Picturesque Li River in China (27 photos). Li Scenic River Park Seven Stars

Looking at China's fantastic industrial growth recent years, many travelers are sure that there is nothing for a tourist to do in China - it is dirty there and there is nothing to breathe because of the smog, it is hot and there is no natural wonders. Oh, how wrong they are! In China, mass nature reserves and places of pilgrimage for eco-tourists from all over the world. One such place is the Li River and its environs.

Rafting on the Li River is a truly memorable journey, the impressions of which will not leave indifferent the most severe tourist. Stunning photographs of the natural beauties of the Li River and its environs have long become no less popular “entices” among travel agency managers than photographs paradise islands in the Caribbean. China's popularity among tourists is growing, everyone can become a part of ancient culture East.

The Li River is the cleanest and most picturesque water artery China. It stretches for more than 500 km through several regions of China. Almost all of its sections have been turned into cruise routes ranging from 40 km to 80 km. The landscapes that can be seen on the Li River are simply amazing. The smooth ribbon of calm Li Jiang winds smoothly among a thousand mountains and hills. Out of the fog, like desert mirages of the Sahara, the outlines of ancient villages and old wooden piers emerge from time to time, the reality of which is rather difficult to believe.

The cruise route on the Li River is covered with many legends, each mountain has a unique name, each grotto keeps a secret in its depths. The “Buffalo Gorge” surprises with its karst mountains growing right out of the water, the Woman Mountain is doomed to forever yearn for her husband, touching the “Stone of Immortality” at the top, according to local legend, grants longevity. The Crow Cave is unique in itself - inside it flows its own river more than 12 km long.

The most favorite part of the water tour for tourists is located between the villages of Yangdi and Xingping. Here, thickets of centuries-old bamboo hang over the very water, wild ducks and buffalo swim freely off the coast, local fishermen practice fishing with the help of trained cormorants, and the peace and quiet of this area is very different from the stormy and noisy rhythm of Shanghai or Hong Kong.

How to get there:

To take a cruise on the Li River, you need to get to the city of Guilin, where you can buy a tour from local travel agencies.
Guilin can be reached by plane from major Chinese cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc. You can also get here by train from Kunming, Shanghai and Beijing or come by bus.

Find out how much the trip will cost you:
To find out how much a trip to China and the Li River will cost you, simply enter the city of departure in the search form and click the "FIND" button. Aviasales will find the best deals for you, and booking tickets directly on the websites of airlines or hotels

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The landscapes of the Middle Kingdom have always been famous for their special picturesqueness, which inspired many artists, poets and photographers. Main jewel natural wealth China - the Li River (Lijiang) - is recognized as one of the cleanest in the country. The bewitching view of the “silk ribbon”, winding among the haze-shrouded hills of various sizes and pointed rocks, gave it another name - “the river of poems and paintings”.

In addition to the green hills bordering Lijiang on all sides, the vast rice fields that can be seen in the distance give it a special charm. Mysterious and bewitching - this is how you can describe the popular Chinese attraction, the total length of which is 426 km.

The yellow-green waters of the river flow through the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, originating in the picturesque Maoer Mountains. Further, the current carries it south through the cities of Guilin, Yangshuo and Pingle, where it merges with two other rivers and rushes south as the Gui River. On the territory of the city of Wuzhou, it flows into the Xijiang River, which belongs to the western tributary of the Pearl River (Pearl River).

Ancient karst giants of bizarre shapes are an integral part of the mystical landscape of the Li River. Over the centuries, water and wind tirelessly carved intricate mountain forms, which, due to their colorfulness, received from local residents such sophisticated titles as "Artist's Brush", "Elephant Drinking Water", "Flying Waterfall", "Crystal Palace", "Five Tigers Chasing a Goat", " Bat”, “Reed flute” and “Dawn in the lion's grove”. The variety of names befits the richness of the scenery along the coast of Lijiang, and its ornate frame is recognized as the largest pocket of karst rock on the entire planet.

Along the Li River Valley lies a large number of stunning natural attractions. calling card The city of Guilin was located on the western coast of the hill "Elephant Drinking Water", which is a karst formation in the form of a gigantic elephant with a trunk lowered into the water. The most striking places in this area also include the Reed Flute Cave, which reaches a depth of 240 m. Under the stone vaults, intricate formations of stalagmites, stalactites, coral caves and rocky partitions loom. Illumination shimmering in different colors in the underground lake is striking in its brilliance.

The most picturesque section of China's Lijiang River lies between the village of Xingping and the town of Yandi. Here, bizarre peaks stretch high to the sky, and bamboo-covered shores form fantastic views captured in the paintings of many artists. Against the backdrop of the calm waters of the river, you can see water buffalo grazing in the meadows or bathing, farmers cultivating rice fields, ducks quacking animatedly in the water, or numerous fishermen on bamboo rafts.

Fishermen go about their business in a rather unusual, but traditional way for China - they do not take fishing rods and nets, but trained cormorants. The outlandish way of fishing is as follows - the fishermen tie the bird by the legs and lower it into the water, where it seizes prey with its powerful beak. Then the resourceful Chinese instantly pull it out of the water and take away the catch from the disgruntled miner. So all the hard work for the fishermen is done by feathered helpers, who, in in large numbers live on the banks of the Li River.

It was the town of Xingping, in which the valley of the Li River lies, that gave her real fame. The romantic landscape of this area is captured on the 20 yuan banknote (in the fifth series of the issue). As a rule, tourists take pictures with 20 against the backdrop of the famous view.

The coast of the river is rich in thickets of a wonderful variety of reeds, which local craftsmen use to make bizarre musical instruments that emit a quiet melodic sound, remotely similar to the singing of birds.

AT rainy weather when a light mist envelops the river and mountains, the local views are filled with a special fairy-tale atmosphere.

The rich landscapes of the Li River make it a kind of Mecca for painters, photographers and filmmakers, so its images can often be seen on postcards, calendars and films.

The views of the Lijiang River, as if descended from a classic ancient Chinese scroll, will not leave indifferent any guest, because it is not for nothing that the local landscapes are recognized as one of the most beautiful in all of China.

Mountains of Guilin

The full Chinese name for the river is Lijiang. Next to it stretch green hills and bizarre mountain peaks. The Li River is amazingly clean and incredibly transparent. The section between the cities of Guilin and Yangshuo is the most attractive place for tourists. Here you can see huge rocks, fabulous caves and cozy villages. The banks of Lijiang are considered to be the site of the deposition of a significant amount of karst rocks. The coast is overgrown with thick reeds used to create original musical instruments. They make a smooth melodic sound, reminiscent of birds singing.

For many centuries, nature has formed bizarre mountains, the names of which fully correspond to their colorfulness. The most famous is the top of the "Nine Horseshoes". On the steep slope of the mountain there are stone semicircular shapes. These figures vaguely resemble the tracks of wild horses. There is a popular legend among the locals about this place, which tells about the Monkey King and his nine stallions of paradise. Once the horses left their master and found a wonderful refuge on the banks of the Lijiang. Here they had the opportunity to frolic and relax. The Lord quickly discovered the fugitives and turned them to stone for their disobedience. The person who discovered all nine horseshoes is considered to be the owner of an extraordinary mind and special intelligence.

The fisherman casts his net

Note to tourists

The Li River is charming in all seasons and in any weather. At sunlight mountains reflected in clearest waters Lijiang, and on cloudy days mysteriously covered in fog. Summer here is the rainy season - at this time it is better to take an umbrella and a raincoat with you.

A river cruise between Guilin and Yangshuo will be the highlight of your trip to China. There are usually two ships that depart at 9-00 and 9-30 in the morning. The duration of the river walk is 4-5 hours. At the end point of the cruise - the city of Yangshuo - tourists are waiting for a variety of cafes and hotels. Further exploration of the landscape can be continued on a rented bike or moped. If you are going to enjoy the beauty of nature from a ship, remember that in winter the water level in Lijiang drops significantly. Because of this, the duration of the cruise is significantly reduced. Given time year will be ideal for tourists who prefer to enjoy the peace and tranquility of pristine nature.

You can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the region and the way of life of the indigenous population by taking a walk along the river. The most famous trekking route is the segment between settlements Yandy and Xingping. This place is depicted on the Chinese 20 yuan banknote.

­ Lijiang River- a mysterious river in the Chinese district of Guilin. Its measured course symbolizes the wisdom of life, and the unprecedented beauty of mountain peaks inspires photographers and artists around the world.

The Lijiang River, abbreviated Li, flows in the south in the Guangxi region, flows into the Guijiang River in the north.

The length of the river is 437 km. The mountainous landscape of this area represents tens of thousands of rocks of the most incredible outlines. Elephant Trunk Hill, a mountain resembling an elephant, enjoys well-deserved popularity. drinking water from the river. The rows of mountains hidden in the morning haze and the calm surface of the river win the hearts of travelers, thanks to whose stories the whole world can appreciate the beauty of these places.

A fisherman sailing along Lijiang is reminiscent of the distant past of these places.

Filming of the film "The Painted Veil" and the 3rd episode took place here. star wars. To immerse yourself in the local atmosphere, it is worth booking an excursion on a small Chinese boat and sailing along the bends of the Lijiang River, just like Chinese fishermen in the distant past.

Seven Star Park

In the vicinity of Guilin County, on the east bank of the Lijiang River, is the Seven Star Park. The complex with an area of ​​1.34 square kilometers is surrounded by greenery, wild animals live on the territory. The list of things to visit includes Seven Star Cave, Flower Bridge, Camel Hill at the foot of Mount Putuo.

Li - the Chinese name Lijiang (Lijiang River) is a river in Guangxi Zhuang, distinguished by its exceptional purity and transparency of water. autonomous region in China (Guangxi Zhuang, China). It originates in the picturesque Mao "er Mountains in Xing" an County and rushes along the general south direction through the cities of Guilin, Yangshuo and Pingle. At Pingle, the river meets two other currents and continues south as the Gui River, which flows into the Xi Jiang, a western tributary of the Pearl River, at Wuzhou.

Lijiang - main river Guilin. upstream The river links the ancient Lingqu Canal with the Xiang River, which flows north into the long and deep Yangtze River. In the past, the Lingqu Canal, which connected the upper reaches of the Lijiang with the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang, was dug for the border regiment stationed in this territory.

Stretching for 437 km, the Li and Gui rivers are surrounded by beautiful green hills. Picturesque Li skirts the intricate mountain peaks and beautiful landscapes open up along its banks. These shores are recognized as the largest centers of karst deposits and waters in the whole world. In the quiet waters of the river, on narrow bamboo boats, fishermen with cormorants use a strange way of fishing. They tie a helper bird by the legs and lower it into the water until it grabs the fish with its powerful beak. A fisherman instantly pulls a cormorant out of the water and takes prey from a disgruntled large bird that lives in sufficient numbers on the banks of the Chinese Lijiang River.

On one 100-kilometer stretch of the Li River, mountain peaks rise high into the sky. This is one of the most picturesque areas of China shown in many paintings. Among the features of these places, the limestone Reed-Flute Rock Cave, which goes 240 meters deep, is especially striking. The first tourists visited it about 1300 years ago. During the 500-meter route, pictures with bizarre formations of stalactites, stalagmites, stalagto-stalagmites, rocky curtains and coral caves open up. Illumination in the underground lake excites the imagination, inventing traditional poetic names for frozen actions - Dawn in the Lion's Grove, Dragon Tower and Crystal Palace.

The largest public park in Guilin, covering an area of ​​more than 120 hectares, is called "Seven-Star Park". Its main attraction - in addition to the mild climate - the oldest bridge in the city, "Flower Bridge" ("Flower Bridge"), built by the Song Dynasty (Song).

On the banks of the Li River there are small villages, and you can also come across a water buffalo. They say that in rainy weather, being on the river is a special moment. You can feel how the haze of rain over the surrounding mountains conjures up a unique, fabulous atmosphere of mystery. Also, a wonderful variety of reed grows on the banks, from which local craftsmen make simple musical instruments, making a strange low sound, somewhat similar to the chirping of birds.

Elephant-Trunk Hill is a hill in the form of a giant elephant with a trunk drinking water. It was he who became the symbol of the city of Guilin. Other attractions include Nanxi Park, Taohua River, Giant Banyan, Huashan-Lijiang National Folklore Park, Duxiu Peak, etc.

The image of the Lijiang River is placed on the banknote of 20 yuan (on the fifth series of the issue).