Where to store persimmon at home. How to store persimmon fruits

There are such lovely fruits, which are not only very tasty to eat, but also extremely healthy. In winter, a bright persimmon acts as the main sweet, and it copes with the role of a snow prima perfectly.

In summer, a persimmon accidentally seen reminds of winter, and in winter - of childhood. Because 20 years ago, during the long and, as it turns out now, happy kindergarten and school winters, it was persimmons and oranges (and related tangerines) that played the role of not only the main, but simply the only fruits of the season.

Types of persimmon
There are many varieties of persimmon - it can be sweet, strong, soft, tender, tart. The leader of Russian sales, the kinglet, are several types of persimmons, united by a common property: they almost never knit. Under certain conditions, the flesh of the kinglet can be dark brown - such fruits are called chocolate kinglets. But the color doesn't really affect the taste.

According to foreign gourmets, best view Oriental persimmon is Sharon, named after the Sharon Valley in Israel. This variety is popular due to its mild taste and lack of seeds.

How to choose a persimmon
Even the brightest fruit can have a strong astringent effect. Our task is to find not the most beautiful, but the most ripe persimmon: only it is endowed with an attractive sweet taste.

The leaves and stalk should be well dried and have a brown, dark brown color. The kinglet usually has small fruits and a dark orange skin. There are delicious varieties, the skin of which seems to be painted with thin black stripes - the more such cobwebs, the sweeter the persimmon.

But if there are black dots and spots on the skin, it is better to postpone this fruit: most likely, it has already begun to deteriorate. Do not choose a hard persimmon, it is better to take one with soft barrels. If you still come across an unripe persimmon, you can “ripen” it at home: put it in the freezer overnight.

How to store persimmon
Persimmon is a delicate fruit, for long-term storage it is necessary to protect its skin from mechanical damage. It is best to keep fruits on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the freezer, persimmons can be stored for up to six months.

Persimmon: cooking
Persimmon feels equally confident in a salad, and in a hot dish, and in a dessert. In addition, our enterprising ancestors prepared alcoholic drinks based on persimmons. Although, of course, it is more common to make sweet dishes with persimmons: for example, bake cookies, pie and cake, or make delicious jam.

In salads, persimmon looks good paired with sour apples. For breakfast, you can make cheesecakes with persimmon: in addition to the usual ingredients - cottage cheese, eggs and flour - finely chopped persimmon is added to the dough, then delicious cutlets are formed, which are baked until golden brown.

Steamed rice with vegetables, such as tomatoes and bell peppers, goes well with fruit.

But there is nothing more pleasant than to insist liquors on sweet persimmon on blizzard January evenings. Peeled persimmon (2 kg) should be soaked in warm boiled water, squeeze the pulp on the 5th day, add granulated sugar (2.5 kg), citric acid (50 g), nutmeg (2 pcs.) and leave to ferment for a few days. When the drink stops fermenting, strain it 2-3 times until transparent. It turns out very strong, fragrant and tasty!

The best winter drink is, of course, hot, aromatic tea. You can choose and buy real high-quality tea without leaving your home. To do this, just visit the online tea store "Moychay.ru" and place an order.

In our strip, persimmon is available on the shelves only for a short season, and given the fact that this fruit contains a large number of vitamins and nutrients, I want to extend the period of pleasure.

There are three main ways to store persimmons

The longest - up to two years - drying. To properly preserve the fruit, you need to carefully remove the thin crust, cut the persimmon into slices and place on a baking sheet in the oven. Drying is carried out for a little longer than half an hour at a temperature of 45 degrees. After cooling, it is better to put the pieces in paper bag or ventilated container. From time to time it is worth checking dried fruit for spoilage so that all stocks are not destroyed. It is better to use them instead of sweets, without thermally re-processing - for example, compote from dried persimmon taste has a specific aftertaste.

You can also dry the fruit by stringing it on a nylon rope and hanging it in a dark, ventilated room without cleaning it in advance. Such a persimmon retains an extraordinary aroma throughout storage.

The easiest way to preserve fruit is to freeze it. At the same time, thanks to freezing, fruits can also for a long time keep all your qualities. The only thing you need to check the quality of fruits in advance is that too soft fruits cannot be stored for a long time. Also, as an additional advantage of this method, after freezing, the astringent taste disappears from the persimmon, and it becomes sweet. After the freezer, you need to lower the persimmon into cool water and after defrosting you can eat.

If it is not possible to dry or freeze persimmons, then you can store them on the balcony or in the basement, sprinkling them with sawdust or shifting paper.

In the refrigerator, persimmons can also be stored for about 10 weeks. It is better to use fruit storage boxes for this and, if possible, isolate the persimmon from other fruits. Only next to apples and tomatoes is it favorable to keep persimmons - in this case, it ripens faster and becomes sweeter.

Description of persimmon

There are different varieties of persimmons - some fruits are characterized by increased astringency, and some delight with a mild taste (even unripe berries lack astringency). There are also varieties in which tart (not pollinated) and not tart (pollinated) fruits are combined on the same tree. It is advisable to let persimmons of tart varieties ripen on a tree. Harvest begins in late October and continues until frost. It is important to remember that frost-bitten fruits must be processed and eaten in short term They are not subject to storage. If unripe fruits are removed from the tree, then they are left for ripening, laying next to the fruits that emit ethylene (these are bananas and apples). Urgent ripening is facilitated by immersion in warm water(40 degrees) - the temperature will have to be maintained by periodically adding water. At a temperature of 0 ... + 1 degree and relative humidity 90% persimmon can be stored for 3 months (if it is not overripe). If the harvest is large, not fully ripened fruits are stored in boxes (in two layers, sprinkled with sawdust). The bottom layer of the fruit is placed with the tail down, and the top layer is vice versa.

frozen persimmon

Freezing is a great way to get rid of astringency, as well as one of the options for harvesting fruits for future use. Before freezing, the fruits are washed and dried. Whole berries are usually sent to the freezer. Their shelf life is up to six months. Before use, it is recommended to defrost them in cold water.

dried persimmon

Despite the increased juiciness of the fruit, it is quite possible to dry them. For this, dense fruits are suitable. The washed berries are freed from the skin, leaving only the area around the petiole (it is also not removed). Then the stalks are tied with a dense thin rope so that the fruits can be hung. The procedure is carried out, remembering that there must be a distance between the fruits. Bundles are hung in a well-ventilated cool room. After about a week, a white sugar coating should appear on the surface of the fruit. From this moment, the fruits periodically (with an interval of 2 days) need to be kneaded, distributing sugar. If this is not done, then the dried product will be very tough. The process of drying berries takes an average of 2 months.

Persimmon jam

To make jam, use 1 kg of sugar and persimmon, as well as 250 ml of water and a pinch of citric acid. First boil the syrup. Persimmons are washed, cut into slices, placed in a boiling sweet liquid and boiled, stirring, for 50 minutes. If the jam turns out to be liquid, continue cooking. Hot jam is packaged in jars and rolled up.

Persimmon jam with lemon

2 kg of persimmon is kept for a day in the freezer, and then thawed, cut into slices and sprinkled with a kilogram of sugar. The dishes are covered, left for a day. After that, add some water or orange juice and put the bowl on the stove. After boiling, the fire is turned off. Lemon with a thin skin is washed, poured with water and boiled for 3 minutes. The procedure is repeated two more times, changing the water. The cooled lemon is cut into circles (the bones are removed), added to the persimmon. The jam is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, and then packaged in jars and rolled up.

persimmon jam

Ripe fruits are freed from the skin and seeds (if any), crushed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting mass is combined with sugar (1: 1), bring it to a boil, and then reduce the heat to the very minimum. The jam is boiled for 30 minutes and then closed.

Persimmon preserved in apple juice

Juice is squeezed out of 6 kg of apples, filtered and brought to a boil. Dense persimmon (2 kg) is freed from the skin and seeds, cut, laid out in jars, poured with boiling juice, rolled up. The product is stored in the cellar.

dried persimmon

Dense fruits are dipped in boiling water, removed from the water, allowed to cool, cut into 4 parts, peeled. The slices are placed on a baking sheet and dried in the oven (with the door open) for 7 hours. Finally, each piece is dipped in powdered sugar. The finished product is stored in cardboard boxes.

Juice from apples and persimmons

Apples and persimmons are measured in equal proportions, washed, cut, squeezed out of them with a juicer, boiled, rolled up.

Persimmon wine

To make wine, use 5 kg of persimmon. First, syrup is boiled from 5 liters of water and 1 kg 750 g of sugar. Persimmon is cut, pitted, transferred to a bottle and poured with warm syrup (the fruits do not need to be washed). The fermentation process takes 5 days. Then the wine is filtered, the pulp is squeezed out. The fermented liquid is poured into a container with a capacity of 10 liters, a water seal is installed. The wine is left to ferment in a warm room. After the process is completed, the wine is poured into a clean container (drained from the sediment). The drink is sealed in a bottle and taken to the cellar. A month later, it is filtered and bottled.

Persimmon is a source not only beneficial vitamins and trace elements, but Have a good mood in gloomy autumn days. The bright suns of its fruits delight the eye against the background of a dull, colorless landscape.

This one appears tropical fruit on our shelves in November-December, and so you want to enjoy its wonderful taste longer! Meanwhile, it is not difficult at all to preserve this “food of the gods” (this is how the Latin name of the fruit is translated) for a long time. You just need to know a few basic principles.

The right choice of fruit

As a rule, not quite ripe persimmons are brought to our northern regions, but its benefits and taste, including unpleasant viscosity, directly depend on the ripeness of the fruit. That's why the main task- try to choose the very best specimens.

  • You need to start buying by inspecting the fruits. The most ripe persimmons have a thin, shiny skin and an absolutely dry stem, which speaks of their ripening not in a box, but on a native tree. Perhaps the presence of thin brown stripes on the surface of the fruit, which indicate its absolute maturity. But there should be no cracks and black spots.
  • The next selection criterion is the softness of the fruit. The stronger its surface will give in to compression, the riper the fruit.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the fruit. Round fruits are much tastier than their conical, flattened or cylindrical counterparts.
  • The color of persimmon, depending on the variety, can vary from almost carrot to dark brown, the main thing is its saturation. Unripe fruits are usually light orange.

Ways to store persimmons

Choosing the right fruit when buying is just the beginning. The main problem is to keep this yummy as long as possible. Persimmon can be stored in three types: fresh, frozen and dried (or dried).

  • Fresh fruits are perfectly stored at a temperature of about 0 ° C for about 2-3 months, depending on the humidity of the air, which should ideally be 90%. When storing fresh persimmons, good ventilation and careful handling are very important. For storage, undamaged dense specimens without spots and cracks are selected.

    If storage is carried out in boxes in the cellar or basement, then the layers of fruit must be shifted with sawdust or paper. Their proximity to apples or tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the preservation of fruits.

  • The easiest and most common way to preserve persimmon for a long time is to freeze it, best of all at a temperature of -18 ° C. In this form, the fruit can be stored up to three months without sacrificing taste.

    Defrost fruits preferably at room temperature or, in extreme cases, in warm, but not hot, water. It is convenient to freeze persimmons that are already ready for use, that is, freed from the peel and seeds, divided into large slices or smaller pieces.

  • When dried, persimmon turns into an exquisite delicacy, which is used instead of sweets. It is not recommended to cook compotes from it, because when cooked, dried fruit releases tannins and tannins - and your treat becomes tart in taste.

    It is possible to prepare dried sweetness only from dense ripe fruits in several ways. The most affordable is drying peeled and cut into small pieces of fruit in the oven at a temperature of 45 ° C, and they should not be allowed to darken. It is possible to dry these fruits whole in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated dark room, having previously cut the peel of the fruit and strung them on a string by the stalk. The process is completed in a month and a half, after which dried fruits can be stored in a dry and cool place for 1-2 years, depending on the degree of dehydration of the fruit.

If you bought unripe and astringent fruits, do not worry! To give persimmons a pleasant sweet taste, you just need to make a few simple manipulations with it, which will save the berries from astringency and help them fully ripen.

  • The easiest method to start the ripening process is to mix persimmons with any sour fruits like lemons, cherry plums or apples. Lying next to these fruits, the fruits will be ready to eat in three days.
  • Another elementary way to rid a persimmon of an astringent taste is to freeze it in any form: whole or in pieces.
  • Persimmon ripens well in close proximity (preferably in the same bag) with fruits that emit ethylene, such as bananas.
  • If you hold the fruits for a day in a container with warm (about 40 ° C) water, then after 24 hours you will get ripe sweet berries.

Choose any of the proposed methods of ripening and storing persimmons, and you will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances throughout the year until the next harvest.

The beneficial properties of this fruit have been known to mankind for many hundreds of years. His beneficial effect on the work of the liver and kidneys has led to the continued use of such fruits as medicinal product for a number of diseases. At the same time, this fruit has a number of disadvantages - in particular, it deteriorates very quickly if storage conditions are not observed. Accordingly, to ensure the maximum shelf life of these fruits for food, you need to know how to properly store persimmons at home.

How to properly store persimmons

It is worth noting that storage requirements vary somewhat depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. In particular, the requirements for how to store unripe persimmons will differ significantly from the conditions for keeping ripe fruits.

When buying ripe fruits, it is necessary to store persimmons at home in such a way as to prevent them from spoiling due to decay.

The choice of where to do this will depend on the desired shelf life of the fruit, as well as personal wishes regarding their condition after storage.

For example, you can store persimmons at home in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to -1 degrees. In this case, the shelf life of the fruit will last for about 3-4 months. The main condition for storing persimmons at home in winter under such conditions is to maintain a humidity level in the range from 80% to 90%. If the humidity level drops below the specified level, the fruits will begin to dry out and shrink. Higher humidity can cause mold to grow.

It is also correct to store persimmons in the freezer. When using the quick freezing mode, the original aroma of these fruits can be preserved, and if a sufficiently low temperature is maintained throughout the shelf life, the shelf life of the fruit can be up to six months. The only drawback of this option is the mushy state of the fruit pulp after defrosting.

Given the moment of ripening of these fruits, you should not store persimmons outside the refrigerator in winter, as unstable temperature and humidity levels will not ensure long-term storage of stocks.

How to store persimmon so that it ripens

If you cut off a green persimmon, then the requirements for how to store it will be somewhat different. In particular, it is necessary to store persimmons so that they ripen without the use of freezing, so that a certain metabolism is maintained in the fruits. Of the options where to store persimmons to ripen, one can name only the common chamber of the refrigerator. The temperature must be maintained at 0 degrees or slightly higher, preventing the fruit from freezing.

  • Put the fruits in the same package with other fruits that emit ethylene (the latter include apples and bananas).
  • Place the persimmon in warm water (about 40 degrees). And maintain this temperature throughout the day.
  • It is also recommended to keep unripe persimmons in a 10% lime solution for several days.