The best cream recipes for Napoleon cake. Napoleon recipe with custard is the most delicious

Each classic dessert has its own specific cream. Sachertorte is impossible without chocolate glaze, Opera - without ganache, Elizabeth cake is made with condensed milk, well, if you decide to bake the namesake of the French emperor, get ready to prepare custard for Napoleon. Good news: although there is a classic recipe, you can use your imagination, change the ingredients a little, simplify or, conversely, complicate the preparation, and make something new. This way the cake will taste different every time. In addition, by changing the cream recipe, you can reduce the calorie content of the dessert. Finally, new recipe will help you out if you are used to cooking Napoleon, say, with condensed milk, but today there is none in the refrigerator.

We present the most win-win custard options for our favorite cake

The simplest option

Prepare the ingredients

  • 2 eggs;
  • fresh or pasteurized milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass (without a pea if you don’t have a sweet tooth);
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (with a heap).

Timing: 10 minutes.
Difficulty: the most simplified recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Mix sugar with flour, add egg, grind everything.
  2. Pour in the milk and beat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. Place the future cream on the fire, stirring, and bring to a boil.
  4. Cool.
  5. Beat the cream again. And you can layer the cakes with it.


Prepare the ingredients

  • 200 g butter (or exactly 1 pack);
  • 1 liter of milk of any fat content (but the fattier the milk, the tastier the result will be);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (no heaps).

Timing: 10–15 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  • In order to prepare the classic custard for Napoleon, you need to take a whisk, beat the eggs into a saucepan or stewpan, and then grind them with sugar and flour.
  • Pour in milk. Most the best option– add it one spoon at a time. However, if you don’t have time, add it in two or three additions and change the whisk to a mixer. Yours the main task– break up all the lumps and create the most homogeneous substance.
  • Place the saucepan on heat (medium or slightly below medium) and bring to a boil. There is no need to leave the stove - stir until your delicious cream didn't burn.
  • Immediately remove the pan from the stove and place it in a secluded corner to cool. You can place a plate of butter on top of the saucepan, this will soften it faster. But be careful: it should not melt!
  • Beat the cooled cream, adding a spoonful of butter. When all the oil and cream have entered, and the latter becomes like an airy cloud, the cream is ready.

Variant with nuts

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of sugar (without a grain);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1.5 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 glass of milk (it is important that it is not sour);
  • vanilla sugar (about a level teaspoon - however, this is an optional component);
  • 2 tablespoons of nuts (for example, walnuts);
  • butter– 300 g.

Timing: 20 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Beat the egg and sugar into a white foam.
  2. Add flour, milk and vanilla.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat. Important! There is no need to bring it to a boil. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, this is a signal that it is time to remove it.
  4. Lightly toast the nuts in a frying pan (this is not necessary, but the toasted nuts will greatly enhance the aroma of the cake).
  5. Chop the nuts. This can be done with a blender (even an immersion blender - the main thing is to choose a deep bowl).
  6. Meanwhile, the custard mixture has cooled. All that remains is to add butter (softened to room temperature), as well as nuts. Beat everything with a blender... Done! By the way, you can take three times more nuts than the recipe calls for - this way you can also make a beautiful nut topping on top of Napoleon.

Option with condensed milk

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons flour (no heaps);
  • condensed milk – 200 g (the thicker it is, the better);
  • butter – 100 g (room temperature);
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Timing: about 10 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

Vanilla-cream option

Prepare the ingredients

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 180 g (that is, about 3/4 of a faceted glass);
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 3 yolks (they can be replaced with two whole eggs);
  • starch – 3 level tablespoons (it can be replaced with flour);
  • butter – 50 g (softened);
  • 35% cream – 150 ml.

Timing: 25 minutes + 5 hours.
Difficulty: Medium difficulty recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Boil milk with half the regular and vanilla sugar.
  2. Cool, add the remaining sugar mixed with starch. Important! It is better to use corn starch rather than potato starch, plus sift it thoroughly. After this manipulation, the cream will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, that is, without lumps.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil again. Let it cook for about two minutes (however, if you don’t have starch in your kitchen and you included flour in your recipe, remove the pan from the heat immediately after “boiling” bubbles appear).
  4. Add a piece of butter and beat the cream.
  5. Cover the top of the pan with cling film (so that it completely rests on the cream - this way you will protect it from the appearance of a dense crust). Let the cream cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours - however, you can keep it cold for longer, this will not spoil the recipe.
  6. Whip the cream until foamy (it should be fresh from the refrigerator).
  7. Mix the cream with the cream, beat again... Finally ready!

Congratulations: now you have more than one cream recipe at your disposal, so you can make a new delicious Napoleon every time.

The version with condensed milk will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, the simplified version of the cream will appeal to all busy housewives, and the version with nuts will appeal to lovers of everything new (you must admit, it’s not often that this famous cake is supplemented with walnuts).

Good luck in the kitchen! And let the guests eat all the cakes down to the crumbs, and then strictly demand that the recipe be rewritten for them!

From childhood, each of us has in our memories the incredible, melt-in-your-mouth and maddening taste of Napoleon cake. The difficulty in preparing the cake lies in its unusual cream, which gives the cake its unique taste. Every self-respecting housewife has in her arsenal the “correct” recipe for the classic cream for “Napoleon”. Exists a large number of options for cream - some prepare it based on eggs and butter, others based on condensed milk or sour cream.

Timeless classic

It is known that puff pastry was invented by the Frenchman Claudius Gele back in 1645. He kneaded the dough, folded it in layers, generously coating each layer with butter, then rolled it out again and repeated this procedure several times. As a result, he received an unusual puff pastry. A few years later, a baker-pastry chef (unfortunately, his name has not been preserved) came up with the idea of ​​coating the layers of dough with custard. This is how the delicious and famous cake turned out, which was called "Neapolitan". However, after the recipe came to Russia, the name was slightly distorted. From "Neapolitan" the cake became known as "Napoleon".

“Napoleon” is a delicacy made from unsweetened puff pastry, crispy dough, soaked in cream - protein, butter, custard, chocolate, whipped cream or condensed milk. Before assembling the cake, you need to know how to prepare the custard for the Napoleon cake. Additional ingredients in it may include cedar, walnuts, cashews, pears, bananas, cocoa or chocolate.

Impregnation for cake

Confectioners-bakers have developed many recipes for making cream - a highlight for “Napoleon”. Each cream brings its own unique flavor to the taste. To choose the right filling for yourself, you should try different ways preparations. The cream-based cream will add tenderness, the protein cream will add lightness and airiness, and the nuts mixed into the cream base will add piquancy to the overall taste.

However, there is a proven, classic recipe for Napoleon cream. This impregnation can be used for filling other cakes, for example, “Medovik”, “Millefeuille”. The cream turns out incredibly tasty, creamy and liquid. But it is difficult for them to layer a regular cake, since heavy sponge cakes will squeeze them out.

Classic recipe

Charlotte cream is a flourless custard based on eggs and butter. The texture of this filling is very delicate, light, without lumps, and most importantly, it is very easy to prepare. To prepare custard for Napoleon cake you will need the following ingredients:

Before cooking, soften the butter. First you need to peel the vanilla pod (you can use vanilla extract or essence), put the stems and seeds in a saucepan with cold milk. Next, you should put the milk on the stove and bring to the fire. Cool the liquid to room temperature.

The next step is to combine the eggs with sugar and starch and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Pour milk into the egg mixture, passing it through a sieve to get rid of excess seeds and vanilla pods, while stirring gently.

Next, the liquid should be boiled; it is recommended to pour it into a saucepan and place over medium heat. At this point, you should constantly stir until thickened, otherwise there is a chance that the cream will burn. This causes large bubbles to appear. At the very end of cooking, you need to add butter to the mixture and mix well until smooth and cool in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, also covering the bowl with cling film.

Confectioners advise, when it is necessary to obtain a more delicate and airy filling, to whip cold cream to peaks (strong foam). The bowl and whisk should also be cold to speed up the process and make the foam fluffy. Next, carefully mix the resulting cold custard mass with whipped cream at the rate of 300 grams of cream per 100 grams of cream. Pastry chefs call this cake filling “Diplomat”. “Diplomat” is stored in a pastry bag in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week.

If desired, you can diversify the mixture for coating the cake with unusual products that will transform the taste. For example, you can add lemon zest to your homemade cream (only the yellow part of the lemon without the white film), rum and grated pears, and you can replace the cream with sour cream (10%), this will reduce the calorie content of the dish. In addition, at the end of cooking, confectioners can add nuts chopped in a blender, which will emphasize the individuality of taste and the variety of flavors.

Homemade cream based on condensed milk

Condensed milk will add a creamy milky note to the cake filling. For classic recipe Cream for Napoleon cake based on condensed milk requires ingredients:

The steps for preparing the filling based on condensed milk are similar to those for making Charlotte cream. At the last stage, you need to carefully pour and distribute condensed milk into a bowl of cooled liquid. The result is a snow-white cake coating with an incredible smell and taste. If desired, you can remove eggs from the ingredients; this will not affect the quality, taste of the product or the impregnation properties of the cake.

Unusual option

One of the unusual and impossible delicious recipes is curd-banana cream. It is best to prepare it in two portions, since it is unlikely to remain in the original quantity before coating. Curd banana filling is a fantastic combination of ripe and sweet banana with curd that will drive anyone crazy. To make Napoleon cake even tastier you will need:

The technology for preparing the cake filling is no different from the previous ones. However, there are some differences. Ripe banana must be blended with a blender until smooth. After the creamy mass has cooled completely, assemble the cake. Confectioners recommend alternating banana curd layers with layers of butter cream. However, some housewives manage to mix all two components. This does not spoil the filling, but turns out unusually bright and very tasty.

Chocolate delight

Chocolate is the most beloved and popular delicacy of many peoples. The raw materials for its production are cocoa beans - the seeds of chocolate trees. It is worth noting that to prepare an excellent dessert, you must use only high-quality chocolate without impurities and additives, which dissolves well and has high degree fat content 20−24% and intensely saturated dark color.

The dark chocolate-based cream turns out to be very delicate, with a chocolate taste and aroma from childhood, with a deep color, and also adds a bitterness to the taste. It holds its shape perfectly (even at room temperature) and has an appetizing glossy color. To prepare chocolate impregnation you will need:

  1. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  2. Dark chocolate - 100 gr.
  3. Sugar - 180 gr.
  4. Butter - 200 gr.
  5. Salt - a pinch.

The next step is to cook the resulting mixture in a saucepan over low heat until it boils, stirring constantly. After cooking, let the cream cool completely.

Attention, TODAY only!

Classic Napoleon cake with custard favorite treat since childhood. Many of us simply adore this cake. Therefore, we decided to tell you several recipes for making the most delicate custard (can also be used for biscuits, honey cake, and as a filling for eclairs). Let's prepare the highlight of the cake - custard for Napoleon.

Let's remember the recipe for making Napoleon cake

Classic Napoleon cake with custard

For puff pastry you need to take:

  • flour (700 grams)
  • butter or margarine (400 grams)
  • eggs (2pcs)
  • vinegar (1 tbsp)
  • water (cool) 150 ml
  • salt (pinch)

For the cream we take:

  • warm milk (500ml)
  • eggs (chilled yolks) 4 pcs
  • sifted flour (50 grams)
  • vanillin (pinch)
  • sugar (150 grams)

1. First you need to dissolve vinegar in water. Take a separate bowl and beat the eggs, adding salt (a pinch). Next, slowly pour the prepared vinegar water into the eggs. Mix well.

3. Build a mound of flour crumbs, make a small depression in the center and slowly begin pouring in the egg-vinegar mixture. And according to the usual scheme, we begin to knead the dough. Divide into 12 halves, roll into balls, cover with cling film (so as not to dry out) and refrigerate for several hours (1-2).

4. Cream:

  • boil the milk over low heat;
  • We take a bowl and begin to beat the yolks with sugar, vanillin and flour. Next, pour warm milk into this mixture, stirring constantly. Afterwards, place the prepared yolk-milk mixture on the stove (low heat) and bring to a boil;
  • To make the cream thicker, you can boil it for another 5-7 minutes until thickened. Leave to cool. All is ready!

5. Turn on the oven to warm up. The dough can be rolled out on a baking sheet or directly on parchment. The choice is yours. Sprinkle a baking sheet (parchment) with a little flour. We take each ball, roll it out as thinly as possible and cut out circles with a plate. Leave the trimmings on the baking sheet for decoration.

6. As soon as we have rolled out the dough, make several punctures with a fork (the more, the less the cake will swell) and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. We bake all the cakes using the same procedure. Grease all the cakes with cream, sprinkle the top and sides with the prepared crumbs. Place in the refrigerator overnight to soak. Classic Napoleon cake with custard is ready!

Custard for Napoleon(All recipes)

Recipe No. 1 (Vanilla custard)
  • flour (4 tbsp)
  • milk (250 ml)
  • butter (180 grams)
  • vanilla sugar (1/2 tsp)
  • powdered sugar (300 grams)

Beat the flour and milk (half and half) thoroughly - preferably with a mixer, so that there are no lumps. Mix the other half of the milk with sugar and place on low heat. As soon as you see that the milk is boiling, slowly begin to pour in the whipped milk-flour mixture, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil (the mass should thicken), remove from heat and cool.

Recipe No. 2 (Buttercream)
  • butter (200 grams)
  • flour (two tablespoons)
  • sugar (0.5 cup)
  • eggs (3 yolks)
  • milk (280 ml)

1. Grind the egg yolks and sugar thoroughly, add the sifted flour and mix everything again. Next, pour 170 ml of cold milk into this mixture (stir constantly) and bring until smooth.

2. Place the remaining milk on the fire. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the prepared egg-milk mixture. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Recipe No. 3 (Custard with nuts)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • walnuts (3 tbsp)
  • egg (1 piece)
  • milk (1 glass)
  • butter (300 grams)
  • flour (1.5 tbsp)
  • vanillin (pinch)

1. Beat eggs with sugar, mix with vanilla, milk and flour. Beat until a homogeneous consistency is formed and place on low heat (stir constantly). Afterwards, remove and cool.

2. Pass the nuts through a blender (you can fry them a little more if you wish). Then add softened butter, nuts and beat thoroughly. The cream will turn out very tender and tasty.

Recipe No. 4 ( Custard for Napoleon with condensed milk)

  • butter (100 grams)
  • milk (one glass)
  • flour (2 tsp)
  • condensed milk (250 grams)
  • sugar (2 tsp)
  • vanilla (pinch)

Add milk, sugar, flour to the bowl. Stir and place on low heat. Bring slightly to a boil and cool. After the cream has cooled, add butter (softened), condensed milk and whisk everything quickly. This is how delicious it turns out.

Recipe No. 5 (Chocolate custard) :
  • dark chocolate (50 grams). Instead of chocolate, you can add cocoa with sugar (3 tbsp)
  • warm milk (250 ml)
  • sifted flour (1 tbsp)
  • yolks (chilled) 2 pcs
  • butter (100 grams)
  • sugar (150 grams)
  • potato starch (1 tbsp)

1. Take a bowl, pour milk over the chocolate and put it on low heat until the chocolate melts.

2. Separately, beat the yolks and sugar until thick, add flour, starch and mix everything. Pour into the prepared mixture chocolate milk, stirring constantly, and place on low heat. Bring to the required thickness and remove. Afterwards, cool and mix with whipped butter.

Recipe No. 6 (The simplest recipe for cream based cream)

Making this cream is very simple. Note: In order for the cream to whip well, it must be of a fairly thick consistency and chilled. Instead of sugar, use powdered sugar; it stabilizes the cream better. For additional smell and taste, you can add vanilla, citrus essence, etc.

  • heavy cream (0.5 l)
  • powdered sugar (1 cup)

Whip the cream until fluffy. In the process, slowly begin to add powdered sugar. Mix and the cream is ready!

Recipe No. 7 (Curd cream)
  • flour (3 tbsp)
  • milk (1 l.)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • eggs (3pcs)
  • mascarpone or other cream cheese (300 grams)

1. Mix flour with sugar, beat in eggs and grind until smooth. Add milk and put on low heat (stir constantly). Cook until thickened. Afterwards, cool, add cream cheese and beat well. Custard for Napoleon is ready!

  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • butter - 500 g.

Cooking process:

If you prepare the cream according to the recipe described, then use only high-quality and nutritious products for it. Not spread or margarine, but butter; not powdered eggs and powdered milk, and eggs and natural milk.

Chicken eggs need to be broken into a bowl and sifted wheat flour added to them. These two ingredients must be mixed until smooth. When stirring these components, there are often lumps, excellent and quick solution You will need to use special attachments for an immersion blender with a knife.

In a saucepan you need to boil the milk and dissolve all the granulated sugar in it.

Pour the egg-flour mixture into the sweet milk in a thin stream, while constantly stirring the mixture.

Cook the cream over low heat until thickened. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and cool to room temperature.

Place the pre-softened butter in a large container, in which we will later knead the cream, beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth.

Add the cooled cream to the butter in small portions and begin to intensively mix the whole mass with a whisk.

Here you can use a mixer and work at low speed. In several stages, mix the custard into the butter, but not vice versa.

We grease the cake layers with the resulting cream or use it for filling or buns. The cream is good not only in Napoleon, it will go well with honey, sour cream and sponge cakes.

You will certainly be pleased that the taste of the cream is excellent!

If the process does not tire you at all, tune in to cooking home Napoleon with many thin layers. I will definitely share my signature recipe in the next issue, subscribe to the newsletter of new recipes from our notebook!

The French claim that the dessert was invented by a cook who lived at the court of Bonaparte himself. He dreamed of becoming the best chef. And he used a trick: he bought a traditional holiday french pie, cutting along the cake, smeared with cream with jam and cream. And to flatter his emperor, he named the dessert after him. Of course, all Bonaparte’s followers and he himself appreciated the delicacy.

According to another legend, the author of the dessert is the emperor himself. Allegedly, the wife was jealous of the emperor’s pretty young maid of honor. To distract Josephine (who, it should be said, loved sweets very much) from sad thoughts, Bonaparte invited her to enjoy a dessert of his own invention. And on the fly I came up with a recipe, which was tested in practice, the result was delicious cake, which was named after its inventor.

In Russia, for the first time, the delicacy was prepared in memory of the expulsion of Napoleon's troops and was made in the form of triangular-shaped cakes, reminiscent of the emperor's cocked hat.

This is such an interesting and delicious story!

Best regards, Anyuta.

It was called, however, then a little differently - “a thousand layers.” It was only in the 19th century that it became widespread and received a new name - the French chef Marie-Antoine Carême modernized the recipe. However, why did he begin to bear the name famous commander and the emperor, is still unknown for certain.

The Napoleon cake has long taken pride of place in the book of recipes for Russian housewives. After all, preparing it is quite simple, and its taste is not inferior to the most exquisite desserts. The most questions when preparing Napoleon arise when it comes to cream. Many housewives prefer custard. It is really lighter and healthier than oil. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances to ensure that the cream turns out perfect.


What do you need:
1 tbsp. cream 20% fat
4 tbsp. Sahara
1 tsp starch
3 eggs

How to prepare custard for Napoleon cake:
1. Take a saucepan. Better enameled. Put sugar, starch into it, add eggs and stir the mixture for 1-2 minutes. Then add the cream and place the saucepan on the stove.

2. Stir the mixture constantly with a wooden spatula. Your task is to prevent the cream from boiling. Otherwise it will curl up and fail. Heat the mixture until thickened. Then leave the cream to cool.

You can make chocolate custard for Napoleon cake.


What do you need:
1 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. flour or potato starch
100 g chocolate
2 eggs
1/3 tbsp. sugar (ideally powdered sugar)
50 g butter
2 g vanillin

How to make chocolate custard for Napoleon cake:

1. First, heat the milk, add starch or flour and mix thoroughly.

2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar and add vanillin. Then combine both mixtures and beat well. Then break the chocolate bar into small pieces and add them to the cream mixture.

3. Place the saucepan with the cream on low heat and stir constantly. Cook until the cream has a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Next, leave the mixture to cool. After it has cooled to room temperature, add the whipped softened butter to it and beat everything together.

Alternatively, you can make custard sour cream for the Napoleon cake.


What do you need:
500 g sour cream 20% fat
600 ml milk
2 tbsp. starch
3 eggs
1 tbsp. sugar (ideally powdered sugar)
2 g vanillin

Do you want to cook your favoriteNapoleon cake in 10 minutes ? Then write it downfamous chef's signature recipe !..

How to prepare custard sour cream for Napoleon cake:

1. Pour 1 glass of cold milk into a bowl, dissolve the starch in it and add sugar and eggs. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

2. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Boil it and reduce the heat. Then carefully pour the egg-starch mixture into the boiling milk and mix everything. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, stirring constantly.

3. After removing the cream from the heat, add vanilla and cool to room temperature. All that remains is to add sour cream to the cream (it should be thick).

You can make the cream for the Napoleon cake more fragrant. To do this, you can pour 1 tbsp into the cream. cognac or liqueur. Alternatively, you can diversify the taste of the cream by adding 2 tbsp at the very beginning of cooking. roasted and finely chopped nuts.