Kite instructions. How we fly kites in the fall and don't catch a cold

Who didn't fly a kite as a child? For many of us, this was a favorite pastime, which was not difficult to do with our own hands. We made the simplest paper kites and rejoiced at how our creations flew in the wind. Now in stores you can find the most different models kites, from small children's kites to huge professional ones. And now, having already become parents ourselves, we go with interest to the sports department to buy this bright toy for our children. Let's remember together how to assemble a kite, and in what ways it can be lifted into the sky.

Assembling the kite

Regardless of the level of complexity, all kites consist of a standard set of components. The most important thing in any kite is a strong frame that holds the shape of the structure during flight. It can be made of two or more slats. A canvas made of lightweight material is stretched over the frame, which creates an obstacle to the wind and allows the kite to soar in the air. It is important to know that when launching the kite, it must be positioned in such a way that the canvas is in front of the frame, and the wind hits it. In some kite models, a tail made in the form of beautiful ribbons is attached to the canvas, which is designed to smooth out gusts of wind and stabilize the kite in the air.

The kite is controlled from the ground using a rope or thread, which is also called a lifeline. It should be very strong, but light enough so as not to interfere with flight.

The thread is wound on a special convenient spool. Often kite manufacturers make the ropes with carabiners so that people can release them. The place where the thread joins the kite is called the frenulum. Depending on the number of attachment points, this can be:

  • A single fastener bridle that requires no mid-air adjustments. The snake is corrected only by its tail.
  • a bridle with a keel, made in the form of a single piece from a cloth of the same material. Also requires no adjustments during flight
  • a bridle with two or more fastenings, which involves controlling the kite. To do this, it has a ring that allows you to adjust the flight angle.

How to fly a kite

Flying a kite is easy, the main thing is to choose a suitable place and catch the wind. To do this, we find a large open area land, preferably on a hill, where air currents move from bottom to top. If you are surrounded by trees and houses, it will be more difficult for the kite to rise due to the uneven wind, and it will only be able to stabilize at a height of about 50 meters.

Important to remember:

  • Under no circumstances should you fly a kite under power lines or near highways and airports, as well as during storms with thunder and lightning. Even if the place seems perfectly flat and spacious to you, and the wind in a thunderstorm is simply ideal for flying a kite, such games can be life-threatening.
  • Never fly heavy kites over people or animals. If you lose control, this entire structure with a rigid frame can fly towards a person at great speed and injure him. If you want to play with your children on the beach by the sea, this is suitable for this light airy a paper snake that can't harm anyone.
  • While flying the kite sunny weather use sunglasses. Being carried away by the game and looking intently at the sky, you may not notice how the bright sun will harm your eyes.
  • Be sure to protect your hands. Use gloves and a reel. Do not wrap the line around your hands under any circumstances. A strong gust of wind can lift the kite up, and the quickly unwinding thread will burn your skin.

Before sending your kite into the sky, place it facing you, stand with your back to the wind and pull the threads. Flying a kite depends largely on wind speed. If the wind is strong enough, the kite can be launched directly from your hands, placing its nose in the wind and slowly unwinding the rope. If the wind is not very strong, you may need help. Spin the reel 15-20 meters, pull the thread and ask someone to throw the kite up. It happens that the wind is weak near the ground, but quite strong above. This is evidenced by the swaying tree tops. In this case, the kite will only fly at a certain height. But in order to raise it to this height, you will have to run a little against the wind.

Carefully monitor the thread tension. If the wind has died down and the tension begins to weaken, wind the thread onto the spool or simply pull it towards you. If the wind gets stronger, the rope needs to be unwound a little, or, for example, you can take a few steps in the direction of the wind. When the kite begins to fall and the situation cannot be corrected, release the rope so that the impact on the ground is softer.

Controllable kite

When you have the opportunity to control the flight of a kite, it is always interesting. But to launch such kites you need a strong wind, since in a weak wind, holding two reels in your hands, you will not be able to run backwards. It is advisable to have an assistant during startup. But you can also cope on your own, although most likely not on the first try.

As the kite takes flight, keep your hands at chest or hip level. Try pulling the right thread towards you. You will see the kite fly to the right. If you pull left hand, you can straighten it or tilt it, respectively, to the left. Movements should be smooth. If you pull the strings, the kite will quickly fall. Do not unwind the thread too much. First get used to the kite's maneuvers. And after a little training, release it higher. Don't worry if the threads get twisted a few times, it won't affect the control in any way.

In skillful hands, the kite can draw various figures in the air, and also perform tricks such as the figure eight, loop and spiral descent. If you are not yet able to control the kite, do not worry, very soon you will master all the subtleties of flight, and your kite will soar in the air for hours to the delight of you and your children.

The first mentions of homemade flying kites are found in Chinese chronicles of the 2nd century BC. We invite you to repeat the feat of the ancient Chinese: refuse to buy a kite in a store and make it yourself. And then note it in your chronicle.


1. To make a simple flat kite, you will need two thin slats made of pine, bamboo or Chinese plastic. One is 50 cm, the other is 30. At a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the larger rail, fasten the 30-centimeter one at a right angle crosswise with strong threads (or strong tape). This will be the serpent's cross.

2. We make circular notches at the ends of the slats. Now feel free to connect all the ends of the cross with a thin thread. This will give you a feeling of satisfaction and a square frame of the kite.

3. The covering is made from thin paper, for example, tracing paper. It's great to use a cut-up plastic trash bag. The lighter the material, the easier it will be to send the kite to the skies. Place the frame on a sheet of the selected material, trace it with a pencil, leaving small allowances, and cut out the shape along the contour. Now let's lubricate the frame with glue and stick it to the material.

4. If there is no store advertising on your package, it doesn’t matter. The drawing is the face of a snake. Using a marker, draw on it your favorite politician, the legs of a woman you know, a smiling Freddy Krueger, or just a call to care for environment. Remember, all the neighbors in the area will be able to study what will happen on the kite, and it’s good if this increases their cultural level.

5. Now we make the bridle. One end of the fishing line is attached to point O, stretched to point N and then to point P, fasten at P. (We pulled to point N to determine the length of the bridle). Another thread is fixed at point N. We measure the distance from N to P, add another 10 cm and tie this length to the center of the first thread. It is important that both halves of the long segment are the same, otherwise the kite will fall to one side.

6. The tail of the kite is added to point G. It is customary to make it from a thin cord 3-4 m long; and usually several paper bows are glued to the tail at an equal distance from each other. The tail is needed to improve the aerodynamic qualities of the device.

7. For the lifeline (this is the name of the thread on which the glider holds the kite), a fishing reel with fishing line is suitable. Attach the end of the fishing line to the bridle, and the kite is ready!


The idea of ​​flying a ready-made kite is still in the air.

1. When choosing a place to fly a kite, you should pay attention to open areas. Any nearby wind barriers, trees, stalls, statues of leaders, etc. the wind will be turned away from the true path and give it unnecessary turbulence. The sea coast is ideal for kites. But if you have to catch the breeze by jumping on bodies laid out on the beach, you can take a closer look at other spaces. The selected clearing should not be located next to a busy highway (glider pilots often run with their faces raised to the sky and pose a danger near roads) and away from power lines and airfields.

2. After slobbering on your finger, find out the direction of the wind. Hand the kite to your friend, whom you prudently took with you, and stand opposite him, but so that the wind blows at your back. Let the reel with the handrail be in your hands. Take a few steps back while unwinding the line. Please note that your friend should not be typing SMS at this time: the kite should be held with both hands above your head, trying to position it perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

3. Having moved 15-20 m away, shout to your friend: “Let go!” - and jerk the rail towards you. If the wind is decent, the kite will rise up on its own, and you will only have to stand with the reel, joyfully watching its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run a few more meters until the wind catches the kite.

4. If the kite flies only when you run, it means the wind is weak today. Even if it’s a shame to admit it after the marathon you just completed with a lifeline in your hand. In a normally blowing monsoon, the flying structure flutters in height while it is simply held at arm's length. The optimal wind speed for a beginner is 3-6 m/s. At a lower speed, only the lightest structures will be able to rise; at a much higher speed, the kite will be torn from the hands and will only be subject to the control of a kite specialist.

5. If the handrail pulls too much, you need to unwind the reel a little. Flight when the wind subsides is regulated by pulling the kite towards you. With a successful combination of circumstances, the kite will dangle in the air for several hours, and you will have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

6. To finally go home, the snake is pulled to the ground, gradually reeling in the rope. Announce to the children and onlookers gathered around that today you will not start anything else except the engine of your car. Maybe this will help them break up.

What could be better than a wide open field, a warm gentle wind and a kite dancing in the air?

We present to you a training manual that is useful for all novice pilots to familiarize themselves with. There will be a little science, physics, history and culture. For adults, this is a chance to plunge back into youth.

Flying a kite is fun, but only if you know how.


Kites love open space. The more open the place you choose to fly, the better the kite.

Wind that has to bend around trees, buildings, or hills becomes rough and rough. This is "turbulence".

You won't be able to see it, but it will be difficult for the kite to fly and perform tricks in such conditions.

Therefore, the first piece of advice is to choose a place as far as possible from various kinds of obstacles that interfere with the smooth passage of the wind.

Has everyone heard of “Tree-Eater-Kite-Flyers”?

Make sure that there are no trees in the kite's path; they do not interfere much with flying, but a kite flying past may get caught in the flow of air around a tree. As a result, he will get stuck between the branches and the fire brigade will have to be called to save the poor fellow...

And, of course, avoid proximity to dangerous objects, such as highways or power lines.

The best places to fly a kite are in a large open field, park or beach. The more open place you will find, the more fun and less trouble you will have.


A kite needs wind to fly. How strong depends on the type of kite you are planning to fly.

Some are heavy and therefore require strong winds. Others are specially designed for flight in light winds.

However, most kites are designed for use in the mid ranges of 1.5 - 5 m/s.

In most cases, you can determine the strength of the wind yourself, guided by your own sensations or observations of the behavior of leaves on trees. If the leaves barely move, then most likely the wind is too weak, and if the whole tree is swaying and you can hear a linen flag fluttering, then it is even too strong.

You can also use special devices to measure wind force.

Over time, experienced pilots get used to assessing the wind by eye by its effect on surrounding objects.


There are many varieties of kites. Each type is initially designed for specific purposes.

These can be simple diamond-shaped (diamond), triangular (delta), box-shaped (box), inflatable (parafoil) or controlled sports with two or four handrails.

Before launching, make sure that your kite is suitable for the current wind strength, whether the kite needs a tail, and whether the line is securely attached.

If everything is in order, you are ready to launch.


Running with a kite is fun, but not very smart; you can't look where you're running and enjoy the sight of the flying kite at the same time.

This frivolous approach can lead to trouble for both you and the snake.

Instead, try a smarter approach.

Stand with your back to the wind and raise the kite as high as you can. Make sure the kite is pointing straight up and release it easily. Don't overdo it, don't try to "throw" the kite into the sky, just let go and let it take off on its own.

If the wind is strong enough, the kite will rise into the sky and begin to fly. Pull the line slowly and the kite will fly back towards you.

Then, before it hits the ground, release the line and the kite will rise up again. All you have to do is repeat this process until the kite is caught in a steady stream of wind.

In light winds, you may need the help of a friend. Ask him to hold the kite at a distance of 15-20 meters from you and release it as soon as you pull the line. The kite should rise into the sky just as if you had released it yourself in a stronger wind. Soon, the kite will rise into a zone of stronger wind and the difference will disappear completely. At the same time, you will look much “smarter” than the people running around trying to help the kite take off.

Flight control

Continuously monitor the kite during flight. If something goes wrong, you will have time to do something to avoid the situation getting worse, even to the point of structural failure. Don't be tempted to let go of the line too much: 30-60 meters is plenty. At long distances, it is quite difficult to observe the flight for you and surrounding observers.

If the line is loose, tighten it; if the line is too tight and the kite behaves unstable in the air, release it a little. The main goal is to pilot the kite and not just let it fly.

To complete the process, begin to slowly wind the line onto the reel. If the wind suddenly weakens, you can do it faster. As a result, throw the line along with the kite on the ground so that the line lies freely in the open space, this will soon allow you to lift it into the air again without additional difficulties.

In strong winds, you may need to attach the line to an anchor on the ground, and also use gloves to avoid damaging your palms.

Remember that tension on the line increases the force of the wind on the kite. If the kite is acting unstable, there is no need to tighten the line even more, trying to bring it closer to the ground. Instead, release the tension and allow the kite to rise freely higher into the sky before gently pulling back.

If the kite begins to rotate in a large loop closer and closer to the ground, once again, when it is close to the ground, pull it towards you, this additional effort will land the kite on the ground. At this point, you'll probably be glad you didn't let him go too far.


You can purchase the rail in the same place as the kite itself. Quite often, kites are supplied with a handrail, although this is not always the case.

Special handrails are usually lighter, stronger and thinner. All these qualities have a positive impact on the piloting process. Ideally, it is better to use the thinnest line that can support the particular type of kite.

Customization for different strength wind

Many snakes can be "adjusted" to a certain wind force. The adjustment is made by changing the point at which the line is attached to the kite. By moving the attachment point, you change the angle of the kite to the wind.

The larger the angle, the better the kite will be able to fly in strong winds, the smaller the angle will allow the kite to fly even in a light breeze. An angle that is too large can cause the kite to flip over in the wind and break, while an angle that is too small will prevent the kite from taking off.

Experiment! You'll be surprised how such a small change can make a big difference in the quality of your flight.


Many kites are designed with a tail. The long tail fluttering after the snake serves as an undoubted decoration big picture. But tails also have a practical value: the added weight to the bottom tilts the kite upward with the leading edge and provides better flight stability.

So, if your kite flies unstable, try adding a tail, and conversely, if the kite flips over and falls to the ground, you need to reduce the length of the tail or remove it altogether.

It's good to have a balance with tails. One tail should be attached in the center of the kite next to the rail, two tails should be attached symmetrically on the sides, also make sure that they are the same length/weight.


Even an experienced kiter sometimes encounters a tangled line or finds his kite hanging from a high tree.

Do not panic! Keep calm and everything will be fine

Snake in a tree? Don't try to climb, if you fall it will hurt . Yes, and don’t pull the rail, it’s unlikely to help, it’ll probably do more harm.

It is best to release the line and wait until the wind blows the kite through the tree. After this, unhook the kites from the line and pull out the line. back.

If your kite's line gets tangled up with another kite's line, simply go up to the owner and say hello. Surprisingly, both tangled rails will descend to the ground right to the place where you both stand

What if the rails are intertwined on the ground? In principle, you can avoid this ambush by carefully handling them, but if this does happen, all you can do is carefully unravel the ball. Life isn't perfect

Doesn't the kite fly?

Not all flights go smoothly. If your kite is not taking off, you may be experiencing one of the following problems:

  1. "Wrong" wind. Maybe too weak, or too strong. The required wind force depends on the kite; if there is a tail, try unhooking it or, alternatively, attaching a longer one.
  2. Turbulence. Trying to fly a kite near a building or big tree? Not sure it's going to happen.
  3. "Reconfigured." Maybe you or someone else has already driven this kite to a different wind and left it that way? Try to return it to how it was.
  4. "Whirlpool." If the kite is circling, try adding a tail or moving the line's attachment point.
  5. "Lethargic." If the kite does not want to rise into the air, unfasten the tail and move the attachment point of the handrail. Maybe the rail is wet?
  6. Technical difficulties. Make sure that the kite is assembled correctly, read the instructions again.Safety

Every pilot should be concerned about safety. A snake that has lost control can cause physical harm to a random person.

An unwound line lying unattended on a field can pose a danger to passers-by people or animals.

Please be careful when flying the kite near other people.

In particular, never fly a kite across the road; if the kite lands on the ground and the handrail crosses the road, it could cause a traffic accident. Never fly near an airport or power lines.

Be polite and courteous to your neighbors; good pilots always treat other pilots, and even complete strangers, with respect.

Remember that the sky is shared resource, try to be sensitive to competitors for the attention of viewers.

So you will get a lot more joy and fun!

(c) David Gomberg. GKPI.

Translation - IM "GlavZmey"

Making something yourself and seeing how it works is definitely fun. That's why people launch boats paper airplanes or other crafts. This is a great way to spend time outside with your child. How to fly a kite so that it flies high, and how to control it correctly?

From the outside, everything looks simple - people launch complex figures into the air and can themselves set their height and speed of movement. How to achieve this? And why do snakes fly without large wings or other devices other than the tail?

Why does a kite fly?

From the outside, the flight of a kite seems amazing. Especially when it rises smoothly on its own and holds on for a long time, carried away by unknown forces. A person regulates the speed and height of the kite by moving and pulling the line.

If you delve deeper, you can understand that immediately upon launch, 4 natural forces will act on it:

The interaction of forces ensures flight. Resistance occurs under certain conditions. This happens when air opposes any moving body. It’s easy to check the activity of the force - open your palm and move it from side to side. You will feel slight resistance.

Now take the cardboard and start fanning yourself with it. The difference is immediately noticeable - the air seems to slow down the movement. The operator uses this force.

He starts flying a kite like this: he places the kite on the ground, takes the line and pulls it, moving quickly against the wind. The kite will take off. It is important to choose the angle here, as this will affect the overall take-off speed. If there is a breeze outside, a vacuum zone forms on top of the kite, which gives confidence to the movement. The aircraft uses the vacuum zone and begins to hover like an open sail.

It turns out that the main conditions for the rapid take-off and subsequent flight of a kite is the angle of attack, which is also the angle of the required lift. If the kite stands upright, the natural air resistance will increase, and at the same time the lifting force will increase. In a horizontal position it decreases quickly.

Wind characteristics for flights

It is not for nothing that it is named so - its flight primarily depends on the presence and strength of the wind. In calm weather, even a well-designed model will remain motionless. The only thing that can simulate wind is physical effort, but then the operator will have to run constantly.


First of all, before launching, you should check the weather: tree branches, leaves and grass are moving, raised flags are moving, visible small ripples? Great, the weather is right. It is important to find the “golden mean” of activity air flow. Strong gusts can break or blow the kite away.


Now the kite has taken off and is soaring. The best position is with your back to the wind, facing the kite. Determining the direction of air flow is easy. Where is the grass bending, the tips of the flags pointing, the packages flying? You can expose your face to the gusts of wind, feel how it touches your cheeks.

Those friends who managed to launch kites will serve as tips.

How to choose a launch location

To fly a kite properly, you must first choose a suitable location. Sometimes the launch is difficult - the kite has barely risen, spins constantly, tensions the fishing line. It will gain stability later when it reaches a certain height. Or it took off easily, and then “saw”, becoming uncontrollable.

It is more convenient to fly kites from a small elevation - a hill, an embankment, a platform. You need to choose a flat place, not crowded with foreign objects. After launch, attention will be focused on the kite hovering above, so it is important to ensure freedom of movement in advance. It would be a shame to suddenly stumble while running.

Thus, perfect place to launch:

  • level, without debris and obstacles;
  • on a hill, a small embankment;
  • There are no houses, horizontal bars, trees, roads, or airport nearby.

Launching a kite: step-by-step instructions

To enjoy free flight, you need to fly the kite correctly. Take into account the weather, wind strength, choose a location, calculate the ideal launch angle.

First of all, using the means at hand, determine the current direction of the wind. Remember, he is more active at altitude.

Flying a kite - alone, together

Stronger wind. It is enough to release the kite by unclenching your hands, having previously positioned yourself with your back to the gusts. Before launching, point the nose of the kite up, holding the handrail nearby, at the base. After releasing, slowly unwind the thread, increasing the height.

Launching together. An assistant holds the kite, pointing its nose upward. You, having unwinded 20 meters of thread from the spool, step back. Command your assistant to open his hands and at the same time throw the kite. Watch as the released kite quickly takes off, carried away by gusts of wind. Adjust the flight through the tension and length of the thread.

Light wind. It seems that there is absolutely no wind below, but the tops of the trees are actively swaying. This means that he is strong enough, only at a height. Then it is important to help the kite climb onto it.

Running alone. Taking a position with your back to the gusts of wind, place the kite down on the ground exactly perpendicular, “facing” you. Unwinding the rope, slowly move away, trying to keep him in the previously specified position.

Having walked 8-10 steps away, sharply pull the unwound rope and run until the kite gradually rises, reaching the area of ​​​​active wind. When you feel how it catches the air currents, stop. Now you can adjust the soaring of the kite.

Launching together. The snake is held by an assistant. This method is great for family launches, when children help parents. Hold it high, aligning it strictly perpendicular to the gusts of wind. At this time, the child moves away, unwinding the rope.

When he rewinds 2-3 meters, ask him to run. Unclench your hands in time, giving the kite the opportunity to take off. That's it, now help the baby regulate the flight of the kite. Be an assistant, telling your child the nuances of control. This way he can quickly learn how to fly a kite.

Flight control

Basically it all depends on the actual wind strength:

  1. The wind has died down, the kite is falling - pull the rope faster by lowering your hand or stepping back. Make sure the thread remains taut at all times.
  2. Intensified - on the contrary, unwind the rope, at the same time slightly loosening the tension and approaching the soaring kite. the main task- catch moments of wind change and adjust the thread tension in time. To make the kite quickly rush forward, loosen it; if it goes down, tighten it.
  3. The flight is unstable - at first it soars, then suddenly begins to fall. Observing chaotic movements, you need to grasp the dynamics. Remember, the direction of flight always depends on the position of the kite's nose.

Body position

From the launch videos, it is noticeable that the person always places the kite in front of him. This makes it more convenient to track the flight, control the tension force and length of the rope. Periodically you need to move - run or move your hands. It all depends on the strength and direction of the wind.

The starting position is with your back to him, ensuring freedom of possible movements.

First maneuvers

It is more difficult to launch when the wind is weak or, conversely, strong. If the gusts cannot be determined, they are constantly changing and the kite is prowling, trying to snatch the fishing line, then it is better to wait it out. Regulating flight in such conditions is extremely difficult and even dangerous.

There is no wind, the launch will be complicated. You will have to replace the elements with physical effort, constantly running so that the kite remains at the previously set height. It's easier when there is wind at the top. Then it is enough to lift the kite, and later the elements will pick it up.

Always look where the nose is pointing, this determines the flight path. Down - the snake will fall, up - it will rise.

If the kite falls

The following maneuvers will save the situation - loosen the initial tension of the rope, allowing the wind to straighten the flight on its own. You can carefully adjust the direction of your nose. Wait for it to rise up and return the rope to its original tension. Adjust its length according to the wind pressure.

Is the fall inevitable? Loosen the rope and let the kite slowly lower itself.


We've had our fill, it's time to plant the kite. The right approach is needed here, especially when the wind is strong. Many people believe that it is enough to wind the thread and it will fly by itself. This approach is dangerous for crafts. Strong air currents can break the thread or harm the snake.

It is better to ensure a safe landing for the kite. Plant it across the wind. First, take a position with the kite 90 degrees downwind. Now slowly approach the floating aircraft, while shortening the thread. Make sure it remains taut and pliable enough.

Is it blowing hard? It is worth moving, looking for the area where it is weakened and landing there. Move, shortening the length of the stretched thread if possible. Strong wind usually blows in gusts in one specific direction. There are quiet places there. It is important to find such a safe area and land the kite.

Safety precautions

Although flying a kite is considered a harmless activity, there are a number of precautions that should be kept in mind.

Safety regulations:

  • do not choose places for launch where there are power lines or stretched wires nearby;
  • look for a flat place, without trees, horizontal bars and houses;
  • launch in windy (light or medium wind) but clear weather, not in a thunderstorm;
  • do not trust small children to launch, especially in strong winds;
  • if the fishing line is rough, you should protect your hands with gloves;
  • Avoid roads, airports, especially when traveling with a child!

August is known to be the month of winds. Right now best time for a traditional summer fun - flying a kite. The serpent soaring high in the sky represents freedom and carefreeness at its best. How nice it is to feel like a person controlling such a wonderful toy, to feel the changes in air currents, to expose your face to the warm wind... At first glance, it seems that flying a kite is an elementary matter. But in fact, in order for the flight to “go well,” you need to learn a little more about how to fly a kite bought in a store or made by yourself.

Kite in flight

Where is the best place to fly a kite?

The success of the entire enterprise largely depends on how well the place to fly the kite is chosen. Ideal if you are located in an open space. It could be a deserted seashore or a flat field. The main thing is that there is no interference around in the form of buildings, trees, structures, wires, etc. All these obstacles make the launch much more difficult or even impossible. They affect the speed of the kite, increase the variability of its directions and generally interfere with enjoying the process in every possible way.

Wind strength and direction

Of course a necessary condition The only way to fly a kite is the wind - without it nothing will work. What matters is its speed. If it is equal to 3 m/s, then only the lightest kite models will rise up. The optimal speed for beginners is 3-8 m/s. If the wind is strong enough (speed more than 8-11 m/s), then these are conditions only for experienced professionals.

The optimal wind speed for launching a kite can be easily determined by eye. Take a closer look at the nearby trees. If only their leaves move from a light breeze, the speed is too low. If small branches also begin to move, consider that weather are optimal for beautiful summer fun.

The direction of the wind is also of great importance. The kite flies against air currents, so for more successful launch and control it is best to stand with your back to the wind.

Let's fly a kite into the sky

There are several techniques for flying a kite, let's look at the main ones.

The regular launch, which requires the assistance of a buddy, is probably the most common kite launching technique. One person takes the kite in his hands, the other unwinds about 20 meters of the line in the direction of the wind. After which the launcher needs to stand against the wind, pulling the line, and give a command to a friend to let go of the kite. Then act according to the situation. If the wind at the ground is not strong enough, you will have to walk a few steps back or even run a short distance before you feel that the kite has caught the wind and rushed upward. If the wind speed is high, it will soar on its own.

Hand launching is another fairly common technique that is only applicable to properly designed kites. If yours is one of these, then you won’t have to resort to the help of a friend to start it. So how do you lift an object into the air? To do this, you need to grab the rail directly next to the kite and point its nose towards the sky. Then you should pull slightly towards yourself, lifting the structure off the ground. A moment - and the snake is already soaring cheerfully and carefree in the heights. All that remains is to unwind the rope, regulating its flight.

Finally, there is also “Pull-and-release” launch technique. It is ideal when there are rough or light winds and very limited space. The technique saves space and effort, eliminating the need to quickly run back in an effort to quickly raise the kites higher. What if up there, the wind is stronger and smoother? The start of the launch repeats any of the techniques described above (with or without the participation of a friend). Then you should begin a slow retreat back without unwinding the rope. When the kite reaches the maximum height for the initially given length of the line, the launcher releases the line, and therefore the structure descends from the sky almost to the ground. In this case, you still need to unwind the rope (either with your hands or by stepping back). Without allowing the kite to land completely, it is necessary to fix the handrail again and continue moving backwards. As a result of this maneuver, the kite will soar even higher. It may be necessary to perform the technique repeatedly until the kite reaches a height where the wind is strong enough to lift lightweight design up without human help.

Precautions when flying a kite

Actually, kite flying is a fairly safe activity. It would seem, what could be the threat of such entertainment? However, under certain circumstances there is something to be afraid of.

The very first rule is never fly a kite near wires or power lines. This is very life-threatening. The electricity that can pass into the ground through the triggerer's body can cause serious health problems and even death.

Under no circumstances should you fly a kite during a thunderstorm. It can attract lightning to itself and become a kind of lightning rod. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to survive this.

You should not fly a kite near animals or other people. Desert spaces are ideal sites. Firstly, the snake can frighten bystanders. In addition, a dog happily chasing a kite is, of course, a very funny sight. But do not forget that someday it will fall close to the ground, and the animal will definitely grab it in its teeth.

In many countries around the world there is a direct ban on flying kites near airports. So, in North America the restricted zone has a radius of 6 to 10 km.

Finally, in clear weather, don't forget your sunglasses. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause serious damage to your eyes - protect them even if your back is to the sun. And, of course, use sunscreen - take care of your own skin.

Following all these simple recommendations and following safety rules will ensure that you and your children have a pleasant time. Flying a kite is fun at any age. This incomparable feeling is worth experiencing for everyone.

Photo from personal archive. Copying prohibited