Folk signs on a winter theme. Write folk signs on a winter theme

Tatiana Cherdantseva

Target: expanding children’s knowledge about winter, consolidating it


introducing children to


*we continue to activate the children's vocabulary with new words and phrases

*expand children's knowledge about winter, introduce winter signs and sayings

* we teach children to understand the content, the essence embedded in signs and sayings

*encourage children to speak out and talk about the content

saying,explain what this might mean, show independence in the discussion

*we instill a love for nature, cultivate a positive attitude towards it, the desire to admire, see the beauty of living nature, describe it in our own words, without the help of an adult

*develop a friendly attitude towards our peers, help them when in difficulty


Kit winter illustrations

Photos from winter moments

Musical background (Tchaikovsky seasons - winter)

Set for painting with paints according to the number of children

Under a quietly sounding phonogram, educate reads poems about winter

In December, in December

All the trees are in silver

Our river, like in a fairy tale,

The frost paved the way overnight,

Updated skates, sleds,

Brought a Christmas tree from the forest

(S. Marshak)

Winter has come

Has firmly come into its own

No matter how much the beautiful autumn woman resisted, her time was over

Winter is one of the 4 seasons

Its period is between autumn and spring

The main sign of winter is persistently low temperatures.

Questions for children

How many months does winter consist of?

What is there no winter without?

Name the months in order

How many weeks are there in each month

How many weeks in total (in 3 months)

The most important holiday of winter

What holidays are there in each month - name them

(children's statements as desired)

Folk calendar based on natural phenomena

Determines the beginning of winter with the appearance of the first frosts,

and ends when the snow begins to melt

Subseasons of winter

Meteorologists in our country share winter for 2 periods:

Mild and cold winter

About winter, the people piled up a lot saying, V sayings

describes natural phenomena that have been noticed over the years and

based on these notes were compiled sayings, with reflection in them of certain natural phenomena

Winter sayings

- "Winter without snow, summer without bread"

- "Winter is frosty - summer is hot"

- "A good snowball will save the harvest"

- "Winter scares summer, but it still melts"

-"Winter the snow is deep - in the summer the bread is high"

"Snowy winter, rainy summer"

There will be winter, there will be summer"

-"IN winter cold - everyone is young"

The teacher and the children discuss the content and meaning embedded in sayings

Physical education:

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree began to sway,

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher"

(Repeat 2-3 times)

"Snowfall, snowfall!

The garden is covered with snow,

And swamps and meadows,

And river banks,

And mountain paths

And the fields are spacious

Everything around is white

All roads are frozen

I. Vasilevsky

In winter, all nature is immersed in sweet Dreams, securely covered with a white blanket of abundant fluffy snow

Winter time

Some days, severe frost, silence, grace

In others, a snow blizzard, with howling winds

Winter signs

*in winter there is a lot of frost - in summer there is a lot of dew

*dry and cold in winter, dry and hot in summer

*if there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer

*snow flakes are large, there will be a thaw

*sparrows chirp together "toward the warmth"

*cat on the stove - to the cold

*cat on the floor - for warmth

*stars shine strongly in winter - to frost

Didactic game "What's good about winter?"

Children's statements

Children list everything that winter is famous for - holidays, winter activities, gifts, visits, pleasant surprises, nature trips, free games, games with friends in the yard and much more.

The teacher suggests reflecting in your drawing who liked what (choose a proverb or proverb and try to pay in the drawing so that you can understand what it’s about.

We analyze the work

Publications on the topic:

Goal: familiarize children with folk holidays, Russian culture, customs and traditions, features of Russian folklore (songs, ditties,...

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Leisure time in the preparatory group “Winter fun for Maslenitsa “Zimushka-winter” LEISURE IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP “ZIMUSHKA - WINTER” Teachers: Yakovenko Yu. Yu. Polikanina T. A. February 2018 Goal: - Enrich.

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Summary of a lesson on cognitive development with children of senior preschool age “Winter-Winter” GCD Cognitive development Topic: “Winter-Winter” Educational area“Social and communicative development”: - Cultivate friendships.

Since ancient times, observations of the weather and the state of nature have been carried out in Rus'. It was precisely such observations that became the basis for a large number of signs, based on which our ancestors tried to create all the conditions for a good harvest. Often, it depended on whether spring would be early or vice versa, that is, on the correct choice of time for planting. The signs were carefully preserved, passed on from father to son, and over time new observations appeared.

In 2nd grade, studying the world, schoolchildren learn a lot about such signs and use them to work on projects about the seasons.

What signs did our distant ancestors leave us as a legacy?

In Rus', they tried to prepare in advance for a cold winter and use the following signs to determine whether it would be severe.

In autumn, the leaves stay on the trees for a long time - leading to a harsh winter.

In the summer there was a large harvest of berries - leading to a frosty winter.

There were a lot of rowan trees - due to the severe winter.

The snow fell until all the leaves on the trees had fallen - leading to a harsh winter.

Schoolchildren are always interested in signs related to pets or the weather outside the window.

For example, many winter signs are associated with cats:

The cat stands on its hind legs and scratches the walls or floor - there is a strong blizzard.

The cat lay down to warm up on the stove, it was getting colder.

The cat is lying on the floor - wait for warmer weather. If the cat sleeps for a long time and calmly, also be warm.

The cat covers its face with its paws - wait for a snowstorm.

A crow cawing at the top of a tree in the morning was also considered a harbinger of a blizzard.

If jackdaws and crows are circling in the air, there will be a lot of snowfall.

Huge snowflakes are falling from the sky - there will be a thaw.

The crackling of trees in the forest foreshadows severe frost.

During the fire, the wood crackles loudly - leading to severe frost.

Smoke from the chimney goes vertically upward - expect severe cold.

Frost dusted the bushes and trees - the day will be sunny.

If thunder rumbles in winter, there will be strong winds and frosts, if lightning strikes, there will be a storm.

If there is heavy snowfall in the first days of winter, there will be heavy rains in the first days of summer.

If the first of February is a clear day, expect early spring.

A cold and snow-rich December is a harbinger of a rich harvest.

A cold winter without snow is the key to a dry and hot summer.

If a flock of crows sits on the upper branches of a tree, prepare for frost; if on the lower branches, prepare for strong winds.

If daytime biting frost gave way to evening warming, to be a prolonged cold.

If hares come close to residential buildings, there will be frosts.

If sparrows hide in brushwood, there will be frost or snowstorm.

There is a lot of snow on the fields - expect a good harvest in the summer, in other words: winter without snow - summer without bread.

Winter- an amazing time of year. All the children are looking forward to it, to receive a long-awaited gift under the Christmas tree, to have fun sledding, skiing, skating, making snowmen, and playing snowballs. In winter, nature sleeps, gently wrapped in a blanket of snow. Winter is a girl with character: she can scare you with severe frosts, ice, cold winds or snowstorms. There is a saying about this time of year: “The sun shines, but does not warm.” There are also many folk signs of winter that help predict what summer will be like, what weather to expect in the coming days, and what natural phenomenon to prepare for.

Signs about the weather in winter

  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • Dry and cold winter leads to dry and hot summer.
  • Snowy winter means a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter - to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.
  • If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.
  • Many large icicles mean good collection vegetables
  • Thunder in winter - to strong winds and frost, lightning - to a storm.
  • The moon with its horns up means frost.
  • Smoke spreads across the ground in calm weather, the moon has a slightly reddish tint - similar to snow.
  • If the clouds move against the wind, expect snow.
  • A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.
  • Fluffy frost on trees and bushes - it will be a sunny day.
  • If there is heavy snow at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will set in during the day.
  • Clouds are moving quickly - good weather.
  • Snow pellets are a sign of an imminent thaw.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.
  • When it's cold, water appears on the ice - a thaw will come soon.

Winter signs about nature

  • If the crows croak in the whole flock - it means frost, if they sit on the ground - it means thaw, and settle down on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.
  • Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.
  • A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.
  • In winter, flies begin to fly around the room - a thaw.

Which both children and adults are looking forward to. After all, at this time you can eat plenty of pancakes, and also visit the fair, witness fist fights, and, if you wish, even take part in them. Every winter month received its popular name:

  • December is jelly, because the earth freezes all winter;
  • January is the turning point of winter;
  • February – Bokogrey.

In November, the last struggle between winter and autumn ends and icy December knocks on the door. During the first month of winter, the sun warms up less and less often, and if it appears, it weakly warms the earth with its oblique rays. It stands low above our horizon at this time, and shines for only a short time. The days in December are short, and only after the 25th “the sun turns to summer, and winter to frost.” According to ancient popular belief, on this day the sun dresses up in a festive sundress, puts back his silver hair with a golden kokoshk and sits in a chariot drawn by three dashing horses: gold, silver and diamond, turning them sharply from winter to summer. It is believed that from the day until the New Year, the day will increase by a “chicken’s step”, or even less – “by a crow’s foot”.

Rejoicing at the victory of warmth and light over the forces of cold and darkness, our ancestors lit bonfires in honor of the sun on December 25 (December 12, old style). The old people noticed that if on Spiridonov day the sun appears on the horizon and begins to sparkle, then all Christmastide will be sunny. But if frost hangs on the trees, they will not only be clear, but also warm.

According to the astronomical calendar, winter begins when the Sun enters the constellation Capricorn (December 22-23), but people believed that winter began when a strong sled track was established and the rivers crackled from the frost.

There is no winter if the toboggan path is not established.

It became winter when the snow fell and the rivers froze.

Long, harsh and cold winter People call it “severe or long winter,” and a mild winter with frequent thaws is called “orphan winter (frail, insignificant).”

Winter signs

Zimushka-winter is how this cold season of the year was affectionately called in Rus'. The nature of winter determined the entire next year. Without modern technologies Our ancestors could almost accurately predict the volume of the future harvest or the beginning of a thaw. For people who lived in ancient times, signs were very important, because at that time there was no meteorological forecast and modern instruments to find out the weather. In the old days, they understood what winter would be like even before it arrived. In the summer, by the number of acorns and rowan berries, they determined how much snow would fall; in the winter, they judged what the summer and harvest would be like:

  1. As is the winter, so is the summer, and according to it is the harvest.
  2. After a big harvest comes a harsh winter.
  3. A lot of snow in winter means a lot of bread.
  4. If there is a lot of snow at the beginning of winter, it will often rain in the summer.
  5. An abundance of large icicles means a good harvest of vegetables.

Signs, proverbs and sayings about snow

There are many sayings, signs and proverbs about snow:

  1. If it blows snow, bread will arrive.
  2. If the snow has piled up close to the fences, the summer will be bad; and if there is a gap, it is fruitful.
  3. Snow improves the field.
  4. The winter will pass, the snow will melt, and what is sown will come back.
  5. There is no daytime snow. The first reliable snow falls at night.
  6. It will snow overnight and the road will become wintery.
  7. The snow is falling like fluff (falling in light snowflakes).

They noticed that snow should fall in a timely manner - not too early and not too late, which is why they say: “If snow falls in our country at its right time, then God will give us a harvest.”

When a lot of snow fell, they said:

There is plenty of snow in the yard.

Roads become more expensive in winter(has become convenient for travel).

If on the way in winter a person is heavily covered in snow, then they say: “It snowed him.”

It is believed that the toboggan track is not established after the first snow has fallen:

When the first snow fell, it was still forty days until the real winter.

The hunters were also waiting for the first snow:

The snow fell and the trail disappeared.

If it snows, it will leave a trail.

There is no snow - and there is no trace.

Following the snowfall, winter snowstorms begin, which are also called “zavirukhi”:

Snowy snow - because winter is already near your ear.

By the amount of snow that has fallen and the type of crust or “nastuda” formed on it (frozen solid top layer of snow holding a person and an animal), they judge what the weather will be like in the summer:

If crusts have formed, then the year will be good, but if they are not present, the summer will be dry and barren.

If very strong and tall crusts form in winter, then in summer there will be storms and thunderstorms.

An abundance of snow in winter foreshadows an abundance of water and a hot summer. Winter should be frosty and snowy, but warm and little snowy winter does not foretell a grain-rich summer.

Winter signs for animals (wild and domestic)

Both wild and domesticated animals have excellent synoptic abilities, so their behavior has been carefully observed for a long time:

  1. In winter, wolves howl near human habitation - the frost will intensify.
  2. Until the wolves gather in packs real winter will not come.
  3. Hares also feel the onset of cold weather and huddle closer to housing: “ Hares have come to the gardens - to the harsh winter" If the obliques go into forests and fields, the weather will be warm.
  4. Before the onset of bad weather, a horse snorts, snores, shakes its mane, shakes its head and throws it up. But if the horse lies on the ground, then snow will soon fall.
  5. The dog is curled up and lying in a ring - in the cold. It stretches out on the ground and lies belly up, with its paws spread out, for warmth.
  6. Cats also pick up on weather changes. Before the onset of cold weather, they choose a warmer and higher place, curl up and, covering their muzzle with their paw, sleep. If a Murka licks its body and tail, scratches the wall with its claws - expect bad weather, licks its paw - towards the wind, rolls over on its back - good weather. Before the thaw, the cat lies down in the middle of the room, stretches out and sleeps.

Winter signs by birds

Crows sense weather changes well. Observing their lifestyle and behavior gives many weather signs at any time of the year:

  1. In winter, crows sit on the tops of trees, cawing loudly and preening towards the snow.
  2. If in the evening birds in a flock rise into the sky and circle in the air, now rising, now falling, without finding a place to sleep for the night, then at night there will be a storm or a blizzard.
  3. Crows hover in the air - in front of the snow, sit on the ground - towards a thaw, sit on the tops of trees or roofs of houses - towards frost, sit on the lower branches of trees - towards the wind.

We carefully monitored not only the behavior of crows, but also other birds:

  1. A magpie crawling under the eaves (roof) means there will be a blizzard.
  2. Sparrows chirp a lot - this means a snowstorm.
  3. Sparrows gather in flocks, sit on top of brushwood and sing - for warmth. But if the birds hide in the middle of the brushwood, then cold weather is approaching. In general, if sparrows become restless in winter, chirp loudly, hide under the roof or in brushwood, then there will be a snowstorm or frost.
  4. A woodpecker chisels trees from the bottom up, tearing off almost all the bark - leading to a snowy and harsh winter.
  5. The bullfinch sings in the blizzard, snow and slush.

Winter weather is also noticeable in poultry:

  1. The rooster crowed in the evening before nine o'clock - the thaw.
  2. Petka will start singing at night not at the usual time - this means bad weather and a change in the weather.
  3. If in severe frost the kochets begin to sing earlier than usual, then warmer and more moderate weather will come.
  4. A rooster stands on one leg in the middle of the yard - it means frost.
  5. Chickens sit on the roost early - it’s cold, and the higher they rise, the colder it will be.
  6. A chicken flaps its wings and twirls its tail in winter to indicate a snowstorm, and in summer to indicate rain.
  7. The chickens have ruffled their feathers, raised their feathers and are huddling one against the other - towards the cold.
  8. Geese hide their faces under their wings for frost, and flapping their wings for warmth.
  9. If a goose cackles in winter, expect warmth, but if it sits with its legs crossed, it means a snowstorm or cold.

Winter weather signs

Many winter signs have survived to this day based on sound, wind, smoke, fog and frost:

  1. An eastern gusty wind with a whistle means prolonged cold.
  2. If the north wind blows for several days, there will be a storm or snowstorm, and the snow will fall thick and large.
  3. The forest is noisy in winter - a thaw.
  4. The willow makes noise (roars) - a blizzard.
  5. The oak tree makes noise - it means bad weather.
  6. The shutters are creaking and knocking - there will be frost.
  7. The ringing of bells from afar is heard loudly and clearly - in the frost, faintly and dullly - in the snow.
  8. The fog falls to the ground - to warming, stays high above the ground - for good weather.
  9. Frost appeared at night - don't expect snow during the day.
  10. The trees are covered with frost - to the warmth. After 90 days from this day, precipitation will fall: in winter - snow, in summer - rain.
  11. Smoke from the chimney falls down and spreads along the ground - to the thaw; goes up - towards frost.
  12. Clouds move against the wind - towards the snow.

Signs for a stove fire

By the way wood burns in the stove in winter, you can also predict the upcoming weather:

  1. A red stove fire means frost, a white one means warmth.
  2. If you hear squeaking and crackling noises when burning wood, expect cold weather.
  3. The wood in the stove smokes, makes noise and does not burn well - this means warming.

Signs of the sun, stars and moon

  1. Circles around the month or the sun in winter mean frost and prolonged snowstorms.
  2. Light pillars near the sun - it will soon become significantly colder.
  3. If there are “ears” (short pillars) near the sun, then there will be a blizzard and frost.
  4. The rays of light from the sun descend downwards - towards cold, upwards - towards warmth.
  5. Circles near the solar disk indicate severe, bitter frosts.
  6. A lot of stars in the sky means cold. Rare stars- to blizzard and bad weather.
  7. If the new moon is cool and with curved horns, it will be cold for several weeks.

Winter signs by month

Each winter month has its own signs. The first month of winter usually does not set records for coldness and it is extremely rare that it turns out to be colder than January. But December is still rightly called “jelly”:

December chills the earth all winter long.

December pleases your eyes with snow and rips your ears with frost.

December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.

In December the frosts get stronger. Usually their peak teaches at large church holidays, which is why people call it December frosts Vvedsky, Spiridonievsky, Nikolsky.

During this period there is a small influx solar energy, and what falls on the ground is reflected by the snow cover. The days are dim and short, but the nights seem to have no end.

The first winter month is rich in snowstorms, blocking the road across with snowdrifts.

The common ones include the following:

  1. Snowy and cold December means a bountiful harvest.
  2. If December is cloudy, then expect a good harvest. But a clear December means a hungry year.
  3. In December there is a lot of frost and snow, the ground is deeply frozen - for a harvest year.
  4. Dry December means a dry summer.
  5. The moon shines brightly - it means colder weather.
  6. A clear sunrise, after which the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, promises snowfall.
  7. Sparrows collect feathers and down and insulate their nests - in anticipation of the cold.

They also noticed that if you cut down a timber tree in the last days of December, it will last a long time and will not rot.

January is the coldest winter month. People often call him “prosinets”.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

January is cracking - the ice on the rivers turns blue.

The height of winter usually falls around New Year's. And although the sun has turned to summer, winter still amuses people with frosts. There are still two months ahead of the reign of the white sorceress. It is considered a good omen if there is a lot of snow in January, which was called “peasant wealth”:

Snow on the fields - grain in the bins.

The snow is deep - the bread is good.

Determine the nature of the year, the future harvest and the weather of spring, summer and autumn:

  1. If blizzards and snowfalls are often observed in January, then July will be rainy.
  2. Little snow means a bad year.
  3. If the month is dry and frosty, and the water in reservoirs has greatly decreased, then a dry and hot summer is coming.
  4. A lot of long icicles - for the harvest.
  5. A clear and windless day means cold weather.

Cold January is replaced by February-Bokogrey (blizzard). At first, it is practically no different from its predecessor: with the same starry and clear nights, with the same cold.

IN ancient Rus' February was the last month of the year, it was called “section”. There are two explanations for this name:

  • February is freezing;
  • the month “cuts off” the old year from the new.

The month was sometimes called “low water”, i.e. the calendar boundary between winter and spring, as well as “fierce” and “snow” - due to frequent snowfalls and frosts. But still, the most successful name for the month is “bokogray”. After all, it is at this time that the sun begins to warm up more strongly.

February is a two-faced month: both fierce and sideways. It will either warm you with the sun or cover the roads with snow. “The little guy is angry that he doesn’t have enough days.”

In February, the peasants could not get out of their heads about spring: when it comes, what will it be like? Therefore, most are turned in this direction:

  1. Long icicles at the end of February - a long winter.
  2. Rainy February means a rainy spring and damp summer, dry February means drought.
  3. Warm February leads to cold spring.
  4. Dry and cold cut - for hot August.
  5. A lot of frost on the trees - there will be plenty of honey.
  6. Snow sticks to trees due to warmth.
  7. Windy weather without frost means a snowstorm.

Signs of winter for every day

· January

From time immemorial, winter in Rus' has been known for its frosts, blizzards and snow drifts. The weather conditions, which made it impossible to work in the fields and gardens, forced our ancestors to shift the front of their worries towards their home. In winter, as a rule, they were engaged in household chores and crafts. Meanwhile, the winter folk calendar is by no means impoverished in its signs and superstitions.

The experience of natural observations is passed on from generation to generation, forming a wide range of winter signs. Many centuries ago, our ancestors noticed that a snowy winter ultimately leads to a rainy summer. If the winter is rich in frost, then the summer will be hot. There was frost at night and early in the morning - snow will not fall during the day.

December is the first month of winter, last month of the year. People call it gloomy or jelly. If snow fell in December and remained in thick drifts, and frost formed on the trees, then next year there will be a good harvest. If the snow falls close to the fence in December, expect a bad summer, but if there is a gap, then the summer promises to be fruitful. The northern December wind promises severe frosts.

December 1- By folk calendar Roman and Plato. As Roman and Plato turned out, so will the winter. If a crow walks towards Roman on the road, there will be warming.

December 2nd- Varlaam. If clouds float toward Varlaam against the wind that is blowing snow on the ground, or the sky turns pink in the evening, it means snowfall. If the wood in the stove crackles, it means there will be frost.

December 3- Damn. For a long time, on Proclus, our ancestors had the custom of cursing all insidious evil spirits. If it snowed on Proclus, then on Elena-lenosevka (June 3) there will be heavy rain.

December 4– Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God. If a hard winter with frost and snow comes to the Introduction, there will be a rich harvest of grain in the summer. Our ancestors noticed that if snow falls before the Introduction, it will certainly melt this winter. During the Introduction, the peasants went out for test rides on sleighs.

5th of December- according to the folk calendar, Prokopov day. Prokop came to the yard, stirred up a snowdrift, walked through the snow, and dug a path. Our great-grandfathers believed that a good sleigh path was being established from Prokop.

December 6- Yegory is cold. Yegory - protector of livestock, sir gray wolves. If on this day it snows from the north and the wind blows, then on June 6 the wind will come from the north and bring rain with it.

December 7– Catherine’s Day, a holiday of maiden destiny. Katerina the Sannitsa is the patroness of brides and marriage. On this day, people rode sleighs and celebrated winter festivities. If the weather is clear on Katerina, the winter will be frosty.

December 8- according to the folk calendar, Klimentev's day. On this day, they say, winter knocks out the wedge with wedge. Any serious business on this day is allowed to begin only on an empty stomach.

9th December- St. George's day. It was believed that on St. George's Day, a bear falls asleep in its den, and wolves begin to wander through the villages. If you don’t repay the debt before St. George’s Day, then you can remain a debtor for the rest of your life. If on this day the water in the well is quiet, the winter will be warm; if it is noisy, there will be severe frosts and prickly snowstorms.

December 10- Novel. According to folk beliefs, the fish hide in pits for the winter, and only one burbot goes to spawn on this day.

December 11th– Day of Saints: Stephen, Basil and Gregory. The snow that fell at night on this day will lie for a long time, and the daytime snow will quickly disappear. Blizzard on Stefan - for a fine summer.

12 December- Paramon. If it snows on this day, then the blizzards will last until Nikolai (December 19). If it is a fine morning on Paramon, then the whole month will be clear; and if there is a blizzard and snow, there will be inclement weather for a whole week. If snow has not yet fallen by Paramon, then the whole winter will be warm.

December 13th– Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. On this day, young girls pray to Andrey for good suitors.

December 14- Naum-literate. Grandfather Naum will bring you to mind! According to custom, on this day parents begin to teach their children to read and write.

December 15- Habakkuk. If the branches of the fir trees on Habakkuk bend, expect a snowstorm, and if they straighten out, the weather will be clear.

December 16- John the Silent One. Our ancestors advised John the Silent to hold his tongue and not get involved in quarrels and disputes. He who is silent on this day will be eloquent throughout the year.

December 17- Varvarin day. This day has always been famous for its frosts. People say: Baruch is coming - take care of your nose and ear! On Varvarin Day, the girls cut twigs from the cherries and put them in the water; if they bloomed at Christmas, the girl should expect to get married soon.

December 18- Savva. On this day, watch the smoke rise from the chimney. If the smoke rushes into the sky in a column, it means frosty and sunny weather; if the smoke trails, it means bad weather, and when the smoke goes along the ground in windless weather, expect a thaw or snowfall.

December 19th– Nicholas the Wonderworker (St. Nicholas the Winter). Nikola will drive the winter horse into the yard with the cold, and fatten the summer horse with grass. It's time for Nikolsky frosts. Nicholas is the patron saint of livestock breeding and agriculture, the master of all earthly waters. The people greeted him especially festively, because after God he was the first intercessor on earth. Winter Nicholas is revered as the protector of all the poor and unfortunate. On this day, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoys special respect among believers.

December 22- according to the folk calendar, Anna. On Anna - the sun was born, day winter solstice. Whatever the weather is like in Anna, it will be like that until spring. Anna gives rise to astronomical winter.

December 25– Day of Spiridon-turn. Spiridon turns the sun to summer, and strengthens winter with frost. Peasants feed buckwheat from the right sleeve to their chickens so that they start laying eggs earlier.

December 26- Eugene. There is a popular belief that if you note the weather from this day for twelve days before Christmas, then each of them will show the weather for each of the months of the next year, respectively.

December 29th- Haggai. The prophet Haggai exposes the weather on Christmastide. If the trees were covered with frost on Haggai, then Christmastide will delight you with warmth. If there is bitter frost on this day, it will linger until Epiphany (January 19).

December 30th- according to the folk calendar, Daniel the winter guide. Frost on the trees on this day is a sign of a thaw at Christmas (January 7).

31th of December- Modest. Modest is the patron saint of cattle. This day has long been celebrated by men with meat and beer.


I am January - the beginning of the year, the turning point of winter. This month is known for its frosts and snowfalls. If January was cold, July will be hot and dry. If there are a lot of blizzards and snowfalls in January, then there will be a lot of rain in July. A large number of frequent and long icicles hanging from the roofs in January - the harvest will be good.

1st of January– civil New Year. It is believed that if you overdo it on New Year's Eve in drinking, the whole year will go awry. Hear in the old days on this day domestic cricket- Expect happiness all year. If New Year's Eve is starless and moonless, then lentils and peas will not grow well, so in this case it is advised to sow them a little or not at all.

January 3- according to the folk calendar, Peter is half the food. The peasants' livestock had to eat half of their feed by this day.

4 January– Anastasia according to the folk calendar. Anastasia is the patron of all pregnant women. People prayed to her during childbirth.

5 January- Fedul. If the wind rises on Fedul, it means a good harvest. According to ancient beliefs, on this day our ancestors drove out evil spirits from animals and people.

6th January- Christmas Eve. You can start the holiday after the first star lights up in the evening - this means that Jesus Christ has come into the world.

Jan. 7- Nativity. Christmas is a bright and joyful holiday. On the night of January 6-7, in the old days, carolers - people in wonderful costumes and masks - began to walk from house to house, sing songs and dance. A dark and gloomy night - there will be dairy cows, a bright and starry night - there will be chickens. There is also a superstition at Christmas: don’t wear a clean shirt, otherwise there will be a crop failure. From Christmas to Epiphany (January 19), holy evenings continue - Christmastide. Young people play cards, tell fortunes and have fun. In the old days, it was not recommended to work on Christmastide, especially sewing, otherwise sick children would be born.

January 8- Baba's porridge. On this day, our ancestors celebrated the holiday of porridge and visited their grandmother-midwife. Those she received treated her to porridge. Crows and jackdaws scream continuously - to the blizzard and snowfall. If a tit squeaks in the morning, frost will strike at night.

January 9- Stefan. On this day, aspen stakes were placed in all corners of the yard so that witches could not approach the house.

January 11- according to the folk calendar, a terrible day. On this day, children are asked riddles and told bedtime stories. The Last Day has long been considered very successful for fortune telling.

January 12- Anisya. On this day, geese and pigs were slaughtered for Vasilyev's Day (January 14). It was believed that evil spirits were awakening on Anisya, and one must be protected from it.

13th of January- Malanya. Vasiliev evening. A generous evening. If Vasily’s night is starry, it will produce a lot of berries in the summer. Our ancestors believed that on the night of Vasily, witches steal the month. Girls usually wonder about their marriage this evening.

January 14- Vasiliev's day. Snow fell on Vasily's Day - a sign of a good harvest. According to custom, on Vasily’s Day, cookies were baked in the shape of domestic animals and birds.

January 15– according to the folk calendar, Sylvester. Chicken holiday. Peasants fumigate their chicken coops and clean them. On this day, according to legend, the house chickens are offended, to prevent this from happening, an old torn bast shoe is usually thrown over the roost. If a chicken stands on one leg on Sylvester, it means cold weather.

January 16- Proud. You can’t brag about Gordey, otherwise he’ll take everything away. Pride was considered a mortal sin. It was believed that only a healer on Gordey could cure a madman.

January 17- Feoktistov day. On this day, holy water is sprinkled in the house, and women mix chalk or flour with it and draw crosses on the doors so that the evil spirits weaken. If the sky is clear and the full moon is shining on Theoktista, there will be a strong flood.

January 18- Epiphany evening. On this day they cook kutya, and at midnight on Epiphany, according to tradition, they went to the river to get water. There is a belief that at this hour the water sways, even the bowl of water moves itself. If it snows in the morning on this day, the buckwheat will produce early, and if it snows in the evening, it will produce late. There is also a belief that if you throw fresh snow into a well on this day, the water in it will not spoil or dry up all year.

January 19- Epiphany. Epiphany frosts. Good and clear weather on Epiphany predicts drought in the summer, snowy and cloudy weather predicts a bountiful harvest.

January 20th- John the Baptist. On John the Baptist, bread and salt were taken out of the house, which had been stored since Christmas and fed to domestic animals. If the fog rises above the water on this day, there will be a lot of bread.

January 21- Emelyans-winters. It was believed that Emelyan was pointing to summer. If the south wind blows, there will be a summer with thunderstorms, and if the east wind blows, there will be heavy hail.

January 22- Peter and Philip. If you believe folk superstitions, the sunny weather of this day promises a different harvest in the summer.

January 23- according to the folk calendar, it is the Day of Gregory the Summer Guide. Frost will lie on the stacks - for a rainy summer.

January 24- Fedosei the Spring. It has long been believed that warmth in Fedoseya means early spring. If it is frosty on this day, you will sow the fields late.

The 25th of January- Tatyana's Day. If the sun came out on Tatiana’s day, the birds would arrive early; if it snows, it means a wet summer.

January 26- Yermilov day. If a cat rolls on the floor, it means warmth; if curled up into a ball - to frost; if it scrapes the floor with its claws, it means a blizzard.

January 27- Nina's day. For a long time it was believed that people born on this day have a special gift of healing others.

January 29- Peter-veriga. On this day, the peasants checked the amount of remaining feed.

January 30- according to the folk calendar, Anton the Winterman. Anton the winter-winter will warm you up, reassure you, and then deceive you - with a biting frost he will cover the whole earth.

January 31- Afanasy and Kirill. Severe Afanasyevsky frosts. If there is a snowstorm and a blizzard on Afanasy, spring will be late. If the sun comes out at noon, spring will come earlier.


February is the last month of winter. People call it Bokogra. February is full of snowstorms and severe frosts. Rainy February means a rainy spring and summer, a rainy February means drought. If February was dry and cold, then August will be hot.

1st of February- according to the folk calendar, Macarius Day. Sunny weather this day promises the early arrival of spring.

February 3rd- Maxim the Confessor. It has long been believed that the weather of this particular day determines the fate of the harvest. If the moon rises because of a cloud, there will be a lot of life in the bins, and if the sky is clear, the grain will not produce well. A clear dawn predicts the onset of cold weather.

February 4- Timofey the half-winterer. The severe frosts that occur on this day are popularly called Timofeevsky. If the window frames sweat on Timofey, there will be warming.

February 5th- Clement. Traditional day of household chores. If a tit screams in the morning, it means frost.
February 6- according to the folk calendar, Aksinya the Half-Bread Day. If the weather is good in Aksinya, then spring will be the same. On this day, people wondered about the prices of the new harvest.
February 7- Gregory the Theologian. As Gregory the Theologian is, so will the next winter be.

February 9th- John Chrysostom. If the clouds are floating low on John, expect quick cold weather, and if they move against the wind, expect snowfall.

February 10- Ephraim's day. Our ancestors believe that on the night of Ephraim the brownie has fun in the courtyards, so they put porridge on the porch for him.

11 February- Lavrenty. According to old beliefs, this is an ill-fated day. On this day, witches trample the fields. Therefore, it was advised to stick thistles in the corners of the field to scare them away.

February 13– according to the folk calendar, Vasily is warm. If the sun is in circles on this day, then there will be a rich harvest.

The 14th of February- Trifonov day. On this day, our ancestors conjured mice so that they would not misbehave and would not carry away stacks of bread.

February, 15- Meeting. A snowstorm on this day indicates a late and cold spring. Just as water drips from the roofs on Candlemas, so honey will drip from the hives. A calm and clear day predicts a good harvest and a lot of honey.

February 16- Simeon the God-Receiver. Our ancestors believed that on the night of Simeon the brownie rode horses.

February 17- St. Nicholas Day. There are often frosts and snowfalls on St. Nicholas.

18th of Febuary- according to the calendar, Day of Agafya the Cowmaid. It has long been believed that it was on this day that cow death walked through the villages and villages, and Mother Agafya protected the cows from it.

February 19– Day of Vukol the Calf Raider. The spring calving season began on Vukola. If a dog lies down on Vukola in the snow, it means that warmth will come soon.

February 21– Zachary the sickle-seer. From this day on, according to old fishermen, the fish stop biting. The frostier last days February, the warmer it will be in March.

February 22- according to the folk calendar, Nikephoros-Pankrates. Our ancestors wove bast shoes for Nikifor.

February 23– Day of Prokhor and Harlampy. An ancient holiday of working cattle. On Prokhor, they took special care of the livestock; they blessed the water and sprinkled it on the animals.

24 February- Vlasiev day. Winter is coming to an end. If there is a thaw in Vlas, then the frosts will not return.

February 26- Stepan. It has long been believed that if you call out to the stars on this day, you can improve your vision.

28th of February– Day of Onesim the Shepherd. Flood on Onesimus predicts good haymaking. On the night of Onesimus, the shepherds call out to the stars so that the sheep will reproduce well.

February 29- according to the Kasyan folk calendar. Drops only on leap year. People believed that people born on this day would not be happy in life. According to legends, Kasyan gets very angry when people get up before the sun on this day and leave the house to go outside.