Analysis of typical errors when solving problems in a school mathematics course: equations, trigonometry, planimetry. Quadratic inequalities

Before you figure it out, how to solve quadratic inequality, let's look at what kind of inequality is called quadratic.


Inequality is called square, if the highest (largest) degree of the unknown “x” is equal to two.

Let's practice identifying the type of inequality using examples.

How to solve quadratic inequality

In previous lessons we looked at how to solve linear inequalities. But unlike linear inequalities, quadratic inequalities are solved in a completely different way.


It is impossible to solve a quadratic inequality in the same way as a linear one!

To solve the quadratic inequality, a special method is used, which is called interval method.

What is the interval method

Interval method is a special method for solving quadratic inequalities. Below we will explain how to use this method and why it got its name.


To solve a quadratic inequality using the interval method:

We understand that the rules described above are difficult to understand only in theory, so we will immediately consider an example of solving a quadratic inequality using the algorithm above.

We need to solve a quadratic inequality.

Now, as stated in, let's draw “arches” over the intervals between the marked points.

Let's put signs inside the intervals. Alternating from right to left, starting with “+”, we mark the signs.

All we have to do is execute, that is, select the required intervals and write them down as an answer. Let's return to our inequality.

Since in our inequality “ x 2 + x − 12 ", which means we need negative intervals. Let's shade all the negative areas on the number line and write them down as an answer.

There was only one negative interval, which is located between the numbers “−3" and "4", so we will write it in the answer as a double inequality

Let us write down the resulting answer of the quadratic inequality.

Answer: −3

By the way, it is precisely because when solving a quadratic inequality we consider the intervals between numbers that the interval method got its name.

After receiving the answer, it makes sense to check it to make sure the decision is correct.

Let's choose any number that is in the shaded area of ​​the received answer " −3" and substitute it instead of "x" in the original inequality. If we get a correct inequality, then we have found the answer to the quadratic inequality correctly.

Take, for example, the number “0” from the interval. Let's substitute it into the original inequality “x 2 + x − 12”.

X 2 + x − 12
0 2 + 0 − 12 −12 (correct)

We obtained the correct inequality when substituting a number from the solution area, which means the answer was found correctly.

Brief recording of the solution using the interval method

An abbreviated form of the solution to the quadratic inequality “ x 2 + x − 12 "by the interval method will look like this:

X 2 + x − 12
x 2 + x − 12 = 0

x 1 =
1+ 7
x 2 =
1 − 7
x 1 =
x 2 =
x 1 =
1+ 1
x 2 =
1 − 1
x 1 =
x 2 =
x 1 =
x 2 = 0
Answer: x ≤ 0 ; x ≥

Consider an example where there is a negative coefficient in front of “x 2” in the quadratic inequality.

Introduction… ……………………………………………………… 3

1. Classification of errors with examples…………………………… .…… …5

1.1. Classification by types of tasks…… ……………………… … ……….5

1.2. Classification by types of transformations……………………………10

2. Tests………………………………………………….… .………………….12

3. Protocols of decisions……………… ……….….………………… ………… 18

3.1. Protocols of incorrect decisions……………………………………… 18

3.2. Answers (protocols of correct decisions)………………………………….34

3.3. Errors made in decisions…………………………………… 51

Appendix……………………….…………………………………………… 53



“You learn from mistakes,” says folk wisdom. But in order to learn a lesson from a negative experience, you first need to see the mistake. Unfortunately, a student is often unable to detect it when solving a particular problem. As a result, the idea arose to conduct a study, the purpose of which was to identify typical mistakes made by students, as well as classify them as completely as possible.

As part of this study, a large set of problems from the April testing options, tests and written assignments for entrance exams at Omsk State University, various manuals and collections of tasks for applicants to universities were reviewed and solved, and materials from the correspondence school at the Omsk State University Faculty of Philosophy were carefully studied. The obtained data was subjected to detailed analysis, while much attention was paid to the logic of decisions. Based on these data, the most frequently made mistakes, that is, typical ones, were identified.

Based on the results of this analysis, an attempt was made to systematize typical errors and classify them by types of transformations and types of problems, among which the following were considered: quadratic inequalities, systems of inequalities, fractional rational equations, equations with a modulus, irrational equations, systems of equations, motion problems, work problems and labor productivity, trigonometric equations , systems trigonometric equations, planimetry.

The classification is accompanied by an illustration in the form of incorrect decision protocols, which makes it possible to help schoolchildren develop the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find errors and ways to eliminate them.

The next stage was working with tests. For each problem, five possible answers were proposed, of which one was correct and the other four were incorrect, but they were not taken at random, but corresponded to a solution in which a specific error, standard for problems of this type, was made. This provides a basis for predicting the degree of “severity” of an error and the development of basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization). The tests have the following structure:

Error codes are divided into three types: OK - the correct answer, a digital code - an error from the classification by type of task, a letter code - an error from the classification by type of transformation. Their decoding can be found in Chapter 1. Classification of errors with examples.

Next, tasks were proposed to find an error in the solution. These materials were used when working with students of the correspondence school at the NOF Omsk State University, as well as in advanced training courses for teachers in Omsk and the Omsk region, conducted by the NOF Omsk State University.

In the future, based on the work done, it is possible to create a system for monitoring and assessing the level of knowledge and skills of the test taker. It becomes possible to identify problem areas in work, record successful methods and techniques, and analyze what content of training is appropriate to expand. But for these methods to be most effective, student interest is required. For this purpose, I, together with Chubrik A.V. and a small software product was developed that generates incorrect solutions of linear and quadratic equations(theoretical basis and algorithms - me and Chuubrik A.V., assistance in implementation - student MP-803 Filimonov M.V.). Working with this program gives the student the opportunity to act as a teacher whose student is the computer.

The results obtained can serve as the beginning of a more serious study, which in the near and long term will be able to make the necessary adjustments to the mathematics teaching system.


1.1. Classification by task types

1. Algebraic equations and inequalities.

1.1. Quadratic inequalities. Systems of inequalities:

1.1.1. The roots of the quadratic trinomial were found incorrectly: Vieta's theorem and the formula for finding the roots were incorrectly used;

1.1.2. The graph of a quadratic trinomial is shown incorrectly;

1.1.3. The values ​​of the argument at which the inequality is satisfied are incorrectly defined;

1.1.4. Division by an expression containing an unknown quantity;

1.1.5. In systems of inequalities, the intersection of solutions to all inequalities is incorrectly taken;

1.1.6. Ends of intervals are incorrectly included or not included in the final answer;

1.1.7. Rounding.

1.2. Fractional rational equations:

1.2.1. The ODZ is incorrectly indicated or not indicated: it is not taken into account that the denominator of the fraction should not be equal to zero;

ODZ: .

1.2.2. When receiving a response, DZ is not taken into account;

Sections: Mathematics

Class: 9

A mandatory learning outcome is the ability to solve inequalities of the form:

ax 2 + bx+ c ><0

based on a schematic graph of a quadratic function.

Most often, students make mistakes when solving quadratic inequalities with a negative first coefficient. In such cases, the textbook suggests replacing the inequality with an equivalent one with a positive coefficient at x 2 (example No. 3). It is important that students understand that they need to “forget” about the original inequality; to solve the problem, they need to draw a parabola with branches pointing upward. One can argue differently.

Let's say we need to solve the inequality:

–x 2 + 2x –5<0

First, let's find out whether the graph of the function y=-x 2 +2x-5 intersects the OX axis. To do this, let's solve the equation:

The equation has no roots, therefore, the graph of the function y=-x 2 +2x-5 is located entirely below the X-axis and the inequality -x 2 +2x-5<0 выполняется при любых значения Х. Необходимо показать учащимся оба способа решения и разрешить пользоваться любым из них.

The ability to solve is developed on No. 111 and No. 119. It is imperative to consider the following inequalities x 2 +5>0, -x 2 -3≤0; 3x 2 >0 etc.

Of course, when solving such inequalities, you can use a parabola. However, strong students should give answers immediately without resorting to drawing. In this case, it is necessary to require explanations, for example: x 2 ≥0 and x 2 +7>0 for any values ​​of x. Depending on the level of preparation of the class, you can limit yourself to these numbers or use No. 120 No. 121. In them it is necessary to perform simple identical transformations, so here the material covered will be repeated. These rooms are designed for strong students. If a good result is achieved and solving quadratic inequalities does not cause any problems, then you can ask students to solve a system of inequalities in which one or both inequalities are quadratic (exercise 193, 194).

It is interesting not only to solve quadratic inequalities, but also where else this solution can be applied: to find the domain of definition of a function of studying a quadratic equation with parameters (exercise 122-124). For the most advanced students, you can consider quadratic inequalities with parameters of the form:

Ax 2 +Bx+C>0 (≥0)

Ax 2 +Bx+C<0 (≤0)

Where A,B,C are expressions depending on the parameters, A≠0,x are unknown.

Inequality Ax 2 +Bx+C>0

It is studied according to the following schemes:

1)If A=0, then we have linear inequality Bx+C>0

2) If A≠0 and discriminant D>0, then we can factor the square trinomial and obtain the inequality

A(x-x1) (x-x2)>0

x 1 and x 2 are the roots of the equation Ax 2 +Bx+C=0

3)If A≠0 and D<0 то если A>0 the solution will be the set of real numbers R; at A<0 решений нет.

The remaining inequalities can be studied similarly.

Can be used to solve quadratic inequalities, hence the property of the quadratic trinomial

1)If A>0 and D<0 то Ax2+Bx+C>0- for all x.

2)If A<0 и D<0 то Ax2+Bx+C<0 при всех x.

When solving a quadratic inequality, it is more convenient to use a schematic representation of the graph of the function y=Ax2+Bx+C

Example: For all parameter values, solve the inequality

X 2 +2(b+1)x+b 2 >0

D=4(b+1) 2 -4b 2 =4b 2 +8b+4-4b 2

1) D<0 т.е. 2b+1<0

The coefficient in front of x 2 is 1>0, then the inequality is satisfied for all x, i.e. X є R

2) D=0 => 2b+1=0

Then x 2 +x+¼>0

x є(-∞;-½) U (-½;∞)

3) D>0 =>2b+1>0

The roots of a square trinomial are:

X 1 =-b-1-√2b+1

X 2 =-b-1+√2b+1

The inequality takes the form

(x-x 1) (x-x 2)>0

Using the interval method we get

x є(-∞;x 1) U (x 2 ;∞)

For independent decision give the following inequality

As a result of solving inequalities, the student must understand that in order to solve inequalities of the second degree, it is proposed to abandon excessive detail in the method of constructing a graph, from finding the coordinates of the vertices of the parabola, observing the scale, and one can limit oneself to drawing a sketch of the graph of a quadratic function.

At the senior level, solving quadratic inequalities is practically not an independent task, but acts as a component of solving another equation or inequality (logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric). Therefore, it is necessary to teach students how to solve quadratic inequalities fluently. You can refer to three theorems borrowed from the textbook by A.A. Kiseleva.

Theorem 1. Let a square trinomial ax 2 +bx+c be given, where a>0, having 2 different real roots (D>0).

Then: 1) For all values ​​of the variable x less than the lesser root and greater than the greater root, the square trinomial is positive

2) For values ​​of x between the square roots, the trinomial is negative.

Theorem 2. Let a square trinomial ax 2 +bx+c be given, where a>0 having 2 identical real roots (D=0). Then for all values ​​of x different from the roots of the square trinomial, the square trinomial is positive.

Theorem 3. Let a square trinomial ax 2 +bx+c be given where a>0 having no real roots (D<0).Тогда при всех значениях x квадратный трехчлен положителен. Доказательство этих теорем приводить не надо.

For example: the inequality should be solved:


The solution is

X≤-4/3 and x≥3/2

Answer (-∞; -4/3] U

7. (-∞; 2) U (3; ∞) 7. [-4; 0]
8. [-2; 1] 8. Ø
9. [-2; 0] 9. (-∞; -4) U (-4; ∞)

The answers are placed on the reverse side and can be viewed after the allotted time has passed. It is most convenient to carry out this work at the beginning of the lesson upon a signal from the teacher. (Attention, get ready, let's start). The “Stop” command interrupts the work.

Working hours are determined depending on the level of preparation of the class. The increase in speed is an indicator of the student’s work.

The ability to solve quadratic inequalities will also be useful for students when taking the Unified State Exam. In problems of group B, tasks related to the ability to solve quadratic inequalities are increasingly encountered.

For example:

A stone is thrown vertically upward. Until the stone falls, the height at which it is located is described by the formula

(h - height in meters, t - time in seconds elapsed from the moment of the throw).

Find how many seconds the stone was at a height of at least 9 meters.

To solve it is necessary to create an inequality:

5t 2 +18t-9≥0

Answer: 2.4 s

Starting to give students examples from the Unified State Exam already in the 9th grade at the stage of studying the material, we are already preparing for the exam; solving quadratic inequalities containing a parameter makes it possible to solve problems from group C.

A non-formal approach to studying the topic in the 9th grade makes it easier to master the material in the course “Algebra and the beginnings of analysis” on such topics as “Application of the derivative” “Solving inequalities by the method of intervals” “Solving logarithmic and exponential inequalities” “Solving irrational inequalities”.

There are additional
materials in Special Section 555.
For those who are very "not very..."
And for those who “very much…”)

What's happened "quadratic inequality"? No question!) If you take any quadratic equation and replace the sign in it "=" (equal) to any inequality sign ( > ≥ < ≤ ≠ ), we get a quadratic inequality. For example:

1. x 2 -8x+12 0

2. -x 2 +3x > 0

3. x 2 4

Well, you understand...)

It’s not for nothing that I linked equations and inequalities here. The point is that the first step in solving any quadratic inequality - solve the equation from which this inequality is made. For this reason, the inability to solve quadratic equations automatically leads to complete failure in inequalities. Is the hint clear?) If anything, look at how to solve any quadratic equations. Everything is described there in detail. And in this lesson we will deal with inequalities.

The inequality ready for solution has the form: on the left is a quadratic trinomial ax 2 +bx+c, on the right - zero. The inequality sign can be absolutely anything. The first two examples are here are already ready to make a decision. The third example still needs to be prepared.

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