The worldview of the Slavs - Vedism - the experience of our Ancestors. The knowledge of the Slavs and the secret meaning of the rites Vedic teachings of the Slavs

The worldview of the Slavic-Aryans is an ancient systematized teaching, permeated with deep knowledge and experience of our Ancestors, with attention and awe of the world around them, knowing the essence of things and phenomena. The universe in the view of the Slavs is multidimensional and is a structure in which a person lives in accordance with the fundamental principles of nature, following natural astronomical rhythms. Because the Since our Ancestors were inextricably linked with Nature, being a part of it, and cognized the natural principles from within, through themselves, then their worldview was alive, dynamic and multidimensional, like Nature itself.


Worldview of the ancient Slavs reflects the widest range of concepts and images inextricably linked with the universal cosmos and Vedic nature. Vedism- this is a holistic worldview, knowledge of the fundamental principles of the harmonious functioning of the Universe, expressed in the idea of ​​the interaction of cosmic forces, their multiple manifestations in the single and the single in the plural. This is not a dead code of certain rules or rituals. Vedism, the Vedas - from the word to know, the relevant knowledge has traditionally been passed down orally for centuries, from teacher to student. For ordinary people in Russia, there were bayans for this, which, through tales, legends, or with the help of songs, in a simplified form, transmitted knowledge. Many Vedic knowledge is encrypted in Russian folk tales.

The ancient Slavs are often reproached for polytheism by those who do not bother to look in depth, being content with superficial information. In fact, according to the ideas of our Ancestors, God is one, his name is Rod, and he manifests himself in all sorts of faces. The ancient Slavs called Rod the whole Universe, which includes all the gods. The genus has no appearance, because it is everything that exists. In fact, the Genus is the most ancient archetype of the single and immortal Creator in space and time, who created the entire inhabited world, from the Earth to the stars. All Slavic Gods are the incarnations of the Family, specific earthly manifestations of one or another of its qualities.

The concept of the One God, manifested in the multitude, that is, the "diversity of the one" is opposed to the concept of "many different" as a category of disparate elements that are not connected into a single whole. Therefore, the accusation of the Slavs in polytheism is unfounded, because in our cosmogonic world there is no place for anything random, fragmentary - everything in it obeys the unshakable principles of Nature, is closely intertwined and interconnected.

Many words came from the root "genus": childbirth, homeland, nature (what is with the Family), breed (goes along the Family), freak (the one with the Family). By the way, the word freak among the ancient Slavs had a completely different meaning than now - the first child in the family was a freak - at the origins of the Family. There is a version that the proverb “There is a freak in the family” originally had a meaning - not without the first child. And there were, of course, tribal communities. The elder families were revered. Rod is a support for a person, without it a person is nothing. In general, if we consider - this is the human race, the race together with the animal and plant world, the whole Universe. Man used to perceive himself as a single whole with the whole Universe.

The gods were not separated from the forces of Nature. Our Ancestors worshiped all the forces of Nature, large, medium and small. Every power was for them a manifestation of God. He was everywhere - in light, heat, lightning, rain, river, tree. Everything big and small was a manifestation of God and at the same time God Himself. The ancient Rus lived in Nature, considering it their part and dissolved in it.

In contrast to the Greeks, the ancient Rus did not personify their Gods much, did not give them human features, did not make superhumans out of them. Their gods did not marry, did not have children, did not feast, did not fight, etc., the deities were symbols of Nature, its phenomena.

Great Triglav

The universe of the ancient Slavs is complex and multidimensional. Already many millennia ago, the ancient Slavs had a coherent system of worldview, which was based on three main factors: REVEAL, NAVI and RIGHT. Reality was considered as an earthly phase of being, Nav was heavenly, or, as we would say now, a subtle sphere of life, and Rule expressed the Single Principle of Life, which permeated both spheres of being. Both earthly and heavenly life had the same status. In heaven, as before on Earth, the Slavs continued to work, but without enemies and diseases. They lived surrounded by the Gods, feeling themselves in blood relationship with the "great relatives". And this constituted an evolution, natural, like the life of a green shoot, which grew in its divinity to absolute Beauty, and in the end created the living structure of the Slavic cosmos.

The symbol of the world in which the Slavs lived was the Great Triglav. One of the chapters was "white as light", - it expressed Yav - the world around, as it is often said in fairy tales - white light. That is why she had a white color - the color of purity, joy, peace.

Rule - symbolizes the basic Principle of the Universe, on which Reality is based. Thus, it brings the Slavs moral, ethical, qualitative and worldview principles that guide them in life. Rule in absolute terms is the Truth, the knowledge of which makes it possible to "overcome the forces of darkness and lead to good." It was often necessary to fight for the Rule and shed blood, but those who were not afraid to stand up for it gained eternal life with the Gods and eternal glory.

Nav - is a symbol of Winter and the world that exists before and after Reveal, this is the transcendent Light in which the Gods and souls of the dead Ancestors live. Our Ancestors knew that Yav naturally flows from Navi, and again goes to Navi, just as spring comes after winter, and autumn comes again. The entire palette includes the following colors: white (Yav), red (Right), blue (Nav), light blue (Svarog), orange (Perun), green (Sventovid).

Personification of Triglav: Svarog-Perun-Sventovid.

SVAROG is the Grandfather of the Gods, the Head of the entire Kind of God. Rod-Rozhanich, giving life to all things. Svarog is the God of Reveal and Navi - the fundamental principles of ancient Vedic philosophy, coming from the trinity of the world. Svarog is the ruler of the entire universe. He is the Source of Eternal Life, the Beginning-Beginnings, the Universe-Aware-of-Itself. The concept of the Grandfather of the Gods among the Slavs proves the ancient origin of both this image and the philosophy of Slavic Vedism as a whole.

The second face of the Great Triglav is PERUN-Thunderer, the God of Battles and Struggle, who leads the faithful along the path of Rule and rotates the Svarog wheels of Reveal, the wheels of Life. He is the God of Action, Eternal Movement, that force that transforms the Universe.

The third face of the Great Triglav is SVENTOVID, the God of Rule and Reveal, the God of Light, through which people join the manifest world.

Artist Kukel N.G.

Turning to the color performance of the sign, it should be noted that the Great Triglav is a reflection of the three seasons, the three seasons that existed among the Slavic-Aryans in antiquity - this is the time of agricultural work (spring), the time of ripening and harvesting (covered summer and autumn) and the time of rest of the earth (winter).

The Lord of Spring here is Sventovid, at this time everything awakens, the first green grass appears - a symbol of life. Therefore, the color of Sventovid is green.

Perun is a sign of Fire, a solar God, his element is Summer, the color is golden (yellow). Svarog is the God of the Sky, which has a blue color. This is also the color of Navi, from which Svarog created Yav according to the plan of Rule. In the sphere of the seasons, Navi corresponds to Winter.

Thus, in the sign of the Great Triglav, the Slavic agricultural cycle SPRING-SUMMER-WINTER was reflected.

However, as noted earlier, the images of ancient Slavic philosophy are multidimensional, and the image of the Great Triglav is not limited to these functions. Its symbol also captures the three main elements revered by our Ancestors: AIR-FIRE-EARTH, indicated by the same blue-yellow-green tricolor.

Svarog, as we have established, corresponds to the blue or blue color, the color of the Sky and the color of Navi, where the Gods and the souls of the dead Ancestors, who became Perunichs and Svarozhichs, live. Continuing to maintain contact with their relatives left on earth, they come to the rescue in difficult times, giving wise advice in dreams or “materializing” in the images of birds, animals, people. And during the hours of war, they descend in whole armies from the clouds to the earth and help to overcome enemies. Knowing this, the living always honor their "Navi" relatives and in prayer turn to them with words of gratitude. Is this not a connection, as we now say, with the Noosphere?

Thus, Svarga is Air, it is the atmosphere and noosphere, the physical air that one breathes, and the spiritual air that souls and thoughts feed on.

Perun is the element of Fire. He throws fiery arrows and strikes enemies with a fiery lightning sword, blinding them with sparks and unbearably bright light. At this moment, he takes on the face of Indra - the formidable merciless Warrior God. However, for his children of the Slavs, he is the Defender and often acts as Perun-Vergunets, the patron of the harvest. Cutting through the clouds with his sword, he sheds blessed rain on the fields. The first morning prayer, which the Slavs did, was dedicated to Dawn, the rising Sun - Surya and Perun, the fire of which the hostesses kindled in the morning.

The color of Perun is from yellow to orange, corresponding to the color of fire. And, like fire, Perun can be indomitable and affectionate, a sizzling fire and a home fire on which food is cooked. Semargl knows the flame itself, but Perun kindles it. He is the Heavenly Blacksmith, the Master who forges swords and blows the furnace. It was his heavenly fire that was brought to the Slavs on its wings by the Bird-Glory.

Perun is the solar God, the God of Summer, Heat, Light, Fire, everything connected with the active yellow-orange spectrum.

Sventovid - the element of the Earth. This is rebirth, spring, green grass, the awakening of all living things. Green is the color of life.

It is in the spring that the Slavs celebrate the wedding of the Father - Svarog and Mother - the Earth, whose children they are, sing songs, rejoice, throw wreaths woven from flowering herbs to Svarga. And the Earth, fertilized by the Svarog Heavenly Bull, who poured silver rains into its bosom, conceives a new life, carrying it in the womb, so that by autumn it will be born with fruits, cereals and other generous earthly gifts.

The element of the Earth is inextricably linked with the element of Water and is its integral component, since rivers flow through it, lakes stretch on it, seas - oceans adjoin it and rains fall on it.

Svarog and the Earth look into the water to be prolific, and give birth to the son of Vergunets-Perunts, connecting Heaven and Earth, since he is the lord of Fire and Water. And when Heat and Dryness come, Mother Earth raises her hands to heaven and prays to her son to send rain. And Vergunets sheds fertile streams on the dried-up earth, and it is saturated with moisture and gives a harvest. Or Svarog himself strokes his white beard and thus sends rain to the parched lands.

Meanwhile, all three faces - "THIS IS A GREAT MYSTERY, BECAUSE SVAROG IS AT THE SAME TIME PERUN AND SVENTOVID." Thus, inseparable unity and mutual flow is the essence of the Great Triglav.

The divine principle among the Slavs permeates the entire Cosmos, starting from the incarnation in the Great Triglav, through other Triglavs to the smallest ones (Steblic, Listvich, Travich), each of which, nevertheless, occupied a specific place in the divine hierarchy, being components of the One and Indivisible .

Thus, the Vedic worldview is based on understanding the essence of natural natural mechanisms and building one's life in accordance with the principles arising from this.

In Vedism, one does not have to believe in the existence, for example, of the Sun God Ra, in his power and his life force. It is enough to look up, see the Sun, feel its energy and see the influence of the Sun on life. No need to believe or not believe in the God of Fire Semargl - we constantly encounter fire in life. You do not need to believe in anything, open your eyes and heart wide enough, and then Nature will tell us all her living secrets.

The forces ruling the universe among the Slavs were not antagonistic: Chernobog and Belobog are two sides of being, like day and night, they oppose, “fight on both sides of Svarga”, but at the same time they are forces that balance the world. It is the same with the images of MOR / MOROK / and MARA - the Gods of Darkness, Winter and Death: fading, cold - one of the states of the eternal cycle of the Universe, without decay there is no rebirth, without death there is no life. All manifestations in Nature are varieties of its natural state. And this deepest understanding of the divine principles was characteristic of the ancient Slavs much more clearly than we, cut off from Nature, pampered by the "benefits of civilization", often forgetting our connection with the single organism of the Earth and the Cosmos.

We, the descendants of the knowledgeable Slavs, have been familiar with the Pantheon of Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Indo-Iranian, Egyptian and other Gods since school. The mythology of these peoples can be easily encountered in textbooks and books on the history of the Ancient World. However, in these books there is no section on Ancient Russia (why? - food for thought). In most books, the opinion reigns that the Slavs, as a civilized people, took shape only with the adoption of Christianity, although historical and especially archaeological data indicate that our Ancestors for many thousands of years preserved themselves as a nation, took care of their native language, culture and customs based on inextricable connection with Nature, courageously defending its territorial and spiritual independence. Great states, empires were born and died around, and sometimes many tribes and peoples disappeared from the face of the Earth forever, but our Ancestors, having a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of nature and being inextricably linked with Nature, learned to live in harmony with Nature, becoming part of it, thanks to what they were able to convey to us through the centuries the fire of life.

Glory to the Gods and our Ancestors.


Worldview of the ancient Slavs, this is NOT a cult of worship, this is a CULTURE and an ancient systematized Knowledge-Teaching permeated with the knowledge and experience of the Ancestors, with awe relating to the world around, deifying all its manifestations! Slavic Vedism is Faith, the temple of which was Nature itself.
In a broad sense, the Vedic culture of the Russian People is the essence of Russian Folk culture, in its foundations one with the culture of all Slavic Peoples. These are Russian historical traditions, life, language, oral folk art (legends, epics, songs, fairy tales, tales and so on), ancient monuments of writing with all the knowledge contained in them, Slavic wisdom (philosophy), ancient and modern Folk art, the totality of all ancient and modern Creeds.

Slavs(Old-Slav. Slovene, Belorussian Slavs, Ukrainian words "Yani, Bulgarian Slavs, Serb. and Macedonian. Slovenia, Croatian and Bosn. Slaveni, Sloven. Slovani, Polish. Słowianie, Czech. Slované, Slovak. Slovania, Kashubian Słowiónie, V.-Puddle Słowjenjo, N.-Puddle Słowjany) is the largest ethno-linguistic community in Venetian Europe.

There are several versions of the origin of the ethnonym "Slavs".
From two related Slavic words, going back to the common Indo-European root ḱleu̯- "rumor, fame":
- Slovenian- these are “people who carry the word, speaking“ in our way ””, in contrast to the Germans - “dumb”, that is, “who do not speak our language”, “strangers”;
- glory, that is, the Slavs - “glorious”, glorify their Gods and Ancestors.
From Aryan s-lau̯-os "people" (with Indo-European "mobile s"), cf. other Greek λᾱός;.
From the toponym, apparently, the name of the river (cf. the epithet of the Dnieper Slavutich, the rivers Sluya, Slava, Slavnitsa in different Slavic lands). This version is preferred by some linguists (for example, M. Vasmer) due to the fact that the suffixes -ѣn(in) and -yan(in) are found only in derivatives of place names.
This ethnonym as a tribal entrenched in the course of the ethnogenesis of the Slovaks (with a slightly different suffix), Slovenes, Slovenians. The ethnonym "Slovene" as the main, in addition to these peoples, was also worn by the Ilmen Slovenes - the inhabitants of the Novgorod land.

Slavs-Slavs - Sl about pto sl a vyat their Gods and Ancestors!

Already many millennia ago, the ancient Slavs had an integral system of worldview, which was based on three main areas: Reveal, Navi and Rule - the original ancient Slavic trinity.
The universe of the ancient Slavs was multidimensional and was a structure in which a person lived according to the laws of Rod-Svarog, in accordance with the natural-astronomical calendar. In this evolutionary device Reality regarded as an earthly phase of being, Nav was heavenly (subtle sphere of life), and rule expressed a single Law that permeated both spheres. Since the Slavs were inextricably linked with nature, being a part of it and cognized the natural laws from within, through themselves, their worldview was alive, dynamic and multidimensional, like Nature itself.

Initially, the Slavs called themselves ORTHODOX, i.e. glorifying the Right.

The ideological basis of Folk culture is the idea of ​​the common spirit of people speaking the same language, understanding the unity of goals of the People (his self-preservation, saving and increasing spiritual and material wealth, and so on). Regardless of the worldview, Faith or no Faith, everyone who considers himself a member of this Nation and connects his fate with it agrees with these goals.

In a narrow sense, Vedic is the essence of folk religious culture. The general ideological basis of this culture is Belief in the existence of the spiritual world and the rational principle in the surrounding Nature. This Faith is supported by both spiritual practice and Vedic theology.

VEDISM is a cosmic vision. This is a holistic knowledge of the principles of the harmonious functioning of the Universe, expressed in the idea of ​​the interaction of cosmic forces, their multiple manifestations in the single and the single in the plural.

The ideological main Russian Vedic religious culture is Russian Vedism, or pra-Vedism, the righteous Faith that preceded the Vedism of India and Iran. Russian Vedism is the essence of the Russian national variety of the Vedic Faith. Accordingly, Russian Vedic culture is the Russian national variety of Vedic culture. Russian Vedism is as international in content as the Vedic Faith itself is international, and national in its image, language and origin.
There are three main branches of the Vedic tree - IRANIAN ZOROASTRISM, INDIAN VEDISM and SLAVIC VEDISM, which have similar ideas about the structure of the Universe. Cosmic forces are embodied, first of all, in the images of native gods, this philosophical concept of the gods is distinguished by depth and capacity. The concept of the One God, which manifests itself in all sorts of faces, that is, the "diversity of the one" is opposed to the concept of "many different" as a category of disparate elements that are not connected into a single whole. The vast pantheon of Slavic gods, presented in the Book of Veles, is a universal complete system operating on the basis of the real laws of Genesis. At the head of this system, or rather, in the center of it, there is a striking image - GREAT TRIGLAVE, consisting of Svarog-Perun-Sventovid.

Svarog(from Sanskrit svrga - "sky", "heavenly radiance") Supreme God, Creator and Creator.
Perun(from the Old Slavonic "prya" - struggle, battle; and also - the first, first rune) - the god of Fire, Lightning, cosmic Energy, which moves the world and transforms the Universe.
Sventovid(from "light" and "see") - the god of Light, thanks to which people join the world around them.
Meanwhile, all three faces - "THIS IS A GREAT MYSTERY, BECAUSE SVAROG IS AT THE SAME TIME PERUN AND SVENTOVID." Thus, inseparable unity and mutual flow is the essence of the Great Triglav.
The divine principle among the Slavs permeates the entire Cosmos, starting from the incarnation in the Great Triglav, through other Triglavs to the smallest ones (Steblic, Listvich, Travich), each of which, nevertheless, occupied a specific place in the divine hierarchy, being components of the One and Indivisible .
Thus, the Vedic worldview is based on understanding the essence of natural natural mechanisms and building one's life in accordance with the principles arising from this.
In Vedism, one does not have to believe in the existence, for example, of the Sun God Ra, in his power and his life force. It is enough to look up, see the Sun, feel its energy and see the influence of the Sun on life. No need to believe or not believe in the God of Fire Semargl - we constantly encounter fire in life. You do not need to believe in anything, open your eyes and heart wide enough, and then Nature will tell us all her living secrets.
The forces ruling the universe among the Slavs were not antagonistic: Chernobog and Belobog are two sides of being, like day and night, they counteract, “fight on both sides of Svarga”, but at the same time they are forces that balance the world. It is the same with the images of MOR / MOROK / and MARA - the Gods of Darkness, Winter and Death: fading, cold - one of the states of the eternal cycle of the Universe, without decay there is no rebirth, without death there is no life. All manifestations in Nature are varieties of its natural state. And this deepest understanding of the divine principles was characteristic of the ancient Slavs much more clearly than we, cut off from Nature, pampered by the "benefits of civilization", often forgetting our connection with the single organism of the Earth and the Cosmos.

Slavs - children and grandchildren of the gods. Slavs are responsible for everything. Because taking on the degree of responsibility for the quality of the surrounding world is the most important step on the path of becoming oneself as a Creator. The ancestors of the Slavs thanked the Gods and glorified their greatness and wisdom, for which they were called "Slavs". And that means their descendants must create the world in which they live. Create your own family, clan, relationships with other clans, and existing nearby plants, animals, birds, lands, waters, fossils. Earthly life is given to man for perfection and approach to the Gods by “purity of body and soul”. It depends on the degree of knowledge of the laws of the Rule and their fulfillment on the earthly path whether a person becomes a deity or moves into the category of low-frequency entities.

In recent years, interest in the ancient history of our Ancestors - the Slavs, their Beliefs and culture has flared up in our country. Many publications appeared, full of such phrases as Russian Vedas, Slavic-Aryans, etc. Many try to draw linguistic and cultural parallels with India and find out who influenced whom.

Indeed, there are a lot of similar moments, and I will cite the most striking of them. Of the vast family of Indo-European languages, the Russian language and Sanskrit are closest to each other. (language of ancient India), and there is also an amazing similarity between the pre-Christian cults of the Slavs and the religion of the ancient Aryans - Hinduism. Both of them call the books of knowledge - the Vedas. Vedas (Vedi) is the third letter of the Russian initial letter (Az, Gods, Vedas...). It is curious that even the national currency of the two countries is similarly named. We have rubles, they have rupees. Linguistic coincidences reject any doubts and confirm the kinship of the Russian language and Sanskrit.

Perhaps the most surprising is the information in both traditions about a certain land in the far north - Daaria, Arctida, which in the European (Greek) tradition is called Hyperborea. In his centuries, Michel Nostradamus calls the Russians " Hypereborean people”, that is, those who came from the Far North.
The ancient Russian source "The Book of Veles" also speaks of the exodus of our ancestors from the Far North in the period of about 20 thousand BC. in connection with a sharp cooling caused by a global cataclysm. According to many descriptions, it turns out that the climate in the north used to be different, which is also evidenced by the finds of fossilized tropical plants in northern latitudes.

M.V. Lomonosov, in his geological work “On the Layers of the Earth,” wondered where in the Far North of Russia “So many ivory of extraordinary size were taken in places that were not convenient for them to live in ...” .
One of the ancient scientists, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient People who lived near the Arctic Circle and were genetically connected with the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo Hyperborean. In his "Natural History" (IV, 26) it says verbatim: “This country is all in the sun, with a favorable climate; strife and all sorts of diseases are unknown there ... ".
This place in Russian folklore was called the Sunflower Kingdom. Word Arctic (Arctida) comes from the Sanskrit root Arka, the Sun.
Recent studies in the north of Scotland have shown that as early as 4,000 years ago, the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean and there were many heat-loving animals.
Russian oceanographers and paleontologists also found that in 30-15 thousand BC. The climate of the Arctic was quite mild. Academician A.F. Treshnikov came to the conclusion that underwater mountain formations - the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges - 10-20 thousand years ago towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean, and there was a temperate climate zone.

There is also a map of the famous medieval cartographer Gerard Mercator, dated 1569, on which Hyperborea is depicted as a huge arctic continent of four islands with a high mountain in the middle. This universal mountain is also described in Hellenic myths. (Olympus) and in Indian epic (Meru).
The authority of this card is not in doubt, because. it already shows the strait between Asia and America, which was discovered by Semyon Dezhnev only in 1648 and began to be called after V. Bering only in 1728. It is obvious that this map was compiled according to some unknown ancient sources.
According to some Russian scientists, there really is a seamount in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, which practically reaches the ice shell. Scientists suggest that she, like the aforementioned ridges, plunged into the depths of the sea relatively recently.

Daaria-Arktida (Hyperborea) is also marked on the map of the French mathematician, astronomer and geographer Orontius Fineus in 1531. In addition, she is depicted on one of the Spanish maps of the late 16th century, kept in the Madrid National Library.

Map of Orontius Fineus (1531) - on the left / in the center / - Daaria; right Antarctica

Map by Gerard de Jode (1593)

This disappeared ancient land is mentioned in epics and fairy tales of the Northern Peoples. About a trip to the Sunflower Kingdom (Hyperborea) narrates an ancient legend from the collection of folklorist P.N. Rybnikov:

"He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Gets off the airplane eagle (!)
And he began to wander around the kingdom,
Walk along the Sunflower"

Moreover, it is interesting that this “aircraft eagle” has a propeller and fixed wings: “a bird flies and does not flap its wings.”

Indian scientist, Dr. Gangadhar Tilak in his work " Arctic homeland in the Vedas” quotes from the oldest source of the Rig-Veda, saying that constellation of the Seven Great Wise Men (Big Dipper) is right above our heads.”. If a person is in India, then, according to astronomy, Ursa Major will be visible only above the horizon. The only place where it is directly overhead is the area beyond the Arctic Circle. So the characters of the Rig-Veda lived in the north?
It is hard to imagine the Indian sages sitting among the snowdrifts in the Far North, but if the sunken islands are raised and the biosphere is changed (see above), then the descriptions of the Rig Veda become meaningful. Probably, in those days, the Vedas and Vedic culture were the property not only of India, but of many Nations.

According to some philologists, from the Sanskrit name of Mount Meru (located in the center of Daaria / Hyperborea /) Russian word happens World with three main meanings - the Universe, people, harmony. This is very similar to the truth, because. according to Indian cosmology, Mount Meru on the metaphysical plane of being pierces the poles of the Earth and is an invisible axis around which the world of people rotates, although physically this mountain (aka Olympus) not shown now.

So, a cross-analysis of different cultures indicates the existence in the recent past of a highly developed civilization in the north, which disappeared under unclear circumstances. Inhabited this land by those who praised the gods (universal hierarchy) and therefore they were called Slavs ( NOTE: more precisely - Slavic-Aryans). One of their ancestors they considered the God of the sun (Yaro, Yarilo) and therefore were Yaro-Slavs. Another frequently encountered term in connection with the ancient Slavs is Arius. The word Arius in Sanskrit means "Noble", "Knowing the highest values ​​of life."

Usually they were called the upper classes of the Vedic society in ancient India. Some researchers see the connection of this word with the name of the divine progenitor of the Slavs - Yar.

The “Book of Veles” says that it was Yar, after a sharp cold snap, who led the surviving tribes of the Slavs from the Far North to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe modern Urals, from where they then went south and reached Penzhi (Punjab state in modern India). From there, they were later led to the territory of Eastern Europe by the Aryan commander Yaruna. In the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" this story is also mentioned and Yaruna is called by his Indian name - Arjuna. By the way, Arjuna literally means "Silver, light" and echoes the Latin Argentum (Silver). It is possible that another interpretation of the word Arius as "white man" also goes back to this root Ar (Yar).
Also see books by V.N. Demin "Mysteries of the Russian North", N.R. Guseva "Russians through the Millennium" (Arctic theory), "The Book of Veles" with translation.

As you know, all ancient cultures were based on the understanding that a person is dependent on external forces that have their own personifications. (Deities). The ritual culture consists of certain ceremonies that connect the supplicant with the source of this or that energy. (rain, wind, heat, etc.). All Peoples have the concept that these Deities, although they are located in the higher regions of the cosmos, due to their power, are able to hear the requests of a person and respond to them. Below I will give a table of the correspondence of the names of the Deities who were worshiped in Russia and in India.

I have given only those names in which there is a full or partial match, but there are also many different names and functions. After such (though not complete) list of the Deities, the idea of ​​the Paganism of the ancient Beliefs of Russia and India naturally arises.

However, this is a hasty and superficial conclusion. Despite such an abundance of Deities, there is a clear hierarchy that is built into a pyramid of power, at the top of which is the highest source of everything (Supreme or Vishnu). The rest simply represent His authority as ministers and deputies. The President, being in the singular, is represented through a branched system. In the “Book of Veles” it is said about this as follows: “There are those who are mistaken who count the Gods, thereby dividing Svarga (Upper world). But are Vyshen, Svarog and others the essence of a multitude? For God is one and many. And let no one divide that multitude and say that we have many gods.” (Krynitsa, 9). There was also paganism in Russia, but later, when the Most High was forgotten and ideas about hierarchy were violated.

Also, our ancestors believed that reality is divided into three levels of Rule, Reality and Nav. The world of Rule is a world where everything is right, or an ideal upper world. The world of Reveal is our manifest, obvious world of people. World of Navi (non-Yavi) is the negative, unmanifested, lower world.

The Indian Vedas also speak of the existence of three worlds - the Upper world, where goodness dominates; the middle world, seized with passion; and the lower world, immersed in ignorance. Such a similar understanding of the world gives a similar motivation in life - it is necessary to strive into the world of Rule or goodness. And in order to get into the world of Rule, you need to do everything correctly, that is, according to the law of God. From the root Prav come such words as Pravda (what gives Right), U-rule, Is-rule, Government. That is, the point is that real governance should be based on the concept of the Rule (higher reality) and real management should spiritually elevate those who follow the ruler, Leading his wards on the paths of Rule.

The next similarity in the spiritual realm is the recognition of the presence of God in the heart. This concept is expounded in the Indian source Bhagavad Gita. In Slavic thought, this understanding is given through the word "conscience". Literally, "Conscience" means "according to the message, with the message." "Message" is a message or Veda. Living According to the Message (Vedoy) coming from God in the heart as His information field, this is the "conscience". When a person comes into conflict with the unwritten laws emanating from God, he is in conflict with God and himself suffers from disharmony in the heart.

We, the descendants of the knowledgeable Slavs, have been familiar with the Pantheon of Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Indo-Iranian, Egyptian and other Gods since school. The mythology of these peoples can be easily encountered in textbooks and books on the history of the Ancient World. However, these books do not have a section on Ancient Russia (why? - food for thought). In most historical books, the opinion prevails that the Slavs, as a civilized people, developed only with the adoption of Judeo-Christianity, although historical and especially archaeological data testify:

our Ancestors for many thousands of years preserved themselves as a nation, protected their native language, culture and customs based on an inextricable connection with Nature, courageously defending their territorial and spiritual independence. Great states, empires were born and died around, and sometimes many tribes and peoples disappeared from the face of the Earth forever, but our Ancestors, having a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of nature and being inextricably linked with Nature, learned to live according to Conscience in harmony with Nature, becoming part of it. thanks to which they were able to pass on to us the fire of life through the centuries.

Glory to the Gods and our Ancestors!

The Vedas (Sanskrit - "knowledge", "teaching") - a collection of the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit (XVI-V centuries BC). Initially, Vedic knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth in poetic form, only in the Middle Ages did this knowledge become written on the leaves of areca trees. It is believed that they originated from the Almighty himself, who is the source of any knowledge. The scientific knowledge contained in the Vedas is in many ways ahead of modern science. The scientific community came to some discoveries quite recently, while others have not even come close.

Many famous scientists and prominent personalities of the XIX-XX centuries. recognized the value of ancient teachings. So, for example, Leo Tolstoy in a letter to the Indian guru Premananda Bharati in 1907 wrote: "The metaphysical religious idea of ​​Krishna is the eternal and universal basis of all true philosophical systems and all religions." He wrote: “Only such great minds as the ancient Hindu sages could think of this great concept ... Our Christian concepts of spiritual life come from the ancients, from the Jewish ones, and the Jewish ones from the Assyrian ones, and the Assyrian ones from the Indian ones, and everything goes on vice versa: the newer, the lower, the older, the higher.

Albert Einstein specifically studied Sanskrit in order to read the Vedas in the original, as they described the general laws of physical nature. Many other famous people, such as Kant, Hegel, Gandhi, recognized the Vedas as a source of various knowledge.


Indian Vedic knowledge is divided into four groups:

Rigveda - a collection of religious chants for the Brahmins, intended to be performed during sacrifices.

Yajurveda - also includes hymns for the clergy. It is a storehouse of mathematical knowledge of the ancient world.

Samaveda - partly consists of tests from the Rig Veda, but in a slightly modified form and sometimes with comments.

Atharvaveda - has come down to our days in a couple of editions that shed light on the unknown aspects of the life of the ancient inhabitants of the Hindustan peninsula.

Modern scientists have proved that such works as the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Mahabharata were written down about five thousand years ago. These texts are collections of epic narratives, parables, legends, theological, political, legal reasoning, cosmogonic myths, genealogies, hymns, laments. According to the Vedas themselves, the era of Kali Yuga began five thousand years ago. In this era, there is a widespread influence of the energy of Kali, which contributes to the degradation of all the positive qualities of people and an increase in the negative qualities accumulated during previous reincarnations. In this regard, five thousand years ago, the memory of people underwent degradation processes. The knowledge that was passed from mouth to mouth was recorded on a material carrier, since the memory no longer met the requirements that would meet the full transfer of sacred knowledge.


But in addition to the ancient Indian Vedic knowledge, there are Slavic (Russian) Vedas. Although, it would be fair to note that there are many scientists who question the very fact of the existence of the ancient Slavic Vedas. However, a number of researchers believe that this is, in fact, one and the same concept.

After all, the Russian language and Sanskrit are the languages ​​closest to each other, if we take into account the large family of Indo-European languages. Both those and others call the books of knowledge the Vedas. The Vedas, as already known, is “knowledge”, hence such words as “know” - “know” and “ignorance” - “lack of knowledge” come from. This word is also familiar to us as an integral part of the words "jurisprudence", "commodity science" and so on.

Another curious fact is that our national currency is called "ruble", while in India ... that's right, "rupees".

In the fifties of the last century, Indian Sanskrit scholars began mass travels around the Soviet Union and were surprised to discover a huge number of similarities in culture, language, and rituals of our two groups of Indo-Europeans. And these similarities are much greater than, say, between Indians and Europeans. The simplest language example: comparison of some words in Russian, Sanskrit and English: "fire" - "agni" - "fire", "darkness" - "tama" - "darkness", "spring" - "vasanta" - "spring" . After such discoveries, the Indian professor Rahul Sanskrityayan writes a whole work called “From the Ganges to the Volga”, where he introduces the concept of “Indo-glory”. This work was intended to show the special kinship in antiquity of the two branches of the Indo-Aryans and the Slavic-Aryans.

Slavic written Vedic sources are divided into groups according to the material on which they were written. Santii - plates of gold and other noble metal that does not corrode, the texts are applied by chasing signs and filling them with paint; harati - sheets or scrolls of high-quality parchment with texts, harati were periodically rewritten, because parchment becomes dilapidated over the years; volkhvari - wooden boards with written or carved texts. Santi or Vedas of Perun- the oldest known documents related to the Vedic culture of antiquity.


Comparing the information presented by both the Vedas, one can easily note obvious similarities.

In Ancient Russia there was such a thing as Triglav, or three main deities. They were called the Most High - the one who is above all. Svarog - the one who bungled the world, created. And Siva. In India, these three main deities were called "three murtis". "Three" is also "three", "murti" is "form". What the Slavs called the Most High is called Vishnu in India. The Slavs Svarog - they called Brahma. Brahma = Creator. Siva in India sounds like Shiva. And they have three functions. Brahma or Svarog is a creation. Vishnu or Supreme is maintenance. And Shiva or Siva is destruction. These are the three main deities, since according to the Vedas, all processes in this world go through three phases - creation, maintenance and destruction.

The next parallel is related to the chakras. Most people associate "chakras" with yoga. It turns out that the seven chakras were also known in Russia. These chakras have their gross incarnations in the form of glands of the endocrine system and are the connecting elements that connect our subtle body (psyche) with the physical body. In Russia, chakras were called by more familiar words for us. If in Sanskrit the lower chakra, which is located in the perineum, is called the term Muladhara, then in Russia it was called Zarod. The next Swadiskhan chakra was called the Belly. The third is Manipura - among the Slavs it was called Yaro or the Solar Plexus, Yaro is the sun. The fourth chakra, which in Sanskrit is called Anahata, in Russia sounded like the Heart. The fifth chakra, called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, was called the Throat. Then comes the chakra, which is called Agia or Azhna, in Russian it was called Chelo, i.e. this is the forehead, it is located in the region of the third eye, between the eyebrows.

The calculation of time in both traditions is also very similar: the year began in the spring. In March, in April, which corresponds to the passage of the sun through the first sign of the zodiac Aries and marks the awakening of nature after winter.

There is another similarity in the ancient cultures of the Indians and Slavs, this is the position that God is in each of the people. In the Indian Vedas, this presence of the divine principle in a person is defined as superconsciousness. Among the Slavs, this very superconsciousness is represented through the well-known concept of “conscience”.

The Milky Way, both there and there, is considered the path to the highest planet of this world, where the Creator of this cosmos, Brahma or Svarog, is located. And the North Star was considered both in India and in Russia - the throne of the Almighty. Indeed, the position of the North Star is unusual - this is the only fixed star and therefore navigators are guided precisely by it.

The historical, cultural and linguistic ties between Russia and India are obvious, but a typical mistake is to look for who influenced whom. Relatively speaking, Vedic culture can be called global. It is easier to understand the connection between these two cultures of ancient Russia and ancient India through the adoption of a single spiritual proto-culture that preceded both. From which both civilizations drew knowledge and culture. The Vedas speak of the existence of a higher ideal world. But its representation naturally distorts over time. According to the Vedic culture, initially there was a single civilization, with a single culture, a single language. Under the influence of the universal law of entropy, consciousness began to narrow, culture began to be simplified, disagreements appeared, literally, different languages. And now people find with great difficulty only the remnants of the former community.

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Russia Vedic ... How many people know this concept? When did she exist? What are its features? It is known that this is a state that existed in the pre-Christian period. Vedic is little studied. Many facts are distorted to please the new rulers. Meanwhile, Russia of those times was a developed civilized society.

So, in ancient Russian society, not numerous wealth was considered a value, but faith in the gods. The Russians swore by their weapons and their God - Perun. If the oath is broken, then “we will be golden,” said Svyatoslav, despising gold.

The ancient Russians lived based on the Vedas. The Vedic past of Russia is shrouded in many secrets. But still, researchers have done a lot of work, and today a lot of interesting information can be told about that distant pre-Christian period. The history of Vedic Russia will be told further.

What is the Vedas

Vedas are scriptures, revelations of God. They describe the nature of the world, the true essence of man and his soul.

The literal translation of the word is "knowledge". This knowledge is scientific, and not a selection of myths and fairy tales. When translating the word from Sanskrit, and this is the native language of the Vedas, it means "apaurusheya" - that is, "not created by man."

In addition to spiritual knowledge, the Vedas contain information that helps people live happily ever after. For example, knowledge that organizes a person's living space from building a house to the ability to live without disease and in abundance. The Vedas are knowledge that helps to prolong life, explain the connection between the microcosm of a person and the macrocosm, and much more, up to the planning of important undertakings in life.

The Vedas originated in India, becoming the beginning of Indian culture. The time of their appearance can only be assumed, since external sources appeared much later than the Vedas themselves. Initially, knowledge was transmitted orally for many millennia. The design of one of the parts of the Vedas dates back to the 5th century BC. e.

A detailed record of the Vedas is attributed to the sage Srila Vyasadeva, who lived in the Himalayas more than fifty centuries ago. His name "vyasa" translates as "editor", that is, one who was able to "divide and write down."

Knowledge is divided into Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. They contain prayers or mantras and knowledge in many disciplines.

The oldest manuscript is the text of the Rigveda, written in the 11th century BC. e. The fragility of materials - tree bark or palm leaves, on which the Vedas were applied, did not contribute to their safety.

We learn about the Vedas thanks to the mnemonic rules of memorization and their oral transmission based on the Sanskrit language.

The knowledge transmitted by the Vedas is confirmed by modern scientists. So, even before the discovery of Copernicus in the Vedas, with the help of astronomical calculations, it was calculated how far the planets of our system are from the Earth.

Russian Vedas

Scientists talk about two branches of Vedic knowledge - Indian and Slavic.

Russian Vedas are less preserved due to the influence of various religions.

By comparing the linguistics and archeology of Russia and India, one can see that their historical roots are similar and can be common.

The following examples can be cited as evidence:

  • The name and archaeological features of the city of Arkaim, the remains of which were found in Russia in the Urals, are similar to Indian cities.
  • Siberian rivers and rivers of Central Russia have names consonant with Sanskrit.
  • The similarity of pronunciation and features of the Russian language and Sanskrit.

Scientists conclude that the flourishing of a single Vedic culture took place on the territory from the shores of the northern seas to the southernmost point of the Indian Peninsula.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas are considered to be Russian - this is the name of a collection of documents reflecting human life on Earth for more than 600,000 years. The Slavic Vedas also include the Book of Veles. According to scientists N. Nikolaev and V. Skurlatov, the book contains a picture of the past of the Russian-Slavic people. In it, the Russians are presented as “grandchildren of Dazhdbog”, the forefathers Bogumir and Or are described, and the resettlement of the Slavs in the territory of the Danube region is described. It is told in the "Veles book" about the management of the economy by the Slavic - Russ and about the system of a peculiar worldview and mythology.


Magi were considered wise people with knowledge. Their activities extended to many areas of life. So, witches were engaged in household chores and rituals. The very word "witch - ma" meant "to know" and "mother" - "woman". They "in charge" of cases that could be solved with the help of household magic.

Magi-sorcerers, called didas or grandfathers, were well versed in sacred legends. Among the sages of the sages were representatives of both the simplest quackery and the owners of serious scientific knowledge.

The Magi of Vedic Russia became famous among the Slavs for their instructions, help in improving life and in the desire to understand God's Faith. They were considered sorcerers, well acquainted with herbalism, divination, healing and divination.

In the "Word of Igor's Campaign" there is a mention of the so-called Magus Vseslavievich. Being a princely son, Vseslav the Prophet had the ability to turn into a gray wolf, a clear falcon or a bay tur, as well as to guess and arrange delusions. The prince's son was taught everything by the Magi, where his father had sent him for training.

With the advent of Christianity, the magi, revered in Russia, took part in protests against the new faith. Their activities were recognized as illegal, and they themselves were called evil sorcerers, criminals and warlocks, apostates. They were accused of being associated with demons and of wanting to bring evil to people.

A well-known and well-described event took place in Novgorod, when a rebellion against a new religion was organized by a sorcerer. The people took the side of the sage, but Prince Gleb Svyatoslavich made a vile act. The prince hacked to death the organizer of the rebellion with an axe. The name of the sorcerer is unknown, but the strength of faith of the sage and his supporters is impressive.

Before the baptism of Russia, the popularity of the Magi was often greater than the popularity of the princes. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the eradication of paganism in the Slavic lands. The danger for the princes was the influence of the Magi on people like And even representatives of the Christian church did not doubt the witchcraft and magical abilities of these people.

Among the Magi were people who were called koshunniks, guslars and baenniks. They not only played musical instruments, but also told tales and tales.

Famous Magi

The ancient Russian singer Boyan the Prophet was involved in the Magi. One of his gifts was the ability to transform.

The well-known Magi - priests include Bogomil Nightingale. He was nicknamed so for his eloquence and for the fulfillment of pagan stories. He gained his fame for organizing an uprising against the destruction of the temple and pagan sanctuaries in Novgorod.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the Magi were persecuted and destroyed. So, in the 15th century, twelve “prophetic wives” were burned in Pskov. By order of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 17th century, the Magi were burned at the stake and the fortune-tellers were buried up to their chests in the ground, and “wise” people were also exiled to monasteries.

When and how did pre-Christian Russia arise

The exact time when Vedic Russia arose is unknown. But there is information about the erection of the First Temple by the magician Kolovras, there is also a date calculated by astrologers - 20-21 millennium BC. e. Built of rough stones, without the use of iron, the Temple towered on Mount Alatyr. Its appearance is associated with the first exodus of the Rus tribe from the north.

The Aryans, who came from ancient Iran and India as early as the third millennium BC, also settled on Russian soil. e. they settled on Belovodye, where Bogumir taught them art and craft. He, being the forefather of the Slavs, divided people into warriors, priests, merchants, artisans and others. The capital of the Aryans in the Urals was called Kaile - a city, now it is called Arkaim.

Society of Vedic Russia

Initially, the Rus formed development centers - the city of Kyiv in the south and the city of Novgorod in the north.

The Russians have always shown goodwill and respect to other peoples, they were distinguished by sincerity.

Before the baptism of Russia, there were also slaves in Slavic society - servants from captive foreigners. The Rusoslavs traded servants, but considered them to be the younger members of the family. Slaves were in slavery for a certain period, after which they became free. Such relationships were called patriarchal slavery.

The place of residence of the Slavonic Russians was tribal and inter-tribal settlements, up to 50 people lived in large houses.

The communal society was headed by the prince, who was subordinate to the people's assembly - veche. Princely decisions were always made taking into account the opinions of military leaders, "dids" and elders of clans.

Communication on the basis of equality and justice took into account the interests of all members of the community. Living according to the laws of the Vedas, the Rus had a rich worldview and great knowledge.


We know about the culture of Vedic Russia from the surviving cathedrals, archaeological finds and monuments of oral narrations - epics.

The cultural level of the Rus can be judged by the statements of Princess Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who became Queen of France. She brought books with her and considered “enlightened” France to be a big village.

"Unwashed" Russia amazed travelers with the presence of baths and the cleanliness of the Slavs.

Numerous temples and shrines surprised with their magnificence and architecture.

Vedic temples

Above each settlement there was a temple dedicated to it. The word “temple” itself meant a mansion, a rich house. The altar was named so in honor of the sacred mountain Alatyr, the elevation "pulpit" for the pronunciation of speech by the priest came from "mov", which means "to speak".

The most beautiful temples of Vedic Russia towered over the Holy Ural Mountains next to the Konzhakovsky stone, over Azov - a mountain in the Sverdlovsk region, over Iremel - a mountain near Chelyabinsk.

On many Christian churches, images of pagan gods, mythological animals and Slavic symbols have been preserved. For example, on the stone bas-relief of the Dmitrovsky Cathedral, the image of the ascension of Dazhdbog.

You can get acquainted with samples of temple art in the temple of ratarians - approvers in Retra.


Many fairy tales and legends of Vedic Russia were transmitted orally. Some have changed over time. But even now the texts of the Book of Veles, The Tale of Igor's Campaign, The Boyan Hymn and Dobrynya and the Snake recreate the picture of the past, the legendary history of Vedic Russia.

Restored by the writer G. A. Sidorov, these written monuments amaze with the secrecy and depth of knowledge of the Rusoslavs. In the writer's collection, you can get acquainted with the Dead Heart, Lada's daughter, legends about the temple of Svarog, Ruevita, volots, etc.

Symbols of Vedic Russia

The secret meanings of priestly art are connected with. They were worn not at all for decoration, as some people think, but to achieve a magical effect and sacred meaning.

Bogodar, a symbol of paternal guardianship and patronage of the Human Race, is credited with the highest wisdom and justice. A symbol especially revered by the priests-guardians of Wisdom and the Human Race.

The symbol of the Bogovnik corresponds to the Eye of God, which helps people. It consists of the eternal patronage of the Light Gods for developing and spiritually improving people. With the help of the Light Gods there is an awareness of the actions of the universal elements.

The symbol of Belobog is attributed to bestowing good and luck, love and happiness. The creators of the world are also Belobog, who is also called Belbog, Svyatovit, Svetovik, Sventovit.

A kolokryzh, or a Celtic cross, is a cross and a swastika-shaped symbol.

A Slavic cross is a swastika symbol without rays going along the sides. The solar symbol existed long before the advent of Christianity.

Slavic Trixel is called a three-beam swastika. The northern Trixel was depicted simply as a broken line. The symbol has the meaning of "the one who leads." That is, it contributes to the development of processes and actions in the required direction, orients a person to the activity he needs.

The eight-beam kolovrat, a sign of strength, is a symbol attributed to Svarog. He is also called God - the creator, God - the creator of the whole world. The banners of warriors were decorated with this symbol.

Thunderbolt, the symbol of Perun in the form of a six-pointed cross outlined in a circle, was considered a sign of the courage of warriors.

The symbol of Chernobog, including darkness and blackness, denoted the progenitor of evil forces in the world. Hell was also designated as an impenetrable square.

The symbol of Dazhdbog was the Father of the Russians, who bestows blessings, indicated by warmth and light. Any request can be fulfilled by the only God.

The symbol of Marena, the Mighty Goddess, the Black Mother, the Dark Mother of God, the Queen of the Night is called the swastika - a sign of death and winter. Swastikas, the fundamental solar symbols, were used to decorate objects from pagan times.

The Vedas are the heritage of the Slavic-Aryan peoples, contained in chronicles, myths, tales, legends, rituals and other sources of knowledge...

Songs of Bird Gamayun (first ball). Russian Veda

- 7516

The collection of myths "Songs of the bird Gamayun" tells about the birth of pagan gods and the creation of the world.
In Slavic mythology, Gamayun is a prophetic bird that was sent by the god Veles. She sings divine hymns to people that foreshadow the future for those who have the ability to hear the secret. This bird knows everything about the origin of heaven, earth, heroes and gods. If Gamayun flies from sunrise, it means to be a deadly storm. In Eastern mythology, this mythical creature was depicted with a female breast and head. From the fact that the word "hamayunit" means to lull, such legends could serve as children's bedtime stories.

"Book of Light" ("Haratya of Light") - additions

- 9313

Published in 2002, the second book in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas series included the Book of Light or Haratya of Light (haratya means writing on parchment). In the original source, the "Haratya of the Light" were written by Tragami (Daari writing), but in this edition, the text written in Hari runes and translated more than 250 years ago was taken as the basis. The translation was printed with large abbreviations (omissions are indicated by dots), which aroused the interest of readers, everyone wanted to know the most complete version of this treatise. Therefore, this article is to some extent intended to satisfy their curiosity.

- 14363

Let us return to the words of PERUN, in which he describes the consequences of nuclear strikes on two planets and pay attention to the fact that out of many other planet-Earths destroyed by the Dark Forces, he singles out precisely these two - TROARA-EARTH and RUTTA-EARTH. It is quite possible that this choice is accidental or caused by the need to give just some example. And the best example, of course, will be an example of what is well known, close to the soul of those who listen, if all perceivers, or at least some of them, have been to these Earths themselves, seen everything that is being said with their own eyes. It is in this case that the perception of what has been said will be deep and emotionally strong. A detailed description of the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons on RUTTA-EARTH fulfills this task in the best possible way. But Perun speaks about TROAR-EARTH in just a few phrases, what would it be for ?! Just for the red word? Still, it seems that it is not, one has only to pay attention to the phrase: "Now TROARA is deserted, without Life ... THE MULTIPLE CIRCLE is torn apart, mountains have collapsed on many NEEDLES ...".

- 9348

In this article, we will study the Old Russian language and, in comparison with it, Old Slovenian. The main emphasis will be placed on instilling the rudiments of figurative thinking, and not on phonetics and morphology, as in academic textbooks on the Old Church Slavonic language. Why is that? The phonetic reading of ancient initial letters does not give access to understanding the information (meaning) contained in the text being read. After all, the ancient languages ​​are not so much a system of reading, but, basically, a system of extracting the hidden meaning from these texts. The uninitiated perceive everything written literally, and those who know the “keys” perceive what is encrypted. Therefore, phonetic reading is not a “key” to comprehend depth, but only a sound designation of readable symbols, giving us an existential understanding of the ancient text and nothing more.

- 6788

Disputes about its authenticity or falsification have been going on for years, and so far none of the parties has been able to convincingly prove either one or the other. But the topic of our conversation today is not about that. We will proceed from what we have today, and we have information from which it is clear that the Book of Veles (VK) is a centuries-old work of different times, in which not only the breadth of lexical diversity is found, but also historical repetitions of descriptions of one and the same event from different points of view. Long-term studies of the VK allow us to assume the presence in it of a code consisting of 26 Slavic Vedas, divided into two parts: the Vedas of old and new times. These Vedas are rewritten word for word in the language of their times and reflect the history of the Western, Southern and Eastern Slavs. This allows us to call them the Slavic Vedas, and the collection of these Vedas itself can be called the “Book of Veles”, because. in the Vedas themselves, the following is said about this: “We write this book of Veles to our God, who is the refuge of hidden forces.”

- 5904

In Scandinavian mythology, the World Tree was depicted as an Ash tree.
In Slavic mythology, the World Tree was depicted as an Oak - the Family Tree.
Our race is likened to the Tree.

The tree is a Slavic symbol that personifies the unity and interaction of all three times: past, present and future.

The tree trunk represents the present time, ourselves. What is underground - the roots of the tree represent the past time, our ancestors. The crown represents the future time - our descendants.

- 12906

Veda- this is the heritage of the Slavic-Aryan peoples, contained in chronicles, myths, tales, legends, rituals and other sources of knowledge. Several books are considered the most ancient sources: Santii of the Vedas of Perun, Haratya of Light and the Source of Life. The santii of the Veda of Perun were written in Aryan runes on noble metal plates about 40,000 years ago.

In those distant times, people were more perfect than we are, both on the spiritual and on the physical (technological) planes (this is evidenced by the remains of their structures, for example, the well-known pyramids in Egypt, China, Latin America).
…in fact, there are only Santi Dacians. Unfortunately, direct copies or photos of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas themselves were not provided, and the only source of this knowledge preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

- 10417

Santii of the Vedas of Perun (The Book of Wisdom of Perun) is one of the oldest Slavic-Aryan Sacred Traditions preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

Santees in the original, only visually can be called a Book, because. Santii are plates of noble metal that are not susceptible to corrosion, on which the Ancient x "Aryan Runes" are inscribed.

Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern sense, Runes are secret Images that convey a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge

- 10958

The sacred Vedas have been attracting the attention of more and more researchers since ancient times. At first, European scholars saw in them only patriarchal poetry; later they discovered in them not only the source of all Indo-European myths and all the classical Gods, but also a skillfully organized cult, a deep spiritual and metaphysical system.

Let us immediately make a reservation that by the Sacred Vedas we understand all the Vedic heritage that has come down to our time, as well as those Sacred Scriptures that are now inaccessible to us for one reason or another objective reasons.

The concepts of "Russian Vedas" and "Vedas of ancient India" that exist in spiritual literature are essentially the same, with the exception that the "Indian" Vedas are the Holy Scriptures created by the Indians on the basis of the Russian Vedas. The language of the Vedas is the ancient world of Slavic-Aryan images.