All about Turkish massage. Turkish massage: details about different types of unique techniques A Turk gives a massage in the room

So, as promised. I warn you right away - it will be immoral, so I don’t recommend reading it to especially impressionable, highly moral people or children.

Part two. Bath affairs and ethnic expedition

Oddly enough, among the many stories I haven’t seen much about hammam. No, there are love stories with massage therapists and all that, but I’m wondering if there is some kind of unspoken code of conduct in the hammam, are there secret signs there? I’ll tell you why I’m interested now.

Before my recent trip, I had been to the hammam several times, which is what I imagined it to be like – a pleasant massage with shades of eroticism. But here, if you’re lucky, you can get to an unattractive massage therapist and lie there, clutching your swimsuit so that you don’t let go of your hands too much. As a rule, my friend and I, drinking apple tea after peeling and foaming, wait with interest for the massage therapists. As soon as we see an object on the horizon, approximately the same thing flashes through our heads: “If only for me, if only for me!”, or “If only not for me!” respectively. While I was lucky, I came across some nice people who weren’t particularly arrogant.

This time we were too lazy to look for alternative options, and we immediately headed to the hammam at the hotel, even though it cost $50 a pop. It was the second day of our vacation, we were already saturated with the atmosphere of the resort, the anticipation of a great vacation and adventure was dizzying.

I got a very cute boy - brown eyes, affectionate hands, humming something in his own way. The office is also inviting - quiet music, twilight, everything is in dark colors, a pleasant smell. I feel like I’m starting to drive away, and he’s starting to get impudent. His hands in oil slide over my body somehow not like a massage, but more and more like sex. He began to press closer to me, and I felt that he had a strong erection. But you won’t take us that easily, we’ve been through this before. She pulled back her hand and shrugged her shoulders with displeasure. In general, I wonder how they, the poor, cope with themselves? After all, in my opinion, it’s harmful for a normal man to stroke women’s curves all day and not get a release. I open one eye and see that he is looking straight into my eyes. I wonder if you hold your gaze, will he perceive it as a call? I get scared and close my eyes again. With his fingertips, he quietly crawls further and further under the swimsuit. I think I like it. Now I feel his breath on my cheek. It seems that he is very close, it seems that he is looking at me. A nervous tic begins and lips tremble. Damn, how can I not give myself away? Maybe bite or lick your lip? No, that's completely lame. So...foot massage...higher, higher. I'm probably going to start moaning now. Having cast aside my last doubts, I understand what I want... I already agree to almost everything. They cover me with a warm towel. “2 minutes of relaxation” he says and... leaves. Eh, what kind of relaxation? Stop, amigo! Where are you going?!

This is how the concept of “unfinished” entered our vocabulary.

Now I understand why men get so angry when women refuse at the last moment. I experienced the whole gamut of sensations myself. Girls, don’t do this again, personally, never! Now I even treat my cat with greater understanding)))

Stupid,” summed up my best friend when he found out the reason for my vile mood for the whole evening, “Did you want it?”

Yes, but I fought with myself.

Just sit there like a fool! On vacation you should do what you like and want! Why do you care what they think of you there? You'll never see him again, but it's good for your health.

I thought about the advice of my highly immoral friend. A plan of action began to form in my head. I didn’t want sex in the bathhouse; nevertheless, for me it remains unacceptable, although... I don’t promise. What remains? High-quality orgasm. It’s better not at the hotel, but on the side, especially since it costs $15 there. No sooner said than done. In the evening we go on an excursion to the bathhouse))) A friend is with me, she is also “unfinished”.

We drink tea and wait for the massage therapists. We fix the material. So...what should you do there? Look him in the eyes proudly and defiantly, if he starts to cuddle, don’t be too scared, breathe hard. You can lick your lips, and, as a last resort, you can quietly begin to wave.

Here he comes. Just come to me! Handsome, long black hair, sexy beard, just the right figure. Past...

Some pioneer combed towards the massage parlor. Young, frail, in shorts, missing a drum and a tie. Come here, he says. I took a closer look - the face seemed okay, the eyes were green, the eyelashes were long. Suitable for experimentation.

It all started when the lights in the office suddenly turned off. We chuckled nervously a couple of times. A minute later they turned it on, and I started spying on him. Indeed, all the time, whenever possible, he looks into the eyes with a piercing gaze. So...and here comes the erection. It is true what they say is that size does not depend on body type. I behave calmly, breathe deeply. I feel the breath on my cheek, look into my eyes for a couple of seconds, and again retreat into myself. He bends lower and lower. Now I feel his lips literally a couple of millimeters from mine. I open my eyes, a second and... a kiss! The kisser is still the same, but how much is possible? I stop him and embarrassedly poke my face into a specially designated hole in the table. But the process has started, and he begins to kiss everything that remains on the surface - arms, shoulders, neck. Nice. But I demand that the massage be continued. Now the concept of massage has fundamentally changed - kneading, stroking, kissing. He asks “is everything ok?” “Yes,” I answer. We never got to the abdominal massage; it fell off somewhere around the knees. Leaning close to me, he passionately blurted out “do you want sex?” Making a thoughtful face, I said “I want an orgasm.” He understood everything and, with all professionalism, made it so that in less than a minute the long-awaited and sweet orgasm hit me.

Now everything is clear, the hammam is a hidden hangout for women. Just as a man in Thailand can start an orgy for a pack of rice, so in Turkey a woman can get a full package of services for $12-15. Although it is possible for free, they are professional here, they will also wash you and give you a massage.

My massage therapist invited me to a disco in the evening, I agreed.

The friend got the same macho man, but she was never able to get over herself and remained “unfinished.” But I was smiling all evening and I was in good spirits! As a friend noted, “that’s what life-giving sex does.”

Leaving the hotel and seeing flocks of waiting Turks, I was a little puzzled. Among them, greased and elegant, I could not identify mine. Well, to hell with him, he’ll do just fine. When he appeared, I was a little freaked out and had a hard time recognizing him - classic Turkish hairstyle, white shoes with long toes, covered in rhinestones from head to toe, shirt collar raised, eagle on the back. “Elvis is alive...” a friend said quietly behind me, then added “is it his birthday today?” It was funny to see how in one second my friend’s macho man appeared on the other side of the street when he saw that a man was with us, i.e. our best friend. Even shouts after “Stop! This is our brother! they didn't return it. The friend became sad. My massager didn’t have the money to enter Inferno, and when he saw that I wasn’t going to pay for it, he also retreated.

The friend turned out to be a persistent girl and the next day, having drunk champagne for courage, she again headed to the same bathhouse. There, without bothering too much, she pointed her finger at her macho man and said “let him do it!” In short, the experiment was a success for her too.

In the evening we had a double date. The boys invited us to their home, caught a taxi, rushed to the store, bought everything they needed (Turkish chips suck!). We were a little confused, but agreed that this would be an ethnic expedition. On the way, they argued with someone on their cell phone for a long time. As I understand it, they were kicking someone out of the camp, which they were trying to pass off as their own. And here we are somewhere in a godforsaken quarter, where there are practically no shops or tourists. The apartment was okay, but it turned out that some dude was sleeping on the balcony. About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, and about 8 Turks came in one by one... I won’t describe what and how many thoughts came to me at that moment, it wasn’t very pleasant. However, the people turned out to be cultured - they said hello and quietly went into another room. We didn’t want to stay there, and the boys had to lead us to their real home. God, how they live! A dilapidated two-story shack with a life-threatening staircase, two tiny rooms, no kitchen, toilet or water, a mess all around. They apologized for a long time, but the situation was saved by a huge balcony with a bunch of pillows overlooking the mountains and an orange garden. We settled in there and spent a very soulful evening drinking beer. By the way, they don’t shine at all in sex. Nothing to do with massage! We were even somehow disappointed. And they’re kind of tired, it’s obvious they’re crushing so many women’s bodies every day. But they turned out to be very pleasant to talk to, caring and correct. As soon as we wanted to go home, they called a taxi and took us to the hotel.

Why am I doing all this? There are just so many people who are dissatisfied with the fact that Russian girls are messing around with Turks. Personally, I love this country and people, and a beach and party vacation without some kind of affair is not so interesting to me personally. It’s somehow scary to go somewhere with a Turk you don’t know well, and the result is not guaranteed. And here everything is decent - the girl went for a massage, no bullshit, and by the way it’s safer. But next time I won’t go there. For me, the whole thrill is in the moment of getting closer and overcoming the barrier, and you can’t step into the same river twice. So I’m wondering, is this like this everywhere in Turkey or do I only come across horny massage therapists? Next, see the beginning about the code of conduct and signs. Thanks to all. By the way, in 5 days I have a new Turkish expedition: P

To the page "Impressions of Turkey"
to exchange travel experiences in Turkey

Russian tourists checked into this hotel. The guide talked about the hotel, excursions and rules of behavior at the hotel, food regime. Everyone recommended visiting the Turkish bath - Hamam:
- On the very first day upon arrival, you must go to the hammam, they will clean you there, they will exfoliate your whole body, remove old skin with a special glove, apply foam, and give you a professional massage of the whole body. After this, you will tan quickly and will not burn, unless, of course, you use sunscreen. Take the bronze ones home and everyone will envy you. Children will get a free foam massage; they are not allowed to peel. There are fish in an aquarium where you can sit with your feet in it and the fish will exfoliate your feet.
Those interested signed up for the hammam.

Tatiana's story.
In the summer, the Galkin family went on vacation to Turkey and Tatyana thought that here her husband Valery would have time and energy for his wife, but alas, Tatyana was in a “bummer.” He was constantly rushing to his room to literally sleep. Tatyana constantly walked around the hotel alone, on the beach her husband sunbathed again and slept, sometimes swam, if he wasn’t sitting at the bar with freebies
cold beer.
Towards the end of their vacation, Valery signed his wife up for a series of massages. He himself did not like massages, but he knew how much Tatyana adored them. Tatyana really liked the massages and this massage made her very excited.

Tatyana is a married girl who loves her husband, but there is one drawback in their relationship - her husband does not know how to show his feelings. He loves her very much, Tatyana knows for sure, but as for “caressing her,” he always has no time, he is always at work and tired. Even to get him into bed “not for sleeping,” the girl has to show all her feminine tricks. In response to her kisses and hugs, she always hears only one thing: “Don’t bother me, I’m working.” She has already repeatedly told him that it is she who is not happy with their relationship, but he always says that she is doing nonsense.

How strange it is that a young massage therapist named Kanul noticed her excitement, but only dared to take advantage of this situation on her third visit to him. At first, desire washed over her, and then the woman’s sense of conscience overcame her, and things didn’t come to anything.
Arriving at her husband’s room, Tatyana once said:
- Maybe I shouldn’t go to massages anymore? It seems like I feel good and I don’t need any more, I guess?
Valery did not know anything about her arousal from the massage therapist and replied:
- I need to get it to you, I’ve already paid for all the sessions.

The next day they were supposed to go on an excursion, Tatyana could not sleep all night and kept tormented - how is this possible, this masseur, massages...
Tatiana spent half a day on the excursion sleepy and exhausted. After the excursion, she again had to go for a massage. This time she could no longer restrain herself under the skillful hands of Kanul, and not only her, as she later found out.

Tatyana’s conscience no longer tormented her so much, apparently one sleepless night was enough for this. She experienced two days of passion, tenderness and love that she had been missing for so long. She left him her coordinates so she could correspond on the Internet.
Tatyana was sitting at the bar near the pool and drinking a cocktail, next to her sat the “Gestrelation” girl from the reception and drinking coffee. The husband was lying on a sun lounger by the pool. A woman, who looked to be about 50 years old, approached the bar with a teenage girl, about 12 years old. She took the girl a Sprite and ordered vodka with Red Bull for herself and said to the girl:
- You go to the pool for a swim, I’m going for a massage now, I’ll be gone for 1 hour, look, be careful in the water.
Tatyana asked:
- Excuse me, are you going for a massage? Who do you go to? I also go for massages.
The woman looked at Tatyana appraisingly and, after thinking something, replied:
- I go to Abdullah. And you?
- I'm going to Kanul.
“Ufff, thank God,” that woman exhaled.
- What's happened? - Tatyana didn’t understand.
- Yes, I fell in love with one massage therapist, Abdullah. I'm thinking about divorcing my husband.
- What are you talking about? Is everything really that bad with your husband? What is your name? I'm Tatyana.
- And I'm Claudia. Yes, my husband is a goat, he doesn’t pay attention to me, I think he walks to the left.
- So here everyone is like that, every day new girls come, they are tempted...
- No, Abdullah is not like that. He only loves me.
- How old is he? And you?
- He is 28 years old, and I am 30 years old.
Tatyana looked at her interlocutor and thought: “He’s lying, he’s an infection, it’s clear that he’s 50 years old, no less.” But she said:
- I wouldn’t have thought that you were 30, I thought you were older.
“Everyone is young on vacation,” answered Claudia.
- Well, the Turks want young and beautiful people, but we are no longer girls - “pretty girls”.
“No, Abdul said that he wants to marry me,” Claudia presses her point of view.
Here the “Gestrelation” girl couldn’t stand it, she heard the whole conversation and intervened in the conversation:
- Don't mess with him. Don't think that he is such an angel, the whole hotel knows him. He is a genetic freak, he is a bastard of a rare breed, he takes photographs of women’s private parts, and then shows them to everyone around the hotel. He's really sick in the head. Even the staff at the hotel doesn’t greet him.
- You don’t understand, he kisses my fingers, even on my toes, he can’t touch anyone except me, and you know, he asked me to buy his season for 12,000 euros, since he simply won’t be able to touch anymore to other women! He will die if he has to give massages to others and touch their bodies, at a time when he only thinks about me. And his boss confirmed this to me, and said that he could lose the most first-class massage therapist because of his love for me. - Claudia defended her position.
- Well, of course, here you immediately want to believe in “love”, for 12,000 euros. “He wants money from you,” said the girl from the reception.
They also talked about the selfish plans of Klava’s suitor, but they failed to convince the woman:
“I’ll stick to my opinion, okay, I went on a date for a massage with my beloved,” and Claudia left.

After the Galkin family left, life went on as usual, but only Tatyana began to correspond with the boy-masseur. Although not everything was as usual, she wanted to go to him again. He really disappeared, he didn’t know Russian, but he understood a lot, so
They corresponded with the help of his friend.
2 months after the trip with her husband, Tatyana insisted on another trip to Turkey. Already alone and just to meet her massage therapist. She spent all nights with him, but he fell in love with her very much and wants Tatyana to become his wife. He really wanted her to give birth to a child, and tried to make one for her. When she left, Kanul was upset, he even cried
rolled on my cheek.

Tatyana corresponds with the massage therapist, he wants her to come to him and start their own family. Tatyana seems to have decided that she wants to stay with her husband, because most likely she will not be able to live in Turkey the way they live. But he doesn’t know how to write to the Turkish woman that she will not become his wife. She feels so sorry for him. He is very serious, he is 27 years old and he already wants to start a family. And he wants to start a family with Tatyana.

Claudia, arriving for a massage, saw another young girl, her name was Nastya, who came for the first time to a session, but to a different massage therapist. They changed clothes together in the women's stall. Claudia immediately went for a massage, she was met by her beloved Turk. The girl was invited to the sauna to warm up, and to the hammam for cleaning. She left there satisfied:
- What a bathhouse! Very useful and very cool. I didn’t expect, however, that they would take off my bra and wrap my panties up to the “I can’t” part. Mustafa the bathhouse attendant, so funny all the time
He said: “Allah, Allah.” I'm also afraid of tickling.
After the foam and water treatments, the girl went for a massage.
A Russian-speaking Turkish massage therapist rubs oil over Nastya’s body and for some reason starts the massage from the legs, and not from the collar area, as is customary in Russia, asks Nastya:
- What is your name?
- Nastya.
- And how old are you? Is your job sedentary or often walking? You have a lot of stress, you need to get massages.
- I’m 25, yes, the job is mostly standing, I work as a salesperson.
- Do you have a husband? Children?
- Yes, I have a husband, no children yet.
Nastya, not suspecting anything wrong, answers the questions, thinking that this relates to her health. And he feels that the masseur has unbuttoned the top of his swimsuit and thinks: “Well, that’s probably how it should be. Oh, why touch the chest so deeply... and why the inner thigh, it’s generally prohibited in massage...”
The girl lies on her stomach, her arms are crossed above her head, and suddenly she feels something elastic and obviously huge in size rubbing against them with all her might. Nastya raises her head, and in front of her face is a huge male “thing”... the likes of which she has never seen in her modest experience... In horror, she jumps up from the couch, trying to fasten her swimsuit as she goes...
- Where are you going, I haven’t finished the massage yet.
Nastya ran out of the office like a bullet and on the way cursed herself for not knowing the Turkish language, not knowing how and to whom to complain about the “arthropod” massage therapist, after all, not all Turks understand English, and how can you express those in English? the feelings she experienced then in Russian!

Having run out, Nastya went to complain about this massage therapist, she was offered another massage therapist, Mehmet. She agreed, the money was paid. She left the massage therapist very happy and satisfied. Apparently the massage therapist tried, so as not to tarnish his reputation, to work off the sins of others. Nastya signed up with him for a series of massages.

She later told other women:
- Mehmet gives the best massage. Turkish guys are ready to do anything for you, they have absolutely no complexes, not like our Russian guys. When it comes to sex, Turks are completely liberated.
I still remember it with pleasure for 3 weeks now. The girls, it’s true, are pestering. But how skillfully! Breathtaking! All erotic fantasies came true. Beautiful, there are simply no words. It’s not for nothing that our women go to the Turks, it’s not for nothing. Every time I came for a massage, I always came up with something new and every time I invited her somewhere in the evening, at least to drink coffee. I explained - I’m with my husband, it doesn’t matter. While my husband was pumping himself up with Turkish swill, I was getting maximum pleasure. I recommend it to everyone, great pleasure. I understand, of course, that everything depends on the staff themselves, but I was very lucky with this.

Nastya left, but the flow of new tourists does not dry up. Of these, another woman is Nyura.

The story of Nyura.
The Barinko family came on vacation with their child. We went for two weeks in order to somehow refresh family relationships; they had been together for 10 years and the relationship began to fade away.
After an advertisement for a hotel guide, Nyura decided to go to the hammam, but before that she decided to consult with those who already go for massages and personally see the professionalism of the massage therapists. She came to the hammam and saw a happy Claudia there, lying on a sunbed after a massage and drinking tea.
- Hello! Who speaks Russian here?
“Yes, there are, but they are having massages now,” Claudia answered.
-Are you already after the massage?
- Yes, I have a massage session.
- And I just wanted to get some advice, is it worth going?
- Yes, of course it’s worth it! They do very well. If there are problems, they will give you another massage therapist. Now there was a girl, she didn’t like it, so they gave her another one, she left happy.
- Well, then I’ll sign up too, but who should I sign up with?
- And there’s a guy sitting there, he doesn’t understand Russian, he only speaks English. If you want I will help you if you don't speak English.
“Yes, I know a little English, but if you want, then please,” answered Nyura.
Claudia called the guy, and he signed her up for 10 massage sessions, starting tomorrow. Claudia made sure that Nyura did not end up with her beloved Turk. Nyura got a 25-year-old massage therapist named Zahid.

The next day, Nyura came every day for massages. The first couple of massages she just lay there, enjoying herself, the masseur didn’t even talk to her. He didn’t know Russian well and therefore was embarrassed when he tried to say something. Then Nyura began to ask him about Turkey, about his work, about his family. For a couple of more massages, they occasionally talked with him about this and that, as much as possible. He taught her some Turkish words, and she taught him Russian.
On the fifth massage, Nyura felt that the massage technique had somehow changed, he held her hand so tightly and looked intently into her eyes that she felt dizzy. Zahid began to massage some erotic points that Nyura flew away somewhere, she felt very pleased, and she immediately experienced an orgasm. The masseur saw this and smiled. Nyura was ashamed that she could not resist.

After that, Nyura went on the Internet and began to study the behavior of Turkish men, where she read that everything was going towards the same thing. At the next massage he asked:
-Can we meet in the evening?
Nyura replied:
- Of course not! I'm married. I have a husband here.
After that, she decided not to go for massages anymore, so as not to tempt herself. But after a couple of days I had a very strong quarrel with my husband and decided: “I was there, I wasn’t, but I’ll meet this Turk.” Nyura came for a massage again, and he again invited her to meet in the evening. She agreed. In the evening they went with him to a nearby cafe, drank coffee and talked. Zahid seemed to her to be quite well-mannered and not stupid. There were no advances or hints. He told about himself:
- I’ve been working as a massage therapist for the second year, I rent an apartment with my friends, and during the off-season I live with my parents, sisters and brother in a small village. I served in the army and went to college. I want to work as a massage therapist for one more year, and then I will look for a more stable job.
- Do you have many women per season? - asked Nyura.
The guy was embarrassed, but answered:
- A little, but it happens. I'm a young guy, I haven't met my only girlfriend yet, and I can afford to spend time for my own pleasure.
So they met a couple more times, and she was pleased with his company, and then Nyura thought: “Just flirting! A little romance! I’ll leave and won’t remember!”
When there were two days left before departure, Nyura and Zahid were walking on the shore and somehow imperceptibly began to kiss and hug. He suggested going to the house of his cousin, who and his wife had gone to their parents. She agreed. They came, sat, drank coffee, and of course had sex. The sex was wonderful. She had never had sex like this in all her years. She didn’t even have this with her husband. It’s a shame, of course, the Turks know their business, and women are so pliable and weak at the front.
Afterwards he accompanied Nyura to the hotel. The next day everything happened again. He said that he would like her to come next year, but not to a hotel, but to him, in a separate apartment. Nyura then laughed, saying:
- We are adults and must understand that this was not serious, and we are unlikely to meet again.

But when a bus arrived at the hotel, taking them to the airport, Nyura realized that she was caught up in a love story. She wanted to run away, hide and stay in Turkey. Upon arrival home, she texted him that she had arrived and everything was fine. He called her, then they began to correspond. All this time Nyura was going crazy, she really wanted to see him, but she was silent, afraid of looking stupid.
Slowly their correspondence became loving, tender and pleasant, never vulgar. One day he asked:
- If you end up with me, how will your family react?
- Time will tell, I will never abandon my child.
“Have you thought about it well, do you understand what you’re getting into if you decide to come to me?”
- We need to make the right decision, I don’t know yet.
He agreed with her.
- I know that all Turkish men need one thing: sex and money from foreign women, isn’t that right?
“You insulted me with these words, and if you think so, then we need to stop communicating.” All people are different, one size does not fit everyone, love and family well-being cannot be bought with money. “I love you with all my heart,” Zahid said.
- Well, I'm sorry, don't be offended.
Nyura apologized, but he was still offended, although he said that everything was “ok”.
Nyura's husband guessed everything, because she walked around the house like a ghost with glass eyes, only her daughter could bring her out of this state. Husband said:
- You'll lose your temper and everything will be forgotten.
Nyura did not expect such a reaction from him. She was confused.

Nyura finds no place for herself, all thoughts are only about him. He sits all day long, thinking about what, and how, what the right thing to do. She tries to find flaws in him in order to get him out of her head, but she understands that it is difficult to find flaws in a person who is 4000 km away from her. He really wants to go to his Turk, but he understands that if he leaves, he will completely lose his family, and if he doesn’t leave, he won’t understand - this is love, passion, then he will definitely regret it. That's why the Turks are so catchy? It's been gut wrenching for over a month now. I would like to forget everything, but I can’t. I’ve never been known for being frivolous, but here I don’t recognize myself.

Do you know what hamam is? This is not at all what we are now offered everywhere in any fitness center, it’s not even close to comparable! If you still haven’t enjoyed a bath in Turkey, now I’ll tell you how we went to a real hammam.

You can immediately see if you are a novice tourist - your pale skin color will immediately spot you in the crowd and the beach barkers and guides will begin their attack. Therefore, as soon as we checked into a hotel in Kemer, we were immediately invited to visit a hammam in Turkey. They said that the tan after the bath would be much better and last longer. We delayed this a little and went to the hammam already tanned. At first we were more drawn to boat trips than to some trip to the sauna. Don't repeat our mistakes, friends. If you want to get 100 percent benefit from the hammam, go to it as soon as you set foot on Turkish soil)

Our reviews about hammam in Turkey

You will be offered an excursion to the Turkish hammam at the hotel or in a special bathhouse building with a dome. We were taken to a hammam located at the hotel, I didn’t remember the name. And this is not so important - SPA events held in Turkish baths are the same everywhere.

How much does a hammam cost in Turkey?

Hammam in Turkey, guides at the hotel are worth 50 dollars in street agencies and when booking online - 20 dollars, if you go to the bathhouse yourself it will be even cheaper, they charge only 10 $. As you understand, an independent hike does not imply a transfer, whereas when booking through Sputnik, for example, a taxi will come to pick you up at your hotel.

A typical Turkish hammam includes:

  • soapy massage
  • peeling
  • oil massage
  • face mask
  • a glass of tea

You must endure high temperatures, because in the steam room the air warms up to 50 degrees, and the humidity reaches 100 percent.

The entire washing procedure is divided in stages, so I will describe to you the hammam in Turkey in the same order as we went through it. The bathhouse is not divided into male and female halves, so you need to come to the hammam in a swimsuit. By the way, they will wash you in it, so it is advisable to wear a bikini.

Warming up in the Russian sauna

First we were invited to the sauna for 30 minutes. It is similar to our steam rooms - completely covered with wooden panels, the floors are made in the form of wide sun loungers. There are stones on which you can apply heat from a ladle. But we didn’t want to do this, since the sauna was already completely hot. Finally, when the sweat was pouring out like a hail and we already wanted to run away from there ourselves, a half-naked Turk invited us to the hammam.

Hamam in Turkey

It was a large room, completely tiled with marble. In the middle of the room there was a huge rectangular lounger. We were asked to lie down on this table with our stomachs down and rest. Marble gets very hot, so it’s nice to lie on a warm stone, but after the sauna we were tired and almost fell asleep.

Because of the steam, I couldn’t see anything in the hammam; I was almost falling asleep. Then I realize that someone is starting to rub my back. It turns out that the Turks came and started a soapy massage. Each visitor, and there were three of us in the hammam, was entitled to a personal soaper. Essentially, this massage is a washing procedure. Take a mitten made of horsehair, lather it heavily and rub it all over the body from the top of the head to the heels. After such peeling, the skin becomes smooth and renewed - which is what the guides talk about when they advise going to the hammam.

The feeling of being washed like a child - every finger and fold of your body - is simply divine. Of course, at first I couldn’t relax. After all, I was touched by a strange man, a young Turk, but then I saw my husband lying calmly next to me and enjoying the procedure - I also relaxed. I don’t think that these men, through whose hands hundreds of such tourists pass, have dirty thoughts creeping into their minds. You wouldn't wish it on your enemy to work all day in such heat.

The soapy massage lasted about half an hour, although at that moment I was as if in a dream. The hot air of the steam room, the heated lounger, covered in soap foam, and your hands slide over your body... Although you are lying in a swimsuit at this moment, the procedure still seems intimate. I woke up from a kiss - my husband woke me up this way. It turns out we had already been washed and were offered to go for another massage. It was not easy to get up; after the hammam, my legs became completely weak. Now we were separated one by one and each went to his own room.

Oil massage in Turkish hammam

This type of massage was also performed by a Turkish man. In a small room there was a sun lounger covered with a Turkish towel. Here, instead of soap, warm, delicious-smelling oil is applied to the entire body. I don't like the impact on my body and usually I feel pain during a massage, especially on my back. But then either I found a skilled massage therapist, or my body relaxed after the hammam - I happily spent the entire massage) The procedure lasted about half an hour. My husband’s massage was done much faster, and he was still waiting for me outside the door.

Rejuvenation mask

At the end of the oil massage, the Turkish man applied a mask with some kind of mixture to his face. It looked like clay, but we were assured that it was healing mud that had a rejuvenating effect. The effect of the mask could be assessed after 10 minutes. But since we were already squeaky clean, we didn’t really see the effect of the mask on the face.

Turkish tea

The final stage of the spa treatments was a pleasant relaxation on the couches with aromatic tea. The tea was hot and fragrant with the smell of tangerines.

A transfer will take us back to the hotel, which also took us to the bathhouse. Two hours later, the taxi driver was already waiting for us at the exit. So don’t be afraid to buy a hammam excursion in Turkey from local barkers, their service will not let you down. By the way, as it turned out, the guides did not lie about the fact that after the hammam you will have a beautiful tan. We returned home so chocolatey that passersby turned to look at us for a long time.

Turkish massage is a type of bath massage. It has become widespread in the countries of Asia Minor and Central Asia. Currently, it is very popular in Russia. Turkish massage has absorbed a large number of different techniques and elements that were borrowed from the peoples conquered by the Arabs, and is considered a carrier of massage culture from West to East and vice versa. The musical accompaniment of national (Turkish) music gives Turkish massage a special flavor.

Classic Turkish massage

Originated in Turkey, it is carried out using massage oils. Used for relaxation and improvement of skin structure, as well as for figure modeling. The duration of the session is 50 minutes.

Turkish soap massage with peeling

This type of massage is very popular. The session is carried out on a heated table, with the person being massaged on his back, his head lying in a shallow vessel with cool water. A ritual of ablution is carried out, then the massage therapist uses a hard washcloth or glove (kisa) to exfoliate in a circular motion through thick soapy foam. This type of massage is used to superficially cleanse the skin of keratinized particles of epithelium, improve its structure and tone. It also helps to relax, improves the condition of rheumatic diseases, muscle pain, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and also after physical activity.

Profitable SPA tour to Turkey from Tour Operator SAN-TOUR, Gloria Serenity Resort 5* hotel

One of the best hotels in Turkey. Green landscaped area, polite staff, delicious varied food, excellent modern rooms. High level SPA center. Hotel guests can use all the services of the Gloria Verde Resort and Gloria Golf Resort. A decent hotel for a relaxing family holiday with children.

Turkish SRA-Relax massage

SPA-Relax massage is based on Turkish classical massage. It is most often used for relaxation, meditation and rest. This type of massage is an excellent addition to bath procedures. It can be carried out in a hammam, Russian bath, sauna or thermal bath. During the session, calm music should be played to promote relaxation. The room should be darkened; candles and oriental incense are also ideal. Typically a session of this massage lasts about an hour.

Turkish Sultan massage

Sultan massage is named after the title of the Muslim secular ruler. It is also based on Turkish classical massage. This type is performed by two massage therapists. Depending on the client’s wishes, these can be two girls or two men. This type of massage is intended for relaxation and improvement of skin structure. The duration of the session is 50 minutes.

Turkish classic foot massage

Foot or classic pedal massage is based on the technique of the Turkish national school of massage. It is used in fitness centers, SPA centers and bathhouses (hammam, thermal bath). It is carried out on the floor. A hard mat or tatami is also suitable for this. Foot massage techniques affect various parts of the spine and large muscles. To perform all massage techniques, you must have support. The massage therapist can use a bamboo stick, bars or rings as support. The weight of the massage therapist should be comfortable for the client. Before starting the massage session, the client must warm up well in the hammam. The impact of the legs on his body is carried out through a sheet or towel. After the end of the session, the client should rest or even sleep for a while. The average session duration is 20-30 minutes.

Cleopatra massage

It is also held in the hammam. In a Turkish bath, a person sweats, all the pores open up. Then the massage therapist begins to rub algae into the client's skin. They contain a large number of various vitamins, amino acids, phytohormones, minerals, salts and other useful substances. This helps to moisturize the skin, restores its elasticity, and improves its natural structure. This type of massage also helps strengthen the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin and soothes it. Suitable for all skin types. Along with algae, various types of fruit juices, vegetable and aromatic oils are also used. This massage helps get rid of local swelling and cellulite, promotes detoxification, and reduces excess belly fat.

Turkish massage Aloe Vera

This massage is performed in a Turkish bath or massage parlor. It uses a mixture of honey and aloe vera essence. It is suitable for all skin types. The vitamins and minerals contained in the mixture have anti-aging properties. Aloe vera helps moisturize the skin and eliminates small wrinkles. It is especially recommended for clients to protect their tan.

Profitable tour to Turkey (Antalya) from Tour Operator SAN-TOUR, Kervansaray Lara 5* hotel

Original hotel design in the high-tech style of the 21st century. The main building materials are glass, metal and plastic. In the huge hall, about 500 meters long, guests will be surprised by flat-panel monitors built into the floor, showing MTV programs. Glass-walled corridors open onto the courtyard. An original laser show in a special pool, “singing” fountains. Large, not very green area, good food and service. Huge congress center. 6 tennis courts, mini golf, basketball court.

Probably the first thing you will hear about when you arrive in Turkey is the hammam, caring guides will assure you that the first thing you should do in Turkey is the hammam, and the tan will lie better, and the body will be beautiful and smooth and the body will be cleansed, in short, there are only advantages and Of course, on the second day (having paid 40 dollars before) I ran to the hammam.

A hammam is a Turkish steam room in which the air temperature is about 30-50 degrees, the humidity is about 100%. Ideal for those who cannot tolerate high temperatures. Warm steam saturates the body with moisture, opens pores, and cleanses the entire body. The entire steam room is covered with marble, there is a marble table in the middle and everything is like a fog...

I went to the procedure with my husband, at that moment he was sitting next to me steaming, and a young Turk was casting a spell on me (I also remember my friend telling me, take a woman, but I thought, what do I need a woman for, it’s better to have a man).

In short, before entering the hammam itself, we were told to steam in a Russian steam room for about 30 minutes, then we came to the hammam, a young Turk laid me on a marble table, doused me with a bucket of water (warm), took a rag mitten, almost smooth, with invisible pimples, and began to rub my entire body, starting with my feet, after a few minutes, he asked me to run my hand over the skin (Oh God, how much dirt was on me) (at that moment I realized why there was such dim lighting) When he wiped off all the dirt, he again he poured several buckets of water on me to wash it all off, apparently, and began to whip up foam in the bucket with some kind of sheet. Then he took out this sheet, ran it over me, and voila, in one moment I was all covered in foam, so pleasant and thick, and he began to massage, without directly washing off the foam, but adding it periodically. The sensations are simply amazing, hands sliding over the body, warm air, airy foam.... BUT I was never able to appreciate all this, because I couldn’t relax at all (and as it turned out, I’m terribly complex) I kept thinking about what kind of dirty thoughts the young Turk had, although he didn’t do anything like that at all, but my imagination is all I did it for him, and despite the fact that my husband was nearby, I still kept thinking about the fact that another man was groping me.

And then it got even worse, they took me to a massage room, where there was another young Turk, and my husband was no longer allowed there, and imagine after the steam room they apply oil to your body, give you a good massage, and like a fool I again can’t relax and think about the dirty thoughts of a young Turk...

In short, the essence is this, dear ladies, if you are the same suspicious and complex person like me (although I always thought that I was OK with this), then take a woman for these procedures, and relax and get incredible pleasure. After these procedures, I felt like a piece of washcloth, all such clean, relaxed, fragrant, amazingly smooth skin, and inside I was happy that this pawing of me by someone else’s hands was over :) All this lasted about two hours.

The tan after this procedure lay down just perfectly, evenly, with a beautiful golden color, and did not wash off for much longer.

About other salon procedures: