Fish biting forecast in Verhnedneprovsk. Biting and weather forecast

Biting forecast for Verkhnedneprovsk tomorrow - 02.03"20 .

It will be cloudy with no precipitation, becoming cloudy with no precipitation in the afternoon. Temperature in the morning +2 C°, in the afternoon and evening +7 C°. Your blood pressure will change slightly throughout the day. The wind is moderate all day, south 7 m/s.

Bite forecast will be bad 3 /10

Biting forecast for Verkhnedneprovsk on Tuesday - 03.03"20 .

It will become cloudy with no precipitation, becoming cloudy with no precipitation in the afternoon. It will get warmer. Temperature in the morning +4 C°, in the afternoon and evening +13 C°. The pressure is stable 742 mmHg. The wind is moderate all day, south up to 6 m/s. The wind raises dust and debris and moves thin tree branches. The waves are elongated, whitecaps are visible in many places.

Bite forecast will be weak 4 /10 . This month the bite is generally very bad, but bream, roach, perch, catfish, pike perch and pike bite a little better; crucian carp, carp, rudd, tench, chub, and asp bite poorly. Good moon phase. Good weather for fishing, but strong wind. IN cloudy weather The fish bite is very good. Good temperature air for fishing.

Atmospheric pressure for fishing plays big role, especially for those fishermen who return from the reservoir empty-handed. In this case, the wrong weather was precisely the factor that did not allow the fisherman to take another trophy, although the man sitting on the other bank had everything in order with blood pressure and, as it should, the catch turned out to be decent.

But jokes aside, let's consider the impact weather conditions, in particular, atmospheric pressure, on the activity of fish, and how to catch it in this or that weather, let everyone draw their own conclusion.

What is the essence of the question?

First, let's remember school lessons physics. Atmospheric pressure is a value that characterizes the weight of a column of air per unit area. This value is expressed in millimeters of mercury, according to the method of the scientist Toricelli, which he proposed in 1643.

Normal Atmosphere pressure the column of mercury in a glass tube at zero sea level is taken to be 760. But since the air column decreases with increasing horizon height, then for recalculation normal indicator use formulas that take into account two factors:

  • relative height of the place above the sea;
  • air temperature.

In the simplest calculations, the influence of air temperature is not taken into account, but the following rule is used:

In other words, if an area with a fish pond is located at an altitude of 120 meters above sea level, a pressure of 750 millimeters of mercury will be considered normal - pH = 760-120/12 = 750.

Pressure change

Now let's talk about how the optimal atmospheric pressure changes. A normal daily fluctuation at which fish bite is considered to be a difference of no more than 3-4 millimeters of mercury. These changes depend largely on the nighttime decrease and daytime increase in air temperature.

More dramatic changes occur during education atmospheric vortices. In this case, the fluctuations are expressed as follows:

  • cyclone – pressure drops;
  • anticyclone - rising.

Effect on bite

Let's consider the effect of atmospheric pressure on fish biting. First, let's analyze the physical side of the process.

Let us remember that pressure is essentially the weight of air, and a column of water also presses on the fish. So, with an increase in air weight on a fish’s swim bladder, the amount of pressure increases. Therefore, to compensate for this, the bubble is filled with gas and the fish rises to the upper layers, and in the reverse process, it sinks to the bottom.

This change is especially noticeable when fishing for crucian carp, in which gas exchange in the swim bladder is slow compared to other types of fish. So, with reduced pressure, crucian carp drops to the most deep places reservoir, and when it is high it feeds near the surface.

Other fish can also be divided, this division is quite arbitrary, into two categories according to the dependence of their activity on the weather. At high pressure, pelagic fish bite more actively, such as:

  • bleak;
  • chub;
  • rudd;
  • saberfish;
  • subdust;
  • asp.

With lower atmospheric pressure, almost all predators begin to become more active; remember what kind of weather is called pike weather, and bottom species of peaceful fish:

  • roach;
  • carp;
  • sopa;
  • silver bream

The dependence of the activity of the predator can be traced by where the small change is located. The pressure increased - it rose to the top, decreased - it went to the bottom. I don’t want to chase loners, I don’t want to change my horizons either, so the predator can’t be caught. It is noted that pike perch bites at any pressure; unlike pike, it hunts in the horizon where its prey is located at that time.

Weather changes

A significant role is played by changes in atmospheric pressure for fishing. It bites better in stable weather, regardless of the number of millimeters of mercury. But the climate that influences biting is constantly changing, so we will characterize all its changes.

  1. Stable normal pressure Best suited for catching any fish.
  2. A good bite is also observed when the atmosphere has a high, stable level of air pressure.
  3. At a stable low level, the bite will be C-grade, but the predator is active.
  4. As pressure increases, fish become more active.
  5. When pressure drops, biting is active in all types of fish.
  6. Jumping weather is marked by a decrease in fish activity and an almost complete lack of biting.

Best weather for fishing

Based on the above, we can conclude what weather is best for fishing. It should be noted that depending on the fishing season, the dependence of the bite on the pressure does not change, and if in the summer the perch bit better in a particular reservoir at 755 millimeters of mercury, then in the winter you also need to proceed from this indicator.

  • If the weather outside is calm and cloudy and has not changed for at least three days, feel free to go fishing for any trophies.
  • The decrease in pressure with wind and bad weather is ideal for catching pike and burbot.
  • The fish become noticeably active before a thunderstorm and at the beginning of rain, especially if the wind blows against the current.
  • Sunny weather with a slight breeze is ideal for catching peaceful fish.
  • In winter, there is a decrease in biting with the east wind.

Thus, we can say that nature has practically no bad weather for fishing. The main thing is to know what type of fish is caught in certain conditions.


An educational video about the atmosphere will help you better understand the topic of today's conversation.

Dependence of atmospheric pressure and winter roach bite

The main difference between roach and bream, perch and many other known fish is its swim bladder, which is directly connected to the esophagus, which allows it to easily regulate its buoyancy. For example, if a roach is comfortable near the surface, then it will take in air with its mouth, and if not, it will remove it naturally.

The behavior of roach always depends on atmospheric pressure. Roach captures air in order to stabilize buoyancy, and this is required only when atmospheric pressure is increased, as a result of which swim bladder narrows.

In winter, everything is different, since due to the ice the roach cannot capture air from the surface. It is difficult for roaches to tolerate increased pressure in winter, since they do not have the ability to equalize their buoyancy. Of course, if high pressure will be held for a long time, the roach can stabilize the pressure in the bladder by producing gases or releasing them outside.

The roach becomes especially “capricious” if the pressure rises sharply. At the moment of a pressure surge, the roach may, on the contrary, activate, this will indicate that the increase in pressure helped the fish adjust the horizon relative to the bottom. However, it is worth noting that this does not happen very often.

In winter, roach can actively feed in almost all layers, that is, at the bottom, in the water floor, on the surface. This is due to the availability of food, temperature balance, and oxygen concentration. An increase in pressure, the roach begins to be pressed to the bottom, and if the conditions for life at the bottom are not suitable for it, it falls into numbness, in other words, it begins to get sick.

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions about the relationship between pressure and bite. When going fishing, it is important to carefully study pressure changes for at least three last days. This indicator remains always open and known to us. As for such indicators as: water temperature in different layers, the presence of food and oxygen concentration remain completely unknown to us. It will be difficult to determine exactly how active the roach will be on the day of fishing, knowing only the barometer readings.

You can get caught in a frantic roach bite at any time. Roaches can peck in sunny and cloudy weather, and most importantly, at any time of the day, but this is provided that all factors are favorable. It is possible to calculate exactly the most favorable day for roach fishing, but for this only barometer readings will not be enough; you will need to analyze many other factors.

As you understand, this is a complex and time-consuming job. In order to find out whether a roach is biting or not, you just need to take several options of bait and go to the nearest body of water.

Pozdnyakova Lusine, Slavyansk, Ukraine – Specially for Samodelki FISH

  • Roach fishing in winter: basics for beginners
  • Winter fishing for roach using polystyrene foam

Secrets of experienced fishermen: the influence of weather conditions on the bite

Novice amateur fishermen, choosing a clear, fine day for fishing, often return empty-handed.

Experienced, enthusiastic fishermen, despite the “bad” (cloudy, rainy) weather, as a rule, have a good catch.