Christmas background for a letter from Santa Claus. Letter from Santa Claus to a child: templates and ideas

AT modern world When children have become more pragmatic and learn faster to use all kinds of gadgets than to walk or talk, there will always be a place to believe in miracles. Especially under New Year when a kind Grandfather gives gifts that children dream about so much!

In order to talk about your most cherished desires many guys, preparing for the holidays, write a letter to Santa Claus.

Benefits of writing a letter to Santa Claus:

  • a great moment to find out what your child really wants and what worries him, perhaps he will share with the kind Grandfather what he won’t tell mom and dad;
  • beautiful and touching, and if adults join the process of writing a letter, you get a whole family tradition;
  • the baby will learn to pay more attention to his actions and evaluate them, because when writing a letter you need to think about what you did good and bad for last year,

Of course, the child can take the initiative himself and write a letter in secret. In this case, you will not know what kind of gift he is dreaming of and there is a chance that the baby will be very disappointed. Therefore, it is best to start a conversation with the child about the upcoming holidays in advance.

Tell us a little about Santa Claus. Say that this is a kind wizard who miraculously appears in new year holidays with a big bag of gifts for children. Of course, you can't avoid additional questions.

Suggested questions of the child about Santa Claus and possible answers to them.

Be prepared for counter questions. Here is some of them:

- Where does Santa Claus live?

In Russia, Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug. You can write letters there.

- Does he have a wife and children?

Of course have. They are waiting for him at home. And Grandfather travels with his granddaughter Snegurochka, she is his main assistant in New Year's affairs.

- How does he manage to see all the children in one New Year's Eve?

He has a magical sleigh that rushes him at great speed.

- How does he enter the house unnoticed?

He's a magician. It can be invisible, it can fly in through a window or into a chimney when everyone is asleep. He will leave presents under the tree and move on to other children.

How can I ask Santa Claus for what I want?

Of course, write him a letter before the New Year.

- Why does he not always bring the gifts that I asked for?

Santa Claus is always watching how children behave and what will be good for them. He will never give something dangerous or harmful. In addition, Grandfather needs to give gifts to many children, including those who do not have mom and dad - so he cannot always give everyone a big and expensive gift. But be sure to prepare surprises for everyone. In the end, he could simply mix up or forget something - after all, there are so many children, and there is very little New Year's time.

- Can Santa Claus give a magic wand?

Santa Claus does not give children magic wands because magic must be done fairy creatures, and not all people in a row. An educator takes care of the children, a salesman works in a store, a teacher works in a school, and a magician fulfills wishes, everyone has their own profession. In order to fulfill our desires, we write letters to Grandfather.

- Why are there so many Santa Clauses, and why are they different on children's matinees and Christmas trees?

These are the helpers of the real Santa Claus. There are people - actors - who help him congratulate the kids and give gifts. They dress up as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and come to children's parties on the instructions of the real Santa.

- And one boy said that Santa Claus does not exist.

Ask a counter question: “What do you think?”, “What would you like?”. And if, from the answers, you understand that the child is still clearly not ready to part with the fairy tale, then let Santa Claus continue to exist. In the end, you can always inform in a confidential whisper that Grandfather comes only to those who believe in him.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Tell your child that Santa Claus watches children all year long - how they behave and how they act. He knows the whole truth and does not like deceivers.

Invite your child to remember all the good and bad things he did in the past year. It will be useful for the baby to analyze them.

And so you chose the evening, redid all your affairs, lit a table lamp, creating a mysterious mood, and began to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Before writing a letter, tell your child that on New Year's Eve, grandfather needs to breed a million gifts and you need to feel sorry for his sleigh. Let the baby choose only the gift that he really really wants to receive. Or, write a list of three gifts, with the condition that Santa Claus chooses one of them. At the same time, you will insure yourself in case the gift turns out to be very expensive or difficult to get.

Invite your child to make a return gift to Santa Claus with their own hands. It can be a drawing, a craft or some kind of treat. Just do not forget to remove such an offering on New Year's Eve as evidence that Grandfather Frost really came to the crumbs.

Letter templates for Santa Claus.

If the baby finds it difficult, due to age or some other reasons, to issue and write a letter himself, we offer several templates to choose from:

1. For kids who do not yet know how to write words, this letter template to Santa Claus is suitable:

2. If the child knows the letters and already knows how to write simple words, then a pattern in which part of the test is already pre-filled will suit him:

3. Another option is a coloring letter:

4. For guys who can write a letter on their own, a template with a cute festive design:

Santa Claus address.

Official mailing address Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost

The Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will reach here much faster):
109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Grandfather Frost

Letter from Santa Claus to a child.

In order to further enhance the effect of miracles on New Year's Eve, adults also need to try a little. Prepare and put, on New Year's Eve, along with a gift, under the Christmas tree, a response letter from Santa Claus to the baby. The child will surely be delighted to receive it!

Sample text and templates for preparing a letter:

  • Universal letter from Santa Claus

Hello my dear friend!

I've been watching you closely all year. I am very glad that you were (was) this year, an obedient, intelligent and well-mannered child. I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you the most joyful, kind and warm next year! Under the magical Christmas tree you will find your most long-awaited gift. I hope that you will continue to please everyone with your successes and achievements.Your friend, Santa Claus!

  • Letter for a girl from Santa Claus a

Greetings, (child's name)!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year and bright holiday Merry Christmas! The wind with its breath brought me news that you are expecting a letter from me. Therefore, I decided to write to you. I watched you for a whole year, and I want to say that I am very happy with all your successes. You were a particularly good girl this year. Parents are very proud that such a little princess is growing up with them. After all, you are well done, because you are very diligent in fulfilling all your duties. You are praised not only by mom and dad, but also by all the people close to you. I also really like that you are a sincere, kind and sympathetic girl, so you have many friends who love to play with you very much.
Next year I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors and many smiles! Always be in a good mood and please your loved ones, and me too. All the very best to you!

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

  • Letter for a boy from Santa Claus

Hello dear (child's name)!
Please accept my congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!Over the past year, you have become more mature and become a real man who is always smart and strong. I learned this from the stories of birds that see you every day. They also told me that last year you were very diligent in all classes and learned a lot of poems. I know that you good boy and you have many friends. The birds sang to me and that you obeyed and helped your parents. There were, of course, a few moments when you upset me, I'm sure you know what I mean ... but I think that this will not happen again. It is so?
I wish you happy holidays, good mood, please your parents, never get sick, be a cheerful and happy boy. I left a present for you under the Christmas Tree! Look! I know you deserve it!
Believe in miracles and remember that dreams do come true! Say hello to your parents for me! And remember that they love you very much!

Your friend Santa Claus.

Letter template from Santa Claus to a child.

Hello, friends! As promised, I am posting for you templates for letters from Santa Claus. Download archive with letter templates from Santa Claus.

In addition to colorful letter templates prepared for printing, the archive contains Photoshop files - PSD format. That is, you can change the templates of letters from Santa Claus, at your discretion. Change any , write a different text, or change the color of the text.

I tried to come up with such a text of the letter that would suit both the boy and the girl, you just have to enter the name of the child, but you may want to write your own, personal text, make the letter closer to your child, not so faceless.

Mention in the letter about the special qualities and talents of your child. To do this, I provide you with such templates that you can easily edit and change. Well, for those who do not know how to use Photoshop - ready-to-print templates, high quality and resolution.

Open the archive, select the letter you like, and right-click, click - "print". True, if you have a device for printing documents. If this is not available, then copy the files to a USB flash drive, and contact the services where pictures and documents are printed.

One letter template, more suitable for older children (schoolchildren), so I did not write the text, I think this template is suitable for those who want to write a personal letter from Santa Claus.

All letters and envelopes are designed for A4 sheet format. But if you need a larger format, then increase the size of the template in Photoshop: "Image" - "image size" - in the window that opens, enter a new size, while looking at the size of the document for printing.

Now the size of all templates is 20 cm wide and 28 cm high.

That's all I wanted to tell you about templates. Write in the comments if you liked the templates and which of the letters you liked more. It is difficult for me to judge them myself, and the view from the outside is very important to me. I do not take offense at criticism, on the contrary, I will be grateful.

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C early years We instill in our children faith in goodness and miracles. One of the most positive fairytale heroes, for both girls and boys, is Santa Claus. Every year, the children write letters to him asking him to fulfill his most cherished dream and send him a long-awaited gift. Therefore, in the family, parents take responsibility, playing the role of an old magician. Some can compose a response from him themselves, but many will need help - download a free letter template from Santa Claus 2019 and sample text.


Where to find original templates

In fact, even for an inexperienced user, it is very easy to find an actual letter template using search engines for certain requests. Great amount source files are “stored” on free photo hosting sites Yandex.Fotki, Google Images and Radikal. Also, a lot of content is provided by specialized resources for Photoshop and other graphic editors.

But since you have come to this page, we suggest you use our gallery. It includes the most colorful and original templates, divided into sections:

  1. for the printer;
  2. PSD for Photoshop;
  3. Christmas envelope.

Before you print the pictures, we suggest you learn how to write a letter from Santa Claus correctly so that the child does not suspect a trick.

Do not think that your child is easily deceived. Even at a young age, children already know the most frequently used expressions and addresses in everyday life, they can even distinguish the handwriting of their parents. Here are some tips to help you write the text correctly:

Greetings. Address your child in a way that you don't Everyday life. At the beginning, use the first and last name, then you can use the words: “granddaughter”, “baby”, “friend”, etc.

The significance of the holiday. Note that Grandfather did his best so that the baby gained strength and health during winter games with friends. He poured a lot of snow for sledding and skiing, he covered ponds and rivers with ice for skating.

Congratulations and wishes. Briefly congratulate the child in prose. There is no need to use verses, as they can cast doubt on sincerity. Best regards– good health, being obedient and good grades in school.

Main text. Mention that the baby is under the close attention of Santa Claus all year. The fairy-tale character sees all the successes and shortcomings. For positive moments, you need to praise the child, as well as express concern about bad deeds, and express the hope that he will improve next year. Despite small flaws, grandfather decided to bring a long-awaited gift on the condition that the little prankster will behave well throughout 2019. Highlight specific weaknesses, for example:

  • fights at school
  • bad marks,
  • disobedience,

and unobtrusively write that you need to fix them. Promise that if the child does this, then next year he will receive an even better gift.

Completion. At the end of the letter, you need to convey a huge hello from the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and forest animals, and also invite you to visit Father Frost's patrimony in Veliky Ustyug or Samara.

Hello dear Serezha Ivanov!
Tonight, I checked my grounds for readiness for the celebration of the New Year. Was in your city to sprinkle the ground with fluffy snow. Now, you can have fun during your holidays playing snowball fights, sledding and skiing with your friends.
Happy New Year 2019! I wish this fabulous holiday fill your life with miracles and fulfill everything cherished dreams. Be healthy, joyful and obedient boy, always do only good!
I know how you spent the whole year. Forest birds have been following you, and now they have come to Veliky Ustyug to tell me about your fun life. I am very pleased that your grades at school have improved, that you obey your parents and teachers. I'm proud of your success! But the magpie brought me bad news on its tail. Recently, you got into a fight with a boy, and also, you don't want to teach homework and sometimes you skip classes. Therefore, we thought for a long time with the Snow Maiden and the animals whether to send you a gift or not. We decided that despite these shortcomings, there were more good deeds. Keep what you have long dreamed of! I hope that next year, you will definitely improve and receive an even better gift from me. The hare also told me that you yourself dressed up the Christmas tree at home. Well done! Granddaughter, have you forgotten that the symbol of 2019 is a pig? Be sure to make a paper pig with your own hands and hang it on the Christmas tree. She will bring you good luck and fulfill your most cherished dreams!
And now, dear friend, we will say goodbye. The Snow Maiden sends you a magical hello and hugs you tightly. Come visit me in Veliky Ustyug. I will be very glad to see you. See you soon! Your Santa Claus.

Collection of original templates

For Photoshop in PSD format

Upload PSD to Google Drive

Free download and print colorful letters

New Year's envelope

Each of us is familiar with the tremulous expectation of the New Year. And most of all, we were waiting not for the holiday itself, but for a gift that a kind bearded grandfather would leave under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. But how does Santa Claus know who to give what? Right! From children's letters! And if your child is still a baby and it is not yet possible for him to write and beautifully design a letter, you can use letterheads to Santa Claus, which you can print directly from this page.
Here are both letterheads with text and without text.

If the student himself can express his thoughts on paper, then the kid of 4-5 years old is most likely not yet able to write. Therefore, older children just need to look at a sample letter to Santa Claus, come up with some of their own details, and add their own text. For the kids preschool age I also want to order a long-awaited gift to a famous grandfather, and for this it is easier for them to use a letter form to Santa Claus with a text where mom or dad will help enter the baby's name, the desired gift and other missing information.

In order to print a letter to Santa Claus, you must first save it to your computer by right-clicking on the picture and selecting “save picture as” from the context menu.

Letter templates to Santa Claus without text

Coloring letters

How to write a letter to Santa Claus

Of course, there can be no strict rules here, but there is a certain sequence of actions with which it will be much easier to cope with the task.

  • Greetings. Every letter begins with it, because at the beginning it is necessary to indicate the addressee so that it is clear for whom this letter is. In this case, we address the message to Grandfather Frost, which means that in the first line it is worth writing something like “Dear Santa Claus” or “Dear Grandfather Frost”, or simply “Dear Grandfather”.
  • A short story about myself. Before asking for gifts, you should write a little about yourself: what the child likes, what he is interested in. You can also write a little about your family.
  • Did you behave well? Everyone knows that a kind grandfather brings gifts to those who behaved well all year and did good deeds, which means that it is worth writing about this in a letter so that Santa Claus is sure that the child deserves this gift.
  • And finally, about the gift. Now is the time to tell grandpa about the gift you want. It is advisable to describe as accurately as possible what you want to receive from your grandfather, so that he does not make a mistake and brings exactly what you need.
  • Completion of the letter. Here you can promise that next year the child will behave as well as this year, listen to adults, help them.