The easiest way to calculate your karmic debt is by date of birth. Try it! Karmic debt by name and date of birth Karmic debt by date of birth

Karma- this is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives, which are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both good and bad - comes back to him or to his loved ones. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds a person has done in all his lives. Everything bad should be recognized and corrected in subsequent incarnations, and everything good brings a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else’s, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person throughout his life and cause him a lot of trouble. Karmic Debts will manifest themselves in the form of trials and obstacles, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out whether a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the method of its appearance, can be of several types: own - the one that a person earned in his current life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by family. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has Karmic debt, science will help. In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest itself when calculating, in intermediate results (until the final figure is reduced to a single digit number).

To find out does a person have Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, it is necessary to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Life Path Number, but do not reduce the final number to a single-digit number, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Decoding the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account previous not very successful experiences, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

Using the online calculation presented on this page, you can find out whether a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to find out if there is Karmic Debt for your birthday, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900

Numerology makes it possible to determine karma by date of birth. With the help of simple calculations, you can more accurately find out what karmic debts a person needs to work off, become familiar with the reasons for their occurrence and ways to get rid of them. It is the presence of karmic debts, which can be committed both in this and a previous life, that is the cause of most troubles and failures. Every person has the opportunity to work them out throughout life and make their existence happier.

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    The meaning of karmic influence

    Karma refers to the philosophical doctrine according to which a person himself creates his own destiny through righteous and sinful actions. According to its laws, people can live several times, developing their spirituality and correcting vices until they reach the ideal.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was sure that a person returns to Earth 15 times. All the actions that he performed in will definitely return to him in a subsequent incarnation. In order to avoid punishment, you need to recognize your dark sides and correct them. Otherwise, the next life will be even more difficult.

    Depending on one’s actions, karma can be light and dark, light and heavy. Everyone chooses their own path in life, doing good and bad deeds. Karma helps a person to realize and understand his life path. With its help, you can determine what influence the past incarnation has on your present life. Karma is not a punishment, but only reflects what a person deserves through his actions.

    Types of debts and sources of their occurrence

    Karmic debt is unfulfilled promises to Higher powers, God, and other people. To restore justice, a person receives punishment and only by changing and correcting his mistakes will he be able to “clear” karma. The most important karmic debts are:

    • Promises made and broken. Even minor promises must be fulfilled, otherwise an energy debt will form.
    • Failure to fulfill earthly Destination. Everyone has a different Higher Duty and you can determine it by listening to your heart.
    • Reluctance to listen to the Soul. A person ignores the needs of the heart, which leads to a lack of spiritual growth. To draw the individual’s attention, unpleasant people and negative situations appear in life, which only bring discomfort and suffering.
    • Theft. When appropriating what belongs to another, karmic knots are formed. You can appropriate not only material wealth, but also time, health, energy and life. The retribution for such thefts is similar - a person will lose what he took, but in a larger volume.
    • Irresponsible attitude towards family, work and people. A person refuses to provide for his family and bear responsibility for it, does not fulfill his obligations at work and does not participate in raising children.

    There are several types of karmic debts. These include:

    • Own ones that a person managed to receive in this life.
    • Ours, earned in past lives.
    • Inherited through clan.

    Numerology allows you to determine karmic debt, but before starting calculations, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their main features:

    • With one of the people, for no apparent reason, persistent misunderstanding, aggression and conflict arise.
    • Failures follow. At such intervals of time, it is time for a person to repay debts and pay them off according to the laws of the Universe.
    • When doing something, there is a loss of energy and strength, even though everything was fine before. This may indicate that the Higher Powers thus provide an opportunity to work out karma.
    • Having made great efforts and spent a lot of time, a person does not get a positive result, and his work turns out to be useless.

    All karmic debts must be worked off within a certain period of time. They are given not to cause pain and suffering, but to enable the individual to embark on the path of self-development. They indicate that a person makes many mistakes and it is necessary to change his life. Pain and suffering are a signal to action that needs to be responded to in time.

    Calculations by date of birth

    To check the absence or presence of karmic debt, it is necessary to calculate the number of Soul, Destiny and Name. According to Western Pythagorean numerology, debt numbers include:

    People who were born on these days probably have debts from a past life. If a person was born on other days, the date of birth must be checked in full. So, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019 indicate bad karma, which is a consequence of mistakes made in past lives. To determine karma by year, it is important to pay attention not only to “bad” numbers, but also to the total sum of numbers, which may be unfavorable. To do this, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations:

    • Take the date of birth, for example, November 22, 1991.
    • Add up the numbers of the day of birth: 2+2=4.
    • Sum up the digits of the month: 1+1=2.
    • Add the numbers of the year: 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2.
    • Sum all received data: 4+2+2 = 8.

    If the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 appear in the results, life priorities need to be reconsidered. To determine the number of the first name, last name and patronymic, you need to know the numerical designation of the letters. You can get acquainted with it using the table:

    When making calculations, you must use your full name. For example, the number of the Name Catherine is 6+1+1+9+6+7+9+4+1=44=4+4=8. The calculation of the number of the Patronymic and Surname is carried out in a similar way.


    Karmic number 13 means that a person was lazy, did not work enough, manipulated other people. He lived a selfish life and only did what made him happy. In this incarnation, hard work and overcoming obstacles await him. It will be difficult for him to achieve success, and he will have few opportunities to enjoy life.

    The main task of people with the number 13 is the development of discipline and spirituality. You need to learn to do your work responsibly, take on many responsibilities and assignments. A person will encounter a large number of obstacles that other people in similar situations do not encounter.

    In order to achieve success and avoid problems, you need to learn to concentrate, not to scatter all your strength and devote yourself to one thing. It is necessary to maintain order in the family, since confusion will reduce the effectiveness of any efforts. Working off such a debt is difficult, but you should not choose the easy path, as it will only lead to a dead end.


    Karmic number 14 indicates abuse of pleasure. Man did not use his freedom correctly and preferred to indulge in physical pleasures. The life of people with the number 14 is chaotic - unexpected events arise, changing circumstances and sudden changes in living conditions. They are susceptible to alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony and other physical pleasures.

    People with the number 14 often have a beautiful and bright appearance and are the life of the party. They have sweet energy, and a trail of pleasure follows them even in this incarnation. Communicating with them, people are inspired by new ideas and come closer to their dreams. Karmic debt 14 is often observed in show business among singers and actors.

    In order to achieve success, you will need to get rid of bad habits and find higher meaning in life. It is necessary to choose activities related to and dedicated to the energy of inspiration. You need to control yourself and achieve emotional stability. When problems arise, you need to give up impulsive actions and continue on your path.


    People with the karmic number 16 were careless about the love side of life, engaged in adultery, betraying their partners. Such a person carries the burden of other people’s grievances and often suffers from loneliness. In order to get rid of debt, a person must overcome the following negative traits:

    • Inaccessibility.
    • Alienation.
    • Irresponsibility.
    • Indifference.
    • Disregard for the feelings of others.

    You need to engage in spiritual development and abandon love vices. Starting and maintaining a relationship will be difficult and you will constantly have to struggle with difficulties. Friends and connections will be lost due to strange and sudden circumstances. The person will often be completely alienated and alone. The key to success is complete humility and building a life according to the laws of a higher nature.


    Karmic debt 19 indicates abuse of authority. Man was turned away from all that was holy and spiritually right. He was endowed with enormous power, but used it solely for selfish purposes. He was not interested in anything except his own desires. In real life, you have to face situations where no one will help such people.

    If a person copes alone, that’s good, but usually he simply reproaches others and waits for selfless help. He is characterized by some aggressiveness, unfriendliness and irritability, which makes him unpleasant for others. In order to find happiness and work off karmic debt, you need to learn how to interact with people, not only take, but also give. You need to share your capabilities and help others. It is important to abandon such negative character traits as:

    • Selfishness.
    • Laziness.
    • Aggression.
    • Addiction.
    • Narcissism.

    "Difficult" numbers

    Karmic numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8 deserve special attention, as they do not always bring happiness and prosperity into people’s lives. The number 4 in Vedic numerology indicates a large karmic debt. It may consist of a huge number of unfulfilled obligations. In this life, owners of this number also often lead an incorrect lifestyle, which only aggravates their karma.

    Karmic number 6 indicates the presence of problems, the root of which is an incorrect attitude towards the world around us. Unforeseen difficulties and circumstances may arise in a person’s life that help him “work off” karma. It is important not to make rash actions and give up such negative qualities as selfishness, anger and irresponsibility, and regularly engage in self-development.

    With a karmic number of 7, a person can live a happy life and achieve their goals. He does not have karmic debts, but he has every chance of acquiring them, since he is subject to various temptations. It is important to choose the right path, devote yourself to work and family, and refuse the forbidden fruit, which can change your life overnight.

    Karmic number 8 foretells a difficult life. In past lives, a person did something bad and now he needs to pay for it. He will be able to achieve happiness only by completely paying off his debts, and when this will happen is unknown. You need to accept yourself and your problems as they are, and continue to live, observing the laws of the Universe. If a person chooses a sinful path, troubles cannot be avoided.

    Additional characters

    In order to better understand fate, you need to familiarize yourself with other numbers, which are divided into 4 groups corresponding to levels. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived. The first group includes numbers from 10 to 19 and their characteristics, not including the numbers of karmic debts described above:

    The second group includes numbers from 20 to 29. People with a total date of birth in this range are usually happy and lucky, although there are some exceptions. More detailed characteristics of numbers:



    Constantly solves unexpected difficulties, which allows him to develop spirituality

    Can succeed in anything

    Too kind and trusting person

    Has every chance to succeed in building a career

    Lucky throughout life

    There are a lot of tests to go through

    Excellent intuition that allows you to avoid many problems

    Differs in developed intellectual abilities

    Abandoned his talents and abandoned his morals

    Faces deception, lies and betrayal

    The third level includes numbers from 30 to 39. Their description is shown in the table:



    The karmic number 30 has endowed people with excellent intelligence, which they use to earn money, which plays a decisive role in their lives.

    Has a tendency to be lonely and usually does not have a permanent significant other

    Have a great family and a successful career

    Luck accompanies a person in everything and he can teach others

    Rarely does a happy life develop before the age of 35, but then a successful marriage and increased material wealth await them

    Dependencies are clearly expressed; there may be problems communicating with children and the opposite sex

    Karmic number 36 indicates unhappiness in love, but in their career everything is going well

    Luck accompanies in all endeavors

    Have deceitful friends, experience failure in business and have failures in love relationships

    Karmic number 39 indicates developed intelligence, health problems and a large number of addictions

    The quadruple group includes numbers from 40 to 49:



    Karmic number 40 indicates loneliness and financial problems

    The person is prone to deception and has weak energy

    Success in everything except love relationships

    Problems with building relationships and in the professional sphere

    Life is filled with deception, troubles and difficulties

    In order to achieve success, it is necessary to develop mental abilities

    Have true friends and a loving soul mate

    Will have to face betrayal, insincerity

    Can easily build a career thanks to developed leadership qualities and a high level of intelligence

    A lonely person who is not interested in his personal life or finances

    Numerology by Julia Poe

    You can find out the presence of karmic debts and identify possible ways to pay them off with the help of Julia Poe’s numerology, which examines in more detail the connection between the numbers of days, months and years. Thus, the day of birth carries information about the past life and the percentage of debt fulfillment:

    • From 1 to 9 - the karmic task is completely completed.
    • From 10 to 19 – the mission is 80% completed.
    • From 20 to 29 – the percentage of debt fulfilled is 60.
    • 30 and 31 – the task is 40% completed.

    Each birthday number in the Julia Poe Numerology Tarot has a magical meaning and endows a person with special qualities:

    Number Designation Quality
    1, 23 I MageBorn leaders
    2, 24 II High PriestessVirtue
    3, 25 III EmpressTalented personality
    4, 26 VI EmperorProfessionalism
    5, 27 V High PriestEnlighteners
    6, 28 VI LoversKnow how to build love relationships
    7, 29 VII ChariotDedicate yourself to science
    8, 30 VIII JusticeSpiritual practice
    9, 31 IX HermitDefender
    10 X Wheel of FortuneThe man was mercantile in finance, so in real life he was entrusted with the financial mission of providing for his family
    11 XI StrengthThe individual exceeded his psychophysical strength and was aggressive
    12 XII The Hanged ManThe man was rude and trusted only himself
    13 XIII DeathThe individual tried to be the first in everything and achieve his goals in any way

    Karmic numbers in the Tarot, indicating the presence of debt, are - 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Their decoding can be seen in the table:

    Number Meaning
    14 He was greedy, so in real life he is limited in many ways
    15 Indicates the practice of occultism and black magic. Most often, cancer diseases are hidden behind this number
    16 Man destroyed people's destinies. Now he must learn to build harmonious relationships
    17 The man loved fame and honor, and achieved this through dishonest means. You will have to make great efforts to become a famous person.
    18 A deceiver who has a keen sense of others. He loves to embellish and gossip. He has developed creative abilities and in order to achieve success, he must channel his energy into the right direction.
    19 Abuse of power. We should not put pressure on people, but help them
    20 A traitor to traditions of sorts. He could have had a relationship outside of marriage, gone into a foreign culture
    21 Sold his talent, did not want to have descendants and take care of them
    22 Poor and rude attitude towards children. Perhaps abortions were performed, or the person simply abandoned the children and refused to raise them

    By the month of birth in the Tarot you can find out why a person came to his family and what tasks are assigned to him in the future:



    The need to work off the karma of a brother or sister by helping them

    It is necessary to develop such qualities as kindness and mercy

    Those born in March were not very independent and they need to learn responsibility

    April people have a strong connection with their father. They came to this world to help their ancestors clear karma and avoid negative actions.

    A person carries his mother’s karma, which most often has an unfavorable character. It is important for them to forgive their mother and improve their relationship with her.

    The main task is to create a strong and friendly family

    The human race has stagnated in one place and needs changes. It’s good if he can move to another city or choose a job that requires frequent business trips

    The task is to hold the family together and reconcile parents


    Talented people with a strong astral body. Their task is to glorify the family

    The duty is to increase the capital of the family. The more money they take from others, the less they earn

    The main task is to improve the status of the family

    Young souls who need to learn to understand at least themselves

    Card merging technology

    In Julia Poe's numerology, the technique of drawing cards is actively used. The most important of them is the person’s birth chart. It shows his character, positive and weak sides. The map cells carry information about the state of the energy channels, and the absence of numbers in them indicates problem areas. Numerological tarot square cards look like this:

    In the above example, cells 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are empty, and the energy channels for which they are responsible need to be cleaned. The more numbers are indicated, the more developed certain qualities are in a person.

    Karmic encounters

    In life there are karmic encounters that can be constructive or destructive. In a creative connection, partners are connected through positive karma. Previously, they were a happy couple, leading a calm, happy life without betrayal. Each of them was a good person, and their love helped others and was a wonderful example for them. They deserved another life together, and their meeting was destined to happen.

    With a destructive karmic connection, partners quickly “recognize” each other and feel an irresistible pull, as if they had known each other all their lives, but family life brings only disappointment. In such relationships there is constant misunderstanding, quarrels, deception, and one of the partners may have bad habits, and problems with childbearing are often observed.

    With a negative karmic attachment, partners both love and hate. It’s hard for them together, and when they separate, they are pulled back. In a previous life, these people were unable to fulfill their obligations, and life gave them the opportunity to meet again and go through a series of obstacles, paying off karmic debts.

    Partners will not be able to separate or start a happy life until they complete the karmic task. At the same time, they do not necessarily have to understand each other and achieve complete harmony - a complete severance of relations can also be an option for solving the problem. If partners who are not suitable and only have a destructive effect on their other halves continue the relationship, then in the next life they will meet again and will not be able to create a prosperous marriage, since they do not let each other go.

    You can determine the presence of love karma by date of birth. You need to take the full dates of birth of the man and woman and do a simple calculation, for example:

    • 22. 11. 1991 = 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=26
    • 28. 03. 1989= 2+8+3+1+9+8+9=40
    • Total amount: 26+40=66

    It is necessary to subtract 22 from the resulting amount. If the difference is less than 22, then the subtraction is repeated until the total is equal to or less than 22. In the example given, the calculations look like: 66 – 22 = 44, 44 – 22 = 22. After this, the resulting number must be compared with the decoding of the results:

    • 1. Complex karmic relationships, where partners will fight for the right to occupy a leadership position.
    • 3. Creative karmic relationships built on harmony, trust and love.
    • 4. In such relationships, the man takes the dominant position, which leads to a large number of scandals.
    • 11. Negative karmic relationships where one of the partners suffers.
    • 12. A man will cheat on his wife, since in a previous incarnation she betrayed him.
    • 13. A destructive karmic union that will not be able to break off the relationship for a long time.
    • 14. The love affair will not last long, but the partners will remain friends.
    • 15. A negative union with a strong karmic connection, where both partners will cheat and lie.
    • 17. The union has a destructive effect on two partners who cannot separate.
    • 20. Creative karmic relationships filled with love.
    • 22. Karmic union, where partners live in a constant change of relationships, constantly quarrel and make peace.

    If the result is the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, then the partners are not bonded by karma, but have every chance of a favorable development of the relationship.

    How to work off duties

    Every person has the opportunity to work off karmic debts and improve their lives. The first step is repentance and service to God, the second is suffering. It is important to follow simple tips:

    • Don't take revenge.
    • Don't cause suffering to others.
    • Don't offend loved ones.
    • Help those in need.
    • Be responsible for your actions.
    • Analyze behavior.
    • Don't wish harm on anyone.
    • Do good for free.
    • To be fair.

    Each person chooses independently how to repay his karmic debt - through repentance or suffering. You can realize your sins and change the situation, or face suffering and torment that are sent from above.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Many people believe in karma - a kind of equivalent to fate. This is not just so, because the doctrine of karma comes from the Eastern philosophy of Buddhism and other religions. The differences from fate are quite clear and thorough.

Karma is not just fate, which is a life path partially or completely prescribed by Heaven, God. Fate is more expansive 99% of the time, but karma is something else. First, it can be cleaned. Secondly, it is almost never decisive in the construction of life situations. That is, this is a kind of stigma that hangs on you from a past life, which is believed in in China, India and some other countries. Karma can be pure, that is, it cannot affect you in any way, or it can have some kind of burden that will pull you to the bottom. It is this kind of burden that is called karmic debt.

Numerological calculation by date of birth

First of all, it should be noted that in this regard, numerology and the teachings of karma intersect rather mediocrely, because initially karma was not calculated in any way. Only later did it become clear that numbers are a reflection of our destiny and our karmic debt, respectively.

We are talking about the date of birth. Experts in numerology and bioenergy claim that your debt can be calculated. To do this, you will need the day, month and year of your birth, as well as your personal karmic number, which can be found out using simple calculations. Let's say you were born on April 13, 1982. You will just need to add up all these numbers. In most cases the result is a two-digit number. 1+3+0+4+1+9+8+2=28. All karmic numbers, like any other in numerology, must lie in the range from 1 to 9. If you get a number greater than 9, then add the constituent numbers again. 2+8=10. And again: 1+0=1. One is the number of karmic debt for such a date of birth.

There is one important point to consider: birthdays 11 and 22 are considered to be 1 and 2 in calculations. For example: 03/11/1988. is not counted as 1+1+0+3+1+9+8+8, but simply as 1+0+3+1+9+8+8. The same applies to the final number itself. If the result of the calculations was the numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, then you do not need to add up the numbers that make them up, but just need to reduce them to simple ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Decoding numbers

Unit: number 1 is obtained from people who have a fairly small amount of debt to the Universe. What is most interesting and positive is that it is not at all necessary to get rid of them, because they are transferred from one life to another, and there are few of them. That is, there will simply be no punishment from fate for failure to fulfill obligations. In past lives, your bad deeds were insignificant and harmless. Even if their number was large, it does not mean anything. Most likely, you limited yourself to a little selfishness and lies, or covered up your bad deeds in that same life.

Two: you did everything in past lives for yourself. Your karmic debt is quite simple - you must always help those who are at least somehow dependent on you. This applies to best friends, loved ones, and soulmates. If you don't do this, you will be lonely and unhappy in love and friendship. You may have noticed more than once how you are betrayed for no particular reason. This happens because of your debt.

Troika: number 3 is the karmic number of revenge. You were vengeful in past lives, or rather, in the past. Your karmic debt will be canceled if you do not demonstrate this quality, and you should also try to reconcile people who are at enmity. This will allow you to reduce the retribution of the Universe.

Four: If you came up with this number in your calculations, then your debt to the Universe is quite large. It consists of many diverse obligations. It is possible that many of the problems have lived with you for many lives. There is no need to try to analyze the karmic debt in your case because it is quite large. Try to act according to your conscience as often as possible.

Five: This number indicates that your karmic debt is quite “young”. Most likely, it is due to the fact that you were not grateful to fate and people for their help. You took everything for granted in past lives, although your happiness was the result of the work of other people and the result of their love. Most likely, already in this life you will be able to pay off these debts, because in Eastern religions and teachings such karma is not the “darkest”.

Six: number 6 is a symbol of karmic problems fixated on your attitude towards the world. If you feel that something is wrong, for example, with your mood, with your luck, then this is the Universe trying to take away your “debt”. Unfortunately, regarding the number 6, it is unknown what led to your problems. We only know that troubles occur completely randomly. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated someone else's success for yourself, betrayed someone.

Seven: your debts are almost completely paid. In past lives, you most likely were far from problems, so now you live without karmic debt. Everything in your life happens only the way you want it. All your actions have fairly predictable consequences, so there shouldn't be too much trouble. If they exist, then the reasons must be sought in ourselves, and not in karma.

Eight: Your debt is not cleared because you did something bad in past lives. Now you are paying off the debts of the Universe according to its unwritten laws. You can only accept it because the problems will go away when the debts are paid in full. Whether this will happen in a year, two, ten or several lives is not known. You just need to accept yourself and your problems. This is the only way to happiness.

Nine: the last number means the presence of quite significant problems of a spiritual nature. It is very difficult for you to find direction in life, so you can often be in a state of uncertainty. These are all the reasons for your past mistakes that were associated with betrayals.

Remember that everything in our lives obeys the laws of the Universe, that everything around us does not happen by chance. Only you yourself can control the world around you. Your thoughts are your salvation, the source of your successes and failures. Karma is just something that makes your life difficult at times. The final result depends only on you. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Incredible facts

Each of us was born on a strictly predetermined day, hour, minute and even second. Our fate is already predetermined by someone above for certain events. Each person comes into the world with his own destiny and karma.

Karma is a basic concept in philosophical teachings and in Indian religion; it is the law about the interconnectedness of events in human life. According to this teaching, a person will have to answer sooner or later for any of his actions or deeds. The action in this case is the cause, and the payment received is the consequence.

People often call this situation the boomerang law, which will return in any case. If you did something good, then goodness will definitely return to you, but if you sinned, then you will have to answer for that too.

Karmic number

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That is, karma is the fate of a person, which he shapes daily through his actions; it is a system of bad and good deeds. When a person lives his life according to his conscience, then, as a rule, his life is joyful and easy. At the same time, a life full of sins is filled with losses, despondency and grief.

However, it also happens that a person lives according to all moral laws and the highest canons, but his life at the same time is sheer misfortune and negativity. In this case, experts say that he is working off the karma of his past lives.

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When a person did not have time to atone for all his sins in this life and, on top of everything, made new ones, then they go with him to the next life. This is how karmic debts are formed. In order for them not to transfer into your new life, they need to be accepted and worked out in this life.

In esotericism, it is customary to calculate the number of karmic debt based on your date of birth. This helps you understand exactly how your debt formed, what to do about it, and how to get rid of it. This number will tell you what obstacles and difficulties you will encounter on your path, and how to find a solution.

Karmic debt

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What are karmic debts?

Debt earned in a past life

Debt earned in real life

Debt passed down from ancestors (sometimes the debts of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents are passed on to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; these debts are often worked off over several generations; this means that one of your ancestors did something incredibly bad, and cannot wash off on their own , that’s why his descendants pay).

Karmic debt is formed when the borrowed energy is not returned, and also when obligations to higher powers are not fulfilled. This makes a person a sinner-debtor, and this is fraught with serious tests of karma.

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For example, here are some sins that lead to the formation of karmic debt:

1. Appropriation of what does not belong to you.

2. Irresponsibility.

3. Refusal of self-development, debt to oneself.

4. Taking on and not keeping promises made to other people and higher powers. Remember that every promise matters, because the person who does not keep his word is the most serious debtor.

5. Unwillingness to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives, failure to realize one’s own destiny.

Karmic debts by date

All of these examples are certain life situations that can be grouped into common main causes of karmic debt:

Violation of the rules of life;

Failure to keep God's commandments;

Destruction of shrines;

Neglecting the power of prayer;

Disrespect for parents and dislike for their own children.

Karmic debt by date of birth

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So, how can you find out your karmic number by date of birth? To calculate it, you need to add up all the numbers of your birth. For example, you were born on October 5, 1986. 5+1+0+1+9+8+6=30. The number 30 is your karmic number.

Each karmic number has its own meaning and interpretation. With its help, you will learn what in your destiny you need to pay more attention to, what situations it is better to hide from, and what to take a closer look at. You will also learn about your hidden talents, capabilities and available resources.

Do you have karmic debt?

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If, as a result of adding your birth numbers, you get 13, 14, 16 or 19, then this means that there is a debt hanging in your karma. Each number has its own meaning. Read about the meaning of other resulting karmic numbers at the end of the article.

Karmic number 13

It indicates that your previous life was zero, that is, you did not use your past incarnation at all, you were an irresponsible and lazy person, you shifted your worries and difficulties onto the shoulders of other people. You lived your past life uselessly, without taking any experience from it at all.

In this life you are faced with a huge number of difficulties that you must solve on your own. To work off karmic debt, it is vital for you to acquire the ability to complete the things you start without being afraid of obstacles and obstacles.

Karmic number 14

It says that in a past life you did not use your talent, buried it in the ground, you idle a lot, devoting yourself to taking care of your physical needs.

Most likely, in this life you have many different dependencies; you do not know how to finish the things you start, giving up at the first obstacles. To correct your karma, you need to get rid of bad habits and impulsive decisions, you need to cultivate wisdom in yourself.

Karmic number 16

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This number is obtained from a person who in a past life was careless about the love side of life and engaged in adultery. A person with this karmic number in a previous incarnation completely devoted himself to feelings and passions, and also painfully wounded and betrayed other people.

In real life, such a person often suffers from loneliness due to the fact that either the relationship itself does not work out, or his pride interferes. To pay off a karmic debt, you need to cultivate modesty and engage in self-education.

Karmic number 19

This karmic number belongs to a person who, in a previous incarnation, abused his powers, suppressed other people, using his power.

In today’s life, such a person has no one to count on in a difficult situation; no one comes to meet him halfway or come to his rescue. Most likely, such a person is lonely. To pay this debt, a person must help people free of charge and selflessly, serve them.

Let's single out the number 10 as a separate part. If you got this number after calculations, then you are a very unusual person who did not have karmic debts in any of your past lives. You lived all your lives with complete dignity, you had good relationships with others, you worked moderately and lived according to your conscience.

Karmic debt number

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Now let's talk about what needs to be done to work off your karmic debt.

1. Understand the root causes of debt.

2. Understand what needs to be done by asking the forces of karma.

3. Work on yourself, try to correct the current situation, ask for forgiveness, etc.

4. Find your spiritual healer who will help you free yourself from karmic debt using an esoteric ritual.

The very first and most important step is to understand the essence of karmic debt. To do this, you don’t need to immerse yourself in your previous incarnations at all, because all a person’s sins, in the overwhelming majority of cases, lie in plain sight in real life.

Karmic debt is usually repaid either through repentance or through suffering. A person can choose his own payment method. He can realize everything and change the situation, or he compensates with suffering and torment.

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Therefore, if someone has offended you, then you should not rush to offend the person in return. Stop and think, it is likely that a similar situation has already happened in your life, only you were in the role of the offender. Understanding and repenting is the way out. This will mean that you have learned this lesson of karma and have purified it.

In Christianity, all believers are given the chance to repent by confessing and absolving their sins, however, this does not mean that a person is freed from karmic debt. It happens that a person purposefully shares his sins with the priest, he absolves them, but after going outside the person again thinks about doing what he repented of for a few minutes. When a person has actually realized, he will not do it again and will not want to do it.

The meaning of karmic numbers

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Now let’s look at the specific actions necessary to get rid of karmic debt.

Karmic debt of the number 13

In this case, you need to work tirelessly. The more active and hard you work, the faster you can pay off your debt. You need to learn to enjoy what you do. Almost any problem you have can be solved simply by increasing the amount of effort you put into it. Throw laziness aside so that you can succeed. However, remember that the training will be long and thorny, do not count on quick results.

It is very important for you to learn to focus on the most important thing, throwing all your strength there. Keep your life in order. Chaos and disorder will throw you off, thereby significantly increasing the distance between you and your goal.

Karmic debt of the number 14

This karmic debt can be worked off only when you can learn to control yourself in any situation and not give in to any of your physical weaknesses.

Set yourself a serious goal and do your best to achieve it. Only in this case will you be able to achieve your integrity and come to inner harmony.

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Karmic debt of the number 16

To repay this debt, a person must completely eradicate selfishness in himself. You must be modest and humble, think about the experiences and feelings of the people around you.

However, such a person faces one big obstacle: he has an analytical mind, thanks to which he incredibly quickly finds flaws in the people around him, which is why they automatically fall much lower in his eyes. That is, such a person, one might say, is doomed to eternal loneliness.

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Karmic debt of the number 19

This debt can be fulfilled with the help of favor towards people. It’s corny, but it works: treat people the way you want to be treated, that is, with understanding and respect. You should learn to share the opportunities you have.

You will feel a lot better if you put aside your pride and begin to openly show friendship, love and affection. Only in this case will you be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

It is important to emphasize that absolutely any karmic debt can be worked off; a person can correct his mistakes and stop the emergence of new ones. Behave as required, live according to human laws. Fill your life with compassion, positivity and kindness, which will definitely reflect well on your karma.

Karmic numbers in numerology

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Now let's talk about decoding the remaining karmic numbers. All of them are grouped into 4 groups, each with a corresponding level. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived, which means he has more opportunities, experience and resources.

First level – from 10 to 19

11 – a very trusting person who idealizes relationships. He has a hidden danger of betrayal and betrayal, because in his previous incarnation he himself was a traitor.

12 is a symbol of constant suffering. A person with such a karmic number often becomes a victim of bad conspiracies, because in a previous incarnation he himself was a participant in terror, weaved intrigues, or committed deception in love.

Nowadays, people quite often use the words karma, karmic debt without even having a clear idea of ​​the meaning of these concepts. So, first of all, let’s figure out what karma is in general and specifically focus on the concept of karmic debt by date of birth.

What is karma?

Many perceive this concept only as a burden of sins and vices from a past life weighing down on a person.

But in fact, in the mental-astral dimension, karma is the totality of all human deeds and actions, voluntary and involuntary. Karma is the essence of a person with a long trail of all his merits and misdeeds.

Karma can be both dark and light, both heavy and light.. But it tends to change depending on what path in life its owner has chosen. You can either improve it through good deeds or spoil it by doing bad things to others.

Karma helps us understand why everything is this way and not otherwise, it establishes cause-and-effect relationships and retribution. It is the key to understanding life. Karma defines favorable and unfavorable conditions of life, and shows what a person has to go through and what he must realize in his life.

Also, karma knows better than anyone what prevents a person from being happy, how a past life can affect his present and what awaits him in the future. Karma is not some kind of punishment - it only reflects what a person deserves by his actions. If some difficulties come into a person’s life, then this is only a consequence of old offenses committed by the person himself.

Man creates his own destiny:

  • in your own words,
  • thoughts,
  • actions.

Nothing happens in our lives just like that. Karma tells us that everything in the world is natural. Nothing happens by chance - everything happens for a reason.

It means that we must develop spiritually. If a person does not strive for self-development, life will present him with more and more unpleasant surprises and challenges.

What is karmic debt?

Karmic debt appears as a result of non-return of the borrowed energy, as well as an unfulfilled obligation to the Higher Powers, which automatically makes a person a debtor (sinner) and is fraught with restrictions and tests of karma.

Here are examples of some sins that entail the largest karmic debts:

  1. Taking and failure to fulfill obligations, promises of a person to people and Higher Powers. Do not forget! Every promise matters, and the one who does not keep his word will become the biggest debtor.
  2. Failure to realize your purpose, refusal to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives.
  3. Illegal appropriation of someone else's.
  4. The debt of karma to one's own Soul, refusal of self-development.
  5. Human irresponsibility.

All of the above examples are specific situations, but they can all be generalized and grouped into the following main reasons for the occurrence of karmic debt:

  • breaking God's Ten Commandments;
  • violation of the Rituals of Zoroaster;
  • violation of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ;
  • violation of the vital principles of Existence;
  • violation of the values ​​of holy monuments;
  • violation of the value of prayers;
  • impaired memory of parents;
  • impaired memory of children.

Karmic debt can be of several types, depending on the way it appears:

  • own, earned by a person in this life;
  • own, earned in a previous life or lives;
  • acquired, inherited by family.

The debt of karma will inevitably accompany you throughout your life and cause a lot of trouble. These will be trials and obstacles that sometimes seem completely impossible for you to overcome. Therefore, it is very important to find out whether you have your own karmic debt.

How to find out if you have karmic debt?

The first sign that you have a karmic debt is failures, following one after another; frequent illnesses; constant quarrels with family and friends. If you have something in mind and make a lot of effort to achieve a result, but nothing works out; If you often conflict with someone for no particularly important reasons or various illnesses have already overcome you, most likely you have an unfulfilled karmic debt.

Also, the debt of karma can manifest itself in any way - when calculating the number of the name, soul, life path, date of birth, etc. In this article we will help you calculate karmic debt by date of birth.

The numbers of karmic debt can be noticeable simply in the date itself. They may also appear in intermediate results.

In order to find out the presence of karmic debt by date of birth, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations. Take your date of birth. For example, 04/26/1984. Add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth one by one:

If you receive a two-digit number in any result, you need to sum the digits of this number. For us this number is 22.

Now we add all the results together:

Below are the numbers that karmic debt numerology considers to be karmic debt numbers.

If during the calculation process or in the original version the numbers coincide with these numbers, you should think about it and reconsider your life path up to this point and draw conclusions.

Numerology of karmic debt

According to karmic debt numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are 13,14,16, and 19.

Let's consider the actions that could lead to the appearance of these person's debts:

  • karmic debt number 13 provoked by a reluctance to work in a past life, the habit of shirking and shifting one’s responsibilities to others.
  • karmic debt number 14 caused by sitting in one place. Being a completely free person, you devoted yourself entirely to one thing, without developing your other talents. But the reason for the appearance of this debt could also be the opposite behavior - due to your unlimited freedom, you completely devoted your life to satisfying only your needs and weaknesses, such as gluttony and carnal pleasures. You used other people to do your hard work without even thanking them for it.
  • karmic debt number 16 owes its appearance to excessive human egoism. This debt appears if in a past life you satisfied only your love needs and preferences, neglected and trampled on the feelings of other people, broke up families and people’s lives.
  • karmic debt number 19 typical for overly ambitious people. Such people can never get enough of power and feel more omnipotent every day. At the same time, they absolutely do not care about other people and their feelings. The most important thing for such a person is that everyone obeys him unquestioningly. If such people need help, they will never say so, but will try to solve the problem on their own or rely on the fact that someone should unselfishly help them simply because they are so majestic.

Working off karmic debts

To close your karmic debt you need to:

  • understand the root causes
  • find out from the Forces of Karma what needs to be done;
  • work on yourself, apologize, try to correct the situation, etc.
  • turn to a Spiritual Healer for an esoteric ritual of liberation from karmic debt.

The very first step to working off karmic debt is awareness of its essence. There is no need to delve too far into our previous lives - all our sins are almost always in full view and in the present.

You can pay off your karmic debt in two ways: either repent or suffer. The choice is yours - you can realize and fix everything, or you can compensate for everything with torment and suffering.

Therefore, if you have been offended by someone, do not rush to offend in return. Stop and think, maybe this situation has already taken place in your life, but it was you who acted as the offender. Realizing and repenting means that you have completed this lesson.

In the Christian religion, millions of believers are given the chance to confess and forgive their sins, but this does not relieve these people of their debts. They consciously share their sins with the clergy, but having received forgiveness from them, they leave the church and again think about doing what they just repented of. This means that they have not realized that this is wrong.

If a person has realized, he doesn’t want it anymore and won’t do it.

And then we will consider what needs to be done to get rid of karmic debts according to their numbers

To correct the karmic debt of the number 13 it is necessary work tirelessly. The more you work, the more your debt decreases. Learn to enjoy the work you do. Almost all of your problems can be solved by increasing the amount of effort you put in. Don't be lazy and everything will work out for you. True, it is worth warning that the path to working out will be long and thorny. Not everything will come out right away and easily.

You also need to learn to concentrate on what is most important and throw all your strength there. Keep your life in order. Clutter and chaos can confuse you and significantly increase the distance between you and your target.

The karmic debt of the number 14 can be worked off by learning control yourself in any situation, do not pay attention and do not give in to your physical needs. You need to set yourself a fairly serious goal and make every effort to achieve it. Only then will you achieve inner harmony and achieve your integrity.

It is possible to redeem the karmic debt of the number 16 absolutely eradication of human selfishness. It is necessary to think about the feelings and experiences of other people. Be modest and humble.

In this situation, there is one big obstacle: having an analytical mind, the owner of this debt quite easily finds shortcomings in other people and in his eyes they automatically fall below his level. Thus, such a person is doomed to eternal loneliness.

The karmic debt of the number 19 will help you work off your favor towards people. Treat them the way you would like to be treated- with respect and understanding. Learn to share all the capabilities of those in power. It will become easier for you if you put your pride into the background and openly demonstrate your love, friendship, and affection. Then you will be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

Any karmic debt can be worked off, previous mistakes can be corrected and new ones can be prevented. Do what is required, live according to humane rules. Fill your life with kindness and responsiveness and this will definitely have a positive effect on your karma.