Cleansing the face of men: features of cleansing men's skin. A man's face demands attention! How to get rid of oily shine Facial care for men

Men's skin requires no less care and care than women's. Men very often neglect cosmetics, considering them feminine things, and limit themselves to after-shave skin care products. However, not only the machine can harm men’s facial skin: the polluted air of stuffy and dusty cities, and poor nutrition - everything affects it in the most negative way. How to provide maximum facial care for men? To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules and avoid typical mistakes that are common to most men.

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Facial care for men: basic rules

If men follow some simple rules for facial skin care, they can achieve fairly good results in the shortest possible time.

1. Filtered water

If you take care to wash your face exclusively with filtered water, you will soon notice an improvement in the color and condition of your skin. Tap water contains too many impurities and chlorine, which irritate the skin.

2. Towel

Try not to dry yourself with a towel after washing. Rough fabric can damage the skin and reduce the effect of washing to zero: provide your skin with maximum hydration - let the droplets of water linger on your face for as long as possible.

3. Steaming and squeezing

Many men clean their skin at home (especially teenagers suffering from age-related acne), which causes irreparable harm to their skin. Steaming with hot steam dries the skin and disrupts the functioning of capillaries. And squeezing small pimples, blackheads and other rashes most often ends in the introduction of various types of infections, which are subsequently very difficult to get rid of.

4. Selection of cosmetics

When going to buy cosmetics that will provide the necessary facial skin care for men, follow two rules:

- buy products from the same line, from the same brand, which should have a unidirectional effect;

— women’s skin is significantly different in composition from men’s, so it requires completely different care, and therefore, before purchasing, do not forget to check the markings on the products: “for men.”

5. Shaving

Don't skimp on blades: the more often you change them, the safer and more gentle the shaving process will be for your skin.

As you can see, facial care for men is not such a troublesome task. The main thing is regular care and compliance with all rules.

Facial skin care for men: moisturizing

Men's skin requires hydration to a greater extent than women's: during shaving, the upper layers of the skin are broken, which has a very bad effect on its general condition. Most men use alcohol-containing lotions after shaving, which is a common mistake. What products will provide men's skin with maximum hydration and reduce the negative consequences of shaving to zero?

1. Aftershave lotions

Under no circumstances use various alcohol-containing lotions, which mercilessly dry out the skin. The alcohol in such cosmetics disrupts the structure of the skin, which leads to excessive and unpleasant redness, which cannot be eliminated.

When purchasing lotion, make sure that it does not contain alcohol. Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of cosmetic moisturizers that will provide gentle and most comfortable facial skin care for men.

2. Moisturizer

Understand one important axiom: cream is a cosmetic product not only for women’s skin. There are many moisturizing creams specifically for men that will give the skin maximum hydration, and with it the radiance and health of beautiful and youthful skin.

It is recommended to apply moisturizer after every wash and shave. Don’t forget about the skin of the neck, which also needs your attention (after all, a man’s neck is a woman’s favorite place for the most tender kisses). After 10 minutes, check whether all the cream has been absorbed into the skin: if you find any residue, remove it with a cotton pad.

So, dear men, throw away prejudices, purchase the necessary set of cosmetics that provide the most gentle and effective facial skin care for men, and start working on preserving youth and freshness. Remember one constant rule: women love men with well-groomed and healthy facial skin.

Only in the 21st century did facial care for men cease to be considered something strange, unacceptable and even vicious. Outdated views are a thing of the past and maintaining hygiene and basic care procedures are absolutely natural for both women and men.

Of course, most often in the arsenal of the stronger sex there is not such an extensive list of cosmetic products and procedures, but even the so-called “minimum set” will allow you to maintain youth, fresh appearance and masculine charm for many years.

How is men's skin different from women's?

In cosmetology, any care procedures should begin with determining your skin type. Facial skin care for men is no exception, especially when there are a number of differences and features. The first significant difference is that the dermis layer is stronger, although the amount of fat in men is slightly less than in women.

Another feature of men's facial skin is that the blood vessels are more fragile, although the connective tissues are stronger than in women. Also, in men, the sweat and sebaceous glands work more intensively, which is also worth taking into account.

It is important to understand that facial skin care for men differs primarily in its approach. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to choose methods of care that will take the least time, but at the same time give the greatest effect. Also added to the care features is shaving, the quality of which will have a significant impact.

In caring for a man’s face, a complex effect will be most effective. It fits perfectly with the minimalist approach that most men prefer. One of the main types of care is peeling, which is complemented by regular toning and cleansing. After 30 years, a daily face and eye cream is added to the list. Usually this is enough to get an impressive result.

Are men's skin types as different as women's?

Before starting facial care, men need to determine their skin type. Usually the following types are distinguished:

  • Fatty– characterized by increased fat content and shine. When palpated, an oily mark may be felt on the fingers. Pimples or blackheads often appear;
  • Dry- the most sensitive type. Reacts quickly to frost; after washing, the skin may become tight;
  • Combined– combines the properties of previous types. For example, the cheeks are sensitive and often dry out, and the T-zone is highly oily;
  • Normal– the rarest type, the skin is healthy and has a matte structure. The number of pimples and comedones is minimal.

Very often, men's facial care is limited to just regular washing with soap, although in most cases this will not be enough. The skin is constantly exposed to the external environment, so you need to pay enough attention to cleanse it. It is important not only to cleanse the pores and remove the dead layer of epidermis in a timely manner, but also to choose the right products.

Cosmetologists advise washing your face with detergents and cleansers only once a day, but you can simply wash your face with water without any restrictions. It is important that the water is at room temperature (it is allowed to take it a little colder or warmer from room level). It is preferable to use filtered water.

It is also necessary to remember that when using creams or other care products, including micellar water, at the end of the day the skin must be cleansed of their traces.

To make your skin smooth and firm, exfoliation is your best choice. Men's facial skin care products can be chosen as strictly as possible without fear of injury or mechanical damage. The exception is people with dry and sensitive skin, for whom moderate scrubs are better suited.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly to cleanse the pores of dead particles of the epidermis, dirt and dust that the skin comes into contact with daily, as well as other microparticles. Peeling will not only make the skin healthier and more vibrant, but will also significantly simplify the shaving procedure and also prevent ingrown hairs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week.

The right cream is not only facial care for men, but also its protection. It is not worth using it on an ongoing basis at a young age; it becomes necessary only after 40 years, but in some cases you cannot do without a cream or gel. The most common type of creams are moisturizers. They are recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and neck every time after shaving or thoroughly washing with detergents. You should not overdo it with cream, as this can lead to clogging of pores and create an unpleasant oily sheen.

10-15 minutes after applying the cream, you need to check how much it has been absorbed, and if necessary, remove all remaining product using a cotton pad.

It is important to pay attention to quality shaving, which will determine the condition of the skin. Often men's facial care products come in the form of universal creams or gels that can be used for both shaving and moisturizing. It is not only convenient, but also effective. It is also worth taking care of a high-quality razor; it is better to avoid disposable razors, as they severely injure the skin and cause irritation.

If you want to achieve a perfect dry shave, an electric razor is perfect. When choosing machines, special attention should be paid to the sharpness of the blades and shaving technology. It is also important to remember that movements should be made only along the hair growth, and use cold water for washing. Men with delicate and dry skin are better off using aftershave lotions or gels with regenerating ingredients.

If at a young age men’s skin does not require special care and it is enough to follow the basic rules of care, then with age everything begins to change significantly. Facial care for men after 30 creates a fundamental difference from those who do not go beyond using regular soap or gel. The use of moisturizing creams is becoming more recommended, and in some cases even products with anti-aging components (peptides, vitamins, etc.) will be relevant.

Also, the skin more often needs toning, so it is better to resort to this procedure not only after shaving, but also after each wash using tonics.

As with women, men's facial care becomes more thorough and frequent after 40. The amount of testosterone, which determines the condition and youth of the skin, decreases significantly with age, therefore, in addition to care, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and lifestyle.

The main problem is skin aging. Although men may not need to take as much care of their face as women, some procedures will become mandatory. Ultrasonic and chemical peels can be used, although it is important to follow all recommendations of cosmetologists for skin care after the procedure. Also very popular are masks that have a pronounced rejuvenating and healing effect.

Although skin care is not so popular among the stronger half of the population, we advise you to use at least a basic regimen: washing, toning, moisturizing. And be sure to watch your lips. Today you can easily find special balms for men.

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For some, the very concept of men's cosmetics may seem blasphemous, but in fact today more and more men understand that an attractive appearance is of great importance, and they try to properly care for themselves. The correct choice and use of cosmetics helps maintain not only youth, but also the health of men's skin.

Most men believe that shaving cream and aftershave lotion are enough for them, and do not even realize what a wide choice the modern cosmetics industry offers. Some men believe that if necessary, they can use any cosmetic product, for example, take it from their wife or use baby cream. But this is wrong, men's skin has a number of significant differences and it is necessary to use only those cosmetics that can most fully satisfy all its needs and solve all problems.

Features of men's skin

To choose the right product for men's skin care, you need to understand its features and differences from women's skin. Men's skin is much denser, oilier, thicker and more elastic than women's. This allows her to more strongly resist aging and look young longer. But wrinkles that have already appeared are much more difficult to correct on men’s skin than on women’s skin. In addition, men's skin is much more prone to inflammation. Shaving also adds problems, causing microtrauma and increasing the likelihood of infection.

These skin characteristics make choosing the optimal cosmetic product very difficult. Skin care should be as thorough as possible, but at the same time delicate.. It is very important to properly care for your facial skin; such care should include cleansing, as well as toning, nutrition, moisturizing, protection and, if necessary, rejuvenation. Also, we must not forget about caring for the skin of the eyelids and lips. Taking care of your hands and body is also very important, which men often completely forget about.

Features of facial skin care for men

Since men's skin is much oilier than women's, blackheads are more likely to form on it, so it is necessary to cleanse it very carefully. It is best to use soft products to cleanse the skin, such as foam or gel, which contain components that moisturize the skin. But you should avoid traditional soap, as it greatly dries out the skin and can lead not only to peeling, but also to rapid aging.

It will be very useful to use a special scrub once or twice a week for cleansing, which will deeply cleanse the skin pores, eliminate blackheads and make the skin fresher and smoother. In addition, using a scrub helps prevent the problem of ingrown hairs after shaving.

It is very important not to forget about toning the skin after cleansing. Although men's skin is oilier than women's, you should not abuse alcohol toners; they dry out the skin too much and destroy its protective barrier. It is better to use alcohol-free toners, which help achieve the same effect, but without harm to the skin.

We must not forget about nourishing the skin, moisturizing and protecting it. It is very important to choose the right one, nourishing, moisturizing or protective. The cream must be applied carefully, patting it into the skin with light pats of your fingertips. For dry skin, you need to choose nourishing and moisturizing products with a sufficiently thick structure. If your skin is prone to oiliness, then you need to choose lighter and more liquid products. Don't forget about sun protection. Sunscreens with vitamin E protect your skin from sun damage and help maintain a youthful appearance.

There is no need to be embarrassed or afraid to buy face cream. Using the cream does not in any way detract from masculinity, but allows you to maintain a youthful appearance and healthy skin for a long time.

Eyelid skin care for men

Very often, men neglect eyelid skin care. But the skin of their eyelids, like women’s, is much thinner than the skin on other parts of the face and is more susceptible to the harmful effects of the external environment. That is why eyelids age much earlier and even young men have noticeable wrinkles around the eyes.

To protect yourself from premature appearance, you need to moisturize your skin with special creams. Apply the cream carefully so as not to stretch the skin too much. It is important that the cream contains collagen and elastin, which are able to accumulate moisture and soothing components - allantoin and panthenol.

The cream must be applied to the upper eyelid from the inner edge of the eye to the outer, and on the lower eyelid it is applied vice versa - from the outer to the inner. This will help avoid stretching the delicate area and protect the skin from premature aging.

Men's lip care

Most of our men have long come to terms with the fact that using lipstick has ceased to be an exclusively female activity. To protect their skin from the negative effects of the external environment, men are increasingly resorting to hygienic protective lipstick. In order to provide the skin of the lips with maximum care and protection, it is necessary to give preference to balms with almond, jojoba or avocado oils.

An indispensable component of a good balm is also , which moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin. Shea butter in balms is also very useful; it helps restore the elasticity of the skin of the lips. Also good are products with honey, which allow you to intensively nourish the skin of your lips.

When choosing a lip care product, you must also take into account the presence of a sunscreen component.. Such balms not only strengthen and nourish the skin of the lips, they help protect it from the harmful effects of the external environment, including ultraviolet rays.

It is very important to apply the balm correctly to the skin of the lips. It should be applied not only to the lips themselves, but also to the red border around them, since it is often irritated due to exposure to unfavorable external factors - cold, wind, sun.

Proper hand skin care

Nowadays, rough male hands, covered with calluses, are no longer a matter of pride and not inevitable. Most men today understand that smooth, elastic and healthy hand skin is not just beautiful, but also very pleasant and comfortable. The skin on the hands is usually the first to suffer. Even if you don’t work physically and don’t do anything complicated with your hands, wind, cold, water, snow and other external influences constantly threaten to dry out and damage. Moreover, there are relatively few sebaceous glands here, so the skin is susceptible to damage very easily.

To keep the skin of your hands young and healthy, you need to use a nourishing cream daily with vegetable oils that will protect and nourish, as well as with regenerating calendula extract. Such creams create a kind of barrier that protects the skin from the harmful effects of an aggressive external environment. You can also use products with minerals, vitamins and panthenol.

All these components will help protect the skin and restore it if damage occurs.
It is usually recommended to apply a small amount of cream to the skin of your hands and carefully distribute it over the surface of the skin with light massage movements. It is necessary to use the cream at least twice a day, preferably every time you wash your hands, but this is often impossible, so you can use the cream only in the morning and evening before bed.

Using hand cream will not only make your skin softer, but will also help stimulate blood circulation in your hands as you massage your hands every time. This will help warm your hands and activate the body's defenses.

Full body skin care (Video)

Body products essential for every man are shower gel, body lotion and deodorant. If you take a shower, it is better to use a special gel instead of traditional soap, as it dries out the skin less and at the same time tones it. Men's shower gels often contain components such as lactic and fruit acids. They help cleanse the skin more deeply without damaging it. In addition, skin regeneration substances and natural antiseptics are often added to shower gels.

After taking a shower, you should use body lotion or milk. They are applied to the body with light massage movements after thoroughly drying the skin with a towel. It is necessary to choose a body care product based on the characteristics of the skin. If the skin is prone to frequent inflammation, then you can even give preference to an alcohol-containing lotion.

It is very important to choose the right deodorant. Everyone knows that men sweat much more than men, so deodorant is simply vital for them. Men's deodorants are usually divided into regular, perfumed and antiperspirants.

Regular deodorants They simply prevent the growth of bacteria in sweat, which helps avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Such products contain triclosan, chitosan and farnesol, and sometimes alcohol. But most manufacturers try to avoid alcohol, as it can irritate the skin.

Perfumed deodorants They do almost everything the same, but they also contain perfume compositions and have a pleasant aroma. Such deodorants contain fewer antibacterial substances, so their effectiveness is somewhat lower. In addition, such deodorants often cause skin irritation, so men with sensitive skin should avoid using them.

The most popular today are antiperspirants. They contain zinc or aluminum salts, which close the sweat glands and prevent the secretion of sweat. These products should be applied to dry and clean skin. But under no circumstances should you apply them before visiting a bathhouse or sauna, or before heavy physical work. In such situations, sweating increases significantly, and the inability to remove sweat can lead to inflammation of the sweat glands. If you use antiperspirants correctly, they will reliably protect against sweat and will not cause harm.

The appearance of oily shine on the forehead and nose is considered common, since the sebaceous glands in these areas are concentrated in large numbers. Additionally, their production is activated by poor nutrition, as well as exposure to hot and humid weather.

In men, a similar deficiency is provoked by physiological characteristics. The dermis is thicker and contains a lot of sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This affects the fact that young men more often suffer from a sebaceous layer on the nose and forehead, but at the same time, the skin of men becomes wrinkled much later.

Causes of excessive oiliness of the nose and forehead

The main cause of unpleasant shine is an increased number of sebaceous glands in a certain area. The T zone contains the largest number of them. Sebaceous glands not only provoke the appearance of an unpleasant shine. Thanks to their function, the skin remains elastic and moisturized, which prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.

Fat production is affected by age. A significant amount of sebaceous secretions is produced during adolescence and up to 25 years. At the age of forty, hormonal levels change and fat production decreases.

Age is considered an important reason that the skin becomes oily, but not the only one.

The following reasons influence the increase in the productivity of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Slagging in the body.

A lot of sebum collects inside the pores, which contributes to an increase in acne.

The skin is prone to excessive oil production due to excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

If you reduce the amount of these foods in your diet and increase the consumption of foods that contain protein, then the fat content becomes less.

The condition of the skin worsens if basic hygiene rules are not followed.

The reasons for high fat content may be health problems.

How to eliminate excess fat production?

If there are no diseases behind excessive sebum secretion, then the main recommendation for eliminating the problem is proper care of the skin of the nose and forehead.

The following tips will help you get rid of greasy shine on your nose and forehead:

  1. The skin on the nose must be thoroughly cleansed at least twice a day.
  2. Use clean water to wash this area; do not use alcohol-based lotions.
  3. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This promotes natural detoxification of the body. And the skin looks very healthy.
  4. You should stop drinking alcohol, which has a negative effect on the skin.
  5. It is recommended to use home and professional products to care for the nose and forehead area.

Proper care

The following drugs perfectly eliminate unhealthy shine and dirt on the nose:

  • various types of clay;
  • salicylic acid.

The procedure for caring for the skin of the nose and forehead area consists of a set of cleansing and toning procedures that are performed twice a day.

  1. Washing is performed with a special foam. For better cleansing, you need to make a mixture of soap and salt.
  2. Toning is recommended to be done using a tonic based on anti-inflammatory herbs: sage or yarrow.
  3. Clay mixtures are used as masks. They are very good at removing excess sebum. The composition is applied to the problem area for 9-12 minutes and then washed off.

Folk recipes

Every morning you need to wash your face with boiled water. The face is wiped with gauze or a terry cloth.

Before showering, you can apply a mixture of lime juice, grated cucumber and a drop of cologne to your forehead and nose. This recipe not only helps with unnecessary shine, but also eliminates acne.

Very from a special set of herbs. The infusion is prepared from rose petals, licorice root and lemongrass. A similar facial sauna is performed three times a week. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

The following home recipes will help eliminate oily shine on the nose and forehead:

  1. Lemon juice is diluted with water and the shiny area is wiped with this mixture. After a few minutes, the homemade lotion is washed off.
  2. You can make a scrub from honey and chopped almonds. The mixture is rubbed into the skin on the nose. After 9-12 minutes the composition is washed off.
  3. For the problem area, you can make compresses from herbal infusions. Dry herbs of chamomile, oak bark or calendula are used. A cloth is soaked in the decoction and applied to the nose for 8-16 minutes.
  4. Low-fat kefir is applied to sebaceous areas and washed off after 12-17 minutes.
  5. You can make an effective mask from yeast. To do this, dry yeast in the amount of 20 g is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. A little milk is added to the mixture.
  6. At least once a week you need to make masks from blue and black clay.

Regular care of the forehead and nose area will help achieve good results even with intense work of the sebaceous glands. For the best effect, you need to use mattifying and drying decorative cosmetics.

To prevent your skin from being very oily, experts recommend consuming more foods with vitamins B2 and B6. It is also worth consuming foods high in carotene. It is worth reconsidering your diet if you have similar problems in men.

Modern drugs and procedures

If you don’t know why the skin in the forehead and nose area secretes a lot of oil, then you should contact a specialist.

Beauty salons most often offer various facial cleansing treatments. The following procedures can be performed in the salon:

  1. Mechanical facial cleansing, which is done manually and using special tools.
  2. Hardware methods include brushing or vacuum cleaning.
  3. Peeling removes the top layer of the skin. At the same time, the skin takes on a refreshed and healthy appearance.
  4. Facial massage allows you to tone and activate the work of lymphatic and blood vessels.

If your nose and forehead are constantly shiny, use professional products.

The following cosmetic products from different manufacturers effectively remove excess shine and help get rid of acne:

  • A toner with a matte effect from L'Oreal helps. It tightens the pores. It contains zinc, which has antibacterial properties and eliminates pustular inflammation.

  • For washing, use soap with a strong effect from Clinique. Its ingredients do not tighten the skin and do not cause allergies. Helps remove acne.

  • The Atlantis cleansing product from the Lush brand is recommended as a scrub. This is an environmentally friendly composition, but it is better not to use it.

  • The Hyseac mask from the Uriage brand has cleansing properties. It is used several times a month and shows good results for eliminating greasy shine on the forehead and nose.

During the day, wet wipes are used to remove sebaceous secretions. It is recommended to use water-based creams. For the problem area, you need to use foundation and mineral-based powder. Such products are suitable for use in hot weather and do not create a film.

Masks from the store have a preventive effect, but do not help get rid of the cause of the phenomenon. An exception is clay masks. They are used for medicinal purposes.

Astalavista baby! I decided to greet you today with this quote from The Terminator. Because we will talk about us, about men.

In our culture, it is accepted that a woman can have 3 types of scrubs, a couple of peels, 8 creams on her shelf for all occasions. Well, and little things - tonic, makeup remover with mineral oil or soap-based, essential oils, germ oil... In general, 48 jars and tubes of all calibers.

But what could a man have there? Razor and two jars: shaving cream and aftershave cream. Among other care products, he can only use toothpaste. All.

I quite seriously know women who are prejudiced against men who take care of their faces. “Well, he’s somehow different,” they say. “He spends an hour in the bathroom in the morning.” What can you do there”!?

That is, she is allowed to smear, scrub, peel and splash, but he is not allowed.

Moreover, my friend did not marry one guy because he liked to look at women's magazines and spent more than 5 minutes on morning hygiene, naturally, having more than 3 jars on the shelf. “He is a wonderful person, an excellent doctor, reliable, sincere and honest, but how to live with him?” - she wailed. And she began to tell how he once discussed the peeling nails of a model in a magazine.

But everything worked out, my friend got happily married. Her husband, as expected, only has a razor and toothpaste on the shelf. He even considers wearing cologne strange for a man. I really think this discrimination against men on cosmetic grounds is abnormal. So today we’ll talk about how to take care of a man’s face.

What are the differences between men's skin and women's skin?

Naturally, this is not only the presence of a beard. Men's skin has a more durable epidermis layer. Subcutaneous fat deposits here are less abundant than in women.

Men also have strong connective tissues. But at the same time, their blood vessels are less strong, and the sebaceous glands work more intensely, just like the sweat glands.

How to cleanse and exfoliate all excess?

You can, of course, wash your face every day with regular toilet soap, but it tends to dry out even rough men’s skin. Therefore, buy yourself a suitable means for washing your face every night.

This may seem strange to you, but a mixture of mineral oils is excellent for clearing the skin, especially for those men who suffer from acne.

If we're talking about problem skin, this product should contain salicylic alcohol or boric acid, and it should also contain benzoyl peroxide. Ideally, it is best to select it according to your skin type: dry, combination or oily.

How to determine the type?

Often dry skin is also sensitive at the same time. She quickly turns red and reacts to a lot of allergens. Although this type can also occur in people with combination or oily skin.

Oily skin, on the contrary, quickly begins to become shiny and shiny. If you rub it with your finger, you can feel an oily residue. It is she who is most often prone to the formation of acne and comedones. Excess sebum can quickly clog pores, especially if you have low immunity, stressful situations, or hormonal imbalance. It is very difficult to solve such problems only with the help of face wash.

However, as we know, there are no unsolvable situations.

Here is a man who “ate the dog” from this. Clearly and point by point lays out what, where and when you need to do if you have acne. Poke here:

Let’s not forget that there are also “lucky” people who have combination skin. Their nose, forehead and chin are shiny with fat, but their cheeks are dry. Yes, you will have to dry and moisten where necessary.

How should you wash your face?

If you have normal skin, then it requires cleansing no more than once a day. That is, you can wipe your face with clean water as much as you like, but only use detergent once. The ideal water temperature is slightly cool to cold.

Remember that if you use any cream or sunscreen during the day, you should definitely wash it off before going to bed. After this, you don’t need to vigorously rub your face with a towel, just pat it dry.

Clean, wash and scrub

About once every few days you need to do a serious cleansing. For this we need a scrub or a special exfoliating brush. These products will help get rid of dead, keratinized particles of the epidermis that can clog your pores.

Over time, you will notice that after using the scrub it becomes much easier to shave. However, the scrub should be rubbed in carefully so as not to damage the tissue.

A man must become a protector of his skin

Your face will thank you if you moisturize it with a cream or toner after washing your face. As we remember, they need to be selected according to your skin type.

Dry skin will love a cream with olive or argan oil. For oily skin, you also need a cream, only a very light one that is instantly absorbed.

The most delicate skin on the face is around the eyes, so if you do not want to see wrinkles here in the near future, use special products, they are usually in the form of a gel.

The same delicate epidermis is found on our lips. Dry, chapped lips look beautiful only in romantic films about geologists. In real life, you can use chapstick. In summer, we protect our face from sun rays and use cream with SPF.

We don't skimp on shaving

My advice will be incomplete if we do not touch on this topic. Stop saving on yourself and using disposable razors for three months. A dull razor will scratch and further irritate your face.

Double blades work best. If you don't need a perfectly smooth look, then an electric razor can easily handle this task. It is used on dry skin. When using razors, you first need to wash your face and then apply shaving cream. This will make the razor glide easier.

Be sure to shave according to the hair growth, and it is better to trim very long stubble with scissors first. After shaving, wash with cool water to relieve irritation. After this, apply moisturizer.

How can men take care of their face after 40 years?

No one can escape aging. And if estrogen is responsible for beauty in women, then in men this process is controlled by testosterone. And after 40 years, its level inexorably declines. From this moment the skin begins to wither. And right now, more than ever, she needs your support.

There is nothing wrong with visiting a cosmetologist at this age. He will advise you not only on suitable care products, but also on procedures that are unlikely to be carried out at home. This could be microcurrent therapy or ultrasound peeling.

Cosmetologists also recommend chemical peelings, however, after them it is forbidden to shave for several days. Only 2% of men resort to injections with fillers or botulinum toxin, which smooth out wrinkles. But who knows, maybe you will find yourself among them in order to look good?

“Beauty masks” are also very popular among men. This is a liquid gel that hardens in air and tightens the skin. Under the film, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are activated, so the skin looks rested and refreshed after it.

No matter what they say, I also bought myself a scrub for washing and I’m using it to my satisfaction. Here, of course, the choice is purely individual, you want to hang out in the bathroom for 5 minutes, you want 40, you live not for others, but for yourself 😉