What was added to chocolate in 1700. The history of chocolate

VLADIVOSTOK, July 11 - RIA Novosti. Popular all over the world, chocolate has long been the favorite delicacy of millions of people, but until recently it was called black gold, since only the rich could afford a tile. On Chocolate Day, experts told RIA Novosti about the history, benefits and uses of chocolate.

World Chocolate Day has been celebrated since July 11, 1995. The first to celebrate it were the French, who staged mass celebrations dedicated to this sweetness. Gradually, the holiday gained great popularity in other European countries.


As Oleg Ignatiev, the director of a trademark engaged in the production of confectionery, told RIA Novosti, it is believed that the Aztecs were the first to start making chocolate. They called it "the food of the gods" and treated it as the greatest value, using it in their religious rituals. The legendary leader Montezuma used it every time he went to his wives.

“Spanish conquistadors brought it to Europe, who called it “black gold” and used it to strengthen physical strength. The cost of chocolate was high, so only the richest could afford to buy it. Many women considered chocolate an aphrodisiac that could ignite the fire of passion,” said agency interlocutor.

According to him, because of the beliefs in the "special" properties of chocolate in 1624, Bishop John of Vienna forbade the Franciscan monks to use liquid chocolate, calling it a "sinful drink." At the same time, in neighboring Germany, doctors began to recommend chocolate as a general tonic, after which this product firmly established itself on the pharmacy shelves.

Chocolate was popular not only among women, but also among men, they believed that it increased potency. Therefore, the famous Venetian - Casanova, the famous seducer, always had a silver chocolate bar with him, so that after meeting the lady, he would immediately drink a drink. The Marquis de Sade, even while in prison, demanded ground chocolate from his wife, Ignatiev noted.

Belgian postal service releases chocolate-flavored stamps"Chocolate flavor has been added to the adhesive base of the brand in the form of cocoa essential oils, which can be felt when licked. The paint also exudes a chocolate flavor," the post office said in a statement.

Initially, chocolate was very bitter, as it was made on the basis of cocoa beans and chili peppers were added, but when it got to Europe, it became softer. Instead of pepper, they began to mix cinnamon, nutmeg and cane sugar into it. Much later, in 1700, the British began to add milk to the mixture. Thanks to the ability to extract cocoa butter, it began to be served not only in hot liquid form, but also in tiles. And In the 20th century, the production of tiles was put on stream.


The influence of dark chocolate on the human psyche has been proven for a long time. In addition to the ability to cheer up, counteract depression and improve memory, it also affects potency and increases activity, Tatyana Pushtova, a psychologist from Vladivostok, told RIA Novosti.

"Insufficient glucose can quickly lead to apathy, decreased performance and inhibition of the development of intellectual potential, to avoid this, you need to consume 50 grams of dark chocolate every day. This enhances brain function, improves mood, and also positively affects blood circulation in the vessels," - said the interlocutor of the agency.

Cocktail dresses, unusual corsets and hats made of chocolate showed models at the opening of the annual event "Chocolate Salon" in Paris. Watch the video to see how the "sweet" fashion show went.

According to her, theobromine and caffeine increase stress resistance and increase heart rate. The more cocoa products in chocolate, the stronger it tones, so if a person is under stress, it is best for him to eat milk chocolate, which includes milk or cream. They are natural tranquilizers and have a sedative, inhibitory effect and help to cope with insomnia.

"Chocolate is not only an excellent antidepressant, but it also contains phenethylamine, which stimulates the formation of endorphins in the pituitary gland - "happiness hormones" that affect sexual desires, also cause euphoria, and sometimes have an analgesic effect. Therefore, since ancient times it has been considered to be one of the aphrodisiacs," the interlocutor said.

According to Pushtova, the smell of chocolate, which has been widely used for meditation and massages in recent years, also has special properties. A candle with a chocolate smell relieves irritation, pacifies, even restores peace of mind. But, despite the usefulness of sweets for adults, parents should still limit its amount for children.


The use of chocolate in cosmetology has long ceased to be a novelty, especially in recent years, when all kinds of creams with cocoa bean extract or cocoa butter, chocolate mousses, tonics, masks and shampoos began to appear in ordinary stores. Such a “chocolate boom” is quite understandable, since chocolate itself has a large amount of not only nutrients and vitamins, but also helps for medicinal purposes, Natalya Donskaya, a cosmetologist from Vladivostok, told RIA Novosti.

Scientists have found out what is the attractiveness of chocolateScientists from the US have found that a certain part of the brain makes people overeat sweets, in particular chocolate, or give preference to "unhealthy food." The researchers' findings are published in the journal Current Biology.

"Today, chocolate cosmetics are used for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite, lifting, rejuvenation, getting rid of stretch marks, age spots, acne, improving the color and condition of the skin. With the help of chocolate-based cosmetic procedures, they stimulate blood circulation, normalize the outflow of blood and lymph, and prevent the appearance of edema , and also struggle with hair loss, "said the interlocutor of the agency.

According to her, sweetness has received such widespread use due to the composition, which contains useful substances both for the body as a whole and for the skin in particular: iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium.

"Chocolate treatments are especially popular in the summer, when the skin is most exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, it contains about 40% caffeine, which activates the breakdown of fats and metabolism, such procedures are good for those who want to get in shape before the bathing season , as well as after childbirth," the interlocutor said.

Donskaya noted that, despite the usefulness, chocolate is a strong allergen, so it should be used carefully. Cosmetic chocolate is not the one sold in grocery stores. In cosmetology, only bitter chocolate is used, without sugar or flavor enhancers, which makes it even more saturated. Also, the procedures are contraindicated for people with dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.


Trying to lose weight, most women try to completely give up sweets, which most often leads to breakdowns and weight gain, and this negatively affects health, says Evgenia Belykh, a nutritionist from Vladivostok.

“Diets are already a big stress for the body. But you can’t completely refuse sweets - this can lead to depression, apathy and irritability. Therefore, even if you go on a diet, you don’t have to deny your body sweets. You won’t get better from 30 grams of dark chocolate a day, but the mood will improve, and the body will endure stress more easily, ”said the agency’s interlocutor.

Chocolate may reduce stroke risk in men, study findsScientists from Sweden have found that eating certain amounts of chocolate may be associated with a reduced risk of stroke in men. The work of the researchers is published in the journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology.

According to her, in recent years, most diets have moved away from the generally accepted notion that in order to lose weight, you need to completely give up sweets. Nutritionists have developed many new methods for weight loss, most of them include the use of dark chocolate.

"The caffeine and theobromine contained in dark chocolate speed up metabolism and promote weight loss. And because of its saturation with fats and calories, chocolate quickly suppresses appetite and satisfies hunger. This is due to the fact that chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans does not refers to foods with fast-acting carbohydrates. This principle is also supported in diets based on the use of only chocolate. When you can eat a whole bar a day and nothing more, "said the interlocutor.

The source and basis of a truly global delicacy - chocolate - cocoa beans, the fruits of the cocoa tree, whose homeland is the tropical forests of Central and South America. They are dried, roasted, sorted and crushed. In the process of crushing, cocoa butter is released - a thick, viscous liquid, which is then processed into powder. It is from it that many delicious things are made - from the usual hot drink to all kinds of culinary delicacies.

According to the percentage of grated cocoa, chocolate is divided into varieties: bitter (from 60 to 90% cocoa), dessert (about 50%) and milk (about 30%). Also, these varieties differ in the percentage of cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder. There is also white chocolate. And it is white due to the fact that it contains only cocoa butter and milk solids. It has a "creamy" taste.

Often, milk, vanilla, salt, and other flavors, fresh and dried fruits, nut kernels are added to the powder - it's too much to list. The result is what is usually called chocolate bars of different shapes, sizes and colors. I make porous chocolate in the same way as regular chocolate, and the secret of its bubbles lies in the processing technology. In the process of whipping the chocolate mass, it is intensively saturated with carbon dioxide and nitrogen in special chambers. After that, expanding bubbles form in the mass, which solidify in the form of pores when the chocolate cools.

Piece of history

Chocolate appeared before our era, more than 3000 years ago, when the Mayan and Aztec tribes learned about the unusual properties of cocoa beans. And Columbus and his associates, knowing the high value of chocolate, managed to preserve this knowledge and increase it. Then chocolate existed only in liquid form and was considered a sacred drink, the "food of the gods." Various spices were added to it to improve the bitter taste. For several centuries, chocolate drink has been used in magical rituals, marriage ceremonies and sacrifices.

In the middle of the 17th century, along with and in England, a new drink appeared - chocolate. It should be noted that at that time chocolate was consumed only in the form of a drink and was the privilege of the upper strata of the population. The British first added milk to chocolate in 1700.

In the middle of the 18th century, the process of making chocolate was mechanized. As a result, it became cheaper and ordinary people got the opportunity to enjoy the miracle drink.

The 19th century can be considered the golden age of chocolate history. It was then that the first press was invented to extract butter from cocoa beans (in 1828), which made it possible to produce chocolate in the form of bars. The era of solid chocolate has begun. In Switzerland, the first chocolate with nuts (in 1830) and milk chocolate (in 1875) appeared. In England, in 1847, the production of hard chocolate began. The year 1912 was marked in the history of chocolate by the invention of the first chocolates with praline filling.

The United States and Switzerland are considered the largest producers of chocolate, while cocoa beans are grown mainly in Brazil and Côte d'Ivoire.

What's the use?

Bitter chocolate is considered the most useful, because. It has a high content of cocoa mass and a minimum of sugar. It contains the largest amount of substances necessary for the body. It has medicinal properties. This sweet contains magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals. Doctors have proven that chocolate strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves blood flow, and improves immunity. Thanks to such stimulants in its composition as caffeine and theobromine, chocolate relieves fatigue, improves mood, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Not so long ago, scientists have proven that dark chocolate improves brain function.

Chocolate helps with coughs and prevents the destruction of tooth enamel (in this case we are talking about chocolate, in which the sugar content is minimal). This delicacy is indispensable in the case when you need to urgently restore strength, because. it contains cocoa butter - a source of quickly digestible fat.

For baby food, milk chocolate is more suitable, for dietary - bitter.


Chocolate can cause allergies if consumed in unlimited quantities. It should be excluded from the diet of pregnant women and children under three years of age. All types of chocolate are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, stomach, pancreas.

In cooking

Chocolate is added to cookies, muffins, cakes, pies. It is used in the preparation of various sweets, baked goods are glazed with it. Sauces, mousses, drinks are made on the basis of bitter and milk chocolate. White, as a rule, is glazed and decorated with finished flour products, sweets.

Melted chocolate can be added to the dough only after it has cooled to room temperature.

Cocoa powder and behave almost the same when preparing dough, therefore, in various versions, 1 tbsp. l. flour can be replaced with 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Do not forget to add sugar (at least 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 tablespoon of powder) - natural cocoa powder is bitter!

In cosmetology

Chocolate increases the regeneration of skin cells, fights aging, has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect. Chocolate face masks give almost instant results: they smooth and tighten the skin, eliminate swelling. Chocolate wraps help in the fight against cellulite, remove toxins, toxins and excess fat from the body. For such procedures, cocoa powder and cocoa butter without sugar are used.


It takes almost 900 cocoa beans to create 1 kg of chocolate.

Currently, several hundred tons of chocolate of various types are eaten annually in the world.

Cannabinoids are found in chocolate, which are similar to marijuana in terms of effects on the body. However, to achieve a narcotic effect, you need to eat more than 50 tiles at a time.

Chocolate is dangerous to the life of dogs due to theobromine, which is toxic to animals. 10 g of pure chocolate per 1 kg of weight can be a lethal dose for an animal.

The history of the emergence of chocolate today is not a mystery: there is a lot of documented evidence proving exactly where this delicacy spread around the world and how it came to our country. The history of white chocolate is not as long as the history of dark chocolate made from cocoa powder, and its benefits are much less, but this does not make white bars any less popular.

The history of the origin of cocoa and the creation of chocolate

Where and when did chocolate appear, and how did it get to Russia? What is known about the history of chocolate for children and where are the best chocolate products made? You will learn about all this and much more in this article.

Both coffee and cocoa were once exclusively wild grown. Man noticed them in ancient, absolutely preliterate times, so now these stories are actually legends or assumptions based on the same legends. However, in times closer to us, the distribution of coffee and cocoa in different countries is recorded in various documents, and even the names of people who contributed to the acquaintance of their compatriots with new products are known.

The history of the origin of chocolate began with the appearance of cocoa on earth. Uncultivated cocoa grew and grows in a warm climate, at about 40 degrees north and south latitude. This is the coast of Mexico, Central and South America. Now there are cocoa plantations in Africa and on some islands of Asia, but also at the same latitude. This is the so-called "chocolate belt".

Cocoa is a tree up to 12 m high, which blooms and bears fruit all year round. Accordingly, the harvest on plantations is also harvested by hand, choosing ripe fruits. True, now there are already machines for harvesting cocoa, but manual collection is still considered the best. Ripe fruits come in a variety of colors: burgundy, orange, dark green, depending on the variety, reach 30 cm in length and weigh up to 500 grams. There are up to 50 beans inside the fruit. To get 1 kg of chocolate, you need about 900 beans, and for 1 kg of grated cocoa - about 1200 cocoa beans.

The best varieties of cocoa are obtained if the fruits are removed by hand, left for fermentation, and dried in the sun. But the whole world cannot be fed in this way.

The Indians in the old days did not roast cocoa beans, but only ground them and brewed them with boiling water.

Now the fruits are kept in the air from 2 days to a week (primary fermentation), crushed, then put under a press and squeezed out of them. It is an important ingredient for the preparation of chocolate, as well as for perfumery as a basis for cosmetic ointments and for pharmacology. The dry residue after pressing is ground and used in the form of cocoa powder for the preparation of a cocoa drink, as well as in food production. The bean husk is crushed and used as livestock feed (it is called cocoa shell).

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For the first time, a person began to specially cultivate cocoa in what is now Peru. Archaeologists dug up vessels with traces of theobromine inside, which means that cocoa was stored there. Thus, it is believed that it was used as early as the 18th century BC. However, then it was not cocoa beans that were used, but the sweet pulp of the fruit, from which a kind of home brew is still prepared in tropical countries.

From the history of the origin of chocolate, it is known that the Aztec and Mayan tribes were the first who began to regularly use it in the form of a bitter intoxicating drink. When did liquid chocolate appear? This happened, according to historians, between 400 BC and 400 BC. e. and 100 A.D. e. The Maya Indians considered cocoa sacred and used it in ceremonies dedicated to the gods and in wedding ceremonies. Since the 14th century, the Aztecs revered cocoa as a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl. They also used cocoa beans as the equivalent of money. The Aztecs also made a drink from cocoa, but it tasted completely different from what we drink now. It was not sweet, but with the addition of spices. It consisted of water, cocoa, maize, vanilla, hot pepper and salt, and only noble people could drink it.

The history of hot chocolate

From South America, chocolate came to Europe, where also in the form of a drink, but with sugar, chocolate gained popularity in high society. This path was long and branchy, overgrown with many myths and legends. But in short, the history of the emergence of chocolate in the Old World began only after the conquest of America. The people of Cortes in the treasury of Montezuma II, the last leader of the Aztecs, found cocoa beans that were collected from the population as taxes. Then the Spaniards learned about the fruits and drink from the Aztecs, and already in the middle of the 16th century, this information was included in books about the New World.

Of the Europeans, Christopher Columbus was the first to try chocolate in 1502 and even brought the beans home. But then no attention was paid to them, because Columbus himself did not like chocolate. The second attempt to accustom Europeans to cocoa was successful - the conquistadors of General Hernan Cortez in 1519 tried it, brought miracle beans to Europe and presented an unprecedented drink at the Spanish court. Cocoa liked it, and the enterprising conqueror of the New World organized a trade in it from his plantation in America.

The history of hot chocolate says that at first a very expensive product was inaccessible to most, but over time, many townspeople began to afford buying, if not the cocoa beans themselves, then the waste from their production, from which the cocoa shell drink was made, similar to cocoa, but more liquid. But the cocoa drink itself was becoming more and more popular. Its composition has also changed over the decades. Quite quickly, Europeans abandoned the use of pepper and strong spices, began to add more sugar or honey, and vanilla was used for flavor. In relatively cold Europe, cocoa began to be heated, which also influenced the taste preferences of the Spaniards, Italians and French. Chocolate came to the territory of the German states from Italy, and since 1621, Spain's monopoly on this product completely ceased to operate - cocoa beans appeared on the wholesale markets of Holland and throughout the continent. At retail, cocoa was sold in pressed slabs, from which the merchant broke off a piece of the desired weight. From the history of hot chocolate and
It is known that it was prepared in a very simple way: cocoa was heated in a special vessel, sugar and water were added to it and poured into cups. At the beginning of the 18th century in Great Britain they tried to use milk instead of water and got a softer and tastier drink than the one prepared with water. Following the example of the British, milk was also used in other countries in the preparation of cocoa, and this soon became commonplace.

Since the 17th century, plantations of cocoa trees began to appear in the New World, on which African slaves worked. At first, the main centers of production were Ecuador and Venezuela, then Belem and El Salvador in Brazil. Nowadays, cocoa is grown in almost all subequatorial countries lying between 20 ° north and south latitude (where the climate is warm and humid). In subequatorial Africa, 69% of the world's cocoa beans are harvested. The largest producer is Côte d'Ivoire (about 30% of the annual harvest). Other exporters: Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Malaysia and Colombia.

Until the 19th century, cocoa beans were used only to make a drink, grinding them and brewing them. A drink made from cocoa powder was cheaper than the former from cocoa beans, and from that time cocoa began to spread to all segments of the population.

In the middle of the 16th century, cocoa began to be transported to Europe, but because of the long and dangerous road, it was very expensive and was available only to courtiers in Madrid. It was still drunk without sugar, but with spices - with vanilla and cinnamon. It wasn't until the next century that sugar was added to cocoa, and the drink became much more popular after that. For example, at the court of the French king Louis XIV, hot cocoa (liquid chocolate) was considered a love potion.

It is interesting that the Indian name of the tree - cocoa, the fruits of which people used, took root in the New World as the name of the drink. It is strange that other products from cocoa beans received a different name - chocolate, although the Indians called a thick cold drink made from cocoa with vanilla and spices the word “chocolatl” or “xocoatl”, which was similar in sound, which translated as “foamy water”. First of all, the highest nobility, clergymen and merchants drank this drink, and cocoa itself played an important role in the cultural and religious life of the Mayan and Aztec Indian society. Many religious ceremonies of these peoples are associated with the use of cocoa.

Some special properties are constantly attributed to chocolate (both solid and liquid): magical, mystical, healing ... For example, in Latin cocoa trees are called Theobroma Cacao, which means "food of the gods." In Greek, theos means "god" and broma means "food."

The history of the appearance of solid bitter, milk and white chocolate

And when did the first solid chocolate appear, and to whom does the world owe this invention? As for the history of the creation of such chocolate, it dates back to 1828, when the Dutch chemist Konrad van Houten came up with the idea of ​​adding cocoa butter to cocoa powder. And twenty years later, in Germany, they made up the classic recipe for solid chocolate, which is used to this day. Cocoa butter, sugar and vanilla are added to grated cocoa. The degree of bitterness of the chocolate depends on the amount of cocoa butter added. With the addition of 30% cocoa butter, milk chocolate bars are made, and with higher numbers - bitter. With the increasing demand for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, many manufacturers indicate the percentage of its content on the packaging.

It is believed that in 1847 the first chocolate in the form of a bar appeared at the English confectionery factory J. S. Fry & Sons. The history of milk chocolate began in 1875, when Daniel Peter from Vevey added powdered milk to chocolate ingredients.

Nowadays, chocolate for food is usually divided into white, milk and bitter. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, filmy milk powder and vanillin without the addition of cocoa powder, so it is creamy in color (white) and does not contain theobromine. Milk chocolate is made from grated cocoa, cocoa butter, powdered sugar and milk powder. Dark (bitter) chocolate is made from grated cocoa, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. By changing the ratio between powdered sugar and grated cocoa, you can change the taste of the resulting chocolate - from bitter to sweet. The more grated cocoa in chocolate, the more bitter taste and brighter aroma chocolate has.

An interesting fact from the history of chocolate: In honor of the holy month of Ramadan in Indonesia, a chocolate mosque three meters wide and five meters high was built! Construction went on for two weeks. All those who came to look at this miracle could not only admire, but also taste a piece.

The history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia

The beginning of the history of chocolate in Russia was given by Empress Catherine the Great. It is said that in 1786 this delicacy was presented to the court of Her Imperial Majesty by the Ambassador of Venezuela, Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda. For some time, chocolate, and we mean the drink, was drunk exclusively among the nobility and merchants. The main reason for this is the high price of the product delivered from across the ocean, and even through European ports. The situation began to change by the middle of the 19th century, when in 1850 the German Theodor Ferdinand Einem came to Russia to do business and opened a small chocolate production in Moscow, which became the basis of a large production, now known under the brand name "Red October". Einem chocolate was famous not only for its excellent quality and excellent taste, but also for its expensive and elegant packaging. Sweets were placed in silk or velvet cells, the boxes were trimmed with natural leather with gold embossing. T.F. Einem came up with the idea of ​​selling candy sets with surprise gifts inside. Usually these were notes of small musical
ny compositions - song or just greeting cards. In St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century, cafes and restaurants opened where you could drink hot cocoa or enjoy home-made chocolate. Gradually, the townsfolk are accustomed to drinking cocoa at home, buying cocoa powder in confectionery stores, and for people with low incomes they offered cocoa shells - waste from the production of cocoa beans. The cocoa shell drink had the same name and differed from real cocoa in a liquid consistency and a less pronounced taste. For a long time, cocoa shell was very popular, but with the growth of the income of the population, it was replaced by cocoa powder made from cocoa beans.

The history of the development of the production of Russian chocolate

It is known from the history of Russian chocolate that in our country one of the first well-known chocolate magnates was the industrialist Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov, who produced such famous sweets as Goose Paws, Cancer Necks and Duck Noses.

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The owners of the "Partnership A.I. Abrikosov Sons” was the first in Russia to come up with the idea of ​​covering dried fruits with icing - this is how prunes and dried apricots in chocolate appeared, which were previously imported to us from France. In 1900, the process of chocolate glazing at the Abrikosov factory became automated, and a year earlier, the Partnership received the high title of "Supplier to the Court of His Imperial Majesty." In 1918, all the "sweet" production of the Abrikosovs was nationalized. The Abrikosovs also packaged their products in expensive and memorable packaging. Cards and labels dedicated to artists, scientists, musicians and writers were put into a box of chocolate, and chocolate kings were mainly oriented towards children, therefore they called sweets names close to the children's heart, where paws and beaks are present.

In the last century, the domestic industry produced a lot of bitter and milk chocolate, chocolates and chocolate-glazed products. Historically, most of the products consumed in Russia are milk chocolate, to a lesser extent we eat bitter chocolate. But this is due to the fact that the German Eichen brought milk chocolate from Germany, and his company quickly accustomed our ancestors to chocolate with a lower cocoa content. Of course, dark chocolate was also loved in Russia, but it was consumed in smaller volumes. The start of the mass history of the production of modern chocolate was given by the Moscow confectionery factory "Red October" and the factory named after N.K. Krupskaya, located in St. Petersburg. The latter even had its regular admirers - chocolate lovers were looking for exactly her products.

An interesting history of the origin of chocolate for children

The history of the development of chocolate has not stood still. The invention of milk tiles has led to the fact that since that time this delicacy has become more and more associated with babies. The history of chocolate for children shows that at first it was purely a marketing ploy: manufacturers, advertising their products, appealed to parental feelings, forcing them to buy chocolate for their children. And when doctors proved that chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy, the developers thought about the need to create specialized children's chocolate. Varieties of chocolate intended for children contain a reduced amount of cocoa products and an increased amount of milk and sugar.

So, Michele Ferrero (the inventor of the favorite children's treat - Kinder Surprise), who did not like milk from childhood, developed the Kinder chocolate variety containing 42% of this product. Chocolate for children is produced not only in the form of bars, but also in the form of bars and all kinds of figures (animals, fish, cones). It should be remembered that even children's chocolates should not be given to children under three years old: it is harmful to their pancreas and liver. After three years, babies can already be given 2-3 slices of chocolate. Small portions of chocolate are extremely beneficial for the child's body due to the presence of antioxidants, theobromine, unique amino acids and tryptophan, vitamins and trace elements. All these substances are vital for every baby. There is not a single company that does not produce products intended for children. The famous Nestle company, which stands at the origins of the creation of milk chocolate, has developed a whole line of Nesquik products, including children's breakfasts, nutritious cocoa and chocolate for children.

Russian chocolates for children are represented by varieties "Alenka" (milk), "Mishka" (with almonds), "Seagull" (with roasted hazelnuts). White chocolate for children of the Khreshchatyk and Detsky brands is made without cocoa powder and contains only powdered milk, sugar and cocoa butter. Brands of children's chocolate without additives - "Circus", "Road", "Vanilla". The content of cocoa powder in it is not more than 35%.

Here you can see photos from the history of chocolate from ancient times to the present day:

In the lowlands on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in America, the Olmec civilization arose. They were the first to taste the fruits of cocoa trees.

The Aztecs have a beautiful legend about the magical And the Aztecs have a wonderful tale about the good wizard Quetzalcoatl's sorcerer's garden. Quetzalcoatl (each nation has its own Prometheus)

So people got chocolate, .... but stop! What is chocolate? We will find the answer in the word itself! Chocolate - chocolatl - Choco - foam and latl - water

Perhaps the biggest chocolate lover was the Aztec king Montezuma. During the day, the king drank up to 50 cups of chocolate drink.

The first European who tried chocolate was Christopher Columbus. Along with other wonders of the "New World", Columbus brought the fruits of cocoa trees to Spain.

Unfortunately, the Spanish court was interested in them. Unfortunately, the Spanish court did not turn only gold. Cocoa beans were simply ignored. Everyone was only interested in gold! Attention.

But Cortes betrayed Montezuma The capital of the Aztecs was plundered by the Canquistadors To learn the secret of making a chocolate drink, the Spaniards brutally tortured Indian priests. After the recipe was written down they were all burned.

Here is the recipe… Cocoa powder (roasted cocoa beans ground with milk corn grains) Sweet agave juice Honey Vanilla Canquistadors added nutmeg and sugar to it.

From the Netherlands to Italy Thanks to smugglers, chocolate got to the Netherlands, and from there to Italy

In 1700, an event took place in England that made chocolate popular not only among men but also among women. The British added milk to chocolate - this innovation made its taste softer.

Then the chocolate goes to France. A Spanish princess gives her fiancé an unusual wedding present. Anna of Austria Louis 13

Maria brought with her to France a personal "chocolatier" - this is how this new profession appeared at court. Marie Antoinette Louis 16

Chocolate - a treat or a medicine? The famous healer Christopher Ludwik Hofmann treated Cardinal Richelieu with chocolate In Belgium, the first chocolate manufacturers were Cardinal Richelieu's pharmacists

IN THE FLESH UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF THE 19TH CENTURY CHOCOLATE REMAINED A DRINK!!! Until the Swiss chocolatier François-Louis Caillé crushed the unroasted cocoa beans, turning them into a buttery mass. A year later, the first chocolate factory appeared in the town of Vevey.

How did the first chocolate bar appear? In 1828, the Dutchman Conrad van Houten succeeded in obtaining pure cocoa butter, which made chocolate hard.

First tile! In the middle of the 19th century, for the anniversary of Queen Victoria, Fry and Sons produced the first chocolate bar: Cocoa beans Sugar Cocoa butter Liquor

The Cadbury Brothers didn't snap their beak In 1919, the Cadbury Brothers company buys out Fry and Sons, and becomes the leading manufacturer and supplier of chocolate in England.

But it was all dark chocolate. Who created dairy? In 1875, the Swiss Daniel Peter created the first milk chocolate by adding powdered milk to the recipe. Daniel Peter (Swiss)

The era of milk chocolate has begun! At the beginning of the 20th century, his compatriot Henry Nestlé began to produce milk chocolate according to his recipe under his Nestlé brand.

He became popular all over the world! Nestlé's experience was immediately adopted: in England - "CADBURY", Belgium - "KANEBO" America - Milton Hershey

WHAT IS THE WHITE CHOCOLATE? ! In 1930, Nestle began to produce white chocolate, followed by the American company M&Ms.

Catherine II XVIII century. The recipe for a chocolate drink was brought to Russia by the Latin American ambassador and officer Francisco de Miranda.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first chocolate factories opened in Moscow, their owners were foreigners: Frenchman Adolf Sioux German Ferdinand von Einem owner of "Einem" today "Red October"

Marketing…. . Boxes of Einem sweets were often decorated with velvet, leather and silk, but this is not interesting.

The first chocolate bar was made in 1819. But this date is not considered the beginning in the history of chocolate production, since for a long time it was made only in the form of a drink. Chocolate was also consumed cold - cocoa beans were fried, water was added, then chili peppers. The oldest civilization of mistletoe was the first to try this drink.

She came up with the name that is used to this day - the people of this civilization used to say "kakawa". It seems astounding that in the vast amount of time that has passed, only a few letters in the name have changed.
Chocolate, being strong and bitter, was considered a man's drink. Subsequently, milk was added to it (for the first time - in England in 1700), it made chocolate lighter.

Europe learned about a drink made from cocoa beans in the sixteenth century. An overseas gift was brought by Hernando Cortes, a conquistador from Spain. At first, only the most noble, famous nobles could treat themselves to chocolate - it was very expensive. Subsequently, the colonialists began to grow cocoa beans on an industrial scale, as a result, by the middle of the seventeenth century, chocolate had become one of the most fashionable drinks. Queen Anne of Austria contributed a lot to this. By the middle of the eighteenth century, the first pastry shops in France were opened, where everyone could taste a chocolate drink. By 1798, there were already about 500 such confectioneries in Paris alone. English Chocolate Houses were able to outshine even coffee and tea salons with their popularity.

January 19, 1986 - The birthday of the first computer virus Brain, the day when personal computer users said goodbye to a quiet life. To date, there are more than 150 thousand specialists. →

Alfred Nobel called his invention "Nobel's Safe Explosive Powder". The world's first dynamite consisted of 75% nitroglycerin, had a doughy consistency that was greasy to the touch, could be stored for decades and →