Genius test: which figure is the odd one out? Genius test, definition of genius, diagnosis of giftedness online Genius test 15 questions

Do you consider yourself smart person With developed intellect and extraordinary creative abilities? The genius test will help you determine who you really are, how smart and developed you are, and your potential. Testing can be taken online at any convenient time and place. All you need for this is a gadget: a smartphone, tablet, laptop or personal computer and an Internet connection. By answering the questions proposed, you will be able to better understand yourself and determine your level of ability. Perhaps you are a real genius and don’t know it!

Take the genius test at free time, while waiting in line to see a medical specialist, during a lunch break, and so on. This is a great opportunity to pass the time and find out the level of your capabilities. Perhaps it is you who must make some kind of revolutionary discovery that will change the fate of humanity for the better. Be that as it may, you should not take this testing to heart if the results obtained do not suit you. But with this simple test you can begin serious work on yourself, gaining motivation for self-development in order to awaken true genius within yourself.

Genius can manifest itself in any area of ​​life. Some of us write great poetry, others cook wonderfully, and still others run business projects and make huge profits. But this test genius concerns specifically the creative sphere. It is designed this way.

There is an opinion that creativity as such does not exist, and that the genius of art consists only of a combination of the desire to be creative, skill and the ability to create new ideas. And the so-called “predisposition to creativity” is nothing more than a myth invented by bohemians in order to emphasize their own difference from the “gray masses”. But we in the editors of the site are inclined to believe that genius still exists, it is only important to consider and reveal it in time. We hope our test will help you with this.

Genius Test: Only Creative People Can Pass It

Creative people have a hard time due to their sensitivity to everything that happens around them. And if there are people around you whom you consider incredibly talented, send them this test - we are sure it will be interesting!


There's a struggle inside every person genius And fool.

Some have the advantage on the side of the genius, others on the side of the fool, and there are those who maintain an ideal balance, that is, they can be smart and fool around too.

Who has the advantage in your head: a genius or a fool? Or maybe you have a balance?

Find out the answer by taking this unusual and fun test.

You can share your results in the comments.

10 Signs of a Genius

Based on various criteria for genius, as well as various studies, there are ten signs that a person is a genius.

All these signs are ambiguous, and, of course, one can argue with them. However, if you find at least 1/3 of all these signs in yourself, then there is a chance that you have the makings of a genius.

1. Do you know at least 1 foreign language. And if you learned this language involuntarily, quickly and easily, then the likelihood that you are a genius increases. Although real geniuses, as a rule, speak at least 3-4 languages ​​fluently.

2. Your IQ level is above 150. There are many online tests to check it.

3. Do you like cats more than dogs? People who prefer calm pets are not very sociable. But dog lovers are the opposite.

4. You are the only or eldest child in the family. Genetics doesn't play a role here leading role, the main thing is the attitude of the parents towards their first-born.

5. You don't mind drinking with friends and/or on holidays. We are not talking about alcoholism, but rather about one glass of wine or a small glass of cognac (maybe even before bed).

Genius is a person with high talent, creative and intellectual abilities.

Genius- this is when a gifted person has outstanding intellectual and creative achievements in one or another field of science, technology and art...

Almost every person is born gifted, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to realize what they are truly a genius at.

This genius test will somewhat help you discover the secrets of your hidden, possibly great abilities.

Determining a genius is a complex process, so this genius test can only tell you whether you are capable, talented or brilliant - now or in the future.

Before taking the genius test, read the instructions

If you need to take a genius test, think about whether you have any favorite hobby, activity, or activity in life.

If you are not interested in anything and are not passionate about anything, you have no goals in life, then the genius test is not for you.

It’s better for you to first take an online test for talent and ability, and only then take this test for genius.

Diagnosis of giftedness in children, schoolchildren and adults

This online genius test will diagnose your genius (real or possible), which initially can only be found in the giftedness of children, the ability of schoolchildren and the talent of adults.

So, take the genius test and find out your talent as a genius

Answer the questions of the “genius” test honestly, don’t think for a long time, and don’t be upset if you’re not a genius - you definitely have abilities, you just may not have discovered them yet...

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Externally distinguish healthy person from a schizophrenic it is almost impossible. Therefore, psychiatry uses many tests and techniques that help find out what is going on in the patient’s head and whether he needs help.

This time website I have prepared 2 simple questions for you, which only a schizophrenic or an extraordinary, brilliant person can answer correctly.

Important: To ensure accurate test results, answer the question based on your feelings. Namely, on how you see this picture, and not what it should be. Now look carefully at the image and answer the question.

1. Is the mask convex on one side or both?

2. Does the mask rotate in one direction or in two?

Who are you - a madman or a genius?

If you answered both questions incorrectly, then don’t worry: you are an absolutely healthy person. And if the answer was obvious to you, then perhaps you should consider making a friend who is a psychiatrist.

The fact is that The brain of a healthy person is characterized by self-deception. It takes into account artificial shapes, surrounding shadows and “corrects” the picture. Therefore, we fall for the illusion, whether we want it or not.

A schizophrenic has no such imagination. His brain can't make connections between details. That is, he sees the mask only as it is, and no other. For him, the mask is always concave inward and rotates only in one direction.

Then how to distinguish a genius? There is a thin line between schizophrenia and genius, but they can be distinguished. Brilliant individuals have the thinking of a sick and a healthy person at the same time. Unlike both of them, they instantly switch between types of thinking. That is, they see the illusion in the same way as a common person, but they immediately understand what the catch is. And if they want, their brain will stop perceiving deception forever.