Wise sayings about dreams. Dream Quotes

We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of the mocking attitude to this word. Many still do not know how to dream, and perhaps that is why they cannot become on a level with time.

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We must dream as much as possible, dream as strongly as possible, in order to turn the future into the present.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

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It is in dreams that new ideas are born. To achieve the fulfillment of a dream is the greatest meaning of human life.

Alexey Semenovich Yakovlev

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There is a side to a dream that is better than reality, in reality there is a side better than a dream. Complete happiness would be a combination of both.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

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Has a boy's dream ever come true? I doubt. Look at Brander Matthews. He wanted to be a cowboy. And who is he today? Just a university professor. Will he ever become a cowboy? Highly unlikely.

Mark Twain

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I deeply love nature, the strength of the human spirit and the real human dream. And she is never loud Never! The more you love her, the deeper you hide in your heart, the more you protect her.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

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Dreams give the world interest and meaning. Dreams, if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create the real world in their own image and likeness.

Anatole France

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The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks. Condense all dreams and you will get reality.

Victor Marie Hugo

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It is a big mistake to dream more of yourself than you should, and value yourself less than you are worth.

I.V. Goethe

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Joking with a dream is dangerous, a broken dream can be the misfortune of life, chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane enthusiasm, sacrifice it.

Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

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If a person's ability to dream is taken away, then one of the most powerful incentives that give rise to culture, art, science and the desire to fight for a beautiful future will disappear.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

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Dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means to get closer to it.

William Somerset Maugham

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Whatever you dream about, check: this dream itself says that you have missed reality.

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A diamond is a piece of coal that has managed to turn its dreams into reality.

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You see what is and ask WHY? And I dream about what never was, and I say: "WHY NOT?".

George Bernard Shaw

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The future is a convenient haven for our dreams.

Anatole France

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A dream is a castle that exists only until it is built.

Vladislav Grzegorchik

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The dream is the highest life, born of life itself, creative self-improvement and self-uplifting of life.

Semyon Ludwigovich Frank

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Dreams are the cornerstones of our character.

Henry David Thoreau

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They dream not only at night, but also when they are awake.

Ernst Simon Bloch

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Most of all, our fantasies are like us. Each dream is drawn according to his nature.

Victor Marie Hugo

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What a person dreams of almost never comes true.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Only the world of dreams is eternal.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

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Elements of fantasy, dreams, into which the young organism pours out its needs, its ideas of what it would like, what should be, are an excellent moment for education.

Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

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There are untalented dreamers, and then they are really dangerous people.

Georg Christoph Aichtenberg

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The lyrical illusion has many faces.

Emmanuelle Mounier

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Dreams are half reality.

Joseph Jouper

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A dream is a thought that has nothing to feed on.

Jules Renard

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Nature has arranged it so that it is not only madmen who have illusions, but also wise men; otherwise, the latter would suffer too much from their own wisdom.

Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

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When we can no longer dream, we die.

Emma Goldman

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The living fight And only those are alive Whose heart is devoted to a lofty dream.

Victor Marie Hugo

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The dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants to bring it closer with his efforts. What nature needs thousands of years to achieve, he wants to see perfect during his lifetime.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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A work of art just does not allow dreaminess to blur, it restrains, constrains, curbs it.

Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

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A miserable dream that can come true entirely.

Alexander Kumor

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Be each and every one such a support, So that, relieving a friend from burdens, To one dream go with one will.

Buonarroti Michelangelo

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The dreams that are not in doubt are the easiest to achieve.

Alexandre Dumas (father)

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If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean at all that your work has gone in vain: this is exactly what real castles should look like. All that was left was to lay a foundation for them.

Henry David Thoreau

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In old age you yearn more for the dreams of your youth than for its happiness.

Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

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Where the dreams of our entire generation will lead us is the question that must be decided not by any one party, but by each of us.

Friedrich August von Hayek

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Do not complain that your dreams did not come true, only those who never dreamed deserve pity.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

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A true poet dreams in reality, but it is not the object of dreams that owns him, but he - the object of dreams.

Charles Lam

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Dreams that come true are not dreams, but plans.

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov

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Our dream of heaven cannot be realized on earth. For those who have eaten of the tree of knowledge, paradise is lost. There is no way back to the harmonious state of nature. If we turn back, we will have to go all the way - we will have to return to the animal state.

Karl Raimund Popper

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A dream is good and useful, unless one forgets that it is a dream.

Joseph Ernest Renan

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Each person has his own dream. Everyone dreams about the world in a peculiar, individual way.

Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

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Even when you no longer believe in your dreams, you cannot part with them.

Etienne Rey

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First they dream of glory, then they only hope for success, and in the end they are satisfied with the praises of their relatives.

Etienne Rey

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The smaller the head, the bigger the dream.

Austin O Mally

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Everyone dreams of getting the kind of love they don't deserve.

Leszek Kumor

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DREAM: A poetic way of not thinking.

Adrian Decourcelle

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Everyone dreams, but not in the same way. Those who dream at night in the dusty attics of their mind wake up during the day and find that it was all in vain, but those who dream during the day are dangerous people, for they can live their dream with their eyes open, making it come true. - From the book "Seven Pillars of Wisdom"

Thomas Edward Lawrence

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Where the dreams of our entire generation will lead us is the question that must be decided not by any one party whatsoever, but by each of us.

Friedrich von Hayek

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

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A rich American dreams of finding a selfless girl in Paris, a selfless girl dreams of finding a rich American in Paris, and a poor immigrant dreams of finding an unfurnished apartment in Paris.

Sasha Black

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Gloomy lackeys flicker in the shadows And the light bulbs go out ... the darkness is empty ... I stroke sad, like a crumpled dream, Trampled orchid leaves.

Dream big, small dreams don't light hearts.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I dream of becoming a boomerang. They throw you, and you throw them back in the face.

Frederic Begbeder

The universe is always helping us make our dreams come true, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them.

Paulo Coelho

Dreams won't come true on their own.

Paulo Coelho

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others!

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

If a person moves confidently towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly.

Henry Thoreau

It is better to fight for the fulfillment of your dream and lose a few battles in this war than to be defeated and at the same time not even know what you were fighting for.

Paulo Coelho

Nobody puts their dreams in the hands of those who can destroy them.

Paulo Coelho

Even when you no longer believe in your dreams, you cannot part with them.

Etienne Rey

Don't complain that your dreams didn't come true; only he who has never dreamed deserves pity.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Not a single heart suffers when it goes in search of its dream, because every moment of this search is a meeting with God and Eternity.

Paulo Coelho

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you might have to work hard for this.

Richard Bach

Only the world of dreams is eternal.

Valery Bryusov

The more memories you have, the less room there is for dreams.

Janusz Wasilkowski

The living are fighting... And only those are alive whose hearts are devoted to a lofty dream.

Victor Hugo

Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like bold dreams. Today utopia, tomorrow - flesh and blood.

Victor Hugo

The dreamer feels reality most of all: too often he falls from heaven to earth.

Karol Izhikovsky

Even from a dream, you can make jam if you add fruits and sugar.

Stanislav Lets

Dreams are half reality.

Joseph Joubert

If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean at all that your work has gone in vain: this is exactly what real castles should look like. All that was left was to lay a foundation for them.

Henry Thoreau

The only thing that destroys dreams is compromise.

Richard Bach

The dreams that are not in doubt are the easiest to achieve.

Alexander (Father)

It is in dreams that new ideas are born ... To achieve the fulfillment of a dream is the greatest meaning of human life ...

Alexey Yakovlev

A dream is a castle that exists only until it is built.

Vladislav Grzegorchik

Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper.

Vladislav Gzheshchik

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams the most.

Stephen Leacock

If a person could not imagine the future in vivid and complete pictures, if a person could not dream, then nothing would force him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life.

Dmitry Pisarev

If our vision had the ability to see the inner world of our neighbor, it would be much more accurate to judge a person by his dreams than by his thoughts.

Victor Hugo

The human mind has three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. Everything is in it.

Victor Hugo

The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks... Condense all dreams and you will get reality.

Victor Hugo

It is dangerous to joke with a dream; a broken dream may constitute the misfortune of life; chasing a dream, one can miss life or, in a fit of insane enthusiasm, sacrifice it.

Dmitry Pisarev

A dream is a Sunday of thought.

Henri Amiel

The dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants to bring it closer with his efforts. What nature needs thousands of years to achieve, he wants to see perfect during his lifetime.

Gotthold Lessing

Thinking is the work of the mind, daydreaming is its voluptuousness.

Victor Hugo

Dreams are the cornerstones of our character.

Henry Thoreau

A man does not dream about a woman because he considers her mysterious; on the contrary: he considers her mysterious in order to justify his dreams of her.

Henri Monterlan

Old age, as you know, fulfills the dreams of youth; an example is Swift: in his youth he built a house for the insane, and in his old age he himself settled in it.

Soren Kierkegaard

In youth, you compare everything with your dreams, in old age - with your memories.

Edouard Herriot

Dreaming: A poetic way of not thinking.

Adrian Decourcelle

Actions are the last refuge of people who cannot dream.

Oscar Wilde

A dream is good and useful, unless one forgets that it is a dream.

Joseph Renan

A miserable dream that can come true entirely.

Alexander Kumor

How sad it is to dream about the most essential: without having it, a person is always unhappy, but having it is far from always happy.

Antoine Rivarol

Human life would freeze at one point if youth did not dream, and the seeds of many great ideas ripened invisibly in the iris of youthful utopias.

Konstantin Ushinsky

Quotes and aphorisms about dreams

Thought is the labor of the mind, dream is pleasure. To replace a thought with a dream is to mix poison with food. Victor Hugo

Don't follow your dreams, chase them! Richard Damb

Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like bold dreams. Today utopia, tomorrow - flesh and blood. Victor Hugo

As soon as the dream disappears, it means that reality takes its place. Anna Steel

If a person moves confidently towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly. Henry Thoreau

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams the most. Stephen Leacock

At first, dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable. Christopher Reeve

The living are fighting... And only those are alive whose hearts are devoted to a lofty dream. Victor Marie Hugo

The dreams that are not in doubt are the easiest to achieve. Alexandre Dumas father

For those who dream big and do not doubt their courage, there is a place at the top. James Sharp

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this. Richard Bach

Perspective is often understood as a dream, but this dream is very real, and it takes patience and ambition to make it come true. Roger Muers

Everything that a person can imagine in his imagination, others will be able to put into practice. Jules Verne

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Ellionora Roosevelt

Dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means to get closer to it. William Somerset Maugham

Reaching your dream means passing an endurance test. Elchin Safarli

Don't complain that your dreams didn't come true; only he who has never dreamed deserves pity. Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Dream big; only great dreams can touch people's souls. Marcus Aurelius

As long as the heart retains desires, the mind retains dreams. Francois Chateaubriand

Dreams are the cornerstones of our character. Henry Thoreau

The dream is the most pleasant, the most faithful, the most interesting society: it makes the passage of time imperceptible. Pierre Buast

Dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means to get closer to it. Somerset Maugham

Dreaming about something small, you will never succeed at something big. Howard Schultz

At first, dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable. Christopher Reeve

Quotes About Success And Achieving Goals

The cradle of personal success in life is the preservation of friendship, trust and respect from your closest neighbor. Booker Washington

If a person is confident in his own abilities and believes in the attainability of his dream, success will surely come to him, and in the most unexpected way and at the most unexpected time. Henry David Tory

Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he has overcome in achieving success. Booker Washington

Success is a matter of pure chance. Any loser will tell you that. Earl Wilson

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

Only those who are not afraid of big failures will be able to achieve great success. Robert Kennedy

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

Success will not come to you. You yourself must reach it. Marva Collins

Success is not so much what we have, but who we become as a result. Jim Rohn

The secret of success is to give up old, dead, unhealthy thoughts. Norman Peel

In order to set all his forces in motion, a man must place before himself some noble goal capable of inspiring him. Joseph Ernest Renan

If we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal. François de La Rochefoucauld

The good everywhere and everywhere depends on the observance of two conditions: 1) the correct establishment of the final goal of any kind of activity and 2) the search for appropriate means leading to the final goal. Aristotle

Aim for the sun, though you probably won't hit it; but your arrow will fly higher than if your target were the same height as you. Joel Hoes

If you work towards your goals, then those goals will work for you. Jim Rohn

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. François de La Rochefoucauld

Only when we arrive at the goal do we decide that the path was right. Paul Valery

Not wanting and not having a surplus, not commanding others and not being in subjection - that is my goal. Francesco Petrarca

The slowest person who does not lose sight of his goal is still more agile than the one who wanders without a goal. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

If a person has no purpose, then his life is nothing but a long death. Pierre Buast

To reach the goal, you must first of all go. Honore de Balzac

Johann Friedrich Schiller

The goal of life must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn brightly enough, the driving force will not be powerful enough - and success will not be complete. Theodore Dreiser

Let our highest goal be one: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Wilhelm Humboldt

The purpose of life is self-expression. To manifest our essence in all its fullness - that's what we live for. Oscar Wilde

The most reliable compass on the path of life is the goal. Boris Krutier

A truly serious desire for any goal is half the success in achieving it. Wilhelm Humboldt

Without attaching importance to your shortcomings, you need to go wingedly towards a worthy goal. Georgy Alexandrov

Whether sooner or later, but they will certainly reach the goal if they strive for it with the confidence that genius or instinct inspires. Francis Bacon

People cannot be completely happy and healthy unless they work for the purpose for which God created them. Ken Carey

When you say with conviction, “I want,” miracles begin to happen. I decided to create a new life for myself. And this determination allows me to move step by step towards my goal. Wally Amos

A person grows as his goals grow. Friedrich Schiller

If you really want to achieve a great goal and dream about it, then you are ready and capable of real dedication to your cause. Merlin Olsen

Choose your goal in life and apply to its achievement all the strength of the soul and body that the Lord has given you. Thomas Carlyle

Everything that the human mind can understand and believe is achievable . Napoleon Hill

If you do not set goals for yourself, you guarantee your inability to achieve anything in life. Yogi Bera

The greatest glory comes not to the one who has never fallen, but to the one who rises higher after each fall. Nelson Mandella

To the extent that a man spends himself for a great purpose, to the same extent he finds in his work the highest happiness. Booker Washington

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There are dreams that plunge us into a slumber, there are dreams that do not let us sleep.

There is a side to the dream that is better than reality; in reality there is a better side to dreams. Complete happiness would be a combination of both.

All people who have achieved great success have been big dreamers.

Everything in the world was once a dream.

"Paulo Coelho"

The universe is always helping us make our dreams come true, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them.

The very possibility of fulfilling a dream already makes life interesting.

Dreams won't come true on their own.

At first, dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.

Only the realization of childhood dreams can bring happiness.

"Alexandr Duma"

If you like to dream, then consider that the beginning of your new life has already been laid. Without dreams, there are no accomplishments.

Night dreams of a new life turn to dust in the light of day.

You can't do incredible things without an incredible dream.

Don't just give up on your dream. Maybe she's just not ready to be fulfilled yet.

You need to live in such a way that the most lively, active and punchy remain dreamers against your background.

Everyone should have a dream. Without it, life is meaningless.

And I dream of fixing the world, but thank God, I don’t know how.

We are afraid of change - that's why dreams remain dreams.

To make a dream come true, you need to replace the words: dream for a goal, desire for a task, desire for action!

Do you know why your dream didn't come true? You chose the wrong dream.

When one dream comes true - go for a new one.

Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic. Otherwise, it's just plans for tomorrow!

We get not what we deserve, but what we seek.

Only when your dreams are stronger than your fears will they come true.

It is necessary to dream about the unrealizable, to achieve the impossible, to comprehend the unknown.

If you want your dream to come true, just think about it once, and then just let go of this dream.

Women's dream: for once to go out with a full bag from a jewelry store, and not from a grocery store.

When you desire something, the whole Universe seems to help you achieve your dream. Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

A man dies when he stops dreaming.

Dream Quotes

It's never too late to step out of the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal.

And if so many obstacles prevent the realization of a dream, then it is real.

"Alessandro d'Avenia"

People die because of prudence. One lost moment, but life is a moment! There is nothing further - so always live as if on fire.

A dream, if given free rein, will always overcome reality.

Those who dream of different things will part anyway. Those who dream of one thing will surely meet.

A dream come true is not always identical with happiness.

Dreams tend to sprout, breaking the thickest walls.

"Fanny Flagg"

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams the most.

The best time is before bed. When you lie alone with your thoughts and dreams.

All people themselves destroy their dreams, sooner or later they give up on them.

If you have a dream, you must protect it. If people can't do something in their lives, they'll say you can't do it in your life either! If you want something - go and get it!

If God gives a dream, he also gives the strength to make it come true.

It's hard to give up on a dream. It is easier to complicate the path to it than to believe that the plan will not come true.

"Mariam Petrosyan"

Dreams only make sense for those who feel confident in the real world.

If all our dreams came true, we would not be interested.

Dreaming from time to time is good. It's like an internal visualization. The main thing then is to take steps towards the intended goal.

While you hold on to your "stability", someone nearby makes your dreams come true.

"Robert Orben"

Dear dream, if you think that I will just give up, then you are mistaken.

And no one said that the dream should be reasonable.

"Terry Pratchett"

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

Beautiful phrases, expressions and quotes attract with accuracy and truthfulness, which is why many people like to read aphorisms. Especially if they are associated with desires and dreams, because this is what drives every person through life. Quotes about dreams inspire, add strength and motivation to achieve more. Even when it seems that there is no desire to strive for something.

Some people write down and memorize their favorite sayings about a dream in order to reread them and discover new reserves of their body in an effort to achieve their goals. There are a great many such aphorisms, because most poets and writers were also dreamers and shared their thoughts with readers on this matter. Many quotes about the dream of great people, not only authors, still inspire and help not to give up.

Motivational book quotes

Writers often include statements about a dream in their works, weaving them into the general plot of the story and putting them into the mouths of their characters. There are a great many such examples, but among the most motivating quotes we can recall the following:

  1. “There are dreams that plunge a person into a slumber, and there are those that do not let you sleep,” Eric Schmitt wrote in his book “Ulysses from Baghdad”. If the desire is strong, it occupies all thoughts, and even in a dream a person strives for it.
  2. The well-known oriental writer Paulo Coelho is also of this opinion. He expressed it in one simple phrase: "Never give up on your dreams."
  3. Honore de Balzac also wrote about this: “To achieve your goal, you need to constantly move forward.”

You can recall many other statements by writers about the dream and the importance of perseverance in achieving it. Accurate and well-aimed quotes about dreams reflect the essence of the human desire for their desires.

Sayings of great people

Not only writers mention beautiful quotes about a dream in their work, other celebrities - politicians, actors, pop performers and even scientists - also gave the world several accurate and capacious aphorisms. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt, a great woman in history, has always been known for her wisdom and broad outlook. It is she who owns the famous saying: "The future is always in the possession of those people who do not stop believing in the beauty of their dreams."

The famous British politician Winston Churchill once also talked about the magnitude and beauty of dreams: “Never be afraid of the future. Look at it with confidence, be prepared, don't be fooled by it, but don't be afraid... If we have a solid goal, we will always get where we want to go."

The famous actor, who at the age of 56 became governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger also expressed his opinion regarding the dream: “Start dreaming and do big things right away, always achieve even more and never take a step back.”

Movie Dream Quotes

Many films of various genres have also given the world beautiful dream quotes. And although, when reviewing films, people rarely pay attention to deep phrases, there are still such pictures that cling to the soul, make you think, give emotions and remain in memory for a long time. Among the most famous can be recalled:

  1. Philosophical reflection of the hero George Clooney in the movie “Up in the Air”: “Today, most people will come to their homes in the evening, their pets and children will be waiting for them there. Family members will ask each other how their day went, and at night they will go to bed. In the sky, as every evening, countless stars will light up. But one star will shine much brighter than the rest. My cherished dream will fly there.”
  2. In the film One Tree Hill, an interesting and well-aimed phrase was also heard, which should find consonance in the heart of every person: “You will become better if you live your dream.”
  3. But the hero of Will Smith in the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” voiced a phrase that for many should be the beginning of each new day: “Never listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do something or you won’t succeed. Even me. It's clear? If you have a dream, take care and keep it. People who can’t do something in their life will assure you that nothing will work out. But if you set a goal for yourself, achieve it. And point. Follow your cherished dream!”

These and other quotes about dreams make the films spectacular and filled with special meaning.

Historical figures about dreams

In the chronicles of history and notes left over from past centuries, many wise thoughts and reflections of great people who made history have been preserved. They are also interesting to reread and take into service:

  1. "People are most willing to believe what they passionately want" - Voltaire. And if you believe in something really strong, everything will come true. Faith gives strength, makes you move forward, achieving what you want.
  2. “If this is impossible, it must be done” - Alexander the Great. The commander and ruler often set high goals for himself, which were not so easy to achieve, but perseverance and perseverance helped, gave a feeling of omnipotence.

Great people went through various trials in their lives, gained wisdom and experience. Therefore, their sayings and reflections are always relevant.

Great women about dreams

It is believed that men have always been smarter and wiser in the history of mankind. However, on the issue of desires and dreams, women also spoke out, leaving a tangible mark on history with their own words. Among the most famous aphorisms of great women, one can recall the following:

1. Emma Goldman once said, “When we no longer allow ourselves to dream, we die.”

2. The incomparable Marilyn Monroe also thought high: “Looking at the night sky, I sometimes thought that thousands of other girls also sit alone and dream of achieving more, becoming a star. But every time in such a moment, I forbade myself to worry about them. After all, my big dream can not be compared with anyone else.

3. And Madonna, being in a state of emotional outburst, once exclaimed: “Never forget to dream!” A simple phrase, but so much meaning in it.

Women love and know how to dream. And the great women who have achieved a lot in their lives show by their example how important it is to realize your goals every day and not give up.


Believing in your dream is the basic rule to make it come true. Therefore, statements about believing in a dream motivate and charge with positive, help to achieve your desires. There are also many such aphorisms, and each of them contains a deep meaning:

  1. “If you give up your dream, what will you have left?” - Jim carrey. This is a comedian, but he knows how to ask the right questions.
  2. “When you really want something, all the forces of the universe will help make your dream come true” - Paulo Coelho. Many of this author's books are imbued with positive philosophy and make people believe in themselves.
  3. “Every dream you have is given to you, and with it comes the strength you need to make it come true.” That's what Richard Bach said. Therefore, you should always wish for more, and resources and abilities will appear at the right time.

Quotes about desires and dreams remind every person how important it is to believe and strive for your goals. Perseverance and a firm belief that everything will come true make it worth getting out of bed every day.