Winter statuses about love. Statuses about winter: for those who love snow more than heat

Most beautiful winter statuses about winter and snow with meaning about life and love for social networks, will very soon become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy the most magical time of the year! With the onset of winter, the unknown, attractive and alluring begins to wake up around us. snow life. Everything around begins to resemble an unreal fairy tale that you want to believe in!

"After cold winter sunny spring always comes; Only this law should be remembered in life, and it is preferable to forget the opposite.” Leonid Soloviev.

❉ The first snow is like first love. Most likely it will melt, but this is where the fairy tale begins...

❉ “Winter-ah-ah!!!”: knees and teeth chattered joyfully)

❉ "Even the most severe snowstorms start with one snowflake"

❉ “You are my fantasy on a cold winter night, my muse during the day and the only desire of my soul.”

❉ And it’s winter in the city and it’s gotten kind of cold, I’m looking for someone with whom the whole world is not enough. I believe that all the same, that person will appear in my life who will love me simply for what I am. He will rejoice at my smile, and in winter he will make me wear a warm scarf.

❉ The impeccably pure whiteness of the frost spurs the gloomy joy of languid anticipation... With hands reddened in the cold, I dial your number

❉ On New Year's Eve I will definitely make a wish for you...*

❉ Due to the ice, the dream of having all men at our feet is beginning to come true!! =)

❉ It's the first day of winter! Let the first frost sting your cheeks and let the snow-covered path sparkle with a million gems. Beautiful clean air fills you with health and warm thoughts. Coziness to you, cheerful friendly gatherings, wonderful evenings and many positive emotions! Let this winter renew you and give you magical surprises!

❉ It’s sad when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at, and then give you hot tea...

❉ December is the time to ski, build snowmen and eat tangerines!

❉ I'm looking forward to winter... Shuba hasn't been out for a walk in a long time, it's time to go for a walk in the frost!

❉ I wish everyone this winter to get to winter's tale and get a piece of your happiness!

❉ The smell of chocolate and tangerines. New Year's advertisements. There's a snowstorm outside. Lights are burning all around. For complete happiness, one thing is missing...

❉ Winter is an icy fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

❉ Winter is a time to make plans and see perspectives. Time to sleep under the snow and other blankets.

❉ Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for conversation next to the fire: it is time for home.

❉ Winter is childhood... Long evenings with parents, the soft smell of tea with lemon, and kind New Year's tales! (beautiful statuses about winter)

❉ Winter is when you come home and go to put the kettle on before you turn on the computer.

❉ Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

❉ Winter is an increased feeling of the need for the warmth of a loved one.

❉ Winter in the heart, blizzard in the soul...

❉ Winter was created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white slate...

❉ Winter outside, snow underfoot, pain in the soul...

❉ Winter has come! But in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

❉ Winter is a lot like unrequited love; cold and merciless.

❉ Winter shapes our character and brings out the best in us.

❉ Winter! January! Blizzard! Frost! Champagne! Candies! Roses! Caviar! Friends! Present! Christmas trees! Wine! Salad! Silk outfit! And toasts again!... You can’t stop us from living beautifully! It’s a pity that by morning there’s only one finale… Brine! Festal and analgin

❉ Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. The weather is perfect for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Winter... it makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But the words become warmer, and the love and kisses become stronger.

❉ Winter... The cold permeates every cell of my body... And at such moments I remember you.

❉ Winter... even though you are often so cold... but still even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

❉ Winter... Nature is beautiful, but only in my thoughts, OH!!!

❉ Winter...for some, a cold and gloomy time of year! And for me it’s just time to snuggle up to you once again

❉ In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

❉ In winter I need three things - perfume with the smell of snow, coffee with cinnamon and... your warmth.

❉ Take a break from the hustle and bustle in winter Everyday life and plunge into the fantastic world of books.

❉ In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence, as if everyone wants to express what is on their minds so that others can see.

❉ I want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter you believe more in miracles, and in the most beautiful Fairy Tale of Love...

❉ Sometimes it seems to me that winter does not exist, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops of love... (statuses about winter are beautiful and meaningful )

❉ I love ice - 3 splits, 5 swallows and I’m home)

❉ I love it winter weather: funny knitted hats... tracks from sleds in the snow... a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart...

❉ People only notice in winter that the spruce is green.

❉ Mandarin ducks are in use, so soon New Year!

❉ The winter peace of our window warms my soul...

❉ I like it when it snows. The city immediately becomes quiet. Everything becomes so calm. No noise. As if something was about to happen.

❉ Frosty air invigorates and notifies that winter has arrived! Which means it’s time for warm blankets, big mugs of tea, magic, joy and festive fun! Let loving hearts warm you in winter!

❉ We are like autumn and winter, close but not together...

❉ The time has come for letters on frozen windows.

❉ Winter has begun... The hand on the mouse is freezing =))

❉ Nope! It's not snow! It's snowing!!!

❉ One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house. And then he came in!

❉ Congratulations on the beginning of winter, truly beautiful and charming, capable of inspiring with its snowy days, frosty and fresh air.

❉ Experience the miracle of winter, such a beautiful and charming guest in a snow-white outfit made of snow.

❉ The New Year holiday is a dinner ending with breakfast.

❉ Hello winter! A sparkling miracle! The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...

❉ Glass decorated with fancy patterns. Snow flakes slowly dance in the light of street lamps. This winter you will fall in love with something that has no longer come true. And silvery frost will nestle on your eyelashes.

❉ Let winter inspire you to new discoveries and allow you to believe that any dreams will certainly find fulfillment in reality!

❉ Let it be cold and frosty, Fresh air, and snowfalls with blizzards. All this can leave the best, truly amazing feelings, allowing you to understand how beautiful mother winter can be.

❉ With every December coming, I want to hibernate like a bear until spring!

❉ Snow is a magical white blanket that makes everything amazing.

❉ Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

❉ Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven.

❉ Happiness. This winter it will certainly happen!

❉ Your words wanted to make me cry, but Winter and cold froze them, like my heart...

❉ You can immerse yourself in the magic of winter and understand how wonderful nature can be during such a wonderful period of the year.

❉ We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.

❉ You have winter in your soul in summer and winter in your soul, and a couple more years and you’ll definitely go crazy...

❉ On a clear, frosty morning winter day I will write down our story with a stick in the snow, and then when the warmth comes in the spring I will sail away to new life along with the melted snow...

❉ I want New Year, snow, fireplace, coffee with cinnamon and his last name...

❉ What is a wonderful winter day? This is when the sun is shining, light snow is falling outside the window and you don’t have to get out from under the blanket!

❉ What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, press your cheek to his cheek and bask together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved, blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul is happy!

❉ I'm the person who drinks in the summer hot chocolate and eats ice cream in winter.

❉ January, stop thinking that you are March...

Beautiful short and not very long winter statuses about winter and snow with meaning about love and life, for social networks are presented in this article.

We offer statuses about winter and snow that are beautiful, meaningful, short, funny and very different.

With the arrival of winter, it's time to change your status in social network to more relevant.

As the old song says: “Summer is a little life...”

And winter in many regions is a big life, no matter how sad it may be. And she needs her own, separate status.

A strange time of year has come... In the morning it is night, in the evening it is night. And during the day I... work!

Morning is the most disgusting time of the day. I hate him. Especially in winter. I don’t know where old man Pushkin got these rays of the sun, the refreshing frost and the singing of winter birds. It is possible that he started drinking in the morning...

“Hurray! Winter!” – knees and teeth chattered joyfully...

In Surgut, in forty-degree frost, a boy, using a water pistol, inflicted 20 stab wounds on a gopnik who had accosted him.

In Siberia they play dress-up cards.

Phone sex in Siberia: I slowly take off my felt boots...

Russian winter is when even thermometers ask to come into the house.

The time has come when girls don’t have thongs sticking out of their jeans, but warm black tights.

It's so cold here that the goosebumps on women's legs are tearing their tights.

One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house... And immediately came in!

A session for a student is like the first snow for utility workers - it seems like there is a forecast with dates, but still “The city’s utility services were not ready...”

Let's have your December already. November, of course, didn’t work out.

And the beginning of winter makes me terribly angry! Everyone was waiting for it to get colder. But no! The price has gone up again!

You have jeeps, yachts, airplanes there... And in our village, the authority is the one whose water does not freeze.

Winter... The birds have flown away...

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

According to statistics, 30% of women love winter very much, the remaining 70% do not like it very much. The next question showed that 30% simply have a fur coat, while the rest do not.

Tomorrow I won’t go outside, it’s already slippery there, and here I am with my stunningness.

Winter fitness! By the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... Side bends... Squats... Steeplechase... Eh, my body is invigorated!

It got colder yesterday. My nose is stuffy. It's getting colder again today. Ears blocked. What the hell is this, is my head being insulated?!

Briefly about the weather. Yesterday I washed a T-shirt. Today it broke!

The polar bear is invisible in the snow. Until he gets scared.

I would like something different in January. Snow, damn it, for example...

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

Everyone who whined and snotted: “I want snow, where is the snow,” listen here - so that they devour it completely before the morning!

Nothing, nothing. Winter is coming and then hardly anyone will understand whether I’m drunk or slippery.

In winter, the number of cultured people on the slippery stairs decreases sharply.

One day I decided to remember my childhood. He fell face first into a snowdrift. Who knew there was a shop there?

Russian children are harsh. They are waiting for the temperature to be minus 40, when school is canceled and they can go for a walk outside...

About the weather. It was the first time I saw people applauding when a minibus arrived.

Judging by the weather, the scarecrow of Maslenitsa survived and began to take revenge.

If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with a tangerine in hand, winter seems beautiful.

She ran to the minibus, dashingly rode the last five meters on her butt, stood up gracefully, and went into the salon. The man was pleased: “Let me shake off your sled?”

Statuses about winter and love:

Winter......the cold permeates every cell of my body...and at such moments...I remember you.

On a dating site: For the winter I want to find a woman who knows how to shovel snow well and push a car out of the snowdrifts. Write to me, the only one!

Men! Winter is the only opportunity to mold yourself a woman to your liking! Don't miss the opportunity!

She quietly took my hand. “He loves me,” I thought. “Ice,” she thought.

Snow is tangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... Somewhere there is also a man walking. My beloved... He's in a hurry, worried...

It’s scary when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at them, and then give them hot tea...

I just want to stand near the window, look at the falling snow... And for you to just come up and hug me tenderly...

How beautiful the snow was falling that evening. What a pity that you are not with me this evening. And this evening people walk back and forth. And my eyes are looking for you among them...

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold...

Statuses about Winter and Love

As bright, sharp and cold as a small shard of ice. They can hurt, or they can give you a good mood, it all depends on what you expect from this Winter. If you are looking for vanilla statuses about Winter,

Statuses about Winter and Love:

I want that when you left me, there were tears on your cheeks, and there were 20 on the street, and that the scars from our Love remained on your cheeks.

If I were all-powerful, my wish would be to kiss you in the middle of the street, on the frostiest day, and for our lips to be “frozen” forever, and for both of us to know that if we try to separate them, it will hurt both of us very much!

In winter, along with the flakes of falling snow, the last hope of meeting Love falls away - well, who needs me in this terrible hat and mittens!

Let's have a frostier winter, I still don't want to go outside, but hot tea and cookies are a joy...

It’s winter, the snow is sparkling, the lights are blinking, the trees are covered in snow, it’s beautiful, but it’s impossible to fall in love...

Cool statuses about Winter:

Alcohol in winter is not only an anesthesia and an antidepressant, but also a heater!

You can't get to your boobs in winter!

In winter, Mondays are somehow useless - I absolutely don’t want to start a new life!

Winter - I change the fan I bought in the summer for a heater, maybe for warm socks...

January, stop thinking that you are March...

Winter is the time to change not only tires, but also something in your personal life...

Winter and Love are incompatible - try crying at minus 15!

When you receive a receipt from housing and communal services, you involuntarily wonder how much Kolashnikov assault rifles are there these days.

Funny statuses about Winter:

I don’t trust penguins... I know you can fly, you cunning creatures!

- My life is a snowfall, and I am a warm snowflake - if you roll with me in the snowdrifts, you will understand why!

The carotid artery is like me in winter, only an artery.

It would be nice to have real chocolate snow!

Winter is the laziest season. I want to watch TV all day, eat something delicious and do absolutely nothing.

The weather today is associated only with terrible cold and dirty shoe tracks!

Winter, not vodka, leads to alcoholism!

Dear, I’m so cold, I value our relationship so much, despite the fact that you cost me so much, because only you can warm me up... my dear Housing Office!

Statuses about Winter and life:

Life without music is like endless Winter!

Life is not about sitting in warmth and comfort and waiting for Winter to pass... but about boldly walking through snowstorms and blizzards, even if at this time you really want to lie under the covers!

Winter statuses are so similar to winter days outside the window and they don’t make you happy...

Statuses about Winter for women:

A woman who goes on a spree in winter does not return to her family until Autumn...

Winter is mulled wine with cloves and cinnamon, a melted snowflake on your hand, a quick run home through dark streets, and the sound of an SMS on your phone, which you open with the hope of Love...

On the morning of a clear, frosty winter day, I will write down our story with a stick in the snow, and then when the warmth comes in the spring, I will float away into a new life along with the melted snow...

Winter, December. Sad smile. Quiet mornings, gray days, and in the evenings tea with chocolate, but the most delicious thing is not chocolate - it’s dessert, but for dessert warm memories of how it all began with us...

In winter, snow covers not only the ground, it hides under its cold blanket all hopes for love until Spring...

Vanilla statuses about Winter:

Yes, it’s cold in winter, but any winter day is ideal for communicating with a warm blanket, the Internet, an interesting book, a TV remote control, and a big cup of something hot and sweet!

Winter, this is not a season - it’s a mood, I silently put on my headphones and quietly close my eyes, don’t ask why, just... in the mood of Winter...

Winter evenings are a time of tender, cold and sad sadness...

In winter it is always easy to think, but difficult to dream, almost impossible, and eternity, having forgotten space and time, loses tension, and something soft and sad pours into the soul...

Winter is an icy fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

Your words wanted to make me cry, but Winter and cold froze them, like my heart...

It's cold outside, you can't see the sun, everything is so gray, and even the snow is not white, but gray... Why? Maybe because it's December? No, you're just not around...

The best statuses about winter and snow in verse

A clear, transparent winter day, not an autumn one, extinguishes, blowing out, the stars in the Universe. The morning, cool, timid and timid first snow is crispy white, white, white.

Lord, I so wanted snow... flakes flying from the sky, so that the earth would dress like a bride and the fog over the city would disappear...

I love it when snowflakes on your palm are as gentle as an angel’s feather, hope returns to your heart, and your soul becomes warm...

I'll give you a snowflake. "For what?"– you probably ask. And in this little white babya piece of winter beauty!

White snowflakes, like white fluffs, snow and thin pieces of ice underfoot. And everything is spinning in the round dance of winter, joyfully together and we are so happy.

The snow flies into my palms and swirls smoothly, suddenly freezing enthusiastically in mid-flight, just a moment– and before our eyes it will turn into a veil for the trees, carelessly asleep.

I love it so much when snow comes from far away from the eternal snow. In its unhurried, smooth serenity, its fur is fluffy and so airy. Larisa Kuzminskaya

Light fluffy, white snowflake, so pure, so brave! It easily rushes along the stormy road, not to the azure heights, but begs to land on the ground.

Snow fell, and it immediately became warmer, and the winds no longer controlled... That's the thing, you hear, it got warmer in the rooms and, it seems, in the soul. It's getting warmer... Let's believe in it, let's throw away the wreckage of quarrels and evil: there is so much snow, so much light, winter frosty warmth in the world...

The day has come. And suddenly it got dark. The light was turned on. We look out the window. The snow falls white and white. Why is it so dark?

Today I am captivated by the magic of snowfall, as if I got lost in its lace, I’m not tired of winter yet and I’m glad that I can get lost in its sweet dreams.

The snow is falling quietly, filling everything around with it, surprising with its purity, something completely unearthly, as if a coquette, nature, had dressed in a light fur coat, preparing to welcome the hasty New Year.

Everything is white from flying snowflakes, but they keep flying and flying. So many fabulous, wonderful pictures! Admire the snowfall!

The snow is falling quietly, spreading on warm eyelashes, this new winter the page of life has been turned... All the bad things went into a snow-white light hush up, so that only the warmth could be left for us as a good memory.

Even in winter, roses smell like raspberries... They look trustingly from their long branches, stretch their chilled leaves towards the sky, asking for warmth from the chilled snow.

White tenderness - whirling snow... Just another embodiment of water! From heaven to earth - an attempt to escape. White in black - a way to forgive...

The city changed its darkened colors, the world was filled with magical goodness... It snowed all night, and the next morning, as in a fairy tale, the asphalt was lined with a wonderful carpet.

And there really is snow, as if there had never been winter in this city. And the short days melt in the cold, like happiness that fate has given on loan. Dmitry Dal

Snow fell on the eyelashes of chestnut trees, and he painted a winter landscape on canvas. People, tired of dreams and plans, simply marveled at the holy beauty.

Soon the winter horses will come rushing in, their harness brightly sparkling with diamonds, but for now the first snow is on the balcony– like an airy winter kiss.

The snow slowly swirls around the house, my eyes seem to be bewitched... A dream, making its way along a familiar path, hurries towards me with a new miracle. Dropping my braids into the pulp of the pillow, I’ll begin to wait under my eyelashes for winter’s fairy tales about the love of frost for the dream of an invited guest.

We got lost, it’s snowing somewhere, it’s gray and dull all around, and it’s already raining, we’re not happy about our bosom friendship with November.

I like all winter gifts, the tart aroma of pine needles. The flowers under the snow are so fresh and bright, and the sounds in the heart are louder than the alarm bell.

A sip of hot coffee, November, frost, cold, ice. Love and snow is a stingy line, but they don’t put an end to the snow, because by morning it will be covered again.

The snow is falling like diamonds, the snowflakes are spinning in the rhythm of the waltz, and fringed onto the trees to the sound of girlish laughter!

Snow falls around the feather bed. So softly! It's frozen inside! The wind is too busy, it’s not blowing. In the silence there are rowan trees and bullfinches.

In the snow bracelets of the birches, my wrists generously gave diamonds of fire, the first flakes timidly sat on my palm like pieces of happiness.

  • Winter is not so important. It matters with whom.
  • Winter makes words of love warmer, hugs stronger, and meetings more pleasant.
  • In a snowstorm, you are afraid to lose faith in eternal salvation... (Elchin Safarli)
  • Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - Winter is a time of year when nature creeps up very close to a person. (Olga Lucas)
  • Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s as if you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all. (John Steinbeck)
  • I don’t like winter nights - not because they are so long, but because only on winter nights do you clearly feel how time rustles. (Pavel Amnuel)
  • We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.
  • If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. (Anna Bradstreet)
  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from a person’s face.
  • May everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter in the arms of a loved one!
  • Winter has come to the city, severe cold, how can I find someone who I really need in this world?
  • Winter is a slow time of year, busy with sitting by the fire, reading and poetry. (Jessica Brockmole)
  • Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the season...
  • Winter makes a sheet out of trolleybus glass that you can write on. Everyone seems to want to leave their thoughts on this sheet. To be read. So that it doesn't disappear.
  • Winter - best season, but only next to you.
  • A wonderful time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. (Olga Gromyko)
  • Winter is the coldest and most beautiful time of the year and beautiful statuses about winter are proof of this.
  • Winter has come! But in my soul it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!
  • ....and in winter I met his gaze, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...
  • And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness...
  • My ideal winter is a lot of snow and lips kissed by my loved one))
  • Snow, snow, snow... flies from the sky without melting, you want to be near me - I know...
  • Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.
  • Winter is a time to make plans and see perspectives. Time to sleep under the snow and other blankets. (Malin Kivelya)
  • Who likes to look at the falling snow from the window when there is a snowstorm outside, but it’s warm in the house?))
  • It was the most unforgettable summer... the most sad autumn... I hope this will be the happiest winter...
  • The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (Heinrich Heine)
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - I will pour raspberry syrup on your velvet heart, leaving on it the silky taste of sugar winter...
  • Winter is the best season, but only near you.