Rockets in eve. Rocket launchers

Space eve online is full of riches, and a myriad of useful resources floats through the galactic voids, waiting for the moment when hardworking players collect them. With a little preparation and a small initial investment, any player can make a good fortune by becoming the workhorse of the mining industry, which is very common in EVE Online. It's time to arm yourself with the necessary weapons and rip those asteroids apart!

We have divided this guide into three parts, and in the first we will deal with the general concepts of mining, necessary skills and modules. We hope that our advice will help the reader to better equip this area and start making good money through mining - mining.

Mining - this term usually describes three different types of resource gathering activities:

  1. Mining ore - extracting ore from asteroids. Basically, all beginners start with this method of mining. It does not require special skills (although the more skills, the more effective the extraction will be), and each player will be able to take on it from the very beginning. Ore can be sold or processed into minerals. The mining skill can be learned by an Alpha clone (the max level of this skill is limited to IV for Alpha clones). It does not require anything special and costs 20 thousand claims from the NPS vendor.
  2. Ice mining EVE Online - collecting resources from the so-called ice belts. Recycled ice is used as fuel for Capital Thorn's jump drives, as well as to produce fuel for starbases. This activity will require special drones and modules. But the problem is that it is not as profitable as mining due to the long respawn time of the ice belts. The ice mining skill is available to Alpha clones (the maximum level of this skill for Alpha is limited to II); to learn it, you will need the Mining IV skill and 375,000 ISK to pay with the NPC vendor.
  3. Extraction in gas clouds - evacuation of gas from interstellar clouds. Gas is needed to create various pharmaceuticals and the production of Tech 3. To collect, you will need a specialized module. The mining process is very similar to ore mining. gas production EVE Online is available to Alpha clones up to level II; it will require the Mining IV skill and will cost 24 million ISK from the NPC vendor.

In this part, we will not focus on any one of these types and try to explain the basics of mining in a broad sense. It will mainly collect information for beginners, but it is possible that old players will find something for themselves.

Necessary skills for mining in EVE online

The importance cannot be underestimated !

The basic set of EVE Online skills will allow you to start your work as a miner, but in order to be more efficient, you need to expand the range of your skills and significantly increase their level. Don't forget that efficiency equals your income.

These skills also include the ability to pilot ships specialized in mining. Full list of skills mining, which you will need when extracting resources, are presented in the table below.

EVE Online Skill


Allows you to use lasers for mining; gives a bonus 5% to the extraction of ore per level; costs 20k ISK and can be learned by Alpha clones, but only up to level IV.

Needed for ice mining; it provides a 5% cycle time reduction, costs 375k ISK, requires Mining IV, and is available to Alpha Clones up to level II.

Needed for gas production; allows you to use equipment to collect resources from gas clouds; costs 24 million ISK, requires Mining IV, and is available to Alpha clones up to level II.

Deep Core Mining

Allows you to mine Mercoxit, one of the most expensive ores, (mined in Wormholes and nullsecs); each level of the skill reduces the chance of a toxic cloud from being mined by 20%; this skill costs 500k ISK, requires Mining V and Astrogeology V, and cannot be learned by Alpha Clones.

Allows you to analyze celestial objects, increasing ore output by 5% per skill level; costs 450k, requires Mining IV and Science IV, and cannot be learned by Alpha Clones.

Allows you to use upgrade modules for mining; costs 80k, requires the Mining III skill, and can be learned by Alpha clones up to level IV.

Allows you to equip your ship with Mining Drone Augmentor installations; each level reduces the disadvantages of Drone Rigs by 10%; this skill costs 100k ISK, requires Jury Rigging III and can be learned by Alpha clones up to level III.

EVE Online Module


Ore Mining Drones

These drones will mine the asteroid you target. They load ore into the ore bay at the end of their cycle, lasting 60 seconds, and then proceed to continue their work. The following types of mining drones are available to you: Civilian Mining Drone, Mining Drone I, Mining Drone II, "Augmented" Mining Drone, Harvester Mining Drone, "Excavator" Mining Drone.

Note: The ore output provided by the drones is quite small, and this makes them useful only as an additional aid in the main mining.

Ice Harvesting Drones

The specialization of these drones is the extraction of ice from ice belts. Their principle of operation is similar to mining drones, but they are able to mine only one unit of ice per cycle, and their cycle time is 220 seconds. You can install the following drones of this type: Ice Harvesting Drone I, Ice Harvesting Drone II, "Augmented" Ice Harvesting Drone, "Excavator" Ice Harvesting Drone.

This type of drone is often used for defense, as it can damage and destroy enemy ships. This greatly compensates for the low firepower of industrial ships. If you are going to mine resources in dangerous areas, then it is best to invest in these drones. They come in the following variants: Light, Medium and Heavy Combat Drones, Stationary Sentry Drones, Electronic Warfare and Combat Utility Drones, and Logistics Drones, which specialize in repair and maintenance.

If you are going to engage in mining Eve online, carefully prepare for this, and the above information will serve as a good help in preparation. In the next part of the guide, we will talk about the most suitable ships for mining, and here we have presented information about skills and modules.

Mining in EVE Online. Part Two: Mining Ships

In the first part of the guide about mining in the famous space MMO EVE Online, we talked about the general concepts, necessary skills and modules. The second part will be completely devoted to the ships intended for mining, and in the third part we will tell you in detail how to extract resources on one of them. This guide will be useful not only for novice pilots, but also for players with some experience. But let's not delay for a long time and proceed to the first point.

1. Mining Frigates

Description: These are entry level mining ships (Tech 1). Their characteristics do not differ in special indicators: small size, fragile body and very limited cargo space.

Ships of this type:

  • Venture - it can be called the very first mining ship, from which almost every player started. It is given as a reward for completing the second Career Tutorial mission. Its cargo bay can hold 5000 m3 of ore and comes with some Gas Cloud Harvesting bonuses, which honestly doesn't make it the best ship for gas mining. This ship has the following list of bonuses:
    5% to income from mining (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    2. Reducing the time of collecting a resource from a gas cloud (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    3. 100% to income from mining ore and gas (role bonus);
    4. +2 to the strength of the ship's warp core (role bonus).

2. Expedition Frigates (Expeditionary frigate)

Description: Improved (Tech 2), specialized mining frigate. They can be equipped with advanced cloaking devices, as well as support bonuses in them that increase their survivability and make them suitable for nullsec and wormhole mining.

Ships of this type:

3. Mining Barges

Description: This is the next step in the development of industrial ships. Mining barges can provide the pilot with a large ore bay and good defensive capabilities (except for the Covetor class). They can work with the Ice Miners and Strip Miners modules, which means they can extract resources efficiently.

Ships of this type:

  • Retriever - the goal of the creators of this ship was to develop a large ore space, so the Retriever has 27,500 m³ in luggage.

    This huge capacity and the ability to install strong defense modules make it an ideal ship for self-mining. Also, like the other two mining barges, it fits Strip Miners and Ice Miners. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to ore storage (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill).

  • Covetor - This mining barge was designed with mining efficiency in mind, so it produces 10-20% more ore than its other two counterparts.

    But for efficiency, you will have to sacrifice the ore compartment (its capacity is only 7000 m³) and protective properties. Due to the weak case and fragile design, it is not suitable for solo mining. Ship bonuses:

  • Procurer - This mining barge traded its mining efficiency and large ore bay for durability.

    This ship is the hardest to destroy compared to the other two barges. It is able to mine at a speed comparable to the Retriever, which, combined with its durability and bonuses to defensive drones, makes it a very good option for mining in nullsec, lowsec and wormholes. He has the following bonuses:

    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 50% bonus to HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

4. Exhumers

Description: These are advanced (Tech 2) variants of the EVE Online mining barges. They were designed as direct upgrades from their Tech 1 counterparts, so they not only retained their properties, but were also able to offer pilots even larger cargo bays, even more durability, and even more convenient and efficient mining.

Ships of this type:

  • Mackinaw is a modernized Retriever.

    It is able to contain a large amount of ore - 35,000 m³, and even more with the Mining Barge V skill. True, this advantage is given to him at the expense of less efficiency in extraction. This vessel is quite strong, but not as strong as the Skiff. His main field of activity still remains hi-sec. Mackinaw has the following bonuses:
    5% ore storage bonus (per skill level);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of Mining Barge);
    3. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of Exhumers);
    4. 4% bonus to all shield resists (percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Hulk is an upgraded version of the Covetor.

    was designed only to increase efficiency. It is not difficult to guess that for this they decided to sacrifice space in the ore compartment (it now has a size of 8500 m³) and strength, which in turn makes it very easy prey for enemies. Bottom line: Hulk is suitable for mining either in co-op, or only in zero-sec. By the way, here is a list of his bonuses:
    5% bonus to the use of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. A 4% bonus to all shield resistances (the percentage is added for one level of Exhumers);
    4. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Skiff - As an upgrade (up to Tech 2), the Procurer has been built with more durability.

    And its strength is really impressive, and with the right selection of modules, this ship can become equal to rivals even for some battleships. It also has fairly powerful engines that give out fairly high speeds. But because of this, production efficiency is lost (about 24% lower than that of the Hulk) and the size of the cargo hold (it is 15,000 m³). Its bonuses are as follows:
    5% bonus to shield HP (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 4% bonus to all shield resists (percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill);
    4. Reducing the duration of the Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill);
    5. 50% bonus to HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

5. Industrial Command Ships (Industrial Command Ships)

Description: Industrial control ships were designed to support the mining fleet. They boast large cargo bays that allow you to store resources gathered by other ships. They can also be equipped with Mining Foreman Bursts, which increase the efficiency of up to 256 other ships in the fleet.

Ships of this type:

  • The Orca is a very powerful support ship, capable of holding three bursts.

    It has four compartments: ore compartment (base) - 150000 m³, cargo compartment (base) 30000 m³, fleet hangar and maintenance compartment. This large cargo space allows fleets operated by Orca to significantly extend their operations. This ship can also hold a large amount of MEdium Power modules, making it one of the heaviest transporters in the game. Orca has the following bonuses:

    3. 1% bonus to the duration and strength of the Shield Command Burst effect (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    6. 100% bonus to the collection of ore by drones (role bonus);
    7. 25% reduction in the time for gathering ice by drones (role bonus);
    8. 100% bonus to drone damage (role bonus);
    9. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    10. Ability to install up to three Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    11. 250% Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    12. 100% Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    13. 500% Survey Scanner Range (Role Bonus).

  • The Porpoise is a less expensive variant of the industrial ships offered by the ORE Corporation.

    But besides the reduced price, it also has a greatly reduced size: 50,000 m³ of ore bay and only 2 Command Burst modules at most. It can boast of high maneuverability, high warp speed and, as already mentioned, low price. He will also reward the fleet with his Orca-like bonuses. All of this makes Porpoise ideal for supporting your mining fleet in hazardous areas. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to cargo and ore capacity (the percentage is added for one level of the Industrial Command Ships skill);
    2. 3% bonus to the duration and strength of the Mining Foreman Burst effect (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    3. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. 50% bonus to the collection of ore by drones (role bonus);
    6. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    7. Ability to install two Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    8. 100% Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    9. 50% Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    10. 300% Survey Scanner Range (Role Bonus).

6. Capital Industrial Ships (Industrial capital spikes)

Description: These models were designed to help with EVE Online's large-scale mining operations. They give huge bonuses to other ships in the mining fleet and are able to compress ore, making it easier to transport it in large quantities. Industrial capital spikes also have compartments for maintenance and clones.

Ships of this type:

Rorqual is the best ship to support mining.

Among its features are a large ore bay (300,000 m³), ​​a ship maintenance bay (1,000,000 m³) and a fleet hangar (40,000 m³). Due to its mining fleet bonuses and ability to compress ore, Rorqual is often used by fleets for zero-sec mining. It can also serve as a good defender due to its durability and strong bonuses to combat drones. This ship has the following bonuses:
1. Reduced fuel consumption by 5% for the industrial core (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships skill);
2. 3% bonus to the effect of Shield Command Burst, namely to its duration and strength (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
3. A 5% bonus to the effect of the Mining Foreman burst, namely in its duration and strength (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
4. Reducing the time of collecting ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
5. A 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore mining, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
6. 900% Survey Scanner range (role bonus);
7. 200% to the use of Cargo Scanners (role bonus);

In the previous two, we talked about , and , which you will need if you are going to mine. But now we will tell you about the very method of mining and show it on the example of the very initial ship - Venture. Basically, this part will be of interest to those who have just completed the training at the beginning of the game and got their first mining frigate in their hands.

Venture setup and mining strategy

In this section, we'll walk you through a very simple set up of modules that will help you get started collecting ore and protect yourself from pirates. But we don't recommend you use these settings in areas other than highsec for obvious reasons.

Also in this section will be presented some efficiency tips for players who are new to mining.

Module slot

Installed module

High Power Module I

EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser - basic mining laser with an optimal range of 16 km, with a final ore output of 50 m³ per minute and its cycle time of 60 seconds; requires Mining I.

High Power Module II

Second EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser.

Medium Power Module I

Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I - base level shield booster; it will increase the shield's resistance against all types by 25%; this requires Tactical Shield Manipulation I.

Medium Power Module II

Medium Shield Extender I - increases shield strength by 750 HP; this module requires Shield Upgrades I

Medium Power Module II

ML-3 Scoped Survey Scanner - allows you to scan the composition of gas clouds, ice and asteroids, has a scanning range of 20 km and requires CPU Management I.

Low Power Module I

Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade - increases the performance of your mining lasers, but requires more CPU resources because of them; requires Mining Upgrades I.

Small Core Defense Field Extender I - improves shield (good) and increases your signature radius (bad); this module provides 15% shield bonus and requires Shield Rigging I.

Second Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I - increases the thermal resistance of your ship, as well as the Signature Radius; it grants a 30% bonus to Thermal Damage Resistance and requires Shield Rigging I.

Hobgoblin I - light reconnaissance drones with limited offensive capabilities. Two of these might be enough to create a defense against NPC pirates roaming the high-sec asteroids; to control them, you will need Light Drone Operation I and Drones III.

Now that everything is set up, you need to find the asteroid belt (they can be found through the overview menu), go to it, scan it with the Survey Scanner and start mining.

The next question is what to do with the mined ore. There are two main options: you can either sell it or recycle it. Refined resources are more expensive, but the refining process requires a fee (if you have the Refining V, Refinery Efficiency V skills) and a tax (but it can be avoided if you improve your relationship with the station owner to the right level). You must predict your income from resource processing and compare it with the amount you receive from the normal sale of resources; then choose the best option.

How to improve mining efficiency?

  • Use the Jettison function. Instead of flying to the station to empty your ore bays, you can drop your cargo into a storage container and continue mining. After finishing your work, you can change your mining ship to a ship with a large cargo hold and pick up your containers. This will save a lot of time that you would have spent flying back and forth. But there is one problem: your containers can be stolen while you are working. And although such an act is considered a high-sec crime, this does not stop most players.
  • Use secure shipping containers. This is a safer, but also more expensive variation on the Jettison strategy. To do this, you must buy a lot of secure cargo containers (since they have a limited capacity) and deploy them in the Asteroid Field. When your ore bay is full, you drop into these containers, and when they are full, change ship and collect containers.
  • Use Mobile Tractor Units. This strategy is by far the most expensive. You need to buy Mobile Tractor Units, structures that make it much easier to collect loot, and then deploy them to the asteroid field. This structure will pick up materials dropped near them. The use of these works is similar to the use of cargo containers. However, remember that structures only last 48 hours (after that time they will disappear) and can be destroyed by enemy pilots.
  • Group up with other players. Being in a group, you can share responsibilities among yourself: one will mine, the other will transport the extracted resources to the station. The only disadvantage that may come up during your work is that you will have to share the income. A more advanced version of this tactic is used by industry corporations.

This concludes our lengthy guide. In this part, we told you the strategy and basic setup for beginner miners. This guide will be a great help for those who have just started playing, but some tips may be suitable for experienced players.

But if you need help, you can always count on the site site. Here you can, and many other useful and.

In this article, we will look at the basic principles of ship equipment, or as it is commonly called this process in EVE Online - fitting (from the English. Fitting - installation (installation)).

Installing modules:

Ships in EVE Online are, in fact, a constructor.

Initially, you buy an empty ship hull in the market, which has a certain set of slots (cells) in which you can install various modules. In the future, they can be removed and changed to others, adjusting the characteristics and capabilities of the ship, depending on the task. Slots have a certain structure: the so-called "highslots"(high power connectors), "med slots"(medium power connectors) and "lowslots"(low power connectors), as well as separate slots for "rigi"(tuning modules).

Different types of modules, respectively, are installed in the slots intended for them. That is, for example, rocket launchers and cannons can only be installed in highslots and you cannot shove them anywhere else.

In the market, the belonging of the modules to a particular slot is indicated by the corresponding icon. Rigs do not have pictograms and are highlighted with a characteristic background pattern.

Important: in highslots, medslots and lowslots - the fit can be changed completely arbitrarily. While rigs, you can only change them by destroying the ones you previously installed. Don't forget about it.

Each module fitted (installed) on a ship consumes a certain amount of ship resources, in the form of capacities processor (CPU) and power grids (powergrid). Rigs take into account the "Calibration" parameter. Therefore, when fitting, it should be borne in mind that if any of these resources is lacking, some of the modules, even if you have free slots, will not work.

Important: when installing identical modules, or modules responsible for the same characteristic, a penalty is imposed on their action. The first module gives 100% of the result, the effect of the second one is already less than the declared one, etc. That is, installing more than three modules responsible for one effect is most often irrational in terms of slot consumption, it is better to strengthen some other direction more.

Applies only to those modules that have a warning about a penalty when installing more than one module:

Ship choice:

When choosing a ship, first of all, you should pay attention to what bonuses it provides. Based on this information, you determine the specialization of this ship. If the ship has bonuses for shields (shields) and missiles, then in 99% of cases, it should not be fitted into armor (armor) or laser turrets should be installed on it, because nothing good will come of it. But not because the equipment will not work - it will, however, you will not reveal the potential of the ship and the effectiveness of such a fit will be minimal. Roughly speaking, if you have a microscope in your hands, then it is rather stupid to hammer nails with it. You can score, but it would be better to do it with a hammer.

Equipment size:

Different ships, most often, can use equipment of a certain size:

Frigates and destroyers - fit with small (Small) modules.

Indians, cruisers, battlecruisers (BC) - fit with medium (Medium) modules.

BS (battleships), capitals and supercapitals - fit with large (Large) or extra large (Extra Large) modules.

Most often, you simply cannot install a module that is not designed in size on a ship. However, sometimes you can manage to do this - but you always need to understand well how much you really need it, and whether it would be better to think about other fit options beforehand.

If the characteristics of the module do not specify its standard size, then it can be installed on any ship.


In addition to size, modules and ships also differ in technology level (category):

Tech 1 (t1), Tech 2 (t2), Tech 3 (t3) In the market, they are marked with the corresponding icon:

The technology difference is pretty tricky. That is, one cannot simply say that t1 equipment is worse than t2, and t3 is better than t2 - because this is far from always true.

Tech 1 technology has a meta level gradation - from meta 1 to meta 4. The higher the meta level, the better the characteristics of the module.

At the same time, the module t1 meta 4, sometimes may not differ, or even surpass the module t2 in some way. And the cost will also be much higher.

It is important that t1 meta 4 module requires the same leveling as t1 meta 1, while t2 is always a significantly more skill-intensive technology.

In addition, meta 4 modules are less demanding on ship resources. Therefore, there are a large number of fit options in which meta 3-4 modules will be more preferable than their t2 counterparts. But do not forget that T2 modules, most often still a little better. In addition, only T2 weapons can use some types of ammunition.

T3 technology is a very special case. It is neither worse nor better - it is separate. Tech 3 technologies are represented by individual ships, with their own unique features. At the moment, these are strategic cruisers, the hulls of which have a modular structure of subsystems, and due to this they have the ability to vary the number of some slots at the expense of others, which no other ships can.

"Fraction". Fractional and officer equipment.

Apart from everything else, it should be noted, the so-called "fraction" (Faction).

These modules and ammunition have overestimated characteristics. They are not produced by players and are obtained only through the application of remarkable efforts in the game, plus luck. With this in mind, their cost often rolls over.

Fractional modules make sense if you are going to invest in the most efficient ship, regardless of its cost. You will not be able to improve the characteristics of the ship at times, but you will have to spend a lot. It is worth doing this only if you really understand your goal - otherwise the investment will not pay off.

Related programs (wicks):

There are a large number of third-party programs that allow you to consider various options for a fit without going into EVE Online and without buying ships and modules. If you're going to seriously delve into the game, you need to master at least one of them. This will make your life much easier and increase your efficiency in the game. Don't be lazy.

The most popular programs "wicks" - EveHQ, Pyfa, EFT. At the same time, the first one, in addition to the wick itself, also includes a huge number of other useful utilities and services, but it is rather difficult to master. The other two are just wicks.

Ever since the dawn of civilization, people have always burned with curiosity to find out what is in the mysterious cosmic unknown. This curiosity has not died down until now, and the exploration of the boundless space continues both by private players and corporations. New Eden is the perfect place for exploration, where every player can discover something interesting.

If you started your adventure in the legendary space MMO, then the first thing you need to learn is to scan. The game features more than 5200 unique star systems, each of which is fraught with many secrets. These secrets can bring you valuable items and a lot of .

At the basic level of scanning eve online using special probes. They are able to detect the so-called cosmic signatures. There are 4 types of objects (or sites) that can be detected during a signature scan:

  1. EVE Online's gas fields are areas where gas collects into interstellar clouds. This gas is very widely used in the EVE industry and is very profitable to collect and sell. Although for an ordinary player it is not of particular value, but for true miners this is a very good find. But we will not go into details, since we have a number of separate articles on this topic.
  2. Combat Sites are part of the game's PvE mode, which includes battles against factional enemies and pirates. Clearing these areas of hostile NPCs will reward you with valuable loot like Deadspace and Faction. But if you are an ordinary explorer and do not have combat capabilities, then it is better to avoid such finds.
  3. Wormholes, or are unstable rifts in space that lead to various star systems. But the problem is that you cannot know what is on the other side of this rift. Wormhole research can be an interesting and lucrative business. We also have a separate article about this, so we will not go in cycles in details here.
  4. Relics and valuable data - in such places there are special containers that can be hacked by a data analyzer. There can be five categories: frozen sites (sleeper sites), frozen caches (sleeper caches), ghost sites (ghost sites), sites with information about drones (drone data sites), as well as information about pirates and relics. For researchers, such areas are of the greatest interest, so they will be the focus of this guide.

But before we talk about the possible location of the EVE Online relics and dates, we first need to master the basics of scanning and learn all the skills, modules and ships necessary for this.

Scanning Eve online and the necessary skills

Any activity in EVE online requires skills. Without development, you will not be able to experience the many pleasures of the game. Therefore, for a researcher in Eva Online, you need your own set of skills.

Some will help you with data and relic hacking, some will increase your survivability in especially dangerous places, and some will give you the opportunity to use the best research ones. All of them are presented in the table below.

Skill Name


Racial Frigate Skills

This skill allows you to fly Tech 1 research frigates (Caldari - , Amarr - , Minimatar - , Hellente - ). It is an entry-level skill and you must learn it to start using the basic research ship (all four ships also require the Spaceship Command I skill)

Important Note: The Amarr Frigate III and Gallante Frigate III are required for the Astero Class Pirate Frigate.

This skill will allow you to fly Tech 2 racial research ships (Caldari - , Amarr - , Minimatar - , Gallente - ). This is an advanced research skill that requires other skills - Spaceship Command III and Electronic Upgrades V.

This skill is required to use scanning probes that identify cosmic signatures. It is also required as a basic skill, which also requires Science III. Without it, you will not be able to conduct even the most basic research.

Astrometric Acquisition

A skill that will increase your knowledge of the operation of scanners and reduce the scanning time of probes. This is a utility skill that will increase your efficiency; requires Astrometrics III to learn.

Astrometric Pinpointing

This skill will allow you to locate scanned targets with increased accuracy. This is a utility skill that increases the accuracy of scanners; requires Astrometrics IV.

Astrometric rangefinding

This skill will increase the power of your scanning probes. This is an auxiliary skill for exploration, which will require knowledge of Science III.

This skill will allow you to get more accurate information about ancient artifacts, allowing you to analyze and identify them. This is the basic skill required for the Relic Analyzer module to work. Requires Survey III and Science III skills to learn.

A skill that allows you to access items at the location of data and relics. To do this, you need to hack security computer systems. This is the basic skill required for the Data Analyzer module to work. Requires Electronics Upgrades III and Science III.

This is the skill required to use a cloaking device that allows you to remain invisible to hostile players. This is an advanced skill that requires CPU Management IV.

Modules for

The right set of modules will significantly increase the effectiveness of reconnaissance and survivability. That is why this point cannot be ignored. The customization of your ship will largely depend on the number of high, medium and low power slots available in it, as well as rigs. The tables present and describe the modules that will help you in your research.

High power modules:

Module name


Core Probe Launcher (required module)

This module will allow you to run Core Scanner Probes used to scan space signatures. The basic version of this module will require knowledge of Astrometrics I, while the Tech 2 version will require knowledge of Astrometrics V.

Alternatively, you can install the Expanded Probe Launcher, which will also allow you to launch scanning probes, but it has much higher requirements.

This is a cloaking module that will hide your ship from enemy detection. This is the best form of protection for every research ship. The base version of this module requires Cloaking I, while the Tech 2 version requires Cloaking IV.

Salvager Module (optional)

This specialized scanner will allow you to find and collect valuable items from shipwrecks. This can serve as an alternative source of income during your research. The basic version of the module requires knowledge of Salvaging I, and the Tech 2 version requires Salvaging V.

Capacitor Neutralizers, Launchers, Turrets etc. (not at all required)

There are many weapon mods available, and you can choose the ones that suit your PvP or PvE style. These are optional modules, and most likely they will not save your life. You can use them to clear battlefields, but that's not what exploration ships are made for.

EVE Online Medium Power Modules:

EVE Online module name


(required module)

This is a module used to analyze and find ancient ruins. It is necessary for looting in places of relics. The basic version of the module will require Archeology I, and Tech 2 - Archeology V.

It is a hacker module used to break into security computer systems. Needed for looting in places with data. It will not give as much profit as Relic Analyzer, so it is not mandatory. The basic version of this module requires Hacking I and Management II, while the Tech 2 version requires Hacking V and Management II.

Micro Jump Drive (required module)

Also known as Microwarp Drive (MWD). This module allows your ship to jump 100 km forward in a given direction. It will greatly increase research efficiency (data or relic containers are often far apart) and survivability (you can combine the Micro Jump Drive with your cloaking device, activating one right after the other) and will allow you to perform the MWD Cloak Trick, which will allow you to simultaneously bounce from danger and hide from it.

Allows you to scan the cargo holds of other ships. It can also be used to scan data areas and relics to determine their value. This is a great efficiency tool as it allows you to skip places that cost little. The basic version of this module requires CPU Management I, while the Tech 2 version requires CPU Management II.

Scan Rangefinding Array (optional)

This module increases the power of your scanning of your probes. This will make your scans more reliable. The base version of the module will require Astrometric Rangefinding II and the Tech 2 version will require Astrometric Rangefinding V.

Scan Pinpointing Array (optional)

This module improves your scanning probes by reducing their deviations from scanning. Like the previous module, this one will make your scans more reliable. The basic version of the module will require Astrometric Pinpointing II, and Tech 2 will require Astrometric Pinpointing V.

Scan Acquisition Array (optional)

With this module, the scanning time of your probes will be reduced. This will enable more frequent scanning. The basic version of this module will require the Astrometric Acquisition II skill, and for Tech 2, the Astrometric Acquisition V skill.

EVE Online Low Power Modules:

EVE Online module name


Inertial Stabilizers

(not at all required)

This module will improve the maneuverability and handling of your ship at the expense of its signature. But Mounting Inertial Stabilizers will create a lot of problems for you, so it's best to avoid it. The base version of the module requires Hull Upgrades I, while the Tech 2 version requires Hull Upgrades II.

This module compensates for glitches and fluctuations in the ship's warp. It is a very strong defensive tool that removes warp disruption caused by attackers; however, it is only useful in high-sec and low-sec. The basic version of the module requires knowledge of Warp Drive Operation I, and the Tech 2 version requires Warp Drive Operation IV.

It will make the components of your ship lighter, but at the same time fragile. As a result, this will increase the maneuverability and speed of the ship, but by itself will reduce the strength of the hull. Every explorer's best strategy is to run away before something bad happens, so this module has essentially no drawbacks. The base version of this module requires the Hull Upgrades I skills, while the Tech 2 version requires Hull Upgrades II.

Damage Control (optional)

This module prevents damage to the system by using combinations of redundancy and containment field emitters. In simpler terms, this is an increase in the resistance of your hull, armor and shield. It cannot be said that it will bring absolute protection, so we classified it as optional.

Riga EVE Online:

EVE Online module name


Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade (highly recommended)

This setting will boost your ship's scans. It will significantly upgrade your probes, which will undoubtedly bring benefits. The base version will require Jury Rigging I, while the Tech 2 version will require Jury Rigging IV.

Small Memetic Algorithm Bank (optional)

This setting increases the efficiency of the data modules installed on your vessel, which in turn improves the efficiency of the data analyzer. The base version of the module requires Jury Rigging I, while the Tech 2 version requires Jury Rigging IV.

Small Emission Scope Sharpener (optional)

This installation increases the effectiveness of the relic modules installed on your ship; this will increase the strength of the relic analyzer. The base version of the module requires Jury Rigging I, while the Tech 2 version requires Jury Rigging IV.

Cargohold Optimization (optional)

This rig increases your ship's carrying capacity but reduces armor. This will make the study longer and therefore more profitable. Although the only negative is the vulnerability to enemies. The base version of the module requires Astronautics Rigging I and the Tech 2 version requires Astronautics Rigging IV.

This equipment will increase the maneuverability and speed of your ship, but will reduce its armor, that is, you will become faster and more agile, but it will be much easier to shoot you down. The base version of the module requires Astronautics Rigging I and the Tech 2 version requires Astronautics Rigging IV.

This rig will increase your ship's agility but decrease its armor; that is, you will be able to align jumps with the warp, which will increase your survivability, allowing you to quickly escape from danger. The base version of the module requires Astronautics Rigging I and the Tech 2 version requires Astronautics Rigging IV.

This rig will improve your warp but will increase signature radius; this will greatly increase the speed of your research. The base version of the module requires Astronautics Rigging I and the Tech 2 version requires Astronautics Rigging IV.

EVE Online module name


Salvage Drones (Optional)

They are used to search for and rescue ships that have been wrecked. They can also be useful as an additional source of income from research.

Caldari Electronic Warfare Drones; ECM Drones

These drones are specialized in jamming enemy sensors and targeting systems. ECM Drones are a great defense option as they can give you a few precious minutes to warp away from danger. Drones Caldari Electronic Warfare are best used as a perimeter defense. Both types of drones require the Electronic Warfare III skill.

Combat Drones (Optional)

These specialize in damaging and destroying enemy ships. Research vessels use them primarily for defensive purposes to compensate for their low firepower. They are less effective as a defensive tool compared to ECM Drones. There are three types of combat drones: light, medium and heavy.

We have presented you with information about and, but which ones to put is up to you. In the next part of our guide, we will talk about the ships that are used for scanning in EVE Online.

Choosing the right research ship can be quite tricky for a beginner as it depends a lot on the player's style, experience and level. Therefore, we decided to describe three types of research ships and 9 available models. Of these, you will find the most suitable for your skills and level.

Before going into details, we will provide a brief description of each of the ships. Heron is a great starter research ship thanks to its 5 medium slots; and Buzzard his upgrade to Tech 2; if you are an absolute beginner, then these two instances should be your starting points. Probe and Cheetah have a more dynamic style of play and will suit more experienced players. Magnate is one of the strongest research frigates, but its disadvantage is a small number of medium slots. But you should not worry about this: the “big brother” of this ship, Anathema, compensates for this shortcoming in its characteristics. The Helios may be a fairly versatile research ship, but you'll only get to it through the mediocre Imicus. And finally, if you decide to explore with aggression, Astero has everything you need for this: a powerful drone platform and advanced cloaking technology. Its power will also come in handy in the wormholes and nullsecs of EVE Online.

Exploration Frigates to scan

These vessels are purposefully designed for space exploration. They have good hack and scan bonuses, which means it is suitable for any budding explorer. However, the combat power of these ships is painfully ridiculous, so do not even think about engaging in open battle with them. Only drones can increase their survivability, but only if they are properly selected.

This type:


    A feature of this ship is as many as five medium slots. This makes it very convenient for research. If you are a beginner, choosing this option as your first research ship will save you the hassle of deciding which medium power module to install and which to skip. Heron requires Caldari Frigate I to control and provides the following bonuses:
    1. 7.5% bonus to the power of combat and main scanners (the percentage is charged for each level of the Caldari Frigate skill);
    2. 5% reduction in the duration of salvaging (a percentage is calculated for each level of the Caldari Frigate skill);

  • magnate

    It is the heaviest of all Tech 1 research frigates, but it only has 3 slots for medium modules, and this reduces its research potential. It has one more slots for low power modules, namely 4. It requires the Amarr Frigate I skill to control, and gives the following bonuses:
    1. 7.5% bonus to the power of combat and main scanners (the percentage is charged for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill);
    2. 5% reduction in the duration of salvaging (percentage is charged for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill);
    3. 5% bonus to data analyzer and relics (role bonus).

    It is the fastest and most agile of all the Tech 1 Exploration Frigates. The Probe is very good at staying out of trouble and its 4 medium module slots will make it a competitive explorer. Three low slots are best used for modules that give the ability to avoid pursuers. Requires the Minmatar Frigate I skill and provides a way to:
    1. 7.5% bonus to the power of combat and main scanners (percentage is charged for each level of the Minmatar Frigate skill);
    2. 5% reduction in the duration of salvaging (a percentage is awarded for each level of the Minmatar Frigate skill);
    3. 5% bonus to data analyzer and relics (role bonus).

  • Imicus

    The slowest of all the Tech 1 explorer frigates, but also the best in terms of drone control (20Mbit/s Drone Bandwitch). Therefore, the correct selection of combat drones is necessary in order to compensate for the weak survivability of Imicuse. Its four medium slots are enough to make it work as a solid research ship. Requires the Gallente Frigate I skill and grants bonuses:
    1. 7.5% bonus to the power of combat and main scanners (the percentage is charged for each level of the Gallente Frigate skill);
    2. 5% reduction in the duration of salvaging (a percentage is charged for each level of the Gallente Frigate skill);
    3. 5% bonus to data analyzer and relics (role bonus).

Covert Ops Frigates and Scanning

Essentially, these are Tech 2 upgraded versions of regular research . Their most notable feature is a warp with an active cloaking device. This feature makes them one of the most cunning ships in the game. The ability to stay under enemy radar is often used in PvP wars, where Special Ops frigates can get corporations a lot of valuable data. In addition, they have good research bonuses and use scanning extremely good, which, combined with advanced masking technology, makes them a very good choice for zero-sec and wormhole scanning.

Ships of this type:

  • Buzzard

    Like Heron, it has its strengths and weaknesses. Like the Heron, it has 5 medium slots to help set up your ship for the transition to exploring hazardous areas in space. Buzzard does not have Drone Bay. This ship can install Covert Ops Cloaking Devices and Covert Cynosural Field Generators, and its Cloak reactivation delay has been reduced to 5 seconds. Requires Caldari Frigate V and Covert Ops I to control, and grants the following bonuses:
    1. 5% bonus to missile and kinetic light missile damage (a percentage is calculated for each level of the Caldari Frigate skill);
    2. A 5% bonus to the rate of fire of rocket and light rocket launchers (a percentage is calculated for each level of the Caldari Frigate skill);

  • Anathema

    Being an advanced version of the Magnate, this ship has a good tank for a special ops frigate. Unlike its predecessor, it has 4 medium slots, which gives it a lot more room to explore. Anathema does not have a Drone Bay. This ship can install Covert Ops Cloaking Devices and Covert Cynosural Field Generators, and its Cloak reactivation delay has been reduced to 5 seconds. Requires Amarr Frigate V and Covert Ops I skills and provides the following bonuses:
    1. 5% bonus to rocket damage (percentage is charged for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill);
    2. Reducing the recharge time of the capacitor by 5% (percentage is charged for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill);
    3. Reduced requirements for Cloaking Devices by 20% (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    4. 10% bonus to the probes of the combat and main scanner (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    5. Reduced flight time of Survey Probes by 10% (percentage is charged for each level of Covert Ops skill);
    6. +10 bonus to the analyzer of data and relics (role bonus).

  • Cheetah

    This is the fastest and most agile Special Ops frigate, but low CPU power and not the best capacitor characteristics reduce its versatility. But nevertheless, as with Probe, it helps to avoid certain troubles. Thanks to its speed and agility, the Cheetah plays the role of a scout and spy. He also doesn't have Drone Bay. This ship can also install Covert Ops Cloaking Devices and Covert Cynosural Field Generators, and its cloak reactivation delay has been reduced to 5 seconds. The skills to control it are Minmatar Frigate V and Covert Ops I. It also grants the following bonuses:
    1. 5% small projectile damage bonus (a percentage is calculated for each level of the Minmatar Frigate skill);
    2. 10% to the optimal range of Small Projectile Turrets (percentage is awarded for each level of the Minmatar Frigate skill);
    3. Reduced requirements for Cloaking Devices by 20% (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    4. 10% bonus to the probes of the combat and main scanner (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    5. Reduced flight time of Survey Probes by 10% (percentage is charged for each level of Covert Ops skill);
    6. +10 bonus to the analyzer of data and relics (role bonus).

  • Helios

    This is the only Spec Ops Frigate that has a Drone Bay, but the low drone capacity and the terrible Drone Bandwitch make this advantage almost useless. It has only two slots for high power modules. This is sufficient for the purposes of the study, but not ideal at all; this is somewhat offset by 5 medium slots. It can also be equipped with Covert Ops Cloaking Devices and Covert Cynosural Field Generators, and its cloak reactivation delay has been reduced to 5 seconds. It requires the Gallente Frigate V and Covert Ops I skills to operate, and in turn provides the following bonuses:
    1. 5% damage bonus from Small Hybrid Turret (percentage is charged for each Gallente Frigate skill level);
    2. 10% bonus to thermal damage from Scout Drones (a percentage is charged for each Gallente Frigate skill level);
    3. Reduced requirements for Cloaking Devices by 20% (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    4. 10% bonus to the probes of the combat and main scanner (percentage is charged for each level of the Covert Ops skill);
    5. Reduced flight time of Survey Probes by 10% (percentage is charged for each level of Covert Ops skill);
    6. +10 bonus to the analyzer of data and relics (role bonus).

Pirate Frigates - Aggressive Scanning

Unlike other research ships, pirate frigates can not only defend themselves, but also be aggressors. These ships are intended for long missions and are not required to visit stations too often.

Ships of this type:

  • Astero

    This is a one of a kind exploration pirate ship. It outperforms other models in stealth research and attack power. It has the largest drone capacity of any research frigate (75m³ and 25 Mbps). And despite being a Tech 1, it can be equipped with Covert Ops Cloaking Devices and has a Cloaking reactivation delay reduced to 15 seconds.

    All this has made the Astero one of the most popular space exploration vehicles, despite its high price. It requires the Gallente Frigate III and Amarr Frigate III skills to operate, and provides the following bonuses:
    1. 20% bonus to drone hitpoints (percentage is charged for each Gallente Frigate skill level);
    2. 4% bonus to all armor resists (percentage is charged for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill);
    3. Reduced requirements for Cloaking Devices by 100% (role bonus);
    4. 37.5% bonus to the power of combat and basic scanners (role bonus);
    5. +10 bonus to the analyzer of data and relics (role bonus).

This was the list of EVE Online space exploration ships. Now that you have all the proper information about the modules, skills and ships that will be needed in the scan, you can move on to describing the actual process of scanning and the places where it is most profitable to do it.

So, after we told you about the skills, modules and ships needed to explore the space of EVE Online, it's time to proceed directly to the scanning process itself. In this part, we will tell the reader about the places where scanning can take place, as well as about the relics and data you can meet during your journey.

Systems for scanning

There are 4 types of systems that are separated by the level of security in the territory: high-security space (high-sec), low-security space (low-sec), zero-security space (null-sec) and warmhole space. It is easy to guess that the higher the complexity of the system, the more profitable the scan will be. We propose to consider each of these systems in more detail.

  • High security systems. These systems are popular not only among beginners, but also among those who are afraid to take risks in dangerous parts of space. This means that the already limited resources that are in this territory are reduced even more due to the huge number of competitors in it. If your plan is to make more lawsuits, then the right decision is to leave this system as soon as you have the necessary experience.
  • Systems with low security. Here you can find much more valuable objects with relics and data; especially since there will be an order of magnitude fewer competitors for these facilities. However, the danger here will be much greater.
  • Zero security systems. There are very valuable places for mining data and relics, and due to the large number of them, the danger of being attacked is not so high. Combined with the fact that many explorers are too afraid to visit Nullsecs, there is plenty of room to expand. But on the other hand, a lot of dangers have gathered here in the face of aggressive NPC factions and gankers, who have extensive experience in killing researchers.
  • Wormhole spaces. The value of finds in these systems is comparable to the value in zero-secs. There are even fewer visitors here than zero, so research here will be very profitable. The risk of being attacked here is very low, but this danger cannot be ruled out, and before going to the wormhole, you need to be well prepared. The complexity is further increased by the fact that you do not know how many people are in the same space with you, and even more so you do not know who they are (unless, of course, the players type something in the local chat). Although in general, these systems are safe and there is plenty of lawsuits to be framed there.

Data and Relic Sites Data and Relic Sites

The sites or (i.e. location) of data and relics that you will encounter will vary considerably in both difficulty and possible profit. In total, five types of these date sites can be distinguished:

  • sleeper sites. They are in wormhole space. These places are well protected, and it is impossible to hack them without first defeating the defenders. Hostile NPCs that protect this site are valuable in their own right, as they lose good loot when they are defeated. Therefore, even those ships that are not able to hack sites will find work here.
  • Sleeper Caches. This is a very complex data site that is full of dangers and triggers (a failed hack can cause the container to explode and sentry guns present can launch an attack on you). These sites do not appear in wormholes and can be found in normal systems. Sleeper Caches come in three different types: superior (scanning difficulty - level 5), standard (scanning difficulty - level 4) and limited (scanning difficulty - level 4); and may contain blueprints for polarized weapons, skill books, and crafting materials.
  • ghost sites. These are data objects run by pirates, and pirates don't like unwanted guests on their territory. Once these sites are hacked, a timer starts, during which the pirates can catch up with you if you're not fast enough. Failed hacking attempts will cause the container to explode and damage every ship within a 10 km radius. These locations can contain various blueprint brands of Ascendency Blueprints, "Yurt" and "Wetu" Mobile Depot Blueprints, and "Magpie" Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints.
  • Drone Data Sites. They are only available in a few regions: The Spire, Ethernium Reach, Outer Passage, Kalevala Expanse, Oasa, Malpais, Perrigen Falls, and Cobalt Edge. And these sites contain three containers: 1 in Research and Development Laboratories and two in the High-Security Containment Facility. A second failed hacking attempt here will result in enemy frigates spawning, and further hacking attempts will be impossible until the spawned enemies are destroyed. Also, these sites contain racial Drone Components and Blueprints (characteristic of the race that owns the site).
  • Pirate Relic and Data Sites. They can be found in class 2 and 3 wormholes, as well as in all common space systems. At the moment, these are the safest places to hack data and relics, as there is not a single hostile NPC or any other protection. Each of these sites contains several hack containers, emergency stations, abandoned cars, etc. Pirate relic sites contain skill books, blueprints, T1 and T2 salvaging materials; and pirated data sites are skill books, Decryptors, Data Cores, blueprints, and production materials.

Hacking process

Hacking is an integral part of EVE Online exploration. The main goal of the hack is to disable the kernel of the container system. Successful hacking is only done by completing the mini-game. This game is about maneuvering a computer virus through a container board. At its core, the hacking process resembles a typical Minesweeper, so if you have mastered the classics from Windows, then you should have no problems with hacking in EVE.

Secrets and hints

Now that the basics have been covered, we can leave a few useful tips for novice (and not only) researchers on scanning and using scanning.

  • Use hotkeys, as they speed up your actions (although this is a banal advice, it’s still worth pointing out, since so many players rarely use it).
  • Take full advantage of your cloaking device. This is your best defense, and you should invest in it to the maximum.
  • Try to avoid densely populated systems. Set the map to display ships that have been destroyed within the last hour; this will help you estimate how many players are in the system with you; if your map shows a lot of destroyed ships, then it would be better to fly away from here as soon as possible.
  • Learn how to use Secure Safe Spot Bookmarks.
  • Never try to fight attacking ships, because you will most likely not survive (ships that attack research ships are often well prepared for combat). You should enjoy superior (assuming you've properly equipped your ship, of course) speed, agility, and ECM Drones.
  • Use directional scanning as often as possible when your disguise is inactive and run away at the slightest enemy activity.

And in conclusion of all this, I would like to say that scanning is not only a profitable business, but also just an interesting activity. You may encounter many difficulties, but if you are calm and attentive, you will be able to avoid danger.

If you need help, you can always find it on the website. We are an online store that sells games, ships and other items for EVE Online. We also sell accounts, services and consultations.

9 Turrets & Bays

The first words are about the target audience of the guide. It is intended to help noobs (please don't take this word in an offensive context - I only use it as a synonym for "beginner", which is faster spelled) who already read basic guides on this (or any other) forum, went through an in-game tutorial, at least approximately know what concepts like "signature" or "penalty stacking" mean, but got confused in a huge number of modules that can be put on your ship or they don't know characteristic features of their use in different situations.

I'll try to avoid directives like "upgrade the Caldari frigate skill by 4, sit on a kestrel, fit it like this and like that, stay away from NPCs at such and such distance in combat"; until you realize why you need every module on your ship - you will not get the maximum "mutual understanding" and efficiency from this ship.

I will use a certain amount of in-game slang (although I will try to explain the term the first time I see it in the text), so if you don't understand a term, look it up in the appropriate mini-dictionary (for example, here).

All module names are in English. First of all, because I'm used to the English client. Secondly, when playing in a Russian-speaking client, you will experience difficulties when communicating with the "old people" and the non-Russian-speaking population of Eva.

Also, any of my comments about the use, applicability and effectiveness of modules are purely my IMHO. In case of discrepancy between it and the absolute truth - tell me about it, I will try to fix it as soon as possible. If it does not match with your IMHO - I ask you to express it in any case without aggression, I do not pretend to know everything, and your opinion may well convince me.

Module descriptions will be in the same order as the categories in EFT (and in the in-game market as well). It is highly desirable to use EFT in order to understand the operation of the module yourself.

0. About everything and a little more

There are usually a fairly large number of modules that give the same effect. As a rule, there may be the following types of module:

  • T1 - basic version of the module, for example Large Armor Repairer I . Works the weakest. On the other hand - the cheapest option.
  • Named T1 - they are named modules. Advanced variants of t1, while the best of the named modules in terms of characteristics can exceed t2 options (and be 4 times more expensive than them).
  • T2 is an improved version of T1 (it usually requires more PG / CPU (pronounced not as "Mr. PeZhe", but transliterated as PG / CPU) and has increased skill requirements). Example - Large Armor Repairer II . They cost relatively little (although noobs may not be able to afford it), usually their use can be limited either by skills or by the ship’s PG / CPU. In general, T2 is the best option in terms of price / quality ratio.
  • Storyline, or COSMOS modules - a rare variant of modules, an example is "Protest" Large Armor Repairer I . According to the characteristics - approximately the level of t2, sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse. Their useful feature is the reduced requirements for the PG / CPU, which allows you to fit them when other modifications do not fit. They are not sold in the market, they are also very rare in contracts. Obtained by completing special COSMOS missions, the rarity is due, firstly, to the fact that one character can complete these missions only once, and secondly, the difficulty of producing these modules from blueprints, which are usually given as a reward for a mission. You can potentially use it in a fit when you are sure that you can get such a module.
  • Faction, or faction modules - produced by imperial factions or knocked out of elite ships of pirate factions, for example Imperial Navy Large Armor Repairer (Amarr modification) or Shadow Serpentis Large Armor Repairer (modification of the Serpentis). Even the cheapest faction modules are more expensive than T2 and the best named versions, although they have increased stats. You can’t find them in the market, so look for them in contracts. It is worth using when the possible loss of such modules will not be a complete collapse of your budget.
  • Deadspace, they are also Complex, they are also deadspace or plex modifications - they are mined in the so-called complexes- non-script military or industrial bases hidden in space and found with the help of a scan. Complexes are assigned a number from 1 to 10 in terms of difficulty, while 1 is possible to pass on a frigate, and 10 is much more difficult than level 4 missions. There are stationary plexes that you don't need to look for - low quality deadspace fit falls there. In general, the characteristics of deadspace modules vary from factional to officer modifications, prices are similar. Deadspace example - Core B-Type Large Armor Repairer .
  • Commander, they are officer modules - the best modifications (and reaching prices up to several billion, as well as a high-quality deadspace fit). Falling out officers NPCs that are very rare in some null regions. The worst officer options can be weaker than high-quality deadspace ones, while the best ones can outperform even the highest quality ones. Example - Brynn's Modified Large Armor Repairer .

Phew, that's all possible module classes!
Increased skill requirements are available only for t2 modules, and the rest, even officer ones, require the same skills as the t1 version.
The information about the attributes of any module contains the line "Meta Level", if we compare its values ​​for two modules of the same class, we will approximately determine which one is better (and if this line is not present, then the module is m1, which means its Meta Level is 0). For example, namemed t1 usually have Meta Level from 1 to 4, t2 - Meta Level 5 (although not necessarily better than the Meta 4 option, therefore "approximately"), but officer and deadspace Meta Levels can reach and up to 14.
In the market you can find only t1, named and t2 modifications - the rest will have to be looked for in contracts. And before you hang your ship with officer modules, look at their prices.

1. Drone Upgrades

Drone Control Unit - a module that increases the maximum number of produced drones by one. You can enable one such module per Advanced Drone Interfacing skill level. Fits only on Carriers and Supercarriers. High slot.
I think that by the time you grow up to capital management, you will understand the pros and cons of this module. As far as I know, it is not used very often, because neutrals, smartbombs, shield / armor transfers put high cards.
Drone Link Augmentor - also known simply as dronelink, a module that increases the control distance of drones. High slot.
The relevant guides will tell you more about drones, but I will note that the drone control distance is a funny value that cannot be directly viewed in-game. It determines how far a target must be from your ship so that you can issue the command associated with that target (usually to attack) to the drones. It can be viewed in the ETF in the drone icon tooltip next to the drone channel bandwidth bar.
It is used on drone-oriented ships that for some reason need a drone control range greater than the standard one - say a PvE house. Sometimes it can be used in PvP - a spider house with sentries, and any drone ship in a sniper configuration.

Drone Navigation Computer - a module that increases the speed of drones at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Honey slot.
Drones fly in two modes - orbit around the target and MIA to the next target, both of these characteristics can be viewed in their attributes. This module does not affect the speed of the drone in orbit, but it speeds up flights between targets, which can be quite convenient for slow heavy drones.
In PvE, it is usually used on ships with heavy drones - Dominix, Rattlesnake, Ishtar, Gila (if the configuration of the med slots allows, of course).
It is used extremely rarely in PvP, but I have seen specific ship configs with a bunch of navicomps designed for a specific task (as an example, earlier falcons (Kaldari recons with a bonus to jam) could be located 200 km from the battlefield and calmly jam enemies. Myrmidone ) with full honey, the navicomps could SUDDENLY set a pack of drones on the falcon, and the falcon had to be warped).

Omnidirectional Tracking Link - a module for increasing the optimal and tracking drones. Honey slot.
It is of little use for any mobile drones - an increase in the optimal is useless, since the drone's orbit remains the same, and the increase in tracking is not so noticeable, so as not to replace this module with any more useful one. It is used in conjunction with sentry drones, which, together with two or three omnitracks, show excellent range and accuracy.

Mining in EVE Online- this is the extraction of minerals by developing asteroid belts, as well as ice blocks and gas clouds. This type of activity is one of the most accessible and common activities in New Eden. In 2015, mining as a whole remained the same, although it underwent some changes and improvements. Despite the apparent simplicity, there are a lot of not obvious subtleties and nuances of this lesson. The EVE Online mining guides that you will find here will help you learn more about this process, which is important for the entire economy of New Eden.

A huge proportion of the economy of the EVE Online universe rests on mining. Mining is the backbone of the game's trading and industrial system - ore is always needed and mining never stops. Resource extraction is also the collection of ice to produce fuel, which is necessary for huge ships and space bases owned by players.

The EVE Online community continues to grow every year and these are facts that are hard to argue with. Register in EVE Online and start writing history together with the rest of the Russian-speaking community.