Scandinavian rune pert. Scandinavian rune Perth Application of the rune Perth in Magic

Direct position.

The main meaning of the rune is mystery.
Rune Name: Perth
Meaning: stone, bowl

Ancient Germanic name, rune meaning: Pertra (Perthro)
Old Norwegian name, rune meaning: perþu
Anglo-Saxon name, rune meaning: Peordh (Pertra)
Ancient Celtic name, rune meaning: Pailt
Old Icelandic name, rune meaning: Perþ or Plástur

The rune says that what was hidden is still becoming apparent. It can symbolize many things. One of the meanings is - the discovery of hidden knowledge, inner initiations. It is also possible for some secrets to be revealed to a person. Big wins and pleasant surprises are also possible.
Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - a rune that accumulates knowledge, heading towards a specific goal. The main thing here is to learn self-discipline. With the right balance of self-discipline and acquired knowledge, internal transmutation occurs, and a person enters a new level of realization.


RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth), the meaning of the rune. MORE DETAILS

Perth (Perdhro, Perth). Divination interpretation, rune meaning Perth (Perdhro, Perth):

Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - the rune of a knight all the time struggling with his fate. Perth is a supernatural rune of initiation.

Main theses. Search, dedication; a positive omen; the discovery of a secret; unexpected luck; happiness in love; sixth Sense; prediction; big changes in life; right moment; unknown; secret; find; lottery prize; feelings; respect; help from friends; psychic abilities; lot.
When the runes of Perth (Perdhro, Perth) fall out, probably soon something secret will become clear. Probably, you will find a lost and already forgotten item, or an old friend will appear. The drop of the Perth rune means that big changes await you. This is a time of change in your environment and your inner world.

Perth symbolizes the overcoming of your egoism, at this time your inner unconscious essence makes its way to your conscious "I", struggling on its way with obsessive thoughts. Your goal is to find true freedom. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in its meaning when interpreted in a layout indicates that you have the strongest intuition and extraordinary extrasensory abilities hidden in you. This rune can help bring back the lost and indicates that you have a huge positive potential ahead of you. If you predict a love relationship, then the fall of the rune Perth (Perth) will indicate good sexual compatibility with the person you are guessing at.

Rune Council Perth (Perdhro, Perth). The period of change has come. Temporarily become an objective and fair researcher. The main thing is to calm down and let go of the past. Listen to your sixth sense. And do not be surprised by the changes that have opened up in you.

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:
The ways of Perth are mysterious and inscrutable. Deeply hidden inner transforming forces are at work here.
Some integrity is implied, but may be hidden under a disguise, be unrecognizable or be a mystery.
The paths of the runes Perth, Perth (Perdhro, Perth) are inscrutable - the deep-hidden forces of internal transformations have an effect. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically represents the flight of a mountain eagle, a flight to the sky beyond the clouds, a flight abstracted from everything secondary, which raises you above everyday life, to expand the limits of perception. Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) Pertro, its main meaning expresses the intensity of the experienced aspect of initiation.

The rune is directly related to the deep layers of your being, to the foundations of the fundamental principles of your Destiny. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically conveys, in some sense, the experience of death. If it seems necessary, allow everything to go, absolutely everything that, in your opinion, seems to be secondary now, without accepting objections. The old roads are coming to an end - you simply will not be able to repeat the once passed. You must gather together all your inner strengths, concentrating on the experience of your own life. That is, on what is now necessary for one's own improvement. You should recognize a series of obstacles and barriers as a cycle of trials that you are going through at the moment. Each of these obstacles, each humiliation individually becomes a test of your character.

When your inner being is in the process of changing and transforming at a deep level, patience, persistence and perseverance are required. The power of Perth (Pertro) is a process of steady transformation of the energy potential, which for many centuries has been inherited by you from your ancestors and is deeply hidden at the deepest levels of the subconscious. It is the power, the power of the meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro,Perth) provides your individuality, ensuring that you will forever remain yourself, no matter how many lives you have to live. The rune is distinguished by a distinctly female character. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) is associated by interpreters with Frigg, the goddess of Fate, knowledge and power, companion and wife of Odin.
It means something hidden, secret or a gate to hidden new dimensions.

Rune interpretation. Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Magic use:

Treatment and health; finding the lost; well-being; development of ideas; gradual change in consciousness.
Application in rune records:

The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To maintain good mental health.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To return lost items.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For a successful investment.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For the development of magical skills.

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Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth), the meaning of the rune. Direct position

And a little more on the topic of Scandinavian runes

Mysterious and magical rune perth The Elder Futhark has long commanded respect among the Scandinavians. It symbolizes new life: rebirth from the ashes. This is a transition to a higher level of spiritual development. Perth improves the personal characteristics of a person, helps to comprehend the magical secrets of nature, to penetrate into the deep secrets of the world order.

The symbol is associated with cardinal changes in fate - your whole life may collapse, but you will still remain the winner. A lot of new opportunities will open up before you to realize your inner potential.

The Higher Powers are giving you a unique chance to show what you are capable of. Throw all the past back and forget about it. Live in the present moment and do not forget about the future, full of happiness and success.

General meaning and description of the rune Perth

Existing titles: Perth, perto, Pertho, Peord or Peorth.

Reversed position

In divination, an inverted Perth means that events will begin to change at the speed of light, and all plans and ideas will collapse. You will not be able to unravel the cause of such circumstances until the last.

The alignment that has fallen out predicts that surprises await you. And they will be unpleasant: health problems, problems in work or in personal matters.

Another interpretation: an unsuccessful attempt to engage in the occult. A person may not calculate his strength and without normal preparation he will want to plunge into the world of magic. As a result, serious problems arise concerning mental reality.

Meaning in love and relationships

On its own, the rune cannot specifically answer love questions, therefore, adjacent symbols should be considered:

  • Union with hints at your ideal sexual compatibility. When Uruz falls out in the opposite position, it means that apart from the bed, nothing binds you. Spiritual intimacy is out of the question.
  • If a woman got a couple Perth -, this testifies to her popularity among members of the opposite sex. And in the near future she expects a lot of expensive gifts.
  • In combination with Teyvaz the symbol tells you to be careful. It is likely that your partner has another object of sympathy.

I wonder what the rune Pertho means in an inverted position? In this case, rune magic warns that your secret (which you do not want to share with your loved one) may be the reason for parting.

Together with Isoy the symbol says that your feelings will cool. And it gives hope that by mutual efforts you can come to a compromise.

Application in magic

In magical circles they know that the rune of the ancient Scandinavians helps to realize hidden talents. It relieves from heavy thoughts, from unpleasant memories. Supports during the transition to a higher level of spiritual development.

At first, it may seem that Perto stops the flow of time, slowing it down. This is to say goodbye to the past and prepare for the future.

For a woman, the sign has a special meaning: it helps to find maternal happiness.

Use the rune with great care, as in some cases it can harm karma.

Magicians use it to break the emotional attachment between the past and the future. If you do this ritual incorrectly, you can significantly aggravate the current situation.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Scandinavian runes of the Elder Futhark



The runic symbol Perth, belonging to the ancient Germanic alphabet, belongs to the element of water. From ancient times, the rune pert meant rebirth. The main meaning is: the disclosure of all secrets, the emergence of new opportunities on the horizon, making quick profits or entering into a new love relationship.

The runic symbol "Perth" since ancient times means rebirth

The meaning of the rune perth in a straight position for different areas of life

The rune pert personifies all the most mysterious, hidden and mysterious that is present in a person's life. The meaning of the perth rune warns that soon everything secret will be revealed to the eye, but so far the fortuneteller remains ignorant.

The interpretation of the rune perth includes the concept of intuition. Intuition will tell a person what decision needs to be made in this situation. The most accurate value is revealed to the fortuneteller when studying the runes neighboring in the layout.

The appearance of the Perth rune in a straight position in the layout is often interpreted positively:

  1. Depending on the situation, the fortuneteller will find the lost thing or the stolen thing will be returned to him.
  2. The emergence of large profits. The rune pert prepares the questioner with his appearance to receive a lot of money.
  3. Sometimes the appearance of a rune in a layout is understood as the disclosure of unexpected talents of a person or an opportunity for the development of unique abilities that have already proven themselves.
  4. In a position where the questioner is concerned about the secret, the appearance of pert indicates the time has come for its disclosure.
  5. The questioner will no longer care about the search for answers to riddles, he will soon receive a solution.

The appearance of this rune in the layout often indicates the onset of cardinal changes in a person’s life. Not only the world around us will change, but also the worldview. Perth rune personifies the onset of a period of self-knowledge, when the questioner discovers his essence and new limitless possibilities.

Sometimes this runic symbol indicates that a person has psychic abilities, which, before the appearance of perth in the layout, were hidden from the questioner.

In some cases, the runic symbol "Perth" may indicate the presence of psychic abilities in the questioner

Love sphere and relationships

Rune Perth in a straight position in the layout of love clarifies many situations. If the questioner doubts the continuation of the relationship, the answer will be unequivocal. Such relationships will be strong, as people are destined for each other by fate. In love and family life, only prosperity awaits.

Often, for the most complete answer, you need to interpret the combination of two runes in the layout. So, kenaz and pert, when a questioning woman, they talk about new promising acquaintances and surprises. And the combination with Teyvaz warns of the need to treat a new acquaintance with caution, it is better to take a closer look at your partner. Teyvaz warns that the new acquaintance is considering the questioning woman as a possible fallback. In an inverted position, teyvaz, combined with pert, predicts the betrayal of a loved one.

situational meaning

If the fortuneteller performs the alignment of runes for any situation, then the appearance of a pert means the onset of a period of active action. The fortuneteller needs to pay attention to his work, it is in it that positive changes are outlined. A document lost in the process of work will be found or a secret conspiracy of colleagues will be revealed.

If the fortuneteller is actively looking for work, then the rune pert in a situational scenario means an early job in a good position.

The runic symbol "Perth" can prophesy an early job in a good position

And the combination of hagalaz and feu guarantees the fortuneteller easy money. Either luck will turn its face when gambling, or a person will get a position in which he will receive big money without making every effort. A vivid example of such work is traveling and maintaining a travel video journal about your adventures for a fee.

Reversed Rune Meaning

When an inverted pert appears in the layout, its meaning is interpreted in a negative direction. The runic symbol warns:

  • About future risks and accidents that will cause irreparable harm to human health or property.
  • About the presence of any secret that threatens the further peaceful existence of man. It is impossible to unravel this mystery, as well as to live with it.
  • Often, the inverted pert symbol warns that serious conflicts are coming in a love relationship.
  • Relationships will come to a standstill, they are destined to survive a severe crisis. And the outcome of all conflicts depends only on the fortuneteller. Therefore, it is important to treat with understanding all the problems that have arisen in the family and try to solve them peacefully.
  • About the appearance of serious troubles in various areas of life, which can radically change the life of a fortuneteller in a negative direction.

Experienced interpreters claim that this runic symbol falls upside down to those people who have dark secret knowledge and use it to the detriment of their offenders. It is the duty of every interpreter to warn such a person that all the evil done will certainly return back threefold.

Sometimes a rune indicates to a person the need to be persistent in order to survive all the upcoming attacks of society and the pressure of human prejudice.

Sometimes the runic symbol "Perth" asks the questioner to gain strength of mind and steadfastly endure the pressure of human prejudice

Love and relationships

In divination for relationships, the appearance of an inverted runic symbol pert means the presence of secrets. A loved one hides a secret from a fortuneteller, which will lead to ambiguous consequences. Such secrets do not lead to anything good, and often such relationships are doomed to failure.

The presence of a neighboring rune of isa warns of the onset of a period of cold relations. Either the beloved has cooled off towards the fortuneteller forever, or the cold is temporary.

If a wunjo rune fell nearby, then all the secrets will be revealed and the fortune-tellers will bring the traitor to clean water. All misunderstandings will be resolved during the conversation, relations will stabilize.

The combination with kenaz softens the negative inverted position of perth. If a fortuneteller is a woman, then she needs to stop taking the initiative in her own hands and trust her man. If a woman obeys the advice of the runes, then the situation will be resolved safely for everyone.

Question and situation

When perth appears in situational divination on the runes, a period begins for a person full of obstacles and all sorts of obstacles that must be overcome.

For a worker in any field, there comes a time of full return. All previously completed projects will be returned for rework, all previously invested efforts are wasted. It is necessary to give yourself completely to the work, redo all low-quality tasks, and draw conclusions about further work.

The appearance of this runic symbol in the layout warns people associated with financial transactions about possible risks. Those who work at the box office need to be careful when counting money. And for those who work in a bank, check payment documents several times before sending them.

This rune in an inverted position can indicate the instability of the situation in large financial or monopoly companies. For such companies, a period of stagnation sets in, despite the fact that their profits are stable and amount to millions.

If pert falls together with yer, then the reasons for the violation of the company's stability are clear. Yer clearly points out the problems of a legal nature. Top management needs to take a responsible approach to solving even the simplest issues, to calculate all possible ways of retreat in case of problems with the law. Particular attention should be paid to minority shareholders, as their interests always suffer.

The use of the perth rune in magical rituals

The runic symbol perth is usually used in magic to restore physical strength and mental balance. Perth identifies the balance of all forces and spheres of human life, which must be maintained. The rune calls for doing all things on time in order to exclude the possibility of making responsible decisions at the most inopportune moment.

Most often, runic symbols are used to make talismans for good luck. So, the perth rune is used as a talisman in important events related to the financial sector. Perth will help a person make a good deal or successfully sign a contract. All money invested under the auspices of this rune will pay off three times. That is why Perth can be trusted with her finances, without any doubt, the direction prompted by her will always turn out to be correct.

When runes are used by a person with magical abilities, their use is necessary for protection and restoration of strength. Runes inscribed on a talisman stone help restore strength better than images on a wooden block.

The amulet with the image of the rune must be worn on the body, only then the person will receive the full power of the rune, and will be under its protection. And the amulet with the image of a rune, made of precious metal, will protect against the most terrible conspiracies and evil eye.

The advice of the rune lies in the main clue for the fortuneteller - a period of movement and prosperity has come. It is necessary to discard all doubts and move only forward. Since Perth belongs to the element of water (the most mysterious of all elements), advice is given in relation to everything mystical. You need to listen to your own intuition, trust it and take all responsible actions only after careful thought.

Perth will help you find yourself, find a path for self-improvement, which will certainly lead to success and normalization of all spheres of life.

When a person realizes that he is not eternal, his consciousness goes to a completely different level. He begins to understand what is really important, what is worth appreciating, and what does not matter at all. That is why many people, shortly before their death, seem to have a “second wind” - they begin to live seriously, although before they simply existed, without thinking about some global phenomena. The meaning of the rune Perth will thus be directly related to this internal transition to another level of awareness, at which the complex of a person's ideas about himself and about the world around him completely changes.

At the same time, we can talk not only about physical death, but also about the dying of our old "I". If we analyze our own life, we will certainly notice that during it several such transitions took place with us. Every time we face the inevitable, with the realization of the complete impossibility of influencing some phenomena, we change, something inside us dies, but at the same time, some new understanding comes in its place. And we can safely say that after such a transition, we "yesterday's" cease to exist.

You are probably familiar with the expression “I became a different person” - this is the best way to characterize the action and meaning of the Perth rune. In the course of life, what is actually “not ours” gradually dies out in us, what is imposed on us by social stereotypes, and therefore we become closer to our true self. Therefore, we can say that the rune Perth, its meaning, description and interpretation will always be associated with this internal transition, with a global change in the perception of oneself and at the same time with the inability to resist these changes.

When Perth comes in the layout, we can say that at the moment such a transition is taking place in a person’s life: there is a period of changes that are still incomprehensible, but at the same time, it is important to discern behind them what needs to be let go from oneself in order to move further. This transition is mysterious, hidden and irreversible, and it will fundamentally change the perception of a person.

And now let's return to a more traditional interpretation of the symbol, according to which the meaning of the Perth rune also turns out to be associated with information hidden for the time being, with the return of what seemed to be lost forever. Also, a rune in divination for a person means that he has magical abilities and well-developed intuition.

It is always worth paying attention to neighboring symbols, as they can significantly change the context of interpretation. So, for example, "heavy" surrounding runes like Nautiz, next to Perth, can indicate a very difficult, incomprehensible problem that the questioner will have to face. In order to find the right solution to it, you will need to use some unconventional methods, to look at the situation from an unusual angle.

The meaning of the inverted rune Perth

The reverse Perth is no less mystical and mysterious than the direct one, but its meaning is much darker. If under a direct rune we can still voluntarily accept the ongoing transition, then under the influence of an inverted one it seems to us that we are in some kind of hopeless nightmare.

Experiencing a direct rune, we are freed from unnecessary through the death of some internal installations and reach a new level, but when the reverse symbol falls out, we do not understand and do not accept these changes, they seem to us a real disaster. It can be said that the Higher Forces forcibly take away from us what we do not want to give, what we think we need very much.

Summarizing, we can say that the meaning of the inverted rune Perth is unpleasant surprises, the collapse of plans, a streak of failures and obstacles, the cause of which remains a mystery to a person. But in fact, everything that happens to us under the reverse Perth is a consequence of the fact that we live incorrectly, do something wrong, follow some wrong stereotypes. It’s just that it won’t be possible to realize this right away, but later, after realizing it, we will be able to evaluate everything that happened as an important and unique experience.

If we recall the connection of the symbol with the occult world and secret knowledge, we can also deduce the second meaning of the Perth rune inverted - these are magical errors.

  • - inverted Perth: Sometimes this combination comes when a person starts practicing practical magic or esotericism too early, without having mastered the theoretical part well enough, because of which he does something wrong

The meaning of the rune Perth in divination for work and business

The meaning of the rune Perth in a situation where we determine the profession of a person is definitely an area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity associated with something mysterious or hidden. It can be either a psychic or, for example, a private detective, or an investigator looking for new, for the time being, hidden information.

  • Hagalaz and - Perth: The combination of symbols speaks of the desire for "easy money", when a person really wants to have a lot, but at the same time do almost nothing, we can say that he will really succeed

Also, a direct symbol in career matters can mean looking for a job that will not require serious efforts from the questioner.

  • - Perth: The combination portends an activity or desire for such an activity, which will be associated with frequent moving, business trips, road

Reverse Perth when divining to work is most often an obstacle, the cause of which is still a mystery. This can be explained by the example of a programmer who does not see any error in the program code, but, nevertheless, the program itself does not work.

Another meaning of the inverted Perth rune is advice to be careful in monetary transactions, especially if a person’s work is directly related to business or financial matters (accountants, real estate agents, bank employees, businessmen).

  • - inverted Perth: This is not even advice, but a direct warning: if a person acts unprofessionally or shows carelessness in solving a work issue, a mistake can lead to serious problems, including with the law

What does the rune Perth mean in divination for love and relationships?

The symbolic field of this sign, in principle, does not cover the love sphere, therefore, the meaning of the Perth rune in a relationship should be clarified through neighboring symbols, if they are in the layout, or pull out additional runes that will help in interpretation.

  • - Perth: The combination will speak of excellent sexual compatibility of partners
  • Uruz - inverted Perth: There is sexual compatibility, but to the detriment of spiritual, and such a couple is unlikely to last together for a long time when the initial passion leaves
  • - Perth: The combination of symbols will indicate that the partner has another object of affection, and even a high probability of betrayal
  • Inverted Teivaz - Perth: Such a combination, on the contrary, indicates that sympathy will remain just sympathy, and the partner will not make any attempts to get closer. Although even in the event of treason there will be no wide publicity, since Perth covers any relationship with a veil of secrecy

The meaning of the Perth rune in love and relationships, if it appeared in an inverted position, is always the concealment of some information, which, most likely, will lead to sad consequences for the couple.

  • - Perth: The result of the relationship will be a complete cooling of feelings on the part of one of the partners
  • - Perth: the truce will still come

The value of Perth when divining for health

In most cases, the meaning of the Perth rune in health is hidden diseases. For women, this is most often gynecology, for men - urology, but sometimes - other destructive processes in the body that are asymptomatic.

The use of the rune Perth in Magic

Since the symbolic field of the rune is closely associated with the occult, the world of the unknown and death, magicians often use it to obtain hidden information from the afterlife. Perth is also used in magical rituals when a specialist needs to transfer his consciousness to another level, plunge into the past or see the future.

What is the amulet with the rune Perth suitable for?

An amulet with Perth is indispensable for those who are engaged in various kinds of magical practices. It allows a person to go through a magical initiation, to be reborn in a new quality for himself, to see what is hidden, to enhance occult abilities and understanding of the hidden processes taking place in the Universe. It is also good to use such an amulet for psychics-search engines.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the rune Perth?

The meaning of the rune Perth can be direct and reverse, so it is not recommended to apply this sign to your body. The only thing that can be done is a temporary tattoo that will remain on your body at a turning point in your life, and after its successful completion, it is better to remove the image of the rune. In this case, Perth will act as an amulet, allowing the least painful passage through a complex internal transformation. But on the other hand, would it not be more logical then to simply make a talisman, and not draw a sign on your body?

Rune of the Day Perth

Today it is as if your eyes will be opened and you will clearly see what was hidden. It can be a solution to a difficult situation that suddenly came to mind, a creative insight after a crisis, some kind of gift of fate (maybe even material) or the discovery of a long-lost thing.

According to the main meaning of the rune Perth, it is easy to determine the advice that she can give you. What happens to you is inevitable, so stop resisting it. The current will take you where it should take you, and by resisting it desperately, you will only make it more difficult to move in the direction that is actually the right one. Even if now you don’t understand the meaning, ask questions “why”, “what for”, “for what”, after some time they will disappear by themselves. Trust your intuition, not the mind and the installations imposed by someone. This is a difficult but necessary experience, the usefulness of which you will appreciate later.

Questions for meditation on the rune Perth

Take a photo of the Perth rune, look at the symbol, disconnect from the outside world, dive deep into yourself and ask the following questions:

  • Do you have some secret that haunts you?
  • What is really hidden in the depths of your soul, somewhere there, behind the imposed attitudes, stereotypes?
  • Are you able to "separate" yourself from what is happening and just allow yourself to be an outside observer?
  • Do you think about death?
  • Are you aware of all the inner transformations that happened to you, after which you could confidently call yourself a “different person”?
  • Are you ready to give up what has to go in order to reach the next level of perception?

Mystical and mysterious Perth will tell you the true answers to these questions.