Learn more about what a real person is. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms

Any OCHP can carry generalizing words that either open a homogeneous series or close it.

The generalizing word expresses the most general meaning of a homogeneous series and performs the same syntactic function as the entire homogeneous series:

A real person must be real in everything : and in verse, and in life, and in every little thing(K. Paustovsky).

Morphological expression of the generalizing word Examples
Definitive pronouns: all, all, everyone, everyone Everything rejoiced and sang around me: flashes of stubble, and daisies on the boundary, and the flame of sunflowers.
Negative pronouns: nobody, nothing Neither wood nor water, nothing moves.
Pronominal adverbs: everywhere, everywhere, always The dust remained in a thick layer everywhere: on the sundial, on the statues, on the marble benches.
Nominal parts of speech and nominal phrases Among the dishes they bring a lot of clay and glass children's toys, such as: ducks, pipes and sprinklers.
Verbs and verb phrases The guys worked on the task: they drew, cut out, glued.

Punctuation schemes for the use of generalizing words*

* Legend:

O- generalizing word;

about- homogeneous part of the sentence.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

S E M A N T I C A 1. Characterize the object on the one hand: Blue, white, yellow lights lit up on the Christmas tree. (By color) 2. a) In terms of context, they come close in meaning, become synonyms: Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has come.(General value of the qualitative state) b) Synonyms represent a gradation (strengthening of a feature): It was an unfamiliar, incredible, impossible thought. 3. Artistic definitions (epithets): In all its cold, unsociable beauty was the night 1. Characterize the object from different angles: A large crystal vase stood on the table. (Size and material) Notes: Such definitions are often represented by adjectives of different categories: mother's large crystal vase (size) (material) (belonging) qualitative relative possessive
S T R U K T U R A 4. Definitions located after the word being defined: The sky shone overhead, clear and cloudless. 5. Agreed definition + inconsistent definition: A thin girl with huge blue eyes appeared from behind the trees. 6. Definition-adjective + definition - participial turnover: The old, gray-lichen-covered branches of the trees whispered of days gone by. 4. Definitions located after the word being defined: a) in terminological combinations: aster early terry; b) in a poetic text it is allowed to create a special rhythm or melody: And bottomless clearings bloom on the far shore. 6. Definition - participial turnover + definition-adjective: The gray lichen-covered old branches of the trees whispered of days gone by.
C O N T E X S T The street was lined with old wooden houses. Built a new, brick house. Old brick houses stood on the street. A new brick house was built.

Question about homogeneous predicates

In two-part sentences enumerated predicates with one subject can be considered:

1) As homogeneous within a simple sentence:

Bunin's language simple, nearly stingy, clean and picturesque(Paustovsky).

2) As predicates included in different parts of a complex sentence:

At the summer camp children played, went in for sports, went on hikes.

(Compare: Children played. Children went in for sports. Children went on hikes.)

Disagreements are especially noticeable in sentences with different types of predicates:

Vodka white, but paints nose and blackens reputation (A.P. Chekhov).

There is a compromise opinion that sentences with several verbal predicates with one subject are a transitional, intermediate type between simple and complex sentences with varying degrees of inclination to one or the other.

In school grammar(to avoid confusion) the question of the homogeneity / heterogeneity of predicates in a two-part sentence considered unambiguously. like homogeneity.

In one-part sentences enumerated series of verbal predicates are usually referred to complex sentences:

All cities you won't go around, in all hearts you won't look.

Lecture X


I. The concept of isolation. Varieties and functions of separate members of the proposal (ObChP).

II. Ways of expressing an obchp that perform a semi-predicative function.

III. Particular conditions for the isolation of ObChP performing a semi-predicative function.

The most honorable among all creatures is considered a man. Although, the right to be called him, from the point of view of ethics, must be earned. Each person has a unique ability to develop, improve, learn, passing on his experience to future generations.

Many people ask themselves the question: what should a person be like and who should he be equal to? I believe that, first of all, a person should be self-sufficient. You need to go your own way, live your own principles and values, make independent adequate decisions, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It is important to remember: deceit and hypocrisy do not add significance, and therefore, it is better to remain yourself. Of course, you don’t want to be a “gray mouse” and get lost in the crowd, but looking back at others, you can lose yourself.

There were times when a person did not strive to be someone else's copy, did not try to imitate the habits, habits, opinions and actions of others. And it was always interesting and pleasant to spend time with such people, or just by chance to encounter in the crowd. A person must be himself, no more, no less, love life and appreciate every moment of it, remain true to himself, to his convictions. Such a person, in my opinion, can be called a person.

Human qualities

You can find a lot of modern literature with blatant titles: What qualities should a person have? However, you can only answer this question yourself. Given the fact that each of us is an individual, with his own value system, as well as personal opinion and his own view of things. I think that a person should strive to conquer new heights, achieve their goals. At the same time, we must not forget that we live in a society. A person, on the contrary, is also an individual, which means that he is worthy of understanding and respect. Kindness, honesty, responsiveness, development, responsibility - these are the main qualities that I want to see in a person.

The expanses of the Web can offer a lot of information about a person and his qualities for your judgment. Teachers offer schoolchildren and students to express their opinion on this matter through reports and essays on this topic. An essay about what a person should be is often put on the agenda in educational institutions.

Modern man

Our world is changing just before our eyes, not allowing us to come to our senses. Days rush by in a swift stream, covering from head to toe. The twenty-first century is the time of technology and progress. This time dictates to us the conditions that modern man must meet. You can't just stand still. We need to develop at a given pace.

Each of us wants to know what a modern person should be like. The widespread opinion that a person who has a computer and a mobile phone can be called modern is very erroneous. In my understanding, a modern person can be considered one who has not lost the ability to empathize with other people. He knows how to value friendship, achieves his goals, strives to learn more new things, develops spiritually. A modern person should be educated, tactful. It seems to me that such a person is the personification of thoughts, lifestyle and state of mind. It is the one who does not stand still, tries to develop, keep up with the times and meet its standards, is a modern person.

human culture

And what should be a cultured person? The distinctive features of a cultured person are: appreciation and the ability to be grateful, civilization, education, goodwill, refinement of taste, respect. Of course, someone can call a cultured person who has never used a swear word for half an hour. However, one should not confuse civilized norms of communication and the culture of an individual person.

I have always found it interesting to communicate with an intelligent person. How intelligent does a person have to be to be considered as such? It is very difficult to determine. Let's start with the fact that intelligence refers more to a personality trait than to a set of some qualities of character and its manifestations. By nature, an intellectual is a theoretician. Even if he is busy with some business, achieving great success in it, the driving factor of such a person is thought.

The affairs of an intelligent person are often aimed at universality, his goal is to discover something new, useful, acceptable to people. Therefore, we can safely say that intelligent people set as their goal the observance of universal human benefits. That is why doctors, teachers, actors, writers and artists are classified as intelligent professions. These people work for the good of mankind. In my view, an intellectual is a modest, friendly and well-mannered person. Do not confuse an intellectual and a well-read person. These are completely different concepts.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that everyone has their own idea of ​​​​what a young person should be in the modern world. I have one point of view, you have another. The desire to keep up with the times, while remaining an individual, is common to all. It is enough just to remain yourself in any situation, behave with dignity, culture, respect others. Following these simple rules, a person can be safely called a Personality.

You are born as a man; but you have to become human. A real person is the human spirit, which is expressed in beliefs and feelings, will and aspirations, in relation to people and to oneself, in the ability to love and hate, to see an ideal in a dream and fight for it.
Man is the human spirit. In this truth I see the red thread of all ethical education. I strive to ensure that education affirms human pride in every pet - the noble and courageous spirit of a fighter for the communist ideal), the spirit of a revolutionary, creator, thinker. In my "Anthology on Ethics" there is a cycle of stories, the idea of ​​which is: a person is, first of all, the strength of the spirit. Talking about people who are infinitely loyal to the idea, I strive to plant the seeds of ideological courage in the child's soul. These are stories that will last a lifetime.
Fortitude as moral prowess begins with faith in the shrines. I strive to ensure that already in the years of childhood, in the minds of every little citizen, an indestructible, unshakable, immutable faith in the moral shrines of our Fatherland, people is affirmed. A person who does not believe in anything can be neither spiritually strong, nor morally pure, nor courageous. Belief in holy things gives a small person exceptionally valuable spiritual qualities: vision and feeling of the big world of social life, the desire to live in this world. A person who believes in the sacred things of our ideology has a great gift of love and hate.
To each generation of children who join the organization of young Leninists, I tell the heroic legend about the ten-year-old pioneer Yura, who died during the years of the fascist occupation.
I consider it an extremely important rule of education that from childhood a person has a spiritual life in the world of moral values ​​- the shrines of our ideology, our Fatherland, our history, our people. The essence of the spiritual life of a small citizen should lie in amazement, admiration, spiritualization by the beauty of a person and the beauty of an idea, in the desire, in the thirst to become a real patriot, a real fighter. Anyone who lives in a world of moral values ​​feels like a son of the Fatherland from an early age.


  2. 3. The lawyer was approached with the question: “Who should be the owner of the thing if Tizia Mevey writes a poem, a story, a speech on parchment papers?” Give answer.

As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, thoughts, and soul.” He knew exactly what it meant to be a man with a capital letter, and he encouraged everyone to become human. But his time has long stopped, more than a decade has passed, and today everyone understands this expression in their own way.

What are the essays

As an example, we can cite the thematic essay: “What it means to be human,” which describes the most common distinctive features.

“Man is a calling. And all because such qualities as sincerity, honesty, courage, kindness are harmoniously collected in a real person. Such people can be easily recognized in the crowd. They seem to radiate compassion and good nature. The one who calls himself "man" will never refuse help, will always stand up for a just cause and will not condemn anyone. He will treat everyone equally and will never humiliate anyone. And if they ask me "What does it mean to be human?" I will immediately answer that being a person means giving happiness to others, living with a clear conscience and possessing only positive character traits.

personality traits

On the given question, schoolchildren write essays, starting from elementary school. And for the most part, such writings are just a list of positive character traits. Moreover, they are so positive that they create a kind of ideal image that has never existed and will not exist. And if in the 4th grade a child, having listed the positive traits of a person’s character, definitely has good ingenuity, then in the 11th grade, essays of this format will not receive such flattering reviews.

And not because the qualities of a person are not important for a person, but because an understanding of some aspects is necessary.

Wisdom of Aristotle

In the writings of Aristotle, there is one interesting treatise called The Principle of the Golden Mean. Its main essence is quite prosaic: between two opposite character traits there is a “golden mean”, which is a virtue.


So, Everything is simple here: a significant person is the one who is needed and important. Paradoxically, everyone living in society strives to be significant and recognized. But to be a real person, you do not need to have huge financial opportunities. The individual has the right to experience feelings of indignation and irritation, he is allowed to do crazy things. This is what it means to be human. And the significance of a person from the fact that he experiences a diverse range of feelings is not underestimated. On the contrary, it makes it more sincere. And this is not such a bad trait that characterizes what a person should be.

real hero

This review of true human qualities does not end there. To the question "What does it mean to be human?" Junsei Terasawa, an itinerant Buddhist monk, answered at the time. He studied for a long time the history of the emergence of religions and civilization in general. And gradually came to the conclusion that at the heart of all religions of the world are reverence and respect.

And in ancient times, as you know, they revered not kings, emperors and dictators, but heroes. They were always looked up to and supported. They followed the hero, they died with him, they made legends about him and always remembered him. The heroes of the past were not afraid of death or the loss of material values, they had boundless consciousness, feeling themselves part of the universe. No one was born a hero, they became them gradually, cultivating in themselves not only general human qualities, but also the ability to be happy, because this is what attracted people.

What could be the content of the essay?

Now the composition “What does it mean to be human” may sound differently. Of course, you can describe him as an ideal representative of the genus Homo Sapiens, but if you take into account the teachings of Aristotle and assume that everyone has negative character traits, then this is not advisable. So an example would be:

“I don't know what it means to be human. There are too many conventions in the world that people must comply with and, wanting to be accepted in society, we comply with these rules. Every day we put on the masks of respectable citizens and plunge into the abyss of gray everyday life. And in the evening, when the masks are removed, everyone plunges into himself and tries to understand who he is and who he is. I do not think that this creature can be described by the word "human".

I think being human means being yourself in any life situation. A person does not always have to be perfect in everything, he can be sad and worry. What makes a person a person is not conformity to the ideal type, but the ability to feel and understand someone else's pain. And a person should be able to find happiness in small things. That's all.

Just like heroes, good people become gradually. But if a person has already turned into someone who can be called such a word with a capital letter, then he will definitely become someone's hero. It can not be in any other way".

And as a result, we can say the following. A person is someone who knows how to empathize and support, is not shy about his real feelings and will always find a reason for a kind and sincere smile. This is what heroes once were, and to be like them means to be human.

Theme of the lesson: "What should be a real person?"

(according to the story of M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”).

Man is not born, but becomes what he is.


The purpose of the lesson:to help students comprehend the ideological and artistic content of the story, its deep moral essence; to feel the emotional atmosphere of the story, to think about eternal moral values.

Lesson objectives:to improve the skills of independent analysis of the work, the ability to highlight the main thing, to develop speech.

Methodical equipment: portrait of M. Sholokhov, reproductions for the story “The Fate of a Man”, dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov, video footage of the film "The Fate of a Man".

lookahead task : read the story "The fate of a man", prepare messages.

Teaching methods: verbal (analytical conversation), visual (reproductions, video frames), practical (work with text).

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Psychological warm-up "Give me a wish." Division into groups.

3. Parable.

A little boy was walking in the park with his grandfather and heard a young woman scolding her son: “What did you do? Feed a stray dog ​​a whole loaf of sausage! She would have found food without you! You are not a man, but a monster! I do everything for you, and you? Now you will be punished for your deed!”

Grandfather could not stand it and approached the woman: “Why are you scolding him? After all, he did a good deed, for this he should not be scolded, but should be praised. After all, if you punish a child for every good deed, then a real monster will grow out of him, which you just called him. “It's none of your business,” said the woman, and walked away.

The little boy looked after the departing for a long time, and then asked: “Grandfather, am I a man?” "Yes" "Real?" “Real” “What does it mean to be a real person?” “We must be born” “The dog was also born. Is she human? "Not. You have to be born as a human.” “That is, he was born with an appearance similar to a human, that means a human?”...

4. Guys, this is our second lesson on the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man." In the first lesson, we talked about the plot of the work, about its composition, traced the entire biography of the main character of the story, Andrei Sokolov. Today I would like to elaborate on his character.

Ozhegov's dictionary

Character - a set of mental, spiritual properties of a person, found in his behavior.

Fate - a combination of circumstances that do not depend on the will of a person, the course of life circumstances.


one). Episode analysis.

2). Comparative chart.

four). Create a poster.

5. Analysis of episodes. Could Andrey Sokolov have acted differently? If he could, why didn't he? What would you do in his place?

1 task.

1 episode - The murder of a traitor.

An episode from modern life.

Once upon a time there lived a lonely grandmother. No one went to her, and she did not go anywhere. And she wanted to talk to someone so much that she carried the chair out onto the landing and waited for the neighbors to pass by. But the neighbors were always in a hurry somewhere and waved her off. And when she suddenly disappeared, no one paid attention. Only a week later it became clear that she had died. Do you think the neighbors had anything to do with her death?

Episode 2 - Duel with Muller.

An episode from modern life.

Two friends were friends. They dreamed of growing up as soon as possible, getting a good education, making a career. The parents helped the first friend in everything. They were very wealthy people. The second was more difficult. His father died, and in the family, besides him, there were two more children. And now they both grew up and achieved success in life. What qualities of character do you think the second comrade had to show?

Episode 3 - Meeting with Vanyushka.

An episode from modern life.

One childless family adopted a six-year-old boy from an orphanage. Six months later, they brought him back, explaining that the boy behaves badly, does not obey, is rude, and even steals sweets from the kitchen cupboard. Do you think they did the right thing?

2 task.

Comparative Venn diagram.

Captain Tushin Andrey Sokolov

1. First Patriotic War; 1.Second Patriotic War;

2. Artilleryman; 2. Driver;

3. Low, frail; 3. Large, strong;

4. Soft, timid. 4. Firm, resolute.


1. Ordinary people;


3. Responsible;


6. Brave.


Essay (French essai - attempt, test, essay) a prose essay of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue.

Abay. "Words of Edification" 7th word.

A child is born into the world, inheriting two principles. The first of these requires food, drink and sleep. This is the need of the flesh, without this the body cannot serve as a haven for the soul, it will not grow and become stronger. Another is the desire for knowledge. The baby reaches for bright things, takes them in his mouth, tastes them, puts them on his cheek. He will startle when he hears the sounds of a pipe or flute.

Growing up, he runs to the barking of a dog, to the voices of animals, to the laughter and crying of people, loses his peace, asking about everything that his eyes see and his ears hear: “What is this? Why is this? Why does he do this? ”- this is already a need of the soul, a desire to see everything, hear everything, learn everything. Without revealing for himself the visible and invisible secrets of the universe, Without explaining everything to himself, a person cannot become a person. And the existence of the soul of such a person then does not differ in any way from the existence of another creature.

Initially, God distinguished man from the animal by endowing him with a soul. Why do we, having matured and become wiser, not seek and find satisfaction in that curiosity that in childhood made us forget about food and sleep? Why do we not choose the path of those who seek knowledge?

We would tirelessly expand the range of our interests, multiply the knowledge that nourishes our souls. We would understand that the blessings of the soul are incomparably higher than those of the body, and subordinate the carnal needs to the dictates of the soul. But no, we didn't do that. Crying and croaking, we did not advance further than the dunghill near the village. The soul ruled us only in childhood.

Having matured and strengthened, we did not allow her to command us, we subordinated the soul to the body, we look at everything around with our eyes, but not with the mind, we do not trust the impulses of the soul. Satisfied with the outward appearance of what the eye embraces, we do not try to delve into the inner secrets, believing that we do not lose anything from this ignorance. We answer the remarks and advice of smart people: “You live with your mind, and I will live with mine”, “Than to be rich with someone else’s mind, it’s better to be poor, but in your own way.” We are not able to appreciate their superiority over us, we do not understand the meaning provided by them.

There is no spark in the chest, no faith in the soul. How are we different from an animal if we see only with our eyes? We were better when we were kids. Then we were human children - we wanted to learn as much as possible. Now we are worse than cattle. The animal knows nothing, but it does not aspire to anything either. We do not know anything, but we are ready to argue until we are hoarse; defending our darkness, we strive to pass off our ignorance as knowledge.

4 task.

Draw a poster "The qualities of a real person."

5. Summing up the lesson:

The end of the parable: "To be a real person, you must have a huge soul, a pure heart, do good deeds for the benefit of others."

Conclusion: A real person remains a person in any life situation.