm clothes, which will make you feel hot even without moving. By the way, according to, sweat makes it difficult for the energy “qi” to move throughout the body. This may cause illness.

6. Add a touch of variety

The Chinese have an expression: “If a person is left alone, he dies.” Perhaps this is why residents of the Celestial Empire of any age often unite in interest groups, be it gymnastics, dancing or excursions. Surely, you also have a hobby to which you devote all your free time. So find like-minded people! A trip out of town with friends, an excursion to a neighboring city…. Perhaps there are places you would like to visit? When, if not now? New impressions and positive emotions will be a wonderful boost of energy, which will definitely benefit the body.

7. Listen to yourself!

But how sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a fluffy blanket and, sitting near the TV, placing a plate of treats next to you, enjoy the comfort of home! Learn to listen to your body, especially during the cold season. If you feel tired, take a break. Continuously running through life with obstacles will definitely not bring any benefit. Even if you just go to bed early with an interesting book or movie, you will probably feel more energetic in the morning.

And, of course, smile more often, because emotions also help you avoid autumn depression, and with it, prevent any illnesses. It was not for nothing that the sages of antiquity asserted: “The arrival of one fakir in the city, who knows how to make people laugh, will bring more benefits to the health of the inhabitants than a caravan with medicines.”

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 373 Published September 20, 2016

Autumn is the time of year when it becomes cool outside and the sun's rays do not often look into our windows and illuminate our apartments and houses. Often it is in the fall that sadness creeps into our hearts and we are not in the best mood. Autumn is exactly the time of year when both men and women should think about how to improve their health and prepare the body for winter.

Let's start with work. Sometimes, after taking a vacation and having a good rest in the summer, in the fall we often get tired at work, we so want the vacation to never end and a small drop of laziness is still present. The boss demands that plans and standards be fulfilled; a certain lack of composure forces us to stay at work after the working day in order to complete all the work we have started. Sometimes such emotional stress often leads to depression. Therefore, to stay healthy in the fall, you need to follow a few tips:

Keep a daily routine . Go to bed so that you have at least 8 hours of sleep.

Try not to get caught up in your favorite TV shows that end late at night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice that your body is full of strength because you got enough sleep.

Don't get distracted by small things at work . Social networks, constant calls and text messages on the phone - all this distracts from work and steals precious time.

Stay focused. Plan to complete tasks for the entire working day and stick to the schedule, this will allow you not to stay at your workplace after the end of the working day.

Now let's talk about family. On these cloudy, cold days, the health of the entire family also depends on the psycho-emotional state of all family members. Therefore, follow these tips:

Do not swear or quarrel with your husband, wife and children . The words of Leopold the cat “Let’s live together!” very suitable for this situation. We all know that almost all diseases are caused by nerves, or rather from nervous tension and depression. Wives and husbands must find a common language with each other and try to resolve conflict situations immediately. Don’t show your EGO, it’s better to give in for the sake of peace in the family. Family is a fortress, it is protection from the environment, and the foundation should not be undermined by meaningless disputes and abuse.

The health of your child in the autumn period depends on your attitude towards him. Autumn is the beginning of the school year and the child does not always have time to master the educational process. Don't scold him for bad grades. It’s better to think about how to get out of such a situation: help somewhere, joke somewhere, praise somewhere.

Eat more vegetables and fruits . Autumn is a wonderful time; a storehouse of useful substances contained in all vegetables and fruits is easily accessible in the fall. Salads made from fresh vegetables should always be present on the dining table: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini; greens, onions and garlic.

Try to spend more time with your whole family in the fresh air.

Walks in the park, going out into nature in the forest, just walking around the city: a good and useful pastime.

And finally, pay attention to your friends . How well the mere thought of going to the cinema with a friendly group on the weekend improves your mood. Spend time together: take your families to bowling, sporting events, and theater shows. Follow the posters and try to attend entertainment and cultural events.

Of course, no one canceled friendly gatherings in cafes. When there is a conversation over a delicious dinner: when it’s fascinating, and when it’s intimate. In any case, friends will always support you in moments of sadness and sorrow, and such emotional release is very important and beneficial for the health of the body.

These tips will be useful not only in the fall, but also suitable for the whole year. Be healthy and happy!

Autumn has arrived, bringing long-awaited coolness and freshness, instead of the tiring heat and the sun that has begun to bore. But along with them comes the time of rains and drafts and, as a result, colds and viral diseases.

Movement is not only life, but also health
Of course, now in the mornings I want to lie in bed longer, in the evenings, instead of going to the gym or jogging outside, I want to wrap myself in a blanket with all the cozy autumn attributes: a cat, a cup of tea and a book... But this lifestyle does not lead to anything good, so allow it to yourself dosed like a piece of cake - once a week. Spend the rest of your time on an active lifestyle. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, at least do exercises at home, during which, by the way,... Walk more, in general, be mobile, because an active lifestyle helps prevent many diseases and off-season infections

How to stay healthy in the fall - eat right
Autumn is a storehouse of vitamins. This time of year has everything our body needs to maintain health and performance. Nutrition is not just a way to fill yourself up, but also an opportunity to stay healthy in the fall and improve your well-being. And yes, it remains valid. This will help you not only maintain your figure, but also your health.

How to stay healthy in autumn - drink more
It’s unlikely that you might have heard about this before, but autumn and a drop in temperature outside are not at all a reason to reduce the amount of water you drink. Yes, of course, during the sweltering heat, the hand itself reaches for a bottle of water, but this practice must be continued in the fall. The daily dose of water for a healthy adult is approximately 1.5 liters. Also, do not forget that one of the first remedies recommended for colds is drinking plenty of warm water. This can be a variety of decoctions with anti-inflammatory herbs, green tea, tea with chamomile, lemon and honey, etc.

How to stay healthy in the fall - harden up
You should not wrap yourself and your child in warm clothes. Besides, it’s September outside now, when in the morning, when you go to work and the child goes to school, it’s more than fresh, but by noon the air warms up almost to the average summer temperature. What will happen to a child who is forced to return home in warm clothes? Same thing. And such sweating will not do you any good. Therefore, there is no need to be zealous. And by the way, oh. Use it.

How to stay healthy in the fall - relax
Autumn, as the poet wrote, is a rather dull time. And soon the sunny, warm money will be replaced by rain and cold, driving you into depression. Therefore, try to get a good night’s sleep, because proper rest has a beneficial effect on your overall well-being and mood. But lack of sleep, on the contrary, leads to fatigue, irritation, apathy and, as a result, to weakening, decreased tone and susceptibility of the body to disease.

Not everyone can boast of excellent health and good mood on rainy autumn days. In autumn, respiratory diseases worsen, which leads to despondency and general weakening of the body. How to improve your health and fight off colds and autumn depression?

Autumn is a great time to activate the body's defenses and prepare for the winter cold. It is important to maintain not only physical, but also mental health. Nature, as they say, has no bad weather. Therefore, we welcome a new day with joy, say goodbye to laziness, strengthen our physical fitness and enjoy mental pleasure.

Be active.

It is common knowledge that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Start your day with exercise or a moment of dance. Active dance movements to the music will wake up the sleepy body and give a positive energy charge. You need to move not only to keep warm. A few simple exercises will lead to increased blood circulation and improved metabolic processes in the body. You can wake up your body by walking, swimming in the pool, rollerblading or cycling. If you have a positive attitude towards sports, purchase a gym membership. Any type of physical activity fills our body with oxygen, a person feels a surge of joy, positivity and optimistic mood.

A good option for preventing colds is hardening. You need to start by washing with cool water, pouring over your hands and feet, and only then do you start pouring over other parts of the body. The hardening process is not quick, let the water temperature be a couple of degrees lower to begin with, do not force the process. When hardening, the main rule is do no harm.

No diet.

Autumn is not the time to lose weight and lose kilos. Leave them until spring. Often on cool autumn days a person experiences hunger and increased appetite. This is normal. We warm ourselves not only with warm jackets, hats and physical exercise. Tasty, satisfying food can also have a warming effect and cause pleasant warm satisfaction. In autumn, you should definitely eat meat and fish. A lack of these foods can lead to anemia. Meat and fish strengthen the immune system; they contain essential substances such as zinc, animal protein, iron and phosphorus, and fatty acids.

Food in autumn.

During the period of virus activity, foods such as garlic, onions, horseradish and ginger will provide powerful resistance and protection. Use onions to prepare first and second courses. Garlic goes well in salads. Horseradish is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties; it can be used to prepare a seasoning and serve it at the dinner table. Ginger tea perfectly tones, speeds up metabolism and removes toxins. It can be given to children over two years of age. A glass of ginger tea half an hour before meals is perfect for little ones, as it stimulates a surge of appetite.

Autumn is the best time for vegetable dishes, fresh salads from colorful autumn vegetables. Potatoes, beets and cabbage, tomatoes and peppers - let all the healthiest things be on your table.

Bathhouse - useful leisure

A visit to the bathhouse during the cool November days will be good for your health and pleasant mentally and physically. The hot steam from the bath warms up the internal organs well. Together, toxins and excess salt come out later. High temperature air is a simulator for the cardiovascular system and will have a healing effect on the skin. It will undergo a good cleaning, become smoother and more elastic.

We have the power to turn the autumn period of life into unforgettable memories, warm for the soul, pleasant to the heart and healthy. Enjoy every day and be healthy!

Autumn is an extremely beautiful time. But due to the low air temperature and short daylight hours, we want to sleep more, we want warmth and comfort - it’s as if the body is shouting: “Take care of me!” To stay healthy in the fall, you need to give yourself little healthy pleasures more often, and your body will be grateful for it.

Large and cozy scarf
Buy or knit yourself a huge warm scarf in beautiful colors from soft yarn! Such a thing is simply irreplaceable during the period when the radiators do not warm enough and you want additional heat. You can also keep a scarf or stole in the office. Such an accessory at hand will help you get through long working days easier and will remind you of the comfort of home.

Long sleep
Long sleep in the fall is not a luxury. This is a necessity. Our ancestors also believed in its healing power. And modern scientists have found confirmation of this theory: the hormone melatonin, which is produced only during sleep, affects our physical and mental state. If there is a lack of melatonin in the body, the aging process accelerates, immunity declines and confusion begins with the time of day. To prevent this from happening, you should listen to your body and sleep as much as you need. Things will have to wait a bit.

Breath of air
To keep your head fresh and your thoughts clear, the brain needs oxygen. Therefore, get into the habit of walking outdoors every day. This will help organize your thoughts, calm your anxiety, and improve your sleep. If your busy schedule does not allow you to specifically leave the house in the evenings, simply leave the metro station earlier and cover this distance on foot. This is enough to take a little break from the bustle of the day, see the beauty in simple things that we hastily run past in the morning, and get enough oxygen.

Body protection
Autumn is the time when numerous viruses come out to hunt. If such a nuisance happens to you, it is important to help your body survive it with minimal losses. To do this, for example, you can supplement the usual scheme of supporting the body with bioflavonoids - natural substances that help protect the body from toxins and free radicals, including those formed under the influence of viruses. For example, the seeds and white partitions of grapefruit contain the bioflavonoid naringin, which can help maintain good health even during periods of weakened immunity. Thanks to this substance, which is useful for us, the seeds and interlobular partitions are bitter, and we do not eat them. Now this tool can be available to everyone. Grapefruit seed extract, the main active ingredient of the Citrolux ® biocomplex, contains a high concentration of naringin.

Not a medicine.