Thick blackcurrant jam - delicious recipes for the winter. How to make blackcurrant jam

Jam based black currant It is considered an independent delicacy. It is often used as a snack with tea, added to ice cream, desserts, and spread on bread. The sweet treat takes pride of place in the kitchen cupboards of many families, delighting people of all generations. Today, experienced housewives have come up with many recipes that can be turned into reality in a matter of hours.

Blackcurrant jam: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • black currant (ripe) - 950 gr.
  • drinking water - 145 ml.
  1. Cooking jam begins with preparing the berries. They need to be sorted out, then thrown into a colander and washed. Be sure to exclude spoiled specimens and throw away twigs and leaves.
  2. Leave the fruit on the sieve to drain the liquid. Now spread a towel on the kitchen table and place the currants on the cloth. Leave it for half an hour to dry.
  3. Place the fruits in a bowl, mash with a kitchen pestle until you get a porridge. You can also use a blender, it will grind the berries better.
  4. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, place the mixture in an enamel bowl for cooking. Pour in drinking water, place the container on the stove. Wait until the mixture begins to bubble.
  5. After the first bubbles form, simmer the berries for another quarter of an hour. Do not leave the kitchen, the composition must be constantly stirred. Now add granulated sugar in portions, wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  6. When you have poured out all the sugar, put the heat on medium and cook the mixture for half an hour. 10 minutes after the start of simmering, reduce the burner to low. Turn off the heat and let the jam cool uncovered.
  7. At this time, wash the dishes for packaging; half-liter containers will do. Sterilize containers and lids and dry. Place the prepared jam into jars, roll up, and cool. Keep refrigerated.

Currant jam with ginger

  • ginger (root) - 15 gr.
  • currants - 900 gr.
  • crushed cinnamon - 8 gr.
  • granulated sugar- 900 gr.
  1. Prepare the currants. It needs to be rinsed, dried, and pureed. Place the pulp in a heat-resistant bowl, add sugar, and place on the stove.
  2. Set the burner to minimum power and cover with the lid. Cook until the sand granules dissolve. When the crystals have melted, increase the heat.
  3. Boil the treat for a quarter of an hour. During this time, peel the ginger from the top coating, grate it or grind it in a coffee grinder. Add to the berries and add cinnamon.
  4. Stir in the treat and let it simmer for another 8-10 minutes. At the end of the specified period, turn off the heat. Cover with a lid, cool, and pack into containers.

  • filtered water - 175 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 850 gr.
  • currants - 1.15 kg.
  1. Rinse the fruits under the tap, dry on a sieve and a cotton towel. Remove the currants from the tassels, discard the rotten berries and leaves.
  2. When you select healthy ripe currants and wash them, place the fruits in the multicooker bowl. Pour in water and set the “Cooking” or “Baking” program.
  3. At a temperature of 95-105 degrees, the jam is cooked for a third of an hour. After the specified period has passed, transfer the berries to a fine-grained sieve. Strain the currants into a separate bowl.
  4. You should get a soft, homogeneous paste. Add granulated sugar and place the mixture back into the multicooker cup. Set the “Cooking” mode and cook the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
  5. When the device beeps to indicate the end of the program, immediately pour the hot mixture into sterile jars. Roll up well or cover nylon covers.

Seedless currant jam

  • granulated sugar - 775 gr.
  • black currants (necessarily moderately ripe) - 950 gr.
  1. To begin with, it is important to prepare the berries for further actions. Wash the fruits under cool water pressure and sort the berries.
  2. A mixture containing rot is not suitable for making jam. Throw away sticks, leaves, branches. Pour warm water over the currants, leave for 10 minutes, drain the liquid.
  3. Place the mixture on gauze or a towel and leave until dry. When the berry is dry, grind it in a meat grinder or blender. You need to get a mushy mass.
  4. Now take a fine section strainer and start grinding the puree so that the seeds remain on the strainer. If there is a need for re-grinding, do not neglect it.
  5. When you get a mass without peel and bones, put the currant puree into an enamel pan. Add sweetener and place on fire. Cook the mixture on medium power for 8 minutes.
  6. After the specified period, turn off the burner and leave the jam to infuse for 7-10 hours (all night). After completing the allotted stage, boil the currant mass for another quarter of an hour.
  7. After this, cover the treat with a lid and let it sit for the rest of the day (at least 6 hours). During this period, have time to sterilize the dishes and screw caps.
  8. Pack the treats into prepared containers and prepare a steam bath. Take a wide pan and line its bottom with a cloth napkin. Place the jars inside and fill with cool water up to the shoulders.
  9. Bring the liquid to a boil, then pasteurize the product for 12-15 minutes. Carefully remove the container with an oven mitt, immediately roll it up and turn it upside down.

  • granulated sugar - 1.65 kg.
  • black currant - 2.2 kg.
  • food gelatin - 35 gr.
  • drinking water - in fact
  1. Start sorting the berries, rinse the currants, remove branches, leaves, and rotten elements. Place healthy, suitable fruits in a bowl and cover with warm water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour out the liquid and dry the raw materials on towels. Pass the composition through a sieve, meat grinder or blender. When you get a uniform mass, rub it through cheesecloth. This move will remove the seeds.
  3. Mix gelatin with granulated sugar, stir and add water according to instructions. Combine currant porridge with the previous composition and refrigerate for 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When specified time passes, put the mixture on the burner. Cook for 15 minutes, then leave to steep for 1.5 hours. Repeat steps twice.
  5. After boiling and infusion, pour the jelly jam into prepared clean jars, screw on the lids and turn the container over. Leave it in this position for half a day.

Blackcurrant jam with oranges

  • granulated sugar - 1.35 kg.
  • black currants (ripe, but not overripe) - 1.1 kg.
  • orange - 2 pcs. (about 330-350 gr.)
  1. Place the berry mixture in a strainer and rinse under the tap. Discard twigs and leaves and discard bruised items. Leave the currants to dry for 25-40 minutes. If necessary, place it on a towel.
  2. Now use a food processor, blender or meat grinder. You can also rub the berries through a sieve with a fine section of holes. Pour granulated sugar into the berries and mash with a fork.
  3. Place the mixture on the fire to cook. Set the power to low and simmer the mixture under the lid. At this time, remove the peel from the citrus fruits, do not touch the white base.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the pulp, pour it into the currants, and pass the zest through a fine grater or blender.
  5. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook the jam for a third of an hour with breaks every 10 minutes (the interval is 1 hour).
  6. While the mixture is cooking, start cleaning the container. It must be scalded with boiling water and dried. The same manipulations are carried out with lids. Pour the jam and seal.

  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • pitted cherries - 900 gr.
  • ripe black currants - 900-950 gr.
  1. Rinse the berries and dry them in a colander. Place on kitchen towels and wait for the liquid to evaporate. Eliminate bad fruits, branches and leaves.
  2. Add sugar, mash with a fork, and place in a heat-resistant bowl. Simmer covered for 20 minutes, then let stand for 3 hours. Repeat the manipulations.
  3. Rub the jam through a sieve, add more sugar if necessary and boil. Pack it into containers, tighten it with a special key, and put it in the basement.

Currant jam is often supplemented with gooseberries, ginger, orange and other ingredients. You can prepare an assortment of two shades of berries without fear of spoiling the taste. Vary the amount of sugar based on your family's individual wishes.

Video: blackcurrant jam

Black currant is a very tasty, aromatic berry that has beneficial and healing properties and is the record holder for vitamin C content among other berries and fruits. In addition, black currant fruits are rich in B vitamins, vitamin P, carotene, phytoncides and microelements necessary for life (potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc).

It is used for making juices, wines, desserts, etc. Blackcurrant preserves and jams are an amazing winter treat, served with tea, pancakes, pancakes and desserts.

The most best recipes currant jam, which can be made at home:

  1. Blackcurrant jam without cooking
  2. Currant jam “Pyatiminutka”
  3. Blackcurrant jelly
  4. Blackcurrant jam
  5. Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker
  6. Currant jam
  7. Currants in sugar in the microwave
  8. Jam "Summer"
  9. Currant jam with vanilla

Recipe 1. Blackcurrant jam without cooking

Required Products:

  • Fresh black currants – 0.5 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.

We sort through the berries, discard damaged and rotten ones, remove the stems and rinse under running water. Place the currants in a colander to drain all the liquid. Grind the berries into a puree with a blender, then add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
Pour the finished product into a clean glass container and close with nylon lids. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy jam, which can be stored in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Currant jam “Five Minute”

How to make jam for five minutes? This is a fairly quick recipe that allows you to preserve the original appearance of the berries with all beneficial properties.

  • Black currant – 1 kg.
  • Raspberries – 0.5 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Water – 150 ml.

Mix washed, peeled and dried berries with half the sugar, put on low heat, and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add the second part of sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the finished product into sterilized jars and roll up hot.

Recipe 3. Blackcurrant jelly

How to make blackcurrant jelly? To make such a fragrant preparation you will need:

  • Fresh black currants – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

The sorted, washed and peeled berries must be dried and poured into a wide basin. Pour water over the berries until it barely covers them. Two glasses will be enough. Place the berries over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Skim off the foam periodically during cooking.
At the end you need to add sugar and boil for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The finished product will thicken and begin to stick to the walls. Now is the time to pour it into sterilized jars.

The jelly can be rolled up, or you can simply close it with nylon lids and store it in the refrigerator. The rolled product can be stored at room temperature.

Recipe 4. Blackcurrant jam (hot cooking method)

Required components:

  • Black currant fruits – 0.6 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 900 g.
  • Water – 1.5 cups.

Pour washed, selected berries, cleared of twigs, with water and put on fire, bring to a boil and boil until the skin cracks. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

Crush the boiled berries with a wooden spoon, mix with sugar and put back on the fire. Boil the boiling mixture for another 10 minutes. Pour the hot product into a clean glass container and seal with lids.

To cook delicious jelly Some rules must be followed:

  • For cooking, use a wide container with a thick bottom. This will allow the excess liquid to evaporate faster and the jelly to thicken.
  • If the cooking time for the product has expired and the jelly remains liquid, it means it is not yet time to remove it from the stove. As soon as the jelly begins to stick to the walls, it can be poured into jars and rolled up.

Recipe 5. Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

How to make blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker for the winter? This question is of interest to many, because such Appliances Almost every modern housewife has a multicooker.

So, for this recipe you will need:

  • Fresh black currants – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.3 kg.
  • Citric acid – a pinch.
  • Water – 100 ml.

Sort the berries, remove twigs and rinse in water. Place the currants in a colander to drain all the water.

Place the berries in a bowl, mash with a wooden spoon, add water, sugar and citric acid. Mix all the products thoroughly and turn on the “Stew” option for 1.5 hours.

Pour the finished and aromatic jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

As you can see, making blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker is quite simple. In winter, the aromatic preparation can be consumed with tea, pancakes, pancakes and various desserts. Currant jam improves immunity well.

Recipe 6. Currant jam


  • 1 glass of berries.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 0.5 cups sugar.

Grind the berries in a meat grinder, add water and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated. Pass the puree through a sieve to remove the seeds. Add sugar and cook, stirring constantly for about 20 minutes, until the mixture thickens. Transfer to dry, hot jars and place open in the oven until a crust forms. Cork.

Recipe 7. Currants in sugar in the microwave

Wash the berries and spread them on paper to dry. Pour 0.5 liters into a jar, leaving 4 cm to the top. Prepare sugar syrup: 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water, boil until completely dissolved. Pour into a jar of berries and place in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power. Roll up.

Recipe 8. Summer jam

1 kg of currants (you can take half black and red).
1.2 kg sugar.
2 glasses of water.
Juice from 2 lemons.
Rinse the berries cold water, then scald with boiling water, let the water drain, place on a dish until dry. Make sugar syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water. Pour the berries into the syrup, boil for 5 minutes and set aside for 24 hours.
After a day, strain the syrup, boil for 2-3 minutes, pour hot over the berries and set aside again for a day. On the third day, also separate the syrup, add the remaining 200 grams of sugar and add lemon juice, boil for 3 minutes, combine with berries and bring to a boil. Pour hot jam into dry, heated jars and immediately seal.

Recipe 9. Currant jam with vanilla

Required Products:

  • 1 kg of currants;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • a bag of vanillin (you can take a stick).

Blanch the washed berries in water at about 80 degrees for about 2 minutes (boil 1 liter and leave for 4 minutes), drain the water, pour sugar syrup over the berries, boil for 20 minutes over medium heat and set aside for 12 hours. Then, skimming off the foam, cook for another 30 minutes over low heat.

After this, drain the berries in a colander and place two-thirds of each into jars. Boil the syrup for about 5 minutes, add vanillin (if you use a stick, remove it), pour over the berries, cool slightly and seal.

Currant jam is an independent delicacy, an ingredient in sweet sandwiches, and an excellent addition to ice cream and any other desserts.

It will find its place in any sweet dish and will definitely delight you with its amazing taste.

You can prepare currant jams for the winter in the most different ways.

The best of them are collected here!

Currant jam for the winter - general principles of preparation

For jams you can use black, white and red currants. Sometimes several varieties are mixed. You can add other ingredients. Basically, these are berries that coincide in ripening time: raspberries, cherries, gooseberries. All ingredients are thoroughly washed and stored. Jam is always boiled.

Jam or jam?

What is the difference between jam and marmalade? Both types of preparation consist of berries and sugar. The only difference between them is consistency. Currants for jam are crushed, boiled, sometimes pure juice or puree without skins and seeds is used. The consistency of the jam is jelly. It is achieved naturally due to the pectin contained in the berries. Sometimes gelatin and pectin are additionally added to achieve the desired consistency. The workpiece is thicker and does not require long cooking.

Currant jam can be stored well. The boiling mass is poured into sterile containers and hermetically sealed. After cooling, they are sent to a cool pantry or basement.

Recipe 1: Natural currant jam for the winter

Recipe for natural currant jam, which contains only sugar. You can use red or black berries for this preparation, it doesn’t matter.


1 kg currants;

1 kg sugar.


1. Sort through the berries, remove spoiled currants, tear off the tips and tails. We rinse.

2. Place in a food processor or bowl and grind until pureed, including the seeds.

3. Add prescription sugar, put it on the stove and start heating. It is important that the grains dissolve before the jam boils.

4. After boiling, boil the mixture to the desired thickness, on average about thirty minutes. Stir regularly so that the mixture does not burn.

5. Place in pre-sterilized jars. We cork it. After cooling, store in a cool place.

Recipe 2: Redcurrant jam for the winter with gelatin

A variant of very thick redcurrant jam for the winter that does not need to be cooked for a long time. It is easy to obtain a suitable consistency by adding gelatin, but everything must be done according to the rules.


2 kg currants;

1.5 kg sugar;

25 grams of gelatin.


1. We sort, wash the berries and grind through a meat grinder. Or grind it in other ways.

2. Combine dry gelatin with prescription sugar and stir.

3. Pour the sugar mixture into the twisted currants. Stir and put in the refrigerator for two hours.

4. Take it out, mix again and let sit for another four hours.

5. Place the sweet mass on the stove and cook over low heat until it boils, but do not boil. If the grains of sugar have not dissolved, then simply turn it off and leave the mixture to stand until it cools. Then we heat it again.

6. Place the hot but not boiling jam into jars. If the mixture boils, then it’s okay. The gelatin will simply lose its properties, and the product will not be thick enough.

Recipe 3: Blackcurrant jam for the winter with orange

To prepare a spectacular and aromatic blackcurrant jam for the winter, you will need a juicy orange. Or even several pieces.


1 kg currants;

1.3 kg sugar;

0.3 kg of oranges.


1. Place the currants in a colander and rinse well. Leave for half an hour to drain excess liquid.

2. Grind the berries into puree using a food processor. Or we simply twist it through a meat grinder, but use a mesh with small holes.

3. Add sugar to the berries and let them cook.

4. Remove the aromatic zest from the orange. To do this, simply grate the washed citrus on a fine grater.

5. Peel the entire orange from any remaining peel, remove the seeds from the slices and twist the citrus pulp or crush it in a food processor.

6. After 10 minutes of cooking the currants, add the orange.

7. Boil the jam and citrus together for 15 minutes.

8. Pour into the required containers and seal. Keep it upside down until it cools.

Recipe 4: Winter currant jam with pectin

A wonderful recipe for red or black currant jam for the winter, which cooks very quickly. Pectin gives the thickness and desired consistency. You can buy it in the baking ingredients department.


20 g pectin;

1.2 kg currants;

1 kg sugar.


1. We sort out the currants. We tear off all the tails. Place in a bowl, take a large pestle and grind. Juice should appear.

2. Pour in pectin and put on fire.

3. After boiling, add granulated sugar to the berries. Reduce heat and keep until the grains are completely dissolved.

4. After boiling, cook the jam for exactly five minutes.

5. Take a clean ladle, sterile jars and pour the mixture. Seal tightly for later storage. The lids must also be clean.

Recipe 5: Winter redcurrant jam with gooseberries

A variant of an interesting redcurrant jam for the winter with the addition of gooseberries. In most regions, these berries ripen at the same time, so why not prepare them together?


0.6 kg gooseberries;

0.6 kg currants;

1 kg sugar;

150 ml water;

0.3 tsp. citric acid.


1. Place gooseberries in a saucepan, which must be washed and dried.

2. Lower the blender and turn the berries into thick juice.

3. Add all the sugar at once and be sure to add water.

4. Place the gooseberries on the stove and cook for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to stir.

5. While the gooseberries are preparing, we sort out the currants and puree them too.

6. Pour in the red currants and cook together with the gooseberries for another quarter of an hour, add citric acid.

7. The jam will become a beautiful coral color, pleasant and delicate in taste. Can be poured into small jars!

8. Screw on the lids, cool, and send for storage.

Recipe 6: Blackcurrant Jam with Ginger

A variant of unusually aromatic and rich blackcurrant jam. It can be sealed for the winter if anything remains after taking the sample.


1 kg currants;

1 kg sugar;

20 grams of ginger;

0.5 tsp. cinnamon.


1. Grind the currants to a pulp, transfer to a saucepan.

2. Add prescription sugar and place on low heat. Simmer under the lid until the sand is completely dissolved.

3. As soon as the grains are completely dispersed, you can turn up the heat. Let the jam simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Add finely grated ginger, followed by cinnamon.

5. Boil for about ten more minutes and the aromatic delicacy is ready!

Recipe 7: Currant jam in a slow cooker

A method for making jam from any currant in a slow cooker. It can be consumed immediately or placed in clean containers and stored. The kitchen assistant should have a “multi-cook” program with the ability to independently set the necessary parameters.


3 cups sugar;

1 kg currants;

150 grams of water.


1. Place the berries, washed and freed from branches, in a slow cooker.

2. Pour 150 ml of water and set for 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.

3. Take out the currants, cool and rub through a sieve. You will get the most delicate puree with a minimum amount of waste.

4. Combine the currants with sugar and put them back into the slow cooker.

5. Set the jam program for 20 minutes, this is enough for jam.

6. After the signal, take out the aromatic mass and use it for its intended purpose. Don't worry about the consistency of the jam; it will become thicker as it cools.

Recipe 8: Winter currant jam with cherries

Another option for a very bright and rich currant jam for the winter, which can be prepared from black, red and even white varieties.


1 kg cherries;

1 kg currants;

1.4 kg sugar.


1. Immediately remove the pits from the cherries and place the washed berries in a saucepan.

2. Add pure currants without stems and leaves.

3. Pour in half a glass of water, cover and steam for fifteen minutes. The berries should become completely soft. Let cool.

4. Grind the steamed cherries and currants through a sieve. Optionally with small holes.

5. Add sugar to the tender puree, stir and let it cook.

6. After boiling, simmer the jam for about ten minutes.

7. Pour into jars and you're done! Seal immediately before the mixture cools down.

To avoid getting burned when pouring boiling jam into small jars, place the containers on a plate. They hold on to it, and accidentally spilled drops do not stain everything around them.

Drops of jam that fall on the neck of the jar should be immediately wiped off with a clean napkin. Otherwise, the lid will lie unevenly, air will get into the workpiece, and the contents of the jar may soon deteriorate.

How to check whether jam has hardened or not? You just need to drop a drop of hot mass onto a chilled plate. You can put several containers in the freezer at once to make it easier to decide on the right consistency.

The jars need to be sealed immediately after laying out the jam, while the workpiece is hot. Lids, keys, towels should be at hand.

It is better to add sugar to the jam after the berries have softened. Otherwise, they will remain hard for a long time, and the process of preparing the sweet treat may take longer.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious blackcurrant jam

2018-07-21 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


57 gr.

228 kcal.

Option 1. Classic blackcurrant jam recipe

A proven way to make blackcurrant jam. The berry is a leader in vitamin content. Jam differs from preserves in its uniform consistency and thickness.


  • 1200 grams of regular granulated sugar;
  • filtered water - ½ cup;
  • 1000 grams of ripe black currants.

Step-by-step blackcurrant jam recipe

We pick the berries from the branches and sort them, tearing off the tails. Place them in a sieve and wash them, stirring gently, under running water. Pour the currants into a deep basin, fill with water and place on the stove. Boil for five minutes until the berries are soft.

Drain the broth and mash the currants with a wooden spoon until they release their juice. Pour half a glass of filtered water into an enamel pan and put the berry mass into it.

Place the currant mixture on low heat and simmer, stirring with a wooden spatula, for about ten minutes. Add beet sugar in small portions, stirring continuously. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat intensity and cook the jam for another half hour.

We sterilize the jars with my baking soda solution by placing them over steam or placing them in the oven. Boil the lids for five minutes. Place the hot jam into prepared sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids. Leave for a day under a warm blanket.

If you want to get a thick jam with a uniform structure, grind the currant mixture through a fine sieve. Be sure to pick off all the tails from the berries. Collect berries for jam immediately after rain, it is at this time that they are most juicy.

Option 2. Quick recipe for blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker is simple. The assistant will save you from having to constantly stir. The treat will not burn in it, and the device will notify you when it is ready.


  • citric acid on the tip of a knife;
  • freshly picked blackcurrants - kilogram;
  • ½ cup spring water;
  • 1300 g beet sugar;
  • pectin - 20 gr.

How to quickly make blackcurrant jam

Pick freshly picked currants from the branches. Remove debris, leaves and spoiled berries by carefully sorting it out. Tear off the tails and rinse carefully.

Place the berries in a saucepan, add a third of the total amount of sugar and blend everything with an immersion blender. Then grind the mass through a sieve. Pour the liquid currant mixture into the multicooker pan. Add pectin. Stir. Place the pan in the appliance and turn on the “stew” program. Set the time to five minutes.

Open the lid, add the remaining sugar, stir. Cook for another 20 minutes without changing the program. Pack the hot treat into sterilized glass containers and seal tightly. Turn over and leave for a day, wrapped in a blanket.

If your appliance has the “jam” and “multi-cook” programs, prepare jam using them. First, the berries are simmered in the “multi-cook” mode, and then brought to readiness by turning on the “jam” program.

Option 3. Blackcurrant jam recipe with orange

Orange and cardamom will make the taste of jam even more interesting. The delicacy turns out to be aromatic and very healthy. Thick jam Can be served with morning coffee with toast, or used as a filling for pancakes.


  • kilogram of black currants;
  • five boxes of cardamom;
  • 550 grams of granulated sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • orange.

How to cook

Pick the berries from the branches, remove the stems, and put the spoiled fruits aside. Place selected currants in a colander and rinse warm water, stirring gently. Leave for a while to dry the berries.

Place the prepared currants in an enamel bowl, add sugar, mix carefully and leave for six hours. After the allotted time has passed, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool.

Grind the currant mass through a sieve. Pour in granulated sugar, add cardamom. Wash the orange, pour boiling water over it and wipe it off. Remove the zest from the citrus fruit. Finely chop it and add to the currant puree. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the currant mixture. Stir and cook for half an hour from the moment of boiling. Pour the hot treat into sterilized glass containers and roll up.

If desired, you can remove the cardamom at the end of cooking. You can also squeeze orange juice into the jam. Currants are a sour berry, so don’t skimp on sugar. Jam can be prepared by adding other fruits and berries.

Option 4. Blackcurrant jam recipe with gelatin

If you make jam with gelatin, you will get a thick, jelly-like treat. Thanks to minimal heat treatment, the berries are preserved most useful substances.


  • 25 gelatin;
  • beet sugar - one and a half kilograms;
  • two kilograms of ripe blackcurrants.

Step by step recipe

After removing the berries from the branches, sort them, removing leaves and spoiled fruits. Rinse the currants well under running water warm water. Dry the washed berries by placing them on a towel.

Twist the currants through a meat grinder. Combine gelatin with granulated sugar and stir. Add the resulting mixture to the currant puree. Stir and put in the refrigerator for two hours.

Place the container with currant puree on the stove and cook for ten minutes, stirring regularly. Then remove from the burner and leave for two hours. Return to the stove and cook for another quarter of an hour. Pack the hot jam into sterilized dry jars. Roll up the boiled lids and cool under a blanket.

If you grind currants through a sieve, do not throw away the cake. You can make a tasty and healthy compote from it. You can replace gelatin with agar-agar or pectin.

Option 5. Blackcurrant jam without cooking with raspberries

For the winter, you can prepare blackcurrant jam, while retaining all the benefits, as well as the aroma and taste of the berries. Currant delicacy with raspberries, which is prepared without cooking, is an excellent means of preventing colds.


  • drinking water - glass;
  • fresh raspberries - half a kilogram;
  • beet sugar - 1 kg 800 g;
  • black currant - kilogram.

How to cook

Remove the currants from the branches. Sort through the berries, tearing off the tails and removing debris and rotten fruit. Pour warm water over the currants and leave for a few minutes.

Place the berries in a sieve and leave to drain off all the moisture. Grind the currants through a sieve. Place the currant puree in an enamel pan.

Sort the raspberries and rinse carefully. Transfer to a bowl and mash thoroughly until smooth.

Pour purified water into the saucepan, add granulated sugar and put on fire. Simmer over low heat until the crystals dissolve. Remove the syrup from the stove and cool. Combine currant puree with raspberry puree and pour in syrup. Stir. Wash glass containers with a soda solution, rinse and sterilize in any way you are used to. Boil the lids. Pack the treats into containers, seal them hermetically and store them in the cellar.

Since the jam is prepared without cooking, use only ripe berries. Do not allow any rotten fruit to come into contact with it, otherwise the jam will quickly deteriorate. You can add vanilla, ginger or cinnamon to the jam for flavor.

Summer gives us many vitamins. Almost all berries and fruits are necessary for the body to function properly. It turns out that we need to stock up on their beneficial vitamins precisely in the warm season, when everything is our own and natural, brought from the dacha or bought from a neighbor we know. Those fruits that are delivered to us in winter from hot countries, of course, carry some vitamins, but most of them die when frozen.
Precisely because we need vitamins all year round, humanity has come up with such a wonderful thing as conservation. We will tell you how to easily and effortlessly stock up on such healthy berry, like black currants, for the winter. In this recipe we will share tips on how to make delicious blackcurrant jam.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade

Ingredients for jam

  • Black currant berries – 1.2 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg

Blackcurrant is known primarily for its immune-strengthening properties. Vitamin C, which, by the way, is retained even by frozen fruits, is in abundance here. It is an excellent diuretic and strengthening nervous system means. For intestinal disorders, black currant is also very useful. And high blood pressure can become a thing of the past if hypertensive patients introduce a blackcurrant drink into their regular diet.

How to make blackcurrant jam

Let's start by sorting out the currants. Separate all the tails and throw them away.

Place the berries in a colander and rinse well under running water. The fact is that currant bunches often hide all sorts of bugs that we have absolutely no use for. In addition, even if you sorted the berries very carefully, there is still a chance that there was a leaf or twig left there. In principle, this is not so scary, but it is better to remove everything that you can.

Now we need to grind the berries. Previously, a meat grinder was used for this, or you can grind them in a mortar. But today there is such a convenient kitchen appliance as a blender, let’s use it. Pour the currants into the blender bowl and turn it on. You need very little time - about 10 seconds. The berries are soft and lend themselves very well sharp knives device.

There is a point here: if you want jam without seeds, then you need to separate them right now using a sieve. But it’s better to leave them, because everyone is the most healthy vitamins They are located in the bones and they are so small that they will not interfere.
Now add sugar to the berries and turn on the blender again for a few seconds.

Don't forget to sterilize the jars, it doesn't take that much time if you use a double boiler.

We put the jam in the jars, cover with the lids, but do not screw them on, put them in a wide saucepan. Pour water into it so that it half covers the jars, and leave to boil for 30 minutes.

Ready! You can cover the blackcurrant jam with lids and put it in the pantry until the cold winter evenings. By the way, if you plan to eat jam in the near future, then it is not necessary to boil it. Just cover and store in the refrigerator.