Crazy mysteries of our planet that have yet to be solved. Unexplained mysteries of the planet (20 photos) Singing sand dunes

Every year is a crazy amount of time for one reason or another, and no one will deny it. Drug lords constantly manage to stage impossible escapes, Jon Snow from "Game of Thrones" is strangely reborn, the most inexplicable objects that we have ever seen are constantly found in the oceans. It seems that we have everything to think about, it seems that there is nothing to surprise us with!

And the more time passes, the less chance we have of solving some of Earth's most perplexing mysteries. They accumulate for centuries! For example, the year 2016 is no different from all the previous ones, and a lot of inexplicable things also happened in the world. Here are 10 mysteries that prove our planet is a crazy place.

space junk

No wonder all kinds of space debris revolve around us. In fact, many of these items pose a real danger to astronauts and even the well-being of the Earth itself! In October 2016, scientists noticed a huge piece of space debris and named it WT1190F. Everyone thought that it would actually enter the Earth's atmosphere and fall directly into the Indian Ocean, but our earth shell is much stronger. The object was burned to the ground as soon as it approached Earth last November, but one thing is not clear - scientists still don't know what it was! They think it could be a rocket fragment, but they have no idea what it is. It's still a mystery!

Where is Hayat Boumedienne now?

The woman was charged in connection with the deadly terrorist attacks on Paris in January 2016. She was the wife of one of the three attackers who orchestrated this. While three of them were killed, Boumedienne escaped and her whereabouts are still unknown. Investigators believe that she went to Turkey and then went to Syria, where she allegedly hides from the authorities to this day. She is one of the most wanted criminals in the world!

An 8000 year old puzzle

Dmitry Day noticed these geoglyphs when he was looking for ancient pyramids using maps on the Internet. Scientists have no idea why they were built! The oldest of the objects was built 8000 years ago, and many believe that they were used to track the movements of the sun. NASA was so taken aback by this discovery that it is now working to unravel the mystery, using the latest technology in the process.

El Chapo's Great Escape

No one thought it was possible to break out of the Altiplano maximum security prison, but the leader of the Mexican drug trade Guzman, also known as El Chapo, made this impossible escape. He drilled a hole in the shower chamber and escaped on a bicycle through a specially made underground tunnel! He was in a safe place long before the guards noticed that he was missing. This story deserves a TV show! Its whereabouts remained a mystery for a long time until it was re-captured during a raid by Mexican Marines.

Ghost ships filled with corpses

More than a dozen boats, which were filled with corpses, sailed to the northwestern coast of Japan. They were all filled with decomposing bodies, but there was no evidence that they had been killed and put into boats on purpose. The authorities could not understand the reason why people on wooden ships died, and also could not figure out where the ships came from. Some of them bore the remains of a North Korean flag, but investigators are still unable to figure out exactly what happened. The first boats appeared in 2013 and they are still coming to the shores!

Life on Saturn's moon

NASA's Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn and its 62 moons last October. The "brave" piece of space technology even made a daring dive into an icy eruption on Enceladus, one of the planet's moons, which is an extraterrestrial ocean. Too bad Cassini isn't equipped with gadgets that can detect life forms.

120,000 antelopes died in just two weeks

More than a third of the entire population of antelopes died out in Kazakhstan in just two weeks. This is the biggest and most tragic case of its kind! Scientists still do not know what caused this, although it may have been due to significant biological and environmental issues. Many blame rocket fuel and noise pollution, which have been caused by many space rocket launches.

What happened to flight MH370?

Back in March 2014, a Boeing 777 took off on its flight MH370 from the Malaysian capital and disappeared from radar. The fact that the plane could disappear with all the modern technology shocked the whole world. A tiny piece of this aircraft recently appeared off the coast of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. Investigators believe it's part of a flaperon from the plane. However, where the rest of this huge aircraft is is still unknown!

Siberian failures

Something really strange has been discovered on the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia. Due to an inexplicable explosion, a 100-meter hole appeared. After some time, there were several more failures. Scientists believe that gas explosions may be the cause of the formation of these holes. But they still don't know what specifically caused these holes to appear. They even sent a team to investigate one of these holes to confirm their theories, but alas! They still can't prove anything.

What is hidden under Stonehenge?

Good old Stonehenge still has a few tricks up its sleeve. New underground mapping technology has revealed something really strange - it looks like there are shrines, pits and mounds hidden under the ruins of Stonehenge that are more than 5,000 years old. Historians have always thought it was a stand-alone structure, but a new study changes everything! This new information could completely change what we know about the Stonehenge complex.

In the last 2 months there have been new facts about UFOs. Alien saucers appear in different parts of the Earth and even on the Moon and Mars. Why they became active is not yet clear.

UFO filmed on the moon

Recently, a record appeared on the network, which shows that there is a strange object on the moon, very reminiscent of alien ship. The recording was taken with a powerful telescope. It shows how the spacecraft flies above the surface of the satellite at a low altitude. The flying object quickly appeared and disappeared suddenly.

It's worth saying that alien ships appear on the Earth's satellite quite often. However, the reliable facts that aliens exist or not. But there are indirect confirmations in the form of photographs from telescopes and the ruins of ancient buildings found.

UFO in Iran

In the province of Taran, the military saw a brightly glowing ball. He slowly flew straight at them, so the soldiers decided to fire on him.

The object was unlike any human aircraft. He moved without making noise, had no wings, propellers. The shelling did him no harm. After the soldiers started firing, UFO just turned around and flew away.

Aliens and Trump

The helicopter of US President D. Trump is constantly escorted UFO. They also appear when Trump flies on an airplane. At the same time moving alien ships at such a high speed that people do not see them, and only cameras capture objects.

Ufologists believe that the figure of the current US president is so ambiguous that it is interesting not only to people, but also to aliens, and guests from a parallel world. Perhaps it was otherworldly inhabitants who helped Trump win.

UFO on Mars

NASA rover caught a strange object in the camera. The pictures were taken in black and white, but they have a lot of interesting things. So in the photographs you can see how it flies over the ridges of the planet UFO with cabin. But this does not mean that aliens are sitting in it, the object can be a drone.

Disc over Zealand

A teenager from Zealand recently captured a white disc on video. It originated over Blenheim in New Zealand. It certainly was not a plane, not any other object known to mankind. The object appeared immediately after the thunderstorm had passed.

At first, it just hung over the Earth for 40 minutes, and then disappeared behind the clouds. Since the action took place at night, there was a feeling that the stars were drawn to the UFO, and it looked just fantastic.

The video received by the young man was sent for examination, but the scientists could not identify the object. That is, with a high degree of probability it was alien ship.

It would seem that a person has studied the planet up and down and there is nothing left unexplored for him. But no matter how. Every day, scientists make discoveries and observe phenomena that prove that this planet still has many surprises.

Seismologists believe that the inner core of our planet is solid, while the outer core is liquid and hot. Above is the mantle, on which the crust of the Earth seems to slide. However, we still do not know what this mantle consists of, because we never got there. It is located at a depth of 30-2,900 km, and the deepest "pit" that people have dug is the Kola well in Russia, which goes deep only some 12.3 km.

Poles can change

The magnetic poles of the Earth can shift and even completely change their direction. By examining volcanic rocks, scientists have found that the magnetic field of our planet has changed many times. The last such event was almost 10 million years ago and is likely to happen in the future. However, it is still not known exactly why this happens.

We had 2 moons

According to astronomers, approximately 4.6 million years ago, the Earth had two satellites. The second was about 1,200 km in diameter and rotated in the same orbit until it collided with the "main" Moon. Scientists have called this event a "giant slap." Such a catastrophe could explain why the two sides of today's moon are so different from each other.


By the way, about the satellite of the Earth. Not everyone knows, but earthquakes also happen on the moon. True, unlike the earth, moonquakes are not so strong and occur very, very rarely. There is an assumption that their occurrence is associated with the tidal forces of the Sun and the Earth and the fall of meteorites.

The earth is spinning incredibly fast

The earth rotates at a speed of 1,600 km/h. It also revolves around the Sun at an even greater speed - 108 thousand km / h. In fact, we can only feel movement if its speed changes. Due to the constancy of the speed of rotation of the Earth and the force of gravity, we do not feel it at all.

Time becomes more

620 million years ago, a day on Earth lasted 21.9 hours. Over time, the Earth slows down the speed of rotation, but this happens very slowly, about 70 milliseconds in 100 years. It would take 100 million years for a day to have 25 hours.

Strange gravity

Due to the fact that our planet is not a perfect sphere, there are points on Earth with low and high gravity. One such gravitational anomaly is Hudson Bay in Canada. Scientists have found that the low gravity in this place is associated with the low density of the Earth due to the rapid melting of glaciers.

The hottest and coldest places on Earth

The hottest place on our planet is located in El Azizia (Libya). The temperature here rises to +58 °C. And the coldest is Antarctica. In winter, the temperature there drops to -73 °C. But the most extremely low temperature (-89.2 ° C) was recorded at the Russian Vostok station on July 21, 1983.

The planet is heavily polluted

Perhaps this is not news to many. However, what is interesting is that, according to astronauts, the view of the Earth from space in 1978 was very different from the current one. Due to the large amount of space debris and waste, the green-white-blue planet becomes brown-gray-black.

Earth is made up of iron, oxygen and silicon

If we wanted to divide the planet by composition, it would look like this: 32.1% iron, 30.1% oxygen, 15.1% silicon and 13.9% magnesium. It is believed that most of the iron (about 90%) is located in the core. And oxygen is the most in the earth's crust (about 47%).

Once upon a time the earth was purple

Ancient plants did not use chlorophyll to absorb sunlight, but another pigment - retinal. Thanks to retinal, they absorbed green light, and reflected red and purple, when mixed, purple was obtained. By the way, retinal exists to this day in some bacteria.

hidden ocean

At a depth of 410-660 km below the surface of the Earth, scientists have discovered a huge reservoir of water 2.7 billion years old. This liquid was found thanks to the ringwoodite rock that makes up the earth's mantle. Water is under enormous pressure, and its quantity is enough to fill all the oceans of the Earth 3 times. Thanks to this discovery, a theory arose that the earth's oceans appeared from an underground ocean that had burst out.

There are many mysteries on our planet. And a lifetime is not enough to unravel them. But together with Bright Side, you can take a look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of crazy secrets.

1. Moa birdsMoas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori natives. During one of the expeditions, scientists came across a huge part of the bird's paw, which is incredibly well preserved.

2. Sacsayhuaman Temple Complex, PeruThis temple complex amazes with its impeccable masonry without a single drop of mortar (even a piece of paper cannot be inserted between some of the stones) and how perfectly the surface of each block is processed.

3. Gate of the Sun, BoliviaThe Gate of the Sun is located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a vast empire. Until now, there is no idea what the drawings on the gates mean. Maybe they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

4. Lunyu Grottoes, ChinaThe grottoes were carved into the sandstone by people - it was a complex work in which thousands of Chinese must have taken part, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes and how they were created.

5. Obelisk, EgyptThe obelisk began to be cut down right in the rock, but cracks began to appear along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning! 6. Underwater city, about. Yonaguni, Japan The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved went under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to the modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era, people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

7. Mohenjo-Daro (Hill of the Dead), PakistanFor many decades, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, the Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this big city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? None of them have been answered by excavations.

8. L'Anse-o-Meadows, CanadaThis settlement was founded by the Vikings about 1000 years ago. And this means that they got to North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus was born.

9 Stone Age TunnelsThe discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (stretching across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days not only hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels is still a mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, others that people traveled through this system, protected from weather and wars.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa RicaMysterious stone formations of a perfectly round shape intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 1930s by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that gold was supposed to be hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty.

Top 5 mysterious events of our planet. The secrets of the Earth do not leave scientists alone. For many centuries, amazing and mysterious events took place on our planet, not all of them could be explained by specialists, scientists or experts.

1. An 8,000-year-old puzzle
Geoglyphs were discovered using the Internet. Dmitry Dey was looking for pyramids on the map, but found the most ancient formations. Until now, scientists cannot explain the origin and purpose of the objects found, and NASA became so interested in the discovery that it applied the latest technology to discover this mystery. The oldest of the objects was built about 8 thousand years ago. Presumably, the buildings were used to track the movement of the sun.

2 Ghost Ships Filled With Corpses
More than a dozen boats sailed to the northwestern shores of Japan in 2013, which were filled with corpses. The bodies were badly decomposed, but no evidence of premeditated murder was found. It is not clear why they were put in boats and whether this was done on purpose. Items of North Korean origin were found on some of the remains, however, investigators are still completely at a loss.
Boats continue to sail to the shores of Japan from time to time!

3. 120,000 Antelopes Died Within Two Weeks
In Kazakhstan, in just 14 days, the population of antelopes died out, more than a third of the animals disappeared. This case is the most tragic of its kind. Experts still cannot understand the cause of the mass death of antelopes. It is assumed that noise pollution and rocket fuel are to blame, significant environmental and biological problems influenced the occurrence of the disaster.

4. Siberian failures
Explosions of underground gas have been occurring in Yamal for the last decades. Huge sinkholes, some of them up to 100 meters in size, appear throughout the peninsula. Scientists are convinced that explosions are the cause of the formation of holes. However, it is not completely clear what could have provoked the explosions themselves and what failures could turn out to be in the future.

5. What is hidden under Stonehenge?
Modern underground mapping technologies have made it possible to determine that under the ancient structure there are shrines, pits, as well as mounds that are more than 5,000 years old. New information could completely change our origins about the entire Stonehenge complex.