A post on a topic I like to read. Why do I love to read

Municipal educational institution

"Tulyanskaya basic comprehensive school"

Valuysky district, Belgorod region

Regional correspondence competition

"Reading family - reading country"

Essay on the topic of

Kapustina Anna

6th grade student


There are so many interesting genres in literature: fairy tales, novels, fantasy, lyrics.

Until recently, books were of great value, and the gift of reading was great and prestigious. Now books are given little attention, just forgetting about them. "Why read a thick book when you can watch a movie?" my peers think. And I don't agree with them!

When I read, I imagine myself in the place of the heroes, analyze their actions, and find answers to exciting questions, I get to know the world. And when I watch the adaptation of the novel? Yes, it is interesting, colorful, but it does not allow you to think, analyze. We just swallow the content. And gradually we become callous in soul, we become indifferent, empty robots. Is this what we want from life?

Why do I love books? For me, books are friends, teachers, mentors. And their authors seem to me to be wise and kind wizards.

I remember that in the first grade I was presented with a collection of myths and legends "The Enchanted World". I came home from school and enthusiastically plunged into the world of sorcerers and wizards. Then I met Polianna Eleanor Porter, Alisa Kira Bulycheva, Anna of Green Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery. They were my friends and helped me find a way out of difficult situations.

And one day, my mother brought a binder of Guiding Star magazines. And then I was overwhelmed by a wave of different conflicting characters, new authors. They seemed to know everything about me and whisper clues to me through the lips of their heroes, my peers. I always look forward to a new issue.

And recently, my godmother gave me a library of books by Y. Voznesenskaya “Once upon a time there was an old woman in green shoes”, “100 days before the flood”, “Julianna”, “Satisfy my sorrows ...”, etc. These works are exciting and instructive. The language of the books is very accessible and easily teaches the Orthodox faith, makes you think about your own life. It doesn't matter at what age you read it.

I believe that the author wanted to show the reader how prayer and obedience help us. It is necessary to listen to the voice of your angel, which is present in each of us. The guardian angel is trying to guide a person on the true path and is trying to protect us from wrong deeds.

We need Yu. Voznesenskaya's books. Because television and social networks destroy our souls. And books make us think about our life, soul, about people close and dear to us. About what awaits us in the future life. The author very convincingly tells about what is happening with the characters, that we do not noticeably become participants in the events and try on their actions.

The Orthodox book teaches us to live, to act according to the will of God, and most importantly, to save our souls from eternal torment. Reading an Orthodox work, we plunge into the wonderful world of goodness, love, light. In my opinion, every family should have Orthodox books in their home library.

And how much good is in my books!

I began my acquaintance with literature from the study of fairy tales, these were fairy tales of the peoples of the world, but most of all I liked the Russian ones, with Ivanushki, Baba Yaga, goblin and heroes. Then came the turn of stories about honesty, kindness, politeness, I don’t remember all the names, but I still remember the meaning. Perhaps the small number of cartoons and children's films on TV in the 80s and 90s, the lack of computers and computer games left no choice and the children read so much, I don't know.

I remember that I went to school at the age of 6 and already knew how to read and count up to 100. In the second grade, I took first place in reading speed per minute (if I'm not mistaken, 90 words / minute), there used to be such a standard. It was necessary to read the text for 5 minutes, then the number of words read was divided by 5 minutes and the number of words per minute was obtained.

At school, I had to study a lot of fiction, which was a “mandatory program”. Many students hacked and wrote an essay on some books using only the "critic" textbook, sometimes in libraries they "licked off" the opinions of various literary critics and passed them off as their own.

I was no exception, I will say more, I do not know a single student who would have read the entire compulsory school curriculum in literature. I always wanted to read about travel, sea battles, scouts, war, but not all literature during the Soviet Union met these requirements, and because of this I had to be cunning.

Over the years, the tastes and requirements of the reader change, this is normal. There were 8 years in my life when I practically did not study new books, but they passed.

After the birth of my son, I did not have the opportunity and time to read books, I preferred to listen in audio format. I chose good translations or voiceovers by professional actors, listened to works in headphones while sitting on a bench while my son slept next to me in a stroller.

By the way, I created my blog using a netbook, sitting on a bench, next to my sleeping son. I will write about it soon, so as not to miss it, subscribe to updates

For the rest of my life, I remember the incident about how we were asked to study the novel “The Gadfly” by Lilian Voynich for extracurricular reading. I was busy playing hockey all day before, because there was a lot of snow in those days, and I did not complete this task. They gave me a “deuce”, the teacher of Russian language and literature was very strict, for me it was a challenge.

I always studied well or excellently, when I came home, the first thing I did was take this novel and read it avidly. The impressions from reading still excite my mind, whoever has not read it, I recommend, by the way, the film adaptation of 1980 is also at a high level, you can watch it.

After that, I corrected the “deuce” with a good story about this novel in the next lesson.

Over time, I read various works, there were both romantic and military, adventure, adventurous and espionage, detective and philosophical. Recently I have read many novels by Paolo Caglio, very interesting and instructive.

In conclusion, I want to say a little about the following:

How do books help me?

1. Develop and constantly replenish your vocabulary, broaden your horizons. When blogging, this is very important, because you need to express your thoughts in an interesting way, right?

2. Correctly formulate and express your thoughts.

3. Develops creative thinking, imagination.

4. Develop logical and imaginative thinking.

5. Relax, distract from stress, politics and other things.

6. Give strength, motivate for new achievements and conquering new heights. After all, we often want to be like the heroes of literary works, this is wonderful!

7. Children's books help to lay the child's main positive character traits, and I remember my youth. I'm talking about the joint study of modern children's books with my son.

8. Books are an excellent source of humor, many quotes from works have long become winged.

Well, okay, I wrote quite a lot about myself, now I want to listen to you in the comments. Let's move on to a crossword puzzle, the topic of which is similar to this note.

Crossword No. 3 of the marathon “Erudite-3”

Today you will find another crossword number 4, its theme was announced earlier, this is "Literature of the peoples of the world."

For those who have not solved the previous puzzles from the Erudite-3 marathon, here are the links to them:

Crossword ""

Crossword ""

Crossword ""

Solve, send keywords to support, win <<

I'm waiting for your correct answers and share your impressions of the crossword, was it difficult or easy? I hope that you will solve it without the prompts of Google and Yasha, although this is not prohibited. Expand your horizons, read more good books, only constant self-education will help a person always achieve their goals in life.

What book have you read lately and when do you remember? Share your impressions in the comments, do you like to read or listen to audiobooks more?

See you!

The first book I read myself was a collection of Russian folk tales. The magical world where the Gorynychi Serpents, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich live, where the animals talk, and in the forest you can see the goblin and stumble upon the hut of Baba Yaga, could not but please me.

And until now, I love fairy tales most of all, everything magical and unusual. The best fairy tale, in my opinion, is Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.

In addition, I like to get to know people through books, learn from the life experience of writers, their knowledge of the people they put into their works, see distant times and countries through the eyes of those who lived in that era. Nothing can replace a book: neither the best theatrical production in the world, nor the film of the most talented director.

My generation can't read. Naturally, I do not mean the ability to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. No, we are talking about something completely different: we do not know how to enjoy the book, empathize with the characters, appreciate the talent of the writer and his mastery of the word. A disc with a Hollywood action movie or a new computer game means much more to any eleventh grader than the entire collection of Dostoevsky's works, and, unfortunately, there are very few exceptions to this rule. This applies not only to my generation: the culture of reading began to gradually disappear a long time ago.

Perhaps this is because in recent decades, life has become much more dynamic and people do not have enough time to read. In addition, it is difficult for a book to compete with the constantly emerging novelties of cinema, the possibilities of the Internet, and computer games. Gradually, classical literature becomes accessible to a relatively small number of people who are able to understand and appreciate the treasures it offers.

There are many exciting things in the world that you can and want to do in your free time. I have many different hobbies: drawing, computer games, music… However, most of all I like to read.

Reading is not a very popular hobby these days. Many of my mom's friends complain that they can't get their child to read. I don't understand, why force? After all, there is nothing more exciting than reading.

I fondly remember the books I read as a child. The adventures of Dunno and his friends, Ellie's magical journeys, the amazing people of Oz fascinated me. Then came more serious books that made me think about serious questions, awakened my imagination. There are many such books. And I am infinitely grateful to these amazing people, writers, who allow their readers to immerse themselves in the unique world of their works.

Books allow readers to live the lives of their characters. Maybe that's why I love reading so much. Reading, you immerse yourself in the life of the characters, live their emotions, experience and rejoice with them. I think books give their readers a great experience. After all, we often learn from our mistakes. And when you read books, you understand how everything in the world is interconnected, what actions can lead to what consequences. Thus, books teach a lot, make us wiser. Reading is also a pleasant way to relax and unwind. After reading a couple of pages of your favorite work, you plunge into a completely different world, which is often more interesting, brighter, more dynamic than the real one. This is a unique opportunity to travel across countries and eras without getting up from your favorite sofa.

The modern alternative to books is cinema. Many of my peers say that why read, if now you can often see a screen version of a particular book. I agree that modern films are full of special effects, they are very bright. However, I don't think cinema will ever replace fiction. Very often, when I see a film adaptation of my favorite book, I am disappointed, because I didn’t imagine everything that way. Movies often miss important details that make this book so special and meaningful.

I sometimes feel sad when I realize that life is too short to read all the interesting books. But even more so, one should strive to read as much as possible, at least the best ones.

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    • Adults love to repeat the words of the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin "Reading is the best skill." I was taught to read at the age of 4. And I love to read different books. Especially real ones that are printed on paper. I like to first look at the pictures in the book and imagine what it is about. Then I start reading. The plot of the book captivates me completely. You can learn a lot from books. There are encyclopedias. They talk about everything that is in the world. Of these, the most entertaining about various […]

  • I love reading books, especially adventure ones. I read them in order to feel like a hero, to visit different places with him, to feel in different situations and experience incredible adventures while sitting at home with a book. Books take us to a completely different world, where anything is possible, where you can be whoever you want to be. Books teach us to dream, to fantasize. With the help of books, we gain invaluable experience, evaluate the mistakes of heroes and try not to repeat them in life. Books bring a lot of useful things into our lives.

    I also really enjoy watching movies that are based on a book. It's very interesting to look for differences between the original and the director's interpretation.

    This allows you to take a fresh look at a familiar story and rethink it.

    Reading is a very exciting activity. Sometimes you are so deeply immersed in history that you do not notice anything around. You feel like a part of the adventure described on the pages, you plunge into it with your head and you can no longer emerge so easily. This has happened to me several times, and it's an amazing feeling. But in order to plunge into history so much, you need to find a book that will captivate and interest.

    Updated: 2017-02-20

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