Comedy ballet show woman dancer. Girls from Comedy Vumen (11 photos)

Presenter Dmitry Khrustalev

Full name: Dmitry Yurievich Khrustalev
Date of Birth: February 20, 1979
Place of Birth: USSR, Leningrad

Where else was it seen before: resident of the Comedy Club, where he performed successful parodies of Putin

Poem about Mitya from the poetess Polina:
“Let him be far from Urgant, bald, pimply, IQ three,
My nose has been bleeding all morning, don’t look at it,
He's a pretty normal guy, if you don't expect much,
In a too-drunk company, you don’t give a damn about the presenter,
The arsenal includes weak humor, fighting, dancing on tables,
And Mitka’s crowning number is a competition with eggs in his pants!”

Katya Varnava's tits

Full name: Ekaterina Varnava
Date of Birth: December 9, 1980
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former KVN member of teams and

“Pears hang when you’re in the shower” - sex symbol Ekaterina Varnava
"You love from above or from below - it doesn’t matter! My bunk bed will fulfill all your desires"

What he dreams about:
Katya Varnava dreams of a telephone, Vertu

little woman Natalya Andreevna

Full name: Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan
Date of Birth: May 3, 1979
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former team member

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“Do you want me? For God’s sake! Why are you pinning your problems on me.”
"Neither bark nor bite, although she's still a bitch"

What he dreams about:
Natalya Adreevna does not dream of anything, because she already has everything.

IN Lately She began to develop a strange disease where her arms twitch at the elbows..

drunken poetess Madame Polina

Full name: Polina Sibagatullina
Date of Birth: June 20, 1972
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former team member
In 2005, she sat on the jury of the KVN Premier League

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“Do you like it hot? Come to me, I still have it hot” - always with cognac, poetess Madame Polina
"Winter and summer in the same thing"

What he dreams about:
Polina dreams that there will be peace in the world and that a vaccine will be invented against all flus.

forever aspiring singer Katya Baranova

Full name: Ekaterina Baranova
Date of Birth: November 17, 1978
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former KVN member of the "" team

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“Are you bored? Are you lonely? Are you a producer? And I’m a singer! Look how I look from behind!”
"100 clothes and all from Cherkizon"

What he dreams about:
Katenka dreams that all those whom her neighbor killed would not appear to her in her dreams.

Glorious Maria Kravchenko

Full name: Maria Kravchenko
Date of Birth: August 28, 1982
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former KVN member of teams and "together with Ekaterina Varnava

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“I’m in charge. I’m the subject. I’m all the same! What do you want me? I’m everything! All the nipples are gone, and I’m grace.”
"A girl is sitting in prison for a joint on the street"

What he dreams about:
Masha dreams that (shows her hand and there is supposedly some kind of ID in it). “I’m flying in the oncoming traffic, the speed is 220, the cops are slowing down, and I punch them in the face - HERE!”

simple Russian woman Tatyana Morozova

Full name: Tatiana Morozova
Date of Birth: May 30, 1979
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former team member

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“Do you want a little... and then wow... Or maybe I’ll let you... In general, come quickly, before they let me go.”
“Two ends, two rings, and behind the third one lives a simple Russian woman.”

What he dreams about:
Tanya has a simple dream - for the cattle to be fed, and for them to drink less beer in front of the TV

desperate and inadequate Natalya Medvedeva

Full name: Natalia Medvedeva
Date of Birth: December 2, 1983
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: KVNSCHITKA team

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“My name is Natalya and I wanted to tell you a little about myself. But first I wanted to show something. Well, it was time to do so..”
"No windows, no doors, no instinct of self-preservation"

What he dreams about:
Natasha dreams of dying! Die in a luxurious palace in front of your entire retinue. In a pool with black caviar.. why did you all hatch like that?. I just haven’t thought through my dream to the end yet.. but it’s a good start!

Elena Khulyevna Santa Maria Guerra

Full name: Elena Borscheva
Date of Birth: January 28, 1977
Place of Birth: USSR

Where was it seen before: former KVN member of the "" team

How does a woman characterize herself in a comedy show:
“Do you want a frank conversation, but nothing more? Come! I’ll help you in any way I can!”
"Whoever undresses her sheds tears"

What he dreams about:
Elena dreams that all the dreams of the girls in the comedy club will not come true, but her dream will come true! (You will probably think now, what is her dream?) - My dream is that all the girls’ dreams do not come true!

At the beginning of its existence, the series was called “Made in woman”. But already from season 5 it was renamed to the more well-known “Comedy woman”.
The girls consider their project unique, which is not similar to others like it. Moreover, there is only a female company here with rare elements of male presence in it. The girls themselves call their series a clown series, with song and dance elements, as well as notes of cabaret.

  • The outfits for the actors of the Comedy Woman series are made by designer Alexander Arutyunov.
  • Some issues mention the world famous encyclopedia Wikipedia.
  • All actresses are former KVN participants.

In general, the entire filming process is a complex and tiring team effort of all participants. Sometimes it happened that The actresses' working day began at 7 a.m. and ended at 4 a.m. the next day.. And girls consider heels to be the main disadvantage of the filming process, because sometimes you have to stay on them all day.

Women's team

Natalya Eprikyan

It has stage image"Deities on Legs." Natalya Andreeva plays the role of a strict and serious woman who keeps everything under control. He is also the author of the idea and producer of the series itself.

IN real life the actress has the same character, she is characterized by a certain restraint, thanks to which there is a certain distance between her and the rest of the participants in the series. This is similar to a boss-subordinate relationship.

Also, thanks to her modesty and non-publicity, no one knows much information about the actress. It is only known that she's already married long time , and journalists are unable to find out other details of his personal life.

Ekaterina Varnava

She has the stage image of a sex symbol and at the same time is the choreographer of the participants in the series. The actress plays the role of a demanding beauty with a model appearance, who prefers to wear only open dresses.

Ekaterina always plays her character well because she loves her. But in reality, such behavior is not typical for her.

In fact, the actress is a kind, sympathetic, pleasant and modest girl.

Maria Kravchenko

Has the stage image of a chav. She plays the role of a girl from the street with a strong character. Actually an actress complete opposite your character. She is a feminine, gentle, sociable and cheerful person.

Tatiana Morozova

Has the stage image of a simple Russian “woman”, from the 181st issue - video blogger Tanya Morozyaka. She plays the role of a masculine woman from the outback. In real life, the actress actually loves Russian culture and customs. Therefore, she easily manages to combine business with pleasure.

Ekaterina Stulkina

Has the stage image of Ekaterina Old Skulkina, a descendant of Genghis Khan. She plays the role of a piquant woman with curvaceous parameters. With this image and her appearance, the actress became a surprisingly attractive addition to this team.

Male component

Dmitry Khrustalev

Although the series features only women, there is still one man present. He is Dmitry Khrustalev, who plays the role of presenter. Also, in the plot, he most often acts as the main object of jokes for girls, which greatly amuses and pleases the audience.

Funny situations

Sometimes very unexpected moments happen during filming. For example, in one of the episodes of the series, Natalya Medvedeva almost broke her shoulder with a metal vessel. In one of the scenes, she plays the role of an aspiring actress along with another contestant. During rehearsal, he is supposed to hit what appears to be the head (actually the bed next to her), but in the first take he hits the girl’s shoulder.

The actress of the series “Comedy woman” bravely withstood unimaginable pain and barely survived the entire filming, although the injured part of her arm was very painful.

A similar situation happened with Ekaterina Varnava. In the first episode of the series, she cramped her neck. This happened in the midst of a dance number, when the actress made one sudden movement and her head froze in one position. Although her neck hurt unbearably, she bravely lasted the entire dance.


To date, 7 seasons of the series have already been filmed, the last episode of which was released at the end of December 2016. Filming is currently underway for the next season, which is scheduled to premiere at the end of 2017.

Comedy Woman(Comedy Woman) has been appearing on screens for the seventh year. Perhaps this is the best women's show on Russian television: original, bright, sharp. The reason for the high popularity of the project is the extraordinary actresses, magnificent and diverse.

In this post we reviewed all the participants of Comedy Woman with names and photos.

During the existence of the Comedy Vumen project, the team changed somewhat and was periodically updated. But the quality of the releases did not suffer from this. The variety miniatures remain breathtakingly funny. The girls appear in new original images, delighting us with new releases for the 7th season. According to Natalya Andreevna, the program slightly changed the format and became closer to the series. Now the stage and behind the scenes are a single story, a feeling of being present on the set. And the main girls behind the scenes were... the cleaning lady and the barmaid.

Natalya Andreevna

Who would have thought that the buffet at Comedy Woman is in charge of Opera singer! Olesya Yapparova is the owner of a wonderful soprano, laureate of the Grand Prix of the International vocal competition"Golden Voice" (2014). And the most interesting thing is that her beloved pet Luchi, a charming Shiba Inu dog, is also a singer. Olesya discovered this by accident when Luchi began singing along with her during a rehearsal. At the initiative of Natalie Andreevna, the singing dog also performs in the show. The red-haired miracle sings along with the owner and smiles.

Olesya Yapparova

Tatyana Dorofeeva is a cleaning lady who zealously strives to get on stage. Both in a work robe and in the image of a goddess-muse, she looks very colorful. Tatyana and Marina Fedunkiv played together for the KVN team “Crowns of Dobryanka”. It is not surprising that the behind-the-scenes cleaner favors actress Marina. This active and slightly inadequate woman with a mop is capable of a lot. Raising her voice at Natalya Andreevna gives her real pleasure. And locking Nadenka in the toilet and performing in her place in miniature is such pure happiness.

Tatyana Dorofeeva


In the new season of Comedy Woman, the main cast continues to shine. Ekaterina Varnava once again lives up to the title of sex symbol of the project. She intends to play any role like a goddess - even if it is the role of a prostitute. Ekaterina Skulkina never tires of embodying the images of real Russian women, majestic and purposeful. The muse of social security, Volokita, in her performance is epic and comical at the same time. And the phrase “...only us, Ass and Red tape are left...” can generally become a catchphrase when describing domestic life. Madame Polina continues to pour out rhymes and tries to break into the TV weather forecast. Nadya becomes a fashion blogger and once again lives up to her role as a stupid blonde.

Ekaterina Varnava

Ekaterina Skulkina

Madame Polina

Nadezhda Angarskaya captivates with her incomparable voice and increasingly participates in miniatures. Can't recognize his own son kindergarten Maria Kravchenko. The Russian woman Tatyana Morozova, who was jealous of her husband for Natalie Portman, is still charming. And over all this magnificent chaos reigns the little woman from Comedy Vumen and at the same time the big boss Natalya Andreevna.

Nadezhda Angarskaya

Maria Kravchenko

Tatiana Morozova

Comedy Woman is not just the best women's show. This is a show of the best women!

Entertaining humorous projects with a female cast appear rarely. The Comedy Woman show project has existed since 2008 and at the same time remains quite competitive in relation to other humorous projects on television.

Successful project

He has his own enthusiastic fans, and those who consider women's humor not worthy of special attention, much less a separate program.

However, when it appeared in 2008, this show quickly became popular. Perhaps the reason for the success of the project lies in the fact that all the actors participating in Comedy Woman have a KVN background. Moreover, each of the girls at one time was, if not business card his team, he is quite a bright and memorable player. Therefore, each of them has everything in order with artistry and a sense of humor.

It is also important that the famous KVN performer, showman and TV presenter Semyon Slepakov is one of the producers of this project, and Dmitry Efimovich is the director.

Each performance of its participants is a small performance. In Comedy Woman, actors and actresses laugh at each other, at women's logic, at men's and women's oddities and idiosyncrasies.

Male cast

Today, 10 girls are constantly participating in the project. But sometimes male characters also appear in the show. Actors often appear in Comedy Woman as guests of the program. These are KVN participants and famous people, which give additional sound to what is happening on stage.

In the Comedy Woman project, male actors also appear as residents. Of course, they are in the absolute minority compared to the actresses of this show, but without them it would lose its edge.


So, I was on the project for a long time. He fit organically into general team. His acting work played big role in the growing popularity of this project.

In Comedy Woman, the male actors are all radically different from each other in their image. For example, how another member of Comedy Woman appeared - the silent administrator Seryozha - the history of the project is silent. He remains a mystery, never showing strong emotions on stage. Nevertheless, the audience fell in love with him and fit in very well with the general fun. He is involved in miniatures, individual frames, and scenes. In addition to the secrecy of his appearance in the project and his silence, the actor has a well-built figure, and periodically showing off his sculpted muscles is also part of his few duties.

Also, at one time he quickly and easily fit into Comedy Woman. On stage, he predominantly played a hero with a non-traditional orientation.

"Last Hero"

The actor from Comedy Woman is another one of the few men among the female cast of the project. He remains in it now, arousing justified interest in his person among fans. Let's try to tell you more about it.

Evgeniy Borodenko

Evgeniy is originally from Yakutia. Despite the fact that his family was in no way connected with television or the performing arts, little Zhenya had one way or another to do with them since childhood. WITH primary classes At a regular school, he went to a music studio to study piano. In addition, the young man graduated local school ballroom dance And that’s not all - he also studied choral singing for a long time.

Then Borodenko entered the Yakut University and, after graduating, received a specialty as a teacher. However, a career as a showman awaited him. Nothing was in vain for the boy from the second largest city of Yakutia. Musical education, choreography, the ability to dance, and the love of the stage instilled in his youth - everything came in handy when he came with this baggage to conquer the capital.

Thanks to this, he was no longer an amateur on stage. In Moscow, Evgeniy passed exams at the University of Culture and Art. And after him he was already the owner of two diplomas and specialties: a teacher and a manager of social and cultural activities.

Even in his youth, while studying at the university, he constantly took part in performances of the local KVN team. One day Evgeniy became friends with a member of the KVN team “Deja Vu” and since 2001 he became her player.

But playing “cheerful and resourceful” was not his only passion - he managed to become a laureate of the festival in Jurmala, twice.

When American directors staged the musical “Chicago” in Moscow, Borodenko, according to him, accidentally got into the casting. He decided to take part and passed it successfully, ending up in the main cast of the musical. At the Youth Theater, on the stage of which the actor performed in KVN, he now played with Larisa Dolina in an American musical.

Now Evgeniy takes part in Comedy Woman. He successfully diluted the female cast with his presence. Gets along with the team. Talented, flexible and artistic, he was loved by the audience.

Unexpected turn

However, some changes took place in his personal life, which could not but affect the attitude of some fans towards him...

Energetic, talented and attractive, he was often seen in the company of Ekaterina Varnava, a participant in the same project. The press has already written about them as a couple. But suddenly information leaked to the media that on the territory of the Danish state, where same-sex marriages are allowed to be registered, in September last year Evgeniy married another Russian man. The Russian press did not immediately become aware of this.

Scandalous photos were published on the pages of foreign magazines of adherents gay. His friends on the project did not comment on this event. Evgeniy also took a wait-and-see attitude. Some fans congratulated their idol, while others were outraged.

But the press did not remain silent. First, photographs of the wedding appeared, then notes that TNT management was considering Evgeniy Borodenko to stop appearing in Comedy Woman. Rumor has it that he asked for asylum in America.

Borodenko, Khrustalev, Gudkov - these are all the actors who participated in the Comedy Woman project. The biography of each of them is complex. All of them have been attracted to the stage in one way or another since childhood.

In addition to the regular actors of the described show, men also appear here as guests. And today we can safely talk about a whole archive of bright skits in which the actors who came to Comedy Woman took part (you can see photos of some of them in the article).

IN different professions The demand for an employee varies, and in some professions the peak of demand occurs only on one single day of the year.
Voice from the screen: - Do you think I’m frivolous?
Skulkina: - Wait and see.
Voice from the screen: - Wait and see.

Everyone already knows that beauty is a terrible force. but this power becomes even more terrible when a non-professional puts his hand to it...

Master: - Yes, I’m telling you, she wasn’t wearing underwear under her dress. I sat and looked at my Igor. And she twisted the spinner so disgustingly with her light green nail. But she is my great-grandmother. Yes, here are your relatives. Come on, there are no clients until lunch anyway. Yes, you will find me sitting here alone under the escalator.
Visitor: - Great. What, the client is not coming? Learn from the market

Natalya Andreevna laments that many numbers are not funny, they do not pass her personal censorship, even if she herself takes part in them. Sometimes you have to cancel numbers that have already been played. Same this time.
Finally, this day has come - Natalya Andreevna appears in the next issue about the wedding.
Barnabas: - Excuse me, which side are you on?
Natalya Andreevna: - I? I'm from the south of you.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Russian hackers, but nothing about female hackers. Let's fix this.
Voice 1: - So, I go to the main server. Damn, what protection he has. I connect a pirate proxy server and enter a quasi-password. Soooo girls, yes! I entered Word.
Voice 2: - Great job! What do you have?
Voice 3: — Chief, I hacked the password from Buzova’s social networks.

In Moscow, the housing renovation program continues to gain momentum. The girls studied this topic and found nothing funny in it, but that didn’t stop them.
Skulkina- Yes, yes, don’t worry. Yes, the program for the eviction, oh, the resettlement of old maids from old Khrushchev houses is in full swing. Yes, 100% sure. Well, with a small error. I have now actually come to this small error, yes. - the doorbell rings. – don’t worry, it’s just for a couple of minutes and that’s all. That's it. Oh. Are you still here, huh?

Ekaterina Skulkina was born on June 3, 1976, she was born in Yoshkar-Ola. On the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina is one of the brightest participants; the actress’s images are perfectly remembered, as are her jokes. Skulkina not only acts as an artist in a comedy show, she plays in the theater and appears in films.

Acting skills, as well as directing, have always attracted Ekaterina. But after school it so happened that Ekaterina entered a medical school in her hometown of Yoshkar-Ola. In three years

Nadezhda Sysoeva was born on July 10, 1984, she was born in Krasnoyarsk. Nadezhda is not married, she is an actress and model. After school, Nadya took part in a beauty contest in her hometown, but did not reach the finals. In 2012, Nadezhda ended up on the KVN team from her city, she acted as a co-author of jokes. Today, Sysoeva is a participant in the “Comedy Woman” project.

Since 2010, Nadezhda has participated in the project “Nezlobin and Gudkov”,

Natalya Medvedeva was born in Serpukhov, she was born on May 9, 1985. Natalia's father worked as an engineer, her mother was a school director and also a teacher. German language. Since childhood, little Natalya attended various clubs, she danced, went to music school. Then the family moved to Odintsovo, Natalya changed schools, but was never able to settle into the team, becoming a little withdrawn. On the Comedy Woman project, Natalya plays the role of a very emotional girl, prone to committing