Irina Agalarova: biography and personal life. Candidate from the Solntsevo district

BAKU, city, capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Izv. from the 3rd c. n. e. From the 12th century - the center of the state of Shirvan, later - as part of Persia, from 1747 - the center of the Baku Khanate, in 1806 it was occupied by Russian. troops. Since 1813 - as part of Ros. Empire, since 1840 - a county town of the Caspian region, since 1846 - Shemakha province, in 1859-1918 - the center of Baku province. In 1918-20 it was the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in 1920-91 it was the AzSSR. In 1897, 2,341 Jews (mainly Mountain Jews) lived in B. of them 19,583 - Ashkenazi, 1985 - mountain, 427 - Georgian Jews), in 1939 - 31,050, in 1959 - 29,204 (3%), in 1970 - 29,716 (2.2%), in 1979 - 26,446 ( 1.7%), in 1989 - 22,826 Ashkenazi Jews and 8,438 Mountain Jews. In 1990, during the archaeological. excavations at hand. R. Geyushov discovered the remains of the Jewish quarter and the Shabran synagogue of the 7th century. The first written references to Jews in B. date back to Ser. 13th c. The existence of a Jewish community in Byelorussia was noted in the 18th century. In 1814 the Jews of B. fled to Cuba to escape the pogrom provoked by the "blood libel". Some of them later returned. The community in these years was headed by brethren. Avraham and Ephraim ben Yosef. There was a synagogue in the house of one of the brothers. From 1810 Ashkenazim began to settle in Byelorussia. The first Ashkenazi synagogue was opened in 1832. From 1827, Kurdish Jews settled in Byelorussia; - Georgian Jews. In the 1830s in B. there was a Jewish cemetery. In the 1870s a synagogue of artisans was opened. Since the 1870s. in connection with the growth of oil production, the size of the Jewish population of B. has also increased. Pioneers prom. oil production in Byelorussia were G. A. Polyak (founder of the company "Polyak and Sons"), A. Dembo and H. Kagan (creators of the company "Dembo and Kagan"), G. O. Gintsburg, A. Feigel and other Jews -entrepreneurs. A prominent role in the development of oil production was played by the Rothschilds (they founded the Casp.-Chernomor. Company, by the end of the 19th century, occupied a leading position in the syndicate of oil owners). In 1901, 64 Jews worked in the administration of oil companies and companies. 14 Jewish-led companies in 1913 produced 44% of the kerosene in Russia. Means. Chemist-technologist A. Beilin made a contribution to improving the technology of refining Baku oil. In 1888, at the time of the fair, Jews were evicted from Baku by order of the authorities. In 1893, Jewish charitable activities began. Society (approved by the administration in 1905). In 1901 the "Ashkenazi Prayer" was opened. house with a Hasidic chapel", in 1910 - the Great Synagogue. Living in B. Georgian and Mountain Jews prayed in their synagogues, not registered by the authorities, in addition, in con. 19th century in the suburb of B. - Sabunchi there was a synagogue of mountain Jews, and in the beginning. 20th century a synagogue was built for them in the center of the city. From 1905 Ephraim Rabinovich was the rabbi of the Mountain Jewish community. In B. there were also synagogues of Kurdish (closed in 1939) and Georgian Jews. There were cheders, teaching in which was conducted in Yiddish, Jewish-Tat and cargo. lang. In 1896, the Talmud Torah was opened, which was headed by F.L. Shapiro in 1913-20, in 1898 - for men, in 1901 - for women. Saturday schools for adults (director of the latter - S.A. Bernshtein). In the 1910s in B. worked the mountain-Jewish department of the Talmud Torah (teacher M. Sheinerman), a school for Georgian Jews, a Jewish library, and literary music. a circle, departments of the OPE and the Society of Lovers of the Hebrew Language; until 1920 there was a Jewish gymnasium. In the 1890s open Jewish children. garden (one of the first in Russia; in 1914-15 H. Rovina worked in it). In con. 1900s in B. was organized lit.-dram. circle to them. Sholom Aleichem (dir. I.L. Presman). In 1900-20 the rabbi of B. was Lev Moiseevich Berger, in the middle. 1900s - Zvi-Hirsch Tsaiman, in the 1910s. - Yehoshua Rubinstein. In 1898, in connection with the ritual slander, a pogrom took place, 20 Jewish houses were damaged. 19th century B. - one of the centers of the Jewish national. movements: in 1891, the Hovevei Zion department was formed (since 1892 it was headed by the district doctor of the Baku district, epidemiologist Benzion-Zeev (Vladimir) Weinshel), in 1899 Eliyahu Kaplan created the first Zionist organization, later the Poalei Zion cell arose . In 1902, four representatives of B. participated in the work of the 2nd All-Russian. Zionist Conf. In Minsk . Eliyahu Eisenbet was a delegate from B. at the 6th World. Zionist Congress. in Basel (1903). In the beginning. 20th century In B., a department of the OPE was founded, the founder of which was Adolf Arkadyevich Gukhman (1870-1914), deputy. manager of the Baku branch of the Caspian-Black Sea oilfields, one of the leaders of the Jewish community of B. A number of Zionist organizations operated in B. Youth. org-tion "Young Judea" was headed by the son of B.-Z. Weinshel - Abraham (1893-?). Mn. Baku Jews actively participated in the activities of the growing. political parties. Among the 26 Baku commissars shot in 1918, there were 6 Jews (including M.V. Basin and Ya.D. Zevin). Jews were part of the pr-va Azerb. Republic of 1918-20 (among them the Minister of Health E.Ya. Gindes). In 1918-19 there was an influx of Mountain Jews, refugees from villages, into B. In addition, refugees from Persia arrived. In 1919-34, the Shirvan synagogue operated. In 1917, a weekly newspaper was published in B. ed. I. Glachenhaus "Caucasian Vohenblat" (in Yiddish), in 1917-20 (with interruptions, under the editorship of B.-Z. Weinshel) - weekly. "Caucasian Jewish Bulletin" (with the appendix "Palestine"), in 1919-20 - two weeks. "The Jewish Will" (under the editorship of Uriel Friedland and Ludwig Sterling), in 1919 - gas. "Tobushi Sabhi" (in the Jewish-Tat language), in 1919 - a journal. (under the editorship of M. Komarovsky) "Ha-Mevaser ha-Caucasus" (in Hebrew). After the establishment of the owls. authorities in Azerbaijan (April 1920), all independent Jewish publications were closed. In 1922 in B. in the Jewish-Tat language. gas came out. "Korsoh" (an organ of the Caucasian Committee of the Jewish Communist Party and its youth organization). In the beginning. 1920s owls. The authorities prevented the creation of a Bund organization in B., however, at the same time, mountain Jewish youth clubs and a Mountain Jewish school were created in the city, which were soon closed. In 1920, two Jewish men were active in B. student corporations "Hasmonean" and "Maccabee" and 2 wives. - Shulamita and Deborah. In the 1920s and 30s in B. published several. books in Hebrew-Tat. In 1922, 16 rabbis and “big Jewish speculators,” trustees of the secret cheder and the Talmud Torah, were tried in Bashkortostan. Rabbi B. in the 1920s was Savgil Ruvinov. All R. 1920s in E.-I. the rabbi of the Hasidic community of Meyuches left. In 1923 the old Ashkenazi synagogue was closed. Until 1928, an illegal organization operated in B. Zionist organization. In the 1920s and 30s in B. there were schools in Yiddish and in the Jewish-Tat language. (by 1938 they were closed, only in school No. 23 the Tat classes existed until 1948). In 1934-38 in the Jewish-Tatar language. gas came out. "Communist", the Mountain-Jewish department worked. Azerbaijan state publishing house [head. Yakov Mikhailovich Agarunov (1907-1992) and Yuno Semenov (1899-1961)]. In 1932-36, the Baku Jewish Workers' Union (BERT) operated. In 1936-38, in the building of the Great Synagogue, which was closed in 1934, the Baku State University performed. Jewish tr (AzGOSET, dir. Ya. Fridman, art director V. Zeitlin). 1930s Jewish society. and cultural life in B. ceased. Ashkenazim prayed in dep. room of the synagogue of the Mountain Jews. By 1940, all synagogues were closed (including the Ashkenazi synagogue on Dimitrova Street; in early 1945, a mountain synagogue was opened in this building). In 1939, the Krymchak synagogue and the kinassa, which were located in the same building, were closed. In 1937-38, the authorities expelled from B. Kurdish Jews who had Iranian citizenship (about 400 families), the rest were deported in 1951 to Kazakhstan. In 1952, the synagogue of Kurdish Jews was closed (at present, a children's garden is located in the building of the synagogue). The number of Jews in B. increased sharply in 1941-42 due to those evacuated from the West. regions of the USSR and other cities. In the 1940s the rabbi in B. was Leib-Arye Lengleben. In 1945, a synagogue was opened in B. (on ordinary days it was attended by 30-40 people, on holidays - 400-450), Rabbi Samano Agaruevich Samamduev (1893-?) also performed the duties of moel and shochet. In 1947, Georgian and Ashkenazi synagogues were opened in B., located in the same building. Since 1969, the Ashkenazi synagogue on the street. Karganov began to bake matzo (earlier it was baked in the state bakery). In 1966 Rabbi Yehuda, the rabbi of the Mountain Jews, died in B. In 1970, G.I. Mizrahi, deputy. prev. synagogue board - Samuil Friedman (since 1971). In 1973, a new Jewish cemetery was opened in the Wolf Gate district (common for Mountain, Georgian and Ashkenazi Jews). In the beginning. 1970s flour for baking matzah was sold in the state. shop, dir. to-rogo was M.D. Shakhnovich. In 1975, the authorities closed the baking of matzah by Ashkenazi Jews in the Armenian Quarter. In 1976, Rabbi Benjamin was the rabbi of the Mountain Jews, who at the same time. acted as shochet and moel. Rabbi Shilat and Rabbi Bilo (b. 1914, descendant rabbi, dealt with Chevra Kadisha affairs, until the death of his father, Rabbi Yehuda, worked as a postman) were also rabbis. In 1987, legal Hebrew courses were opened in B. (official leader Vladimir ( Zeev) Farber, since 1989 - in Israel), in 1989 - the club of Jewish culture "Aleph", the publication of a small-circulation information was started. Bulletin "Shalom-Sholem-Sholumi". In 1990, the Society for Friendship and Cultural Ties "Azerbaijan - Israel" was established (since 1992, the press organ - the newspaper "Aziz"). Since 1991, a representative office of the Jewish Agency and an embassy of the State of Israel have been opened in B.; established women. and youth. Jewish organizations, Kt of Jews - veterans of the 2nd world. Wars, Association of Jewish Studies and Jewish Culture. The teacher P.A.Kalik (1923-1995) took an active part in the life of the community. In the 1990s. Ashkenazi and Sephardic synagogues began to operate in B., and a yeshiva was opened in 1994. All R. 1990s Hebrew was taught at the un-those and two cf. schools, there were also Hebrew courses. In 1994, according to the estimates of the Jewish Agency, approx. 26 thousand Jews. Born in B.: M.V. Abramovich, Sh. L. Galperin , M. A. Geiman , M. M. Gukhman , M. A. Dalin , L. G. Zorin , T. S. Izrailov , B. Z. Karpilova .Kats , V.S. Klupt , V.D. Konen , L.D. Landau , S.S. Levin , I.L. Lisnyanskaya , D.K. AND. P.Tsukervanik, D.A.Chernomordikov, L.K.Shifrin, G.B.Eidinov; Mikhail Yakovlevich Agarunov (b. 1936), oil scientist, prof. (1998), Society. activist, publicist, author of the book. on the history of the Mountain Jews, compiler of the Tatsko-Rus. dictionary, son of Ya.M. Agarunov; Margarita Alexandrovna Barskaya-Chardynina (1903-1939, Moscow), actress, film director; Max Black (b. 1909), amer. philosopher, from 1958 before. Amer. philosophy associations; Evgeny Lvovich Voiskunsky (b. 1922), writer, author of short stories and a novel, devoted to maritime theme; Rakhil Solomonovna Ginzburg (b. 1920), actress, Honored. art. AzSSR (1964); Iosif Evgenievich Grill (b. 1945), lawyer, businessman, pres. Epos Foundation, pred. Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia; Lev Lazarevich Gruber (b. 1923), actor, people. art. AzSSR (1987), since 1989 - in Israel; Grigory Efimovich Gurvich (1957-1999, Israel), director, founder (in 1989) of the t-ra-cabaret "The Bat", author and host of the television program "Old Apartment"; Alexander Adolfovich Gukhman (1897-1991, Moscow), thermal physicist, prof. (1934), Dr. Math. Sciences (1941), author of works on the theory of similarity, son of A.A. Gukhman; Alexander Valentinovich Dadiani (b. 1958), businessman, member. Board of Trustees of the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia; Efim Ilyich Levit (1909-1991, Moscow), teacher, colonel, in 1936-41 military. hands 2nd Artillery School of Moscow, among the graduates of which were V.L. Govorov, S.A. Mikoyan, V.I. Stalin; Gasan Borisovich Mirzoev (b. 1947), lawyer, Doctor of Law. sciences, prof., pres. The guild grew. lawyers, chief chair of advocacy Moscow. intl. legal in-ta of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, since 1999 - dep. State. Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member. factions of the Union of Right Forces.; Natan Lvovich Fishman (1909-1987, Moscow), musicologist, Doctor of Arts (1968), author of works on the work of L. Beethoven; Naum Shakbasov (b. 1899), Amer. painter.

The public is always interested in women who live for many years with very wealthy men. One of these ladies is Irina Agalarova, biography, date of birth, the details of whose personal life constantly attract the attention of journalists and the general public. Let's talk about some details of her life path and her worldview.

The beginning of the way

Most ladies, especially those who have crossed a certain age limit, try not to advertise their age. Irina Agalarova is no exception, whose date of birth belongs to the category of classified information. However, simple arithmetic operations allow us to determine the approximate time of her birth, this is 1955-1956. A girl was born in a family of mountain Jews named Gril, in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. Irina Agalarova, whose nationality was never a reason for her to think, grew up in an international environment and Azerbaijani traditions are closest to her in life.


While still at school, Irina Agalarova (photo attached) met a classmate and a strong mutual sympathy arose between them. After school, each of the young people went their own way. Irina entered the Pedagogical Institute, Araz - the Polytechnic. However, this did not destroy their feelings for each other. And in the last year of high school, the lovers got married. And for almost 40 years, the Agalarovs have been happily married.

This, of course, is the great merit of a real woman - Irina Agalarova. She says that the secret of family longevity is "sincerity of feelings and a little intelligence", she believes that one should not conflict on any occasion, but one should always strive for compromise and harmony. All her life, Irina put her family first, although she cannot sit idle.

Agalarova's husband today is a major entrepreneur, owner of the Crocus Group. He began his career at a research institute, then worked in the city committee of the party. In 1983, he was sent to Moscow, and Irina, without hesitation, went with her little son to fetch her husband. With the beginning of perestroika, Irina's husband began to do business - he sold souvenirs in the USA. In 1989, together with his father-in-law, he created the Crocus Group company, and later the family decides to move permanently to America.

In the early 2000s, her husband's business requires his permanent presence in Russia, and a period begins when the family lives in two countries. Irina alternates her stay in the USA with life in Russia. She says that the separation only strengthened her and her husband's feelings for each other. Although he admits that it was very difficult. She missed her husband, was jealous of him, but she also could not part with her children for a long time either. When the children grew up, Irina again packs her things and moves to Moscow to her husband.

Irina says that her husband is a democratic and sensitive person. He always listened to her desires, did not put pressure on her. As an example, she cites a story about how she dreamed of having a house by the sea, where she could relax with her little son. And Agalarov built such a house, although the family's funds were not yet excessive.


Irina Agalarova, a biography whose nationality is so interesting to the public, has always considered her family to be Azerbaijani. In the traditions of this culture, children are the most important thing in the family. Therefore, Irina always considered raising children to be her main business. The Agalarovs had two children: Emin in 1979 and Sheila in 1987. They tried to give the children in the family all the best, but at the same time they did not spoil them, but seriously brought them up. When the Agalarovs realized that it was difficult to find a good education for their son in perestroika Moscow, they sent him to Switzerland. And after moving to the USA, they sent me to an American school. Emin has been with the family business since 2001. Since 2006 he has been engaged in a singing career. Irina notes that her son has always been musical, so it is not surprising that he began to study vocals.

Daughter Sheila studied at the American School of Fashion and Design. And Irina lived in two countries. She lived in constant flights, as she was needed by both her husband in Moscow and her daughter in the USA. When Sheila grew up, Irina moved to Moscow.

Irina Agalarova is a wonderful mother, she is friends with her children, knows well about their problems and difficulties, always supports them in any situation. Emin Agalarov always speaks very tenderly and reverently about his mother.


Every woman experiences three main incarnations: wife, mother and grandmother. They say that the third role is the most conscious and deep, and confirmation of this is Irina Agalarova. Biography, nationality, income - all this does not play any role when we talk about grandmothers. Irina passionately loves her two grandchildren Ali and Mikail. They were born in the first marriage of her son Emin with the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla. This marriage has already broken up, but Irina continues to communicate with her grandchildren. She also considers her adopted daughter Emin, the daughter of Leila, Amina, to be her own granddaughter. despite being very busy, he spends a lot of time with his children and they often visit their grandmother.


Modern women often do not imagine their lives completely idle, and so is Irina Agalarova. The biography, nationality, family of a woman are often studied, but few people know that she is also a working lady. At the beginning of her family life, Irina did not consider it necessary for herself to stay at home, and went to work at a school where she taught English. Later in Moscow, she got a job as an interpreter at the Ministry of Consumer Services. Only when the second child appeared in the family did she become a housewife for a while. But later she decided to go into business. Together with a friend, she opened a beauty salon in the United States, and then two more Olivia beauty salons in Moscow. But she soon parted ways with the American business. In 2015, Agalarova decided to try her hand at trading and opened a fur shop where exclusive fur coats will be sold.


The wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, Irina Agalarova, whose biography, whose nationality is always viewed through the prism of her husband's success and fame, always says that her main business is her family. In addition, she devotes quite a lot of time to sports. She is fond of tennis and swimming. Unlike many women, she does not like shopping, although she knows how to appreciate beautiful things and always follows fashion trends when choosing her clothes. Despite the fact that Irina often has to make long flights, she does not like traveling. Like her husband, she is a homebody. For her, there is nothing better than a family evening when her husband and children are nearby. All her dreams are always connected with children, she wants their life to be no worse than hers.

Life principles

Irina Agalarova, whose nationality suggests special wisdom, says that her main slogan is: "No one can change, but everyone can become better." She believes that every person should constantly work on himself, expand his horizons. In this, by the way, she also sees a guarantee that the husband will not lose interest in his wife.

Irina Agalarova for many is a symbol of a successful woman. And it is not surprising: to live with one husband for so many years, to support him at the beginning of his career, to raise two wonderful children. And while not "light up" in any scandal. You also need to look for such an oligarch who lived with one wife for so many years, not succumbing to the temptation to have a young passion. Of course, this is entirely the merit of Irina Iosifovna. Her wisdom, ability to rebuild, cherish their relationships.

Irina Iosifovna Gril was born in Baku. In her blood, as she herself says, many nationalities are mixed, but Azerbaijani culture is closer to her. In Baku, Irina graduated from high school, and then entered the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Linguistics. After graduation, she worked as a school teacher. Irina met her future husband Araz Agalarov at school, where they studied together. After school, their paths diverged for a short time - Araz studied at the Polytechnic University. But in the last year, the lovers still got married.

double move

In 1979, the couple had a son, Emin. Araz worked at the research institute when, in 1983, work forced the family to move to Moscow. Irina was not at a loss in a new place, she began to teach. And my husband's business just went up the hill. He founded his own company and at first he didn’t do anything. Before the collapse of the USSR, he founded the company Crocus Group with his father-in-law. The unstable political and economic situation in the country forces the Agalarovs to move to the United States. Moreover, two children were already growing up in the family (in 1987, the couple had a daughter, Sheila), and the parents thought about their further education.

For ten years spent abroad, Irina began to help her husband run a development business. The children received a good education: Emin studied in Switzerland after the USA, Leila graduated from the American School of Fashion and Design. When the children grew up, Irina began to fly home more often. Business demanded that Araz be permanently present in Moscow. So Irina Iosifovna turned the American page of her life. But the daughter Leila remained in the states, to whom Irina often flies. Son Emin returned to Moscow and took the position of vice president in his father's business.

busy life

Now Irina lives in two countries. In Moscow, she has boutiques of designer fur coats and beauty salons. Also, together with her daughter Sheila, Irina has a real estate business in the United States. Agalarova takes care of her grandchildren - the twins Ali and Makail - the sons of Emin and Leyla Aliyeva. She can often be found at fashion shows, and at the concerts of her son Emin, she is the main listener.

... according to the newspaper "Sovershenno sekretno", from 2002 to 2007 Grudinin could be associated with Agalarov through his eldest son Artyom. And from 2007 to 2014, Grudinin shared with Agalarov the profit on a partnership basis received from the activities of the Kashirsky Mall company. So, starting from the creation of Crotex JSC in 1996, Grudinin's benefit was not only - and not so much! - in the sale of state farm land, but also from the funds paid by Crotex JSC for the lease of premises. Moreover, the financial success of the Kashirsky Mall alone was incomparable with the indicators of the Lenin state farm. So, according to accounting data at the end of 2015, the net profit and revenue of Vegas was three times higher than the state farm!

Soon dealerships "Nissan", "Toyota" and "Lexus" were opened on state farm lands. And already the youngest son of Grudinin Anton, who also graduated from RUDN University, worked, as he notes on his Facebook page, as an administrator in these Vegas and Toyota Center Kashirsky shopping centers. In August 2016, the Lenin State Farm sold another of its plots to the Swedish company IKEA. According to the director of the state farm, the land sold belonged to the company "TT Development", "controlled by the state farm." According to the expert, the site can cost from 500 to 750 million rubles, depending on readiness, communications and other factors. We add that the founders of TT Development include Pavel Grudinin himself and his son Anton. And it is all the more surprising that, according to the base “Contour. Focus”, according to the financial results of 2016, “TT Development” recorded a “net loss” in the amount of 533 million rubles! How did you have to turn a business for half a billion in order to yourself be at a loss for this amount?

The plots next to the Ring Road, said the future candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, can hardly be used for agriculture, "because there is a road nearby." And yet, the state farm director noted, a lot of housing is being built nearby, so the seedlings "disappear with terrible force."

So, no matter how Grudinin avoids answering direct questions, it is no secret to anyone who is "dining" Grudinin. And if someone else expects that he will "dance" the candidate, then it is very in vain - only the one who " supper."
And if a sufficient number of suckers of naive citizens also vote for the candidate and he, God forbid, becomes the governor of the Moscow Region, then the entire Moscow Region will already "dance" and far from the rhythm of the waltz.

But in order for suckers, naive citizens to vote more actively for the "red" candidate, they are fed a mossy program with gingerbread that has set the teeth on edge communism and socialism. And some are even promised "Donbass to Russia".

And everyone knows that "promising does not mean getting married," but they want to believe in utopias so much that they are ready to give up the entire Moscow region for a full dance.

The public is always interested in women who live for many years with very wealthy men. One of these ladies is Irina Agalarova, biography, date of birth, the details of whose personal life constantly attract the attention of journalists and the general public. Let's talk about some details of her life path and her worldview.

The beginning of the way

Most ladies, especially those who have crossed a certain age limit, try not to advertise their age. Irina Agalarova is no exception, whose date of birth belongs to the category of classified information. However, simple arithmetic operations allow us to determine the approximate time of her birth, this is 1955-1956. A girl was born in a family of mountain Jews named Gril, in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. Irina Agalarova, whose nationality was never a reason for her to think, grew up in an international environment and Azerbaijani traditions are closest to her in life.


While still at school, Irina Agalarov (photo attached) met her classmate Araz Agalarov and a strong mutual sympathy arose between them. After school, each of the young people went their own way. Irina entered the Pedagogical Institute, Araz - the Polytechnic. However, this did not destroy their feelings for each other. And in the last year of high school, the lovers got married. And for almost 40 years, the Agalarovs have been happily married.

This, of course, is the great merit of a real woman - Irina Agalarova. She says that the secret of family longevity is “sincerity of feelings and a little intelligence”, she believes that one should not conflict on any occasion, but one should always strive for compromise and harmony. All her life, Irina put her family first, although she cannot sit idle.

Agalarova's husband today is a major entrepreneur, owner of the Crocus Group. He began his career at a research institute, then worked in the city committee of the party. In 1983, he was sent to Moscow, and Irina, without hesitation, went with her little son to fetch her husband. With the beginning of perestroika, Irina's husband began to do business - he sold souvenirs in the USA. In 1989, together with his father-in-law, he created the Crocus Group company, and later the family decides to move permanently to America.

In the early 2000s, her husband's business requires his permanent presence in Russia, and a period begins when the family lives in two countries. Irina alternates her stay in the USA with life in Russia. She says that the separation only strengthened her and her husband's feelings for each other. Although he admits that it was very difficult. She missed her husband, was jealous of him, but she also could not part with her children for a long time either. When the children grew up, Irina again packs her things and moves to Moscow to her husband.

Irina says that her husband is a democratic and sensitive person. He always listened to her desires, did not put pressure on her. As an example, she cites a story about how she dreamed of having a house by the sea, where she could relax with her little son. And Agalarov built such a house, although the family's funds were not yet excessive.


Irina Agalarova, a biography whose nationality is so interesting to the public, has always considered her family to be Azerbaijani. In the traditions of this culture, children are the most important thing in the family. Therefore, Irina always considered raising children to be her main business. The Agalarovs had two children: Emin in 1979 and Sheila in 1987. They tried to give the children in the family all the best, but at the same time they did not spoil them, but seriously brought them up. When the Agalarovs realized that it was difficult to find a good education for their son in perestroika Moscow, they sent him to Switzerland. And after moving to the USA, they sent me to an American school. Emin has been with the family business since 2001. Since 2006 he has been engaged in a singing career. Irina notes that her son has always been musical, so it is not surprising that he began to study vocals.

Daughter Sheila studied at the American School of Fashion and Design. And Irina lived in two countries. She lived in constant flights, as she was needed by both her husband in Moscow and her daughter in the USA. When Sheila grew up, Irina moved to Moscow.

Irina Agalarova is a wonderful mother, she is friends with her children, knows well about their problems and difficulties, always supports them in any situation. Emin Agalarov always speaks very tenderly and reverently about his mother.


Every woman experiences three main incarnations: wife, mother and grandmother. They say that the third role is the most conscious and deep, and confirmation of this is Irina Agalarova. Biography, nationality, income - all this does not play any role when we talk about grandmothers. Irina passionately loves her two grandchildren Ali and Mikail. They were born in the first marriage of her son Emin with the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla. This marriage has already broken up, but Irina continues to communicate with her grandchildren. She also considers her adopted daughter Emin, the daughter of Leila, Amina, to be her own granddaughter. Emin Agalarov, despite being very busy, spends a lot of time with his children and they often visit their grandmother.


Modern women often do not imagine their lives completely idle, and so is Irina Agalarova. The biography, nationality, family of a woman are often studied, but few people know that she is also a working lady. At the beginning of her family life, Irina did not consider it necessary for herself to stay at home, and went to work at a school where she taught English. Later in Moscow, she got a job as an interpreter at the Ministry of Consumer Services. Only when the second child appeared in the family did she become a housewife for a while. But later she decided to go into business. Together with a friend, she opened a beauty salon in the United States, and then two more Olivia beauty salons in Moscow. But she soon parted ways with the American business. In 2015, Agalarova decided to try her hand at trading and opened a fur shop where exclusive fur coats will be sold.


The wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, Irina Agalarova, whose biography, whose nationality is always viewed through the prism of her husband's success and fame, always says that her main business is her family. In addition, she devotes quite a lot of time to sports. She is fond of tennis and swimming. Unlike many women, she does not like shopping, although she knows how to appreciate beautiful things and always follows fashion trends when choosing her clothes. Despite the fact that Irina often has to make long flights, she does not like traveling. Like her husband, she is a homebody. For her, there is nothing better than a family evening when her husband and children are nearby. All her dreams are always connected with children, she wants their life to be no worse than hers.

Life principles

Irina Agalarova, whose nationality suggests special wisdom, says that her main slogan is: "No one can change, but everyone can become better." She believes that every person should constantly work on himself, expand his horizons. In this, by the way, she also sees a guarantee that the husband will not lose interest in his wife.