Presentation on the topic: “What does it mean to leave your mark on Earth? The highest value is man. Man is the highest value among all the values ​​of the world. Man is the most amazing thing,”

“First, the teacher put a question mark under the essay. When Vitka came up to ask why there was no grade, the teacher asked which parent wrote his essay. After detailed questioning, I corrected the question mark to an A. Apparently, she finally realized that the child thinks independently.”

Essay on the topic “What mark will I leave on Earth”

I believe that best trail, which can be left on earth is to do something good. That's why I want to become a lawyer and protect people's rights. I noticed that in our country these rights are often violated, for example, the right to peaceful assembly, which is guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Not long ago, some of my friends were condemned for attending such a meeting. Having started looking for information about violations of the rights of other Russian citizens, I learned about a man named Alexei Navalny. He is a lawyer and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. The fight against corruption is very important because corruption deprives us of a decent life. Russian pensioners receive a meager pension, children in hospitals do not receive the necessary medications, and some doctors receive less than janitors. I want to protect people's rights to a decent life and freedom of speech. I think that human rights work will allow me to leave a good mark on the earth.

Man has the nature of a creator. Therefore, he must create throughout his life. But before something can be created, the old must be destroyed. If you just imagine for a moment the scale and grandeur of the universe, you can truly be amazed at how small we are in comparison. But this is another reason to leave a mark on the earth. As for me personally, I see my meaning in life in living with high feelings and great ideas.

I want to make art and leave behind at least a little something beautiful. Specifically, what attracts me most is poetry. I'm doing a little better and I hope to be better in the future. I want to leave behind at least a couple of lines, after reading which future generations will be inspired to great deeds or thoughts. If at least one person is inspired, I think my life will not be in vain.

Among other things, of course, I would like to leave behind children and grandchildren who would continue the family line. And of course, as people say, a man must build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son. All this is not alien to me either. And I will work in the name of the above and hope that one day my name will be remembered with a good word.

This question essentially concerns the question of the meaning of life. This has always bothered many people. And this is really very important, because a person cannot live without meaning. Psychologists and philosophers say that every human action has its own reason and meaning. We simply cannot do otherwise.

If a person has nothing to live for at all, there is no point in him not even getting out of bed in the morning. This is confirmed by the state of people with depression, which, by the way, is already officially recognized as a disease. When depressed, a person can neither eat nor sleep. In my opinion, in order for this not to happen, we need to think carefully about what we live for. Think about the fact that we are not eternal and are all mortal. In fact, what remains after us is very important.

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Many famous people left their significant mark on the earth. They have been dead for a long time, but they will always be remembered. These are famous scientists, doctors, poets, prose writers, philosophers, programmers, astronauts, artists, musicians, etc. They made great discoveries and did something significant for our country or for the whole world.

I would also really like to leave my mark on the earth. In the future I plan to become a doctor. I really want to help people cope with their illnesses. One day my grandmother became very ill and I was very sad, I was tormented by the realization that I could not help her in any way. But in the future, I am sure that I will be able to help not only my family, but also everyone else. I love people very much and want everyone around me to be healthy!

What mark do I want to leave on earth? Well, first of all, I want to cure a lot of people. Perhaps even save their lives. I think this is already a lot. And, secondly, I would like to make many new discoveries in medicine in my life. For example, my dream is to find The best way treatment oncological diseases. I know that it will be very difficult for me to achieve good results in this area, but I will try.

This is exactly the kind of mark I would like to leave on earth. I want and will always help people. If for some reason I fail to become a good doctor, then I will be a volunteer. This way I will have the opportunity to provide real help to those in need without special education and special knowledge.

Along with the article “Essay on the topic “What kind of mark would I like to leave on the earth?”, 5th grade” read:

Each of us would like to leave our mark on earth: rulers - in history, scientists - in science, creators - in human souls.

Our ancestors believed that traces were capable of preserving the person who left them. The footprints of saints were depicted on icons as a symbol of the connection between heaven and earth. Pathfinders and hunters knew how to read tracks like a book, determining not only the direction of movement of a living creature, but also its character. Having examined the imprint of the foot, the healer could tell about the fate of a person and even influence it, both positively and negatively. The clearer and clearer the trace, the more powerful the impact on a person will be.

People believed that by moving one after another, one can take away a person’s strength and luck. It was believed that only evil spirits do not leave traces, and by destroying traces of a person, he was deprived of contact with the world of the living, taking away his magical protection. That’s why they said: “Disappeared without a trace” or “So that not a trace of him remains...”.

From a historical perspective

Everyone has probably encountered echoes of the magic of the trail even today. For example, if one of your relatives or friends goes on a long journey, those who remain at home do not sweep or wash the floor until the person who has left reaches the goal. He will certainly return to the place where a person left his mark. Therefore, you cannot wash or sweep the floor after a welcome guest or relative has left. By destroying the “warm” traces, you will “drive” him out of the house.

If an unwanted visitor leaves, then by thoroughly washing the floor after him, you prevent this person from returning. If the groom who came to the girl is not the one she expected, she should sweep away his traces on paper with the words: “I will save the trace, I will save it for good, for joy. Following this trail a hundred suitors will come to me.” Don't believe me? Check it out.

Many people today know about the method of predicting fate based on the lines of the palm, but not everyone knows about the possibility of prophecy based on the shape and lines of the foot. Fortune telling by the foot is most accurate in childhood. The fact is that calluses and corns can hide the lines of the foot, and minor injuries can even change its shape. However, at any age, a wide, short foot indicates a person who stands firmly on his feet, a smart and calculating logician. Narrow, long feet are characteristic of dreamy, creative and vulnerable people. A wide heel indicates energy and vitality. Holders of a narrow one suffer from self-doubt and, as a rule, are dependent on the opinions of others.

An increase in foot size in an adult means that his creative and intellectual potential is not fully developed. From the point of view of an astrologer, such a person should think about new life goals and possible, most likely, unconventional ways to achieve them.

From the point of view of linguistics

We will understand the complexity of the symbolic load of the concept “trace” as soon as we try to define it. First of all, it is the imprint of a living creature’s foot on the soil, sand, or snow. But the trace is the imprint of any material objects and even the effect produced on human feelings. A trace is a kind of record, an imprint left by an event in our memory.

From a scientific point of view

Recently, Japanese researchers proved that the footprint of a human foot is as individual as fingerprints. True, the main information is not carried by the lines of the foot, but by the pressure of the heel, the bend of the foot, and the push of the toes when walking. Moreover, the absolute uniqueness of a human trace makes it possible to develop a system for identifying an individual based on it! And again the new turned out to be the well-forgotten old!

1. Thesis (statement, main idea).

2. Evidence (arguments, opinions + example 1-2).

3. Conclusion.

Every person must leave their mark on earth. I dream of becoming a veterinarian. I love animals, I feel joy when they are cheerful, full of strength and energy. When animals feel bad or in pain, I get very worried, worried, and try to help them. Therefore, I decided to devote myself to treating animals.

Animals cannot speak or ask people for help when they are sick. They only make plaintive sounds and look with defenseless eyes. So they ask us for help. I have a cat Vaska. When he was very little and got sick, I was very worried about him. He slept for several days and did not eat anything. Only sometimes he meowed quietly and pitifully. We took him to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian examined Vaska, gave him injections, washed his ears, and weighed him. Then he prescribed treatment. We treated the kitten for two weeks: we gave injections, dropped drops into the nose and eyes. And our Vaska recovered. Now he is cheerful and eats well, and goes for walks a lot.

To become a good veterinarian, you need to study a lot and study well, be kind and attentive, love animals, and have a good knowledge of their anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. I will help all animals: big and small.

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