Did Proklova have an affair with Mironov? Elena Proklova: I had affairs with Mironov, Yankovsky and Tabakov, but my husband is better! Chain of random events

9 October 2017, 16:52

Actress Elena Proklova has not acted in films for a long time, but, nevertheless, she has not disappeared from television screens. In 2002, Proklova took part in the reality show " Last Hero 3: Stay Alive", from 2006 to 2010 she acted as the permanent co-host of Gennady Malakhov, and from October 25, 2010 to October 12, 2012, again on Channel One, she hosted the program "Housing and Communal Services". For many, it did not go unnoticed scandalous story with Desheli cosmetics: at first, as part of the “Housing and Communal Services”, Proklova spoke about the dangers of this brand, and six months later she became its face.

And outside of her television activities, the actress periodically provides viewers with food for discussion. Many were not given rest plastic surgery actresses, others were outraged by the stuffed animals that filled the entire house of Proklova and her (former) husband Andrei Trishin, an avid hunter. Proklova regularly appears among the guests of talk shows on a variety of channels, and in the summer of 2015 she made a loud statement: I filed for divorce! The husband has fallen out of love: he doesn’t pay attention, he’s not interested, he doesn’t give compliments, let him be free. For several months, the movie star’s divorce was discussed in the media, then there was a lull. But in December 2016, Elena Proklova came to the Secret to a Million program." And then it began.......

Elena Proklova in the program "Secret to a Million"

Proklova was married three times and never hid the fact that in between marriages she had a stormy personal life. The press wrote all sorts of things, but the actress herself never voiced any names or details of her novels, explaining that she had no right to do so. For the time being. In the “Million Dollar Secret” studio, the actress apparently became so accustomed to the role of the penitent Magdalene that she has not left the character to this day. One thing is surprising: why does repentance happen every time not in church or at a psychoanalyst’s appointment, but on the air of central television channels?

"In general, I allowed myself a lot. I don’t regret a single novel, because it was always according to mutual love, and always main theme It was impossible to cause pain to those nearby."

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky

A big revelation for the country was Proklova’s story about a stormy affair with the married Oleg Yankovsky. The acquaintance took place in Leningrad on the set of the film “Sentimental Romance”. The actress talked about it like this:

“We met for the first time at the buffet. I was walking with a cup of coffee, and Yankovsky himself came to meet me! After “Shield and Sword” it was the love of all the people. He said: “God, how amazing you are... You are my destiny.” As I later found out, this was his catchphrase, which he told every girl he wanted to meet and have some kind of relationship with. I looked up, said: “I don’t think so,” and went to the table with his friends. He later admitted : “I was so offended, I was so used to it that any woman would blossom in response.”

In the evening the film crew returned to Moscow. It turned out that Proklova and Yankovsky were traveling in the same SV compartment.

“Then he said that he went to the girls who were handling tickets and said, “Please, make me in the same compartment as Proklova.” From this trip, the relationship began, the interest began. I was unmarried, whether he was married or not, I was in At that time, he didn’t care much. Bouquets of flowers, he flew to some of my filming in other cities, we went abroad together to some film festivals... It was beautiful,” recalls Proklova.

The relationship between the lovers has gone far.

“It was serious love, both on my part and on his,” the actress confessed.

As a result, Proklova even became pregnant from Yankovsky. The actor was ready for this and even persuaded Elena to leave the child, but Proklova decided everything herself:

“This was my second serious abortion. And I had it on September 2, my birthday. And it was the hardest birthday of my life. He stood under the window, he asked not to do this, but I categorically decided that this should not happen "He forgave me, but what could he do? He knew that he had no right to a second family."

The actress also ended her relationship with her married lover on her own initiative: “May this family forgive me, his wife and I saw each other at the time when I was having an affair, I really didn’t like it, I was categorically against it, that’s how the circumstances developed. I was walking together with his son, who adores dad, who will now return to his mother. Philip and I took Arishka to the skating rink, but how can this be taken away? And it was seeing how much his wife loved him that I decided that this had to end. And I did it cruelly, overnight and painfully for him.”

Proklova herself admits that she was happy in this relationship, even if she had to experience pain. They avoided meeting with Yankovsky for some time, but shortly before the actor’s death, at the wake of Alexander Abdulov, they met and talked:

“We talked, told a lot about who had experienced it. And we were very grateful to each other for the fact that we did exactly that. I think that before last days I had a place in his heart."

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky in the film "Sentimental Romance"

Yankovsky with his wife, actress Lyudmila Zorina, and son Philip

By the way, at “Secret for a Million” Proklova casually mentioned an affair with Oleg Yankovsky’s nephew Igor. The actress starred with him in the television movie "Dove". Not so long ago, as a participant in another “frank” program, “Actually,” Proklova admitted that she partly had an affair with Igor in order to annoy Oleg.

Proklova and Igor Yankovsky in the film "Dove"

Proklova and Oleg Tabakov

After Yankovsky, Lera Kudryavtseva began asking about Tabakov, with whom young Lena starred in one of her first films, “Shine, Shine, My Star” with Alexander Mitta. Proklova’s tone immediately changed from dramatic to humorous:

“The love of my youth! I was 15-16 years old! At the same time, the most popular novel was “Lolita”... And, of course, as a real artist, a man, he could not help but desire such a relationship.”

“We were in love with each other. I was just like a child, in love with talent and the fireworks of male charm, he helped me become an actress, enter the Moscow Art Theater. And I am a flint. Everything that he would have wanted was not in our lives, “no matter what anyone says,” Proklova assures.

It would seem that this should definitely have stopped there. But the actress continued:

"When I had already become adult woman and we tried to restore our relationship, it did not bring pleasure to either me or him."

Proklova and Tabakov in the film "Shine, Shine, My Star"

At that time, Oleg Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. Now he is married to actress Marina Zudina.

Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova

Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Proklova and Andrei Mironov

Of course, there were some revelations about Andrei Mironov, with whom Proklova starred with Alla Surikova in the film “Be My Husband.” In this case, Proklova was laconic:

“Yes, there was an affair during filming.”

Apparently, Mironov is not a very bright page from her past life. There was more talk about the sudden arrival of Larisa Golubkina in Sochi on the set.

“Yes, my wife came. She came to our set, beautiful, smiling, and said, “I’m glad to meet you,” “Oh, how wonderful everything is here.” She, of course, understood everything. I think that’s why she came.”

Open secret. Golubkina herself openly and repeatedly talked about how Mironov himself called her and asked her to urgently come to the set because he felt that he was falling deeply in love with his partner Proklova. However, when Larisa finally arrived, he was shy.

“And Andryushka is a coward. He was a coward, he was afraid, worried... funny!” Proklova grins.

Proklova and Mironov in the film "Be My Husband"

By the way, on the set of this film, Proklova did not develop a serious love with Mironov, but she did develop with the artist Alexander Adamovich, who came to the shooting with his son Philip, a young actor who played Ilya, the son of the heroine Proklova.

“Yes, I fell in love with him more. For you, Mironov is an idol, but for me he was one of my admirers. Well, what can I do: this Adamovich came, yes, I fell in love, lost my head and said to Mironov: “Andryusha, I’m sorry.” , that’s all, the end." Then there was suffering and persuasion on his part for a long time, but I’m such a person. Why not? I was a single woman, unmarried, I had the right to answer everything I wanted to answer." .

Alla Surikova says:

“Sasha Adamovich, an artist, the father of the boy Philip, who played the role of her son in our film, fell mortally in love with her. Sasha came to us for a couple of days on an expedition and... left his French wife and two children because of Lena. Adamovich and Proklova lived together together for two years. He then returned to the family. But not for long... He died - probably because of this Love."

Alexander Adamovich

For some reason, it was Adamovich who was remembered better than other men by Elena Proklova’s aunt, who came with her to the “Million Dollar Secret” studio and subsequently to Boris Korchevnikov’s “Live Broadcast.” But it was the aunt who announced the name of another famous lover of the actress.

"An affair turned up with Leva Prygunov, who wanted to change Lena’s life, Lena had plans to cross-stitch icons, and Lena categorically refused to play in the film “Crew”. I still have a grudge against him!”

Proklova herself did not say anything about Prygunov, but giggled approvingly in response to her aunt’s stories.

Lev Prygunov

But Proklova spoke in detail about another of her novels.

Proklova and Mihai Volontir

Proklova met “Budulay,” already famous throughout the USSR, on the set of the film “Be Happy, Yulia!” Naturally, a romance broke out. The role of “leader” in this union belonged to Proklova. This is how she remembers Volontir:

“My great-grandmother called me the Almshouse. She said: “Lena, the almshouse again!” Because I always got the part of a comforting woman, a woman who revives lives, who gives strength. I now understand that this is probably a man’s favorite technique.. .Complain about how lonely I am, how unhappy I am. It was the same with him. I thought, God, so famous, so handsome, so talented, kind, so lonely, so unhappy..."

Volontir was also married. He lived with Efrosinya Dobinde-Volontir, an actress of the National Theater of Moldova, until the end of his days.

“He was terribly afraid of her. She somehow arrived on the set, I think they told her. Mihai dealt with her himself, in the morning she was no longer there, but there was a big scandal in the hotel. The hotel was shaking!” - Proklova confesses.

The romance between the partners, as always, ended abruptly and, as always, on the initiative of the wayward actress.

“He stayed with the family, I went home. I always ended abruptly. He came and tried to restore something.”

Proklova and Volontir in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”

Volunteer with his wife Efrosinya Dobynde

With her sexual revelations, Proklova gave her acquaintances from the past the basis for developing the topic. So 77-year-old director Leonid Monastyrsky admitted that the actress had no equal as a woman.

“It was only Andron Konchalovsky who thought that he “picked” her, but she was the one who chose. At one time Lena and I lived with her grandfather in an apartment on Mosfilmovskaya. There were two paired telephones there. A bell rings, Lena picks up the phone and gestures to me so that I take another one. I hear Andron’s voice: “I’ve been impressed for six months, come back...” And Lena shows me with a gesture, saying, “You see how much they want me, but you don’t appreciate me.”

It is strange that Konchalovsky, who described his love affairs in such detail in his memoirs “Low Truths” and “Exalting Deception,” did not say a word about Proklova.

Andrei Konchalovsky, apparently, loved himself too much to actively pursue Proklova.

The loving actress admitted that she was always the receiving party in relationships and fell in love only in return, “mirroring” the attitude towards herself. Proklova also believes that love for famous partners flared up as a continuation of roles. Today the actress’s position is difficult to understand. On the one hand, she continues to insist: “I was free and I could afford it. I did not pretend to marry married lovers.” On the other hand, she portrays some semblance of repentance and even says that the infidelities of her third husband Andrei Trishin with a young neighbor in the dacha are retribution for the sins of her youth.

In July of this year, Proklova, as a guest of the Slavic Bazaar, gave an interview in which she was reminded of her intimate revelations. The actress played the role of a victim, “tired of hiding the truth”:

“At some point I felt ashamed of the way I felt about my life. I always took into account how other people, their families, children, grandchildren, treated my life, taking into account the opinions of the audience. Why should I lie? "as I am. I wanted it both for myself and for my viewers. Well, love me if you know everything about me, or do you not need me like that? You have to love, knowing the person."

During the course of this conversation, Proklova managed to bury Tabakov and Prygunov alive:

“I allowed myself to say this after these people were gone. I didn’t name a single name of living people... I’m not ashamed, I lived a very honest life. I don’t think that acting novels are something "beyond what is accepted in society. Another thing is that these are people who are interesting to hear about. If I'm there with Vasya, it's not interesting."

Just 2 months later, Elena appeared in the studio of the program on “Actually,” and when it came to her novels, Proklova again changed her policy, saying that she closed this topic because her revelations caused too much trouble to the families of ex-lovers. However, 10 minutes later she listed their names again...

According to Elena, she did not talk about all her famous suitors. Let's place bets, who's next? Vysotsky? How far? Filatov? Zolotukhin? Kikabidze? Nakhapetov? Petrenko? Kalyagin? Boyarsky? Kalnins? And these are just Proklova’s film partners... Recently, the actress appeared at an evening in memory of Oleg Efremov, but did not say a word about her affair with the artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater. But who knows what will come to her mind next time?

IN early youth Proklova was charming. Feminine, seductive, at the same time childishly spontaneous and bitchy, affectionate and daring, easily accessible, but not completely belonging to anyone. Perhaps now she is forced to remember the past by female loneliness, perhaps by the fear of being forgotten by the viewer. But does the end always justify the means?

Elena Proklova recently made a loud confession. She told the whole country about her bright romances with legendary actors - Andrei Mironov, Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Yankovsky. The artist admitted that she considers frankness one of best qualities of your character.

“I regret money on clothes, not on healthy food!”

When you go on stage, you always feel healthy,” shares 64-year-old Proklova. - All diseases disappear immediately! And this despite the fact that the play in which I am currently playing is very difficult. Today we rehearsed for a long time. Consider that we worked for two performances.

- You are in great shape! How do you support yourself?

It is important to drink good water from sources, preferably saints. At least two liters per day. I do exercises and try to stay in good mood always, no matter what happens! Proper nutrition- this is one of the most serious topics in my life. I regret money on clothes, but I will never skimp on healthy food. I prefer decent plant-based food, preferably grown in my own garden.

- Do you have your own garden?

I am an avid gardener, gardener and florist. I love the earth. The philosopher Cicero once said that the person who has a library and a garden is a priori happy. And I have both.

- What kind of housewife are you?

My zodiac sign is Virgo, that’s why I’m a very boring housewife, punctual, everything has to be in its place. Maybe my loved ones grumble a little because of this, but I get such a thrill when everything is well-groomed. I treat things the same way as living beings, respecting the amount of time spent by many people on their production. Therefore, I try to use every thing until it becomes old and useless, after which I try to make something new out of it, and give it to someone.

“I’m tired of movies about showdowns and corpses”

- Elena Igorevna, how do you like to relax?

I have always been a fan of seaside holidays and loved Thailand. Warm sea, luxurious fruits and you can spend your entire vacation in shorts without thinking about what to wear. And now the format of my vacation has changed due to the fact that I am already getting serious, and I want to relax in my own climate. I bought an apartment in Sochi, and recently I bought land there and am building a country house.

- Yours last work was in the cinema in 2010. Why aren't you filming now?

For me it sad story. IN last years there were enough offers. But I didn’t like the scripts, I refused. Then, when I saw these films on the screen, I was baptized and said: “Lord, thank you very much for turning me away from this work!” I'm tired of movies about cop showdowns and corpses. Even in any love story there is always a crime. And then, I got tired of everyday life. If earlier in the cinema and in the theater our souls could relax, admire, and dream, now this is not the case.

Elena Proklova is a woman with a busy personal life. The actress was married three times. Elena was separated from her second husband, doctor Alexander Deryabin, by grief. Proklova lost first her twins, then her son, who lived only 9 days. The actress’s third husband was businessman Andrei Trishin: the star officially divorced him after thirty years life together, but they continue to live together. The union was not destroyed by Proklova’s recent confession of having affairs with the then-married legendary actors of the USSR - Oleg Yankovsky, Andrei Mironov and Oleg Tabakov.

For some reason, recently everyone has become interested in my novels,” the actress is perplexed. - When I was asked about them on one of the programs, I could not help but answer. I am not ashamed of what I once did. After all, these are all the lessons of my life!

Once upon a time young beautyElena Proklova dreamed that in the future she would be able to live on Mars, where she would meet her only love in her life - captain spaceship, will bear children from him, become an exemplary wife...

None of the plans came true, but Proklova does not at all regret her failed life on Mars. “It was good for me and on Earth,” she says. She also no longer dreams of being a ship captain; there have been many wonderful “captains” in her life, each of whom left their own indelible mark.

“I allowed myself a lot, but I never regretted anything,” admits Proklova.

First husband, Vitaly Melik-Karamov, is a documentary director.

Vitaly Melik-Karamov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Levitin

Vitaly was a friend of Proklova's brother. According to the actress herself, all her brother’s friends were crazy about her. From this list of suitors, she, a 17-year-old theater student, chose her husband. I thought it was time to end my turbulent young life and arrange a quiet family haven for myself. A year later, a daughter was born Arina, and four years later Elena divorced. A safe haven did not come out of her marriage. She realized that her heart belonged to the acting profession, and her husband insisted that Lena quit her job, sit at home and take care of everyday life.

Second husband, Alexander Savelov-Deryabin, academician.

Frame youtube.com

About her second husband, Proklova said after the divorce: “Two bears do not live in the same den.” Indeed, this marriage was not easy. According to Alexandra, Elena was jealous of him, and he constantly suspected her of cheating, because on the streets, men just seeing Proklova were already shouting: “I want Larisa Ivanovna!”

Then a misfortune happened - due to stress, Elena lost her twins. For a short time the husband and wife became closer. But Alexander lost his temper, started drinking, and Lena threw herself into work. One of the jobs, filming the film “Be My Husband!”, radically changed everything in their lives.

Andrei Mironov, actor.

The film “Be My Husband” was filmed in Sochi. Sun, sea, radiant partner Elena Proklova. Andrei Mironov fell in love. He was generally a very enthusiastic person. He started courting me, and it seemed like a romance began. But then his legal wife came to Sochi Larisa Golubkina, who immediately suspected something. She was so friendly and kind that Mironov became embarrassed and hid for a while, which made Proklova laugh a lot.

Alexander Adamovich, artist.

The passions of Elena Proklova with Andrei Mironov flared up and then died out. But then on film set another guest arrived - Alexander Adamovich. The fact is that his son Philip played the main character's child. Adamovich decided to visit the boy. They say it was love at first sight. Proklova immediately gave Mironov a turn away from the gate. Andrei, however, tried to change something, but she was adamant. She already loved someone else. “What’s wrong? I was free, I had the right to choose,” says Elena.

Adamovich left the family for the sake of Proklova, leaving two children. But two years later, when the actress’s love for him began to cool, he asked to return to his wife.

Oleg Yankovsky, actor.

Until recently, no one knew about this novel. Elena Proklova's confessions in one of the television programs became a revelation. It turns out that love broke out in Leningrad, on the set of the film “Sentimental Romance.” She swam towards him, he came up and said: “You are so beautiful! You are my destiny! Elena was flattered by this, but she made an arrogant face, said, “I don’t think so,” and moved on.

Yankovsky is not used to refusals. He agreed with the administrators that he would travel from filming to Moscow in the same compartment with Proklova. This overnight move was the beginning of a long and complex relationship. Flowers, gifts, trips, unplanned pregnancy... She even remembered the day on which she had to give up this child - September 2, her birthday. Elena says that Oleg stood under her window and begged her not to do this. But Elena decided that she would not destroy his family. Since then, they have tried not to interfere with each other. We met only many years later at a farewell to Alexander Abdulov.

Third husband, businessman Andrei Trishin.

Shot from Channel One

This was the actress's longest relationship. And by the way, Andrey was also her brother's friend. They got married very quickly and had a daughter. Pauline. The family built a large house, but only then, at the age of 40, did Proklova realize that life in the family’s safe haven was just beginning. She devoted herself to her husband and children and planted a luxurious garden. For 7 years she refused all offers from theater and cinema. But one day, in the heat of a quarrel, my husband shouted: “You are no longer an actress! They forgot you a long time ago!” Proklova thought. A few days later she already agreed with the director Dmitry Astrakhan about filming the film "Yellow Dwarf".

Proklova filed for divorce from Andrei Trishin after 30 years of marriage. They said that the husband had found a young mistress. Elena herself claims that she knew about her husband’s infidelities and this was not the main reason. They are just tired of each other, too many complaints have accumulated. Once the couple were quarreling, and Andrei, no longer knowing what argument to make, simply shouted: “How long can you collect bottles like a homeless person? It’s impossible to live with you!” The actress actually collects bottles of bizarre shapes, which she then paints herself. Elena calmly looked at her husband and said: “Let's get a divorce.” The next day she filed for divorce. True, the former spouses remained living in the same house. Periodically, Andrei tells Elena that he still loves her. But she is not yet ready for a new relationship, even with her ex-husband.

The actress who played the role of Larisa Ivanovna in the film “Mimino” refused to reciprocate Andrei Mironov, but lost to the “gypsy” Mihai Volontir

Elena Proklova had many affairs in her life, and her men were no less worthy than the legendary Budulai - Mihai Volontir. For example, few people know that Alexander Abdulov was passionately in love with her, although a long-term relationship did not work out. Alas, in search family Elena's happiness was destined to survive the most terrible test for a woman - the death of her children.

Proklova's first husband was Vitaly Melik-Karamov, whom she met at the age of 15. The oriental handsome man gained fame as a journalist and documentary director. And Lena was an all-Union star from childhood. She was lucky enough to star in Alexander Mitta’s film “They’re calling, open the door!”, which was a huge success. At the same time, the talented girl acting career I didn't think so. She was studying gymnastics, having received the title of master of sports by the age of 11. And suddenly such a success!
Why out of hundreds of fans Elena chose Vitaly and married him at the age of 17 is difficult to say. But four years later the marriage broke up. Even the birth of his daughter Alina did not save him.

“He was too good and loved me too much,” Proklova said about Vitaly in an interview. - Kind oriental man, and I was such a joker. I think now he himself recalls with humor how he forbade me to kiss in the play “Valentin and Valentina.” When the question became clear - profession or family, we parted ways. I don't like edge questions.

Elena PROKLOVA with her husband Andrei TRISHIN and daughter Polina. By the way, Elena loves not only fishing, but also hunting. Photo: PhotoXPress

I want Larisa Ivanovna!

The marriage with MELIK-KARAMOV was not saved even by daughter Alina.

In 1977, the film “Mimino” was released on Soviet screens. Proklova has a cameo role there - a couple of shooting days, no more. But after that, the entire USSR repeated the phrase of the hero Vakhtang Kikabidze: “I want Larisa Ivanovna!” The blue-eyed flight attendant played by the 24-year-old actress has become the standard of female attractiveness. Elena Igorevna met her second husband just after the premiere of Georgy Danelia’s masterpiece. It turned out to be an outstanding physician - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. One day a friend, actor Vsevolod Shilovsky, came to visit him. And with him - oh, God! - the same “Larisa Ivanovna”!

“I didn’t even hope for such a miracle!” - Alexander later recalled. — I couldn’t find a place for myself. She certainly sensed my passion.

Four years later, Proklova turned to an experienced physician for help - her daughter Alina was suffering from an ulcer. Alexander helped. And suddenly the doctor and the actress were irresistibly drawn to each other.

“This woman is so incredibly sexy,” Savelov-Deryabin says nostalgically. “She has a fabulous figure, fabulous skin... I’ll never forget how Lena greeted me from my business trip. She runs along the platform in light dress, in the hands of a huge armful of flowers. Everyone envy me: “God! This is..." Flowers are scattered on the platform, she jumps on my chest... There were so many threats! One criminal constantly called: “It will still be mine!”

Refused Andrey Mironov

On the set of the film “Be My Husband,” the actress began an affair not with Andrei MIRONOV, but with the father of the boy Philip (behind her back) - Alexander ADAMOVIC

The marriage cracked after a terrible tragedy. This happened after a joint visit by Alexander and Elena to an underground maternity hospital, where births took place in water fashionable then the method of Igor Charkovsky. Elena was pregnant and persuaded her husband to visit this dubious place. The couple found a half-dead woman there, who was trying to give birth in agony. Thanks to the efforts of Savelov-Deryabin, the unfortunate woman was saved. As is her child. But all this made such a shocking impression on Proklova that she had a miscarriage - she lost twin boys. This was very difficult for the spouses. And the breakup occurred on the set of the film “Be My Husband.” But not at all because of his partner in the film Andrei Mironov, as many people think. Although it was he who chose the actress to play the role of his beloved and persistently courted her. Later, Larisa Golubkina, Andrei’s then wife, admits that she felt something was wrong and rushed to Sochi for filming, where she found her sad, rejected husband.

Elena’s new chosen one was the father of the same boy who touchingly played the role of Proklova’s son, the artist Alexander Adamovich.

Punishment for vanity

Passion literally covered the lovers. For Elena's sake, the artist abandoned his French wife and two children. But the relationship lasted only two years. This is precisely the case when it was not possible to build happiness out of the misfortune of others.

Alexander SAVELOV-DERYABIN still loves PROKLOVA. Photo: rusbereza.ru

Alexander returned to the family and soon died... And Elena found solace with her brother’s friend, businessman Andrei Trishin. In 1985 they got married, and the actress became pregnant again. “We had a son,” Elena Igorevna recalled. “The doctors who delivered me that fateful time cried with me with happiness. For some reason, I then said that we would not rush to register the child, we would wait a little. And then, on the eighth day, they came to me and said that this had happened.” The son suddenly died... But this time there was a man nearby who was able to fill the void in his heart. Their union turned out to be so strong that together they were able to endure another blow of fate - a few years later, shortly before giving birth, she lost another son... Only in 1994 did fate reward them for all the torment: long-awaited daughter Pauline.
“I was rewarded for both the bustle and the feeling that everything in this life comes easy,” Elena admitted not so long ago. - Punishment, without which I would not exist. There would be a different person. And much less worthy.

Irina Yurevich, who played the role of the heroine Proklova’s rival in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”, told how the filming of the piquant episodes took place:

— All the bed scenes went somehow naturally. Neither Elena nor I were embarrassed and didn’t do any doubles. For that time, these scenes were a revelation. Mihai played as seriously as if he was living life. After filming, we didn’t see each other again, but I heard that he was sick. I wish him to get better!

Golden wedding in the hospital

As Efrosinya Alekseevna admitted, she and Mikhai had love at first sight:

“It was real, pure, romantic love.” Once he saw me, his eyes became misty. After four months of dating, Mihai wrote me two sentences in the middle of the sheet, the meaning of which was that I should marry him. I realized that I was in a trap. So beautiful, wavy hair. But most importantly: he thought like me. Mihai and I are very similar. The newlyweds did not have a wedding - after the registry office they immediately left for filming. — It was in 1960. There was no celebration - they lived like Spartans back then, sharing one apple and one pear between two. There is no apartment, the salary is low. But if everything was smooth, it would not be interesting. I never stuck my head out in front of my husband, I knew my place.

After the release of “Gypsy,” viewers married the actor to Klara LUCHKO

Many people told me that I should be set as an example. We got married in 1990. At Soviet power This couldn’t be done in Moldova, so we left for Romania. There the priest performed the ceremony.
Two years ago, Euphrosyne and Mihai celebrated their golden wedding. Alas, the celebration, as on the day of registration, did not work out, because the actor was unwell.

Golden wedding“We met at the hospital,” recalls Efrosinya Alekseevna. “I still go to him every day to cheer him up.” This is my cross, and I must bear it with dignity. There is only one piece of news: they started using fewer IVs, but the council has not yet decided how to treat further. What would you like? Four operations in St. Petersburg, one in Moscow and three in Chisinau.

Irina YUREVICH (right) played PROKLOVA’s rival

Faith will save you

By embroidering icons, Efrosinya Alekseevna believes that by doing this she is saving her husband:

— I have been baptized since childhood. And I have an outlet in life: I either knit or embroider icons. When he was in intensive care last Easter, I started knitting a napkin with roses for the table. For eight months it lay unfinished. And at the hospital I tied her up. Otherwise I would have gone crazy there. I couldn’t read, so I found a hook and started knitting. I named the tablecloth “Renaissance”. Mihai says so: you are my guardian angel. He has another patron - the Holy Archangel Michael. Me and faith in God brought him back from the other world. Mihai is my heart. I feel it, I foresee the beginning of deterioration. He wonders: “How do you know?” How not to know: so many years side by side.