Clock for birthday signs. Why you can’t give a watch: signs against common sense

All about signs relating to a gift in the form of a watch.

Human life is arranged in such a way that one event replaces another. A series of various emotional outbursts captures the human mind, and he tries to find an explanation and reason for what is happening. Not finding a reasonable explanation, a person turns to the interpretation of the event with the help of signs. Most often this happens when there are any problems.
Exists great amount beliefs for deciphering almost all life situations that occur.
One of the most common is considered to be a donated watch.

Is it true that watches are given for parting?

Mystical interpretation of signs about hours

  • According to Slavic belief, the sharp hands of the clock are able to cut happiness, love and friendship.
  • Our ancestors treated all cutting and sharp objects very carefully.
  • It is believed that it is they who, at the time of presenting the gift, attract evil spirits, which provoke a quarrel and further separation, people participating in this ritual.

Is it possible to give a watch to a grandson, son: a sign

Be careful with gifts to loved ones

  • The Eastern version of the predictions interprets such a gift very categorically, and considers it a non-verbal invitation to a funeral. The point is that the countdown to a complete separation begins.
  • According to another sign, donated watches are life-threatening.
  • Ignorance of omens does not save the recipient from negativity.
  • According to Japanese mystical interpretation, it is believed that in the case of such a presentation, the donor consciously wishes the death of a person.
  • It is better to refrain from such a gift for your relatives.

Is it possible to give a watch to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband: a sign

Should you give your loved one a watch as a gift?

  • A present consisting of a watch for a male with whom there is a love or marital relationship threatens to part.
  • At the same time, the beloved becomes the initiator of such a situation.

Is it possible to give a watch to your beloved girl, woman: a sign

Will your chosen one be happy with a mystical present?

  • Superstitious ladies may get the impression that a loved one gives such a gift in order to get rid of annoying relationships. Therefore, the most expensive and exclusive watches can bring resentment and disappointment.
  • Ask imperceptibly whether your companion is superstitious, and only then decide whether to give her such a gift.
  • Suspicious women believe that a malfunction in the work of a donated time chronometer leads to the cessation of strong love relationships.

Is it possible to give a watch for a birthday, New Year, wedding, just as a gift: a sign

Clockwork will be a pleasure for office workers

A negative interpretation of signs about a donated watch creates a lot of negative emotions around such a present.

But still, if a present in the form of a watch is not intended for a close or related environment, and not for a birthday, he has the right to exist.

For example, why not give:

  • On the New Year - office hours in the office of a colleague or boss
  • Just a gift- to decorate the interior of a new office for a business partner or just a friend
  • H and housewarming- a couple who have just joined their fate by marriage

Is it possible to give a wall clock as a gift: a sign?

The clock fell off the wall, what does it mean?

  • Interpretations associated with wall clocks are shrouded in special mysticism.
  • The presented mechanism can silently and peacefully count the time for years, safely located on the wall, but at one moment it suddenly falls for no reason. This is a harbinger of great misfortune.
  • And the donor is considered the source of these troubles.

Who can and who can not give a watch?

Ideal for rewarding: personalized watches

  • Do not hand over the clock mechanism:

To old people. Over the years, a person becomes sentimental and thoughts often come about the time allotted to him. Hours will not bring joy to a person who has already passed most of his life. In this age category, it is inappropriate to present a gift that counts the hours. And if the recipient is also superstitious, if the mechanism stops, the gift can lead to a huge panic.

Not the pedantic type of people. The described item, in the form of a gift, may offend a non-punctual person. After all, a person may consider this a hint of his eternal lateness.

People to whom this gift will be useless. There is a category of people who do not need such a gift. For whatever reason, they don't like to wear watches, or don't watch the time at all.

Beloved people: guys and girls, man and woman, husband and wife. According to folk signs, it is forbidden to give watches of any kind to this category of people - this will inevitably lead to separation. According to one version, parting will occur regardless of whether the clock is running or stopped, according to another, this can happen if the mechanism breaks down and stops working.

Birthday. The significance of belief is aggravated when a clockwork is presented on a birthday. According to the sign, such a gift counts the released life cycle person. This can upset a superstitious and suspicious birthday man.

  • It is not forbidden to give gift watches:
  1. At official events and receptions
  2. Boss or colleague
  3. Collector
  4. Other people who are not related to close or related relationships

What should I do if I received a watch as a gift?

Should you be upset if you were given a watch?

  • The belief about the clock does not bode well for the recipient of such a gift.
  • But not all people believe in signs and are aware of their existence.
  • Perhaps the person wanted to present a presentable gift, not realizing the superstition of the person being presented.
  • Not to spoil the overall impression in this situation, a little trick will help:
    Turn the watch into the thing you are purchasing - give the donor a few small coins in return. The meaning of the sign will crumble, and general atmosphere takes on a humorous character.

How to give a watch as a gift and not part, when a watch is given, is it necessary to give a coin?

There are situations when it is necessary to give a watch, despite the knowledge of the bad omen of such a gift. To deceive evil spirits, not to let it violate your happiness and well-being, a coin will also help.

  • Present a gift dear person asking for some coins in return.
  • Evil spells will be deceived, and the sign will not come true - the watch was bought, not donated.

Despite various negative interpretations of signs, many happy couples wear a gift watch. Most of them say that this present in no way affected their attitude in a bad way. On the contrary, this worthy gift, every time you look at it, causes a storm. positive emotions and uplifting. After all, this is the most expensive gift - the gift of a loved one.

Nevertheless, it is better for superstitious individuals to refuse such a present. So it will be calmer for you, and for a person dear to you.

Video: 5 signs about hours. Which of them can ruin your life?

Most people are sure that wall either wrist watch able to attract a maximum of negative events to the recipient. Find out if bad omens really apply to such a gift.

Signs about a wall clock as a gift

AT folk signs ah many things are . They can attract negative energy to the recipient, carry with them dark forces that cling to a person at the moment when he accepts the gift. Along with evil forces come ailments, troubles, failures in relationships. If we talk about wall clock, there are many negative beliefs about them. It is believed that such a gift will steal time from the recipient, and the more sharp small ones there are on the case, the more trouble will be attracted.

The Chinese believe that if an individual is presented with a watch, then he is, as it were, invited to a burial. According to another theory, by presenting such an item to a good friend, you give him the opportunity to count down the time until your separation.

In Japan, according to etiquette, they give a watch to an enemy, as this is a wish for a quick death. Our ancestors were convinced that the received hours prophesy longing, devastation and trouble.

Does a gift prophesy separation?

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Watches belong to those gifts, and. According to superstition, the relationship will last only as long as the clock runs.

Psychics they assure that in this case the superstition is not supported by anything and sudden quarrels and troubles will not begin after the clock breaks or stops. In this situation, people themselves attract a bad program to themselves, which is “activated” at the moment when the arrows stop going.

It is doubtful and a sign that if the arrow of such a donated watch breaks, then the partners will disperse. Similarly, you also attract negativity to yourself. Just remember that the strength of the union depends on your attitude towards each other, the wisdom of partners, and not on donated things.

Why not give watches to friends?

Even if we talk about surprises for friends, it is better not to opt for a watch. It is believed that especially superstitious people can by themselves “turn on” a non-existent negative program, attract negative energy to themselves.

The older a person is, the more often he can think about the transience of time, about the fact that youth will not return. And in a similar way, you only remind him that everything is subject to time and the old years can no longer be returned.

What to do if the watch was presented?

Even if you have been given something that falls into the category of unwanted gifts, wait to panic. In fact, there are ways to neutralize all negativity. First, take a closer look at the person who presents the thing. If he treats you positively, wholeheartedly presents a gift, he will never be able to harm you, even a watch taken from his hands will not turn out to be something dangerous.

When an unpleasant person gives a thing about whom you know nothing, it is better to refuse the present. If this is not possible, redeem the item. Pay for it a few coins or a couple of small bills to buy them, and not receive them as a gift. In this case negative impact signs will be neutralized.

All the same, you are afraid that someone else's energy could remain on the subject - read the prayer over the clock Our Father, sprinkle them with holy water.

Watches are not the best gift. Especially for impressionable people who believe in bad omens. Therefore, if in your environment, people who trust superstitions, refrain from buying such a gift.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, in the era of high technology and the peak of the development of science, many of us still believe in folk signs and various superstitions. The most common superstition is the belief about giving watches: it is believed that they cannot be given as a gift. Let's look at this article: why you can not give a watch.

Why you can not give a watch

Why can't you donate, what is it for? Many people say that it is impossible to give a watch as a gift, but if you study this issue more deeply, it turns out that the belief says: you cannot give any watch, including wrist, wall, table and others. This sign, according to most sources, originates from China, where it was believed that by giving a person a watch, you wish him a speedy death. It is this belief that migrated to our country.

In our country, it is believed that by giving a person a watch, they will count the time until his death (burial), or while the donated watch is working and not broken, the person will live. Thus, this gift alludes to speedy death person. That is why you can not give watches for birthdays and other holidays to relatives, acquaintances, friends, etc.

Whether this is true or not, one can be convinced from examples and stories, but we have not found any on the Internet, which in itself does not confirm this sign, but does not refute it either.

Why you can not give a watch to a loved one

A watch is a very good gift, because, firstly, it can be an expensive gift, and an expensive watch is a very status accessory, and secondly, watches, especially wristwatches, will always remind you of the person who gave them. That is why a watch for a loved one is a good gift, but is it possible to give a watch to a boyfriend or girlfriend, or to a husband or wife!?

It is also impossible to give a watch to a husband or wife, based on folk signs. If a watch presented to a relative, friend and acquaintance has its own meaning, then a gift in the form of a watch to a boyfriend or girlfriend may precede your imminent separation.

Can be found a large number of examples that when a guy gave a girl or a girl a guy a watch, they broke up, but there are many examples when couples break up without it. There are also many examples when a guy or a girl gave their second half a watch and their relationship lasts quite a long time, and continues to this day. Therefore, to believe in it or not - decide for yourself.

Gift a watch or not?

Why it is impossible to give a watch - we have considered, but what if a person really wants to be presented with a watch? In that case there is people's council, which recommends that the person who gives the watch take a nominal fee for a gift, for example, 1 ruble, in which case it will be considered that you sold this watch, and not donated it. Another way is to donate money and for the person to buy a watch for himself. Yes, on the one hand it interesting ways get out of the situation, but if you are a very superstitious person, then it is better not to risk it.

If you are not a superstitious person, and the person to whom you give a watch is not superstitious either, then do not pay attention to all these superstitions, the main thing is to give a watch from a pure heart and with good intentions. By the way, according to psychologists, people who believe in superstition - they often come true, and those who do not believe in them - they are not forgotten. If you have your own stories about this, be sure to share them in the comments with other visitors to our site.

Lots of things to do with watches. bad omens. Every country knows the superstitions associated with them. Gifting a watch is a kind of invitation to a birthday person for a funeral.

Such a present shortens the life span of a person. And when a person accepts such an item as a gift, the arrows begin to count down.

People often face difficult situations in choosing the right gift. Ancient signs will best answer your question why you can’t give a watch as a gift.

The first sign that the watch is given to symbolizes the close separation of lovers or friends. No wonder they say: happy hours are not observed. Whether it is true or not is unknown. Check it out by giving a present to the enemy.

The second sign, why you can’t give a watch as a gift, concerns sharp objects. The arrow can cause serious harm to health. She cuts the relationship between the giver and the recipient with a blade, provoking parting.

The third sign says that the watch shortens the life of the one to whom it was presented. The belief is very unusual, but people believe in it, choosing other gifts.

Many people find other reasons why they don't want to receive a watch as a gift.

By giving them to a vulnerable person, you will offend him by pointing out constant delays.

When choosing a present, pay attention to the degree of attachment of a person to time. Such a thing will not benefit the recipient, who lives according to his own biorhythms.

What is the reason for the ban on donating watches?

Watches are a wonderful expensive and high-quality gift. But not everyone will be happy with it. It is important to understand the reason why you can not give a watch as a gift.

Many sources claim that the sign came to us from Ancient China, where the thing was given as a sign of an invitation to a funeral. And given the desire of people to believe in everything mystical, it is understandable why watches soon became an unwanted gift for the holiday.

Among all the existing superstitions, this belief comes to the fore, and giving a watch is a bad omen to this day.

Today, sharp corners cannot attract evil spirits. A watch presented as a gift will not affect the duration of the relationship. This raises the question of whether it is possible to give a watch? Think about it, if such a present really had a huge impact on people's lives, the number of victims of dangerous gifts would have long ago exceeded a million.

In ancient times, life expectancy was low. Unexpected illnesses were the cause of high mortality.

Insufficient knowledge of the people of that time gave rise to a myth that explains this trend.

Associating an unexpected illness with a “bad” thing, people began to be suspicious of such gifts, and folk fantasy invented more and more reasons why, in fact, the most harmless object could seriously harm. Since then, presenting a watch as a gift is a bad omen.

All folk beliefs created on a very distorted real basis. So the Chinese character for the word "clock" is similar to the character for "death". In China, these two concepts are connected by one thread. But donating watches is a very common phenomenon. Look at presidents, billionaires, stars who often receive watches as gifts and feel great. Such an item does not affect the fate of the people who received it.

If neither you nor the intended recipient of the gift believe in signs, superstitions will not prevent you from making you happy. loved one, giving the item that the birthday boy had dreamed of for so long.

If you are not sure about the person's attitude towards such a gift, it is best to refrain from buying.

Without thinking about the feelings of loved ones, without noticing the vulnerability of the birthday man, you will cause severe psychological harm to your friend.

How to avoid punishment from above?

Diverse forms, purposes and design solutions make the watch a universal present. When choosing a model, consider the character, age, status and preferences of the future owner, because this is an indispensable element in everyday life that helps a person structure life and set the right pace. When presenting a watch as a gift to a birthday man, pay attention to some rules.

Dedicate the birthday person to the essence of the problem. Ask for any amount in return for the gift Money, be it ten or five kopecks. Many will be surprised and ask why this should be done? So you will bypass the bad omen by "selling" a superstitious item. This can be done even if you give your loved ones sharp or cutting objects.

You can not fall under the influence of bad omens by presenting an electric clock to the birthday man. Multifaceted style solutions will allow you to make such an item perfect gift for a boss, relative, friend or child.

Please your beloved by choosing an elegant product made of precious metals. An athlete friend will be satisfied with the shockproof model.

A solid product with a discreet engraving will help you find a reliable patron in your boss.

You can avoid the punishment of heaven if you go to the store with a friend. If he himself chooses the model he needs, superstition will bypass you. The only drawback of this method is that your friend may opt for an obscenely expensive watch model. But if the gift comes from the heart, its value will not matter.

Video: Why you can not give a watch

The clock is a material symbol of time. Expensive and exquisite, wrist or desktop - a desired and necessary decoration that immediately comes to mind when thinking of pleasing a loved one with a good gift. Do not rush: an old sign says that for some reason you can’t give a watch to your loved one under any circumstances. This is hardly an outdated superstition, given how many centuries people have listened to it.

In the traditions of many countries, there is an attitude to time as a mystery, a riddle and a reasonable element, which should be handled with care and respect. And the clock chronometer has always been a subject of a mystical nature.

For example, in medieval times in China, not wanting to personally talk about death in the family, they sent relatives a stopped clock as a symbol of an interrupted life. The hieroglyph denoting the word "death" was written almost the same as the symbol that the Chinese denoted a clock mechanism. It was a kind of hint to come and take part in the funeral. Since then, the science of harmonizing Feng Shui space has included the clock belief in its charter, from where it later came to other cultures.

In Japan, such a gift was considered a wish for a short life that would end soon, and was sent exclusively to enemies as part of a ritual.

A mystical effect on fate was also attributed to the arrows on the dial. Their sharp tips were a priori considered harmful, symbolizing the evil intentions of the donor. In addition, wild fantasy, in the absence of developed science, launched the myth that the life and health of the owner will depend on the arrows and their course.

Before the Renaissance, few people in Europe dared to keep a mechanical clock face with hands at home, preferring to tell the time in a town square or using a structure filled with sand.

In the Arab countries, even enlightened thinkers believed that such a present:

  • begins to count down the minutes and hours until the imminent separation, and their stop immediately provokes a break in relations in real life;
  • has a direct impact on the approaching death of the new owner.

In Russia, it was believed that, along with a gift, a person gives away his personal time allotted to him on earth, and no one knows exactly what part the arrows will count.

Beloved let the clock not separate

Of course, an alarm clock, wrist, desktop, even sand time meters as an accessory are ideal for a present. They are always on the hand or nearby, when looking at them, the image of the donor immediately comes to life in memory.

All sorts of legends only confirmed the signs that giving a watch to a woman or a beloved man portends separation for reasons beyond their control. There is a Venetian story about a dizzying romance between two lovers who were already preparing for the wedding. The bride presented a surprisingly beautiful, antique watch as a gift to a man. Whether the sign worked, or just a coincidence, but immediately after that they began to quarrel for no particular reason and look for flaws in each other.

The wedding never took place - much to the surprise of everyone who knew the story of their love. One could call it superstition, but something else is interesting - a year later, the failed groom accidentally broke the ill-fated gift, and a month later, having met his former lover, he realized that he still loves her. Luckily, the couple weren't left out. analytical thinking and, having compared the facts, she decided not to risk any more with such symbolic gifts.

As the legend says, they then lived in perfect harmony, but, apparently, they did not acquire more watch mechanisms after all the suffering experienced.

In our time, there are many cases where everything went well and without parting. It is possible that energetically strong people omens don't work. But some still believe that even if the mechanism works properly, this is only a delay of the inevitable, and if the arrows stop, then something bad will happen right there. Given that our subconscious seeks to translate into reality all beliefs and fears, do not lay a negative program, especially:

But to inherit a chronometer, on the contrary, is considered very a good sign. He becomes a family amulet and keeper of happy minutes.

How to cheat an omen

Despite terrible beliefs, some people either do not attach importance to them and do as they please, or observe certain rules, not wanting to joke with mysticism. Knowing what to do if you gave a watch as a gift, you can save your nerves and just enjoy a useful purchase.

Everything is quite simple and verified by many superstitious people. It turns out that it is enough to give the donor a symbolic payment at the time of presenting the gift, and Negative influence belief will fade away. This is a classic scheme for neutralizing many signs associated with purchased items. But it has its own nuances:

  • you need to give a coin, not a paper banknote - the ransom should not be too large;
  • it must be given and received with the left hand;
  • you can’t transfer this coin to someone, but it’s best to spend it right there for a little pleasure.

The main thing is to have no doubt that after such a ritual everything will be fine, especially if the one who gives is experiencing sincere feelings of love and sympathy. positive attitude charges any gift with only positive energy, and this already removes the negative impact by half. The coin will complete the job.

It is also acceptable to donate the full amount necessary for the purchase of watches. It is believed that then the sign will not work.

To whom a gift is a joy

If you know for sure that a person does not believe in signs, whether he is an atheist or a strong believer, you can safely present a useful and necessary gift. In addition, there are categories of people who, by definition, are beautiful and stylish watches will only be a joy, even without a ransom:

With the right approach, a watch can become the key to happy moments spent with your loved ones. You just don't have to worry too much about the influence of signs.

Everything that is given from a pure heart goes for good. However, excessive frivolity is also useless, because there is effective way neutralize the negative, even if you don’t really believe it.