The description of Facial Aging Program. Facial aging from photos

Have you heard that there is interesting way get older? We bring to your attention Aging Face by Photo, and virtual travel time by car! Now there's an easy way to make yourself look older using just your phone or tablet. The aging photo booth works very simply: add stickers to your photos and adjust their size depending on the features you come across. You will be stunned by the results! Using an age generator yourself will let you know what you will look like when you are a grandparent and have wrinkles on your face. This funny app The prank allows you to edit photos in such a way that people will think that you used a pro photo editor. But no, no professional image editing skills are required to use this fantastic make me old app, you just need to download Face Aging by Photo and get it for free!


Get photos from your camera or import them from your gallery and start the image editing prank right now! With this cheerful and pleasant old face maker you can become several decades older. Let the aging process begin - beards, mustaches, glasses, gray hair, wrinkled skin, all these photo retouching features are at your disposal in the form of fun photo stickers that will blend perfectly with your skin. Make the perfect joke and perfect photo montage with the incredible old face photo editor, tablet or phone image app that will fill your boring days with fun and interesting activities. Have a lot of fun with friends, download Aging Face by Photo for free and change your face in an instant!

Transform your photo into a funny image of an old grandparent and add glasses, wrinkled forehead or missing teeth and make yourself look old with the newest old face changer. Immediately place the sticker on me make an old camera, take a selfie and you will witness a complete facial transformation. You can also place sticker photos in an existing pic from your gallery and see your future self staring right at you. All your friends will shout: "Make me look 20 years older, please!" or "I want to get my future app itself, too!". Be a friend, share your edited photos on popular social services and let everyone know what you're doing! Tell your BFFs about “Face Aging by Photo” and enjoy it together!

This is one of best apps a prank that lets you edit your classmates' photos and create a 50th anniversary celebration for your graduation! Creating an old age effect on photos using only stickers is only possible with the best aging face photo editor. Compare the funny photos you've taken in this Make Me Old Camera and see who has aged the most! Use all the options of this free image editor and make different combinations of photo stickers to make a realistic photo montage. You will amaze everyone with your image editing skills when you share your funny photos, but only you will know that the only thing you need to get some fantastic edited photos is age me app. The young people hurry up, it's time to grow old! Get Facial Aging by Photo for free!

More and more such photos are appearing on the networks, and you probably want to try the filters for yourself too. Today you do it, let's start searching.

What is the name of the program where you can make yourself old or change your gender?

With every appearance new program, which does something new, the developers magically manage to surprise us. We fall for this very easily.

Now let’s just go through the possibilities and you can understand whether this is exactly what you’ve probably been looking for for so long.

The first thing to note is your smile. There are filters that will make anyone cheerful. A smile just appears and in fact, both options are completely different and can only be chosen in practice.

The main filters that attracted a lot of attention were Youth, Old Age and, of course, Change of gender to male or female. Just for fun, you can try yourself in each of them.

The whole thing is placed in a 2 by 2 collage and placed on Instagram, for example. If all these points converge, then you are definitely on the next point of the article.

How to use this program?

I won’t torment you for long and I want to say that the application for all the above actions is called FaceApp. It appeared quite a long time ago, but it was only able to attract attention now.

If you have ever used such programs, then in principle there should be no problems. First, launch and take your photo. If you don’t know how to remove the oval, then just move the phone away from your face.

Next, scroll through and try different filters. Everything is done using neural networks, so the process may take some time. Don't think that this is a matter of seconds.

There are buttons to immediately share your work in social networks. But if you just want to save it to your smartphone, then the button on the right with a down arrow is created just for you.

We write the name in the application store and just download it. If anything, here are the download links if you don’t want to search:

The FaceApp application can be downloaded for free, and understanding how it works is easy. Take a photo of yourself or select a photo from the photo gallery there and select the desired options. Voila!

This is what the app interface looks like when you select a photo before editing.

The application offers 8 various options photo transformation. First, the original photo (Original). Next, you can use 2 different smile modes (Smile and Smile 2), transform the original photo into a photo with the “wow” effect (Spark), and after pressing the button, turn into a child, a little lady or a man (and a man can be transformed, respectively, into old man or girl).

For test number 1, we selected the following application options:

1. Original
2. In old age
3. With a slight smile
4. Wow effect

Well, since the test was a lot of fun, we decided to also test the remaining options. For this purpose another photograph was taken.

1. Original
2. In old age
3. Child
4. Man

Here's the result:

Hmm... yes... The photo of the baby looks really cute. The photo in old age is probably somehow embellished. But it’s better not to comment on the photo as a man at all. Oh well, but the app is a lot of fun.

Now you can select several stars as guinea pigs and use the application to try out what they will look like in old age. We chose Angelina Jolie, Ryan Gosling, Blake Lively.

Conclusion. FaceApp didn’t transform Angelina Jolie much, but in a male image she looks somehow strange!

Ryan looks great at any age. But his blonde transformation is not for the faint of heart.

But Blake Lively is always good, even as a man.

Let's summarize. The new app is a lot of fun. Be sure to try!

Many people want to know what they will look like in old age, in 20, 30, 40, etc. years. Of course, girls are especially interested in this question :) Is it possible to look into the future and try to see yourself there?

Previously, we already looked at a service where you can. Today we will look at another amazing project that will amaze many of you to the core because it will allow you not only to look at yourself in old age, but also to exchange a few words and ask questions...

After playing short introductory videos, a “Ready” button will appear, which you need to click on. By the way English language(there are also French and Polish) can be selected in the upper right corner of the screen:

Position yourself so that your face is looking directly at the screen and remove your glasses if you wear them. IN online mode A calibration grid is applied to your face on the screen with the boundaries of your eyes, lips, face, etc. Sit still for a few seconds and the calibration grid will automatically be applied and you will move on to the next step.

On this page you can manually adjust the lines of your eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, and face by dragging the white dots.

After you achieve the desired result, click on the Yes button, and if you want to take another photo from the webcam, then click Retake.

You may ask: what to do if you don’t have a webcam? No problem - you can simply select any photo on your computer and upload it to the service. To do this, click the “upload photo” button in the upper right corner of the screen and adjust the grid.

  • What's your gender
  • How old are you now?
  • What color are your eyes
  • Your skin tone (can be set using a palette)

Click “next” and literally ten seconds later... ta-da... You will lead yourself into old age, or rather in 20 years (however, for some this will be old age). And this is not just a photo, but a living one computer model, with whom you can chat by asking your questions (in English, of course) in the lower right corner of the screen:

You will be surprised, but the answers you receive sound quite logical and correspond in meaning questions asked. Sort of artificial intelligence, with which you can learn about the future, and more specifically, about YOUR future :)

You can immediately send your photo in old age to Facebook, Twitter or download it to your computer:

So how? After 20 years, do you still look young or a little old? :)

Video about a girl growing up from birth to 16 years old in a couple of minutes:

Attention! The project is currently closed and no longer available.

If you want to continue experimenting with your appearance, we recommend getting acquainted with online services.

Probably many people are interested in what they will look like in 10-20-30 years. Many people have a desire to look into the future, lifting the veil of time; all that remains is to find the tools that will satisfy such curiosity. In this material I will try to help such users and tell you which network services will show you how you will look in old age for free online, and I will also explain how to work with these services.

There are a fairly limited number of services online that allow you to age your face for free. Some of them, for example, the previously popular project, are no longer working, and a number of existing services (for example, require sending a paid SMS for their services, which by no means guarantees not only decent, but also any result at all.

The specified SMS will not be free at all

Therefore, in addition to network services, which I will describe below, I recommend paying attention to the corresponding programs for mobile platforms, which demonstrate a fairly acceptable quality of processing user photos. But first you need an exact match of your age.

In particular, I would like to note such programs as “AgingBooth" (Android), "Oldify" (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), “Make Me Old Booth” (Android) and other analogs that will process your photo and provide the corresponding result, which you can then download to your phone.

What will I look like in 20 years

The online network service will help you demonstrate how old I will look in 20 or 30 years. The latter, based on your photo, will show how you will look in 20 or 30 years, taking into account not only the characteristics of sexual dimorphism during aging, but also the possibility of a person taking narcotic substances, which will add additional color to the processed photo.

To work with this service, you need to switch to it and set the appropriate photo processing parameters. This:

  • “Gender” (gender), in which you must select “Male” (man) or “Female” (woman);
  • “Age” (processing age) – after 20 or 30 years;
  • “Drug Addict” (drug addiction) – “Yes” (yes) or “No” (no).

After you decide on the parameters, click on the “Upload your photo” - “Browse” button to upload your base photo. The photo will be processed and you will be able to view the result.

To save the processed photo on your PC, click on “Save image” under the resulting photo.

Working screen of the “” service

Other services for facial aging –

Another popular online service for demonstrating facial aging was previously the service, which I already mentioned just above. Unfortunately, this service works with great interruptions, and not for all users, allowing us to see how we will look in old age for free online.

When processing your photo, takes into account the structural features of your face

At the same time, the operating principle of this service is similar to the already mentioned You go to this resource, upload your photo to it, indicate the necessary parameters (age, gender, skin tone and eye color), and view the result obtained after processing.

At the same time, a striking feature of this service is the entertaining opportunity to communicate with your future self in the form of a chat.


The services and programs I described will help demonstrate how a person will look in old age for free online. Among online services, is currently the most popular, so I recommend taking advantage of the latter’s capabilities to process your photos in the appropriate manner.

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