Why Hitler exterminated the Jews - Three versions of the reason for the emergence of hatred. Why did Hitler exterminate the Jews?

The other day I was thinking, wasn’t it because of Wolf Messing that Hitler began to hate Jews?

Messing made his famous statement about Hitler during one of the public speaking in Warsaw in 1937. This was said in front of a large crowd of people. And he said literally the following: “If Hitler turns to the East, he will die!”

The Fuhrer was immediately informed about the prediction of Messing, a famous medium whose advice was listened to by Einstein, Freud, and Pilsudski. Superstitious Hitler summoned his astrologer Eric Hanussen, who told the Fuhrer about his meeting with Messing and that the Jew was not a charlatan. Eric and Wolf ran into each other once on tour. The two psychics tried to probe each other's thoughts and separated. But Ganussen felt that he had lost this duel. Hitler was furious. He declared Wolf Messing his personal enemy and placed a reward of 210 thousand German marks on his head. At that time it was a fortune.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this hatred. Among them is a meeting with a Jewish prostitute, who “awarded” the Fuhrer with syphilis, the untreated of which leads to madness and rabies. And hatred for some kind of power over Germany in the form of ownership of the majority of banks, factories, factories and shops. Fear of the Jews, associated with the struggle for power with the communists, who consisted mainly of Jews. And the idea that the hatred of the believing Fuhrer was provoked by the alleged murder of Christ. The theory of the "inferior race" and so on. But it seems to me that Wolf Messing was not the least of the reasons for hatred of Jews.

In fact, Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew. A check of Hitler's ancestry by his personal lawyer Hans Frank revealed that Hitler's grandmother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish home in Graz. And in general, there is a lot of Jewish stuff in him, ranging from megalomania))))))) (no offense, I have a calm attitude towards Jews, but in some of them this can be seen))))))) and ending with ideology. In general, Jews financed Hitler and helped him come to power. And his comrades in the Nazi party were mixed with Jewish blood.

Maybe he just wanted to be the only Jew?))))))


And his companions...
And saratniki () him
1 errors found in the text.
S-O-warriors, the army is the root, and co-workers, friends in business.
Don't take disgusting topics. Everyone knows this, but they don’t touch it so it doesn’t stink.

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Somehow, without you, I’ll decide what topics I should cover in my diary, okay? Only if you don’t mind, of course!)))))))))))))
And thanks for the correction! You will have a lot of work to do to correct the liveinternet diaries! You will not be left idle!)))))))))))))))))

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in a letter dated August 15, 1871, from one of the prominent leaders of the American Freemasons, Albert Pike, to his Illuminati colleague, Giuseppe Mazzini, which outlined the plans of the world behind the scenes to establish a “New World Order” through three world wars. The First World War, according to this plan, was envisaged against tsarism in order to overthrow it and establish in Russia a power dependent on the world behind the scenes. The next step was the Second World War, which, as A. Pike pointed out, should take place through manipulation by German nationalists and political Zionists, which should lead to a general split, and then serve to expand the sphere of Russian domination and create the state of Israel in Palestine. The most interesting thing is that at that time political Zionism as such, much less as an organized, structured force, did not yet exist. The World Zionist Organization was created only a quarter of a century after this letter - in 1896.

Very interesting reasoning
But I personally think that Hitler was playing to the public; all these gestures were too artificial and implausible, as if he had memorized them in front of the mirror.
He knew what he was doing and carried out the orders of the Jews who promoted him.
You tell me why he killed 10 million Jews.
Well, firstly, this figure is clearly overestimated, experts say about 2 million.
Secondly, ordinary Jews were killed and the richest left unmolested. This says that for the so-called elite, which includes not only Jews, nationality does not matter, they are ready to kill anyone to achieve their goal.
And the main goal was to give the dollar the value of a world currency, which it did not have before the Second World War.
For this reason, the Tsar was destroyed; the ruble was then the most valuable currency.
Remember when the American reserve fund was formed, printing dollars and managed by Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg, all of them from German Jews. It was formed in 1914.
But Trotsky was caught with a suitcase of dollars when he was transferred from America before the revolution and was released on orders from above.
The revolution in Russia happened already in 1917
All this is not just a coincidence.
And now about Hitler, have you seen his corpse?
We were told that they found a certain burnt corpse with a bullet through the head, this was supposedly Hitler.
There is evidence that Hitler lived quietly in South America and died of natural causes.
The second goal of World War II was the creation of Israel.
Without this war, the elite did not have a trump card for the genocide of Jews and the UN puppet organization formed after the war immediately supported this idea. Thousands of Polestinians were thrown out of their homes and Jews took their place.
We were all just scammed once again.


Now they will criticize mercilessly, but I will try to answer as simply as possible.

So, as VASILY ZHUKOV noted - the Nazis and their minions (not only Germans, but also many representatives of other nationalities).

1. the existence of any totalitarian regime is possible only if there is an enemy, and, therefore, the regime purposefully constructs the image of the enemy;

2. the Jew is the “universal enemy” - he is the founder of communism (social democracy) (K. Marx, ....), and the communists were the ideological enemies of the Nazis (why is a separate question). But a “Jew” is also a “plutocrat” (sorry for the terminology) - look at the nationality of the leading rich people of the interwar period. It was the universality of this image of the enemy that became the basis of animal anti-Semitism among some (not all) Nazi leaders.

Anti-Semitism is an ancient phenomenon (there was also pagan (there are some of its adherents in the Russian Federation even now), Roman,... Christian and everyday anti-Semitism has survived to this day), but only racial anti-Semitism, which appeared at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, was not expected the ability to move from the “THEY (enemies)” group to the “WE” group. The enemy is possible and, excuse me, necessary. (Look - L. Polyakov - History of anti-Semitism - http://jhistory.nfurman.com/shoa/poliakov00.htm) At the same time, no one is safe from anti-Semitism. For example, in Japan there are actually no Jews, but there are anti-Semitic publications (http://www.webcitation.org/66n9eZEIV)

Further, the Nazis created a unique educational system, in the center of which were holistic aspirations, and the boy in “short pants”, having gone through it from 1933 (34) to 1939, became a killing machine in which the principle of “madness of rationality” dominated (read more - H. Arendt “The Banality of Evil” http://www.e-reading.club/book.php?book=1004585 This is not the only work, but you can start with it).

National Socialism was popular not only in the Weimar Republic, but also in Great Britain, the USA, etc. Adolf Aloizovich Schicklgruber (Hitler) gained power not so much thanks to, but rather in spite of. Why? The “Great Depression” affected Germany to the greatest extent, moreover, the Nazi ideology (although I myself doubt the existence of a coherent system of it), which operated towards revanchism and “getting up from your knees” among normative (very) burghers and Bauers, was understandable and popular. Well, that’s who the enemy is - the Telmanists (communists) and capitalists who are pumping out the last of their strength and resources (see paragraph 2.).

By the way, for some regions it would be more correct to say that the Nazis created a system that was aimed at the total destruction of a separate ethnic group, and the inhabitants of the territories they occupied (unfortunately) became implementers or the silent majority (Bystanders - or - standing nearby).

Well, in conclusion - if there were no Jews, they should have been invented for the convenience of politicians for all times (Izreiel Zangwill).

Modern historians have recognized that Hitler showed an extreme degree of nationalism in his activities, professed his ideology, recruited and instructed his fellow citizens against the Jews. Many people still don’t know why Hitler hated the Jews, because it would seem that there are no logically explainable reasons for this.

The Fuhrer lifts the curtain of secrecy and talks about it in his book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”). He wrote it while a prisoner, but for his behavior he was released early, and soon he happened to become the man who developed the regime of totalitarianism to its extreme manifestation and was crowned in history as one of the most cruel leaders.

Historical reference

Adolf Hitler, until the early 20s of the 20th century, did not think about the special allocation of Jews. It is known that one of his school friends was a Jew; he always behaved with caution towards him, but never reproached him or infringed on his rights.

At a more mature age, the future Fuhrer became interested in the history of this nation. Scientists cite various reasons for this interest: from the version that his father was a Jew, to the fact that at first Hitler even felt sorry for the Jews and did not understand why they were treated this way. In the first moments, young Adolf believed that these people differed from them only in religion, nothing else. He was sincerely perplexed, not understanding the reasons for the hostility towards the Jews.

It is not known exactly at what point the Fuhrer began to hate the Jews, but over time he clearly stated that he could distinguish them by their manner and gait, clothing and hairstyle; they had no place in this world and the main task of true Aryans was to destroy them.

Reasons for hating Jews

History cannot remain silent about why Hitler hated the Jews. However, each researcher has his own set of reasons to explain this. They cannot say that only one factor influenced the manifestation of anti-Semitism; they consider it correct to consider them comprehensively.

Why the Nazi leader of Germany hated the Jews:

1. The idea of ​​​​the purity of the nation:

It is known that the Fuhrer fought not only for the purification of the nation and ordered this to be done by any means, but also argued that Jews are the main enemies of pure Aryans and they must be destroyed.

2. Personal dislike:

This is the most controversial reason, because no one could either confirm or refute its truth. It is believed that his life was connected with some Jews who at one time left a strong mental wound on young Hitler. This is the teacher at the art school, because of whom he failed the entrance exams, and the Jewish woman who infected him with syphilis, and the very origin of the Fuhrer (one version) from the Jewish nation.

4. The desire to save Germany:

Eradicating the “plague” filled the leader’s thoughts so much that he often could not concentrate on other thoughts. In addition, according to the Fuhrer, it was the Jews who were responsible for the spread of syphilis among the German population.

The personality of Hitler, the great dictator of his time, the man who declared war on almost all of Europe, as well as the ideology of fascism are an integral object of study for many historians. Some of them, working with primary sources, find new causes of anti-Semitism. However, no one can confidently explain why the extermination of the Jews gained such widespread character and support among his fellow citizens.

For almost a century, historians have been haunted by the question of why Hitler did not like Jews. Moreover, the hatred was so strong that he even tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth, every last representative. Probably, the resentment must be very old and serious if a person devoted his whole life to such a task.

Hitler's childhood

First, let's deal with childhood of the future leader of Nazi Germany:

  • It was not so cloudless and prosperous.
  • No one had heard of any tolerance at that time.
  • Sometimes things were called by their proper names.
  • Sometimes they simply blamed all their problems on representatives of national minorities.
  • Human life was not valued that highly.
  • Basic human rights were declared much later.

In such conditions it is difficult to adopt something good. Our consciousness is structured in such a way that it receives the main information during childhood, and later uses this data as a basis for making further judgments.

So there is no doubt that The foundations of Hitler's hatred of the Jewish population began to form at a young age.

Persecution of Jews

Also played a role attitude towards Jews in society. The fact is that they represented not only a national, but also a religious minority:

  1. Forced to wander around the world, people did not have their own homeland.
  2. In the new lands, thanks to their intelligence and perseverance, Jews often occupied leading positions and lived quite prosperously.
  3. Certain areas were completely occupied by Jews; representatives of other nationalities survived from them one way or another.
  4. In a sense, the first migrants in history deprived the natives of their “living space.”
  5. This was especially noticeable during the crisis years, when inflation, unemployment and poverty occurred.
  6. But at the same time it was necessary to blame someone else for their troubles.
  7. The first ghettos for Jews appeared in Italy in the Middle Ages.

Hitler did not “fell from another planet”; while living in Germany, he witnessed some of its worst times. He had the opportunity to listen to speeches and speeches in which speakers blamed Jews, communists, British and many others for all the troubles.

However, it is difficult to say that dislike was present exclusively towards the Jewish population. The era was characterized by a number of revolutions and the creation of many new political movements. So everyone had reasons to hate everyone, there were enough differences in ideology. Already it was not necessary to be of a different nationality or faith.

Hitler's youth and adulthood

Even all this taken together cannot make a person fiercely hate all representatives of another nation. Many researchers claim that the roots of the problem lie in the very origin of Hitler. Like, his father himself was a Jew and there are already two options.

  1. Either Adolf was embarrassed by this fact and experienced complexes due to the persecution of the entire people.
  2. Or the father was a cruel tyrant who beat his mother, and maybe even the little Hitler himself.

But even that doesn't explain manic desires to destroy an entire nation.

Why did Hitler exterminate the Jews?

Entire extermination camps were created because:

  • Hitler hated Jews.
  • He created the whole concept of “higher” and “lower” races. From "Aryans" and "subhumans".
  • According to Adolf's theories, representatives of the “lower” were subject to complete extermination.
  • The German leader saw the Jews as a threat not only to Germany, but to the whole world.
  • In his opinion, this people was going to first enslave the Germans, and then take on all other nations, using Germany as a springboard for their actions.
  • According to Hitler, by exterminating the Jews, he was trying to save the world, create a fairer economic system, and prevent incest.
  • Considering the cunning and resourcefulness of the Jewish people, it was in total destruction that he saw the only path to a final solution to the Jewish question.
  • Most of all, this looks like the banal revenge of an offended person.
  • However, it is difficult to seriously analyze the motives of a person who is reasonably suspected of insanity.
  • An adequate person raised and “ignited” the masses with an idea, and then sent millions of Jews to the oven, and tens of millions of Germans to slaughter? Sounds a bit dubious.

If you have been even slightly interested in the biography of Hitler, you probably know that he never visited a concentration camp in his life. Why? No one can explain, but it’s a fertile topic for conspiracy theorists.

Reasons for hating Jews

From Hitler's point of view, his dislike of Jews explained:

  1. The love of this people for acquisitiveness. Adolf believed that in any situation the Jew sought benefit for himself, not paying attention to the boundaries of morality.
  2. Their high position in society. Persistence and mentality allowed representatives of this people to achieve good results in all matters related to finance.
  3. Higher standard of living for Jews compared to Germans. In times of crisis, the average Semitic lived better than the native German.
  4. The embitterment of Adolf himself towards the whole world, due to the collapse of all plans and the horrors seen in the war.
  5. The desire to see oneself in the role of “savior of the world” who will eliminate the global threat.

But there may be a reason V something else:

  • Origin of Hitler.
  • His childhood years.
  • Resentment and conflicts with representatives of Jewry.
  • Failures on the personal front.

Still not precisely defined time period, in which Adolf became so angry with all the children of Israel. Historians suggest that this happened in the first years after demobilization from the army.

More than 70 years have passed since the death of the Fuhrer and it is no longer so important why Hitler did not like Jews. More importantly, his personal grudges ultimately resulted in tens of millions of deaths. And mostly they were not Jews at all.

Video about Hitler's hatred of Jews

In this video, the rector of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, historian Viktor Efremov will tell you why Hitler began to dislike Jews, where, in his opinion, this hatred comes from:

Most readers are probably familiar with the term “Holocaust,” which in the narrow sense of the word refers to the persecution and mass extermination of the Jewish population living in Germany, as well as the countries that are its allies, and the lands they occupied during the Second World War. Along with the massacres of Armenians that took place in the Ottoman Empire, the extermination of Jews in the Third Reich is considered one of the most famous examples of genocide in the twentieth century. After reading this article, you may be able to at least partially answer the question of why Hitler exterminated the Jews.

Historical facts

According to early post-war data, during the Second World War, the Nazis created about 7 thousand ghettos and camps for the exploitation of slave labor, isolation, punishment and physical extermination of Jews, as well as other groups of the population considered “inferior” by the Nazis. According to the latest information, over 42 thousand such institutions operated in Europe. The manifestation of the anti-Semitic policy of the Third Reich began with the boycott of Jews, which started in April 1933, and a series of racial laws adopted after that, which were aimed at Jews who worked in government agencies, as well as representatives of certain professions.

In order to achieve the complete physical extermination of the Jewish population, the Nazis used the following algorithm for solving the “Jewish question”:

  • the concentration of all Jews in large areas called ghettos;
  • separation of Jews from representatives of other nationalities;
  • complete displacement of Jews from all spheres of society;
  • confiscation of property belonging to Jews, ousting them from spheres of economic life, leading to complete ruin;
  • bringing the Jewish population to a state in which slave physical labor turns into the only possibility of survival.

Why did Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jews find support among the Germans?

Modern scientists have expressed many opinions about the reasons for the possibility of such a large-scale and unprecedented extermination of the Jewish population and representatives of other peoples. Many questions arise due to the fact that millions of German citizens became participants in this process. Professor Daniel Goldhagen noted in his doctoral dissertation that the main cause of the Holocaust was anti-Semitism, which was characteristic of German mass consciousness at that time. A similar version is shared by one of the world’s experts on the history of the Jewish genocide, Yehuda Bauer.

Another famous historian who studied the Holocaust, Raoul Hilberg, expressed the opinion that the root cause of the mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis did not lie at all in anti-Semitism. German journalist and historian Goetz Ali believes: the Nazis received support for the extermination of Jews for the simple reason that the property that was taken from the victims of persecution passed into the hands of ordinary Germans. German psychologist Erich Fromm called the cause of the Holocaust a malignant destructiveness characteristic of the entire human race.

The most common versions of the genocide of Jews in Hitler's Germany

The Reich Chancellor of Germany sincerely believed in the superiority of one race over others. The Fuhrer considered only the “true Aryans” themselves to be the main group, which was the ruling group. Thus, the Nazis considered blacks to be an inferior race, and Jews were completely excluded from the hierarchical chain. Hitler was a true fanatic of his cause, and therefore wanted to bring to its logical conclusion the extermination of Jews and Gypsies, and to use representatives of other nations as slaves.

Hitler blamed the Jews for almost all mortal sins. He called them guilty of the emergence of the Bolsheviks and the Russian revolution. Another version of the Fuhrer’s anti-Jewish sentiment also has the right to life, according to which he was infected with syphilis by a prostitute, a representative of the Jewish people. The disease could not be cured, which only increased the personal hostility of the fascist leader towards this nation. He met Jews throughout his life. There is information that even the school teacher, who often offended little Adolf, was a Jew.

After entering World War II, Nazi Germany needed to win victories at lightning speed. To conquer the entire globe you need to be one hundred percent confident in your abilities. The extermination of thousands of Jews and representatives of other “undesirable” nations instilled in the hearts of the soldiers a feeling of permissiveness, power, and an understanding that the lives of entire nations were in their hands. This had a huge impact on the morale of the fascist army. Even after familiarizing themselves with a number of historical sources, many are still unable to understand why Hitler exterminated the Jews, since it was a monstrous crime against humanity, which cannot be justified by any beliefs and which in no case should be repeated!