Who and what in Minecraft. Minecraft - Game description

It seems to me that now there is not a single person who has not heard about the Minecraft universe. Even the average person who is not interested in games indirectly knows about Minecraft. What can we say about gamers and those who are fans of the game?
But even if we play some particularly favorite game for a long time, few of us ask the question, where did it all start?
And that is why we decided to write about the history of creation.

The creator of Minecraft is Markus Persson, better known under the nickname Notch, and the game at the very beginning had a completely different name - CaveGame, which quickly changed to the one familiar to users and ears - Minecraft.

The first “build” was developed by Marcus in his free time on New Year’s Eve, and the launch into production and subsequent development took place in May 2009 at a specialized forum. At that time, there were only two blocks in the game: earth and cobblestone. The map was generated completely strangely and ugly, there was no logic visible in the world and all you could do was move and jump.

In Minecraft version 0.0.9a, released literally three days later (May 13), mobs already appeared (who were simply running around waving their arms), the ability to place and remove blocks, as well as blocks of dirt, stone and wood.

Development was very active - new blocks appeared every five days, and the capabilities of the world generator were improved and refined. In version 0.0.12a an ocean appeared surrounding the perimeter of the map and lava.

In version 0.0.14a experiments began (but ended almost immediately) with existing world- blocks of earth, stone and grass are no longer square and have a unique shape depending on the surrounding world. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any good screenshots.

Already in June 2009, the first multiplayer for the game appeared - the blocks became square again, and people playing on the same server had the same animation of a mob running and waving its arms. Beginning with 0.0.15a Notch has to choose between directions in his work on Minecraft - either improving the multiplayer component of the game, or developing the world.

Of course, development did not go as smoothly and beautifully as I am describing to you here - the game was filled with numerous bugs and errors, which, however, were corrected quite quickly - it was clear and obvious that the process of developing the game itself gives the author incredible pleasure, even after several patches with fixes and functionality for multiplayer, patches were sent for new blocks and features.

The first more or less stable release was the version 0.24 - the world in it was generated beautifully and more like modern version- many bugs have been fixed. It has become possible to collect broken blocks and place them in the inventory from below, but health, hunger and crafting itself have not yet been introduced; it will appear a little later, but also in version 0.24, just in later builds. 0.24 became a milestone in the development of Minecraft and separated the previous “creative” part from the new, “survival” part.

In fact, from version 0.24 to 0.30 the version was in active testing, this branch was called Classic and was developed from May to December 2009.

Minecraft Indev

The next version developed for only a couple of months - until February 23, 2010 and did not have build versions - all versions had the serial number 0.31
It was in this version that Notch’s crafting work began, the first recipes were created and the very concept of the world and its logical structure was thought through.

Minecraft Infdev

Beta Infdev developed a little more - 5 months until June 2010 and was more in the nature of correcting mistakes made earlier. Of course, new functionality and blocks were introduced, but not as actively as before. The world of Minecraft gradually polished and began to resemble the one we know now. Notch founded Mojang and invited his former colleagues to join him. The company rented an office and development went faster.

Alpha and Beta

It was during these periods that development learned about the game greatest number people - sales of the game amazed the imagination of the creators, and players who at least once saw the gameplay from friends or on YouTube fell in love with this magical world and became devoted fans. A gigantic community of fans was created around the game, following every step and every line of changes.

In 2014, Microsoft bought Mojang. And although this fact did not in any way affect the game or gameplay of Minecraft, the event itself remains significant.

Minecraft is like a living mechanism that has tried on many features and blocks over eight years. What will change in the Minecraft universe in the future? Will this be something drastic? There are no answers to the questions, and we can only wait for an update.

Minecraft (original name - Minecraft) is a sandbox construction game created by Markus Persson, founder of Mojang AB. He drew his inspiration when creating Minecraft both from his past projects, not particularly known to the general public, and from popular games like Dungeon Keeper. The description of the Minecraft gameplay can be formulated in one sentence: the player travels through an almost limitless 3D world, consisting of various blocks that he can destroy and create.

The game also features a unique "pixel" graphic style that is instantly memorable, although many find it unattractive at first. Minecraft is a project not about graphics, but about creativity, imagination and creation, and this is exactly the case when the game is very easy to get used to, but it takes hundreds of hours to comprehend all its depth.

How to purchase the game?

You can buy Minecraft for PC and MAC for 1,900 rubles directly on the developers’ website, immediately gaining access to all available content. There is also an official free demo version, in which the number of hours spent in the game is limited.

Game history

Minecraft development began around May 10, 2009, and pre-orders began to be accepted starting June 13, 2009. The official release date is November 18, 2011, and less than three years later, Minecraft became the best-selling PC game of the entire history of the industry. As of October 15, 2017, there were over 27 million copies sold and this number continues to grow.

One of the components of such a stunning success is the multi-platform nature of the game. And in this case, “multiple” really means many platforms! Having “taken root” on the PC, starting in 2011, Minecraft began a large-scale attack on mobile devices. First to mobile version Owners of smartphones from Sony were able to touch the games when they received Minecraft: Pocket Edition (original name - Minecraft) on August 16, 2011. Pocket Edition). And by the end of 2011, the game reached the AppStore and Google Play. The developers did not forget about the owners of devices based on Fire OS and Windows Phone, although for them Minecraft appeared much later.

In May 2012, Minecraft first appeared on consoles, debuting on the Xbox 360, instantly jumping to first place in the top sales. In December 2013, the game was released on PlayStation 3, and a little less than a year later on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Such exotic platforms in Russia as Apple TV, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo consoles were not left aside. The developers wanted to reach users of all common devices, which they did very well.

Of course, there were also dead-end branches of development, like the same version of Windows Phone, the development of which ceased at the end of 2016, but the “death” of the operating system itself was to blame for this. One of the failures was Minecraft for Raspberry Pi, which appeared at the beginning of 2013 and was conceived as a tool for novice programmers who could master “game coding” through a special API. But this idea, alas, did not gain much popularity.

The most significant milestone in the history of Minecraft was the acquisition of Mojang AB by Microsoft. This happened on September 15, 2014, and the transaction amount was 2.5 billion US dollars. This is how a seemingly unimpressive sandbox became the subject of the largest deal in the gaming industry.

At the end of January 2018, the number of copies of Minecraft sold on all available platforms was more than 144 million units. This placed the game in 2nd place on the list of best-selling games of all time in the industry. On the 1st place was Tetris, which was released in 1984 and has since sold 170 million copies worldwide.

Now Minecraft is a huge community of players who work real miracles, creating entire worlds in the game and enlivening them with their presence. The game instantly pulls you in and doesn’t let go, forcing you to dive into its depths hour after hour, block after block, developing your imagination and giving you the opportunity to realize any incredible ideas.

What is Minecraft? Today everyone knows this word, let's put our knowledge in order a little.

Minecraft is a very interesting game because you will never get tired of it and there you can play endlessly and develop more and more. Let's start with the fact that this game is the fruit of the work of the Mojang company. This company was founded in 2009 by Markus Persson, Karl Manneh and Jacob Porser. Her office is located in Stockholm. This company has released three games - Minecraft, Scrolls, Cobalt. But the most famous and popular game was Minecraft. In 2014, Mojang was bought by Microsoft. Now let's still talk about the Minecraft game. The first advantage is that this game does not require expensive video cards (video accelerators). But don't think that this is an uninteresting and boring game with 2D graphics. This game has volume.

About the game Minecraft

In this game you can start building not only small houses, but even large castles and palaces.

This game also contains animals such as sheep, wolves (which you can tame with a bone), but more on that later, or even horses

and many others.

There are also many interesting and mysterious places here, from gorges to mines with a portal to another world where you will fight a strong and terrible dragon.

Fossils such as iron, red dust (used for machinery), coal are common, and diamonds and lapis lazuli are very rare.


There are also a lot of Mobs (creatures that are constantly trying to kill you). But don’t worry, you can turn them off by pressing the ESC button on your keyboard. When you press this button, a menu will open. There you must click settings and set the difficulty to “peaceful”.

You must defend yourself from Mobs with a sword or your hands. Each sword deals damage differently. The most powerful sword is a diamond one.

All Mobs “spawn” (appear) only at night and in unlit places. They are often found in caves or mines. Mobs can also equip armor or pick up your items after you die. There are weak and strong monsters. But the strongest are in another world in Hell. You can go to hell in Minecraft by building a portal out of obsidian.

If you are going to Hell, then you need to have powerful armor that should protect you from zombie pigs and other no weaker Mobs. You can find a “Hell Fortress”, where there will be a “Hell Growth” which is used to brew potions or even an efreet spawner. If you kill an ifrit, there is a 50 percent chance that he will drop an ifrit rod. This rod is used to make a cooking stand.

Mobs that are found in Hell

Now let's talk about the armor in the game. Firstly, the armor will protect you from attacks, Mobs or fire.

There are 4 types of armor:

  • leather;
  • iron;
  • chain mail;
  • diamond

(Notes - it is not possible to make chainmail armor in survival mode). You can put on armor.

This is an example of crafting armor. In order to “craft” (make) it, you must make a workbench or work table. It is crafted (made) like this:

In order for you to get ingots from different ores, you must smelt the ores in furnaces. The stove is “crafted” from eight stones. Diamond ore cannot be smelted. The furnace is not only used to smelt ores, it is used to smelt a variety of things.

When you open the stove window, you should put what you want to melt on top, and on the bottom what you will use to heat your stove. And in a few seconds an ingot or something else will be ready, depending on what you put in your stove.

For example, a melted iron ingot

Still in this very interesting game there is an “Enchantment Table” (enchantment). With this item you can enchant weapons, tools and even armor. To enchant armor, you need experience. The more experience you have, the better you can “enchant” your armor.

The more experience you spend on “enchanting” your item, the more effects it will have. To increase the level of enchantment, the drafting table must be covered with books.

Also, armor tools eventually run out. But if you have been working on them for a very long time and you don’t want them to disappear. The anvil will help you a lot with this. You can fix things.

As you can see, the boots here are almost gone, but I repaired them, and they became completely new.

There are also different tools, such as a pickaxe, a shovel, an ax or a sword. Accordingly, a shovel digs the earth, and a pickaxe digs stone or other ores, and so on.

Also, there are brewing potions. Potions are different flasks with different affects, for example fire resistance - the ability not to burn in lava or fire. In order to brew potions, you need to make a brewing stand.

The Minecraft game is a kind of sandbox that allows you to build a lot. The game itself is still in development, but overall its release has been a long time coming. The main idea behind the creation of the game and its development was initially carried out by Markus Persson, perhaps better known to you as Notch. At first, the game was conceived as a clone of several games, because Persson took from already existing games the best and put it into his creation, which gradually became an independent personality. The entire game is written in the familiar Java programming language, which uses the LWJGL libraries.

The main idea of ​​Minecraft is the ability to collect resources and then use them to build anything you can think of. It is this fact that makes Bars declare that, in their opinion, the game should have a slightly different name - “Minebuild”, which means “mine and build”, and not as many are already accustomed to Minecraft. If you turn your attention to the gaming possibilities in Minecraft, then they are limitless, because the game has a bunch of modifications that allow you to expand it and make it more attractive for any gamer.

A unique point is the fact that the entire “craft” universe consists only of blocks - equally proportional cubes, which in parallel use textures with the lowest expansion, but this is not the limit, because they can be increased.

The primary place for publishing the game turned out to be TIGSource resources. It was here that the game became popular, and then a turning point occurred with the creation of a forum dedicated only to the thematic Minecraft universe, then a wiki appeared, and then the IRC channel itself.

Minecraft gameplay:

At this stage of development, the game has a couple of different modes:

  • - construction;
  • - survival.

In the “construction” mode, the player will build a lot, he will have access to numerous blocks: stone, metal, wool, etc. Access to these blocks allows you to fully use them in construction and enjoy the game. This game mode does not force you to collect resources that allow you to survive in the game, you do not need to defend yourself from hostile mobs, etc. In general, there is no possibility of dying here.

In the “survival” mode, as in the previous mode, you can manipulate blocks and earn points, but that’s not all... After all, now you will have to: collect resources to survive, protect yourself from mobs, do not jump from a great height so as not to crash, dive deep so as not to choke, etc. It is precisely this regime that can rightfully be considered the most limitless of all existing ones.

Already in December 2009, many crafters had the opportunity to play a more recent variation of the game, which was unstable, but very exciting, because of this, this version The game was called "Indev". Gradually, the initial development of the game “Indev” began to evolve and turned into the real “Infdev”, which had practically no map boundaries and was much more stable than its predecessor. But soon a variation of the game “Alpha” appeared - this version of the game already had more or less normal multiplayer, but it also had quite a few bugs.

Minecraft game world:

All Minecraft maps are generated differently by default and have very different sizes, from very small to incredibly large.

There are numerous level editors, analogues of which are: Omen, JPiolho, ZOMG, etc. Thanks to these programs, you can create maps that are not at all ordinary, because they have a very realistic landscape and have become very popular in the Minecraft gaming environment.

The map can be up to 25 million sides in size, which means that if you decide to go through this map, you will spend years of your time on it.

The game has such a thing as chunks - this means that the blocks are combined into 16x16x128 blocks, and the chunks themselves are equal to 32x32 blocks. These 32x32 blocks are called regions, which are stored in a separate game file.

Since the map is generated randomly, a system called “pseudo-random algorithms” is used to generate it, which is what allows you to generate everything in the Minecraft universe: mountains, fields, plants, stones, soil, etc. Each map that is created by this generator does not have any prerequisites for the previous one, and therefore, it is in itself unique and unusual. It is also very important that during the generation of the world, its predetermination is calculated by the seed, which determines the features the world being created: size, soil structure, landscape, etc. If you enter the same seeds on completely different computers, the map generation will be identical on both machines. If you leave the field for filling the seed empty, then in automatic mode the current time value will be used.

Date of publication: 03/22/2016 21:43:17

What a mine is, IMHO, only people who are far from computer (and not only) games do not know. My God, even my grandmother knows what Minecraft is (and this is not a joke). There are three sides in the world of gamers: some fiercely hate this “squalor” (it’s not me who says that, this is the transfer of someone else’s words to the public, there are even quotation marks), others consider it almost the height of gaming thought. Still others don’t really worry about all this and just play this game (they don’t play on servers, they just play for fun).

So, what is this very Minecraft and what is its salt? Let's take it in order. Personally, I also played the alpha version of Minecraft (and I’ll tell you this is already experience, yes, yes). There was nothing special that could be done there. There was only one mode, which is now called creative, there was no crafting. IN general outline all there was to do was just build. And here it is - the main highlight of Minecraft. This is just a great sandbox where the player is free to do whatever he wants (well, not quite of course, but almost). Today, the most beautiful architectural works, and sometimes entire cities, are reproduced in the main (usually down to the smallest detail). Despite the graphics, it all looks just great.

And here it is, one of the first reasons for dislike for the lane - graphics. Noble graphic artists do not accept pixel graphics on their ultra-mega computer, which is why they bomb. Is it in vain? It’s not for me to judge, because I’m not harsh on graphics and calmly play even games on the Spectrum (although I didn’t find the console itself). In addition, the network has long had a shitload of modifications that improve the graphics almost to ultra HD.

Over time, more and more new versions were released (or as they are called here - snapshots) in which new gameplay elements gradually appeared, such as new modes (survival and hardcore), deeper map settings, crafting, enemies and animals, new items and ores. The more the game expanded, the more popular it became. They began to appear on YouTube (aka YouTube) various channels more or less dedicated to the lane, and some became famous only for it. And you know, channels with Minecraft became popular faster than without it. This is another reason for dislike - he has really sickened many people, because there is nowhere to escape from him. Even popular Let's Players and reviewers did not miss the opportunity to upload a dozen or two videos on the lane. But not this the main problem according to myna haters.

With the development of Minecraft, a network mode appeared (one of my friends and I even created one server, it was only for our own people and we quickly got tired of this business). Now there are a bunch of different IP addresses on the network that throw you on the next server. What's bad about it? Griefers. Griefers exist in one way or another in all MMO games, but in the main they are just some kind of nightmare. I went to one server one day. Well, I think I’ll play and see how others play. I got it. to spawn (such a beautifully decorated place where you are protected by the seven seals of the Maina gods from attacks on your sovereignty).

This is a standard spawn on one of the servers

He went for a run, dug up ore, cut down trees, built a house, and privately owned it. Okay, game on)) Not so! On my next raid through dungeons, on the way back a dude runs up to me and this cool guy hits me with his sword. Well, I got stuck (I didn’t even have time to switch to my sword, by the way). And he writes to me privately: “You’re so sweet, I’ve blackballed you,” and a bunch of other unpleasant words with spelling errors of varying severity. All desire to play as is was repulsed. Of course, there are servers with a hard ban for griefing, but you can’t keep track of everyone.

By the way, speaking of griefers. Over time, they also began posting their videos on YouTube. Like "Ahahaha, look how we're going to grief this noob." In response to such insolence, anti-griefer shows appeared, where the great uncle-administrator punishes griefers with all cruelty (my personal opinion is that in the second case, all these shows are an ordinary production).

But mine is not only about griefers and bad videos on YouTube. Of course not. Minecraft is just a giant field for creativity. Some build huge cities or futuristic compositions in the lane, others do something like sculpture, building different statues from cubes (Mario is the most striking example).

Or like this, IMHO not bad

The redstone and everything that comes with it stands apart. With the help of this simple set of components, other craftsmen make truly magnificent things (for example, a computer, smartphone, TV, calculator and much more). Mine is also a field for modders. There are a great many mods for Minecraft and they are all made by players like us.

Is it worth playing mine? Definitely worth it if you like sandbox games and don't worry too much about graphics. If you creative person, then you should also try this game.

My personal opinion about the game. I am neutral towards mine. Minecraft haters amuse me, but I don’t understand the nerds of this game either. Personally, by the way, I only recently got to the edge dragon, and of course I didn’t kill him)) This is where another problem with the lane comes up: he gets bored quickly. Hitting with a pickaxe for hours while listening to soporific music is something not everyone can stand.

All sorts of little things that were not included in the main text of the post.

I didn't write about the "survival" mode. But there’s nothing to write about it, the name speaks for itself. Here you need to live as long as possible, extracting resources, doing crafting and mowing down a bunch of mighty enemies, with only one goal - to reach the dragon of the land. There is also a “hardcore” mode, the same survival, only after death - the end of the game (well, you understand, hardcore).

The enemies in the lane are very diverse, and some have even become memes of sorts. For example, a creeper, or a pig (not an enemy, but found in memes around the lane). Many of them are very creepy (for me personally, this is a ghast, a huge flying crap, howling like crazy and with empty eye sockets brrr).

Community. There is an opinion that mine is a game for schoolchildren. It’s hard to disagree with this, depending on how many “reviews” there are on YouTube from a given segment of the population. But! I and a group of my comrades believe that mine is a game for all ages (in some places it has even begun to be introduced in schools, so that children can be creative, otherwise they play their own computer games).

Well, that seems to be all. I didn't write about some things, but these are minor things.

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Great post. Objective as always. My opinion on Minecraft is a bit boring. Be it craft or survival. About two years ago I tried to play. Not interested. But I don’t want to go to the servers in order to protect my nerve cells from griefers. By the way, I have to protect not only my nerve cells from griefers, but also my younger brother.

The start of his game of mine and the purchase of a smartphone for his mother occurred at approximately the same time. Authorized it wherever possible, including on YouTube. And for some reason, she came across the anti-grief show. I realized that myn would sooner or later bring my brother to this point and wanted to block his access to games. But I masterfully parried this. I told her a story from the boys, about a student whose parents constantly monitored him until he graduated from school, and at the university in the dorm he almost became an alcoholic. And he explained that the same thing can happen with games. So I registered my brother on Steam and gave him a few good games, I bought a couple for co-op (to compensate for the lack of a network card). Now my brother rejects Minecraft and the like in every possible way (the digger and the “blockade”. I don’t know what it is) and now he is an ardent fan of Fallout” (he even New Year's party I asked him to sew numbers on a blue sweatshirt. And they sewed it on!) and Borderlands (I put ZerO on my Whats App avatar), and most importantly, both my parents and I carefully control this. Here's the story...

Group Major

This is the first time I've seen a review of this x)
But in general, I don’t really hate the game, but I don’t like it, mainly because of the fucking Russian community, which is 80% inadequate. And the game, after Notch’s departure from the game, began to turn into a not very high-quality game, or rather... well, that’s all or something, or maybe I grew up: D

There are three sides in the world of gamers: some fiercely hate this “squalor”, others consider it almost the height of gaming thought. Still others don’t really care about all this and just play this game

There are still a fourth who don’t care about Minecraft at all))