Secrets of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Walkthrough of the game Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Part 1: ESCAPE!

Secrets 7/7

We watched the video. We roughly imagined where and with whom we would fight. Now you can get down to business.

We leave the cell, grabbing a pistol along the way, but we are in no hurry to use it: why the extra noise? Our weapon is a knife.

We go right along the corridor, pass past the locked cells, turn right, go up the stairs, open the lattice door. We look out from behind it: as soon as the sadistic doctor starts washing his hands, with his back turned to us, we run as fast as we can towards him and chop him up with a knife. If this bastard even just manages to snatch the Luger, the mission will become more complicated: a guard will come running, the bars will be lowered further, and they will be waiting for us. But we rely on our agility, and, left without a second pistol, we quietly put the doctor to bed in eternal sleep.

We go beyond the bars and carefully climb up the stairs, sticking to the left wall. We look out from behind the doorway: the grate is raised, and a guard is walking behind it. We are in no hurry: he will soon leave, and only the radio operator will remain in the room. We run to him and also eliminate him using our edged weapons. We take a machine gun in the rack on the left, a magazine with cartridges on the shelf, reload it, and we can move on, where two soldiers are not waiting for us. If you are wounded, you can return: the room is full of first aid kits. You can also destroy everything around: standards, walkie-talkies, chairs, plywood posters.

We go up the stairs. Let's go out the door. Now we have nothing to fear, and we will rush like a tank to the trouble.

We go out onto the bridge and go to the door in front, looking up: there is a soldier there. We kill. The alarm will be raised. A door, followed by another door. There is a soldier ahead along the corridor. We're down the stairs. We go through the first door on the right. Behind her are two soldiers: one at the foot of the stairs on the right, the second in the opposite corner diagonally.

We cross the platform, go through the door where the second soldier was. In the barracks we take machine guns, first aid kits, and grenades. We kick the stone floor between the second and third beds - secret. We return to the stairs and go further down. To the very bottom.

On the left we break the wooden fence. We find the secret: rifle cartridges. We lower the switch at the door and go out.

We are in a familiar, already traveled place. We go to the left. Up the stairs and out the door again. Over the bridge. Through the hall. Now up the spiral staircase. Take the first door on the left. Through the hall. In the room we turn off the alarm to the left of the door. Nearby we break the poster: another secret (gold). Be careful with the window! Behind him, on the other side, is a soldier with a rifle. We take it off, and then take ammunition, first aid kits, and binoculars on the shelves and on the table. We jump out the window.

We go up the stairs and pick up the rifle of the dead man. We go left: there is only one door on the landing. Into her. Ahead, by the fireplace, is an officer; and from below, through the floor, two soldiers will start shooting. The room has first aid kits and ammunition. Another soldier will run through the door we entered through.

We hit those below through holes in the floor, a third one will come running to them. Let's jump down. We see a door, a corridor, and opposite the door there is an arched passage blocked with stones. We break the masonry with our feet and find a secret room. We smash the cabinet in it and take the ammunition. Let's go out.

Now through the door opposite. There's a soldier behind her. We kill, we go out into the corridor. Another German will jump out from the right branch. We kill. Let's go into this corridor. Two soldiers will jump out there. There are two doors in the corridor: on the right and on the left. Let's go to the right. There is a soldier in the room. Having finished with it, to the left of the door we correct the lopsided lamp: on the opposite wall a panel with a tapestry will be retracted. Behind it is a secret room. In it we will take three gold bars.

There is also a closet in the room, breaking which we can get a first aid kit and grenades. We leave the room, go through the door opposite.

This room is full of soldiers. Having dealt with them, we break the portrait of the Fuhrer to the left of the door: we find a couple more gold bars. Let's go through the next door. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. On the left are two patterned panels. By clicking the left one, we will open the right one. Let's get into the secret room. Let's take the cup. We get out and go further around the bend.

To the left is a barracks room where you can improve your health and replenish ammunition, and straight ahead is the door leading to the end of the level.

Part 2: Castle Keep

Secrets 4/4

We don't make noise. Taking out the knife, we go through the door on the right. There, by the fireplace, the officer is talking to himself. We make more holes in it, and quickly.

There is a standard above the fireplace. Having shot him, we will see the panel. This panel opens with a switch, which is hidden behind the portrait of a soldier to the right of the doorway (when you turn to face him). In the opened niche there are two gold bars. You can get to them by placing a chair next to the fireplace and then standing on it.

We leave, noticing a grate on the left along the corridor, behind which there is a room with ammunition. From the door to the right: soldiers below. We declare war on everyone! We wet it and extinguish it.

Let's go down. Straight ahead is a long passage, in which there are soldiers on the bridge above, and on the left is the entrance to the barracks, where you can shoot soldiers and get hold of first aid kits. We pass through the corridor. We go up the spiral staircase. We go into the doorway on the left.

There is a soldier behind the boxes in front, another one on the wall behind: we turn around. We go left, down the steps. There's a door there. We pass along the corridor and straight through the doorway: on the left behind the boxes there is an officer ahead. We don’t walk across the bridge yet, but head through the door on the left: directly opposite the door there are cartridges in the locker, and a machine gun in the counter. We leave and cross the bridge. We select the officer's pistol, turn off the alarm: the radio operator may jump out of the next room. In any case, we go to this room, kill the radio operator, and activate the switch on the panel: the grate in the first room with a fireplace and a secret has opened. We can get to it through the door in the passage behind the bridge.

We take the ammunition and return to the street, to the boxes. Let's go under the canopy now. The soldier will shoot from there. We enter a new room. Down the corridor to the right. There's only one door there. In the room we break the closet and take the first aid kit. We go out the door nearby.

We go down the stairs. Behind the arch, on the right, is the door to wine Vault. There are two soldiers in it. We destroy. Between the barrels, closer to the door, there is a darker stone in the wall. We press it: in the far corner a rack with bottles will move to the side, and we will find ourselves in a secret room where we can take a bottle of wine from the 1938 bottling. And immediately blow it out of the throat (the “use object” key).

Warmed up, we go out and go straight from the cellar, then through the winding corridor we come out to the new place of the massacre. There are a lot of Fritz here, so let's fight. We move into the passage below on the left. Then towards the corridor with red lighting. Behind the raised bars. We shoot at the barrels behind which the idiot soldier is hiding: they will explode. Opposite these barrels is a room: we break the right poster on the wall in it, and then the masonry; let's find gold in secret. Having collected weapons and ammunition from the rooms, we go to the farthest end of this wing - to the door above which the red lantern is burning. We open it and shoot at the barrel near the wall on the left: the wall will collapse and we will find ourselves in another secret room, where we can take the golden helmet of the Teutonic knight and a couple of gold bars.

Let's go out.

We return to the exploded barrels. To their left is a passage upstairs. You can go there and fight some more. But we will still have to return to the street, to the boxes in the middle of the yard: in theory, they are already waiting for us there. But no one forbids going up the stairs, opening the grate, jumping out onto Fresh air, shoot from the MG machine gun. And then explore this territory, collecting all possible ammunition on it.

When we go back, we will have to fight the whole way. And in the arena (an area with boxes) there will simply be countless soldiers (about a dozen): on top, behind the boxes, in the corners. We destroy everyone and go through the opened door on the left.

When you exit the bridge, there will be stairs on the right. You can also go up there, take a rifle and a first aid kit. Cross the bridge and go through the door on the right to end the level.

Part 3: Tram Raid

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We immediately go through the door on the right to replenish ammunition, health, and get hold of Stamina (tea on the table). Don't forget the ammo in the closet.

We leave and go further along the corridor. As soon as we pass through the double doors, we shoot at the technician in front of the mechanism. Then we shoot the soldiers on the right below and above. One may also jump out from behind the door behind. We go through the door on the left, next to the alarm device. There, having fought, collected ammunition and armor (helmet), you need to move the lever on the generator to apply voltage to the cable car drive. Along with the tension, a trailer with two soldiers will come up here to us. We meet them outside at the control unit. We check again whether we have collected all the weapons we could here and get into the trailer. We press the button on the panel at the entrance to the trailer and go down to the next tower station. Here it is better to pick up a rifle.

When we get closer, we will need to remove two soldiers there. And when we arrive, finish off the third one. After searching the room below, we go to the metal stairs on the left. Let's go upstairs. We walk along the icy metal to the stairs going down inside the tower. We go down it. We activate the switch on the block next to the hatch, but before we jump there, we kill the technician who is waiting for us there with a pistol in his hands (grenade down).

Let's jump. We move the switch on the panel horizontally and return to the trailer. We sit down, press the button and move on.

There are two more soldiers at the next destination, and upon arrival, the door ahead will open and another restless suicide bomber will jump out from behind it. Let's go through this door. Behind her, behind bars at the bottom, is a technician, and on the right, also behind bars, is a soldier. Having finished with them, we climb up the stairs.

Let's go through the door. We search the room and the dead. We get hold of ammunition and armor. We go out the door and jump over the railing onto the grate. We break the lattice ventilation fence and climb into it. At the exit, we break another grate and begin to fight. On the right there are two at once at an overturned table. There's an officer in the room. They'll come again. We are opposed by about ten Krauts. Through the openwork lattice door we move into the next room. Here, too, we kill everyone, search the room on the left, get rich on ammunition, Stamina and binoculars, and only then go to the far room on the right to meet Kesler, our contact, and finish the level. Part 1: Village

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We are in no hurry to run after Kesler. First, we collect a Thompson machine gun, cartridges for it, and binoculars from the table. We go down the stairs and wait for the talkative Kesler to open the passage for us. We jump down into the wine cellar, and at the foot of the stairs we chop up a drunken soldier with a knife. We go up the stairs.

And immediately behind the wicker partition we kill two Germans. Here, as it turns out, they may or may not immediately, but three guards will come running from the street (the door ahead, to the right). And two may appear on the right, or maybe not. It depends how much noise you make. In general, we kill two at the table, and three from the street. We admire the awesome German girl and go outside. To the right of the railing is a staircase, and next to it is a door. Here we go. We go along the corridor, turn the corner, and kill a very nice soldier. We turn another corner, and you can enter the door on the right, have a snack, and pick up grenades. We leave, reach the end of the corridor, open the door, and kill the machine gunner.

We immediately take the bipod in our hands and begin shooting at the crowd of soldiers who will run towards us from the opened doors straight ahead. Having finished with them, we go down to the street and go to where they ran out from. We turn right, go through the lattice door, turn left, and from behind we can attack the frozen soldier, who is not waiting for us from here at all.

To the left along the street, behind the boxes, there are a couple more soldiers, and another one on the tower next to us. As soon as we kill them all, the door next to the boxes will open, and a man who sympathizes with us will open his closet with cartridges for the Thompson and a Stan machine gun. We'll get a new pea coat there. We go out and walk along the street behind the boxes. In front of the bridge on the left there is a gap in the railing. We jump off and crawl under the bridge. To the left, at the top of the stairs, is a soldier. He can be killed.

And then we go right, left, left again. Let's go out to the soldier warming himself by the barrel. We kill, go through the door ahead. In the room on the left are two officers and a soldier. We kill. Let's get hold of weapons. We head to the bookshelves on the right.

We are interested in their left half. Closer to its center there is a tall red book, sliding which we will open a hatch in the floor. We go down the steps there and find a secret wine cellar, and in it are gold bars and first aid kits.

We go out into the street, go to the stairs where the soldier was. Before the stairs, you can go through the door on the right, admire another woman, and suck her off for dinner with Stamina.

Having climbed the stairs, we go into the left passage (there are soldiers on the right in the rooms and attics). We meander along the railing, kill a soldier, another, and see a door in the depths under the arch on the right. But further there is a staircase, and on it is another representative of the military. Having killed him, and going down the stairs, we will go through the lattice gate, and there, through the door on the right. There's a whole arsenal here. We replenish ammunition. Also, from the stairs we jump onto the railing, then onto the stone pedestal, which is closer to the balcony above, and from it onto the balcony itself. This is a secret: a couple of first aid kits. Then we return to the door under the arch.

We pass along the corridor. We're on our way out, straight through the door. But first you need to kill two officers in the room on the right, and a soldier on the left. Then we go out and try not to come under fire from a sniper shooting from the attic window behind the lattice gate in front of us. We go to the left. Here, in the cemetery, we add four soldiers to the dead, and go to the tomb, sealed with a stone with runes. Behind the tomb, we'll take two TNT blocks - they'll come in handy.

We break the stone covering the entrance to the tomb and jump down.

Part 2: Catacombs

Secrets 1/1

Well? We fought with the soldiers, now it’s time to fight the monsters.

We go forward until there is a break in the floor. Below, soldiers fight monsters. We have nowhere to rush, we wait until one of the sides wins. Then we jump down and finish off the survivors. We select ammunition and first aid kits. If there’s anything left, don’t mind: we’ll come back here again. Let's go into the tunnel.

On the way we fight the undead attacking us. There is only one path here, there is nowhere to turn: don’t get lost. So, we move forward, clearing the way for ourselves with automatic bursts.

We'll reach failure. We jump over to the other side, break the shitty masonry, and enter the crypt. As we go to the switch on the left, the dead will rise from the wall and from the coffin. We smash them to dust. We lower the switch and jump back: there, a panel has opened on the wall, and behind it is another switch. Let's lower it. And now we jump down into the gap, to where the stakes used to be.

The undead will immediately attack us. We fight back and go into the passage.

Let's get to the door. Here, too, a couple of deceased people will hatch from the walls and will have to be destroyed. We lower the lever next to the door and go through it. Opposite is the passage we need. But you can go left, to the beginning of the level, if you still have some supplies of first aid kits and ammunition there. Then we go straight into the passage. The bridge below us will collapse, and, once below, we will again fight the dead.

The door will open, and after passing through the tunnel, we will have to kill two soldiers. We take cartridges for the machine gun and a book on the table. The dead will begin to emerge from the floor and walls. We fight off this abyss of evil. Then among the coffins on the right you can take a first aid kit and grenades. But our path is through the coffin niche on the left. We climb up the scree and go out into the corridor. Opposite there is a staircase, and on it there is a dead man. You can look to the left: there is a door on the left, behind it is a secret. We go up the stairs to the room where the dead man was just killed.

Having killed another zombie, we go to the wall opposite the entrance: there is a brick protruding from the wall. Having pressed it, we turn around and quickly run to the door with the secret (it will close soon). There we take the Golden Helmet, and, having lowered the switch, we leave. We go into the passage to our left. We go up any of the stairs into a room where all the doors will close and the dead will begin to hatch from the walls.

The final chord will be the birth of a dead man from the flames, spewing fire. While he is not yet strong enough, we throw grenades at the fire.

Having finished with the dead, we lower the switch (it is to the left of the wall farthest to the door, if you are facing it). We go through the opened door.

Part 3: Crypt

Secrets 2/2

After loading the level, we witness a massacre between Wehrmacht soldiers and the dead.

We slowly move forward, as necessary, shooting either soldiers, or dead people, or both together. Let's cross the bridge. There will be a decisive battle when a dead man appears spitting fire. They will quickly finish off the soldiers and move towards us. We throw grenades at the fireman, and then, if there are any left, we finish off the rest.

In the room behind the bridge, on the left, there is a cross with a circle.

We approach it from the side and knock it down with our foot: it will fall and a hole will form in the floor. We jump there, this is a secret room. We select cartridges, grenades, first aid kits, and, having lowered the switch behind the coffin, we go out behind the raised grate.

Now up the stairs and forward to familiar places. From the hole into which we jumped, we go to the room with coffins. There, at the very end, we press the button with the palm on the wall. And, not paying attention to the hatched dead, we run back to the grate from the room with the secret: in front of it, on the left, a passage in the wall has opened. We go down the stairs to the very bottom.

In a foggy room we will meet with another gang of semi-decayed non-humans. When she is finished, the soldiers on the other side will open the door, and another exciting battle awaits us. We go through the opened door.

In the center of the room we see a column. We need to lower it. To do this, you need to lower three switches in three passages.

You need to go through it in this order (otherwise we won’t take the secret at the top):

We go to the middle passage. Slowly: the spiked slab will fall. While it is rising, we rush to the switch and lower it. We exit in the same way while the slab rises up.

Let's go to the left. We jump over the pit, stand as far as possible from the switch, and, having lowered it, immediately (instantly!) Jump back so that we are not crushed by the collapsing stone slabs.

In the right passage, we carefully avoid coming close to the light protruding tiles: otherwise, disks will burst out of the walls, and we’ll be screwed. Having lowered the switch, we exit just as carefully.

We stand on the square platform, the top of the column, and rise up. Along the extended wooden path we go to the switch, lower it: on the other side a door will rise, and the dead will hatch in the niches to the right and left - behind them is the entrance to a room with a secret (a box with gold coins), but you still need to be able to get there. Then we run to the other side to the opened door.

We go to the opposite end of the vast room, and take a glass from the skull and crossbones.

The dead will appear behind us. When fighting them, we are afraid to get close to the faces on the walls: they spew fire. Then there will be an earthquake, and we will jump into the crack that has formed in the floor. We go out through the door and go along the tunnel towards a new level.

Part 4: The Defined Church

Secrets 1/1

If you downloaded and installed the mod from the Files section on our server, then, starting from this level, it will become a thousand times more interesting for you to play. Because you will not only see charming Nazi girls, but you will also be able to see their intimate charms and sexy underwear.

So let's move forward. Through the room with the boxes. There is a gap ahead, and behind it is a spacious room. You can, of course, jump out there with a machine gun, or you can take out a sniper rifle and wait until a soldier appears in sight. Kill him, and then take aim at his two comrades who ran up.

We go into the room, cross it and turn to the right, along the way picking up first aid kits, grenades, cartridges: whoever needs what. We're out the door. There is our first meeting with a charming goddess, whom we, unfortunately, are forced to kill rather than drag into bed.

Having climbed the stairs, we are preparing for battle: on the right around the corner, and on the left behind the boxes, there are two charming Amazons that we need to kill. Now open the grate on the right and go behind it. A corridor, stairs, another grate, a door.

We go out into the Main Hall of the Church. Here we have to fight with five damn nice girls and win. We go around the perimeter of the temple, towards the altar. There you need to climb up the stairs, but another prankster throws grenades from above. After breaking one of them, we immediately dive up and kill her before she has time to switch to Sten. We go out the door.

There are three more bitches here. There is nothing to do: we kill. Then we go out onto the wooden platform, approach its right edge, break the railing with our foot, and jump through the window opening onto the platform where the doors do not lead. This is a secret square. Here we will find grenades, a first aid kit, pistol cartridges and a Skull.

We jump over onto the wooden platform again and go through the next door. There's another scoundrel at the spiral staircase. Scold her or what? Queue from machine E

We go down the spiral staircase. There are a few more girls here who really want to see us dead. But that’s what grandma said for two (we’re collecting first aid kits and ammo). We open the grate, the door, and go out into the room full of boxes. Five warlike Amazons are hiding here. We are fighting. Having finished with them, we select weapons, armor (helmets on the boxes), and first aid kits around.

We knock down the bolt on the door and go to finish the level.

And we will meet charming girls at the last levels.

Part 4: The Defiled Church (continued)

Secrets 0/0

Well, from the video you understood that Helga von Bulow ceased her mortal existence and turned into something terrible, but we have to destroy this Something at this level.

We go forward and fall down. We collect ammunition, and do not forget this place for the future if we leave ammunition and first aid kits here. We go out into the gap opposite the table with first aid kits.

We climb the slope and enter the arena of the future battle. Here she is Helga von Bulow, in all her glory, with her minions.

It is necessary to extinguish it, first of all, and only then the normal undead. Do you still have a couple of TNT sticks intact? Let them do it! We jump up to Helga, activate the dynamite stick, and jump away. Same for the second one. Then grenades at her! If she is still alive, then we finish off with a machine gun, then the undead. It is better to throw grenades at her at the moment when she stops to growl and spew out skulls that blind us.

Having cleared the area of ​​enemies, we go down again to replenish our ammunition and health (if we have anything). Then we go out into the arena again, go to the other side, and go right. We go into the tomb to take the blade.

Part 1: Forest Compound

Secrets 1/1

We arrived at the place. All around is quiet, smooth, idyll. And that's how it should remain. Our task: to penetrate unnoticed missile base.

We walk forward on the grass. There is no need to hide the weapon yet: the base is still far away. We will go out through the ravine to a house and a sentry walking around it. There are two more soldiers in the house. We get closer behind the sentry, and we can shoot: the main thing is that no one runs away from here. Having picked up the weapon, you can walk along the water (the black stripe is nearby) towards the parachute hanging in the trees on the right bank. There, pick up a Colt, cartridges, first aid kits.

We return back to the house and continue along the path. Let's go to another house. It would be better to be quieter here. Behind the sentry (don’t pay attention to the tower in the distance) we approach the entrance to the house. In the house, the officer listens to the gramophone. We run into the house, and with a knife, with a knife. In the back so as not to make noise. Then you can also place a sentry from Sten next to the house.

Now comes the most unpredictable part: save often.

Sticking to the rock on the right, we move forward and forward until we come out from the rear to the tower. We need to climb up it and take down the sentry. It's not difficult. The main thing is that the two soldiers below do not raise the alarm: they have an alarm button at hand. We film the sentry quietly. We select his weapon and go down. While the soldiers' backs are to us, we quickly run into the tunnel on the right. Or you can get as close as possible to the soldiers (you can crouch down) and quickly (!) shoot them with a machine gun so that they don’t have time to raise the alarm.

Then we go into the tunnel on the right, between the tower and the booth where these two soldiers were. At its opposite end are two soldiers near a truck. While they are chatting there, we run forward along the tunnel and turn into the right passage. We open the door, run forward along the tunnel, and at the end we climb up the stairs and immediately turn right, towards the rock.

We're going through the ravine. Let's go out to the soldier and officer talking below. The officer will go to the side, and the soldier will stand next to the machine gun. Carefully, in short dashes, we move behind the officer and chop him from behind with a knife. He shouldn't have time to shoot! We go to where he was going and find a sniper rifle, ammunition, and a first aid kit.

We return to the soldier at the machine gun, and also remove him with a knife. Now you can climb the tower and remove the sentry on it, but so as not to alarm the sentry at the entrance to the base on the right.

We go down and shoot this sentry at the entrance to the base, but so that the officer in the glass room above does not make noise (we shoot when he lowers his binoculars). When this is done, you can shoot with a rifle those two soldiers at the entrance to the tunnel, behind whose backs we broke into this territory (for reassurance).

We get closer to the gate of the base, and through the glass (with the first shot! Otherwise it will raise the alarm) we shoot the officer at the top. From the same place you can remove the sentry on the water tower. Now everything is in order. But I don’t recommend breaking through.

We go around the fence around the base on the left. Let's get to open window. Behind him, in the depths, is an officer talking. You can remove it with a sniper rifle. But why waste ammo? We climb into the window and chop the officer from behind with a knife.

Next to the window through which we climbed in was a table. There is a regular sniper rifle on the table. We jump onto the table and climb out the window.

We need to do all the following in such a way that the sentry at the entrance to the missile base does not see him, whom we must not kill.

We jump onto the boxes near the wall, from the boxes to the wall. We jump from the wall onto the roof of the barracks. We move along the cable to the roof of the warehouse nearby. There we jump into the open hatch and find ourselves in a secret room. We can take Thompson cartridges and armor. We break the shells near the boxes, and in the broken box we take the Golden Helmet. We go out the door and run to the gate ahead on the right. Behind them is the door of the barracks on the left: there is an officer. You must either quickly attack him with a knife, or wait until he turns his back (and so he stands sideways by the poster). If we don’t kill him, then he will make noise behind our backs.

Having finished with the officer, we go out through the same door and carefully go around the left corner of the barracks: there are boxes ahead, and behind them is the last sentry. Either we shoot him from the barracks with a sniper rifle, or we run to the wall, move towards the boxes, hiding between three transformers and the wall, and then finish off the sentry with a knife.

We jump into the back of the truck. All. Let's go to a new level.

Part 2: Rocket Base

Secrets 1/1

Since at the previous level our nerves were overly strained by the forced inaction of our firepower, now everything changes radically: we shoot at everything that moves and quickly rush forward. After all, we need to prevent the launch and destroy the V-2 rocket (early version ballistic missile medium range).

We open the side of the truck, jump out onto the floor of the warehouse, and go to the right, to the stairs. Along the way we shoot at technicians and soldiers - we destroy everyone. And preferably, in advance.

We go up the stairs, go right, there into the tunnel. Around the turn to the left on the right is the entrance to the barracks. There are two soldiers there. We can replenish ammunition, change clothes, get hold of first aid kits. We leave and move on. Let's get to the lift shaft. We wait for her to rise and kill the two guys who arrived. We activate the lever on the platform and go down.

Having arrived, we pass through a short tunnel and exit into the casemate. On the left is a technician with a pistol, in front, behind the boxes, is a guard. We kill. Let's go left. We activate the lever on the control panel and jump onto the trolley. Go. We will drive through the cave. There are two soldiers in it. We kill on the move. We can jump down, grab their machine guns, and jump onto the trolley again. Let's move on.

We get to the end and immediately turn off the equipment. A lift platform will lower to the right, and there are two soldiers on it. There is a queue in them. We stand on this platform and go up. We take Schmeiser in our hands. When we arrive, there are three technicians ahead, fixing something. To heaven before they come to their senses!

To the right of the hoist shaft the staples go up. We climb up. A hot leaden meeting awaits us at the top. But there is only one soldier there, and if we react in advance, then it is not he who sends us, but we who send him to meet his ancestors.

Let's go through the door. Behind her are three technicians. Hit them in the back with a machine gun! There's a door on our right. Moreover, soldiers and technicians have already started up behind her and are rushing to cut us off. Nothing like this! We cut them off with a long line from our trouble-free Schmeisser. And then we press the button on the panel opposite the door, a little to the left. Explosion! Half the job is done. All that's left is to get out of here.

Another soldier may run into the room.

We go out and go down the brackets. The lift crashed. We go through the doors on the right, opposite the mechanism where three technicians were laid down. There are three soldiers right behind her. The fourth is in the distance, at the entrance to the tunnel. Let's go into this tunnel. A group of people greeting us meets us. Here, whoever reacted faster remained alive.

We move forward, there is only one road, through the tunnel, along the bridges. Along the way we shoot everyone who meets us. Let's reach the grate on the right. Behind it is an ammunition warehouse. While we are correcting him, four gendarmes will run past. They won't notice us at first. We don’t wait for this to happen, but give them a turn. We move to the far end of the arsenal and put them in a pile when they burst through the door. We leave and move on.

We will reach the bridge, which the Krauts will blow up. There is a gendarme on our side, and a gendarme on the other. These two need to be removed, quickly run across the groaning bridge, and kill another one who meets us, rushing towards us. At the entrance to the room, on the left there is a soldier on the dais. We kill.

Opposite the entrance to the room is a plywood map. We break it down. It's a hidden secret. To our right is a table. We approach it from the left side, between the table and the column, and when the “hands” sign appears at the bottom of the screen, press the “action” key. Magic, though! The secret has been revealed. We take two gold bars there.

We go up the steps and move on. Or rather, we break through with a fight. We go out the door, and immediately into the door on the left: behind it is a soldier. Fly up the stairs - there's another one there. We take flight like ducks. The main thing is not to give them time to come to their senses. At the top we cross the room and through the door. The gendarmes are behind her. We destroy them and walk along the metal flooring to its opposite end. They will shoot from below. Two gendarmes and a technician. You can throw a grenade or two at the technician, and kill the gendarmes through the holes in the flooring.

We knock out the ventilation grille, and, crouching, climb into it.

Part 3: Radar Installation

Secrets 1/1

Our task at this level is to destroy the radar and find the entrance to the secret airfield. Okay.

We knock out the ventilation grill and jump out. We will immediately find ourselves in the thick of the battle: there is a soldier below us, a soldier is shooting from behind the bridge on the right.

Let's go over the bridge. They will come from all the cracks. Let's shoot. Let's go through the doors to the right: first aid kits. We go through the door on the left. There is another door, and behind it is a grey-coated man. In the far corner there are staples up. Why not go up. In addition to the machine gun in the rack, we will see an MG machine gun. Let's go to him. Nothing happens. Disorder! Let's queue into the tunnel (it's on our left). Here! Let's run! We shoot the crowd of soldiers, thereby significantly thinning out their ranks in the future.

We collect everything we can here and below, and, taking a sniper rifle in our hands, we go into the tunnel. Before leaving it into the open sky, look up to the left through the optics: there is a sniper there. There may also be one on the bridge. And in the distance, one is standing behind a machine gun turret, the second is walking around with a Faustpatron, and the third is running around with a grenade. We film these eccentrics from afar through optics. Now you can move forward.

When the tunnel ends, there will be a staircase on the right, and there will be two people on it: one with a machine gun, the second with a sniper. We're filming. We go up the stairs and go through the first door on the right.

In the room, we knock out the grate in the floor and climb into the ventilation. Let's get out in the secret room. We collect ammunition, Faust cartridges, jacket, armor. We kill the guard behind the door and leave. We're going to the jail opposite. There is what you need: dynamite. We leave, go along the winding corridor, then up the stairs.

At the end, be careful: there are soldiers on the right and left. Then they will come running again. Let's straighten out. We take the first door on the right. There's only one handsome guy there. We go to the door that he was guarding and pick up gold bars on the tables. We return to the corridor and go through the far door. We cross the bridge and into the door on the left, where the locator is. We throw a TNT block at the dashboard and jump out the door. We immediately pick up a machine gun: after the explosion and disarming of the locator, a couple of soldiers will jump out of the door nearby. We don't let them understand what's going on. We put them side by side. Let's go to the room. Then through the next door.

We jump down into the shaft with staples, go forward, and kill two soldiers in front and to the right. We are behind the door where the fan is (or you can also blow up everything here: open the hatch to the left of this door and turn the valve, but this will not give us anything additional). Then through the next door.

Part 4: Air Base Assault Secrets 0/0 We get out of the ventilation and see a German jet plane take off. But we don't need one like that. We need one with autopilot.

Before moving to the airfield, we take out a sniper rifle and shoot all the soldiers and officers who come into our field of vision, especially paying attention to the nearest tower. A car with soldiers will arrive, they will also have to be shot quickly, before they notice where the fire is coming from and return the fire.

Having destroyed all living things in the open space, we go forward, sticking to the right side, to the tower. We collect the weapons of the dead and knock out the grate in the floor on the left near the stairs to the top. We jump into the armory. When we leave, a soldier will be waiting for us behind the wall on the left. And behind the next door, in a warehouse with boxes and a fuel truck, there are five more technicians and soldiers. We collect cartridges and grenades on the shelves, and go out the door.

Here two people can hit point-blank from the left immediately. We kill the villains.

Actually, we go right to the gate, but you can go left to the hangars - they have some first aid kits, Dynamite and Faustpatron among the boxes. True, a previously unnoticed sniper may be running around there, and after each visit to the hangar (not to mention the fact that there are equipment and soldiers in the hangars), a warm welcome full of fervent fire will await us on the street.

After a walk, we go to the gate on the right. But first, we shoot the sentry on the tower at the gate with a sniper rifle. Then we go up there ourselves and activate the switch on the panel to open the gate.

We go downstairs and go through the gate. And they are already waiting there! And they make naughty, and they make naughty! From machine guns, from rifles, from Faustpatron. Both below and above. We dodge bullets and shells, kill enemies, and break through the gap between the gate leaves ahead. There, some asshole will try to shoot a burst of fire at us point-blank. Will not work! We’ll shoot all the brethren here too, and then we can admire the freak of a plane with its snout up, which is what we have to launch.

We go up the stairs, walk along the metal platform, and go through the doors. There is a gaping technician on the stairs: a bullet for him. Let's go up. We go into the doorway on the right. There is a door on the right and two doors on the left. Let's go through the first of these doors. There's a technician there, you don't have to kill him, he's harmless (I killed him once, but then my conscience tormented me - I had to replay the game to stay alive :). We lower the left switch on the panel: our freak

Crawled up. We leave and go through the door nearby. This technician needs to be killed before he gets his gun, the bastard. We lower the switch on the panel: the plane is fueled and ready to take off. Two soldiers came running from behind, and another one behind the door. Somehow they all catch crows in the first moments: we shoot the klutzes.

The door is directly ahead of us (there is simply no other way here). Through some more doors to the air. There is a German special forces soldier at the opposite wall (they parachuted while we were lowering the levers). We kill him, get hold of an assault rifle, and go up the stairs. Transferring from stairs to stairs, we rise to the upper platform. Let's go through the door.

In the room with the red steering wheel, a reptile was hiding behind the boxes in the corner. We kill, then restore health. We turn the steering wheel. The barrier shields have opened and you can fly away. We go down and shoot everyone and everything along the road: special forces and technicians first. We go through the opened doors and go up the stairs. To the next door.

Here we kill all the dirty technicians, which means all of them. We go to the control panel (see the multi-colored flashlights on the right?). So, we have everything ready: the plane is raised, fueled and the gates are open. We press the button on the bottom panel: the doors next to each other open. We go to the plane, sit down and fly away.

Good bye, Krauts!

Part 1: Kugelstadt

Secrets 1/1

Well, the bastard generals gave us the problem! I wish I could tear off the eggs!

We need to deliver the tank safe and sound to the end of the street (if it were still needed, we can handle it ourselves). This is not enough: we also need to protect our officer, who is completely unnecessary to us, who decided to smell gunpowder. In general, there is still a lot of legwork to be done!

We follow the tank to the bend of the street to the left. There you need to shoot all the Krauts below and above, in the windows. Then we go to the alley on the right. We clear this entire territory from the soldiers below and above, collect weapons, first aid kits, and Faustpatron. We hear: the tank moved further. We rush headlong towards him, before some fascist bastard does anything dirty to him, and kill all the soldiers within sight. And first of all, at the crossroads, we shoot the sniper from the church in the distance (the tank will then fire a shell there).

The tank will stop at the intersection. You don’t have to go into the alley behind the tank: we’ve already been there. We go forward to the barbed wire in the middle of the road. To the right of it is the entrance to the alley. Let's go there. Let's go out to the area between the houses and quickly extinguish all the Krauts here. Especially the one that rushes from the right, towards the machine gun on the left: don’t let him get there. We immediately jump out the window in front and a little to the right (there was a soldier there), and through a hole in the wall on the right we run out to the place where the Nazis besieged three of our guys.

We immediately turn around: there will be a flamethrower behind us. Get a fascist grenade! (In the area where the flamethrower was, in the corner, there is a small platform on which you can jump from a piece of the wall: there is armor and first aid kits on it) Then we deal with the rest. The main thing is not to kill any of the three freaks we need to protect.

We take first aid kits from them, collect ammunition along the way, and rush back to the tank. On the way, we also destroy the materialized Krauts (ammunition, flamethrower, if you haven’t already taken it). As soon as the last one is killed, the tank will start broadcasting and move forward.

We don’t hesitate and don’t chew snot: we run to him to extinguish the Krauts. First of all, we kill the German who is to the left of the barbed wire, below. After the tank crosses the wire, we run forward along the street and knock down the faustnik in the alley on the left, then the faustnik in front behind the cannon at the double doors. We run along the alleys on the left, bringing down the flamethrower and soldiers. We collect all the ammunition and go through the gap in the double doors. There are three or four more soldiers and a flamethrower.

In the last room, before jumping into the floor hatch to end the level, jump onto the sloping metal truss opposite the entrance. We go up it and jump over to the destroyed floor at the top: there is a secret platform, and on it is a first aid kit and cartridges for rifles.

We jump down, go to the hole in the floor, jump down.

Part 2: The Bombed Factory

Secrets 0/0

We take the sniper rifle in our hands, go forward, and climb up the stairs. As soon as we knocked out the grating and went up, we shoot at the soldier outside the windows in front: he will shoot at us and run to the machine gun. A second one will appear on top of the ruins. The third one is at the top right. We go to the ruins on the right, collect weapons and first aid kits. We move into the doorway on the left.

Here we will be attacked again. Ahead, from above, they will jump down to us. We fight back. Let's move on (just don't climb into the narrow passage between the houses to the right!). In the next room, under a piece of a standard, there is a hatch down (there are a couple of first aid kits nearby). Let's jump down.

We approach a fork. On the right is a soldier. Shooting at him, we simultaneously turn around: a flamethrower is rushing towards us. We finish it without letting it fry us. We turn around again: help has arrived here. Shooting enemies, we go to this branch. Having climbed the stairs and broken the grate, we find ourselves in the room with the soldier who was hurrying to the machine gun. There are a couple of first aid kits here.

We go down again into the sewer, and now go to another branch, from where the flamethrower came running. There is another staircase up here. Having climbed it, we will find ourselves in the rear of those guys whom we would have run into if we had gone into the gap between the houses. We immediately finish what is ahead (but we are not in a hurry to grab his machine gun: a couple of fauspatrons will fly there), and we deal with a friend on an armored personnel carrier. Then we finish the faustnik.

One will come running from behind the door. Let's go through the door. There's another one there. Behind the door on the left is armor, on the right is a first aid kit. We go up the stairs. We go to the room, to another. Here we end up with the machine gunner at the window. Now through the door on the left. There is an attack aircraft in the corridor - we take away his assault rifle. In the next room, be careful: another stormtrooper will strike from above. Climbing the stairs, we pick up his rifle. A doorway, another, the floor will be blown up.

We jump over the wall to the doorway on the other side (you can jump down: there are two attack aircraft there, and nothing else of interest). We select armor, a first aid kit, and go through the doors. Let's go out to the windows. Here we need to quickly kill the two machine gunners on the side who are shooting from the windows.

Let's go left. From this room, having previously killed one or two more shooters, we jump onto the corner brickwork. We jump from it to the roof of the neighboring house. We walk along it under the windows: two more attack aircraft will shoot from the front. You can either extinguish them or ignore them, but you will still have to finish. We reach the corner, move behind the wall, go through the rooms, and on the table we take a book, a technical description of the Venom weapon.

Let's move back. We jump from the destroyed roof to the wall. We walk along the dilapidated floor and jump over to where the stormtroopers were. Now through the door. Behind her is the last attack aircraft of this level. We move along the corridor towards the door. We finish the level.

Part 3: The Trainyards

Secrets 2/2

We need to go down.

We go to the door on the right. Behind her, along the corridor, is a soldier. Go ahead. Perhaps they will shoot at us. Around the corner we will see this shooter. They will also shoot from below, from the opposite side. We take out whoever we can with a sniper gun until the fire subsides.

In the corner, as you turn, there is a helmet and first aid kits. There is a staircase down on the wall nearby. They might be waiting for us underneath. We get down and, jumping over the platforms with guns, kill three soldiers. Where they were - armor, first aid kits.

We are heading to the train. The doors of the car will open, and three attack aircraft will jump out of it (although, as you noticed, they are all here not in black, but in field uniform; but we don’t let them go to the front: they can die here too). Having finished with them and collecting weapons, we can jump over the open doors of the car and go to the factory.

But first we look to the left: there, in the distance, near the wall, on a building, there is a staircase going up. We go to the stairs and climb to the roof of the building. We jump from the corner block to the roof of the car below, and jump into the hatch. In this secret room we will find a first aid kit, armor, grenades, rifle cartridges and a couple of gold bars. We jump over the box blocking the exit.

We quickly move to the open door on the right, or else on the left, from the top window of the building some bastard will start firing Faustpatrons, and then shooting from a machine gun.

You will have to fight in the warehouse: on the left behind the boxes, on top of the stormtroopers. Now in black. The double doors ahead on the left will open, and three more will fall out. To us through these doors. But you can walk along the upper platforms and collect weapons. Now in the door below.

We go to the first door on the left: a harmless and cowardly technician. Let's go out. Before the intersection, be careful: there is an attack aircraft on the left behind the boxes, another one in the far room of the left branch of the corridor - this one shoots through the glass.

Right at our door. There is an attack aircraft behind the right door, a couple of first aid kits and two buttons that open two doors: the one next to us, and in the right branch of the corridor. We go to the near door (left button). We go up the stairs. There is a door on the right: there is the faustian who shot at us on the street. Left door - in the room there are a couple of technicians who need to be killed before they take out their pistols. There's a new outfit on the table for us. We go back down and press the second button.

We go out into the corridor. Then we open the doors, above which there is now a green light. Behind them are stormtroopers. Below, above, on the middle beams with boxes. We fight off this scourge.

Our final goal: the elevator doors in the right branch. They open with a button behind the panel above the elevator. You can climb up to it using the stairs on the left. When we rise, an attack aircraft will fire at us from behind the glass (there is a secret in this room: armor, ammunition, canisters for a flamethrower, a first aid kit; you can get to it if you jump from the railing enclosing the upper platform to the platform through the passage, but not immediately, as you exit the door, and in the middle of the room). We will run along the metal platforms to the panel, lift it and press the button. Now you can go down and go to the opened elevator.

Part 4: Secret Weapons Facility

Secrets 4/4

We go down in the elevator. They went down. Let's go out. We move to the right and go through the door of the guardhouse. We'll knock down the sentry there. In response to the noise, another one will come running from behind the double doors ahead. And him to the forefathers.

Before going through these doors, to the left of which there is a grate, and behind it a room with ammunition, we shoot at the gas cylinders against the wall. We climb into the hole in the wall (secret), take ammunition, grenades, Faustpatron, first aid kits, armor. Now you can move on.

We open the door and immediately fire a couple of shots at the sentry. We go down the stairs. There are a couple more soldiers here. Continue through the tunnel to the next staircase. Behind her, on the platform, are a soldier and a technician. We cross it and go down into a new tunnel. There is also a technician there. And in front from above, slightly to the left, is a faustnik. At the top left is a machine gunner. The doors to the guardroom are closed, and the sentry there feels like he is in a tank behind bulletproof glass. Bye.

We jump onto the boxes in the center of the room, from them we jump onto the box held by a cable, and from there to the upper platform (all this must be done quickly: two machine gunners will jump out from behind). Now let's shoot this " sweet couple" We go to the nearest door. There are first aid kits, and on a shelf there is a pistol with a silencer. We leave and go through the nearest double door.

Let's go through the door. Something is exploding somewhere. Yes, these are our handsome boys who have broken free! And one of them is already waiting for us. Let's take him down. Then we select a couple of VenomTovs, first aid kits, cartridges for a new weapon, and move on. Here we'll deal with a couple more man-made monsters.

Do you want a secret? Then release the fourth guy from the cage, kill him (Venom is very good at tricking them), and climb through his cage into the gap. We'll find a lot of useful things. We leave, go to the next doors.

This is the closet of that guy who felt safe behind a closed door and bulletproof glass. Well, now you won’t be able to avoid the queue! We lower the switch to the left of the glass: the platform lowered at the top. We go out through another door and let three soldiers (one of them a Faustian) be killed. Let's go back, now we can move on to those two deceased who shot us in the back when we were jumping on the boxes.

Let's go through the door. On the left is the descent and the German market, but there is also a door ahead. Let's jump in there. There is a technician with a pistol, a first aid kit and rifle cartridges. We go out and down the stairs. Security guard. Then there are two more, and a third one will come running.

We reach the end. We see a staircase down, and on the right there is a closed door to a secret. OK. We go through the double doors. There is a technician here and a soldier on the left. We take the armor and rifle cartridges on the shelves and jump into the water: we knock out the grate behind the thick pipes. We swim and climb the stairs. At the next staircase, press the button and go up it. We go along the ventilation to the left, until the very end. We go up the stairs, open the door, at the end we lift the panel and turn the valve. We go back, open the flap in the ventilation on the right, and get out. We return to the stairs, and a closed door with a secret. We jump into the water that has now appeared here and swim: there is a hatch in the ceiling. Let's swim. We arm ourselves and go out through the door. We go through the double doors again, into the room with the pool in the center. The following double doors lead from there.

We pass through another double doors. The submarine is sinking. Well, to hell with her. We bring down all the stormtroopers in sight. On the other side we have a door in the center. But you can go along the bottom to the end, there is an arsenal behind the door. Let's reinforce. And we return to the aforementioned door. Upstairs. On the left is a stormtrooper. We go to the right. We go out onto the bridge. Below on the right are boxes, barrels, and an attack aircraft. We kill the stormtrooper, blow up the barrels, jump over the railing there, and go into the gap. We go up the stairs. To the right and left are two attack aircraft.

Let's go to the right to finish the level and get information.

Part 1: Ice Station Norway

Secrets 1/1

We move forward along the ravine. The contours of a submarine loom ahead. There is a sentry on it. We shoot it with a sniper rifle.

There are a couple more soldiers behind the boxes. It depends, but you can also use a sniper rifle: anyway, three people run from the base (it’s in front) and shoot. To hell with you, fight like that! We run to the base. Another attack aircraft will jump out there.

We run through the gate to the base. On the left is a house with a work coat in it. Now to the right house. The right room in it is closed. We go out, run around the house from the rear, knock out the window below, and crawl into the secret room. We take a first aid kit, armor, a couple of assault rifles. Let's go out. We run further to the base.

You can get to it both through the doors below and through the upper doors (stairs on the left). We run up these stairs, kill those who meet us, and there are a lot of them. If we were below, all the cones (bullets) would rain down on us, and there are already a lot of them. We destroy all life in this territory. Then you can explore it: collect weapons and several first aid kits. We exit from the opposite side. Here, kill the sentry on the tower (then you can go up there and pick up a rifle) and two attack aircraft that will come running from the right.

From the tower we go along the cornice along the wall, it will be on the left. Let's approach another tower. It has a hatch down at the top. Below are two stormtroopers. In addition to their rifles, we will then take a couple of first aid kits here. We go out onto the bridge. We shoot the stormtroopers below. We go down the stairs. Through optics we shoot everything that moves while it is in the distance. We run to the gate ahead.

To the left and right there are huts. They have first aid kits. Only on the right are three attack aircraft. There is a checkpoint at the gate. At the checkpoint there is a button that opens the gate. We press, we run through the gate. And here we are already met by pussies with Venom. Bitches, bastards, wolves!!! Get it! We cut them with similar weapons. We run through the door below.

A whole bacchanalia will begin here! There are many enemies, and they are armed with Venom and assault rifles. We cut, extinguish, tear, dodge, run, jump. In the room on the left there is a ton of rifles, a first aid kit, a new outfit.

When we are done with the people, we go to the generator, shoot at the barrels, go through the hole in the wall, go along the tunnel to the left.

Part 2: X-labs

Secrets 1/1

They are already waiting for us ahead: in the room on the right there are two technicians ready to shoot. There is a first aid kit in the room.

Let's go to the gate. Behind them are two soldiers in front, two more will jump out to the right. If we kill them, we can assume that the cleansing has been carried out here. We go to the left: on the right there is a nook, in it there is a staircase up. Let's get up. We collect ammunition and first aid kits. Let's go down. We go further, through the gate ahead. There are three soldiers and a technician there. One is at the top, he can shoot from there, or he can jump off. And in the end, a monster will break out of the cell, and we will have to kill it. We climb up the stairs.

Through the double doors on the left. Further along the corridor. Ammunition on the shelves. We go out to the main laboratory tables. So why did they release these monsters? To die at their hands? Idiots! And the monsters immediately scattered throughout the laboratory.

We go around the hall along the fence to the double doors on the other side. Let's open it. Here we will be attacked by a couple of underdogs.

Having dealt with them, we move on. There's a staircase on the left. We pass further and go through the door on the right. There is a huge warehouse of ammunition and first aid kits. We restore our health, go to the next doors. There, turn right, right again, and down the stairs. There is a monster below, - Faustpatron at him! We go to the right, there is a broken door. On the right are first aid kits, on the left is the entrance to the laboratory, where on the table we need to take a technical description of the production of Super Soldiers. We take it and exit through the same door again. We return to the stairs at the top, which we passed by.

Going down it, we will find first aid kits, cartridges for machine guns and a rifle. Behind the wall, on the opposite side of the stairs, are double doors. We go after them, kill the walking electric discharger. We jump into the water. We dive and swim (you can take a breath of air in the ceiling niches).

Into the tunnel, down, through the door, straight, along the tunnel, right, through the door, right, through the door, right, up. Let's dive into the secret room. We have no chance of meeting the monster that is walking outside the door: the Super Soldier will come and crush him. Then he will open the door and start throwing Faustpatrons at us. And we are from Venom That's it!

We exit through the broken door. We go straight through the door. Straight ahead again: there's a monster on the right. This door he was at. To the left, forward along the lattice walkway. Again you will have to clash with the legless freak and down the stairs to the left.

To the right of the stairs there is a huge gate: red lanterns are burning on either side of them. If you stand facing them, you will see a control unit on the right. We go there, take first aid kits, lower the switch. The gate will rise, and behind it two Super Soldiers will be waiting for us. Having dealt with them, we will open the next gate and we will be able to finish the level.

If the carnage wasn’t enough for you, then you don’t have to follow this solution, but explore the territory on your own. There are rooms here that I have not yet indicated, and at least one more living Super-soldier guarding Okay, if you want, you will see for yourself.

Part 3: Super Soldier

Secrets 0/0

We open the gate ahead, and, judging by the ear-piercing alarm, we have no doubt: they are waiting for us.

We pass through the gate, and a Super Soldier is already in a hurry on the left. We bring him down, but what to do? Then we’ll go further, take first aid kits, armor, and outfit.

There is a passage on the right. On each side of him are stairs to the left and right: there is a soldier at the top. Having finished with them (we need to show off so that they notice us, and then disappear: they will come running themselves), we move on along any of the passages, going around the room with the flasks. A flamethrower is waiting for us on the other side, and a Super-Soldier will come running (there is no point in firing more than 70 rounds from VenomT at him), and will begin to fire Faustpatrons.

We continue moving: along the corridor of the technician. You can look into the room with the flasks, but there is nothing good or interesting there. We go into the doorway ahead. We go around the obstacle on either side and into the next opening. Let's watch the video.

They put up a very serious player against us: a more powerful Super Soldier who must be defeated.

We'll get a Tesla spark gap from this friend. Then the technicians will come running, and we will send them after the creation of their hands. Below is a new outfit, armor, first aid kits. We go into the passage ahead. There are two technicians in sight, two more will come running.

We take the stairs to the left of the passage. There is also a useless technician with a pistol there. We go up the stairs. There's another technician upstairs. Through a series of doors we get into the control unit. We go through the door on the left, on the lift up. We open the door. We were late, in short. The main bastard flew away.

Part 1: Bramburg Dam

Secrets 1/1

So, a new task.

While the guys are chatting, we descend by parachute. It’s not forbidden to make noise here, so you can shoot the Krauts ahead from the landing site before they notice us. But this is unlikely. One sentry on the tower in front, and two soldiers below: moving from place to place, we will see them through the optics, which means we will remove them. Another technician behind the machine.

We are heading to the tower. In the railing on the right there is a staircase down. We go down to the lower tier. We approach the next staircase down: there is a sentry below us. We remove it from our silent sniper rifle. We get to the door. Let's go get her. We pass along the corridor, and around the bend we knock down two technicians. We go into the passage opposite the gas cylinders. There is also an unsuspecting sentry there.

And in the room on the right there is a lattice door to a room with a secret. We send the elevator up, and we ourselves break the grate in the place where the platform was. We make our way through the tunnel, and, having broken another grate, we will find ourselves in a room with a secret. We take armor, outfit, ammunition. Let's go out.

Press the button again: the platform will return. We stand on it, press the button, and go up. There is a sentry at the top. Either from a sniper rifle, or from Sten. Go ahead. If necessary, we take first aid kits and armor. We go out into the street and to the left. There is another soldier wandering around there. A line from Sten into it, so as not to make any noise. Let's move on.

There is a door on the left, and there are two soldiers in it. Also quickly send them to the next world. Let's go there. Up the stairs. There are two technicians and a soldier here. To the next door. We tune the receiver to pleasant music, take the armor and first aid kit, and go up the stairs into the ventilation. Let's crawl along it. There is no need to hit the bars ahead: there is a left turn.

There are two soldiers at the exit from the ventilation. Queue through the bars into them! We jump out. We go straight up the stairs. Then left. There are technicians and an attack aircraft here. Having dealt with them, we search the room, take grenades, armor, and outfit. Through the doors we get to the stairs down. There is a soldier on it, and a stormtrooper below.

Let's go down. We go out through the door onto the street. Here, in different places about five soldiers. We move, we wet them. Then at the checkpoint we press the button at the door to open the gate, and along the road we run into the city.

Part 2: Raderborn Village

Secrets 5/5

Making noise here is highly discouraged. Even the music is silent. Let's go ahead. We approach the corner. On the right is a car. We take out the SNOOPER and carefully remove the sentry upstairs, near the house. We run there, go up the stairs to the dead man. Now we go not to the left, but straight under the arch: there is a door to the room on the left. We open it and knock down two officers warming themselves by the fireplace: first the right one (he will try to snatch the machine gun), and then the left one from Sten. There's a door on the left: there's a pair of helmets.

We cross the room and up the stairs. There is an officer in the first room on the right. Queue into it. Let's go through the next door. There is a stunning German woman in a negligee (waiting for the doctor), and in the chest, at the foot of the bed, there are three gold bars (we break the lid with our foot).

Let's go back to the street again. And now under the arch, what right hand. We turn, and on the right we see a locked door near the ground. Using a pistol with a silencer, we shoot the locking bracket and climb into the room. Climbing up the wooden stairs and opening the hatch at the top, we find ourselves in a secret room. We go out and kill the officer in the robe in front. Having taken out our silent sniper rifle, we go through the door to the street. Directly ahead, at the opposite end of the street, is a sniper (he sweeps the length of the street from end to end). Let's take it off immediately. We move further along the street, and after turning to the right we just as quickly remove the guard at the gate ahead; The main thing is that you don’t have time to shoot. Now you can stand under the window where the sniper was and climb up the drainpipe on the right into the room. There we will find a first aid kit and cartridges for our silent rifle SNOOPER. We jump out of the window backwards.

Now we can go to the doors that were guarded by that soldier. There is a German woman downstairs, in the room above there are a couple of officers (the main thing is so that they don’t have time to grab the machine guns on the table). And almost at the very top, another officer is listening to the gramophone.

We go out and walk further along the street, but very carefully: on the left side of the street there is a sentry at the door, and ahead there is another behind bars (the bars do not open, and you cannot kill the sentry: there are still soldiers there who will raise the alarm). We either remove the sentry at the door or wait for him to come through the door. Then you can, if you wish, rush to this door (but so that the soldier behind bars does not notice), kill the soldier, the officer. If you look out the next doors, wait for the sentry to leave, and run down the stairs, then on the left there will be a hole in the underground where you can get grenades. We get out just as carefully, so as not to be noticed by the sentry behind bars, and run to the other side of the street, into an alley.

We don’t pay attention to the conversations: there are no Germans here. We go left (the door is closed), go down the stairs, turn around, and go into a shabby wooden door. Let's go to the wine cellar. On the left is a sentry. Let's remove it. We head to the barrels on the left. At the left barrel, press the plug at the bottom: on the left side of this barrel, in the wall, a hole will open. Let's head there. This is a secret room. We take three gold bars and go up the wooden stairs. Let's go through the door.

Now into the passage on the left. We open the door on the right and knock down the sentry. Let's go forward and jump over the railing down. Somewhere here is the sentry who loomed behind bars. Him too to heaven. We head up the stairs, into the door in the corner. As soon as we open it, we shoot at the officer at the table. We break the portrait of Hitler, lower the switch, turn around, and go into the secret room that has opened. Let's take Faust cartridges, stock for a flamethrower, VenomTa, as well as gold bars.

We go outside. We go down the stairs and go through the door at the bottom right. Here we will kill a soldier, take first aid kits, cartridges for our SNOOPER and a bottle of wine from 1938. Let's grab it. We leave, go up the stairs, which is from this door in front to the left: there is a passage, and behind it is a soldier. We kill him with Sten. Let's go down. Our direction is to the passage below. There are two more soldiers there. Kill before they make noise. Further through the lattice gate, and immediately to the right: there is a sentry there. Kill, run, and go down into the open hole in the house on the left.

Part 3: Chateau Schufstaffel

Secrets 2/2

Well, forward, out the doors. We pass through the wine cellar, go up the stairs on the right, and go out to the center of the headquarters: an attack aircraft is walking around there. We knock him down and run to the doors ahead: someone else will shoot from above.

We fly into the doors and kill two attack aircraft (I won’t mention the fact that you need to take armor and first aid kits: you have eyes yourself). On the left is a doorway. Let's go there. We run through it (those who meet us may already arrive), then to the right after it. Let's go out into a large room where a portrait of Hitler hangs above the fireplace (most likely, it will shatter into pieces from the fire of the local guards). There's a swastika underneath. When we finish fighting in this room, and the room with the main staircase, we will need to shoot at this swastika: a door to a secret room will open under the stairs.

If you don’t have time to reach it right away, no problem, then shoot at the swastika again. In the meantime, we need to deal with the avalanche of soldiers, stormtroopers and naked girls that are a dime a dozen here.

Then you can go through the doorway below (on the opposite side, behind the stairs), fight another three or four beauties, and take a couple of glasses on the table.

Now we go up the stairs. At the fork we take the right staircase and then through the door. We pass along the corridor and turn left: there are two attack aircraft here. In this corridor to the first one. Door to the left. This is the headquarters office, and here is the officer. We go through the door behind the table. Let's open it. They will shoot from above, then they will start jumping down. Let's shoot. On the right side we see a fire escape. We move along the ledge to it (but first you can go through the doors on the other side, kill the officer, go out into the corridor, kill another group of soldiers with an officer and girls in addition, and only then return to the stairs). We climb onto the roof.

There are stained glass windows here. We go to the far one, break the glass, and jump onto the bookshelves. Below is a stormtrooper. From the next room they will start firing at us: there, at the two ends of the room, there are two groups, an attack aircraft and a beauty. Then two more cats will come running. Having finished with them, and feeling that we are safe, we go to the fireplace on the right. On the side, on the right, he has a spatula, a poker and something else. We press the “action” button next to them: the fireplace will move to the side, and we will take four gold bars in the boxes.

There are two double doors on either side. The one closest to the fireplace leads to rooms that you don't need to go to if you didn't visit them before climbing to the roof. But if you did go here, you won’t find anything new except corpses. There is also nothing to catch behind the far door. So we go down the stairs.

When we go down: be careful! The doors below will shatter into splinters: the Faustnik will fire. We dodge, we kill everyone there, no matter who it is: a stormtrooper, or a chick. Then we collect the weapons and go through the door on the left to finish the level.

Part 4: Unhallowed Ground

Secrets 1/1

Our ultimate goal here is to destroy all Super Soldiers. Not weak! But we have to.

Let's go forward through the doors. There are three soldiers in the yard: two will run to the sides behind the boxes, and one will already be sitting there. Let's smoke. We open the gate and go out.

Actually, we're going to the left, but you can walk to the right and grab a couple of canisters of gel. Now we go left through the ravine.

Our best friend here is a sniper rifle. They will shoot at us from above, left and right: from the fortress wall and from the cemetery. Let's get these sultry girls wet. Then in the stone house on the right you can take first aid kits and grenades. Go ahead. There are three soldiers ahead. Behind the broken stone wall is a first aid kit. We carefully move forward and forward along the ravine. The “cuckoo” will fire from the tree on the left. The girl will fire from the gate. We always react to flashes of gunfire and respond.

About twenty meters in front of the gate (Gate C is where the MG heavy machine gun is located), on the left, there are ruins. They are guarded by a wild cat with Stan in her hands. After killing her and walking on the wooden floor, you can find holes in it. We kick there: a hole will appear. Let's jump into it. We'll find armor, first aid kits, rifle cartridges, and nine gold bars. We leave here through an inclined passage towards the door (this door did not open from that side). Behind her are two charming girls who need to be killed.

We return along the familiar road to the gate with a machine gun.

There is a bridge behind the gate, but it will be blown up. If necessary, we take Faust cartridges on the edge of the bridge and go back through the gate. Let's move on, i.e. from the gate to the left towards the car. There, a blond jumper is sending bullets in our direction. Kill.

Having finished with the monsters, collecting weapons, first aid kits, armor; Having checked again that we haven’t forgotten anything, we jump into the square gap in the center of the arena.

Part 1: The Dig

Secrets 2/2

We go to the rotten grate in front, kill the two soldiers behind it, knock it out, and climb onto new territory. We select the machine guns, take the first aid kit, and head out the door. There's another policeman here. In his coffin. Let's go out to the bridge.

Along the right truss of the bridge we rise to the bend of the arc, on the right in the rock we will see a glimmer of light and a small canopy. We jump onto this canopy and climb into the cave. There we will find a cup and a gold bar. We climb out onto the ledge again, jump onto the bridge, and move on.

An officer will jump out of the right niche. Let's finish. There is a first aid kit in the niche. Go ahead. Damn it's a super soldier. True, not as powerful as its previous brothers, but still. The rest of Venom's ammunition is in it! And from the door two SS men were firing at us. We also give them for nuts. Then we go through the door from which they shot (there is no point in walking further along the cornice, unless in order to meet three more SS men). Behind the door is a hole in the ground. We jump: there is water below.

We don’t go far from the water: a flamethrower will come running to us. Having solved it, we will use his own weapon: there are about five Germans ahead. We fire a jet at them and hide from bullets behind the ledges: very effective. Anyone who gets caught in the stream will burn out.

On the boxes we will take grenades, first aid kits, and Faust cartridges. We go further along the tunnel.

Before climbing the stairs, it’s better to pick up Venom: on the other side a Super Soldier and several ordinary soldiers are waiting for us. Having dealt with them, it is better to go left, to the stairs between the two lamps. If we go to the right, we will fight with many SS men, and then we will come out to the territory that we have already passed, including those three SS men, whom I did not advise going to above.

We go up the stairs, pick up Venom, go up the second staircase, and immediately cut off the flamethrower on the left. Oh, you rotten cock! Almost fried him, you bastard. Without letting Venom out of our hands, we move on. Let's go out to a couple of soldiers and a Super Soldier. Let's figure it out.

Then our path leads to a wooden partition. We blow up the barrel and go into the gap. There's a barrel immediately to the right against the wall. We blow it up, and behind the hole in the wall we take the crystal skull (secret). We head towards the hole in the floor.

We jump down and go into the dungeon to finish the level.

Part 2: Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Secrets 2/2

There is a wall in front of us. We break it with our foot and enter the ruins. Immediately zombies begin to hatch from the floor. We burn them with short flashes from a flamethrower, and then, within a few seconds, while they reach us, we evade their hot embrace.

After running and destroying all the evil spirits in this room, we go to the branch on the left to press the button and open the grate on the right. Before pressing the button, take the glasses on the left wall and burn the dead man who is leaning out. We press the button and run to the opened grate.

We burn the dead and on new square. Along the way, we break the grave niches, and in one of them we take a gold bar. At the bottom of the steep steps to the top there is a grate behind which a skeleton is bored. We knock out the grate and take gold bars (secret) in the right coffin. We crawl out again to the stairs and go up it.

There is a door at the top, and behind it are three undead. Having finished with them, let's take some ammunition, and we can go up the spiral staircase. We got up, and there were still dead people in the room. We finish them, take what we can take, and go through the doors. There's a couple of stormtroopers on the right.

On either side (preferably the left) we run to the door on that side. There is a militant Amazon smeared with blood and a couple of stormtroopers. Let's finish. I mean, we kill;)

Let's go out the door. They're shooting from below too. We cross the room along the scaffolding and through the door opposite. We go down the spiral staircase again, and at the bottom we kill the gaping stormtrooper. We cross the room with the first aid kit on the right, and through the door.

You can go through the door ahead, but go through the gate on the right. There are a lot of stormtroopers and lovely Amazons here. We fight, we win, we cross the hall, collect first aid kits, ammunition, and go up the stairs. Then into the corridor, past the closed door on the right (by the way, there is an attack aircraft there), and at the end of the corridor, through the door to the air.

Two attack aircraft: one on the left, the second straight ahead. You can also finish off that stormtrooper through the broken shutter in the room whose door we passed. We go to the right, to the wall and a hole in the floor. We climb up the inclined beam near the wall into the attic, break the wooden partition, move further along the attic, and through a hole in the floor we find ourselves in a closed room where there was an attack aircraft (secret). We select all possible ammunition and exit through the door. And again we go to the hole in the ceiling near the wall, next to the beam.

Let's jump down. There are three or four stormtroopers and an Amazon. Fighting with them, we run to the door on the opposite side. Behind it on the right is a staircase to the top. We rise and fly in, killing first the beauty and then the attack aircraft. We cross a couple of rooms, and along the wooden stairs we can go down into the hole in the floor. But first we kill the stormtrooper who is bored there. We get down and throw a couple of grenades into the next room: there is an attack aircraft behind the wall on the left. And we come here ourselves.

In the corner you can activate a lever to open the gate. We go up the stairs, go down, go through the gate. We finish the level.

Part 3: Heinrich

Secrets 0/0

Well, magic is intertwined with science, and what awaits us is last test and the end of the adventure. It's a shame. Yes.

Well! Forward! With Venom, Tom is at an advantage. Destroy Henry the First.

We go forward, collect weapons, jump down, and reinforce ourselves: we won’t have to come back. Forward, just forward!

And here he is, in person. Henry the First. He hurries towards us.

What can I recommend? Shoot him with the VenomT until the weapon overheats, and then switch to Faustcartridges: this will prevent him from enveloping us in darkness. And stay away from him so that he is discouraged from stamping his feet and shaking the ground. Hit him from afar. VenomTa's ammunition should be enough. And against Henry, and against his small army, which he would send under fire ahead of him.

As soon as you kill him, that’s the end of the fairy tale.

Map ESCAPE1 (Escape/Escape) – 7 secrets

Secret 1
At the bottom of the main tower's spiral staircase is a wooden wall. Destroy it.


Secret 2
In the room where you took the binoculars (there is also a radio there) there is a map attached to the wall. Destroy the map.



Secret 3
Not far from the main courtyard there is a barracks room. There is a damaged fragment of the floor between the beds. Shoot him.



Secret 4
After running along the corridors, you must sooner or later run into the shown corridor. At one end it opens into a bricked arch. Destroy the brickwork.



Secret 5
Not far from the corridor with the armor there is another small corridor, with one room on the left and one on the right. In the left room there is a portrait of Hitler. Destroy it.



Secret 6
In the right room of the same corridor there is a fireplace, opposite it you can see two wall candelabra. The left candelabra is moved - adjust it with the "use" key and the wall at the back (next to the fireplace) will open, revealing a secret room behind it.



A secret door has opened:

Secret 7
In the gray corridor just before the exit there are two shallow recesses in the wall in the form of arches. Use the “use” key on the left and a secret passage to a creepy room will appear on the right.



Map ESCAPE2 (Castle Keep/Main Tower) – 4 secrets

Secret 1
Immediately after the start of the level, turn right and go to the end of the corridor. You will emerge into a dining room with a lit fireplace. This secret is not so simple, so you will have to try. Do the following:

Shoot the flag above the fireplace:



A small wooden flap in the wall will open. Now go to the picture on the wall and use the “use” key - the picture will move to the side. Then use the lever that appears behind the picture - the shutter will open.

If you stand on the table, you will see two gold bars in a niche previously closed by a shutter. How to take them?

It would be tempting to jump onto the platform on top of the fireplace (say, using a chair), but you are unlikely to be able to do this - the platform is too high. You can try to grab the gold on the fly by placing a chair in front of the fireplace and jumping from it. The image below shows a good place for a chair.

Once you jump, aim for the gold bars and press "use" continuously. With some skill, you can pick up both scrolls. Each of them gives you a “treasure” bonus, and the right one gives you a “secret”. By the way, you can put a chair on the table and jump from it - then you can jump onto the platform itself.

Secret 2
In a room with two installations (most likely generators), there is one barrel against the wall. Shoot the barrel (from a safe distance, of course), it will explode, and a hole will appear in the wall into the next room.

Part 1: ESCAPE!

Secrets 7/7

We watched the video. We roughly imagined where and with whom we would fight. Now you can get down to business.

We leave the cell, grabbing a pistol along the way, but we are in no hurry to use it: why the extra noise? Our weapon is a knife.

We go right along the corridor, pass past the locked cells, turn right, go up the stairs, open the lattice door. We look out from behind it: as soon as the sadistic doctor starts washing his hands, with his back turned to us, we run as fast as we can towards him and chop him up with a knife. If this bastard even just manages to snatch the Luger, the mission will become more complicated: a guard will come running, the bars will be lowered further, and they will be waiting for us. But we rely on our agility, and, left without a second pistol, we quietly put the doctor to bed in eternal sleep.

We go beyond the bars and carefully climb up the stairs, sticking to the left wall. We look out from behind the doorway: the grate is raised, and a guard is walking behind it. We are in no hurry: he will soon leave, and only the radio operator will remain in the room. We run to him and also eliminate him using our edged weapons. We take a machine gun in the rack on the left, a magazine with cartridges on the shelf, reload it, and we can move on, where two soldiers are not waiting for us. If you are wounded, you can return: the room is full of first aid kits. You can also destroy everything around: standards, walkie-talkies, chairs, plywood posters.

We go up the stairs. Let's go out the door. Now we have nothing to fear, and we will rush like a tank to the trouble.

We go out onto the bridge and go to the door in front, looking up: there is a soldier there. We kill. The alarm will be raised. A door, followed by another door. There is a soldier ahead along the corridor. We're down the stairs. We go through the first door on the right. Behind her are two soldiers: one at the foot of the stairs on the right, the second in the opposite corner diagonally.

We cross the platform, go through the door where the second soldier was. In the barracks we take machine guns, first aid kits, and grenades. We kick the stone floor between the second and third beds - secret. We return to the stairs and go further down. To the very bottom.

On the left we break the wooden fence. We find the secret: rifle cartridges. We lower the switch at the door and go out. We are in a familiar, already traveled place. We go to the left. Up the stairs and out the door again. Over the bridge. Through the hall. Now up the spiral staircase. Take the first door on the left. Through the hall. In the room we turn off the alarm to the left of the door. Nearby we break the poster: another secret (gold). Be careful with the window! Behind him, on the other side, is a soldier with a rifle. We take it off, and then take ammunition, first aid kits, and binoculars on the shelves and on the table. We jump out the window.

We go up the stairs and pick up the rifle of the dead man. We go left: there is only one door on the landing. Into her. Ahead, by the fireplace, is an officer; and from below, through the floor, two soldiers will start shooting. The room has first aid kits and ammunition. Another soldier will run through the door we entered through.

We hit those below through holes in the floor, a third one will come running to them. Let's jump down. We see a door, a corridor, and opposite the door there is an arched passage blocked with stones. We break the masonry with our feet and find a secret room. We smash the cabinet in it and take the ammunition. Let's go out.

Now through the door opposite. There's a soldier behind her. We kill, we go out into the corridor. Another German will jump out from the right branch. We kill. Let's go into this corridor. Two soldiers will jump out there. There are two doors in the corridor: on the right and on the left. Let's go to the right. There is a soldier in the room. Having finished with it, to the left of the door we correct the lopsided lamp: on the opposite wall a panel with a tapestry will be retracted. Behind it is a secret room. In it we will take three gold bars.

There is also a closet in the room, breaking which we can get a first aid kit and grenades. We leave the room, go through the door opposite.

This room is full of soldiers. Having dealt with them, we break the portrait of the Fuhrer to the left of the door: we find a couple more gold bars. Let's go through the next door. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right. On the left are two patterned panels. By clicking the left one, we will open the right one. Let's get into the secret room. Let's take the cup. We get out and go further around the bend.

To the left is a barracks room where you can improve your health and replenish ammunition, and straight ahead is the door leading to the end of the level.

Part 2: Castle Keep

Secrets 4/4

We don't make noise. Taking out the knife, we go through the door on the right. There, by the fireplace, the officer is talking to himself. We make more holes in it, and quickly.

There is a standard above the fireplace. Having shot him, we will see the panel. This panel opens with a switch, which is hidden behind the portrait of a soldier to the right of the doorway (when you turn to face him). In the opened niche there are two gold bars. You can get to them by placing a chair next to the fireplace and then standing on it.

We leave, noticing a grate on the left along the corridor, behind which there is a room with ammunition. From the door to the right: soldiers below. We declare war on everyone! We wet it and extinguish it.

Let's go down. Straight ahead is a long passage, in which there are soldiers on the bridge above, and on the left is the entrance to the barracks, where you can shoot soldiers and get hold of first aid kits. We pass through the corridor. We go up the spiral staircase. We go into the doorway on the left.

There is a soldier behind the boxes in front, another one on the wall behind: we turn around. We go left, down the steps. There's a door there. We pass along the corridor and straight through the doorway: on the left behind the boxes there is an officer ahead. We don’t walk across the bridge yet, but head through the door on the left: directly opposite the door there are cartridges in the locker, and a machine gun in the counter. We leave and cross the bridge. We select the officer's pistol, turn off the alarm: the radio operator may jump out of the next room. In any case, we go to this room, kill the radio operator, and activate the switch on the panel: the grate in the first room with a fireplace and a secret has opened. We can get to it through the door in the passage behind the bridge.

We take the ammunition and return to the street, to the boxes. Let's go under the canopy now. The soldier will shoot from there. We enter a new room. Down the corridor to the right. There's only one door there. In the room we break the closet and take the first aid kit. We go out the door nearby.

We go down the stairs. Behind the arch, on the right, is the door to the wine cellar. There are two soldiers in it. We destroy. Between the barrels, closer to the door, there is a darker stone in the wall. We press it: in the far corner a rack with bottles will move to the side, and we will find ourselves in a secret room where we can take a bottle of wine from the 1938 bottling. And immediately blow it out of the throat (#use item# key).

Warmed up, we go out and go straight from the cellar, then through the winding corridor we come out to the new place of the massacre. There are a lot of Fritz here, so let's fight. We move into the passage below on the left. Then towards the corridor with red lighting. Behind the raised bars. We shoot at the barrels behind which the idiot soldier is hiding: they will explode. Opposite these barrels is a room: we break the right poster on the wall in it, and then the masonry; let's find gold in secret. Having collected weapons and ammunition from the rooms, we go to the farthest end of this wing - to the door above which the red lantern is burning. We open it and shoot at the barrel near the wall on the left: the wall will collapse and we will find ourselves in another secret room, where we can take the golden helmet of the Teutonic knight and a couple of gold bars.

We return to the exploded barrels. To their left is a passage upstairs. You can go there and fight some more. But we will still have to return to the street, to the boxes in the middle of the yard: in theory, they are already waiting for us there. But no one forbids you to go up the stairs, open the grate, jump out into the fresh air, and shoot with an MG machine gun. And then explore this territory, collecting all possible ammunition on it.

When we go back, we will have to fight the whole way. And in the arena (an area with boxes) there will simply be countless soldiers (about a dozen): on top, behind the boxes, in the corners. We destroy everyone and go through the opened door on the left.

When you exit the bridge, there will be stairs on the right. You can also go up there, take a rifle and a first aid kit. Cross the bridge and go through the door on the right to end the level.

Part 3: Tram Raid

Secrets 0/0

We immediately go through the door on the right to replenish ammunition, health, and get hold of Stamina (tea on the table). Don't forget the ammo in the closet.

We leave and go further along the corridor. As soon as we pass through the double doors, we shoot at the technician in front of the mechanism. Then we shoot the soldiers on the right below and above. One may also jump out from behind the door behind. We go through the door on the left, next to the alarm device. There, having fought, collected ammunition and armor (helmet), you need to move the lever on the generator to apply voltage to the cable car drive. Along with the tension, a trailer with two soldiers will come up here to us. We meet them outside at the control unit. We check again whether we have collected all the weapons we could here and get into the trailer. We press the button on the panel at the entrance to the trailer and go down to the next tower station. Here it is better to pick up a rifle.

When we get closer, we will need to remove two soldiers there. And when we arrive, finish off the third one. After searching the room below, we go to the metal stairs on the left. Let's go upstairs. We walk along the icy metal to the stairs going down inside the tower. We go down it. We activate the switch on the block next to the hatch, but before we jump there, we kill the technician who is waiting for us there with a pistol in his hands (grenade down).

Let's jump. We move the switch on the panel horizontally, and
We return to the trailer. We sit down, press the button and move on.

There are two more soldiers at the next destination, and upon arrival, the door ahead will open and another restless suicide bomber will jump out from behind it. Let's go through this door. Behind her, behind bars at the bottom, is a technician, and on the right, also behind bars, is a soldier. Having finished with them, we climb up the stairs.

Let's go through the door. We search the room and the dead. We get hold of ammunition and armor. We go out the door and jump over the railing onto the grate. We break the lattice ventilation fence and climb into it. At the exit, we break another grate and begin to fight. On the right there are two at once at an overturned table. There's an officer in the room. They'll come again. We are opposed by about ten Krauts. Through the openwork lattice door we move into the next room. Here, too, we kill everyone, search the room on the left, get rich on ammunition, Stamina and binoculars, and only then go to the far room on the right to meet Kesler, our contact, and finish the level.

Part 1: Village

Secrets 2/2

We are in no hurry to run after Kesler. First, we collect a Thompson machine gun, cartridges for it, and binoculars from the table. We go down the stairs and wait for the talkative Kesler to open the passage for us. We jump down into the wine cellar, and at the foot of the stairs we chop up a drunken soldier with a knife. We go up the stairs.

And immediately behind the wicker partition we kill two Germans. Here, as it turns out, they may or may not immediately, but three guards will come running from the street (the door ahead, to the right). And two may appear on the right, or maybe not. It depends how much noise you make. In general, we kill two at the table, and three from the street. We admire the awesome German girl and go outside. To the right of the railing is a staircase, and next to it is a door. Here we go. We go along the corridor, turn the corner, and kill a very nice soldier. We turn another corner, and you can enter the door on the right, have a snack, and pick up grenades. We leave, reach the end of the corridor, open the door, and kill the machine gunner.

Very effective weapon, but does not hit the first time. IN
Application requires skill. The client, as in reality, does not last long
wants to die. Therefore, you need to inject not once or twice, but
chop it up like a jackhammer so that you don’t have time to come to your senses.


Weak weapon. It is necessary to shoot almost the entire clip in order to
hit even a vulnerable enemy. Alternate Mode C

Colt (not last century).
For pistol powerful weapon, but still requires at least 3-4
hits to hit the enemy. Alternative mode C in each

Automatic machines.

Schmeiser or MP40.
Low accuracy of fire, but not replaceable against light and
numerous enemies. Has the same ammunition with a machine gun

High destructive power, present in the game from the second
missions, but there is very little ammo for it in the game.

Indispensable against quick and silent defeat 1-3
enemies (even difficult ones to kill). Shoots well and often, but after
10-12 shots overheat and require cooling.


Regular german rifle Mauser C powerful killing ability,
especially at medium distances. Alternative mode C sniper.
Almost any distance is available. Puts the enemy down with 1-2

Sniper rifle, bullet ejection from the barrel of which provides
compressed air. Therefore it is practically silent. Limited
ammunition. The sight is useless: the location of the enemy can be
Just guess, especially at night. But indispensable in missions where necessary
not to detect yourself.

FG42 assault rifle.
Its source is German SS units. 20 rounds in the magazine,
which is more than enough to defeat 2-3 quickly and efficiently
strong enemies. Alternative mode C sniper.

It's a bad thing and dangerous for the player: throwing it doesn't matter.
that with a paralyzed arm. Falls close, jumps, what's yours
ball. Does not explode for a long time: enemies, even slow ones,
manage to change position. Requires long-term use

The same defects, plus a large scattering of fragments.

An extremely useful, but rare item. Explodes 5 seconds after
installations. In multiplay after 30 sec.


Reactive single charge of the early era of development. 6 wearable pieces.
Powerful and effective weapon. When you get into a group of numerous
leaves them with enemies... but leaves nothing.

A six-barreled machine gun with a large magazine capacity and incredible
the enormous speed of the bullet leaving the barrel. It chops up all the worse living things,
than a meat grinder.

Ineffective against enemy soldiers: it takes time
which works against us. And we recommend against monsters in
dungeons. However, it is dangerous for the player if it is in the hands of
enemy flamethrower. Shoot these guys first.

Tesla discharger.

A very effective weapon against numerous enemies. However
must be kept in mind: in rooms with metal
By design, all discharges attract iron. Occurs
towards the end of the game.

In addition to these weapons, there will be many stationary weapons throughout the game.
MG machine guns. They have unlimited ammunition. Correct
health is possible not only with first aid kits, but also with delicious food, which
a lot on the tables. :)

Part 1: ESCAPE!

Secrets 7/7

We watched the video. Have a rough idea of ​​where and with
who should we fight? Now you can get down to business.

We leave the cell, grabbing a pistol along the way, but don’t rush it
use: why the extra noise? Our weapon is a knife.

We go to the right along the corridor, we pass past the locked cells,
turn right, go up the stairs, open
lattice door. We look out from behind her: as soon as
the sadistic doctor will begin to wash his hands, turning his back to us, - with
We run all the way to him and chop him with a knife. Even if this bastard
As soon as Luger manages to snatch it, the mission will become more complicated: he will come running
the guard will lower the bars further, and they will be waiting for us. But
we count on our agility, and, left without a second
pistol, we quietly put the doctor to sleep in eternal sleep.

We go outside the bars and carefully climb up the stairs,
sticking to the left wall. Looking out from behind the doorway:
the grate is raised, and a guard walks behind it. Don't rush: he's coming soon
will leave, and only the radio operator will remain in the room. We run to him, and just like that
we eliminate with our cold steel. In the rack on the left
We take a machine gun, there’s a magazine with cartridges on the shelf, we reload, and we can
move on, where two soldiers are not waiting for us. If they hurt you, you can
return: the room is full of first aid kits. You can also destroy it
everything around: standards, walkie-talkie, chairs, plywood posters

We go up the stairs. Let's go out the door. Now we have to fear
there is nothing, and we rush like a tank to the trouble.

We go out onto the bridge and go to the door ahead, looking up:
there's a soldier there. We kill. The alarm will be raised. Door, behind it is another one
door. There is a soldier ahead along the corridor. We're down the stairs. Let's go to
first door on the right. Behind her are two soldiers: one at the foot
stairs on the right, the second in the opposite corner diagonally.

We cross the platform, go through the door where the second soldier was. IN
In the barracks we take machine guns, first aid kits, and grenades. Hit the stone floor
foot between the second and third bed - secret. Back to
stairs, let's go further down. To the very bottom.

On the left we break the wooden fence. We find the secret: cartridges
to the rifle. We lower the switch at the door and go out.

We are in a familiar, already traveled place. We go to the left. On the stairs
up and out the door again. Over the bridge. Through the hall. Now by
spiral staircase up. Take the first door on the left. Through the hall. IN
room, turn off the alarm to the left of the door. Nearby we break
poster: another secret (gold). Be careful with the window! Behind him
on the other side, a soldier with a rifle. We take it off, and then take it on
ammunition, first aid kits, binoculars on the shelves and on the table. We jump into

We go up the stairs and pick up the rifle of the dead man. Let's go
to the left: there is only one door on the landing. Into her. Ahead,
by the fireplace, officer; and from below, through the floor, two people will start shooting
soldier. The room has first aid kits and ammunition. Through the door that
We entered, another soldier will run in.

We hit those below through holes in the floor, a third one will come running to them.
Let's jump down. We see a door, a corridor, and opposite the door there is a blocked
arched passage with stones. We break the masonry with our feet and find the secret one
room. We smash the cabinet in it and take the ammunition. Let's go out.

Now through the door opposite. There's a soldier behind her. We kill, we go out
corridor. Another German will jump out from the right branch. We kill.
Let's go into this corridor. Two soldiers will jump out there. There are two in the corridor
doors: right and left. Let's go to the right. There is a soldier in the room.
Having finished with it, to the left of the door we correct the lopsided
lamp: on the opposite wall a panel with
tapestry. Behind it is a secret room. In it we will take three gold

There is also a closet in the room, by breaking it we can get a first aid kit and
grenades. We leave the room, go through the door opposite.

This room is full of soldiers. Having dealt with them, we break them
portrait of the Fuhrer to the left of the door: we find a couple more gold
ingots Let's go through the next door. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right.
On the left are two patterned panels. By clicking the left one, we will open the right one.
Let's get into the secret room. Let's take the cup. Let's go out, move on
for the turn.

On the left is a barracks room where you can improve your health and
replenish your ammunition, and right there is the door leading to the end of the level.

Part 2: Castle Keep

Secrets 4/4

We don't make noise. Taking out the knife, we go through the door on the right. There's an officer by the fireplace
talking to himself. We make more holes in it, and
hurry up.

There is a standard above the fireplace. Having shot him, we will see the panel. This panel
opens with a switch, which is hidden behind a portrait of a soldier, which
to the right of the doorway (when you turn to face it). IN
in the opening niche there are two gold bars. You can reach them if
place a chair near the fireplace and then stand on it.

We exit, noticing a grate on the left along the corridor, behind which there is
room with ammunition. From the door to the right: soldiers below.
We declare war on everyone! We wet it and extinguish it.

Let's go down. Straight ahead is a long passage in which on the bridge
there are soldiers on top, and on the left is the entrance to the barracks, where you can shoot
soldier, and get hold of first aid kits. We pass through the corridor.
We go up the spiral staircase. We go to the doorway

There is a soldier behind the boxes in front, another one on the wall behind:
We turn around. We go left, down the steps. There's a door there.
We pass along the corridor and straight into the doorway: on the left behind
the officer is in front of the boxes. We are not walking across the bridge yet, but are heading to
door on the left: directly opposite the door there are cartridges in the locker, and in
machine rack We leave and cross the bridge. We select a pistol
officer, turn off the alarm: from the next room there may be
radio operator jump out. In any case, let's go to this room and kill
radio operator, and activate the switch on the panel: the grille has opened
in the first room with a fireplace and a secret. We can get to her through
door in the passage behind the bridge.

We take the ammunition and return to the street, to the boxes. Let's go now
under the canopy The soldier will shoot from there. Let's go into something new
room. Down the corridor to the right. There's only one door there. In the room
We break the closet and take the first aid kit. We go out the door nearby.

We go down the stairs. Behind the arch, on the right, is the door to the wine room
cellar. There are two soldiers in it. We destroy. Between the barrels, which is closer to
doors, darker stone in the wall. We press it: in the far
corner, a rack of bottles will move to the side, and we will end up in
a secret room where we can take a bottle of wine from 1938
of the year. And immediately blow it out of the throat (the “use” key

Warmed up, we go out and walk straight from the cellar, then meander
along the corridor we will go out to a new place of carnage. There are a lot of Fritz here, so
that we are fighting. We move into the passage below on the left. Then to the side
corridor with red lighting. Behind the raised bars. We shoot at
barrels behind which the idiot soldier is hiding: they will explode.
There is a room opposite these barrels: we break the right poster in it into
wall, and then masonry; let's find gold in secret. Having collected
rooms with weapons and ammunition, let's go to the farthest end of this
wing - to the door over which the red lantern is burning. Let's open it
and shoot at the barrel near the wall on the left: the wall will collapse and we
we'll get into another secret room, where we can take gold
a Teutonic knight's helmet and a pair of gold bars.

We return to the exploded barrels. To their left is a passage upstairs.
You can go there and fight some more. But everyone will have to return
equally to the street, to the boxes in the middle of the yard: in theory, there are already us there
are waiting. But no one forbids you to go up the stairs, open
grate, jump out into the fresh air, shoot with an MG machine gun. A
then explore this territory, collecting all possible

When we go back, we will have to fight the whole way. And on
in the arena (area with boxes), the soldiers will simply not be measured (with
ten): on top, behind the drawers, in the corners. We destroy everyone and
We go through the opened door on the left.

When you exit the bridge, there will be stairs on the right. It will be possible there too
get up, take the rifle and first aid kit. We cross the bridge and go
through the door on the right to end the level.

Part 3: Tram Raid

Secrets 0/0

We immediately go through the door on the right to replenish ammunition, health, and
get hold of Stamina (tea on the table). Don't forget about the ammo in

We leave and go further along the corridor. As soon as we pass
double doors, we shoot at the technician in front of the mechanism. After
we shoot the soldiers on the right below and above. From behind the door too
One might pop out. We go through the door on the left, next to the alarm
device. There, having fought, collected ammunition and armor (helmet), it is necessary
move the lever at the generator to apply voltage to the drive
cable car. Along with the tension, the
trailer with two soldiers. We meet them outside at the block
management. Let's check once again whether we have collected all the weapons here,
which we could, and we get into the trailer. Press the button on the panel
entrance to the trailer, and go down to the next station-tower. Here
It's better to pick up a rifle.

When we get closer, we will need to remove two soldiers there. A
when we arrive, finish off the third one. Having searched the room below, we go to
metal staircase on the left. Let's go upstairs. We walk along
icy metal to the stairs going down inside the tower.
We go down it. We activate the switch on the block next to the hatch, but
before jumping there, we kill the technician who is waiting for us there with
pistol in hands (grenade down).

Let's jump. We move the switch on the panel horizontally, and
We return to the trailer. We sit down, press the button and move on.

There are two more soldiers at the next destination, and upon arrival,
the door ahead will open, and another restless person will jump out from behind it
suicide bomber Let's go through this door. Behind her, behind bars below, one
a technician, and on the right, also behind bars, a soldier. Having finished with them,
We climb up the stairs.

Let's go through the door. We search the room and the dead. Getting rich
ammunition and armor. We go out the door and jump over
railing on the grate. We break the lattice ventilation fence, and
let's get into it. At the exit we break another grate and begin
fight. On the right there are two at once at an overturned table. In the little room
Officer. They'll come again. We are opposed by about ten Krauts.
Through the openwork lattice door we move into the next room. Here too
we kill everyone, search the room on the left, get rich in ammunition,
Stamina and binoculars, and only then we go to the far room on the right,
to meet Kesler, our contact, and finish the level.
Part 1: Village

Secrets 2/2

We are in no hurry to run after Kesler. First we collect the machine from the table
Thompson, cartridges for it, binoculars. We go down the stairs and
We are waiting for the talkative Kesler to open the passage for us. Let's jump down into
wine cellar, and at the foot of the stairs we chop up a drunk with a knife
soldier We go up the stairs.

And immediately behind the wicker partition we kill two Germans. Here,
how it will turn out: they may immediately, or maybe not, but from the street (door
ahead, to the right) three guards will come running. And on the right they can
two will appear, or maybe not. It depends how much noise you make. IN
In general, we kill two at the table, and three from the street. We admire
awesome German girl, and we go out into the street. To the right of the railing there is a staircase, and
next to the door. Here we go. We walk along the corridor, turn the corner, and
we kill a very nice soldier. We turn another corner,
and you can enter the door on the right, have a snack, and pick up grenades.
We leave, reach the end of the corridor, open the door, and kill
machine gunner

We immediately take the bipod in our hands and begin shooting the crowd of soldiers who
They will run towards us from the opened doors, straight ahead. Having finished with
them, we go down to the street and go to where they ran out from.
Turn right, go through the lattice door, turn
to the left, and from the back we can attack the frozen soldier who
there's nothing waiting for us from here at all.

On the left along the street, behind the boxes, there are a couple more soldiers, and another one on the tower
Next to us. As soon as we kill them all, the door next to
boxes, and a man who sympathizes with us will open his pantry with
Thompson cartridges and a Stan machine gun. We'll get a new one there
peacoat We go out and walk along the street behind the boxes. In front of the bridge
There is a gap in the railing on the left. We jump off and crawl under the bridge. Left,
at the top of the stairs, soldier. He can be killed.

And then we go right, left, left again. Let's go out to the warming place
barrels for a soldier. We kill, go through the door ahead. In the room on the left
two officers and a soldier. We kill. Let's get hold of weapons. We're heading
to the bookshelves on the right.

We are interested in their left half. Closer to its center there is a high
a red book, sliding which we will open the hatch in the floor. Let's go down
up the steps there, and we find a secret wine cellar, and in it
gold bars and first aid kits.

We go out into the street, go to the stairs where the soldier was. In front of the stairs
you can go through the door on the right, admire another woman, and
suck her off for dinner with Stamina.

Having climbed the stairs, we go into the left passage (on the right in the rooms and
there are soldiers in the attics). We meander along the railing and kill
a soldier, another, we see a door in the depths under the arch on the right. But
further there is a staircase, and on it is another representative of the military.
After killing him, and going down the stairs, we'll go through the bars
gate, and there, through the door on the right. There's a whole arsenal here. We replenish
ammunition. Also, we jump from the stairs onto the railing, then onto
stone pedestal, which is closer to the balcony at the top, and from it to the
balcony. This is a secret: a couple of first aid kits. Then we return to
doors under the arch.

We pass along the corridor. We're on our way out, straight through the door. But first we must
kill the two officers in the room on the right, and the soldier on the left. After
we go out and try not to come under fire from a sniper firing from
the attic window behind the lattice gate in front of us. We go to the left.
Here, in the cemetery, we add four soldiers to the dead, and we go
to a tomb sealed with a rune stone. We'll take two for the tomb
TNT blocks will come in handy.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Part 1: Bramburg Dam

Secrets 1/1

So, a new task.

While the guys are chatting, we descend by parachute. Don't make noise here
is forbidden, so you can shoot the Krauts from the landing site
ahead before they noticed us. But this is unlikely. One hour per
tower in front, and two soldiers below: moving from place to place
place, we will see them through the optics, which means we will remove them. Another technician
by car.

We are heading to the tower. In the railing on the right there is a staircase down. Let's go down
to the lower tier. We approach the next staircase down: below us
hourly. We remove it from our silent sniper rifle.
We get to the door. Let's go get her. We pass along the corridor, and behind
By turning on the move, we knock down two technicians. We go into the passage opposite
gas cylinders. There is also an unsuspecting sentry there.

And in the room on the right there is a lattice door to a room with a secret.
We send the elevator up, and we ourselves break the grate in the place where
there was a platform. We make our way through the tunnel, and, having broken another
grate, we will find ourselves in a room with a secret. We take armor, outfit,
ammunition Let's go out.

Press the button again: the platform will return. Let's stand on
her, press the button, and go up. There is a sentry at the top. Or
from a sniper rifle, or from Sten. Go ahead. If necessary, we take it
first aid kits, armor. We go out into the street and to the left. There's another soldier there
wanders. A line from Sten into it, so as not to make any noise. Let's move

There is a door on the left, and there are two soldiers in it. Also quickly send them to the next world.
Let's go there. Up the stairs. There are two technicians and a soldier here. IN
next door. We tune the receiver to pleasant music, take
armor and a first aid kit, and we go up the stairs into the ventilation. Let's crawl along
her. There is no need to hit the bars ahead: there is a left turn.

There are two soldiers at the exit from the ventilation. Queue through the bars into them!
We jump out. We go straight up the stairs. Then left. Here are the techniques and
stormtrooper Having dealt with them, we search the room, take
grenades, armor, outfit. Through the doors we get to the stairs down. On
there is a soldier on top, and a stormtrooper below.

Let's go down. We go out through the door onto the street. Here in different places
about five soldiers. We move, we wet them. Then click on the checkpoint
button at the door to open the gate, and along the road we run into the city.

Part 2: Raderborn Village

Secrets 5/5

Making noise here is highly discouraged. Even the music is silent. Let's go
forward. We approach the corner. On the right is a car. We take out the SNOOPER, and
We carefully remove the sentry upstairs, near the house. Let's run there
We go up the stairs to the dead man. Now let's go straight, not left
under the arch: there is a door to the room on the left. We open it and let's go
two officers warming themselves by the fireplace: first the right one (he
will try to grab the machine gun), and then left from Sten. Left
door: there are a pair of helmets there.

We cross the room and up the stairs. In the first room on the right
Officer. Queue into it. Let's go through the next door. It's awesome here
a German woman in a negligee (waiting for a doctor), and in a chest, at the foot of the bed,
three gold bars (break the lid with your foot).

Let's go back to the street again. And now under the arch, which is on the right hand.
We turn, and on the right we see a locked door near the ground. From
pistol with a silencer, shoot off the locking bracket, and climb into
room. Climbing up the wooden stairs and opening the hatch
upstairs, we'll get into a secret room. We go out and kill the officer in
robe in front. Having taken out our silent sniper rifle, we go to
door to the street. Straight ahead, at the opposite end of the street
sniper (he shoots the length of the street from end to end).
Let's take it off immediately. We move further along the street, and around the bend
to the right we also quickly remove the sentry at the gate ahead; The main thing, -
so as not to have time to shoot. Now you can stand under the window where you were
sniper, and go up the drainpipe on the right into the room. There
Let's find a first aid kit and cartridges for our silent rifle SNOOPER.
We jump out of the window backwards.
Now we can go to the doors that were guarded by that soldier. Here
there is a German woman downstairs, in the room above there are a couple of officers (the main thing: so that
did not have time to grab the machines on the table). And almost at the very top, still
one officer listens to the gramophone.

We get out and walk further down the street, but very carefully: on the left
on the side of the street there is a sentry at the door, and ahead behind bars there is another
(the grate doesn’t open, and you can’t kill the sentry: there’s still
soldiers who will raise the alarm). There is a sentry at the door or we remove it,
or waiting for someone to come through the door. Then you can, if you wish,
rush to this door (but so as not to be noticed by the soldier behind bars),
kill a soldier, an officer. If you look through the next doors,
wait until the sentry leaves and run down the stairs, then
on the left there will be a hole in the underground where you can get grenades. Let's get out
Just as carefully, so as not to notice the sentry behind bars, we run to
the other side of the street, into an alley.

We don’t pay attention to the conversations: there are no Germans here. Let's go
to the left (the door is closed), we go down the stairs,
We turn around and go into the shabby wooden door. Let's go to
wine Vault. On the left is a sentry. Let's remove it. Heading to the barrels
left. At the left barrel, press the plug at the bottom: on the left side at
This barrel, in the wall, will open a hole. Let's head there. Yoto
secret room. We take three gold bars, and along the wooden
we go up the stairs. Let's go through the door.

Now into the passage on the left. We open the door on the right and knock down the sentry.
Let's go forward and jump over the railing down. Somewhere here is the one
the sentry that loomed behind bars. Him too to heaven. We're heading
up the stairs, through the door in the corner. As soon as we open it, we shoot at
officer at the table. We break the portrait of Hitler, we lower the switch,
We turn around and go into the opened secret room. Let's take
Faust cartridges, stock for a flamethrower, VenomTa, as well as gold in

We go outside. We go down the stairs, go through the door on the right
at the bottom. Here we will kill a soldier, take first aid kits, cartridges for our
SNOOPER and a bottle of wine from 1938. Let's grab it. Let's go out and go up
the stairs that are ahead of this door on the left: there is a passage, and beyond
nim soldier. We kill him with Sten. Let's go down. Is our
direction - into the passage below. There are two more soldiers there. Kill before
made a lot of noise. Further through the lattice gate, and immediately
to the right: there is a sentry. Kill, run, and go down to
an open hole in the house on the left.

Part 3: Chateau Schufstaffel

Secrets 2/2

Well, forward, out the doors. We pass through the wine cellar, climb up the
stairs on the right, and we go out to the center of the headquarters: there is walking around
stormtrooper We knock him down and run to the doors ahead: there’s more
someone will shoot.

We fly into the doors and kill two stormtroopers (about what we need
I won’t mention taking armor and first aid kits anymore: you have
there are eyes themselves). On the left is a doorway. Let's go there. Let's run through it
(those who meet you may already arrive), follow him to the right. Let's go out to
a large room where a portrait of Hitler (more likely
In all, he will shatter into pieces from the fire of the local guards). Under him
swastika. When we finish fighting in this room, and the room with
the main staircase, this swastika will have to be shot: under
the stairs will open the door to a secret room.

If you don’t have time to reach her right away, no problem, then
shoot the swastika again. In the meantime, we need to deal with the abyss
soldiers, stormtroopers and naked girls, of which there are dozens
a dime a dozen.

You can then go through the doorway below (on the opposite
side, behind the stairs), have another fight with three or four beauties,
and take a couple of glasses on the table.

Now we go up the stairs. At the fork we take the right staircase,
and then at the door. We pass along the corridor and turn left:
there are two stormtroopers here. In this corridor to the first one. Door to the left. Yoto
headquarters office, and there is an officer here. We go through the door behind the table.
Let's open it. They will shoot from above, then they will start jumping down.
Let's shoot. On the right side we see a fire escape.
We move along the ledge to it (but first you can go through the doors to
that side, kill the officer, go out into the corridor, kill another group
a soldier with an officer and girls in addition, and only then return to
stairs). We climb onto the roof.

There are stained glass windows here. We go to the far one, break the glass, and
we jump onto the bookshelves. Below is a stormtrooper. From the next room
they will start shelling us: there, at the two ends of the room there are two
groups, stormtrooper and beauty. Then two more cats will come running.
Having finished with them, and feeling that we are safe, we go to
fireplace on the right. On the side, on the right, he has a spatula, a poker and more
something. Press the #action# key next to them: the fireplace will move away
aside, and we will take four gold bars in the boxes.

There are two double doors on either side. The one closest to the fireplace leads to
rooms where you don’t have to go if you haven’t visited them before
how to climb onto the roof. But if you did come here, then
You won’t find anything new except corpses. Behind the far door too
there is nothing to catch. So we go down the stairs.

When we go down: be careful! The doors below will fly apart
chips: this will fire the faustnik. We dodge, get wet there
everyone, no matter who they are: a stormtrooper or a chick. Then we collect
weapon, and go through the door on the left to finish the level.

Part 4: Unhallowed Ground

Secrets 1/1

Our ultimate goal here is to destroy all Super Soldiers. Not
weak! But we have to.

Let's go forward through the doors. There are three soldiers in the yard: two will run around
sides behind the boxes, and one will already be sitting there. Let's smoke.
We open the gate and go out.

Actually we're on the left, but you can walk to the right and grab a couple
canisters with gel. Now we go left through the ravine.

Our best friend here is the sniper rifle. They will shoot at us
above, left and right: from the fortress wall and from the cemetery.
Let's get these sultry girls wet. Then in the stone house on the right you can
will take first aid kits and grenades. Go ahead. There are three soldiers ahead. Behind
A first aid kit is a piece of a stone wall. Carefully moving forward and forward
along the ravine. The #cuckoo# will fire from the tree on the left. From the gate
the girl will fire. We always react to flashes of gunfire,
and we answer.

About twenty meters in front of the gate (gate C is where it stands
MG heavy machine gun), left, ruins. They are guarded by a wild cat
with Stan in his hands. After killing her and walking on the wooden floor, you can
find holes in it. We kick there: a hole will appear. Let's jump into
her. We'll find armor, first aid kits, rifle cartridges, nine gold
ingots We leave here through an inclined passage towards the door (from that
this door did not open from the side). Behind her are two charming
girls to kill.

We return along the familiar road to the gate with a machine gun.

There is a bridge behind the gate, but it will be blown up. If necessary, we take Faust cartridges for
edge of the bridge, and go back through the gate. Let's move on, i.e. from
Gate left towards the car. There the blonde jumper sends to
our side of the bullet. Kill.

Having finished with the monsters, collecting weapons, first aid kits, armor; checking again
once: haven’t you forgotten anything, let’s jump into the square gap along
center of the arena.
Part 1: The Dig

Secrets 2/2

We go to the rotten grate in front, we finish off the two soldiers behind it,
we knock it out and climb into new territory. We select machines,
We take the first aid kit and head out the door. There's another policeman here. In his coffin.
Let's go out to the bridge.

Along the right truss of the bridge we rise to the bend of the arc, on the right in the rock
we will see a glimpse of light and a small visor. Let's jump on this one
visor, and climb into the cave. There we will find a cup and a gold bar.
We climb out onto the ledge again, jump onto the bridge, and move on.

An officer will jump out of the right niche. Let's finish. There is a first aid kit in the niche. Let's go
further. Damn it's a super soldier. True, not as powerful as his
previous brothers, but still. Remnants of Venom's ammunition
him! And from the door two SS men were firing at us. We also give them
nuts. Then we go to the door from which they shot (further along
there is no point in walking up the ledge, except to meet
with three more SS men). Behind the door is a hole in the ground. Let's jump:
water below.

We don’t go far from the water: a flamethrower will come running to us. Having decided
him, let's use his own weapon: there are five people ahead
Germans. We fire a jet at them and hide from the bullets behind
protrusions: very effective. Anyone who gets caught in the stream will burn out.

On the boxes we will take grenades, first aid kits, and Faust cartridges. We're going through the tunnel

Before climbing the stairs, it is better to pick up
Venom: on the other side a Super-soldier and several
ordinary soldiers. Having dealt with them, it is better to go left, to the stairs
between two lamps. If we go right, we'll fight
many SS men, and then we will go to the territory that we have already
passed, including those three SS men to whom I did not speak above
advised me to go.

We go up the stairs, pick up Venom, up the second staircase
up, and immediately cut off the flamethrower on the left. Oh, you rotten cock!
Almost fried him, you bastard. Without letting Venom out of our hands, we move on.
Let's go out to a couple of soldiers and a Super Soldier. Let's figure it out.

Then our path leads to a wooden partition. We blow up the barrel
let's go into the gap. There's a barrel immediately to the right against the wall. We blow it up, and

Using the break in the wall we take the crystal skull (secret). Heading to
a hole in the floor.

We jump down and go into the dungeon to finish the level.

Part 2: Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Secrets 2/2

There is a wall in front of us. We break it with our foot and enter the ruins. At once

Zombies begin to hatch from the floor. We cauterize with short bursts
them from a flamethrower, and then, for a few seconds, until they
they reach us, we evade their hot embrace.

Having run and destroyed all the evil spirits in this room, we go to the branch
on the left to press the button and open the grille on the right. Before
press the button, take the glasses on the left wall and burn them
a dead thing leaning out. We press the button and run to the opened

We burn the dead in the new square too. Along the way, we break the grave niches,
and in one of them we take a gold bar. At the steep steps to the top
Below there is a grate behind which a skeleton is bored. We knock out the grate, and
On the right side of the coffin we take gold bars (secret). We crawl out again to
stairs, and we go up it.

There is a door at the top, and behind it are three undead. Having finished with them, let's take
some ammunition, and we can climb up the screw
stairs We got up, and there were still dead people in the room. Let's finish them
We take what we can take and go through the door. There's a couple on the right

On either side (preferably the left) we run to the door on that side. There
a militant Amazon smeared with blood and a pair of stormtroopers.
Let's finish. I mean, we kill;)

Let's go out the door. They're shooting from below too. Crossing the stage
room, and the door opposite. We go down the spiral again
stairs, and below we kill the unwary stormtrooper. Let's cross
room with a first aid kit on the right, and through the door.

You can go through the door ahead, but go through the gate on the right. There's a lot here
stormtroopers and lovely Amazons. We fight, we win, we cross
hall, collect first aid kits, ammunition, and go up the stairs. Then
into the corridor, past the closed door on the right (by the way, there is a stormtrooper there), and
at the end of the corridor, through the door to the air.

Two attack aircraft: one on the left, the second straight ahead. Can I have some more
through the broken shutter, finish off the stormtrooper in the room
past the door we passed. We go to the right, to the wall and a hole in
semi. We climb up the inclined beam near the wall into the attic, break
wooden partition, we go further along the attic, and through the hole in
On the floor we find ourselves in a closed room where there was an attack aircraft (secret).
We select all possible ammunition and exit through the door. And again
we go to the hole in the ceiling near the wall, next to the beam.

Let's jump down. There are three or four stormtroopers and an Amazon. Fighting with them
we run to the door on the opposite side. Behind her on the right is a staircase
up. We rise and fly in, first kill the beauty, and then
stormtrooper. We cross a couple of rooms, and along the wooden stairs we can
will go down into the hole in the floor. But first we kill the bored one there
stormtrooper. We get down and throw a couple of grenades into the next room:
There's an attack aircraft behind the wall on the left. And we come here ourselves.

In the corner you can activate a lever to open the gate. Let's rise
along the stairs, go down, go through the gate. We finish the level.

Part 3: Heinrich

Secrets 0/0

Well, magic has intertwined with science, and the final test awaits us
and the end of the adventure. It's a shame. Yes.

Well! Forward! With Venom, Tom is at an advantage. Destroy Henry

Let's go forward, collect weapons, jump down, and reinforce ourselves:
you won't have to go back. Forward, just forward!

And here he is, in person. Henry the First. Hurries to us

What can I recommend? Shoot him with the Venom until
until the weapon overheats, then switch to
Faustpatrons: this will prevent him from enveloping us
darkness. And stay away from him so that he won't be bothered
stamp your feet and shake the ground. Hit him from afar. Ammunition
Venom That should be enough. And against Henry, and against him
a small army, which he will send under fire ahead

As soon as you kill him, the fairy tale ends.