Theme "Nature and man": arguments. The problem of attitude to nature

Human and nature.

    The problem of the harmful influence of man on nature; consumer attitude towards it.

How does man influence nature? What can such an attitude towards nature lead to?

1) A thoughtless, cruel attitude towards nature can lead to its death; the destruction of nature leads to the death of man and humanity.

2) Nature turns from a temple into a workshop; she was defenseless before the man, dependent on him.

3) The relationship between man and nature is often inharmonious, man destroys nature, thereby destroying himself.

V. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"

V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera", "Fire"

V. Belov "Bobrish eel", "Spring", "At home"

Ch. Aitmatov "Scaffold"

B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans"

2. The problem of lack of relationship between man and nature.

- How is it shown? What does it threaten?

1) Man is a part of nature, constitutes a single whole with it, and the rupture of this connection ultimately leads to the death of mankind.

2) Direct, immediate contact of a person with the earth is necessary. Psychological and spiritual isolation between man and the earth is much more dangerous than physical.

V. Astafiev "Starodub"

V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

A. Fet "Learn from them - from oak, from birch ..."

M. Yu. Lermontov "when the yellowing field is agitated ..."

3. The problem of the beneficial influence of nature on man.

How does nature influence man?

Nature is able to ennoble and revive the human soul, to reveal its best qualities.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (episode about oak and Andrei)

L. N. Tolstoy "Cossacks"

Y. Nagibin "Winter Oak"

V. Astafiev "Drop"

K. Paustovsky "Squeaky floorboards"


I. Vasiliev : “A person most likely breaks off moral anchors when he leaves his native land, when he stops seeing, feeling and understanding it. It seems to be disconnected from the source that feeds it.

V. P. Astafiev : "The most dangerous poacher in the soul of each of us."

V. Rasputin : “To speak today about ecology means to speak not only about changing life, as before, but about saving it.”

R. Rozhdestvensky : "Less the environment, more and more the environment."

John Donn : “There is no person who would be like an island on its own; each person is part of the land, part of the mainland, and if a coastal cliff is blown into the sea by a wave, Europe will become smaller ... Therefore, never ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for you.

V. P. Astafiev : "Three dangers of the destruction of mankind exist, in my opinion, in the world today: nuclear, ecological and the danger associated with the destruction of culture."

V. Fedorov : To save yourself and the world,

We need, without wasting years,

Forget all cults

An infallible cult of nature.

Arguments for an essay in the Russian language.
Nature. Part 1.
The problem of nature, attitude to nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on a person's character.

Is man the king of nature or a part? What is dangerous consumer attitude to nature? What can lead to the struggle of man with the natural world? (V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish")

Astafiev tells us an instructive story about a talented fisherman who has a natural instinct that is useful for fishing. However, this hero also trades in poaching, exterminating fish without counting. By his actions, the hero causes irreparable damage to nature. The reason for these actions is not hunger. Utrobin acts like this out of greed.
In one of these sorties, a huge fish comes across a poacher's hook. Greed and ambition prevent the fisherman from calling his brother for help, he decides to pull out a huge sturgeon at all costs. Over time, Ignatich begins to go under water along with the fish. A turning point happens in his soul, where he asks for forgiveness for all his sins in front of his brother, in front of the bride he offended. Having overcome greed, the fisherman calls his brother for help.
Ignatich changes his attitude to nature when he feels how the fish "tightly and carefully pressed against him with a thick and tender belly." He understands that the fish is clinging to him, because he is afraid of death just like he is. He ceases to see in this living creature only an instrument for profit. When the hero realizes his mistakes, he will be liberated and cleansed of his soul from sins.
At the end of the story, we see that nature forgave the fisherman, gave him a new chance to atone for all sins.
The fight between Ignatich and the king fish is a metaphor for the battle between man and nature that takes place every day. Destroying nature, man dooms himself to extinction. Causing harm to nature, a person deprives himself of the environment of existence. Cutting down forests, destroying animals, a person dooms himself to extinction.
This work also raises the question: can a person consider himself the king of nature. And Astafiev gives the answer: no, man is a part of nature, and not always the best. Only concern for nature can maintain the balance of life, the countless destruction of what the world around us gives us can only lead to death. The pride of a person who imagines himself to be the "king of nature" leads only to destruction.
We need to love the world around us, exist in peace and harmony with it, respecting every living being.

Composition of the exam How does nature affect man? According to Prishvin's text: "If you want to understand the soul of the forest, find a forest stream and go up or down along its banks"

How does nature affect man? This question is raised in one of his works by the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

Reflecting on the problem posed, the author describes a forest landscape in early spring. The hero walks near the stream and notices every detail of the reviving nature: he follows the path of the running stream, sees the still unblown flower buds, smells the smell of birch resin. The writer notices how "new and new obstacles are met by water, and nothing is done to it from this." The writer learns from nature stamina, strength. Water inspires the narrator to fight adversity.
"The entire passage of the stream through the forest is the path of a long struggle, and this is how time is created here," the hero concludes. Nature helps the hero to better understand life by observing the natural course of things. With this conclusion, the author leads us to the conclusion: human life is the path to happiness, thorny, complex, but incredibly interesting and important. These examples indicate that nature helps a person to better understand life, to find inspiration.

The feelings of the narrator also become important for understanding the problem: "It became so that it could not be better, and I had nowhere else to strive." This example shows that unity with nature helps a person achieve harmony.
All examples, complementing each other, point to the positive impact of nature on man, indicate the close relationship between nature and man, and help to better understand the author's position.

M. M. Prishvin believes that a person understands himself better when he observes nature, because he himself is part of it. Looking at nature, overcoming difficulties, reviving and blooming every spring, we are inspired, achieve inner harmony, and all problems temporarily fade into the background.

Not only I agree with the opinion of the writer, but also many Russian poets. For example, A. A. Fet in his famous poem “I came to you with greetings ...” writes: “... the soul is still happy / And ready to serve you”, “... from everywhere / It blows fun on me, / What I don’t know myself that I will / Sing - but only the song is ripening. This once again confirms that nature has a beneficial effect on humans. It becomes a source of human optimism, inspiration for new, yet unknown to us, things.

Summing up, we can say that the beneficial influence of nature is very important for the moral and physical condition of a person. After all, it’s not for nothing that we feel sad and want to sleep when it rains, and have fun when it’s sunny.

1. The problem of love for nature.

2. The influence of nature on man.

3. The problem of comprehending beauty in nature.

4. Harmonious relationship with nature.

5. The problem of perception of the surrounding world.


1) Nature must be loved, its beauty must be noticed. As her favorite heroine Leo Tolstoy notes in the epic novel "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova. Otradnoe estate. Night. Moon. The young girl cannot hide her feelings of admiration, delight before the beauty of the moonlit night. The night seems magical to her, she wants to fly. Natasha feels infinitely happy and free. It is in complete harmony with the surrounding world.

2) In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, nature has a huge influence on Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Especially in the episode that describes the prince's trip to Otradnoye on business. Before us is a man disappointed in life, still feeling guilty after the death of his wife, who decided to quietly and calmly live out his life.

He decided that love, happiness, interesting things are all in the past. On the way to Otradnoye in the spring, he meets an old oak tree, which stood lonely and ugly with bare crooked branches, sores in the middle of greenery, sun, spring. It seemed to him that the oak, like him, did not believe in happiness, but simply wanted to live his life in peace. On the way back in early June, Bolkonsky does not immediately recognize this oak. A transformed handsome man, spread out in a tent of lush greenery, stood in front of him. A feeling of joy swept over the hero. “No, life is not over at 31,” thought the young prince. We see how much in common between man and nature.

3) In the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, we see that the inhabitants of the city do not notice nature. In the evening they do not walk, but sit in front of the “TV walls”, during the day they fly by in high-speed cars. Clarissa, who loves the rain and the rustle of autumn leaves, seems strange to everyone. People stopped noticing nature. Their lives have become material and pragmatic, and they are easily manipulated by a handful of people. At the end of the novel, the city dies.

4) The hero of A.P. Platonov's story "Yushka" very often goes into the field, the forest. Here he feels happy and free. Here he forgets the grievances inflicted on him by his fellow villagers, who consider him "unnecessary" on this earth. He is sensitive to nature: he talks to the grass, picks up fallen butterflies and dragonflies from the path. Communication with nature gives him spiritual strength.

5) In the book by V.P. Astafiev “Tsar-fish”, in the chapter of the same name, the main character Utrobin does not notice the beauty of nature. He treats her consumerly, poaching, like his father and grandfather. The meeting with the king fish helped him realize that a person has no right to treat nature so ruthlessly, of which he himself is a part.

Everyone knows that man and nature are inextricably linked, and we observe it every day. This is a breath of wind, and sunsets and sunrises, and the ripening of buds on trees. Society was formed under its influence, personalities developed, art was formed. But we also have a reciprocal influence on the world around us, but most often negative. The problem of ecology was, is and will always be relevant. So, many writers touched on it in their works. This selection lists the brightest and strongest arguments from world literature that touch on the problems of the mutual influence of nature and man. They are available for download in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. Astafiev Victor Petrovich, "Tsar-fish". This is one of the most famous works of the great Soviet writer Viktor Astafiev. The main theme of the story is the unity and opposition of man and nature. The writer points out that each of us is responsible for what he has done and what is happening in the world around him, whether good or bad. The work also touches upon the problem of large-scale poaching, when a hunter, not paying attention to prohibitions, kills and thereby wipes out entire species of animals from the face of the earth. Thus, by pushing his hero Ignatich and mother nature in the person of the Tsar Fish, the author shows that the destruction of our habitat by our own hands threatens the death of our civilization.
  2. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, "Fathers and Sons". The neglect of nature is also considered in Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". Yevgeny Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist, declares bluntly: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." He does not enjoy the environment, does not find anything mysterious and beautiful in it, any manifestation of it is nothing for him. In his opinion, "nature should be useful, this is its purpose." He believes that it is necessary to take away what she gives - this is the inviolable right of each of us. As an example, we can recall the episode when Bazarov, being in a bad mood, went into the forest and broke branches and everything else that came across his way. Neglecting the world around him, the hero fell into the trap of his own ignorance. Being a physician, he never made great discoveries, nature did not give him the keys to her secret locks. He died from his own indiscretion, becoming a victim of a disease for which he never invented a vaccine.
  3. Vasiliev Boris Lvovich, “Do not shoot at white swans”. In his work, the author urges people to treat nature more carefully, opposing two brothers. The forester of the reserve by the name of Buryanov, despite his responsible work, perceives the world around him only as a resource for consumption. He easily and completely without a twinge of conscience cut down trees in the reserve in order to build a house for himself, and his son Vova was completely ready to torture the puppy he found to death. Fortunately, Vasiliev contrasts him with Yegor Polushkin, his cousin, who, with all the kindness of his soul, protects the natural habitat, and it’s good that there are still people who care about nature and strive to preserve it.

Humanism and love for the environment

  1. Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea. In his philosophical story "The Old Man and the Sea", which was based on a true event, the great American writer and journalist touched on many topics, one of which is the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The author in his work shows a fisherman who serves as an example of how to treat the environment. The sea feeds the fishermen, but voluntarily yields only to those who understand the elements, its language and life. Santiago also understands the responsibility that the hunter bears in front of the halo of his habitat, feels guilty for extorting food from the sea. He is weighed down by the thought that a man kills his fellows in order to feed himself. This is how you can understand the main idea of ​​the story: each of us must understand our inextricable connection with nature, feel guilty before it, and as long as we are responsible for it, guided by reason, the Earth tolerates our existence and is ready to share its riches.
  2. Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich, "Thirty grains". Another work confirming that a humane attitude towards other living beings and nature is one of the main virtues of people is the book “Thirty Grains” by Evgeny Nosov. It shows the harmony between man and animal, the little titmouse. The author clearly demonstrates that all living beings are brothers in origin, and we need to live in friendship. Titmouse at first was afraid to make contact, but she realized that in front of her was not the one who would catch and the ban in the cage, but the one who would protect and help.
  3. Nekrasov Nikolay Alekseevich, “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”. This poem is familiar to every person since childhood. It teaches us to help our smaller brothers, to take care of nature. The main character, Grandfather Mazai, is a hunter, which means that hares should be for him, first of all, prey, food, but his love for the place where he lives turns out to be higher than the opportunity to get an easy trophy. He not only saves them, but also warns them not to come across him while hunting. Isn't this a high feeling of love for mother nature?
  4. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince. The main idea of ​​the work sounds in the voice of the protagonist: “I got up, washed myself, put myself in order and immediately put your planet in order.” Man is not a king, not a king, and he cannot control nature, but he can take care of it, help, follow its laws. If every inhabitant of our planet followed these rules, then our Earth would be completely safe. It follows from this that we need to take care of her, treat her more carefully, because all living things have a soul. We have tamed the Earth and must be responsible for it.
  5. The problem of ecology

  • Rasputin Valentin "Farewell to Mother". The strong influence of man on nature was shown in his story “Farewell to Mother” by Valentin Rasputin. On Matera, people lived in harmony with the environment, took care of the island and kept it, but the authorities needed to build a hydroelectric power station, and decided to flood the island. So, a whole animal world went under water, which no one took care of, only the inhabitants of the island felt guilty for the “betrayal” of their native land. So humanity destroys entire ecosystems due to the fact that it needs electricity and other resources necessary for modern life. It treats its conditions with trepidation and reverence, but completely forgets that entire species of plants and animals die and are destroyed forever due to the fact that someone needed more comfort. Today, that area has ceased to be an industrial center, factories do not work, and dying villages do not need so much energy. So those sacrifices were completely in vain.
  • Aitmatov Chingiz, "The Scaffold". Destroying the environment, we destroy our lives, our past, present and future - such a problem is raised in Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold", where the family of wolves, which is doomed to death, is the personification of nature. The harmony of life in the forest was broken by a man who came and destroys everything in his path. People arranged a hunt for saigas, and the reason for such barbarity was the fact that there was a difficulty with the meat delivery plan. Thus, the hunter thoughtlessly destroys the ecology, forgetting that he himself is part of the system, and this, in the end, will affect him.
  • Astafiev Victor, "Lyudochka". This work describes the consequence of the disregard of the authorities to the ecology of the whole region. People in a polluted, waste-smelling city have become brutalized and rush at each other. They have lost naturalness, harmony in the soul, now they are ruled by conventions and primitive instincts. The main character becomes a victim of gang rape on the bank of a garbage river, where rotten waters flow - as rotten as the morals of the townspeople. No one helped or even sympathized with Luda, this indifference drove the girl to suicide. She hanged herself on a bare crooked tree, which also dies from indifference. The poisoned, hopeless atmosphere of filth and poisonous fumes reflects back on those who made it so.