Fedor Dobronravov is helped by his wife after a stroke: his premiere performance in April has been cancelled. Fedor Dobronravov - biography, information, personal life Fedor Dobronravov is alive or dead

Barely having time to recover from illness, Fedor Dobronravov went on tour to Ulyanovsk, where he is going to play in a production called "A Trap for a Husband," Actual News reports.

Like no one else, she understood her husband's throwing and supported him in all attempts to find himself in the great profession of reincarnation. A talented young man received an invitation to work in the capital and again moved his closest and dearest people there. Fortunately, the theater gave a loan to the promising newcomer of the Satyricon to purchase a two-room apartment.

yesterday we visited the Song and Dance Theater on Mira Avenue - we watched a performance of 3 artists - Dobronravov - Khazanov and Irina Komarova - OUR favorite is alive - and what a GOOD ARTIST with a capital letter - the only - irreplaceable - wonderful - played so that a viewer who did not know about the disease would NEVER guess that he had a stroke HEALTH our beloved dear - we love you very much

After studying, he was called to the Youth Theater, where he performed on stage for two years. Together with his classmates, he created the Ruble Theater. Significant event for Fedor was the arrival of Arkady Raikin in Voronezh, who noticed a talented artist and invited him to the Satyricon.

April 24, Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist Russian Federation Fedor Dobronravov celebrated with his wife another anniversary family life.

The normal state is already what you are! We all walk under God! - the artist answered shortly, thanking for the concern.

In addition to Dobronravov, the people's actress of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyeva and Honored Artist of Russia Elena Safonova are involved in the performance. "A Trap for a Husband" will be shown in Ulyanovsk on April 17 on the stage of the Palace of Culture "Gubernatorsky".

Today, the actor Fedor Dobronravov is one of the most sought-after Russian actors, whose work is noted huge amount prizes and awards at various film festivals. But the actor considers his family to be the highest success, which has become his reliable support for many years.

Tragic news about Fyodor Dobronravov Moscow is horrified. Fresh information.

A few days ago, Fedor Dobronravov returned to work in the theater. The actor was treated in one of the medical institutions of the capital after a stroke. The famous artist underwent surgery and needed a course of rehabilitation. Due to illness, a number of performances with participation of Dobronravov have been cancelled. Now the actor has regained strength and was able to take part in the theatrical production again.

Recall that Fyodor Dobronravov was saved from imminent death by his colleague Tatyana Vasilyeva. It was she who, right during the tour performance, noticed that the artist could not raise his hand. During the break, Vasilyeva's son Philip asked Dobronravov to go the simplest test to identify a stroke - smile. When instead of a smile, the artist got only her likeness, colleagues sounded the alarm and called an ambulance.

However, tarologist Marianna Abravitova, who predicted the defeat of Mikhail Zadornov in the fight against oncology a few months before his death, is more than optimistic. The clairvoyant believes that the fears of doctors are in vain and nothing threatens the favorite of the public. He owes this to his colleague Tatyana Vasilyeva and son Ivan, who noticed changes in the artist’s condition right on the stage and immediately called the doctors.

He always dreamed of becoming a clown, Dobronravov even staged circus acts at the Summer Theater in Taganrog. Fedor understood that in order to enter the circus school, you need excellent physical training. He worked hard different types sports: basketball, boxing, volleyball, diving (for which he received a category).

The condition of the actor Fyodor Dobronravov, the performer of one of the main roles in the series "Matchmakers", does not cause concern. This statement was made by a source in the Moscow Theater of Satire.

The day before, the artistic director of the Theater of Satire Alexander Shirvindt told TASS that Dobronravov's health had returned to normal and he was on the mend. According to him, the doctors plan to discharge the artist on March 31, so on April 1 he will can again to go on stage.

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Fedor Dobronravov is a People's and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The boy was familiar with the stage from childhood, because he often performed at various events. The boy had an excellent soprano voice.

Recall that Dobronravov became ill on March 19, then he was taken to the hospital. Initially, the artist’s relatives did not talk about the details of what happened, assuring that everything was fine with him.

It is reported that the 56-year-old artist really had problems with blood vessels, but by now Dobronravov has already regained consciousness and feels much better.

Fedor Dobronravov last news about health today. Exclusive information.

Recall that the 56-year-old actor and producer suffered a stroke. The attack happened on March 17, right during a private performance with the participation of Dobronravov in Sergiev Posad. The signs of a stroke were recognized in time by Tatyana Vasilyeva, a colleague of Fyodor Viktorovich, which saved the artist's life. He was urgently given first aid, then hospitalized at the Sklifosovsky Institute, where the actor stayed for about three weeks.

On March 23, the artistic director of the Theater of Satire Alexander Shirvindt said that now Fedor Dobronravov's state of health has returned to normal and he is on the mend. According to him, the doctors plan to discharge Fedor from the clinic on March 31, so that on April 1 he will be able to go on stage again.

Fedor's sons Ivan and Viktor also followed in their father's footsteps. Fedor actively monitors the careers of his children. Eight years ago, he became a grandfather, because Victor had a daughter, who was named Varvara. The year before last, another granddaughter, Vasilisa, was born.

The artistic director of the Moscow Theater of Satire, Alexander Shirvindt, also confirmed to reporters that Dobronravov's condition had stabilized. He expressed the hope that his colleague will be able to return to work in the theater as soon as possible. According to preliminary information that appeared in the press last week, Fedor Dobronravov should have been discharged from their hospitals on March 31. However, yesterday it became known that the doctors decided to extend the stay of Fedor Dobronravov in the hospital.

What happened to the actor Fedor Dobronravov. Detailed information.

The famous Russian actor Fedor Dobronravov has fully recovered from a stroke suffered in March 2018 and is actively working. Dobronravov entered the stage just a few days after being discharged from the hospital, and still continues to delight fans with his work.

Recall that Dobronravov was hospitalized on March 18 right from the performance. While playing in the performance, Dobronravov's hand suddenly stopped working, which was noticed by a colleague in the workshop Tatyana Vasilyeva. During the break, the artists conducted a small test and asked Dobronravov to smile - when they saw an incomprehensible grimace on his face, everything immediately became clear.

Dobronravov was urgently hospitalized and had an operation - he managed to recover very quickly. Fans admire the 56-year-old artist. showing such strength of character and spirit. Already in mid-April, the actor played on stage as if nothing had happened.

By the way, the doctors themselves did not expect such a quick recovery of the patient. The first time after the operation, Dobronravov was numb on one side of the body and speech was completely absent - thousands of fans across the country were worried about the health of the artist.

Dobronravov commented on his recovery

Since mid-April, as mentioned above, the Satire Theater, whose actor is Fedor Dobronravov, has restored the schedule of all performances with his participation. Fans who bought tickets are incredibly happy, because they did not expect such an early return of the actor to the ranks.

Dobronravov himself calls the excitement unnecessary panic.

“The normal state is already, what are you! We all walk under God!” he told reporters after being discharged.

The public scolded the careless artist on the Web a little, who returned to the stage so soon, but calmed down, because if the situation were critical, Dobronravov would not be allowed to work not only by doctors, but also by relatives.

Actor Fedor Dobronravov celebrated his 35th wedding anniversary with his wife

After the artist's recovery, a happy event awaited - the 35th wedding anniversary with his beloved wife Irina. Happy couple I've known each other since childhood, they went to the same school. Together they raised two sons who followed in their footsteps. famous father. Victor and Ivan Dobronravov also became successful actors.

According to Fedor, they have a very strong and friendly family, the Wordyou portal informs. The actor himself admits that he never even had the thought of "going left." Dobronravov Sr. loves his wife very much, so he is not going to deceive Irina. By his example, Fedor taught his children, Viktor and Ivan, how to build relationships with women.

The eldest son of Fedor and Irina, Viktor Dobronravov, has been married for more than 8 years. With his wife Alexandra Torgushnikova, they have two daughters - Varvara and Vasilisa. And the youngest, Ivan, got married quite recently, in December 2017.

Fedor Dobronravov in an interview said that he took place as an actor only thanks to his wife, her wisdom and patience. Irina always supported her husband and did not let him turn off the intended path.

On Monday, March 19, society was shocked by the news about the illness of another people's favorite, artist Fyodor Dobronravov. As it became known, the actor urgently went to the hospital for unknown reasons. In Svetlogorsk, where the performance “Freaks” with the participation of Dobronravov was scheduled, the fans were upset the most - the performance was canceled.

Until recently, what happened to Dobronravov was not reported. The public immediately began to assume the worst, assuming that the 56-year-old artist was seriously ill. At the same time, his agent issued an official statement that there was no reason to panic - the crisis had passed and the artist would soon return to work.

Fans are not sure that official news can be trusted, because artists often hide their problems and ailments from society, and after that the situation turns out to be more than critical. As you know, only in 2017, several famous Russian artists suddenly passed away - Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Dmitry Maryanov. In March 2018, Oleg Tabakov died, whose health was also called “strong” ...

Fedor Dobronravov - what happened

To the great delight of the fans, the news about Dobronravov's serious illness really turned out to be false - the agent calming the public turned out to be one hundred percent right.

The fact that everything is in order with Dobronravov was confirmed to the TASS agency by the director of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt.

“Fyodor had some kind of small attack of a vascular nature. This happened in Sergiev Posad, today he is going to Moscow and will go to the clinic for a couple of days for an examination.

Performances with the participation of Dobronravov, scheduled at the theater for the end of March, have not yet been canceled.

Fedor Dobronravov is a comedy film and theater actor. In 2011 he was awarded the title People's Artist Russia. He is known for such films and series as "Matchmakers", "Liquidation", "Radio Day", "Golden Calf". The actor has been serving at the Moscow Theater of Satire since 2003. He has more than 80 film roles to his credit.

Spring break 2018 until what date

Dobronravov promised the public the continuation of "Matchmakers"

The famous series "Matchmakers" about the life and life of a friendly family, filmed by the Ukrainian studio "Kvartal 95", in Lately arouses public interest. Fedor Dobronravov played one of the main roles in it - he has been working in the series from the very beginning, but it was because of the artist that the film was endangered.

Dobronravov was blacklisted by the Ukrainian authorities because of his civic position, which is why it is not possible to shoot a sequel to the film. The premiere of the seventh season in Ukraine and Russia was already expected this year, but it did not take place.

The series was banned from broadcasting, and the artists were banned from entering the country, which upsets fans of the multi-part tape. Dobronravov, who was attributed to the enemies of Ukraine, calmly reacts to the situation and claims that the audience will definitely see the continuation of their favorite film.

“Either they will rewrite the script to shoot at a different time of the year, or we will wait until next summer to shoot. The heroes are still the same. Director Andrei Yakovlev is afraid that this season will not be worse. It's been five years since season 6. We didn't shoot due to circumstances that everyone knows. But I think everything will be fine. I feel so, I want so much!”

True, the main inspirer of the "Quarter" Volodymyr Zelensky has already officially announced the closure of the "Matchmakers" project due to political reasons, accusing before that the Ukrainian authorities of a biased attitude towards both the film and its studio as a whole. Is it possible to continue filming in such conditions and whether Dobronravov will star in the film if something happens, remains a big question.

On Monday, March 19, society was shocked by the news about the illness of another people's favorite, artist Fyodor Dobronravov. As it became known, the actor urgently went to the hospital for unknown reasons. In Svetlogorsk, where the performance “Freaks” with the participation of Dobronravov was scheduled, the fans were upset the most - the performance was canceled.

Until recently, what happened to Dobronravov was not reported. The public immediately began to assume the worst, assuming that the 56-year-old artist was seriously ill. At the same time, his agent issued an official statement that there was no reason to panic - the crisis had passed and the artist would soon return to work.

Fans are not sure that official news can be trusted, because artists often hide their problems and ailments from society, and after that the situation turns out to be more than critical. As you know, only in 2017, several famous Russian artists suddenly passed away - Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Dmitry Maryanov. In March 2018, Oleg Tabakov died, whose health was also called “strong” ...

To the great delight of the fans, the news about Dobronravov's serious illness really turned out to be false - the agent calming the public turned out to be one hundred percent right.

The fact that everything is in order with Dobronravov was confirmed to the TASS agency by the director of the Satire Theater Alexander Shirvindt.

“Fyodor had some kind of small attack of a vascular nature. This happened in Sergiev Posad, today he is going to Moscow and will go to the clinic for a couple of days for an examination.

Performances with the participation of Dobronravov, scheduled at the theater for the end of March, have not yet been canceled.

Fedor Dobronravov is a comedy film and theater actor. In 2011 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. He is known for such films and series as "Matchmakers", "Liquidation", "Radio Day", "Golden Calf". The actor has been serving at the Moscow Theater of Satire since 2003. He has more than 80 film roles to his credit.

Dobronravov promised the public the continuation of "Matchmakers"

The famous TV series “Matchmakers” about the life and life of a close-knit family, filmed by the Ukrainian studio “Kvartal 95?”, has recently aroused genuine interest in society. Fedor Dobronravov played one of the main roles in it - he has been working in the series from the very beginning, but it was because of the artist that the film was endangered.

Dobronravov was blacklisted by the Ukrainian authorities because of his civic position, which is why it is not possible to shoot a sequel to the film. The premiere of the seventh season in Ukraine and Russia was already expected this year, but it did not take place.

The series was banned from broadcasting, and the artists were banned from entering the country, which upsets fans of the multi-part tape. Dobronravov, who was attributed to the enemies of Ukraine, calmly reacts to the situation and claims that the audience will definitely see the continuation of their favorite film.

“Either they will rewrite the script to shoot at a different time of the year, or we will wait until next summer to shoot. The heroes are still the same. Director Andrei Yakovlev is afraid that this season will not be worse. It's been five years since season 6. We didn't shoot due to circumstances that everyone knows. But I think everything will be fine. I feel so, I want so much!”

However, the main inspirer of “Quarter” Volodymyr Zelensky has already officially announced the closure of the “Matchmakers” project due to political reasons, accusing the Ukrainian authorities of a biased attitude towards both the film and its studio as a whole. Is it possible to continue filming in such conditions and whether Dobronravov will star in the film if something happens, remains a big question.

The latest news about Fedor Dobronravov only pleases the fans of this unique artist - on April 6, 2018 he was discharged from the hospital. Work while a national favorite and most importantly actor the series "Matchmakers" will not be able to. As the director of the Moscow Satire Theater Magomet Agayev told the press, his subordinate will be on outpatient treatment for another 3 months.

We remind you that fans of his work learned about the deterioration in the state of health of the people's artist Fyodor Dobronravov on March 18, 2018. Then in Sergiev Posad, the actor was hospitalized with a suspected stroke.

Upon returning to the capital, the diagnosis of provincial doctors was fully confirmed. At first, it was decided to deal with the problem with medication, but soon the actor began to go numb on the left side of the body and his speech was disturbed. This gave the doctors a reason to operate on Dobronravov.

Information about the health of Fedor Dobronravov

According to the testimony, the artist's health improved so much that the doctors allowed him to recover at home. At the same time, they were categorically forbidden to go on stage in the near future. The restless patient decided to disobey the strict doctors and declared that, despite his illness, he was going on tour to Ulyanovsk. Here he will appear on the stage of the local drama theater together with illustrious colleagues Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Safonova in the production of "A Trap for a Husband". How the weakened organism will respond to such overloads is anyone's guess.

However, tarologist Marianna Abravitova, who predicted defeat in the fight against oncology a few months before his death, is more than optimistic. The clairvoyant believes that the fears of doctors are in vain and nothing threatens the favorite of the public. He owes this to his colleague Tatyana Vasilyeva and son Ivan, who noticed changes in the artist’s condition right on the stage and immediately called the doctors.

Surgeons at the Sklifosovsky Institute provided timely assistance, stabilizing the health status of the artist Fyodor Dobronravov, as stated in the latest news from 16.04. 2018.

The path to the dream

Fedor Viktorovich was born in Taganrog, in the family of a bakery molder and a construction worker. The boy sang beautifully from childhood, so his parents sent him to the House of Culture for vocal and music classes. The owner of a rare and beautiful soprano participated in all amateur performances of local groups. He composed plays and, together with his peers, staged them on the stage of the summer theater. But Fedor did not dream of becoming an actor, all his aspirations were directed to the circus.

From the age of 10, he was a member of the Taganrog circus troupe, went in for sports a lot, wanting to have a good physical form For future profession. But dreams were not destined to come true, without army service they did not take Dobronravov to the school. He went to pay his debt to the Motherland, and after demobilization he married his first and only love - Irochka.

What happened to Fedor Dobronravov: family and luck

Young people lived modestly - Victor worked as a fitter at a local factory, his wife, after several years of practice in kindergarten was expecting a firstborn. The restless merry fellow and optimist dreamed of the theater, trying from year to year to become a student of the Pike, where he went every summer with enviable regularity.

Dobronravov failed to conquer the capital, but he successfully entered the first year of the Voronezh Institute of Culture. The future celebrity also moved his small family here and, after graduating from the university, remained to work in the local youth theater.

On the set of the series "Matchmakers"

To audition for Konstantin Raikin, who decided to renew the troupe of the Satyricon Theater by infusing new, provincial blood, the artist was persuaded to go by his faithful companion.

Like no one else, she understood her husband's throwing and supported him in all attempts to find himself in the great profession of reincarnation. A talented young man received an invitation to work in the capital and again moved his closest and dearest people there. Fortunately, the theater gave a loan to the promising newcomer of the Satyricon to purchase a two-room apartment.

In addition to the improved life, happiness smiled at the persistent man in the cinema:

  1. "6 frames".
  2. "Liquidation".
  3. "Matchmakers".

The last series made Fedor Dobronravov a household name. The success of the film was so deafening that the actor began to be recognized on the streets and even married to his serial wife, actress Tatyana Kravchenko. Rumors reached Irina, but the smart woman only brushed them aside - she knows her lover too well.

In the footsteps of the parent, both sons of the artist also went - both Victor and Ivan are today successful theater and film actors who receive decent fees and have own families. The elder has already pleased the actor with his granddaughters - Varvara and Vasilisa.

Social activity

Since 2016, the artist has been leading several projects:

  1. "Around the family".
  2. "Tsaritsyno spring".
  3. Actor's Central House.

He organized his own production center, releasing films, series and performances. Not so long ago, as a producer, Fedor Viktorovich presented the viewer with the full-length film Once Upon a Time.

In addition, the artist is busy dubbing and dubbing cartoons, on various television projects. So in 2012 he won the show "Two Stars" - all his performances paired with Leonid Agutin scored the maximum number of points.

Today, the actor Fedor Dobronravov is one of the most sought-after Russian actors, whose work has been marked by a huge number of prizes and awards at various film festivals. But the actor considers his family to be the highest success, which has become his reliable support for many years.

The artist recalls how, for the first salary, son Ivan, together with his brother, gave his father the first car. Fyodor Viktorovich spoke about this event with tears in his eyes and was terribly proud not so much of his popularity as of the children for whom he once worked as a janitor, cleaner and locksmith.