Conspiracy on the cards. Special conspiracy to initiate cards Conspiracy on a deck of cards

As long as humanity exists, so many people have a dream to control their own destiny. And for this it is necessary to know your future, because it is not for nothing that they say that forewarned means forearmed. Therefore, people invented thousands of ways to predict the future. One of them is card reading. But, interestingly, in someone's hands they always give truthful answers, while in someone they only lie. There is no special secret here, you need to know the plot on the cards and speak your deck. Never give it into the hands of strangers, then the cards will obey and predict the future correctly.

How to speak cards to tell the truth

Those who decide to seriously engage in card fortune-telling must strictly observe some rules:

  1. Having bought a new deck, you need to sew a silk bag for it and shift the cards immediately into it, put a pinch of salt and a piece of incense there.
  2. For divination and for predictions, completely different decks are needed.
  3. Before the start of fortune-telling, you can sit on the cards for a while.
  4. If someone else picked up the deck, it should be cleared. To do this, you need to pass it three times through the door handle and put a small child on it.
  5. You need to treat the cards with respect, sometimes talk to them, try to establish contact, feel their energy.

When putting the deck in a bag, it is imperative to pronounce a conspiracy:

“White salt, pure salt, sacred salt, cleanse my cards, remove dirt and blackness from them, let them speak the truth, only the truth, and leave deceit for others.”

After that, the deck should lie idle in the bag for a week, after a week they are taken out, put in a crystal vase and said:

“Crystal is clean, transparent and bright, so my cards will be clean and willowy and truthful. Amen"

Important! The cards must know their position, so they should always be put away in the same place.

A simple conspiracy on cards before divination

To get the right answer, you need to speak cards for truthful fortune-telling. You should take the deck in your right hand, spit three times over your left shoulder, then mix well. Put it in front of you on the table, cover the cards with both hands and whisper three times so that no one can hear, say:

“Thirty-six cards, four suits, don’t lie to me, don’t lie to me, tell the truth. Reveal the truth to me, calm my heart.

After that, fortune telling begins.

Quick conspiracy on the veracity of the cards

“Thirty-six cards, brothers and sisters, matchmakers and godfathers, tell the truth what awaits the slave (name), what will happen to her in the future, what happened in the past, how she feels in the present, Answer my questions, tell only the truth . My word is inviolable."

It is necessary to mentally formulate the questions to which it is desirable to receive answers, and only then can we begin.

A strong conspiracy on the cards to tell the truth

In order for the deck to always be true, and you can count on its predictions, you need to conduct a powerful ritual. All, without exception, fortunetellers know conspiracies for new cards.

You need to buy 7 white candles, put the cards in a large crystal vase and place it in the eastern corner of the house. Candles should be placed in a circle around the vase and lit. The words of the ritual are repeated three times:

“I conjure and call you, the forces of Eastern magic! Come to my call and clear my cards. As a crystal vessel is clean and bright, so let their predictions be pure and bright and never lie to their mistress. As I decompose them, I will read the whole truth. Everything will be according to my word.

Let the deck lie like this for three days. Then you need to put it on a table covered with a new tablecloth, light two candles: one is red and the other is black.

First they circle a red candle in a circle, and then a black one with the words:

“Element of fire, help me, return the truthful cards to me. During the day - to answer, at night - to sleep, I don’t know lies and deceit from them.

Put the deck back in place, and rinse the vase well and wipe dry with a new napkin.

Conspiracy to turn playing cards into divination cards

When a playing deck is purchased, patience is needed to turn it into an obedient divination tool. Then it will be possible to solve any problems and answer all questions.

Within a month, as soon as the sun sets, you should take them in your hands and ask any question, and then answer it yourself. In this case, this deck is trained to work with questions of varying degrees of complexity.

A month later, always at night from Thursday to Friday, the cards are laid out one by one on the table. This is necessary so that they feel the energy of their master's hands.

After that, the words of the conspiracy are spoken three times, it is important to speak slowly and clearly:

“I, the servant of God (name), will leave the door beyond the threshold and go to the north, where I will find a black forest and a black field. There lives a dead force, mighty and powerful. I will bow to that power to the very ground, I will ask her for help, I will call my grandfathers and my great-grandfathers, I will ask the spirits of my ancestors to come to my aid, to help me in the right thing. You have been living in another world for a long time and you know the whole truth - the truth about people, so help me to find out the truth and tell it to good people. Help me the ability to receive: to learn the truth from the cards. For that I will thank you, I will order a prayer service for the repose in God's temple, I will put memorial candles, I will set the table. Amen".

Then one by one they are folded into a pack and placed under the pillow. If everything was done correctly, then this night should be a dream in which news will be received from the ancestors. Now you can guess and find out the truth.

A conspiracy to enhance the veracity of the cards

To repeatedly increase the veracity of divination, you need to conduct a fairly simple ritual directly in front of it.

Put the deck on the palm of your left hand with the pictures down and toss them so that they all scatter all over the room, then collect the deck one card at a time and constantly repeat:

“I, a slave (name), stand on a maple bridge, store a leaf to a leaf, a card to a card. I will begin my fortune-telling ritual, and the cards will tell me the truth. Everything will be so, but it will not be otherwise. Amen".

Conspiracy on TARO cards

When buying a Tarot deck, you should definitely read a quick plot so that they get to know their new owner and help him:

“36 cards, sisters and brothers, neighbors and godfathers, comrades and associates! Serve me a difficult service, hard work, faithful friendship. Tell me, cards, the truth is the truth, do not prevaricate, but open the future, what should I expect from life, which of the people to fear, what business is not worth taking on. I call you by name, I call you to my comrades, I call you to eternal union. Everything will happen according to my word.

New cards must be laid out on the table one at a time, and then collected in one pile and put away in their rightful place.

A conspiracy so that the cards answer a specific question

There is a special rite that will make any cards honestly answer the question. But it should be noted that only one question and this ceremony can be performed no more than once a month. Therefore, when starting the ritual, you need to think carefully about what kind of question you need to ask.

They prepare marigold leaves plucked or bought at a pharmacy, dried petals of a red, white and yellow rose, add a few peas of black pepper and grind it all in a metal mortar or cup.

On Friday at exactly 12 o'clock, 3 black candles are lit, a deck is placed between them and the words of the conspiracy are repeated three times:

“I bought a deck of cards not for gambling, but for truthful deeds. Fire, I ask you, burn all sorrows and hardships if I sin. And how this deck lies here, let trouble run from me. Let these cards lead me along the right path, they will never let me down, I will begin to guess and I will begin to know the truth. All enchanted cards will tell me, they will open everything, they will protect me from everything, they will forgive all grave sins. Amen".

After that, from the first candle, the mixture is lit in the bowl. When the mixture burns, cool it and put your hands in it. Without brushing the ashes from their hands, they lay out the cards, they will answer the question absolutely honestly.

Ritual for clearing a deck of cards

The cards can be cleansed with salt and frankincense. And you can perform another ritual. Clean water is poured into a crystal vessel, 3 white candles are lit nearby and a deck is placed nearby. Shuffle the cards three times, then carefully stack them one by one in a neat pile, repeating:

“The power of water, I am with you, the power of fire, I am with you, I ask you, help, help clear the cards, restore their strength and truthfulness, their courage and skill. Give me wisdom and patience. Voditsa - sister and brother Fire, open the true power of my cards. Amen".

Then you should hold them over candles and over a vessel of water, wrap them in a new white scarf and put them back in place for a week. After that, you can use this deck again, the cards will become obedient and truthful.

The consequences of conspiracies on cards for divination

If, during the layout, the cards constantly fall, stick together and get confused, then this means that they are tired or do not want to work. It is better to postpone fortune-telling on this day. But if this happens again, then you should mentally talk to them, ask for help, give them a rest.

Important! It is impossible to guess on weekends and on the days of great religious holidays.

You can’t guess more than three times a day, the cards will definitely start to get confused and tell a lie.

From time to time, you need to clean your deck and plot the truth.


A few centuries ago, the craze for fortune-telling was rampant, but then it waned, today this craving for the unknown is being revived, every novice and experienced magician needs to know the conspiracy on cards. Since people will always be interested in the unknown and look for the right answers to all difficult questions, the flow of clients from fortunetellers will never dry up. If you strictly follow the instructions, then you can soon achieve the highest skill.

In order for your personal deck of cards to correctly predict and answer questions - make a conspiracy on the cards - this is a proven, working method that Tarot fortune-tellers use. Your cards will tell the truth.

There are conspiracies to initiate a magic deck, but you can also speak the most ordinary playing deck. Perform the ritual and start fortune telling - your predictions will come true, and you will receive a complete honest answer to your questions. Fate itself speaks through the signs of the cards - learn to read them, open the veil of the secrets of the future, past and present.

How to deal with them correctly

If you decide to devote yourself to divination practices using these most interesting tools, then you need to know the rules for handling them.

  • Be careful with the deck, regardless of whether it is tarot cards or regular ones. Each of these species has its own magical purpose, its own methods of divination and predictions.
  • Do not give your cards to other people. You must have another deck in order to be able to predict the fate of friends, family members or clients.
  • Sew a special bag for a deck of cards.
  • Take them in your hands more often, let the deck be saturated with your energy.
  • Don't lose your set.
  • Do not ask them empty questions.
  • You need to guess and you can only a certain number of times a day - idle fortune-telling will be a big mistake.

These are general rules for all decks. If you decide to start with a regular playing room, make sure it is new. An old deck that has been in the game more than once will not suit you. Some practitioners generally take a new deck every time. What you should do - you will understand by feeling, because after a while the cards will begin to speak to you in their own language.

Conspiracy for Tarot cards

You bought real tarot cards. To initiate them, you need to perform a small ritual. Learn the plot for him by heart. It is important to pronounce all words clearly when addressing the Oracle. Before you start, so that the cards absorb your energy, do daily exercises for a whole month: once a day, ask a simple forecast question for tomorrow. At first, the answers will not match, but by the end of the month you will see for yourself how accurately the predictions fall out.

  • To begin the ritual, light three black candles on the night of Thursday to Friday. At this time, you have prophetic dreams.
  • Lay out the cards one by one.
  • You will need to touch each during the ritual.
  • The plot on the cards is read quietly, but clearly.
  • Read:

“I, the slave (name), will leave the house at midnight and go towards the north to the black field. On that field, the power is dead, great and mighty. I will bow, slave (name) to the damp earth, and ask for help from the power of that dead and ancestral one. Oh, my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, my dear spirits, come to my aid, help me in my business. As you fly in spirit and keep pace everywhere, so let me know and know everything, understand the cards. I will light a candle for your repose and remember it in memory. My word is strong and forever indestructible. Amen".

After you finish reading the plot, collect the cards and put them under your pillow. They will have to lie like this all night, and you will definitely remember the dream that will come that night. From now on, the deck is initiated - feel the energy emanating from it. Touch them more often, you will feel an invisible connection that will grow every day.

Speak initiated tarot cards

After the Tarot deck has been activated, it is necessary to periodically perform a cleansing ritual. We use cards, they receive energy from our hands, from the Cosmos, periodically all predictors are visited by entities from the subtle world that influence our destiny - if desired, they can show a very accurate answer or pay attention to the problem. All this pollutes the cards, they begin to fail, to lie. To prevent this from happening, perform a ritual.

  1. Take a red tablecloth, cover the table.
  2. Place two black candles on the sides, one red in the middle.
  3. Put the cards in front of the candles.
  4. Each card will need to be wiped with a soft cloth, sprinkled with salt with the words:

“Salt-sister, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that they say the truth, and at the lintel, languor and deceit, give motov captivity and evil languor. My word is strong! Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!”

When you are done, take a metal dish, put a cloth in it, set it on fire from two candles at once, uttering a plot, look to the East:

"Forces of the East! I conjure you! Come and clean! As a crystal vessel is transparent and pure, so my cards will be pure and truthful, as they fall, they will tell the whole truth. May it be so!"

Such a procedure must be done at least once every three months, and if there are active fortune-telling - once a month. Cleaning helps a lot. It's like adjusting a compass. Predictions will become accurate again.

Tarot require attention and care. You can have several decks at once, but cleaning them on the same day is not recommended.

Playing deck for divination

A good card plot can be done for an ordinary deck. The main thing is that it should be new, not played. Jokers are taken out of the deck, they will not be needed, but will only knock you down when fortune telling. Decide what you need a deck for:

  • Predictions.
  • Magic solitaire.
  • Divination.

It may seem surprising, but you cannot use the same cards for divination and divination. During divination, you invoke the Oracle, who provides the answers. Guessing, you ask Fate, Fortune about what is coming.

The predictions of the Oracle cannot be changed; in order to do this, you must have a very powerful energy. It's like rewriting the fate of a person. Be careful, do not conduct such experiments if you do not have the appropriate training. Fate, on the other hand, can be appeased, offered to change its plan.

Activate a deck for divination or predictions

While you are just starting your practice, do more divination. To activate the cards, read these words of power:

“Thirty-six sisters, Kumoviev and daughter-in-law, Brothers and associates. Do me a faithful service, an unchanging friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, Tell me the whole truth, What to expect, what to expect, What to fear, what business not to undertake. I call all of you, I call you And I pronounce: The word is strong and molded to the cards. Amen".

If you are already ready for predictions, you will need another conspiracy:

“36 cards, sisters and brothers, gossips and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, aunts and uncles, fathers and mothers, stepdaughters and daughters, stepsons and sons, mothers-in-law and sister-in-laws, father-in-law and mother-in-law, son-in-law and brother-in-law, sister-in-law and daughter-in-law. Black, white and red, tell the unadorned truth: how I live today, how I will live tomorrow, how I lived and what will be. Tell me, do not hide, in fairness, as they said to the daughters of Herod during the wedding feast, at the table of honor. And if you lie, Satan will know about it. I speak, God's servant (name) cards for revealing my thoughts, recognizing other people's deeds and secrets. My word is strong. Amen".

You need a strong belief in your own strength. Do not be surprised if, while reading conspiracies, you hear words in an incomprehensible language, see shadows. It is the messengers of the Great Oracle who are interested in you. They'll still check you out. Your plot will work, the cards can be used immediately after pronouncing the words.

Conspiracy for an honest answer

This is a short conspiracy on the cards, which will oblige them to give an honest answer to any question. But only for one. It can only be used once every 25 days, so think carefully about what exactly you will ask. It is suitable for tarot cards. You will need:

  • Buy calendula leaves.
  • Dry rose petals: red, white, yellow.
  • Take black peppercorns.
  • All these ingredients will need to be mixed in a metal bowl.

At 12 midnight on Friday, light black candles over the deck, think of a question. If you make a conspiracy on a playing deck, the answer should be “yes” or “no”. If we are talking about Tarot or Lenormand decks, the answer can be obtained in any accessible form. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“It’s not because of passion that I buy a deck. I give her good luck in business. Fire, I ask you very much, Burn all hardships if I sin. Let this deck lie quietly, Let sadness and longing run from me. Let me lead the map through life, In difficult cases, they will not let me down. If I guess, I will only know the truth, Whom should I be afraid of when I grieve. All the cards will tell about terrible people, They will protect me and the children from them. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

  1. Ignite the contents of the bowl from the first candle on the left, as soon as everything burns out, collect the ashes.
  2. You will need to dip your hands into it.
  3. Without erasing the sang, lay out the cards.
  4. The answer you get will be honest.

So you can speak cards for true fortune-telling. There is only one answer. These simple conspiracies will help you deal with the deck. Use them wisely, because cards can become your true friends, or they can cruelly betray someone who does not know their strength.

Now it is difficult to find a girl who has never been fond of and was not interested in different types of fortune-telling. Little by little, everyone was doing it. Usually in adolescence and young age, girls resort to fortune-telling, considering this ritual as a kind of entertainment. If a woman is already wise, then she takes divination more seriously and responsibly. Whatever one may say, this is a powerful magical rite.

With the help of various types of fortune-telling (on the cards, including), you can find out your future, evaluate the present and look into the past. Many girls and women prefer to turn to experienced fortune-tellers, someone tries to guess on their own. With the help of divination cards, you can really find out your future, destiny. The main thing is to do everything right, to find out the features of this rite. What is unusual and strong conspiracy on cards for divination? Let's find out.

How to speak fortune-telling cards correctly, what is important to consider

It doesn’t matter which cards you choose for divination, but they must be spoken before the ritual. A Lenormand deck, Tarot cards, playing, gypsy, Indian, and any - they all need a kind of “charging” before “work”. First of all, you need to hold a deck of cards in your hands, “exchange” energy with them. It is always important to remember that the cards will only "tell the truth" if you set them up well.

Experienced fortune-tellers and sorcerers know about the energy of cards and never give their decks to strangers. If you just bought a deck, have not yet worked with it, then before the first layout of the card, you must definitely speak. Next, we will give the text of the rite, it will need to be read carefully. The words will be:

“Thirty-six sisters, Kumoviev and daughter-in-law, Brothers and associates. Do me a faithful service, an unchanging friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, Tell me the whole truth, What to expect, what to expect, What to fear, what business not to undertake. I call all of you, I call and pronounce: The word is strong and molded to the cards. Amen".

The deck needs to be stored in one place, it would be nice to get a special “bag” for it. Treat these magical things carefully and carefully, then they will “reciprocate”, and the layouts will be true.

The time most suitable for a conspiracy of cards, when is it better to do it

Of course, you need to speak the deck only on the full moon. It is the full moon - the strongest, most powerful, full of energy flows. The day of the week is also important.

  1. You need to wait for the full moon on Friday, only then the charge of the deck of cards will be the most powerful.
  2. When you saw midnight on the clock, proceed to the ritual. You need to take a deck of cards in your hands, “warm” them with your warmth for a couple of minutes, and then bring them to your face.
  3. Next, you clearly and aloud read the text of the conspiracy. You can't read the paper! The text is important to learn by heart. Therefore, choose for yourself the conspiracy that suits you best and will be easier to remember.
  4. After you have read everything, you need to hold the deck in your hands for a couple of minutes, then shuffle.

And remember that from now on the cards belong only to you, they work exclusively for you. It is impossible to give a deck to strangers, but to no one at all!

Why do the cards "talk", is it necessary to do this before divination

They speak a deck just so that the cards always tell you the truth. What is the meaning of such a fortune-telling that will not come true?! You are just wasting your time. This activity is more suitable for teenagers. If you are serious, then conduct a ritual, and it is simply necessary to read the plot!

Each fortune-telling must be approached carefully, seriously and responsibly. This is not a toy or entertainment! Before you start the "case", you need to "collect thoughts" in your head; be specific and clear about what you want to know. Having spoken the cards to yourself, do not guess this deck to other people. Your cards belong to you and "talk" only to you.

No matter how well you know how to guess, if the cards are not “charged”, they are not spoken, they will never tell the truth. If for the first time you are going to find out your future and “talk” with the cards, then you need to read the relevant literature: what layouts are there, how they differ from each other, how to understand what the cards tell you about ... Do not be lazy, do not let everything take its course .

Take a little time to speak the deck, then fortune-telling will be pleasant and useful. You do not need any additional items and other paraphernalia for the ceremony. Just you, a new deck and a plot (learn by heart).

Is it possible to speak cards that have already been used

Yes, you can not necessarily speak a new deck, old cards will also work. Let's say someone in your family was engaged in sorcery, magic, guessing. There is a deck left, what to do with it? First you need to "customize the maps for yourself." This can be done with the help of just a conspiracy. How to do everything, we wrote above. After you have done everything, the cards will be "loyal" only to you, their new owner, and will always tell the truth.

Mystical fortune-telling on cards since ancient times is one of the favorite pastimes of the fairer sex. It is difficult now to meet a girl or an adult woman who has not participated in magical rites at least once in her life. Superstitious people believe in the veracity of predictions. They believe that with the help of magic it is possible to change lives, achieve success in their endeavors, meet love. Today there are many conspiracies for playing cards, from which they choose the appropriate option.

Things to Remember

By following the rules, during the fortune-telling you will receive only truthful information. If you are going to try your hand at conducting mystical rituals, then consider the important points:

  • buy a deck yourself or make it yourself;
  • the purchase is recommended to be carried out on Thursday;
  • change after the purchase is not necessary to pick up;
  • when fortune telling in the room, create the appropriate atmosphere;

Spells to enhance the magical ritual are designed to help a person in everyday life. They are pronounced for or

If experienced magicians are engaged in rituals, good results are expected. People endowed with certain abilities help with their strong energy and advice.

For example, a conspiracy on any cards of the famous fortuneteller and magician Natalia Stepanova is effective. Most people who use her spells for various purposes report positive results.

To find out accurate information, the fortuneteller recommends reading the following plot on a new deck:

“36 sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepchildren, mothers-in-law and sister-in-laws, father-in-law and mother-in-law, sons-in-law and brother-in-law, shy daughters-in-law - you are all black , you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth, that I think that I will think what was and what will be. Tell me, do not hide in all fairness, as you said to the daughters of Herod at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I'll tell Satan about your lies! I speak a slave (name) on cards, to find out my thoughts, to recognize the affairs of others and other people's secrets. My word is strong!

Before starting divination

Before performing magical rituals, you need to speak a new deck. Before starting fortune-telling, it must be cleaned and charged. The words of the conspiracy are read in firm confidence, then it will bring the desired results. The fortuneteller must be in a state of peace of mind, concentrated on conducting the ceremony.

After printing a new deck, hit it with your left fist with force to get rid of someone else's energy. Mentally uniting your energy with the cards, read the following text:

“The cards are truthful, the suits are playful, be fair, away with false words, don’t play around and don’t lie, tell me the whole truth. I conjure you for the truth, I fill you with my power, you will tell everything you know and show me the whole truth. My word is strong - the key, the lock, amen!

The second method of preparing an attribute for the beginning of magical manipulations is carried out from Thursday to Friday. It consists in the fact that after opening the deck, put all the cards in order, saying certain words of the spell:

“I (name) will leave the house at midnight, go to the north side, there will be a black field where the dead silushka lives, the strength is strong and mighty. I will stand in front of her, bow to the ground, so that they could not refuse to help me - my dear ancestors, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, come to my aid - in the planned business to a good outcome. You fly freely over the earth, give me the ability with all my heart to learn what I want from the cards, to simply understand their meanings. I will turn to God with such a prayer - for assistance for your repose. My deed is firm, my word is strong. May it be so! Amen!"

After the spoken words, the sacrament begins, in which a proper environment is provided. You should not be disturbed by extraneous noise, music or other people. If the process of divination or prediction is performed not by oneself, but by another person, he should sit quietly, not talk.

Ritual for playing cards

The main condition is that the deck must be new. To enhance the accuracy of the prediction, a ceremony is performed:

  • take the deck in the left hand face down;
  • toss the cards up so that they scatter in different directions;
  • then collect them one by one, saying the following words:

“I, a slave (name), stand on a maple bridge, store a leaf to a leaf, a card to a card. I will begin my fortune-telling ritual, and the cards will tell me the truth. Everything will be so, but it will not be otherwise. Amen"

It is advisable to carry out this conspiracy on cards at a special time - from Thursday to Friday. This time is sacred in the magical world when they see. All ways to enhance the effect of the rite for a more accurate prediction are different, but they are all endowed with power.

When you want to reliably know your fate, before the start of the scenario, say these words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The stars were born in the sky, the Magi came to the Mother of God. As the true truth was in their mouths, in their prophetic deeds, and as they predicted the birth of Jesus, they called Him the Savior of the world, so that my divination would be truthful and marvelously fair. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Rituals for tarot cards

It happens that professional fortune-tellers speak cards. There are many ways for Tarot to enhance their effectiveness.

To make a fortune-telling attribute out of ordinary cards, a ceremony is performed using a special conspiracy:

“78 sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and associates, do me a faithful service, unchanging friendship. 78 cards, five suits, tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business to take. I call all of you, I call and pronounce: The word is strong and molded to the cards. Amen"

After that, for a month, they ask a certain question to the deck every day, pull out one card,

After the expiration of the term, on the night of Thursday to Friday, the final ritual must be performed. The cards are laid out in ascending order, then pick up one at a time, say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) will leave the house after midnight and head north, where I will find a black field. There lives a dead force, strong and mighty. I will stand, bow to her to the damp earth, and ask her for help. I turn to my grandfathers and great-grandfathers. I will ask the spirits of my relatives to come to my aid in the matter I have conceived, to help. You have been flying over the earth for a long time and keep up everywhere, so grant me the ability to magically predict and understand the meanings of the cards. I will put a candle in the temple for the repose and remember you. My word is strong and forever indestructible. Amen"

To enhance the magical powers and the veracity of the Tarot deck, a simple rite is performed. The cards are taken with the left hand face down, tossed up so that they scatter in different directions. Collecting one by one, they say the following conspiracy:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) stand on the maple bridge, and I fold not a leaf to a leaf, but a card to a card. As soon as I start guessing, the cards will tell me the whole truth. It will only be so, and not otherwise. Amen"

Fortune-telling attributes such as candles will work well to enhance the effect. Fortune tellers with experience often use various symbols for manipulation, which help to enhance the accuracy of the values.

Cards with frequent use tend to accumulate the negative energy of strangers. If you notice that the predictions are inaccurate, then it's time to perform a purification ceremony:

  • cover the table with a red tablecloth;
  • put a red candle in the middle, two black ones on the sides;
  • lay out the deck in front of the lit attributes;
  • wipe each card with a soft cloth and sprinkle with salt and say the words:

“Salt-sister, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that they say the truth, and at the lintel, languor and deceit, give motov captivity and evil languor. My word is strong! Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!”

Then burn a piece of cloth, putting it in a bowl, pour the salt into a separate bag. Repeat the following:

"Dark Forces! I conjure you! Let my cards be clean and truthful, as they fall, they will tell the whole truth. May it be so!"

Put the cleaned cards in a bag, do not touch for 6 days. After the time has elapsed, take out the deck, put it in front of a burning candle. Bury the salt in a deserted place. The rite of purification is over, you can perform divination.

Rituals aimed at a true prediction of fate are harmless. Such rituals will bring negativity if used in black magic. If during the ritual you notice that the cards are lying, then it is better to change the deck.

The veracity of predictions depends on how many times a day you turn to their help. Cards also tend to get tired, so it is undesirable to carry out fortune-telling more than 3 times a day. The fortuneteller needs to establish internal contact with the deck. It is not recommended to perform rituals on weekends.

For a strong magician and esoteric, an additional conspiracy on the cards is not needed, his own strong energy is enough.

For ordinary people, spells are a guarantee that the prediction will come true. If you follow the tips for preparing divinatory attributes, the process of predicting the future, attracting success will become an interesting action. The deck should be stored in a special bag.

Conspiracies on cards will help enhance their effect. Take them in your hands more often, charge them with your energy, do not give them to other people. Only in this case you will receive more reliable facts about your destiny, make the right decisions in life.

It is difficult to find a girl among our compatriots who would never be fond of fortune telling on cards. As a rule, the fair sex does this in their youth, and they treat it more as entertainment, and not as contact with otherworldly forces to obtain information about their past, present and future (which, in fact, is fortune telling).

card magic

However, with the help of cards, you can really predict fate - you just need to learn how to guess correctly and learn an effective conspiracy on cards. What is this conspiracy, why is it needed, and how should it be carried out? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to speak your cards

conspiracy rules

Regardless of whether you are going to guess using Tarot, Lenormand, Indian or Gypsy cards, or choose ordinary playing cards for this, it is very important to “charge” them correctly. Remember that cards will willingly predict fate only if they are tuned to the same wave with a fortuneteller. Experienced magicians and esotericists know about this and therefore never give their cards into the hands of strangers. And you also need to take this moment into account - immediately after buying a new deck, be sure to speak them, and then handle the cards very carefully (treat them with respect, pick them up more often, store them in a place specially designed for this).

“Thirty-six sisters, Kumoviev and daughter-in-law, Brothers and associates. Do me a faithful service, an unchanging friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, Tell me the whole truth, What to expect, expect, What to fear, what business not to take on. Amen".

You need to make a conspiracy on the cards on the full moon, and it is desirable that it be Friday. Wait for the evening, pick up a new deck of cards and, bringing it to your face, quietly pronounce the words of the conspiracy (there are several such conspiracies, so choose the one that suits you best and learn it in advance). When you're done, hold the deck in your hands for a while, shuffle it gently, and set it aside. From this day forward, you should never again put your cards in the hands of another person.

What are the cards for?

Why do they do it?

It is necessary to speak the cards that you are going to use so that they tell you the truth. Remember that any fortune-telling is a very serious and responsible ritual that requires your full concentration and concentration. However, no matter how good you are at guessing, you still won’t succeed with cards that tell a lie. Therefore, do not be too lazy to speak the entire deck before you start using it - especially since this does not require any special paraphernalia, and the words of conspiracies on the cards are quite simple, so it will not be difficult for you to memorize them.

It should be noted that in some cases not only new cards speak, but also those that have already been used. You need to do this if someone else's hand touched the deck, or if you suddenly noticed that the cards began to often lie. Faced with such phenomena, be sure to perform a magical ritual in order to subjugate the Lenormand or Tarot deck again. Well, in those cases when it comes to the most ordinary playing cards, it is more expedient to just buy new ones and start talking about them.