Dates on Ekadashi. What is Ekadashi? About this book

When people suddenly find out that a person they have known for a long time is fasting, but not a Christian one, thousands of questions immediately arise: “What is this?”, “Ekadashi? Not to eat or drink? Why torture yourself like this?" Some squint cautiously, thinking that a friend has become a sectarian and “has gone crazy”, others are specifically trying to tempt going to a restaurant or a picnic with friends, being offended at the same time, having received a refusal. Only a few, having found out what the essence of this tradition is, shake their heads understandingly and approvingly.

What is Ekadashi?

The lunar day of asceticism, which falls on the eleventh day from the new moon and the full moon, on which a person who adheres to this tradition consciously refuses food and devotes himself to spiritual practices: reading Vedic literature (for example, the Bhagavad Gita), meditation, singing kirtans in glory Krishna, charitable activities for the benefit of the universe. At the same time, trying to work on their self-improvement, referring to the knowledge of great people. Ekadashi days in July are considered especially strong - after all, it was in this month, according to legend, that Krishna was born.

"Eka" in Sanskrit, the main spiritual language of all people professing Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, means "eternal path." "Dashi" is the feminine form of the number "ten", that is, "ekadashi" literally means eleven. Namely, the 11th lunar day, of which there are two in a normal solar month. The lunar month is shorter than the solar month by three days, so the days of Ekadashi are constantly shifting and are regularly calculated by Hindu astrologers.

Why Observe Ekadashi?

The Vedas claim that these days are the most beloved days of God and those who dedicate them not to their material whims, but to raising the level of spirituality in themselves, and hence the entire Universe.

On Ekadashi days, all karmic “tails” (expiation of sins in Christianity) are burned much faster. They are ideal for raising the sattvic (good, pleasing to God) level of being and help a person gain peace of mind, spiritual strength and wisdom of consciousness. When you comprehend the depth of the teaching, it becomes clear what the essence of Ekadashi is: in the intention to become higher spiritually and worship God for this opportunity.

Post levels

Vedic fasting can be observed in many ways, depending on inner strength, health, and desire. The steps below are from simple ways to more complex ones. Therefore, if a person decides to observe Ekadashi, but does not really know what it is and how it should be, it is recommended to start small and gradually accustom yourself to more ascetic levels.

  1. Do not eat meat, fish and mushrooms, alcohol and smoking are also excluded.
  2. Under the ban are leguminous products and everything that has them in its composition.
  3. Do not use a number of products that these days are considered tamasic, that is, clouding the mind and consciousness.
  4. Keep one meal. Usually this is a dinner, which is called "nakta", it falls on the period from 16.00 to sunset.
  5. Complete refusal to eat, only water as needed (recommended once a day in the afternoon).
  6. Complete renunciation of food and drink for twenty-four hours, from dawn to dawn.
  7. Refusal of sleep - all-night wakefulness dedicated to spiritual practices.

As you can see from the list, the conditions are quite severe, especially towards the end, but it’s not for nothing that there are seven of them: like seven chakras in a person.

Gradually and consciously advancing in the pacification of his sensual desires, limiting himself immediately from coarse, frankly tamas food (meat, alcohol), which is characteristic of the first lower chakra, a person will grow upward to the truly spiritual actions of the seventh chakra, showing his love for God through prayers, pujas and other Vedic traditions.

What food is forbidden on Ekadashi and why?

Meat and fish are understandable, but why are mushrooms and cereals banned? After all, most Hindus are vegetarians who do not kill animals for the sake of satiating the stomach, preferring to eat vegetables, grains and fruits. The Vedas say that every animal has a soul, just like a person, so killing it and eating it is the same as becoming a cannibal, that is, eating your own kind.

Alcohol, nicotine, coffee, chocolate - these substances are banned because they affect the human mind: clouding it or, on the contrary, stimulating it too much, which means that the clarity and purity of the unconditioned perception of the world is lost.

Leguminous crops and everything that is made from them (bread, porridge, cookies, soy sausage and much more) are prohibited because it is on the 11th lunar day that earthly sins of the most diverse disappear into everything that is based on grain or legumes. qualities and properties. Eating these products, a person absorbs all the material dirt of the world, clogging his perception.

What else is not eaten on Ekadashi? In July, for example, cottage cheese is not consumed as an enhancer of kapha dosha, which, in turn, stimulates an increase in tamas (laziness). Never: mushrooms - as an inhabitant of the gloomy (intermediate) world, because a mushroom is not a plant, but not an animal either. It is forbidden to eat eggplant, spinach and sea salt. Also, beets, honey and cabbage of all varieties and types, bell peppers are not eaten. Medications should also be excluded on this day.

What is allowed to eat these days?

Most often, something fresh is eaten on Ekadashi: fruits, vegetables outside the prohibited list, as well as milk and dairy products, nuts. Ideally, one meal that should not focus on satisfying taste needs, but simply relieve hunger. Most often, fasting people eat a few fruits and a handful of nuts - this is enough for the body to maintain life.

How to observe Ekadashi correctly?

From the moment the eleventh lunar day begins until the beginning of the twelfth, it is necessary to limit oneself in food, bad thoughts, not to swear and not to visit unworthy places. It is also recommended to avoid sleep (at least during the day), drunk people and, if possible, not to touch a woman during menstruation. For especially zealous followers, there are instructions not to shave and not to use cosmetics, it is not desirable to take nakta from bronze dishes and in other people's houses, as well as to make donations to spiritual people.

During these 24 hours, it is desirable to study the holy scriptures, meditate in order to know your true nature, sing mantras or listen to lectures by highly spiritual people.

As usual, it is difficult for a person to immediately completely refuse food and drink for a day, so you need to start small and just not eat junk food right away, then try to spend these days on a raw food diet, then do not eat half a day (only dinner). Subsequently, it will be easy to move on: the strength that originated in the small will grow and help a person in difficulties.

When the day ends and a new day comes, within two hours it is necessary to break the fast, namely, to eat a little grain or bean food: porridge or flatbread. It is advisable not to "attack" food immediately, replenishing the past day - be aware.

What is the reason for breaking the fast?

Children under eight years of age do not need to observe Ekadashi at all - it is believed that before this age the child is not responsible for his actions consciously, which means that he is very rarely subject to the action of Karma. Pregnant women with poor health are allowed more meals from permitted foods, but it is up to her to decide whether to eat or not. Elderly people who are weakened after a serious illness or surgery can also observe a partial fast or make a generous donation to benevolent people. It is interesting that Ekadashi is such an event that your Guru (spiritual teacher) can forbid for some reason known only to him and order you to take forbidden food.

Also, if for some reason Ekadashi was missed, then it is allowed to fast the next day after it (according to all the rules and regulations). This day is called "dvadashi" - the twelfth lunar day.

How and where to find the Ekadashi calendar?

All days of fasting are calculated in advance by Vedic astrologers and exhibited in communities at temples, since lunar hours and days depend on time zones and shift depending on the region of residence. Also, the Ekadashi calendar can be found on specialized sites dedicated to Vedic culture, in particular, the Krishna Community, related to the tradition of the Vaishnavas - one of the most devoted followers of the Ekadashi fast.

What is Vaishnavism? They are simply called Hare Krishnas: cheerful smiling people in white and orange robes, singing the great “Maha-mantra” with dances and clapping, infecting with their optimism. It is they who carry the teachings of Krishna around the world: serving people for the good of the world.

The strongest day of Ekadashi

Pandava Nirjala is the day of the Pandavas, the most powerful day of the year. If you fast dry (that is, without food and water) and strictly follow all the rules of this fast (if you do not sleep and sing mantras in honor of Krishna), then you can burn the fruits of your former unworthy deeds:

  • lying to others;
  • envy towards the spiritual master and ignoring his instructions;
  • missed ordinary Ekadashi days;
  • alcohol and drug use.

For some, such restrictions and actions may seem strange and even dangerous, but in fact, not eating and not sleeping for a day - is it really difficult for the human body, which is capable of more serious and critical things? In the essence of this post, it is not important that a person refuses to eat and thinks about it all day long, but on the contrary, he does this in order to forget about worldly pleasures.

Knowing what it is - Ekadashi - and why people observe it, it is now clear: can there be anything stronger than love for God, expressed in such an accessible form?

Ekadashi (Skt. एकादशी - eleven) - 11 lunar day after each full moon and new moon, in other words, and lunar days. Ekadashi days are the most suitable for fasting, spiritual practices, prayers and purification. Ayurvedic medicine advises fasting on Ekadashi to purify not only physically but also spiritually, to get closer to God and gain knowledge. It is said that fasting on Ekadashi helps not only to prevent, but also to cure many diseases. According to the followers of Hinduism, fasting on Ekadashi days can free a person from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara) and elevate him spiritually. Ekadashi is the best of the best opportunity to gain the grace of God and spiritually rise.

History of Ekadashi

According to the scriptures, the supreme god Vishnu created the goddess of the lunar day Ekadashi. He endowed living beings with the opportunity to be freed from sins and material existence, to reach the spiritual world, honoring the goddess Ekadashi. The personified sin of Papapurush had nowhere to live, and he turned to Vishnu with a request to shelter him. Vishnu gave him the opportunity to hide in the legumes on the days of Ekadashi. Since then, it is believed that those who honor Ekadashi are freed from all sins, and those who take pulses on Ekadashi days accept sin. Fasting on the 11th lunar day after the new moon and full moon uplifts spiritually.

How to fast on Ekadashi days?

The best way to fast on Ekadashi days is to completely abstain from food and drink. Those who doubt their abilities are advised to eat food that does not contain grains and legumes, and preferably once between eleven and one in the afternoon. Such food may consist of any root vegetables (excluding beets), fruits, nuts, sugar, water, dairy products, and all vegetables except mushrooms. If you are not fasting completely, try to eat and drink no more than once. In one of the texts of Hinduism, it is described that the one who fasts completely receives the reward in full, and the one who eats food without legumes receives only half.

What should be avoided on Ekadashi days?

To get the maximum benefit from fasting on Ekadashi days, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not sleep during the day, and if you really want to, no more than 5 minutes
  • do not communicate with drunkards, weavers, laundresses
  • do not eat from bronze utensils
  • do not touch a woman during her period
  • do not eat betel nuts
  • don't shave
  • do not rub the skin with oil

If you eat food during fasting, then next. recommendations will also make fasting more effective: in addition to grains and legumes, also try to avoid

  • spinach
  • eggplant
  • asafoetids
  • sea ​​salt (other types of salt are allowed)
  • eating in other people's houses, in cafes and restaurants

Hindu scriptures say that everyone over the age of 5 should fast on Ekadashi days. Those who, for some reason, cannot observe it, are advised to find a spiritual person and donate something to him. You can also just listen to the voice of a holy person, Vedic audio lectures, learn about the meaning of Ekadashi.

How to get out of Ekadashi fast?

After the 11 lunar day has ended after the new moon or full moon, you need to break the fast after sunrise the next day. Otherwise, the post is considered to be observed. If you happen to miss an Ekadashi, you can take it to the next one. day is the day of dvadasi and break the fast on the day of triodashi. In order to break the fast, it is enough to take any food that is forbidden on Ekadashi days, for example, to eat a piece of bread.

Benefits of fasting Ekadashi

The scriptures say that one who makes donations on the day of Ekadshai receives a reward one hundred thousand times more than a normal donation. However, those who simply fast on Ekadashi days get the same good results. Fasting on Ekadashi gives the same result as visiting a holy place during a solar or lunar eclipse. In addition, a fasting Ekadashi person receives benefits a hundred times more than from performing an ashvamedha-yajna (horse sacrifice in the Vedic religion). Furthermore, one who at least once perfectly observed the Ekadashi fast deserves the same as feeding a thousand beggars every day for 60 thousand years. A person who fully observes Ekadashi gets 10 times more benefit than the benefit of distributing 1,000 cows to brahmins who know the Vedas perfectly. The benefits of fasting on Ekadashi can be compared endlessly, and simply cannot be measured or compared!

After posting information about Ekadashi, more than 1000 people decided to fast on the current Ekadashi. Basically letters to me started something like this: "This is my first Ekadashi in my life and I want to do everything right ...".

And it pleases. Ekadashi is a really important day. Moreover, if you consider carefully the descriptions of all lunar days, then - that it is the best of all 30 days that make up the lunar month. Those. even without going into the philosophy of Ekadashi, it is still the best and most auspicious.

There were also questions about a little misunderstanding when Ekadashi starts in their area. Just imagine the Moscow belt on a globe. There are 24 belts in total. And you need to either add the difference or subtract. If you are in the direction of Japan, then you need to subtract, if you are in the direction of America, add.

For some reason, some thought that there were no legumes on Ekadashi - this is the fast itself, which gives all these various mystical possibilities. No. There is no post in this. Not eating legumes is just not absorbing other people's sins. There is no post in this. You just don't eat pulses, but you eat anything else. You do not starve at all and do not perform even the slightest ascetic feats. The minimum post is one time on this day, then there will be a result of 50%. The ideal option is not to eat or drink at all on this lunar day (on the 11th lunar day).

Many were worried about accidentally falling asleep. They survived everything, they were starving, they didn’t drink, but they dozed off. And now there are doubts whether the post has been held. Certainly carried out. No sleep is just an enhanced option. They also asked if it is necessary to sleep? Not necessarily. Just not eating is enough. You can drink water. But then there are options for strengthening the post. Like not drinking, not sleeping, etc. They are made on request. However, the option without water is more desirable. Because the Vedas just say the word "fasting" on Ekadashi. And usually this word means a full fast, i.e. do not eat or drink.

Some were interested in the form, how in general it is better to realize the fulfillment of a desire. What to do? In a nutshell - you formulate in your mind the image of the desire itself. You do this even before you start your Ekadashi fast. Those. this is something you really need. Suppose, in ordinary life, someone needs to repay a large debt, otherwise there will be problems. And this person only does what he thinks about it. At night, he does not sleep - he thinks, he eats - he thinks, etc. He really needs it - so all thoughts about it. Do you understand? You should be clear and understandable about what you want. And you must desire it very much. Then you make a direct request to the Almighty, saying that you will fast on Ekadashi in order to fulfill this desire of yours. You can make such invocations many times during the whole Ekadashi. This desire can be completely different. This is fasting for the health of, for example, your children, parents, loved ones. Or, for example, for a brother (sister) to stop drug addiction (drinking, smoking) and be cleansed of sins (by the way, to be cleansed of sins or bad karma is tantamount to healing, because real healing is the cleansing of karma, because of which diseases occur; and Ekadashi is first of all given to people to purify from sins; therefore, there is no separation between purifying from sins and healing - this is one and the same). Everything can be asked. But mainly do it for your purification from bad karma. Because if the karma is good (cleared), then everything else good will come into your life by itself, and the bad will evaporate by itself.

There were also some interesting questions. More precisely, one question - where do sins disappear from legumes after 11 lunar days (after the new moon and full moon)? Those. maybe now they are never eaten at all, since such things are happening ... I can only answer that I myself do not fully understand this process. Those. don't think that I know everything. Ekadashi is not such a simple thing that can be taken and fully explained for our three-dimensional world. Ekadashi is from a region of the world where life takes place in a much larger number of dimensions. Any attempts to explain for our dimension, that which concerns many dimensions at the same time, are unlikely to be crowned with success. I can only say that you can safely eat legumes before and after 11 lunar days. The fact that the chopping block karma of other beings is included in the legumes is a very simplified explanation. Of course, everything is much more complicated. And I can't explain it better to you. Just take this information as is for now. Perhaps, as you develop, you will see for yourself how it all works.

Question: Dear OM Shanti! I have a question about sleep at night. If the 11 lunar day is March 30 at 14.32, then when do you not sleep, March 30 or at the end of the 11 lunar day on March 31? But then already at 14.32 the 12 lunar day will begin. And I also want to clarify: if the 26th lunar day begins at 2.00 am, then do not sleep that night? Thank you.
Answer: The point is to fast on the 11th lunar day. And this means not to eat, not to drink and not to sleep on these lunar days. How they fall out in relation to a sunny day is not important. Just discard the solar calendar for a while, because it will constantly confuse you.
In your case, do not sleep from March 30, 14.32 to March 31, 14.32. If at 2.00 am, then it's better - yes, after 2 no longer sleep.
But this is pure following. And there is another tradition that is also true in its own way. It links the solar calendar to the lunar one.
Therefore, if Ekadashi occurs before sunrise, then, according to tradition, one should not sleep on the night after this day.
And it is these Ekadashis that happen most often. This is the classic version. The option when Ekadashi is transferred to Dvadashi is rare. So it is up to you whether to follow it literally as it is said or go the way of the tradition that most people in India use. Both paths are correct. Personally, I advise you to follow literally, i.e. It is on Ekadashi to fast.

Question: Good day. I have some questions about Ekadashi. You wrote that cutting your hair, cutting your nails, and peeling your skin with a washcloth breaks the fast. Does this apply only to 11 lunar days, or also 10 from 12? There were also questions that there are places on the body from where the hair itself falls off. Does this involuntary hair loss break the fast? And what about the mucus coming out when coughing, as well as from the nose? And it turns out that on this 11th day or days (10, 11, 12), it is better not to do various body massages, because the skin can peel off? For example, that massage-adjustment of the joints, which recently appeared in the VKontakte group. I will be glad to answer. Thank you.
Answer: No. Natural bleeding or hair loss does not break the fast. That's right, you don't need massages. Of course, if the post holds. Fasting is not obligatory on Ekadashi.

Question: Good day, Sergey! I would like to clarify on the subject of Ekadashi. As far as I know, during Ekadashi one should not do anything that defiles the body: cut one's hair, shave, wash the body with a washcloth. If you happen to cut your finger and at least one drop of blood comes out, then the fast is considered interrupted. How to be women if Ekadashi coincides with "critical" days. If there is bleeding from the body and it is profuse enough, isn't that considered "bad"? It turns out that it is pointless for a woman to observe Ekadashi during menstruation?
Answer: Natural secretions are not pollution. From the nose, from the gums, from an intestinal ulcer, from the genitals, from some ulcers on the body - it does not defile. Here is another mechanism. It is regulated by the body itself. And the body is very wise. It does not defile itself. But if you artificially create, for example, a cut, then the body will take action, but not immediately, because. it was not done by him.
In other words, you don't need to worry about it. Although there are some closed traditions where a woman is considered a source of "defilement" these days, they even forbid her to come to the Temple, touch anything, even look at her. I don't think so. It's all made up by the people themselves.

Question: If the "critical days" every month are on the same days and this constantly coincides with 9-13 lunar knocks, then what to do then? You REALLY want to observe Ekadashi, but you won't go against nature. How to be? And in general, during the KD, there is a very strong loss of fluid in the body, the appetite is wolfish and everything hurts, but I want to fast. You can drink water, but then the weakness is very strong and dizzy. Could you advise something? How to behave for a girl, a woman in such a way that she observes Ekadashi without breaking the fast and not ending up in the hospital.
Answer: The natural excretions of the body are not a problem for Ekadashi. CDs should be light. Everyone in the world is sick, so everyone was told that all this should be painful. And the critical days should be painful and the ongoing pregnancy and childbirth painful. But this is not how it should be. This is all from the wrong way of life (and thoughts). If fasting on Ekadashi is difficult, then keep soft fasts at first. For example, you can keep a half post - there is only one time. I wrote about this option. You can only eat fruits and milk on this day - this is also a soft fast. When health returns to normal (maybe after a year of such soft fasts on Ekadashi), then move on to more correct fasts, they will be given easier.

Question: I smoke. Can I have Ekadashi and smoke? This breaks the post.
Answer: First, observing Ekadashi and fasting on Ekadashi are not the same thing. Observing Ekadashi is simply not eating pulses. It is not at all difficult to even talk about it. There is no austerity here. But if you need to strengthen some of your desire many times, or practice or thought, or something else, then you need to fast. And then I didn’t invent anything - as it is said, it must be done. And smoking is not included. This applies to fasting, but not Ekadashi itself and everything that can be practiced on this day so that it has an enhanced effect. With some huge stretch, of course, we can say that you can smoke and fast, because we are talking only about not eating or drinking. But still, smoke is something material that enters the body. Therefore, the post in some sense will be, but not complete. It is possible to carry out - but with the hope that this will help to quit smoking in the near future.

Question: What mantras to read while fasting?
Answer: Basically any. The first thing you can do is greet Ekadashi. For example, "Om Ekadashi Namaha". Immediately upon waking up. Or simply in their own language "Greetings, Ekadashi!" or "Hail, Ekadashi!" (if you want to say in Sanskrit, you can say this - "Jaya Ekadashi" or "Ekadashi Jaya Jaya", i.e. the glory of Ekadashi). In general, to glorify some exalted personality is always a blessing in itself. To glorify God or his many important parts - the Gods, is the highest activity of a self-conscious being. Slav yane - these are exactly those who do this. When you praise the Divine, you instantly get in touch with it. Glorifying, for example, some Teacher, you immediately receive the benefit and his blessings. The Slavs are not those who constantly beg on their knees for something for themselves. These are people who praise the Divine. It's like nightingales - it's a song. Slavs are a special kind of people of the Earth. Not by birthright, but by the nature of the soul.

Question: A complete dry fast and plus not sleeping on these lunar days does this guarantee the receipt of what is described above (purification of karma and all those blessings that these lunar days promise)?
Answer: Yes, the main property of Ekadashi is precisely to purify from sins, from bad karma. The descriptions of each Ekadashi themselves are not so important. Karma is undoubtedly cleared, sins disappear, it is even felt after fasting. It becomes somehow easier on the soul. In general, the main thing is the purification of karma. If karma is good, then all abundance will flow by itself. Karma is the main source of problems. Not that someone hit, that a rake was stepped on, or someone offended, offended, stole - namely, karma. She finds ways to make sure that a person gets what he deserves. It is necessary to purify karma, this solves all problems. Ekadashi is one such path.

Question: But on Ekadashi, if someone smokes and the smell comes up? I do not breathe it of my own free will, does this spoil the post? It’s just that it’s warm now and this smell will periodically come from the balconies, or from the corridor, then I put on a mask, but if I take a breath, does it somehow affect?
Answer: Nicotine in a small amount will be inhaled only if you are in a closed space with tobacco smoke and its high concentration (you can simply not visit such places). Everything else is just the smell of cigarettes. For example, there are opium incense - but this has nothing to do with drug addiction. There is nothing wrong with tobacco smoke either (I mean smoke). In autumn, many fires are lit from fallen leaves. Yes, it gives a certain smell, but nothing more (the smell is a miserable substance, literally a few atoms per cubic centimeter). You don't need to freak out about this in particular. Think it's just a scent like incense. So it actually is. Of course, when it comes to children who breathe this smell and see all these scenes "how cool we are - we smoke, and before that we also drank ..." - then this is undoubtedly bad, but in this case - we are talking about friend. Tobacco is a sacred plant and is revered by many Indians. It is a multi-thousand-year-old culture. I am categorically against smoking and its promotion, but this does not mean that everything needs to be seen categorically. Knowledge is the wisdom of using the golden mean. The Chinese have been using alcohol tinctures for thousands of years. They are very efficient. But if you drink drop by drop, little by little. There must be a middle in everything, there is no such substance that could be called completely harmful. You need to know the time, place and circumstances of application. These are the three cornerstones.

Question: As for sex on Ekadashi...
Answer: These are the worst days for this. Usually it's very bad. The energy in the body goes crazy, everything is topsy-turvy, and even with some kind of internal pain after sex. Constant feeling that something was done wrong, not good. Emptiness and complete discord in the energy body. There may be ailments and even diseases develop ... It’s not me who says it, it’s written in the Vedas and they really say so seeing Yoga. In general, sex should be strictly controlled. It's not like the husband came from a business trip - it means there will be sex. The woman regulates this issue. And only she. Because the Vedas say that sex is allowed only four days before the female cycle and four days after. Everything else will be impure and will not bring any benefit. At the same time, sex these days is pure, brings health and multiple pleasure. Of course, it should not be that you have to make the most of these days by living only for sex. No. Twice a month for a family man is enough. Moreover, the Vedas say that a person who has sex with his wife only on such days remains a brahmacari, i.e. leads a spiritual life like a monk. It is also said that children who are conceived on Ekadashi will have very serious problems throughout their lives. As a rule, people grow up very short. Because this day is not intended at all for this. Therefore, the lowest souls enter the bosom of a woman.

Question: Can I drink tea, coffee, cocoa (chocolate)?
Answer: Coffee and chocolate are legumes. Tea is allowed, but the Vedas characterize it as a drug. Better to refrain.

Question: What spices are available?
Answer: With spices, everything is very complicated. The fact is that some add flour for ballast. But the main point is that if it looks like grain, then it is impossible. But it is better to refrain from spices altogether or use those that you are sure of. For example, black pepper is definitely not a leguminous crop, ginger. Also commonly banned: Sesame Seeds, Cumin Seeds, Hing, Fenugreek (Shambhala), Mustard Seeds, Tamarind, Dill, Bay Leaf, Poppy Seeds, Kalonji Seeds, Ajwine Seeds, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Cloves, Sesame Seeds (respectively, you can not consume oils from them, such as mustard, sesame, etc.). Of course, you can not eat fish, meat, eggs, because. they should never be eaten.

Question: It's hard to starve...
Answer: It would be easy - everyone would starve (joke). Of course, this is asceticism. This is when a person kind of says - look, I have every opportunity to eat today, I have money to buy food, delicious food, and eat the way all these people around eat, all I need to do is just put food on a plate, but I don't, and the main reason for this is because I love You, I am happy to know that You have blessed this day, that it is holy to You. You need some serious backing. Then all body systems will follow it. And so, there are simple recommendations, as for any fasting for beginners. First of all - dress warmly, do not waste energy, lie down more, occupy yourself with some simple thing to distract yourself. Do not eat anything harmful, second-rate or chemicalized before Ekadashi. All this will poison the body during fasting, so there will be a desire not only to eat, but somehow to eat it, push through with a new portion of food. You also need to keep in mind and remember that such difficulties will only be at the beginning. With each Ekadashi, the body will be cleansed, like karma. And everything will be easy.

Do you want to improve the future, speed up the fulfillment of your innermost desires? All this will become possible with regular observance of the Ekadashi fast!

The Vedic Ekadashi fast promotes purification on the physical, mental and spiritual plane, it helps to maintain and improve health. It is also believed that this fast prevents and cures many diseases.

Just 2 times a month, spend Ekadashi days correctly and feel the beneficial effect.

These days, energy acts for the benefit of our body, heals and strengthens. In addition, this is a spiritual time when the consequences of our bad deeds are destroyed, the level of stress and anxiety is reduced.

The traditional Vedic approach is to abstain completely from food on this day. But! Be sure to consider your state of health, labor costs during the day! If you have never fasted, you work hard, you do not need to immediately keep a strict fast without food and water. To begin with, refrain from meat, grains and legumes, reduce the portion, eat 1-2 times a day.

On the day of Ekadashi, you should avoid eating:

  • Meat and any meat products
  • Fish and seafood
  • Any kind of legumes, honey
  • All kinds of cereals and especially rice, flour.

On Ekadashi you can use:

  • Water and fresh juices
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (except eggplant, spinach, beets, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms)
  • Dried fruits and nuts (some)
  • Dairy.

Advice: eat simple food 1-2 times a day, do not cook complex dishes, do not go in cycles in food! Boil a few vegetables, eat something dairy, drink juice or a glass of water with lemon. Meals can be taken at 12-13 o'clock, when the fire of digestion is the most active.

A simple Ekadashi plan

1. On the day of Ekadashi, take a shower early in the morning (it is believed that water on this day washes away bad karma, so wash and freshen up more often). Put on fresh clothes, try to keep your body clean all day.

2. In the morning, devote time to spiritual activities: read prayers or mantras, holy books, just meditate in silence, do yoga, practice Surya Namaskar or take a walk. At least just in the morning and in the evening wish everyone happiness. It is very useful to be silent more on the day of Ekadashi, this helps to preserve spiritual energy and purify.

3. If you are at work - keep calm, do not let yourself be drawn into conflicts. Remember that behavior on Ekadashi is just as important as food! If on this day you give vent to irritation and anger, you are not really observing Ekadashi, but simply not eating!

4. Eat only those foods that are allowed. Schedule yourself 1-2 meals or a full fast, water or dry.

5. Make donations on Ekadashi days. Charity helps to develop the aspect of mercy, and this in turn is necessary in order to purify the mind and get rid of negative karma.

6. It is also useful to dedicate the evening to spirituality, meditate, take a walk in nature. It is very good to practice grounding: walk barefoot on the grass, the ground, hug a tree and lean against it for a few minutes. Useful on this day and massages!

7. The exit from the post is performed the next morning. At this time, make the first meal (small) - let it be fresh fruit (or non-acidic juice).

And one more thing - remember that Ekadashi is not a harsh day, not a test, but a celebration of the body, spirit, health, lightness. That's how you treat him. Rejoice, smile and the Universe will give you its gifts!

Next Ekadasi in July and August

July 9 Monday - Yogini Ekadashi.
July 23 Monday - Devshayani Ekadashi.
8 August, Wednesday - Kamika Ekadashi,
August 22 Wednesday - Shravana Putrada Ekadashi.

Try this wellness practice and feel health return to your body and life get better!