Accurate horoscope for the year Aquarius. Aquarius money horoscope

People born under the sign of Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) are always on the lookout. They are looking for new ideas, knowledge, experience and impressions. They value freedom very much, they are used to doing everything as they see fit, despite the frequent surges of self-doubt. Representatives of this sign value luxury, but they know how not to flaunt their achievements and belongings, they despise pathos and pretense.

Aquarians are great friends. These people easily find a common language with others, they feel absolutely comfortable in any company. Aquarians are smart people who love nature and really enjoy art. The nature of the representatives of this sign is quite calm, Aquarians really look at things and are light people, whose energy absolutely does not suppress others. Aquarians draw energy from communication, they like to make plans, but they do not always carry out their plans.

Aquarians are realists and materialists to the core. Their character is kind and calm, they gravitate towards a peaceful lifestyle, but when the routine gets boring, they enjoy shocking their conservative society with defiant behavior.

Representatives of the sign are not inclined to change their minds, but they lend themselves to persuasion. They give the impression of desperate sloths, although they manage to redo a lot of things in a day. The ability to learn quickly makes them geniuses, but negatively affects psychological health in old age.

Aquarians have a strange idea of ​​​​love and friendship, this is that rare “kind” of people who believe that after a stormy romance you can remain friends and, as a rule, they remain.

The freedom-loving sign is not afraid to be funny, original and independent, it is characterized by sympathy, tenderness, diplomacy. Periods when he desperately seeks the human environment are replaced by moments of loneliness, when you want to turn off the phone and burrow under the covers.

2018 will be a very favorable year for people of this sign. The Year of the Yellow Dog promises them a huge number of surprises and changes. Already at the beginning of the year, Aquarians will be able to understand what they want, and therefore they will easily outline goals and understand what they need to strive for.

In the spring, namely from April to May, it is important to allocate time for relaxation. Such an unplanned vacation will help to revive strength, and by the end of May, Aquarians will feel a surge of energy, build new goals and find ways to achieve them. But in the summer of 2018, it’s better to completely immerse yourself in work, paying attention to all the nuances and little things. A favorite business or even a hobby can be a great source of income. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this summer will be fruitful for careerists and creative people, do not forget about the traditional vacation. It is best to choose it in the middle of summer.

Autumn will be just as favorable for Aquarius. Only in November can there be a certain shift in a career. However, if you prepare for it in advance, you can wrap it in a winning direction for yourself. Fall 2018 is the perfect time to make your dreams come true. And in December, you can safely complete your goals and spend time at home.

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will sparkle with ideas and creative ideas, gathering more and more people around them. Innovation doesn't always work. For example, in March-April, Aquarius runs the risk of getting caught in financial manipulations, which will lead to problems with the law.

In the first half of the year, luck will smile on representatives of creative professions or private businessmen, they will be able to fully control the result of their work and set the amount of profit.

Love relationships will be regarded by you as a fun game where you can assert yourself, raise self-esteem. Charismatic natures will turn the heads of many, even married representatives of the opposite sex will fall under their charming influence. The "forbidden" romance will be publicized in August and will end for Aquarius with physical and emotional injuries. Good business acumen in September and October will allow you to secure a comfortable existence with patents alone. Autumn will be as profitable as it is wasteful.

What awaits Aquarius men in the year of the Yellow Dog

The horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius men says that they must follow their dreams. This will be a particularly favorable time to fulfill your plans and become truly happy. Therefore, all the most cherished can be postponed until 2018.

Also, men will have to plunge headlong into business and worries. But despite a certain blockage, they will more than receive support from others: from their beloved, boss, family and loved ones. In response to their support, relatives will also ask for help from Aquarius, with which brave men can handle it without problems.

In general, 2018 for Aquarius men will be marked by good luck. Success will literally follow the representatives of this sign on their heels. All undertakings will certainly bear fruit, so you should think about investments, large-scale projects and global risks. By the way, the end of the year is also very promising. Men are in for a lot of surprises and pleasant moments, which are probably directly related to all the work within 12 months.

What 2018 promises for Aquarius women

Unlike men, the horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius women can hardly be called favorable. At first, the Yellow Dog will bring very strong shocks. Already in the first months of the year, the representative of this sign learns about the worst thing - the betrayal or betrayal of her lover. A woman will experience such a blow very hard, so there will be no talk of forgiveness.

This difficult situation will set the tone for a certain period of the year. It will be difficult for a woman to move away from betrayal, but the support of loved ones will certainly help to cope with her feelings. And by the middle of the year, the representative of the sign will come to her senses and will be open to the new.

So, from the second half of the year, it is better for women to plunge into their favorite activities and hobbies, or go on vacation. Such a change of mood will help to completely forget what happened and prepare for new acquaintances. Therefore, by the end of the year, everything will work out, and the troubles will go away. Despite such a stressful start, the end of 2018 will be favorable. Women will find in themselves the strength not only to erase the past from life completely, but they will also be able to find a positive in what is happening, they will receive a powerful boost of energy from rest and their hobbies and will be ready to enter the next year.

love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius promises stability and a minimum of surprises. Those representatives of the sign who are married will only strengthen their established relationships. They will prove to themselves and others that the choice of a life partner was not accidental, and the approach to creating a family is absolutely reasonable and thoughtful. At the same time, single representatives of Aquarius will not be particularly active in the search for a soul mate. Despite the sign's inherent passion for discovery, in terms of love, Aquarius will remain passive.

But at the end of the year, Aquarius seems to wake up and show all their romanticism. The end of the Year of the Yellow Dog will literally pass under the flag of romance for this sign. Aquarians, both men and women, will show all their fantasies. They will literally give their chosen ones both material surprises and attention and unexpected dates. They will become a real generator of romantic ideas, diversify not only their personal lives, but also help bring a touch of surprise into the relationship of their acquaintances. Flowers, warm meetings, gifts, smiles - all this will become a symbol of December 2018.

Aquarius money horoscope 2018

Regarding the financial plan, the beginning of the year will be very favorable. Aquarians will be able to attract outsiders and interested parties to their projects without too much fear. Also, it is worth considering such a type of earnings as network marketing. It is at the beginning of 2018 that it can bring an incredibly easy income. But the main key to success and enrichment will be honesty. The main thing is to be completely open to your partners, then wealth will not keep you waiting. The more trust there is in the team and between financial partners, the higher the result will be.

As for spending in the year of the Yellow Dog, everything should be thought out here. The money will be mainly spent on really needed services, things and products. The main thing is to have a person nearby who will help you correctly distribute the budget, and save part of the money from the total income. Then all the money earned will be more than enough and even more will remain.

Career horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

The Year of the Yellow Dog is truly successful for Aquarius financially and in terms of career. The scale on which you can hold the course this year is simply limitless. The only snag for the implementation of all projects will be the search for reliable partners. Unfortunately, Aquarians are not particularly diligent, so they will not work without companions. It is important for them to push the most difficult work onto their "accomplices". Therefore, in 2018, Aquarians need to clearly choose a course, find a person who will be ready to do the bulk of the work, and enjoy the result.

But if Aquarians choose the field of information technology or services, then they will do without outside help. These two areas are especially popular with representatives of the sign, and here they can manifest themselves in full. It is here that it is easy for them to realize themselves and climb up the career ladder.

But the most important thing is to avoid cases and types of earnings where there are frauds. Such work can end very unpleasantly.

Health Horoscope for 2018

In all areas, the year of the Yellow Dog promises to pamper Aquarius, and only in the field of health can it be very difficult. In any case, health must always be protected, no matter whose year is outside. After all, health is the most valuable thing we have.

In 2018, Aquarius should be extremely careful with alcohol, and of course, avoid the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Among other things, this year there will be a very high probability of injury. So it is better to avoid heavy loads, especially outdoor activities, risky activities, hiking and other extreme entertainment. It is better not to take unnecessary risks and take care of yourself. Of course, you don’t need to be extremely fanatical about this and sit at home all year, you just need to be more reasonable in choosing recreation and activities,

The following celebrities were born under the sign of Aquarius:

  • Christian Dior is a famous fashion designer.
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova is a Russian actress who has reached the world level.
  • Olga Shelest is a Russian radio and TV presenter.
  • Tina Karol is a Ukrainian singer and actress.
  • Vladimir Vysotsky is a Soviet actor, songwriter and poet.
  • Vladimir Zelensky is a Ukrainian actor and showman.
  • Elijah Wood is an American actor.
  • Anton Chekhov is a writer and playwright.
  • Oprah Winfrey is an American television host, producer, and social activist.
  • Shakira is a Colombian singer.
  • Dan Balan is a Moldovan musician.
  • Bob Marley is a Jamaican reggae musician.

2018 will be an interesting year for sensitive women and dreamy men born under the sign of Aquarius. A lot of joyful events and favorable situations were prepared for this sign by the hostess of the year - the Yellow Dog. She took care of the adventures and trials. The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 will tell you in detail about everything.

Distinctive character traits of this sign are independence and creativity. With these people it is never boring, they are full of ideas, and the most fantastic and non-standard ones. Aquarians love to get bright and unusual impressions from life. They find hobbies and acquaintances for themselves that are not always clear to others. The measured and standard life of this sign is disappointing.

Aquarians love and know how to make friends. With them you can share not only good news, but also difficult life situations. They always delve into the essence of the issue and can give good advice.

As a rule, Aquarians do not react to criticism and discussion of their actions. They do not depend on opinions, generally accepted trends and adhere to the rules only as necessary. They can take risks, but within reason.

If they experience self-doubt or low self-esteem, then somewhere very deeply. In fact, they are decisive, attractive optimists who know and understand what they should do in any situation. Sometimes they can look helpless, but just to get attention.

From the unwillingness to act independently and delve into the essence of the current circumstance, they portray weakness or misunderstanding, and thus shift the solution of the issue to others.

Men and women of this sign often look inside themselves and are engaged in self-development throughout their lives. They are prone to introspection and like to explore who is around. Moreover, deduction is not their method. What Aquarians call logic, everyone else considers a happy coincidence.

Aquarius can be found at all kinds of seminars and trainings on the psychology of relationships. They regularly turn to astrologers and mystics. They read a lot of esoteric literature, thus trying to find answers to exciting questions and change the internal processes in themselves.

Career and finances in the year of the Yellow Dog

Aquarians will be busy with work this year. You have been in search for so long and could not decide on the field of activity that, having found your business, you will go headlong into it.

It is during this period that a person will appear in your life who will become your teacher and patron in your career and business. You needed it so much before, in a period of complete uncertainty and instability. But believe that now you need it more. The Yellow Dog thus helps and rewards you for the great work you have done in self-determination.

For those who are interested in career growth, it is important to fulfill their duties with high quality, engage in self-development and improve their professional level. Management will evaluate your approach to work and offer a larger and more responsible position in the first half of the year.

Aquarius in the year of the Dog is desirable to enter without debt. Try to return all loans and then you will not be burdened by obligations, and you will be able to freely manage your finances. In general, 2018 was a financially successful year. After all, you will work hard and with a great desire. Plus, you will have the opportunity to profitably invest money. Dividends may be small, but the investment is reliable and stable.

In the business sphere, show more self-confidence, do not be afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. The symbol of the year loves hardworking, smart and disciplined people, which are Aquarians. The only place where confidence will be superfluous is in operations with documents. Measure seven times, double-check seven more times, and only then let the papers move.

love horoscope

Tell me, dear Aquarius, what prevents you from being in pure and mutual love? That's right, the habit of endlessly analyzing the past, messing around and looking at every little thing under a microscope in the present and even in the future. You are busy exploring subtexts, conducting psychological experiments, and then wondering why your personal life does not add up.

In the year of a fair, honest and open Dog, you will have to abandon your methods and simply plunge into feelings without judgment and unpredictability. And the Yellow Dog will try to make your chosen one exceed all your expectations and reciprocate.

Aquarians are wonderful family men and parents. In marital love, they manifest themselves vividly and originally. They do not tolerate betrayal, although they themselves need to communicate with the opposite sex outside the family. But there is nothing reprehensible in light flirting.

You do not go far, being faithful to your partner, but you get new impressions and vitality. And in the year of creation and creativity, such updates will only benefit you. Let's hope that the second half will understand you, and will not bake with jealousy and resentment.

Aquarius health in 2018

Among Aquarians you can meet a large number of vegetarians and vegans. You like to take care of your body, eat right and improve your physical shape. But sometimes you allow yourself to fail. You can credit half a grilled chicken at a time or skip a workout for no reason.

Of course, such actions provoke a malfunction in the body and weaken the immune system. The events of 2018 will require endurance and good health from you. Getting sick is out of the question. Therefore, strictly observe your usual regime, and leave liberties in the past.

If you are engaged in physical labor, be careful and clearly control the load. Remember that your weak point is the vessels and joints.

Predicts Aquarius a lot of success in business and in personal life. Therefore, there will be plenty of reasons for celebrations and feasts. Be careful with alcoholic drinks and heavy snacks. Better shortage than stress for the body.

Good news awaits those who have long wanted to get rid of excess weight. You will find a weight loss system for yourself, and it will give visible results quickly enough. After 3-4 months, you will have to update your wardrobe, and new things will be two or three sizes smaller.

Horoscope for the Aquarius woman for 2018

Free women of Aquarius will devote the whole of 2018 to finding a partner with whom they could build a promising relationship, or rather, subsequently marry him. The timely and correct intention of the wise Aquarius will cause the approval and support of the Yellow Dog.

Many of you will actually get what you want, even ahead of schedule. Wedding ceremonies are planned as a symbol of the year for the near future. Unlucky only for those who can not decide on their desires. And I want to get married, and I want to stay with a lot of fans, and the image of the desired man does not emerge clearly. You don't know what you want, so you won't get anything.

Married women will experience some dramatic situations this year. A person from the past will suddenly invade your life. It could be first love or ex-husband. Do not succumb to emotional impulse and memories, look at the situation coldly and soberly. It is given to you to test the strength of feelings in your married couple.

In order to protect yourself and not harm your family, do not involve your husband, girlfriends, relatives in this event, talk less about it and even more so think about it.

Horoscope for the Aquarius man for 2018

Something incredible will happen with Aquarius men this year. Unbridled energy, fantasies, amorousness will blow out of you like a fountain. Free representatives of the sign should not restrain themselves, there is no reason for this. But family men must control their impulsive energy and direct it in the right direction - into a marital union.

Any of your reckless actions will be severely punished by the Yellow Dog, the keeper of the hearth and marital fidelity.

But all Aquarius men will have to gather their courage, be optimistic, enterprising and persistent. This year will take you on a rollercoaster ride in business and finance.

To implement the idea, you will have to invest all your savings at the beginning of the year. This risk, although not instantaneous, will soon be justified. The whole world will help you, because you have taken up the realization of your old dream.

Some Aquarians will be out of work this year. Don't worry, this is a change for the better. You need to make room for the arrival of a new position and, accordingly, a higher income.

Despite the sharp fluctuations in the financial condition, by the end of the year, Aquarians will come out in a good "plus", which will please not only themselves, but also their loved ones.

It promises bright and impressive events, good luck in business and success in personal life. You will be satisfied with the patronage of the Yellow Dog and meet the next year in a great mood, with a tangible supply of energy and strength.

Video horoscope

In the year of the Dog, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign definitely be able to realize their ambitions. This sign knows how to work and get what they want through purposeful, sometimes unprecedented work. It is important to pay attention to two points here. Firstly, you should not be overworked, otherwise, instead of a new position, you will get a nervous breakdown and then you will generally forget about career advancement for a very long time. The second point worth paying attention to is a simple rule: you are not omnipotent. This means that when you are faced with a choice, you really need to choose, and focus on the vector that seems to you the most important and promising. Now it's definitely worth trusting your feelings., especially if there is a real opportunity to get a new chair.

In certain periods of 2018, Aquarius will have to seriously save. However, firstly, it will not last long. And secondly, this moment will really be necessary for you from the point of view of self-realization. Of course, in no case should you be afraid of progress and the difficulties that it can bring with it. This is a great time for those who are ready to move on a predetermined track, no matter what. The time for experimentation is over., it was the past year of the Rooster. The Dog has other priorities - it is calmness, stability, self-confidence. Indeed, sometimes confidence is more important than action. You must be ready for anything, even for something that may cause you some dislike. But the willingness to do something and the action itself are fundamentally different things. Understand this, and 2018 will be the best year for you.

Financially, 2018 is a year for Aquarius may be ambiguous. On the one hand, this zodiac sign is hardworking, really able to work and earn. In addition, the first half of the year will be rich in various kinds of opportunities, promising and not very promising, potentially grandiose and obviously local. You will determine all these nuances yourself and without much difficulty, and difficulties may arise in another. Probably, one of your friends, relatives or relatives may get into a difficult life situation and be forced to ask you for a loan. You can't refuse, you're not the right person. At the same time, the funds will not be returned to you soon, and you will be warned about this in advance, while you will have certain plans that will definitely be violated by such outside interference. Later, such an opportunity may not present itself at all, so the choice will indeed take place. It also makes sense to switch to austerity at some point. This is a temporary measure and really necessary, it will allow you to make a significant profit in the very immediate future.

Another point that will be important for Aquarius in 2018 concerns your lifestyle. Now you are contraindicated to lose heart and fall into depression. Even if some moments really push you to serious experiences, think about the fact that no one will get better from these experiences. But your performance will drop and you can lose money. This is especially true for Aquarius businessmen, who in the year of the Dog in no case should you leave your work unattended for even a minute. At the same time, during a period of relative calm, you can even organize a rest for yourself, quite a full-fledged one, although it is unlikely that you will be able to completely fence yourself off from work. But these are trifles ...

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For normal and productive work, our body needs healthy sleep. This time is necessary for the body to relax, rest and gain strength for a new day.

Aquarians are creative and cheerful people, always ready to arrange a holiday for themselves and for their surroundings. 2018 will not be an exception in this sense. You will often spend time in noisy companies and infect everyone present with your inexhaustible optimism. However, this year your finances will be under the influence of Neptune, so you will not always be able to assess the situation correctly, as a result of which all kinds of conflicts are likely to arise in this area. It will not be easy to develop relationships in the work team. Representatives of this sign will believe that they deserve more than boring and monotonous work in the office. But those Aquarians who are engaged in their own business may be unexpectedly lucky. Especially if it is related to some of your passions or hobbies.

This year, Aquarius expects a lot of love adventures. Thanks to their personal charm, they will be literally irresistible to members of the opposite sex. You will be happy to make new acquaintances, develop intrigue, not caring much that your chosen one may not be a free person. This can lead to rather unpleasant situations, and they will concern not only your personal life, but also the professional field. But at the end of the year, Aquarius can fall in love for real. And all because the object of courtship will suddenly remain indifferent to their charms. This will come as a real surprise to you.

and you can pay in full for all your heartbreaks during this period.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius: career and finance

In 2018, Aquarius will have Jupiter in the 10th house of the horoscope. This means that in order to succeed in any field, and especially in a professional one, you will need good relationships and strong reliable connections. This year, you will no longer be interested in the promotion of your career itself or the opportunity to take some important post, but how the project that you worked on as a whole team will progress, how viable and useful it will be. You will have a large number of business trips or, going on some kind of personal trip, you will be able to find promising business partners in different cities and countries, thus establishing a whole network of reliable business relationships. And this, of course, will create a solid and extensive base for your further prosperity. Acquaintance with influential and authoritative people will help strengthen your prestige and authority. This year, Aquarius may have several times the opportunity to take some kind of high post, but, unfortunately, in most cases, they will miss it, which they will later regret.

Under the influence of Saturn in the 12th house, Aquarians will be afraid that they may not have time to realize something, or that something will not go as they planned. Moreover, you will not even be able to explain what exactly caused your fears, because there will be no objective grounds for them. You will probably have to solve many problems of your subordinates, although this will not give you much pleasure. This will affect the influence of Pluto located here. In the second half of the year, a trip abroad is likely, where you can significantly improve your financial situation.

Throughout the year, your property and finances will be under the influence of Neptune. This means that during this period you will have a strange attitude towards money: on the one hand, you will need it, but on the other hand, it will seem to you something intangible, incomprehensible, and you will also have a poor understanding of how exactly you can earn it. . For this reason, you will need to carefully check all the financial contracts that you enter into, otherwise you can very easily become financially dependent on your business partners by signing some very unfavorable agreement.

Those representatives of the sign who will think extraordinary, ignoring the usual clichés, will be able to make good money by the end of the year. Particular success can be achieved by those Aquarians who work in the field of research, innovation, invention, medicine, and finance. But thanks to the same Neptune, during this period there will be a very high risk of quickly and not too wisely spending all that was earned by hard work.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius: social environment

This year you will quickly and easily make the contacts you need, among which there may be many people who occupy a high position in society. This will give you the opportunity to rise to a new level for yourself. People around you will trust you and, in general, you will have a very respectable reputation, although under the influence of Saturn in the 12th house, there is a high probability of some secret envious and ill-wishers appearing. There may also be some conflicts with your inner circle, for example, with neighbors, in some cases even reaching litigation. In communicating with others, Aquarians will show maximum tact and diplomacy, thanks to which, in the end, they will be able to resolve all the problems that have arisen. However, although you will be a pretty good listener, you will most likely not follow the advice you receive, preferring to act as you see fit.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius: love, dating, intimacy

Jupiter in the 10th house will give you the ability to easily charm people, thanks to which, this year you will be able to experience a lot of love adventures. The problem will be that while listening to declarations of love, you yourself will not experience any reciprocal feelings, except perhaps a short-term love that passes very quickly. Many members of the sign will take advantage of this opportunity to achieve success in other areas of their lives, such as faster promotions. Or just to get a physical discharge. One must be very careful not to spoil one's own karma and not to play with other people's hearts during this period. Remember that conscious seduction solely for the sake of satisfying your own pride is very quickly punished by higher powers.

In the second half of the year, under the influence of Uranus moving into the 4th house, Aquarius may receive an unexpected marriage proposal. And although they will not have strong feelings for their partner, they will think - perhaps it is worth accepting this offer and ending the endless love marathon, which will have time to exhaust them significantly. Moreover, this person seems to be financially well off. Unfortunately, even if you agree, you will soon realize that you made a mistake. Conflicts will begin in your couple, full of mutual discontent and accusations, and very soon you will have to leave. Therefore, in the autumn you will again find yourself in the bachelor market. And only at the very end of the year, some kind of serious relationship is likely to arise, and, most likely, it will be a person with whom you have known for a long time, but, for some reason, have not yet paid attention to him.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius: family and home

At the beginning of the year, family representatives of the sign will live quite calmly, devoting a lot of time to their soulmate, children and close relatives. Perhaps one of your loved ones will need special care and attention this year, and you will immediately come to his aid. Your children will be happy and a little spoiled, but you will not be annoyed at all. But already in the summer, under the influence of Uranus, which has moved into the 4th house, you may want to start repairs or completely move to a new place of residence. Perhaps it will be somehow unusual. All sorts of surprises in the family that violate your usual way of life are also not excluded, for example, the unexpected arrival of one of the relatives, the birth of an unplanned child. During this period, you and your significant other may come to the decision that you need to leave and even separate for a while. To prevent this from happening, Aquarius needs to moderate the desire for personal freedom a little and remember that if you have the right to come and go as you please, without reporting to anyone, then the other person may well answer you the same. Perhaps some Aquarians will have a secret love affair on the side. Finding the ascending North Lunar Node in the 7th house gives serious life lessons, first of all, it concerns your relationship with your partner.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius: health and state of mind

Unfortunately, Aquarians are used to treating their health rather irresponsibly. Therefore, in 2018, they should expect all sorts of surprises in this area, and for the most trifling reasons. For example, a common viral infection can lead to quite severe complications. You will even have to go to the hospital. Finding Saturn in the 12th house has a serious impact on many aspects of your life, including health.

In general, this year Aquarius may often seek solitude. They will simply physically need it in order to relax, rest, and finally think about the meaning of life. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the sector of secret enemies, fears and restrictions can cause serious nervous breakdowns, depression, some unconscious fears, but at the same time, it gives you quite significant occult abilities. Perhaps you will notice that you are able to understand other people at the level of telepathy. This will only aggravate your melancholy. And sometimes you will think that the whole world is hostile towards you. During this period, it will be very important not to give free rein to your inner complexes and try to find spiritual support from people close to you - you can always count on it.

Aquarius Birth Dates: 21.01 - 20.02

Ruling planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

Element of Aquarius: Air.

Aquarius Symbols: aquarius, silver hands, wings, youth, wisdom.

Happy days of Aquarius: Wednesday Saturday.

Aquarius bad day: Sunday.

Metal of Aquarius: tin, uranium.

Gem of Aquarius: opal.

Aquarius plant: Apple tree.

Aquarius Numerology: number 8.

The most inspiring color of Aquarius: brown, electric.

Opposite sign of Aquarius: A lion

For Aquarius, 2018 will be quite productive and successful. Representatives of this sign will constantly surprise others with their actions, come up with original ideas and ideas. Throughout the year, they will be innovators, full of promising ideas and creative inventions. It is surprising that the quality characteristic of Aquarius, to switch from one thing to another and not bring them to the end, will not manifest itself so clearly. The mistress of the year - the Dog, will land their airy nature, so some things will be completed quite successfully.

Almost throughout the year, they will devote all their free time to finding sponsors or partners who will help implement their next project. Representatives of the sign are not convinced workers, especially when it comes to physical work, but they will be able to succeed in the field of information technology. In addition, the stars are advised to try to show their talents in the provision of services, in this field Aquarius will also be able to succeed significantly.

In 2018, Aquarius is better to stay away from any fraud with money, bypass risky and dubious projects. There is a big risk not only to get into an unpleasant situation, but also to lose a large amount of money. Moreover, there is a possibility that as a result of financial scams, Aquarians may face trouble in the form of problems with the law.

From the very beginning of the year, Aquarius should take care of restoring their energy potential, take preventive measures, and undergo an examination. Also in the first half of the year, the representatives of the sign will increase the likelihood of getting into an accident, so they will have to be more careful while driving. The second half of the year will bring to Aquarius an increase in health, vitality, a sense of happiness.

The year will be for Aquarius a year of accomplishments and losses. During this period, there will be many events, circumstances, obstacles, representatives of the sign will lose a lot, but they will also gain a lot by overcoming them. But in the end, Aquarius will be rewarded for their dedication, diligence, ability to find the right approach to business and circumstances.

Jobs for Aquarius for 2018

When planning promotion in 2018, Aquarians will primarily rely on the support of influential friends and sponsors. From the very beginning of the year, the representatives of the sign will show an amazing talent to captivate influential people with their creative ideas and projects and correctly invest in the implementation of plans. Meanwhile, not all Aquarians will count on outside help, many representatives of the sign will themselves have excellent prospects for career growth and development. This applies to those Aquarians whose activities are within the framework of high technologies, computer systems. Stars in 2018 will give excellent chances to loudly declare themselves to Aquarius, who are engaged in creativity. Success and recognition will not be long in coming and will come to those who are engaged in scientific activities, innovative developments, inventions.

People born under the sign will rarely agree to work under someone else's supervision, in a team, they will prefer independent activities. This approach will allow them not only to receive the appropriate profit, but also to take responsibility for the result. In addition, working in a team will not have the best effect on the creative potential of the representatives of the sign, they will not be able to interact normally with colleagues and find common ground with them. Therefore, the stars advise Aquarius, if possible, to work independently, outside the team, in order to achieve more.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

Aquarians should be as honest and open as possible with business partners, do not get carried away and deceive people. In addition, representatives of the sign in 2018 will have to be very careful in their expenses, they must be strictly controlled. Because of their tendency to mindlessly spend money on unnecessary things and entertainment, Aquarians can quickly spend all the money. Even the fact that the representatives of the sign are not accustomed to starting everything from scratch, the stars are advised to be more prudent and careful with finances, especially since stability should not be expected in this area.

At the beginning of the year, Aquarius will have to spend a lot of money, and a number of unresolved problems in the financial sector will not allow them to receive regular and solid income. Many representatives of the sign from the beginning of the year will spend money on the purchase of equipment or raw materials for business development. Some representatives of the sign will start the year with a good financial reserve or with a business that brings in income, but at the same time, Aquarius will have a serious idea for developing their business. However, profits should not be expected immediately, material well-being will come only in the second half of the year.

But along with earnings, new expenses will come. In addition to investing in their own business, most Aquarians will take care of relatives and friends, they will spend a lot of money on educating children, rest for parents and their families. All this will become a rather expensive undertaking, however, representatives of the sign will not regret spending money on their loved ones.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

In the year of Aquarius, they will be successful with the opposite sex. Moreover, the representatives of the sign themselves will not be burdened by such attention, they will be surrounded by sympathy and love, but they themselves will not experience strong feelings of the heart. The love relationship of Aquarius will be calm, somewhere even balanced and lazy. They will not strive to ensure that passions rage in their personal lives, because Aquarius at this time will direct all their forces to self-realization, this situation will continue until the onset of spring.

With the advent of spring, the representatives of the sign will increase sexual activity, they will feel the desire to expand the boundaries, try something new, but at the same time, Aquarius will not even think about high feelings. They will miss flirting, they will be drawn to the opposite sex in order to have fun and have a great time.

In the summer, some may receive an offer to connect their lives with a person who has liked him for a long time. Representatives of the sign will face a difficult choice, there will be no love in the heart of Aquarius, but thanks to this marriage they will be able to improve their financial situation. The stars say that few Aquarius will refuse such an offer, but there is a high probability that a marriage of convenience will not bring representatives a sign of satisfaction and joy.

With the advent of autumn, Aquarius will feel an acute lack of freedom and ease in relationships, diversity in sexual life. Such desires will lead to the fact that representatives of the sign will have several partners, which will become a threat to family relationships. There is a high probability that the secret will be revealed and lead to a break, despite the fact that Aquarius will try to do everything to ensure that this does not happen. The end of a relationship with a permanent partner or a legitimate soulmate will help Aquarians return to their former free life.

The true feeling of love will come to Aquarius only at the end of the year, and it is possible that it will manifest itself to a person you have known for a long time. Romantic meetings will develop into a stormy and passionate romance, which may well lead to a change in status from free to family. Most likely, the couple will decide to formalize their relationship in the summer of next year.