Eve online how to raise a faction stand. How to “clean up” a faction stand

Pulling imperial stand from -9

There are 3 types of stands:

  • booth to the agent
  • stand to the corporation
  • stand to faction

And if you can upgrade a stand to an agent or a corporation quickly, then a fractional stand is pumped more difficult. And so why do we need it.
  • Fractional stand below -2, then all agents of this faction will stop giving missions .
  • F fractional stand below -5, then the fleet of that faction will open fire.
  • Stands for POS (Development).

How to raise a faction stand.

  1. Skill Diplomacy and Social. Diplomacy - Bonus 0.4 per skill level to an effective stand.
    formula: Effective-Stand = Current-Stand + ((10 - Current-Stand)) * (0.04 * Diplomacy-Skill-Level)) Let's say if the current stand is -5, and diplomacy is learned at 3, then the result will be: -3.2 = -5 + 15*0.04*3.
    Social does not affect the straight line, but increases the growth of the stand, therefore, before starting pumping, it is better to drive it to 4.
  2. Data Centers. Full list
    The stand can also be raised by the tags. This way is more expensive but also one of the fastest. We arrive in the system with the data center and find the beacon and warp in the overview.
    Agents are hanging in space, we take bowls from them. most in the form, bring 20 tags and get the coveted stand. and a couple of couriers to neighboring systems for which you will receive a certificate. Upon completion of the task, the certificate remains with you and in the description of the certificate of the decree, the next system is where you need to appear. There will be no more explicit references to it. In general, it is useful to read missions in this chain, since there may not be a point for the warp, but in its place something like "3 moon 5 planets".
  3. Starting training.
    Everything is simple and trite, we open the aura, we go through training missions, we get approximately +1 to the stand. (can be repeated once every 3 months - clarification required)
  4. Sister Eva's epic arch.
    Starting nonscript
    Sister Alitura in Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
    In the process, a couple of times there will be quests in the fork, where you choose the faction for which you will receive a stand.
  5. Faction Missions.
    Requires a stand higher than -2 to start doing 1 mission. every 15-16 missions, a story will be given for which the faction stand rises. faction relationships are also taken into account

    Faction relationship table in EVE .
  6. COSMOS agents. Requires a positive Stand, also increases it and has tasty rewards (relatively).List of agents

From theory to practice.
I started pumping out a stand from -9.65 when the faction NPC was already aggroing you.
It is desirable to have already rolled out Diplomacy and Social . Diplomacy at 4 will already raise the stand to about -6.7. good right? But we are still being attacked by the factional police.
We take a cheap and maneuverable frig and fly to the data centers. Each race has 3 data centers.
We arrive QUICKLY, take missions and fly away until you are killed. at first it's better to just hand over tags - this is the most effective and safe. + unpretentious couriers in a couple of jumps. Doing combat missions is unnecessary. put them aside when the stand is greater than -5.
In principle, the price of tags varies greatly (some cost 20kk a piece, but you need 20 pieces, and some can take all 20 for 1-2kk), everyone chooses the price bar for himself. Again, let's not forget about the relationship between factions. By handing in tags from the Caldari, in addition to the Caldari stand, you also raise the Amaran one and vice versa.
At the end, you will definitely no longer be haunted by factional non-script. We fly on a training mission, go through and get +1 to the stand. Now you can again fly through the data centers and make combat chains of missions, as well as hand over tags to new agents that are available to you.
As a result, having at the start a stand with Caldari and Amar less than -9, at the end it was already higher than -2 (or even -1 I don’t remember exactly) which made it possible to make bowls for corporations. There are still Sister Eva's epic arch and space agents in stock. But even without them, without much soaking on 4 bowls, a stand +1 (taking into account diplomacy) is filled with about 4-5 stories. But that's another story. Having made an epic arch and flying around the Cosmos, I think it’s really possible for agents to get more numbers.

© Duat (Eve nick: Kersiah, Estarh etc...)


This is an informative introductory article for those who, among other options, have decided to work for agents, but do not yet understand the intricacies of the game.
But... there's something you need to know before you start working for agents: what are agents and their place in the world of EVE-online, as well as the standing system.
Those. first I would like to tell you about where the legs grow from, otherwise many in the game still confuse the concepts of race and corporate affiliation.
Of course, if you are not interested, you already know everything, and in general you are exclusively interested in the question "where and how to get an agent" scroll down to where we finally reach the agents themselves.

In which we get acquainted with the organization of the world of EVE

I'll start with the basics to make it clear what role agents play in the EVE-online universe, who is worth working for and what will be your job. The world of EVE-online is inhabited by five main races: Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar and Jove. Please note races ->www.eve-online.com/races
Representatives of these races hang out in various organizations or factions (a little wrong in meaning, of course, but this concept is used in the game, therefore, hereinafter - fractions). Here you can see the main NPCs of the organization (NPC from the English npc - Non-Player Character) - factions in EVE: www.eve-online.com/corporations

Fractions are made up of corporations. From this follows the first important point: the concept factional and corporate standing (from English standing). Fractional standing is a rating to you of the whole organization as a whole, and corporate standing is a corporation to you separately. Those. you can have a negative rating (fractional) to you from an organization, but a positive rating from a corporation that is a member of this organization. Faction standing applies to all corporations in the faction, as a secondary after factional. It is also primary, in case of permission to set up POS-s on the territory of the faction, not to let them into the systems controlled by the faction, in case of a strong underestimation, etc. things.

Once in the game, you are already by default in any NPC corporation. And in general, by the way, it is impossible to exist outside the corporation. Leaving the corporation created by the player, you find yourself in an NPC corporation. The entire chain of transitions will be displayed in the corresponding tab of your character and is available for viewing by anyone.

It is also worth mentioning another independent rating for the player, the so-called. security status(SS) - security status, changing within -10 / +5. This status is often confused with the notion of standing for the Concord faction. This is a little different. Concord (CONCORD Assembly) is an organized interracial faction of law and order (a la Interpol), called upon by various associations to keep order in the empire. Those. these are the guys who will bang you in the empire with too low SS and not following the rules of conduct in the empire, despite their own rating to you.
The concept includes all systems from 0.1-1.0, while the 0.1-0.4 range is not guarded by Concorde ships.

SS drops if you violate the rules of behavior in the empire established by the creators of EVE-online (kill ships and capsules of players, shoot stations and other people's property, and much more - this is a separately confused topic, I won’t write here in detail), but SS rises accordingly if you help all members of the imperial alliance, for example, by destroying red crosses in belts and pirate NPCs on missions.

And the last thing worth mentioning is not the NPC of the organization. Non-NPC organizations (fractions) are created by the players themselves, by combining their corporations into the so-called Alliances. In this case, the ratings are distributed by the players themselves - that is, they are the result of the personal relationships of the players in the game. A list of currently existing Alliances, corporate composition and systems controlled by them () can be viewed at www.eve-online.com/alliances

In which the system of standings is explained

Fractions in Eve exist for a reason in peace and prosperity. They all love and hate each other to one degree or another, which is reflected in the standings of factions and corporations towards each other.
Standings are exhibited mutually independently to each other. Those. Let's say one corporation puts another +2, and that one in return +5 (or -5). Remember (know?) the situation when Baron Menhausen declared war on England? Well, here, too, you can defiantly put a minus, say, of the Gallente Federation. At the same time, do not expect a response - the Gallente Federation itself exposes its standing to you, depending on your various body movements and dances from it.

You can put up stands:

Standing agent is a separate song, because. it only affects the missions it gives you. I won't touch it now.

The staging range is from -10.0 to +10.0.
If you want to indulge in staging - at your service is the RELATIONSHIP tab in the info of the corresponding victim.

Standings are also displayed in the form of colored pictograms.
Colored pictograms, acc. overview settings are also displayed in all chat windows. A very handy thing, by the way.

Starting work for an agent, you gradually increase the stand to the corporation of this agent. If you are doing the so-called. important missions, then also to the faction in which the corporation is a member (also a little to the allied faction). At the same time, when completing agent missions, you will inevitably lose the standings of corporations and factions against which you are doing missions (completing important missions automatically lowers the standing, even if you just brought ores as part of the task). It's inevitable, it's up to you to be more considerate of the missions offered and refuse some, such as combat missions against the Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Minmatar Republic, Gallente Federation. But, as a rule, such missions give often and they have a lot of tasty things. Therefore, some players work for two corporations, the factions of which are mutually negative towards each other. And some slaughter, in the end, the problem of too low strandings is a problem of professional agent runners (agent runners) - people for whom working for agents is the main pastime in EVE.

Total. While working for an agent, you can increase (and decrease) three types of standings:

The whole range of stands can always be viewed in the tab

What does standing affect?

Agent Standing - affects the Effective Quality of the agent (the higher the more rewards for work).

Corporation Standing
1) affects the fine fees for processing ore, ice and loot at corporation stations. That is, the higher, the less they will take (6.7 is enough for the nps corps, and the owners of the people at the stations and outposts are greedy: okay, okay - homely)
2) affects the availability of work with corporation agents
3) maybe something else: for example, like the skill production efficiency of production from the drawing:

Faction NPC Standing
1) The availability of work with agents of all corporations included in it
2) To allow the installation of POS (buildings near the moons, with all sorts of goals) on its territory.
3) Actually on the availability of the territory of the faction in terms of flying, if -5.0 and below. Provided by the forces of the local concorde. Capsule eggs don't count - NPCs don't hit them.
4) For sure on something else: I'll leave the point.

In which we finally get to the agents themselves

Strange as it may seem =) , but you yourself must decide for the agents of which (their) corporations you are going to work.
Your choice may be consistent with the interests of your corporation, your personal preferences or desired results, "geographical" location, counting - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to consciously choose a corporation before starting the search for the agents themselves.
This article will provide information to help you make your choice.

By and large, as a beginner, you will have to deal with a set of standings for 4 main NPC factions: Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Minmatar Republic, Gallente Federation. For they are the most influential and territorial in Eve, as well as most of their agents are located in the more or less safe territory of the empire. Of course, agents of pirate and semi-legal factions are at your service. But it makes sense for already strong players to work for them, and there is no need to read this article for such players. Therefore, let's focus on the main NPC factions. When choosing a general faction direction, one should take into account the classic bunch of standings: the Ammatars are friends with the Caldari, they strongly hate the Minmatars and not so much the Gallente. And the Gallenteans are friends with the Minmatars, they hate the Calgary very much and not so much the Ammatars. For those who do not want to greatly underestimate faction standings, you can pre-select corporations on both sides and work for them in turn.

The selection algorithm is as follows: first select a faction, then one of the corporations, then agents. If there are already preferences for the corporation, then immediately to the agents. So, choose a faction for yourself and proceed to the search for NPC corporations suitable for you as part of the selected faction. It is recommended to pay attention to these corporations:

- Corporations with agents of combat divisions. The reason is the highest profit.
- Corporations with subdivisions of R&D division. To raise a corporate stand and subsequently start a research project ("Research Project") with good level R&D agents.
- Corporations from which, as a reward, you can purchase items that are only available from this corporation, ships or copies of blueprints.
- It also makes sense to look through the list of all agents of the selected corporation, in order to find out how many, what level and their place of residence (high or low systems). Let's say the choice of working for an agent in low systems (0.1-0.4) is fraught with the fact that you will have to deal with pirates happily waiting for you near stations, jump gates, as well as right during your missions (they will scan your ship traffic jams and will fly to participate).

Then, you should decide which division (division) of the corporation you will work for. Divisions differ in the types of missions issued: combat, courier, trade, mining. Here is an approximate distribution of the types of missions issued by agents by division:

Agent Division Kill Courier Trade Mining
Accounting 88% 12%
Administration 47% 47% 6%
advisory 14% 58% 14% 14%
Archives 92% 8%
Astrosurveying 13% 25% 13% 50%
command 88% 6% 6%
distribution 5% 85% 5% 5%
Financial 12% 70% 18%
Intelligence 74% 21% 5%
Internal Security 98% 2%
Legal 67% 27% 6%
Manufacturing 48% 4% 48%
Marketing 17% 77% 6%
Mining 10% 5% 85%
Personnel 28% 66% 6%
Production 52% 13% 35%
public relations 28% 66% 6%
R&D 50% 50%
Security 94% 6%
Storage 6% 71% 6% 17%
Surveillance 84% 11% 5%

As for choosing a division, a couple of recommendations: if you want to get high profits and faster growth in standings and rewards (as well as becoming an "agent runner" in general), then start working for corporations with predominantly combat divisions. You will receive money from agents, receive money for downed NPC ships, receive money and things by collecting loot that has fallen from them, get the opportunity to salvage vrecks - the remains of downed ships and collect components for rigs.
In the case of courier, trade and mining missions, you will only receive a reward for the completed mission.

If you have decided on the NPC corporation and the desired division, then the long-range search algorithm is tritely simple. You need a division agent with the highest Quality available to you at the moment. I repeat, if such an agent lives in low systems (0.1-0.4) it is worth considering. It is searched like this: through the People And Places tab, search for the corporation you need by its name (search type on Corporation).

In the corporation information window found, find the Agents tab. This tab will contain all the agents of this corporation, sorted by divisions. Open the desired division and pay attention to the separator (for you, not for you - available to you / not available to you). This is an auto-sorting of agents regarding your standing to a given corporation. Choose the most affordable one, see the place while living and, if it suits you, fly to work with it. If you don't like something, go down the list.

The "show on map" button will show on the map of the galaxy where the agents live as green dots.

Desired skills for optimal work with agents


Leveling Social up to 4 is a minimum, and in case of further work for agents up to 5 it is mandatory. This skill gives you faster standing growth from NPC agents, corporations and factions by 5% per lvl.

Rules for working with agents

You turn to the agent for a mission - you arrive at his station and in the "Agents" tab on the agent's icon, double-click.

Call up a dialogue with the agent and ask for a mission. Get the mission and its detailed description. Agents give missions only at the site of their station, they don’t give missions remotely, they ask to fly in person.

In the event of a single failure, you do not bear any losses on the stand. You can refuse a mission on one agent 1 time in 4 hours after the refusal of the first one, otherwise you will lose the standing of the agent to you and the standing of the corporation of the agent to you. And by a decent amount, so think carefully before giving up two agent missions in a row. For this reason, many work simultaneously for 2-3 agents (in order to reject unwanted missions from one, ask for missions from another). A mission not rejected through a dialogue with an agent is considered failed after 24 hours with a decrease in standings accordingly.
Before departure, make sure that you have accepted the mission. If the mission is courier, make sure that the cargo being transported is in the hold, and not left at the station.
A week is given for the fulfillment of the accepted mission from the time of agreeing to fulfill it. If after a week you have not completed the mission, the mission is considered failed, removed from the list in the mission log with a decrease in the standings of the agent and the agent corporation to you.
Approximately for every 10-20 missions with your agent, you get the so-called. important mission (important missions) from any Agents Offers. This agent sends a letter to EVE mail, where he indicates the place of his deployment. Also, the mission log is automatically displayed in the mission log, marked with a yellow inscription - important missions. As it was written above, completing this mission automatically increases the factional standings of friendly factions, and also automatically lowers the factional standings of unfriendly ones. The mission can be abandoned without losing standing.

Completing a mission on your agent brings a certain amount of so-called. loyalty point (LP). In the course of completing missions, they are summed up from all agents of this corporation. After accumulating a certain amount, you can exchange a certain amount of LP for any item. The full list of things offered for LP and the amount of LP accumulated on the agents of the corporation can be viewed in (subject to the availability of at least 1 LP for this corporation)
The "shop" is hidden behind such a button at the station:

The amount of LP given out for a mission depends on the Agent's Effective Quality, the type and difficulty of the mission.

A little about agent missions

Detailed information about the mission can always be viewed in the journal (see screenshot above). Also, when accepting a mission in People And Places - the Places tab, mission books are added. In the mission system, they can be called by right-clicking on space and warp / dock to the mission object through them.

You should not look for mission objects anywhere except for these bookmaks, as well as shoot at non-mission objects. It is fraught with the arrival of the Concorde on your ship.
In the case of a sub-warp on a mission book, an object may need to be sub-warped through a boost gate.

You need to fly up to them at a distance of more than 2.5 m and press the warp button. The same boost gates can be observed during the mission, which implies a further warp through the gate, after the destruction of the enemies in this location. These locations are also called The MWD device does not work in pockets and you cannot get into them by beech - you can only warp to the first pocket gate.

If the mission is unfamiliar, read the detailed description of the mission. At least through the translator program. There will be indicated execution systems, alleged enemies, required things and what is actually needed, because. many missions can be completed without a slogan. For example, sometimes you need to wait for some time for enemies, sometimes it’s enough just to destroy one or another building, and sometimes you don’t even need to kill the first red crosses that fall under the lock, because they are like their own.
In some mission buildings, when they are destroyed, you can find different things. The mission location is randomly generated in system space when accepting a mission with all the buildings and asteroids, and also disappears when the mission is turned in, leaving empty space. They will return to the place of an already completed mission (for example, salvage the rivers), only if you personally made a beech in place. Even the same mission will not take place in the same place in space.
A completed mission will change the color in the magazine from yellow to green, but do not forget about missions that require you to bring something from the dead to the agent. The mission will be displayed in green, but until you have the required item in the hold of the ship or in the hangar at the agent's station, the agent will not count the return of the mission.
Sometimes on a mission, you can receive a message from an agent in the form of a pop-up window in which he informs, changes or supplements the task.
When delivering goods upon arrival at the destination station, you must contact the agent through the tab: and you can hand over the mission.

I think it will also be useful to give signs with information on the type of damage inflicted and weaknesses in the protection of NPC ships that can resist you. Taking into account these numbers helps a lot when completing the missions of agents of level 3-4-5. Information about the opponent can be found in the detailed description of the mission.

Note: this is the percentage of damage inflicted by NPCs, calculated taking into account the type and amount of damage inflicted per second (DPS, dps) for all ships / weapons used by factions / corporations, taking into account spawn.

Faction Names Damage type to shoot Damage type to resist
Amarr Empire
42% Thermal
7% Kinetic
4% Explosive
Angel Cartel
62% Explosive
22% Kinetic
9% Thermal
Blood Raiders
48% Thermal
2% Kinetics
0% Explosive
Caldari State
51% Kinetic
48% Thermal
0% Explosive
Gallente Federation
60% Kinetic
39% Thermal
0% Explosive
Guristas Pirates
79% Kinetic
18% Thermal
1% Explosive
Minmatar Republic
50% Explosive
31% Kinetic
7% Thermal
Mordu's Legion
70% Kinetic
30% Thermal
0% Explosive
Rogue Drones
Sansha's Nation
47% Thermal
0% Kinetic
0% Explosive
55% Thermal
45% Kinetic
0% Explosive

However, many write themselves in the "bio" of the character and use shortened versions. I will give one, the most complete of them.

Using Resists (Hardeners)

Angel Cartel - Everything, mostly Explosive/Kinetic
Amarr Navy - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Guristas, Mordu`s Legion, Gallente Federation - Kinetic / Thermal
Blood Raiders Covenant - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Sansha`s Nation - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Serpentis - Kinetic/Thermal
Mercenary - Electromagnetic / Thermal / (Kinetic (missiles)
Caldary Navy - Kinetic/Thermal
Khanid Kingdom - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Zazzmatazz - 2xThermal / 2xKinetic / 1xElectromagnetic / 1xExplosive
Maru - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Mordu's Legion - Kinetic / Thermal
Rogue Pirate - Electromagnetic / Explosive / Kinetic

Preferred Damage Type

Angel Cartel - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor) / Thermal
Amarr Navy - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Mordu`s Legion - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Guristas - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive(Armor) / Thermal / Kinetic
Blood Raiders Covenant - Thermal
Sansha's Nation - Thermal
Mercenary - Explosive
Caldari Navy - Explosive / Kinetic / Thermal
Khanid Kingdom - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Zazzmatazz - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Rogue Pirate - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Odamian - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)

Link on this site http://eveinfo.com/missions by the name of the mission you can find the most detailed information on its passage (in English). And in general, the site has a lot of useful background information.

It remains to be added that the loot (various devices) mined from the wrecks of ships (wrecks) is most profitable to process for minerals and sell. Because, most often, devices are bought for next to nothing by other players, and then either resold or processed, extracting their valuable minerals or using 2 things for inventory.

"Special" agents

As already stated, this is:
1) So-called COSMOS agents
2) R&D agents - divisions of some corporations.
3) Agents Offers, which issue important missions, which were mentioned above.
4) Training agents for new players.

Agents Offers, issuing important missions missions, have been considered in detail.

Training agents for new players give training missions that are constantly changing by developers as new features are introduced in the game - there is no point in writing about them.

COSMOS agents

COSMOS agents can be found flying around some stations, jump gates, in space near lighthouses. At the stations, like ordinary agents, they do not sit and you will not find them in the list of corporation agents. You can see how many COSMOS agents are in the game, what level they are, what corporation and where they are located, as always on the website http://eveinfo.com/ In chapter.
The ships on which they fly are displayed with a "talk" icon. By clicking info on the ship, you can talk to them and see the necessary standing to work with them.

R&D Agents - Division

These guys do not give missions in the standard sense of the word. Each game character, with the necessary standing and one of the scientific skills (from those indicated in the info agent), can start the so-called. "Research Project", after the initialization of which the agent will accumulate daily points (RP, research points).

The main function of R&D agents at the moment is the ability to exchange the accumulated research points with the agent for datacores necessary for the operation - obtaining copies of t2 blueprints from a t1 blueprint with a limited number of pieces. Even if you don’t deal with inventory yourself, you can sell datacores at a fairly high price on the market, which will bring a good income.

In addition to these joys, it is worth noting that the launched project does not require any further gestures. You fly to the agent, open the project and fly away. Everything. These projects appear on the research tab in the mission log. Each R&D agent gives you a certain number of points per day. The skill direction is responsible for the speed of accruing RP per day (depending on the characteristics of the skill being studied, the coefficient can be x1, x2, x3) and the level and Effective Quality of the agent. You can also take one optional mission from the agent once a day, which will add to you the number of research points equal to the amount accrued by the agent per day. That is, the daily completion of missions will double the influx of RP.

RP/day=(agent lvl + research skill lvl)^2*(effective quality/100 + 1)*K ,
where K = 3 when developing ships (Starship Engineering)
K = 2 when developing weapons (Weapon)
K = 1 in other cases.

At the same time, one game character can have up to six scientific projects (work with 6 R&D agents). One is always available, the other five can be obtained by leveling the Research Project Management skill. It costs 40,000,000 isk and requires knowledge of Reserch 5 lvl and Laboratory Operations 5 lvl

This concludes a brief excursion into the world of agents.

Day 10
Got Electronics to lvl 5. Set to study Science up to 5 lvl.

In addition, I pumped one Caldari Hindu, the second Caldari frigate and began to raise the stand to Lai Dai.
To more or less quickly raise the stand, I had to pump 2 skills - social up to 3 lvl, connections up to 3 lvl.

I have already said that in order to obtain the desired result of my experiment, 2 important things must be done - learn skills and upgrade the stand to the desired NPC corporation. Skills began to learn 10 days ago, but the stand began to download from today, that is, after 9 days from the start of the experiment.

For quite a long time I thought about how to quickly pump the stand to the corps more efficiently. At first I wanted space as agents, but then I realized that this was a little different. I decided the old fashioned way - to raise the stand with the help of agent missions from lvl 1 to lvl 4. It was sooooo lazy to mess with combat missions, and the combat ship would have to be taught. Digging missions are also not an option - again you need a spike and fit + a lot of time to complete each mission. Actually, only their couriers remained and began to make them.

This is what happened after completing the missions in one day:

If someone does not know how to see how many Stand gives the completion of one mission, then here's a visual aid for you. First of all, open the character sheet and there you will find the tab - relations. Open it and right-click on the line that interests you:

Click show operations and here is the result:

In general, every 16 regular missions for one corporation give 1 story. A story is a mission that raises a stand to a faction. I also did stories, although in general it was possible not to do it, because. I don't need a stand for the faction, but I just need a stand for the bark give corp.

Expenses per day: Buying a Hindu and a frig with cargoholds. In total 2kk claim.
Income: 3kk - reward for missions.

He wrote in the spirit that this is a completely pointless exercise - for such lawsuits. And so I felt like raising a stand - I wanted to enroll an alto in the Amarr militia, for them now it’s quite profitable to do factional missions. However, I stumbled on a little trouble - I have about -3.5 stand to the Amarrs, and this with diplomacy pumped into three, the real stand has already dropped below the plinth - to -5 with a penny. Astronauts do not take such militia.

Buying tokens is not an option, or rather an overpriced option.
I tried to do missions for agents of level 1 - after 16 missions they gave one special and faction stand rose by as much as 0.22%. It can be swollen.
What to do? And here's what you can do:
The Amarr have three training systems, each with 5 Career Agents. They are all available at any booth (well, at least they are definitely available at mine). At -5 and below, there will definitely be problems with flights through these systems, but I do not see other obstacles. How are they better:

firstly, they sit side by side, all 5pcs at one station. This is very convenient - you can take on 5 missions at once and do several at once in one flight.

Secondly, all of these missions are very simple, and some are even easier - they are missions to make all kinds of crap that you can just buy. As a last resort, while the manufacturing process is in progress, you can do missions for the remaining 4 agents.

third, to raise the stand, you need to do not 16 missions, but a maximum of 10, but one series of missions is even shorter.
And at the same time, they give +1.8% for them (+1.23% for a short series), which is much nicer than the miserable 0.22%. As they say, feel the difference.

As a result, after two sets of missions, I already have -1.27, which is already much more pleasant. I think the third set of training missions will not raise the stand to zero, but it will remain quite a bit.
What to do with it a little? You can go through the same missions for kaldyrey. Due to their mutual friendship with the Amarrs, the stand has risen to them, this should work in the opposite direction. The result is more modest, of course, but still not bad: 1.5-1.3% per series.
I think this is quite enough for me, and then the stand, if necessary, is relatively easy to raise by capturing plexes. Although there is no need for such a thing - to complete missions, a stand for a militia corporation is more important.
Why Amarr? They now have a significant advantage, the level of LP payouts has been increased by 75% of the base one (and for Matars, on the contrary, it has been reduced by 50%). As a result, for a mission of the first level, Amarrs give about 700-900 LP, and 200-300 for Matars. Those. for the Amarrs it is profitable to do missions, but for the Matars - to capture enemy plexes. Simply because there are a lot of them and people there don’t knock their asses. Which does not prevent them from fighting more with their own caribasse than with enemies.
The truth is, the question is, at what rate will it be possible to bring them out, ideally, after I farm the LP, it would be nice to strangle the Amarrs so that the rate rises ...
I certainly expect to quickly raise the stand and switch to level 2-3-4 missions. The first level, in principle, is done with nuboalt on t1 frigates, but still it is less profitable than even capturing complexes of the same first level with the same nuboalt for matar, despite the increased LP.

stand growth

The amount by which the Stand increases depends on the difficulty of the mission. It is used when calculating the growth of the corp stand and the stand to the agent.

Stand is not just added to the current one, but is determined by the ratio between the current stand and its maximum and minimum value.

The Stand is lost when the mission fails and after time runs out. You also lose a Stand when you abandon a mission more than once every 4 hours from the same agent.

When you complete a storyline mission, a stand grows for the agent's corporation and the faction that corporation belongs to. It also rasterizes the stand to other factions friendly to the faction you are missioning to, as well as drops to enemy factions. While you are doing storyline missions, the stand changes accordingly to friendly and enemy factions, but cannot be larger. For example, Caldari State has a -5.00 stand with the Gallente Federation. After completing storyline missions for the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State Stand cannot fall below -5.00.

Also note that you lose a faction stand when you destroy ships belonging to those factions. Pilots should avoid kill missions to save their faction stand.

Negative Standings

Just as it is possible to have a good stand with an agent, corporation, or faction, it is also possible to have a bad, negative stand with them. Aside from restricting access to the best agents, a negative stand has no important consequences until it falls below -2.00. If the agent's individual stand is -2.00 or lower, the agent will not talk to you. If the corporation is -2.00 or lower, none of the agents of this corporation will give you a mission. The same applies to factions. In addition, if the faction's stand is -5.00 or lower, the faction's armed forces will attack you upon entering their space.

There are several ways to fix a bad stand. The easiest way to start doing missions to an available faction, as long as the stand is not too low. The next path is skill Diplomacy. (It was this medicine that helped me more than others).

This may also not work. And the third way is to complete missions for a friendly faction in order to get a hover stand to the desired faction from storyline missions. If none of the previous methods work, then the last way is to fail storyline missions to the enemy faction to the desired one. As a result, the stand to the corporation, faction and friendly to it will fall, and to the enemy will grow. With the correct execution of missions, you can achieve a balance of the stand to all factions. If you do missions to all factions and carefully check the stand, then you can have access to any agents.


Unpopular social skills are friends of the agent runner.

If attack and defense skills are needed in order to fend off pirates and ship skills for transporting goods, social skills allow you to have access to better agents and receive greater rewards. Social skills are divided into 2 categories, namely improving standing (which in turn increases mission reward) and directly increasing the reward. 5 skills that affect the stand: Social, Connections, Criminal Connections, Diplomacy and Negotiation.

The social skill is the base for other social skills and must be learned before 3, before training all others. Social increases the Stand growth you get from each mission. Each level of the skill increases the base growth of the Stand by 5%.

3 other skill connections affect agent stands, corps and factions. Each level of these skills gives 4% to the effective stand. Connections refers to friendly, Diplomacy refers to enemy and Criminal Connections refers to criminal NPCs (who have a low stand to concord).

Negotiation increases mission rewards by 5% per level, but this is directly achieved by changing the agent's effective quality.

There are 9 more skills that increase mission rewards. 7 skills that increase LP by 5% per level for the respective divisions of corporations.