Major arcana tarot. Major Arcana Tarot: Meanings and Interpretations

MAIN VALUE: So, before us is the first card of the Tarot Thoth deck, zero, the beginning of the beginning, so to speak. And the beginning of anything usually reflects the basic, main property of the phenomenon or object to which it refers. This case is no exception. And since all the cards of this deck primarily reflect a very vast area of ​​emotional manifestations of human nature, A. Crowley associated our lightest feelings with this card. Lightness, optimism, naivety, gullibility, love, growth, spring mood are the main positive characteristics of this card. Its negative characteristics are an overestimation of one's strengths and capabilities, frivolity, and most importantly, irresponsibility. The last meaning is worth highlighting, as it is shown here exceptionally brightly. Be very careful - such frivolity and recklessness can bring you a lot of trouble.

MAIN VALUE: An exceptionally strong and positive card, and in all areas. One of the strongest in the deck. On the material plane means "abundance and all the riches of the Earth." On the spiritual - great strength and unity with the spirit.

This card is quite often personalized and indicates a very strong, with great energy potential, and a wise woman.

MAIN VALUE: Another beautiful female card, but unlike the "Priestess", she is never personalized, indicating only the human qualities of both men and women. The card is always positive. Its main meaning is education, various teaching activities, care and support for someone.

Femininity; Love; kindness; concern for someone or something; motherhood; diligence; virtue; conscientious attitude to their duties.

MAIN VALUE: A card of luck and especially financial. This is really good money (relative to you and your business, of course). And although in the vast majority of cases Fortune "reflects precisely the financial and material aspect of its meaning, this card can also be directly related to magic, or rather to the theme depicted on it" Wheels of Time ". The latter, in fact, is not only an abstract symbol, but is also directly related to energy reality, being its most important and very significant aspect. In my practice, there were cases when this card reflected exactly this shade of its meaning (see "Kalachaka Tantra, however ...")

"Fortune "- this is always a very good and positive card in relation to all topics of divination.

11 Lust (Lust - Lust)

MAIN VALUE: Map " Lust "is one of the three major arcana (in addition to the "Devil" and "Sun"), my interpretation of which is almost completely opposite to the interpretations of A. Crowley and G. Ziegler. Let's leave it on the conscience of the above-mentioned masters and move on to my own experience based on many years of practice.

This card is the toughest emotional card of the deck, very similar in meaning to the Sun card. In the original, it is called "Lust", which means "lust", but lust in its meaning is not so much. Rather, it indicates a huge release of energy, and in most cases this release is completely uncontrollable. The map is especially dangerous Lust "for women. She indicates that in her rampage a person (especially a woman) is likely to lose or have already lost control, and the further already depends on the amount of energy and temperament ... You can beat the dishes enough)), so be careful. For people with a low level of energy (especially for men), the card may well be positive and mean energy uplift and passion.

12 Hanged Man

MAIN VALUE: This is a card of no success. It is strongly negative in relation to all topics of divination. It reflects the fact that we did not succeed, do not succeed or will not succeed. This card is very difficult to overcome. Trying to pass it in the future is worth it only in a situation where there is no alternative to our choice (see the "Choice" layout) or in the case when the card following it in the development of the situation is really positive, and we really realize and understand all the difficulties that lie ahead of us, clearly seeing ways to overcome them.

13 Death

MAIN VALUE: A card signifying the death of someone or something. It can be a person, an animal, a relationship, a business, etc. And although you can think of the cleansing consequences of the end of something, this card rarely drops out in a positive sense (unlike, for example, the Tower card). Also the map Death "can mean our confrontation with a person, a very unpleasant conversation with him, strong pressure on us from his side, his extreme disagreement with what we offer him or ask him.

14 Art

MAIN VALUE: The androgynous figure depicted on this card reflects a harmonious synthesis of two or more people, things, directions, ways (actions and expressions), types (business), approaches, etc., different in quality. She very often points to a harmonious union-unity between a man and a woman. Map " Art "always positive in relation to all topics of tarot divination.

15 Devil (Devil)

MAIN VALUE: Map " Devil "is one of the three Major Arcana (except for "Desire" and "Sun"), my interpretation of which almost completely contradicts the interpretations of A. Crowley and G. Ziegler. Let's leave this fact on the conscience of the above-mentioned masters and continue, based on my many years of practical experience.

To begin with, I will say that this card is almost always very negative for all topics of Tarot divination. Its only meanings that may not have negative consequences for us are seduction and lust. The main meaning of the card " Devil "is a reflection of our "I" in its worst manifestations. These are such manifestations of our egoistic nature as envy, hatred, greed, deceit, sexual intemperance, etc. Be careful with this card: it is extremely dangerous for us to encounter such "devilish" manifestations of our "I" both in ourselves and in the people around us. An extremely negative card.

16 Tower

MAIN VALUE: "Complete destruction of the old, making room for the new." This expression contains the main meaning of this card. This destruction can be total and affect you at a very deep level. In this sense, the card " Tower "is completely identical in its meaning to the card" Death ", and the destruction of something reflected by both of them can lead to both positive and negative consequences. I have many times encountered the fact that this is the destruction of some of our old or negative views, ideas or relationships that prevent us from being free, happy and effective. However, this is not always the case. Often what is dear to us, what we appreciate, what we have built or are trying to do. but rather negative, that is, most often indicates an undesirable turn of events.Very tough card, be very careful with it.

17 Star

MAIN VALUE: "Star "is one of the most positive cards of the deck. Its meaning is in many ways similar to the Jester card. And although, unlike the Jester, there is no irresponsibility in the qualities it reflects, the excessive lightness of those phenomena that it indicates does not always contribute to the actual materialization of the expected. This is a card of good mood, hope and happiness, spiritual realization and success. " Star "is always positive, but do not expect too much from her. Of course, a great mood and happiness can be the result of success in material affairs and the real achievement of goals, but in the case of this card, it is worth looking a little further into the future (see layout

In a classic tarot deck of 78 cards, the first 22 cards are called the "Major Arcana" and the remaining 56 are called the "Minor Arcana". Many layouts of Tarot cards use only the Major Arcana for divination. The meanings of these twenty-two Tarot cards are considered "archetypes", that is, the original and unchanged models for many centuries and different cultures. In the scenario, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of Major and Minor Arcana that have fallen out. If the Major Arcana predominates in the layout, then the situation that the querent is guessing at has or will have significant significance in his life. And vice versa, if there are few Major Arcana in the layout, events on the life of the querent will have a small and insignificant impact, they will be temporary and insignificant.

Pay special attention to the position of each Major Arcana in the layout. If you are just starting your acquaintance with the world of Tarot, then it will help you to learn how to read Tarot cards and take your first steps in Tarot fortune telling on the Tarot card fortune telling page for the future.

You can find out the full meaning of each Major Arcana card in more detail by clicking on the link of the desired card.

0.Fool: Fearlessness - Madness

Experience, freedom of choice, opportunities, innocence, originality, inadequacy, extraordinaryness, activity, shocking;

1.Mag: Leadership - Cunning

Skill, determination, perseverance, skill, manipulation, initiative, creative forces, beginning;

2.High Priestess: Subconscious - Distrust

Wisdom, knowledge, education, faith, understanding, intuition, femininity, self-control, passivity, mystery, secret influence;

3. Empress: Confidence - Arrogance

Wisdom, intelligence, potential, desires, creation, patronage, influence, denouement, femininity, success, fertility, thriftiness, abundance, cunning, stupidity;

4. Emperor: Perseverance - Compulsion

5. Hierophant: Good intentions - Delusions

Conformism, religiosity, faith, spirituality, authority, morality, ideology, traditionalism, strength, trust, favorable outcome, tolerance, indulgence;

6. Lovers: Choice - Controversy

Love, affection, harmony, agreement, cooperation, health, beauty, difficult choice, trouble, duty, duality, fork;

7. Chariot: Aspiration - Self-confidence

Confidence, ambition, dignity, potential, overcoming, aspiration, conquest, success, triumph, capriciousness, conceit;

8.Power: Will - Disproportion

Vitality, peace of mind, spirituality, superiority, stamina, willpower, determination, energy, efficiency, understanding, discussion, optimism, passion, contradictions;

9. Hermit: Experience - Closure

Experience, wisdom, prudence, victory over temptations, solitude, reflection, detachment, detachment, caution, loneliness, severity, dryness, concealment;

10. Wheel of Fate: Fate - Inevitability

Fatal changes, fateful changes, force of fate, chance, lady luck, unfounded certainty, ups and downs, uncontrollable situation;

11.Justice: Justice - Cruelty

Balance, law, rules, common sense, inflexibility, consistency, conservatism, balance of judgment, quarrel, discord;

12. Hanged Man: Overcome - Sacrifice

Difficulties, trials, dedication, higher spirituality, enlightenment, sacrifice, idealism, transition, sharp turn;

13. Death: Transformation - Calamity

Unexpected change, rebirth, new ideas, new possibilities, unconventional view, radical change, irreversibility, limitation, threshold, death;

14. Moderation: Flexibility - Confusion

Consistency, fitness, self-control, harmony in relationships, adaptation, attitude, meditation, confusion;

15. Devil: Passion - Satiation

Sexual attraction, instinct, impulse, material power, pleasure, self-justification, charm, charm, selfishness, violence, hostility, self-destruction, vice, treason;

16. Tower: Warning - Error

Selfishness, claims, whims, ambitions, false beliefs, conflicts, unforeseen catastrophes, destruction of opinions, bankruptcy, break of the path, closure, punishment, prison;

17.Star: Hope - Optimism

Hope, foresight, providence, omen, inspiration, purity, recovery, expectation, great love, awareness, discovery of truth;

18.Moon: Dreams - Illusions

Intuition, clairvoyance, dreams, curiosity, ambiguity, unforeseen danger, deceit, treason, forced concession, compromise, volatility, deceit;

19. Sun: Achievement - Light

Liberation, friendship, sincerity, nobility, harmony, spiritual uplift, clarity, happiness, health, the pleasures of a simple life;

20.Court: Rebirth - Repentance

Spiritual awakening, renewal, influx of energy, improved health, resurrection, crucial moment, turn is inevitable, pangs of conscience, punishment is inevitable, condemnation;

21.World: Triumph - Reward

Completeness, balance, success, pinnacle, integrity, unification, happiness, fulfillment of desires, the highest stage of personality development, the best card in the deck;

It should be noted here that cards No. 8 Strength and No. 11 Justice in different decks can change places, but the meaning of these cards remains according to the name of the image of the card, and not by number. As the card is called, so it is interpreted.

Here are the traditional meanings of the Major Arcana tarot cards to help those who are doing a tarot spread for the first time. These simple interpretations of the cards will be useful to those who do not want to rely on memory.

Collected together, the meanings of the Major Arcana are an excellent tool for learning tarot card divination.

If the Minor Arcana, as a rule, indicate specific events in a certain area of ​​​​our life, then the Major Arcana usually speak of deeper processes, archetypal scenarios and problems that underlie everyday life. Also, unlike the Minor Arcana, which can be conditionally divided into favorable and unfavorable, the Major Arcana include both sides: light and shadow.

Arcana Jester

The zero lasso Jester speaks of the entry into your life of something completely new and unexpected, the lightness and enthusiasm associated with this. The situation requires maximum openness and a certain amount of childish carelessness from you. Surrender to the pleasure of the process and do not think about the result, says this card. Arkan Jester can warn of the beginning of a new life cycle, where creativity, play, and, possibly, the beginning of learning, will become your companions. In its shadow aspect, surrounded by unfavorable cards, the lasso indicates excessive frivolity and warns against hasty acts.

Arcane Mage

The magician, whom we see on the first lasso, takes possession of the Jester's creative chaos and uses it for his own purposes. This lasso is associated with dexterity, ingenuity, a share of cunning. After all, the Magician is not only a professional in his field, but also a skilled manipulator, so in some cases this card may indicate a lie. Act with the help of reason and intuition and do not succumb to emotional provocations - advice that this card can give.

Arcane Priestess

The lasso of the High Priestess brings us to the topics of intuitive instinct, wisdom, awareness of hidden processes in one's own psyche and the world around. This card is associated with the symbolism of the growing moon, the light of which, according to ancient beliefs, is "good" and is able to reveal the secret side of the universe. The loss of the Priestess suggests that you need to take a break and understand the hidden subtexts of the situation, listen to your own intuition. May indicate the help of an older wise woman.

Arcane Empress

If in the image of the Priestess we see a woman who has dedicated herself to the other world, then on the lasso of the Empress we see a completely earthly, sensual and flourishing ruler. Arkan portends the successful development of a certain project, its steady growth and the bringing of first fruits. One of the most favorable cards for personal relationships: you can be sure of the serious intentions and love of a partner. The Empress can also indicate the connection of the issue of interest to you with the theme of the family, kinship, as well as beauty, fertility and prosperity.

Arcana Emperor

In contrast to the gradual growth represented by the previous arcana, the Emperor speaks of a powerful leap forward and the conquest of new territories. The situation requires you to take decisive action and unshakable self-confidence. Power and strength, spiritual or physical, are the main features of this lasso. The negative side of this power can turn into tyranny, while the positive side often speaks of successfully overcoming the black streak, exiting the state of passivity. To clarify the meaning of the card, pay attention to the Minor Arcana that fell nearby.

Arcane Hierophant (Priest)

The Hierophant, like the Priestess, is associated with spiritual matters, but represents their active, male aspect. Our worldview, spiritual values, ethics are the spheres of manifestation of this lasso. In some cases, it may indicate the learning process, the presence in our lives of unquestioned authority or the ideal that we want to achieve. The light side of the card indicates that we feel an important meaning in our activities, the question is a “matter of honor” for us. In the negative version, the card may indicate too strict limits that we set for ourselves or our partner, the need to correctly determine the limits of what is permitted for ourselves.

Arcane Lovers

The Lovers Arcana looks like one of the happiest in the entire deck. In part, he really is like that, but for a better understanding of it, it is useful to recall its more ancient name "Choice" and the man depicted on it, standing between two women of opposite type. The card speaks of the need to make a conscious choice that will have a huge impact on your future destiny, moreover, the choice must be made “by heart”. In the scenario of personal relationships, it indicates deep feelings and the willingness of partners to move to a more serious level of relationship.

Arcane Chariot

The Chariot is one of the cards closely associated with the concept of self-realization, personal triumph, ambition and mastery. As a skilled charioteer drives a fast chariot, so you will feel yourself on the crest of a powerful wave of life. You are lucky and many happy coincidences lead you to the goal, but you know that you have achieved all this thanks to the long and hard work of mastering this chariot. This lasso emphasizes the high speed of development of events and advises you to join this accelerated rhythm.

Arcane Strength

The lion and the woman, which we see on the lasso Strength, in most decks is interpreted as a connection between our animal, instinctive nature and intellect, spirit. In a positive aspect, the card speaks of excellent self-control and good health, the negative side of the lasso, on the contrary, is associated with the inability to cope with one's "base" desires. The loss of Strength in the layout emphasizes the concept of willpower, harmony between different parts of one's own personality. Finding inner unity is the path of this lasso.

Arcana the Hermit

The Hermit is a card that can cause negative associations because of its name alone. But it is worth remembering that the lasso does not speak of forced, but of voluntary temporary loneliness, which is periodically necessary for each of us in order to rethink our lives. In many modern decks, this lasso is associated with the sign of Virgo, which demonstrates the intense inner work of the intellect performed by the Hermit. Dropped out in the layout, he speaks of the need to gain self-sufficiency, understand oneself, provide more personal space for oneself or a partner.

Arcana Wheel of Fortune

The interpretation of the Wheel of Fortune raises the eternal theme of a person's relationship to an impersonal fate and its whims, which bring us a rise at one time and an unexpected fall at another. The cards adjacent to this lasso in the layout will help you clarify what turn of the wheel awaits you this time. The fall of the Wheel of Fortune tells us that this situation in our life is fateful, depending on external factors, and we are not yet able to influence it or understand its deep motives.

Arcana Justice

Major Arcana Justice may seem similar in meaning to the Hierophant, but has a number of important differences. If the Hierophant tells us about the understanding of ethics, the meaning that belongs to us or a particular group of people and culture, then Justice is more often associated with some impersonal, objective order and set of rules. The zodiacal correspondence of this card to Libra, which indicates the need for balance, recalls the eternal truth that for every action there is an opposite reaction. In terms of events, it often indicates work with contracts, agreements, issues related to law and jurisprudence, etc.

Arkan the Hanged Man

It is perhaps difficult to find a lasso with as many interpretations as the Hanged Man. This is a sacrifice, punishment, and stagnation, indecisive expectation, and all sorts of delays in business. The key to understanding this lasso can be given by its image: some Tarot researchers associate the hero hanging by the foot with Achilles, who died from ignorance of his only weak spot, the heel. Therefore, the loss of the Hanged Man may indicate that you are faced with your own vulnerability: a certain psychological complex or an external circumstance that makes you hide in a cocoon.

Arcana Death

Everyone who has studied the Tarot even a little knows that the ominous name of the 13th lasso Death actually does not portend anything terrifying. Death is a gradual and timely complete change of course. What these cardinal changes will turn out to be, the neighboring cards will tell. It's time to let go of the past, and you're truly ready for it.

Arcana Temperance

Just as an angel or a woman, carefully pouring water from bowl to bowl, inspires peace and stability with her action, so the main meaning of the lasso Temperance comes down to these concepts. An established process, a stable routine, harmony are its main values. Moderation is generally a favorable card in the spread of stable relationships, foreshadowing a cloudless period of peace and unity. In a negative aspect, the card can talk about stagnation, satiety with routine, transfusion from empty to empty.

Arcana Devil

The Arcana Devil can be called the opposite of the previous card, a kind of Immoderation. The devil is closely associated with various addictions, so in some images of this lasso we see a man and a woman chained in chains. This arcanum also signifies ultimate grounding, which can manifest itself as a preoccupation with material goods, sensual pleasures, and losing oneself in an endless cycle of entertainment. In a positive sense, it can indicate a pleasant pastime and an abundance of pleasure, excellent sexual compatibility of partners.

Arkan Tower

In order to understand the meaning of the Tower Arcana, it is worth referring to the history of this image. It is generally accepted that the tower drawn on the map is the so-called Tower of Babel, which people built in their pride and desire to surpass God, for which they were punished. Therefore, in divination, the Tower often shows that we ourselves are to blame for the collapse of our hopes, since we initially chose the wrong direction. Unlike the gradual changes of Death, the crisis of the Tower is much more rapid. But it is worth remembering that only that which must be destroyed is subject to destruction, which is in conflict with our true nature.

Arcana Star

The star symbolizes renewal, hope and new horizons that open up before us after the crisis of the Tower. In ancient decks, this lasso was associated with a star, which, according to legend, announced the birth of Christ, so the Star is often associated with the search for one's own destiny, understanding one's place in the world. In the layouts for personal life, it often means the beginning of a new love, some fascination with a partner and anticipation of future changes. This lasso is the "green light" for all your endeavors.

Arcana Moon

If the Priestess is associated with the light of the growing Moon, then the lasso of the Moon is with its waning phase, which was considered to bring madness and longing. The appearance of this card warns us that we may be in captivity of illusions, deception from others, or self-deception. The moon often indicates problems with psychological health, alcohol and other intoxicating substances. In other cases, this lasso portends you a collision with the dark depths of your own personality, work on the awareness of your secret motives and complexes so that the Sun of consciousness shines brighter in us.

Arcana Sun

Most tarot researchers consider the Sun lasso to be one of the most auspicious. Symbolically, the Sun represents the very essence of our personality, consciousness, our unwavering vitality and enthusiasm. Therefore, the appearance of this card in the layout portends extremely successful times when all your intentions will come true. This card is equally favorable for all matters, but, perhaps, it promises the greatest success in matters related to self-realization.

Arcanum Judgment

Judgment is one of the lasso, portending a fateful major change. The specificity of this card is that the promised changes are in the nature of summing up, "separating the wheat from the chaff." Judgment is a decision about what is worth taking with you into a new life, and what is left far behind. Also, the symbolism of the card is closely connected with the long-awaited liberation, finding the truth, the discovery of the true essence of things. You will receive a long-awaited answer to a question that has long tormented you, says this lasso.

Arcana World

The last lasso The world is as mysterious and multifaceted as the chaotic Jester, from which the journey to the world of the Major Arcana begins. And if the Jester represents the birth of something completely new, the primary chaos from which the universe appears, then the final lasso is the personification of the achievement of higher harmony, where each part of the universe is in its place. That is why the astrological correspondence of this card is Saturn, the planet responsible for the concept of cyclicity, higher meaning, time. In the layouts, Peace means the acquisition of long-awaited happiness, the completion of a long journey, a period of peace and stability. Unlike Temperance with a similar value, here the stability achieved is final.

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The article will give the meaning of the major arcana of Tarot cards.

There are several tips that will help make the interpretation of the layouts on the Tarot cards clearer:

  • Tarot cards have two positions - upright and inverted. Based on this, the range of disclosure of answers significantly increases for cards.
  • The Tarot deck is divided into two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The older ones are cards with an image and a thematic name. Minor cards are similar in type to ordinary playing cards, but have different suits: wands, swords, cups and pentacles.
  • Just starting to interpret the cards, make personal notes to adjust the meaning of the cards for yourself.
  • Over time, you can move away from the generalized meaning of the cards and use only the personal.

0 (22) - Jester, Fool

  • Direct position: The card depicts a carefree man walking into the unknown. The card can be associated with such concepts: spontaneity, novelty of impressions, fun, naivety, trust in fate, unreasonable courage, excitement. If this card came across in your layout, then for sure it symbolizes something new in your life. It can be beginnings or acquaintances. One way or another, this will greatly affect future events. You also need to treat fate with optimism and trust. After all, the Jester in the right position is always a change for the better, even if they start with trouble. If the Jester is adjacent to such cards as the Chariot or the World, then this suggests a real trip, a business trip, or even a change of residence.
  • Reversed position: This card warns that it is not worth doing rash acts or taking risks. At the moment, you are on the edge of the abyss of life and it is in your power to stop and not aggravate the situation. You can't plan for the future right now, so the best thing you can do is stop and wait. Only such behavior will lead to a positive result.

1 - Mage, Magician

  • Direct position: The magician indicates your experience, knowledge and ability to apply them at the right time. You are capable of more than you think. And your underestimation of your strengths does not allow you to develop in the right way. You need to believe in yourself and feel the inner strength. The Magician also portends important events: exams, interviews or other social events. But you don't have to worry, everything will be fine. The Mage is always a good card that represents strength and determination.
  • Reversed position: The magician in an inverted position is a signal that you are lazy and do not take advantage of the chances that life provides. Maybe you lack skills or knowledge, but somehow it prevents you from moving forward. A magician in an inverted position is a deceit or a deceiver. Perhaps you are deceiving yourself by finding excuses and subterfuges. Now you need to analyze what is happening and understand that all the responsibility for the failures is on you.

2 - High Priestess

  • Direct position: The second card of the major arcana indicates intuition and ulterior motives. At the moment, all the clues are in yourself. You need to better listen to your inner voice and your secret desires. Now it is better to rely on the voice of feelings, not reason. Trust your dreams and the clues of fate. This is how the world sends you answers to current questions. When dealing with the situation, the High Priestess advises to pay attention to your hidden talents and abilities. Perhaps they will be the key to solving problems.
  • Reversed position: An inverted card indicates that you are overly reasonable. You sacrifice your true desires and goals for the sake of practical plans. Think about it, are you happy with this behavior? Perhaps it is excessive practicality that does not give you the opportunity to see the situation from a different angle. Sometimes this card indicates sudden changes or negative impacts from other people. Already now you should pay attention to your premonitions about certain persons.

3 - Empress

  • Direct position: The Empress symbolizes mother, abundance, spiritual and material growth. Everything that this card touches will flourish. The situation is waiting for a favorable outcome, and everything conceived will come true. You currently have a white streak in life and it's time to take advantage of it. Also, this card can mean pregnancy, replenishment in the family. In material terms, profit or career growth is also expected.
  • Reversed position: You behave greedily and selfishly, because of which you do not get what you intended. The card indicates that you should let go of what does not belong to you. Perhaps you have a personal relationship without love, which is based only on sex or material goods. They need to be torn apart in order to feel free and start living anew. Sometimes the card indicates a divorce or separation.

4 - Emperor

  • Direct position: The emperor falls out when you have order and confidence in your life. You manage the entire life situation yourself and quite successfully. The card represents the head of the family, father and mentor. She advises to use only reasonable arguments and pay less attention to feelings. Sometimes the Emperor indicates the presence of a mentor near you, who helps you in moving forward. You need to be strong, but at the same time be able to find compromises and not put pressure on people.
  • Reversed position: The map indicates that the situation is unlikely to be favorable now. If you asked about some business, then it is not destined to come true. The thing is that once you accepted sudden conclusions and could not answer for their consequences. Sometimes the Emperor in an inverted position says that you are excessively cruel to others. Terms such as tyrant or despot may apply to you. Take care of yourself and understand that you sometimes go too far.

5 - High Priest, Hierophant

  • Direct position: The High Priest is always order, tradition and conservatism. The card indicates moral growth or learning. Perhaps soon you will have an official marriage ceremony. Everything that happens in your life is within the framework of traditions. Novy do not feel disadvantaged, because this is what gives you peace of mind. The Hierophant advises to pay attention to the advice of elders (parents or mentors).
  • Reversed position: There are variants of events that can be indicated by the High Priest in an inverted position. The first is the need for a new approach. Perhaps what you did before is correct, but does not give the desired results. Show creativity and ingenuity and everything will change for the better. The second is the breaking of old, well-established ties. Perhaps you are too intrusive because of what a person wants to throw off the burden of obligations.

6 - Lovers

  • Direct position: The card indicates that the right choice was made. In fact, Lovers has two meanings - hidden and obvious. Explicit conveys the external essence of the card: a love affair, new relationships, flirting and intrigue. The hidden meaning is that you have an important choice to make. Perhaps this will concern the sphere of personal relationships, but not always. If there are personal cards in the layout (kings, queens, knights or pages), then the relationship will affect these people. It can be both personal and partnership relations.
  • Reversed position: Lovers in an inverted position indicate the wrong choice, failure or volatility. Also, it is a harbinger of a breakup or "unhealthy relationship" that only brings pain. The card advises to be careful and not make sudden decisions.

7 - Chariot

  • Direct position: Movement towards a goal, a journey or victory portends the Chariot card. It indicates that now, or soon, you will have clear goals. It will not be difficult for you to come to them with the same enthusiasm as you have now. The card portends the help of fate and a good acquaintance. Sometimes, the Chariot is a direct indication of an imminent journey or departure.
  • Reversed position: The opposite position is an indication of failure and destruction of plans. Perhaps you were unable to control the situation and lost your way. You should stop and start over. Sometimes the card speaks of an unsuccessful trip or problems with transport.

8 - Strength

  • Direct position: The card represents inner strength and self-confidence. Right now you feel like you can move mountains. Your belief in yourself is not unfounded. Now is the time to achieve your goals, because fate itself helps you.
  • Reversed position: The opposite meaning is weakness and apathy. For some reason you have given up and do not want to move forward. If you gather your strength, you can overcome difficulties and achieve your goals. All you need is to overcome yourself.

9 - Hermit

  • Direct position: Time to rest and search for the truth. The hermit says that you should stop and think. Be alone, sort out your thoughts and feelings. Meditation, quiet walks will help you improve your condition. You just need to wait for the right time to move on. Do not impose on people, learn to be happy alone. Sometimes the card indicates advice from a good person.
  • Reversed position: This card warns that you are refusing good advice. You are not acting wisely because of which you are in an isolated position. Not being able to find compromises can lead to a break in relations.

10 - Wheel of Fortune

  • Direct position: The very name of the card suggests that you will be lucky. Everything you start now will end happily. Soon a new chapter of life will begin. All you need is to drop your fears. Sometimes the card indicates success in gambling, adventurous activities.
  • Reversed position: Black streak and total bad luck. The inverted position of the card indicates that now is not the best time to start something new. All that is needed is to wait out this time and wait for the reverence of fate. Try not to trust anyone and do not get involved in adventures.
Wheel of Fortune

11 - Justice

  • Direct position: Now you are in a situation where you are being judged. Don't worry, all the results are in your favor. You must act wisely and make a prudent decision in any decision. Remember that you are under the close supervision of ill-wishers. The card may indicate real participation in litigation. If someone has acted unfairly towards you, he will soon apologize.
  • Reversed position: The situation will not be in your favor. You can be slandered or condemned for nothing. Now you need to gather all your strength to defend your good name. Perhaps you are in a bad situation because you did not weigh your decisions and could not keep your mouth shut. Control yourself and try to think about every step.

12 - Hanged Man

  • Direct position: The card says that now you seem to be on the edge of an abyss. You need to stop and carefully analyze your life. The map does not give negative or positive ratings. One piece of advice is to stop moving and think. You may have to sacrifice something in order to achieve your goal.
  • Reversed position: At this stage in your life, you are doing what is called "pushing water in a mortar." You perform repetitive actions or donate without purpose. Your efforts are not appreciated and you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes the card indicates alcohol, drug or gambling addictions.

13 - Death

  • Direct position: The card has a positive meaning, because it symbolizes change. Yes, the old stage will end, but the new one will be better than the previous one. You need to leave your fears behind and boldly step into the new. Don't be afraid to lose what you have. Without this, it is impossible to move on.
  • Reversed position: You are inactive, which is why your life is stagnant. Reversed death indicates that you are standing instead of walking. Life rushes past you and you do not have time for anything. Let go of what's holding you back and move forward.

14 - Moderation

  • Direct position: This card indicates that you are able to create harmony around yourself. You can find a common language with people, be gentle and patient. Sometimes the card indicates temporary difficulties (often with health) in which you need to be patient. You must be ready for anything and keep your composure.
  • Reversed position: Inverted Moderation speaks of immoderation in any area. You have to look where you are showing extremism. Now your actions are imprudent, even if you do not fully feel it. Perhaps you have an obsessive desire and you act on the principle of "the end justifies the means."

15 - Devil

  • Direct position: The devil speaks of your dependent position, fears and limitations. You are now in a painful condition, bad personal relationships or bad luck at work. But for some reason you can't quit what you don't like. You have a real addiction and you feel it. Think about what's stopping you? What made you fall into the trap? Pull yourself together and sever ties that only bring misfortune.
  • Reversed position: The card promises freedom from addiction. However, you will have to go through a lot to have a good ending. Prepare for difficulties and be strong. Everything will definitely end well.

16 - Tower

  • Direct position: The image of lightning that destroys the tower speaks for itself. Something will happen that will destroy your usual way of life. And the blow will be unpleasant. This could be a divorce, the death of a loved one, an unwanted move or job change. To survive what happened, you need to pull yourself together. You still have a chance to build everything anew if you behave with dignity now.
  • Reversed position: The card portends a crisis "on the verge". Collapse or destruction should not occur. But this is your chance to draw conclusions for the future. The card says that you must be limited. Grow and take care of your life.

17 - Star

  • Direct position: This card has a very positive meaning. It gives hope and promises spiritual happiness. You need to devote more time to self-knowledge. Get acquainted with astrology, numerology and learn how to read dreams. The card speaks of the possibility of your spiritual development.
  • Reversed position: This card does not carry the exact opposite meaning, but it indicates that you need to wait. Changes for the better will definitely happen, but not now. The main obstacle is pessimism and self-doubt.

18 - Moon

  • Direct meaning: Mysteries are gathering around you. You must listen to your instincts and intuition in order to find a way out of this situation. Now there is a situation that is comparable to movement in the dark. You now feel insecure and maybe even scared. Listen to your dreams and signs of fate, and all secrets will be revealed.
  • Reversed meaning: The card promises that a secret will soon be revealed. Remember that everything secret becomes clear. And if you have something to hide, get ready to be exposed.

19 - Sun

  • Direct meaning: This card portends joy, fun and good health. She portends marriage or replenishment in the family. Everything that will happen at the moment, everything will be illuminated by rays of light. You feel that life is wonderful. It is in your power to prolong this feeling.
  • Reversed meaning: Delays or partial success. Despite the inverted position, the card has a positive meaning. Everything will be fine, the clouds will pass by and the sun will shine in life. Be patient.

20 - Judgment

  • Direct meaning: The map shows the Last Judgment, where the results are summed up. The card indicates what has come and you look at the past years and think about what you have achieved. Now you are faced with the need to make a choice or make a decision. Everything that happens promises to be successful.
  • Reversed position: This position of the card represents an undesirable break or sudden ending. You did not expect this stage of life to end so soon and are now lost. No matter how difficult it is, you need to move on. Sometimes the card speaks of health problems.

21 - Peace

  • Direct meaning: The card says that you are already at the last stage before reaching the goal. You need to gather your strength and make the final push. Everything is going according to plan and soon you will enjoy the fruits of your efforts. The card guarantees victory and triumph.
  • Reversed meaning: You drop things without finishing them. If you are not aware of this problem, then much will be lost. You can't move forward by resisting change. You need to pull yourself together and don't leave your path halfway.

Video: Major Arcana Tarot

The presence of a large number of symbols favorably distinguishes Tarot cards from many other divination methods, where the same values ​​\u200b\u200bare presented here elementarily have to be obtained by combining several symbols.

Many tarologists interpret the meanings of tarot cards based on their whole understanding and the environment of each card individually.

You should begin to interpret the cards by determining the meaning of each card in the position that it occupies in the layout. The meaning of the card is in the “key words” related to it, in the column that most closely matches the meaning of your question. Once you find the right keywords, try modifying them to fit the meaning of the position the card is in.

At first, most likely, it will turn out badly for you: one thing is written about the map, another about the position, and everything does not fit together. But don't worry, just move on to the next card. Having considered all the cards in their positions, you will most likely be able to understand in the first scenario what which card means to you in this situation /

There are layouts in which it is better to interpret the cards not by position (first, second, etc.), but in a different order.

Having finished the analysis of individual cards, you need to add up the big picture from them. Try to formulate for yourself the general conclusion of the whole scenario. If some cards "do not fit", do not try to smooth out these discrepancies. Our life is full of contradictions, and the same applies to cards. The alignment is not embroidery, in which knots should not be visible, but advice to you in your situation. Understand this, and then the "knots" will untie sooner or later.

The interpretation of tarot cards occurs in two ways: one meaning if the card falls in a direct position, and the other if in an inverted position.

Many tarologists give inverted cards, that is, those that lay "upside down", a completely different meaning. There are also those who do not pay attention to this, but simply shift the flipped cards “correctly”. Neither one nor the other is a mistake, just before the start of the session, each fortuneteller must decide for himself whether he will take into account the inverted cards or not. You will have to decide for yourself. Whichever option you like, use it. Just remember that every time the decision must be made ahead of time, before the session, whether you will take into account the inverted cards or not. If you do, then it is better to mix the cards, scattering them on the table or on the floor and “moving” around in circles so that they fold their heads and legs in different directions.

Each suit also has its own value, which increases if a lot of cards of the same suit fall out in the layout.

If the schedule prevails:

  • Major Arcana - important life events, changes that are expected and the main directions of fate.
  • Minor arcana - time.
  • Swords are an expression of communication and ideas, anger, resentment and bitterness.
  • Wands - the suit of "labor", expressing the creative field, work, productive activity, reputation and fame of a person.
  • Pentacles - finances: money matters, material and life stability.
  • Cups are the suit of "feelings": happiness, love, harmony, fertility, unity.

Now let's move on to the interpretation of the cards. For your convenience, the section is divided into the following subsections: general provisions, Major Arcana, Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands.