How your inner light affects people. Healing from Within: How to Awaken Your Inner Light With the Light and Warmth of the Inner Light

Each individual has the potential to attain enlightenment during this life or in subsequent reincarnations. Lama Govinda.

The symbol of light is often used in spiritual treatises, and it is not difficult to understand. Just ask yourself, what would you like most in a room full of pitch darkness? Surely your wish would be "light". Just as light helps you move in the dark, in the same way it represents the emergence of self-consciousness through the fruits of insight and the process of inner transformation of the human soul.

Exercise-meditation "Creation of Light"

Imagine yourself in a completely dark room. The darkness around is pitch-black, so you can't make out the hand in front of you. You have lost your sense of direction, both in time and space. The darkness around you makes you think about the light. You begin to languish in the dark with thoughts of light. You begin to yearn for the light. An image of light begins to fill your mind. You do not think about anything else, all your thoughts are only about one thing - about light. As your thoughts grow stronger and clearer, you notice that the darkness around you seems to be beginning to dissipate. You do not leave your thoughts and being in meditation, you continue to create inner light. The darkness surrounding you is parting. The space is filled with a dim glow. This is your light. So what do you choose in the future - light or darkness?

Light is often used as a metaphor for spiritual awakening. It also serves as a symbol of clarity and understanding. Sudden moments of perfect clarity are not metaphors at all, such flashes of consciousness take place in reality, in the midst of everyday life. Sometimes such insights take on apocalyptic features and seem to destroy the old perception of reality, while simultaneously creating a new one. We talked about absolute and relative levels of consciousness. We have revealed the nature of the exoteric, esoteric and mystical paths. We can all relate to the position of relative understanding, which is the general condition of human existence. At the same time, we can recognize that the experience of the absolute is also within human limits.

The inner light of the soul and the enlightenment of human consciousness

Not everyone achieves a quantum leap of being, but experience remains. This is the index for those who are looking for it. is not limited to the great and famous mystics in history. This is a living reality, which can be touched by a completely ordinary person living in the current world. Eyewitness accounts of such experiences are fascinating and can add to our understanding of the enlightenment experience.

A story told by a housewife describes her hard work on Mu. After seven days of intense inner work and a spiritual "incubation" period, she experienced her first enlightenment:

The days and weeks that followed were the happiest and clearest of my life. Nothing seemed like a problem to me anymore. Everything was either done or not, but in any case there was no longer any anxiety or fear. Former relationships with people who once haunted me now seemed completely clear. For the first time in my life, I was able to move freely, like air, free at last from the selfishness that had always so painfully fettered me.

About six years later, she experienced a second enlightenment:

One spring day, while I was gardening, the air seemed to move in an unusual way, as if the familiar passage of time had taken on a new dimension, and I realized that something must happen, if not today, then soon. Hoping to somehow prepare for this, I doubled my zazen classes and stayed up late every night reading Buddhist books. A few evenings later, after a diligent reading of The Tibetan Book of the Dead and a subsequent bath, I sat in front of the room and listened to slow music by candlelight, Beethoven's String Quartet in A minor, a profound expression of human self-denial, and then went to bed. The next morning, right after breakfast, I suddenly felt as if I had been struck by lightning and began to tremble.

In an instant, the entire trauma of my painful birth flashed through my mind like a flash. Like a key, she opened the way to the dark depths of secret resentments and hidden fears that flowed out of me like some kind of poison. Tears poured out and so weakened me that I had to lie down ... Gradually, the center of my attention shifted: I'm dead! There is nothing that could be called me. I never existed! This is just an allegory, a mental image, a scheme according to which nothing has ever been created. My head was spinning with excitement. Material objects appeared as shadows, and everything that fell on my eyes was delightfully beautiful. These words can only give a rough picture of what was revealed to me:

  • The world as perceived by the senses is the least true (in the sense of completeness), the least dynamic (in the sense of perpetual motion), and the least important in a vast "geometry of existence" of inexpressible depth, the degree of vibration, strength and subtlety of which defies description.

  • Words are clumsy and primitive - it is almost useless to try to express with them the true multidimensional impact of an inexpressibly wide complex of dynamic forces, for contact with which one must leave the ordinary level of consciousness.

  • The most elementary action, such as eating or scratching the hand, is not at all simple. This is only a visible movement in the interweaving of causes and effects, reaching the unknown and returning to the infinity of silence, where the individual consciousness cannot set foot. There is, indeed, nothing to be known, and nothing to be known.

  • The physical world is the infinity of movement, existence in time. But at the same time he is the infinity of silence and emptiness. Every object is therefore transparent. Everything has its own special inner character, its own karma or "life in time", but at the same time there is no place where there would be emptiness, where one object would not flow into another.

  • The smallest change in the weather, a blind rain or a faint breath, affects me - what can I say - like a miracle of incomparable beauty, indescribable delight. You don't have to do anything; simply being constitutes the highest action.

  • Looking into the faces, I can make out some of the long line of their past existence, and sometimes some of the future. The past retreats behind the outer shell, like soft tissues that always remain, at the same time protruding from it.

  • When I'm alone, I can hear "singing" coming from everywhere. Every thing has its own voice; even thoughts, thoughts and feelings have their own voice. But despite such a variety of voices, they all merge into one inexpressibly spacious singing.

  • I feel love, which, because of its pointlessness, is better called tenderness. But my old emotional perceptions still interfere with their coarseness from expressing this perfectly subtle and easy tenderness.

  • I feel within myself a consciousness that is neither mine nor pertaining to me, that protects or guides me in a way that promotes my own growth and keeps me from that which hinders such growth. It is like a stream in which I swim and which carries me beyond myself.”

Who wouldn't be thrilled, even a little overwhelmed by such a deep and dramatic experience? These states, which seem so far from the worldly and everyday aspirations of good citizens, show us the potential that lies in the very human heart. This story takes us from the mundane and ordinary experience of everyday life to the wonderful worlds of unknown perceptions; one could try to dismiss all such stories, presenting them as nothing more than the fruits of an upset psyche. But after all, others have written about enlightenment. The Japanese master Kosen Imakita described his own experience this way:

One night, while I was sitting absorbed in contemplation, I suddenly fell into a wonderful state. It seemed that I was dead, because I was completely taken away from everything. Nothing else existed, neither before nor after, the object of my contemplation and my "I" disappeared. The only surviving feeling was that my innermost "I" completely filled everything that surrounded me. Infinite light streamed through me. After a while, I came to my senses, as if I had risen from the dead. Sight, hearing, movement and thought - everything seemed completely transformed compared to what it was before.

We can see the same images of transformation in the words of a song sung by a certain Yeshe Tsodchzhel.

My birth was low, but my merit is great
Now my body has changed
And the usual look is gone forever
Samadhi arose, in the light of which everything is an illusion
And I control the five elements
Now my speech has become tantra
And useless idle chatter is now in the past
Vajra-like samadhi arose
And intuitively I know and use the appropriate types, sutras and mantras
Now my mind has become a buddha
And my ordinary thoughts vanished into empty space
Bodhisattva Samadhi Arose

Each person is unique, each of us has a huge potential to realize ourselves and our abilities to achieve everything we want. On your own experience, living it in its entirety, and not from books or manuals, you find yourself, revealing all the strength and power of your potential and capabilities. You can be a nobody, you can fit into the framework and parameters set by society, or you can create yourself anew, gain complete independence and freedom from other people's opinions, judgments and any obligations. The choice is yours. .

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Topic: how to get rid of the routine in life, the inner light of a person, perseverance.

Dear Dear Friend good time of day!

Imagine that you and I, for certain reasons, ended up in the mountains. The path winds between boulders, jumps from stone to stone and rises higher and higher. There is something up there, high up, that irresistibly draws us. Meanwhile, a thunderstorm is gathering in the sky. How are you, dear friend? Will we go back or move on?

Can we get through? Well, then go ahead!

But, they didn't. The storm didn't just start. She didn't even lash out. She literally collapsed with a roar of thunder and a crackling downpour and occupied everything with herself. Wherever you look - one thunderstorm :-). Darkness, it seems, can be cut with a knife. The wind rips, ruffles and rushes about. The rain is pouring down from all sides. Even, it seems, from below.

Well, dear friend, forward or backward?

The storm roars so loudly that we have to yell to get through. Where is the path, Dear Friend? Do you see her?! Here? No, it's just rocks. Here? Damn, I almost broke my leg! Where to go?! But then lightning crackles the sky. In the ghostly light, you notice a path out of the corner of your eye - here it is !!! Let's go, dear friend! After a flash of lightning, the darkness thickens even more. Probably now it can be hammered with a sledgehammer :-). We are literally on all fours, groping for the path with our hands, moving forward. Stones, slippery, nothing is clear! And then, again, a roar!, an explosion of light! Hurry Dear Friend!

So, persistently moving, guided by those flashes of reality that appeared in the light of lightning, we got out of there. And we climbed to the top later and found what we were looking for.


And to me, while I was telling this, I remembered one of my acquaintances, a poetess - a creative person is impossible :-). It means lazy, disorganized and difficult to get up. At the same time, in the evenings, literally every other day, she began what I called "evening exacerbation." Maybe she woke up by this time, or inspiration rolled over her, I don’t know. But literally a day later, at 11 pm, when it was already time to sleep, IDEAS began to beat out of her like a fountain. She began very cheerfully, almost running, stomping her heels around the apartment and, decisively chopping the air with her hand, listed what she would do tomorrow, right in the morning, almost at six. Write a poem that has been spinning in my head for a long time. She will write an article for a magazine for which she will be paid a whole lot of money. Give him a call and arrange this. And after dinner he will sit down to write a novel that has long been asking for publication. And in the late afternoon he goes to N. and talks about X, because it’s no longer possible to postpone! Need to do. Not! Don't do it anymore. Gotta move!!! But now I won’t, it’s time to sleep, but tomorrow ... !!!

Morning, of course, came. And at first, like a naive Chukchi boy, I was preparing that there would be no breakfast today, because a person has a creative upsurge, which means that this issue needs to be resolved somehow. But, Dear Friend, NOTHING HAPPENED! In the sense of breakfast, something happened, and everything else - I'll call, write, start, agree and all that stuff - this was nothing.

Of course, at first I tried to somehow contribute, motivate, encourage and direct, but in response I received .... no, not resistance. And no thanks :-) But passive laziness. This, you know, when the "client" declares that yes, they say ... you're right ... I understand everything ... but today I'm not ready .... Something is not in the mood .... We need to get together spirit .... Tomorrow I do everything, but for now, let me feed you deliciously?

Of course, I will never refuse a delicious breakfast, but all this reminds me of flashes of lightning through which we got out of the mountains. Awareness, like lightning, flashed and illuminated the horizons of consciousness. And there was an understanding that it was no longer possible to postpone. Need to do. Cases are piled one on top of the other so that they will soon fall under them. And yes, I do want to!!! But when the flash is replaced by darkness, it hides all the unfinished business, unrealized ideas, started and unfinished projects, and everything, everything, everything ... And so day after day, week after week and year after year and until the end of life.

As a result, brilliant poems were not written, the novel was not published, and the project died before it was born. And a person does only what cannot be done - works for the sake of money. And when such work, what kind of creativity is there?!?!?! And the rights to do nothing appear even more. In general, it all looks like a snake that devours itself, starting from the tail.

It happened to you, Dear Friend, that you read some book or one of the letters that I sent you and, suddenly, at some point, you, with a flash, have an understanding of how this can be useful to you. What good will it bring you. Why is it time for you to do this? So, it is necessary, urgently, to receive it. Has it happened? And then, at some point, this global understanding goes away. Why? Because the lightning flashed and then went out. And understanding, vision of prospects, a sense of necessity - disappeared.

Topic: how to get rid of the routine in life, the inner light of a person, perseverance.


Darkness lives inside every person. And the world lives. Each of us has EVERYTHING. And what a person is is a question of the ratio of different parts of everything. Light and darkness - what is more in you, Dear Friend?

Darkness is a kind of self-forgetfulness. I don’t know what I want, I don’t remember where I’m going, I don’t know why I live such a life ... Inner darkness is the absence of the self, which is light. I am absent, so there is no INTEREST in myself and my future. I have nothing to do here, because it is not needed yet. Such a person lives with the thought “Now there is no time. But the absence of thoughts and the absence of light, which is thought, only increases the blockages, so the snake continues to eat itself, starting from the tail.

Do you know, Dear Friend, what saves in the darkness?


Persistence in moving towards the light.

Lightning flashed, illuminating the path, and then darkness fell again. But we must persistently continue to move forward, from memory, feeling for the way, because you can’t stand - it will wash away! Wash away with the flow of household chores. And will carry in this stream for many years. And all this time the feeling will gnaw that here, again, there is not enough time for yourself. Here, again, these things. All these "nada" and "necessary". And I would take it, but throw it all to ... But you can’t. Because it is necessary and necessary, right, Dear Friend?

Perseverance is the ability of a person to be a person regardless of the conditions. This means, if I decide to do it, I will do it AGAINST EVERYTHING. In spite of the outside world, which has its own plans for me. Despite the darkness that hid the light inside of me. I'll do it anyway! Anyway!

Topic: how to get rid of the routine in life, the inner light of a person, perseverance.

Darkness is stronger than light. Because the light must be maintained, and the darkness lives on its own. Darkness can be dispelled, but light has yet to be kindled. The inner light ignites KNOWLEDGE - self-knowledge, self-understanding, which the course contributes to!

Perseverance is developed by EVERYDAY EFFORT, precisely in spite of the fact that the understanding that was yesterday has disappeared. The vision that inspired yesterday. The knowledge that dispersed the darkness yesterday. Despite all this "disappeared" - IT IS NECESSARY TO MOVE FORWARD. And then persistence becomes not just a habit, but a natural property of your personality. So take another step towards your best, Dear Friend! Don't just pay for the course, but WORK WITH IT. Understand yourself. Determine - how, with the help of what you can live the way you dream. After all, this is the meaning of the course - to make a dream a reality!

Glow, it is Radiation - a key state for success in love

This is not a method or a technique. This state of mind is a stream that can be entered. But how to enter - this is already a technique, psychotechnics, built from the spontaneous practice of Solar People - communication geniuses of both sexes.

I teach this scientific art to all those who have understood and accepted their right to their own mood and inner freedom.

Mastering the Glow acquires a different quality of character and mind, changes the alignment of fate, achieves the best of the possible in life.

What is Glow. Familiar expressions: "her face lit up with a smile", "all glowing with joy", "radiant eyes", "bright personality" ...

Every day we see how it happens in life and on the screen. We also meet those whose Illumination is constant or almost constant, the predominant state. Sun People are always attractive and beautiful even in sickness, ugliness and old age.

They radiate Light and Heat... It's amazing: none of them notice it! Nobody even guesses about his Glow, if he is not told about it, and if he is told, he may not understand what it is about.

A firefly-child, a spark of joy, a sun smiling in our face - does not know anything about itself, but simply radiates itself, simply gives.

Have you ever noticed how you glow yourself? ..

And rightly so, they did not notice. But it is important to know that this sometimes happens - and it can be reflected in the living mirror of another being and return to us...

Sources. Let us turn to the experience of our childhood - the keys to inner freedom and happiness are hidden there ... And although many of us have a joyless, hard and traumatic childhood, it cannot be, it does not happen that there is not a drop of the Sun there.

Let's remember how we felt complete trust in someone - mom or dad, grandma or grandpa, dog or toy ... How we liked a kitten, puppy, bird or friend ... How we rejoiced at a gift ... Calm, serene friendly disposition during the game ... The joy of meeting a parent or friend, a premonition, anticipation of this joy ... Enthusiastic surprise, admiration for something or someone else ... The happiness of one's own achievement - finally something came out that did not it turned out stubbornly, and now! .. Just your good health, cheerful mood for no particular reason ... (Mood does not have to have a reason) ...

The memory of feelings without habit is stubborn and disobedient, traces of it are hidden deep in the unconscious. But you can call them if you start to remember something experienced.

Dad throws me up, almost to the ceiling, I laugh, I’m a little scared and wildly great! .. The magical light of the New Year tree, the first in my life ... The first charm of the beauty of a flower ... the beauty of a person ... music ...

Let us carefully catch our feelings in these memories, let us feel them with concentration...

Relaxing the muscles... Straightening the back... Refreshing the head... Easing the breath... Releasing the face... Feeling of warmth in the chest... The birth of a spontaneous smile...

Good memory, good memory is the source of the Glow; there is another: the creative imagination.

You can turn on the inner Light and begin to radiate Heat simply by imagining that this is ALREADY HAPPENING: for example, a candle, a fire, a stove, a sun, a star (any image, words do not matter) are lit inside - in the chest, in the head, in the eyes, in in the brain, in the heart, in the soul - a certain source of Heat and Light burns and shines, warms and illuminates everything, irradiates, penetrates, colors with all the colors of the rainbow ...

I am a glowing fiery hot flower,
a stream of solar power,
trusting the beam with its mysterious meaning,
from the universal cold I'm flying you ...

In any communication and position, one can enter the state of Glow - just like that, without reasons or goals, simply because it is possible, because it gives Light and Warmth.

Enter the ray stream. The more freely and recklessly you enter into the Illumination, the fuller, more tangible it will become. The more often, the easier it is. And the time will come when this state, resurrected, strengthened, powerful and confident, will come to you by itself -


and it will be your solar essence - the natural Radiation given to the world - the Freedom to Live.

Leave the result. Forget to think about the result, and about any conditions! Be not a slave of reality, but its creator. Live in the ray stream, enter the Glow


and all events will develop for you in the best possible way, because you are exactly you! - you will create for them an atmosphere of Heat and Light.

Reality will submit to your Spirit.

Smiling is not required. Watching yourself in a new capacity, you may notice that the state of the Glow in itself gives rise to a smile. If so, good, but treat the newborn with care and do not flaunt it. "Smilies" are not needed and will not deceive anyone.

It is better to restrain an involuntary smile slightly, to translate half inward - this will give the Glow the energy of charm. After all, you can frown your eyebrows, clench your teeth - and still glow. You can tell the truth to your face, criticize, convict of a crime - and still shine ...

Children and adults, women and men, will be drawn to you, there will be no closed doors in front of you.

"Shine always, shine everywhere..." Let the Glow become your reflex to a person, a reflex to any creature, a reflex to life - a flowing state - both alone, and in a crowd, and in a company, and together ... Even in a fight The glow can stay with you - and will give you the highest chance of defeating a superior force.

Light can pulsate. There is no need to be afraid of the uncontrollability of the Glow: it can go out and not be called upon request. Like a heart, it pulsates.

Don't count your earnings. To live in the Glow means not to lend, but to give. There will definitely be gifts in return, but only ... when you do not expect them. Unintentionally. Just as Orpheus, looking back at Eurydice, killed her and sent her to hell, so looking back at the benefit or even just at "justice" kills the Glow in the bud, makes no sense.

The savings bank of spiritual generosity is in ourselves. A person turns out to be a genius of communication and a billionaire of love, the sooner and more truly, the more completely he forgets that he wants to become one ...

Note. Ed .: This excellent article has many elements of psychotherapy: you can psychological analysis of this text.

Almost every person has a sadness and depression in life, when you experience a constant feeling of anxiety or fear, consider yourself deeply unhappy, completely lost and "knocked out" of life's rut. What is called " lose yourself».

Someone tries to alleviate their suffering with the help of alcohol and drugs. Some, unfortunately, cannot continue such a painful way of life at all and accept to "finish" everything at once.

Others prefer to act by sending a "cry for help" to those around them; many simply find themselves completely at a loss, unable to understand how they feel, why they feel it, what to do, and how to deal with the situation.

The purpose of this article is to reach out to everyone who has such difficulties in this time of crisis here on Earth.

What causes deep sadness, such intense stress?

From my point of view, the feeling of unhappiness in any form occurs in many young people in our Western culture, usually for the first time in their early twenties, sometimes earlier.

For others, this theme slowly creeps up on them as they get older and feel personal unfulfillment.

I find a lot of stress comes from falling into the “money” trap: constant unpaid bills, having to make a living, apparent need for money in order to be happy and so on.

So, you feel like you basically did what society asked of you. You have completed your formal education (school, university or something similar).

Or you are still in the process of finishing and have been given a job where you are doing your best. You have found the right partner and you have a roof over your head.

You may have a child or a family of your own that you care for, love and provide for. Or perhaps you are young, free and single, and you have nothing to complain about at all.

Or it could be conditions where you don't understand "what right do I have to complain", especially if in the eyes of others, you look quite successful.

Perhaps there was some special case that caused such a deplorable state, or nothing special happened at all.

Why do you feel so empty and unfulfilled? What is missing in your life?

Does the feeling of happiness come from work, from relationships, from the celebration of life, or from how much money or material things you have when you look successful?

Or are you just mask your emptiness that seems to have always been there, hiding behind that fake smile?

Why do you feel a constant sense of restlessness, overwhelm, anxiety and at times sheer panic as you navigate your daily path in this life?

To clarify, let's start by looking at a couple of well-known natural laws of the universe.

The first - similarity law with his famous statement: As above, so below", - or: " What's inside, so outside».

Now, whether you are familiar with understanding this law or not, we are going through a huge paradigm shift of reality on our planet, and all this turmoil is reflected on you as an individual, as well as on the scale of the Universe: what is above, then below.

We are truly living in a very critical time in the history of the earth right now and it is quite obvious to anyone with eyes to see.

You may be feeling a lot of things rising to the surface of your reality because right here and now the energy frequency of the earth is steadily increasing in accordance with the galactic events of the solar system surrounding us and the frequency broadcast by our own individual essence.

Understanding the Bigger Picture

It is important to understand the situation on a global scale and, accordingly, on a personal level too. The interconnectedness of all things, undoubtedly, is confirmed by modern science in the face of quantum mechanics and physics.

As a consequence, everything that happens affects us right now, even without our understanding.

We are all experiencing to some extent crazy things going on around us right now and to some extent in our own inner world with a unique way of manifesting for everyone.

As a result of the planet's increasing frequencies, many are becoming "awakened" to the higher truth of existence, discovering new connections between science and spirituality and by increasing your own energy frequencies.

However, many get lost in the craziness of our current paradigm.

At a time when this change of energies is happening to all of us, those who are still asleep (or, on the other hand, unawakened to their true nature of the oneness of themselves and reality) feel unclear and uncertain about themselves and what they feel. and why.

They know deep down that there is so much wrong in our post-industrial society. This society is based on separation, fear and competition.

On the other hand, there is a deep sense that there is more to life than paying bills, following rules and following orders, growing up, growing old and dying!

Does this remind you?

As such, assuming that all of the above exists, it can be the cause of some chaos. You can be depressed, panicked, deeply discouraged, maybe even all of these together go around in circles.

So here's what you do: you are healing! And in order for you to be healed, you must first break that circle.

It is known that severe suffering can lead to personal insights, as well as to an increase in the flow of awareness, i.e. "awakening".

It is likely that if you are reading this article, then you need such a breakthrough from your own circle of dissatisfaction, misunderstanding or hopelessness.

The interesting fact is that, whether you believe it or not, this reality itself is an incomprehensibly intelligent, fully interconnected, conscious, energy field.

It is known in physics as " the matrix of all matter", or " unified field“, or, as Stephen Hawking himself calls it, “The Mind of God.”

Change is breaking through our collective consciousness and that is exactly what our planet needs right now.

What is our relationship with each other?

There is no doubt that we are all one: with each other, with the planet and the Universe. We are one with all that is. Every particle of being originates from one single source of all Creation.

What are you attracting into your life?

Consider another universal law that has filled everything around and is often quoted: law of attraction.

This law simply states that we attract into our lives what we think about or believe most deeply.

It is obvious that it is associated with similarity law, and they both illustrate that our outer reality is simply a reflection of our inner state of being.

Our entire outer world is a mirror in which we see the state of our own inner world.

If you are stuck in a circle of negative thoughts, emotions, words, actions, feelings, etc., then naturally life will offer you more situations that are consistent with your quality of energies.

How to break the circle?

If you are going through a difficult time right now, the first step that I wholeheartedly advise you to take is practice acceptance.

This may be "easy to say, hard to do" for some people, but it's still the logical and only thing you can do to start your journey from darkness to light.

Think about it: you cannot avoid what has already happened in your life or what you are feeling right now. What is happening now is just being now.

You may be able to change your situations or circumstances, but first you just have to accept things as they are and accept them as they are, in a way that allows life to go on and move on from there. This way you will be able to grow.

You may encounter difficulties in life, or these difficulties may be generated by your negative thoughts, inexplicable emotions, misunderstanding, gloom and anxiety.

What you can do right here and right now, at this exact moment, is simply to look at these obvious difficulties. Recognize problems.

Acknowledge all of this and say to yourself, “This is what is happening to me right now. This is how I feel. This is my situation. That's exactly what it is at the moment." And now that you see and acknowledge the problem, you can accept it.

"I'm fine. I accept the situation right now, as it is. I accept myself right now as I am.”

And from here we make changes and ... break free. What are you feeling now? Notice there may be a part of you that doesn't want to accept what is.

You might catch yourself thinking like, “I just don't want it to be this way. I shouldn't feel like this."

Or: "Things shouldn't be like this," "I still don't get it." Or even: "It's just so bad" and so on.

It is perfectly normal for the circle of negativity to try to continue its own existence in your mind and your life.

This is what is known as human an ego that tries to keep control especially now that you are taking back control as you take the first steps of awareness and acceptance.

It is interesting to understand that the unhappiness in you has been the ego all along, and then to watch it make vain attempts to climb back into the loop out of a sense of despondency.

You can realize it and then understand that you can be a witness to your own thoughts without blindly believing that they are true, or not being what those thoughts are trying to convince you to be.

That "little, unhappy me" is simply the one we all must eventually transcend. This false self-identity that creates disharmony within and around you, and the one that is real is much stronger and more powerful than your thoughts lead you to believe.

Accept this: thoughts can be constant, like a constantly flowing river. It is up to us what these thoughts are.

Once you discover your unhappy reactions and thoughts about things that arise in your life and mind, continue to practice acceptance: “I see what is happening right now around me and in my own mind and emotions. This is fine. I accept it."

Only in this way can you begin to create and implement the changes that you so need and desire. Make peace with life because that's the only way you can start healing. Accept the situation. Accept your feelings about this situation.

Accept that you will need to take appropriate action to resolve this situation.

Accept that you might have to transform your thoughts, and continue to do so by your own willpower.

You may be facing adversity in the outside world or within yourself (note that some part of you seems to want to continue being unhappy, it's not you - it's bad ego, that is, something you can overcome).

Positive self-talk and positive thinking can help.

Reprogram your thoughts!

Of course, the law of attraction always works: the more you practice acceptance and positive thinking, the easier it becomes to attract acceptance and positive energy into your reality and into your situations, emotions, and events.

Such is the nature of the interconnected energy field that is our collective reality.

Thus begins a new cycle. You are rebuilding - focusing your attention and energy on your personal growth and fulfillment of your potential. Trust in your own true happiness. This is your healing.

Remind yourself often that this is not just you (as your little ego wants you to believe), but an entire global galaxy, a universal energy shift that we are all experiencing and that we are all going through in our own way.

And this is your own subjective journey.

The same with the law of similarity, which always works. The more you see and create positive change within and around you, the more you invest in the positive and healing energies that our home planet needs right now.

We must first create these positive and healing changes within and around ourselves (by the law of “as within, so without”).

The power is in our hands, and it is our duty, it is our advantage, to ensure the continuation of our planet and species, and to be the instrument of the evolution of humanity and consciousness itself through our own daily actions.

Feel your expansion, create, uplift your personal high frequency energy and expand your own consciousness by doing unintentional acts of kindness.

Create something wonderful. Contribute to the world, you can do it in any way, even if you just be a loving, kind and positive person.

By helping yourself and others, you create a wave of good (like a domino effect) and you will help lift the whole planet out of this "dirty" situation.

The beginning is healing yourself from within right here and right now: mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. No matter how trivial it may seem.

One day you open up to love, its healing light flows through and to you in a magical way. It all comes from love for yourself, for the people who surround you, and from all life in general - unconditional, unbending and continuous.

To be here and now

Isn't it amazing that all of us who live here now have the honor of becoming the potential initiators of huge, immense changes in our world?

Understanding that we are all conscious creators of our reality deepens in all areas and at all levels.

How lucky are we to be given the opportunity and power to be that change, to be the people who rightfully take this matter into their own hands once and for all?

Isn't it great to be part of Earth's progenitors who are living in such a significant time?

Isn't it thrilling be part of something bigger, the movement that initiated such necessary solutions, from an individual point to a global scale, once and for all? I hope so!

The deeper consciousness - your soul - knows the true need to serve the purpose of our world at this time and calls for the realization of the purpose and the awakening to service.

There is a part of you deep inside that yearns to be a part of something more than the little dramas of everyday life.

You are truly buried under your previous beliefs about reality and narrowness of outlook, and all this is slowly rising to the surface. Now is the time for healing from within.

Every time you are about to enter into communication with any person, imagine that a soft warm light is shining inside you. And the eyes give off a warm glow, like a light bulb is on in your head.

In order to be able to pick up the keys to any person and establish contact, first of all, you yourself must be ready for this contact. Remaining internally closed, wary and unsociable, one can hardly count on the success of communication. This does not mean that you need to open your soul to every first person you meet, trust everyone indiscriminately and let anyone into your life. The task is different - remaining oneself, preserving the inviolability of the boundaries of one's life territory, learning to create for oneself and another a comfortable environment that is most conducive to communication. To do this, you only have to practice a little in creating an appropriate internal mood and learn the secrets of effective interaction with other people.

Get benefits at the very beginning of communication

Pay attention to what kind of people everyone is unconsciously drawn to without exception. To those that seem to radiate warmth and light. This can be learned.

And at the same time, it is not at all necessary to constantly smile and portray hospitality on your face.

When a small flashlight seems to be burning inside you, even people who do not know you instantly feel that you are a person open to communication and friendly, that communicating with you, firstly, is pleasant, and secondly, it is safe. Thus, you immediately remove barriers and wariness between you and the interlocutor. We can say that you are already helping him to get rid of tension, relax and calmly, with confidence, perceive what you say. Do you feel what advantages it gives you at the very beginning of the contact?

Be open yet protected

The main thing is to kindle this inner light consciously, learn to control it. Then your goodwill, openness and inner warmth in communication will be your strong point and will never turn into your vulnerability. Many want to take advantage of an open and benevolent person, mistaking his openness for weakness. If you manage your inner state, control yourself, then your inner light will not at all prevent you from standing up for yourself if necessary, but, on the contrary, will only help in this. Because such an inner glow, in addition to everything else, also protects you from unwanted influences. With a little practice, you will notice that your inner light allows you to maintain not only a great mood in any situation, but also a sober, clear head that will accurately tell you how to direct the dialogue in the right direction.


Practice on your own first. Imagine that your eyes are like light bulbs emitting light. Look at the world around you with such eyes. Try not to “stretch” a smile and generally maintain a normal facial expression. If a smile arises by itself - allow it to arise, but only if it happens completely naturally, without the control of your will.

Then imagine that the light fills your entire body. Now the rays of light come not only from the eyes, but also from the heart. Hold this state for as long as you can.

When you can do this easily enough, practice turning on the interior light somewhere in a crowded place, such as on the street or in transport. See if it changes how other people react to you.

Try to turn on the inner light and, keeping it, talk to some stranger - a saleswoman, a minibus driver or a random passer-by (who you can ask about the time or clarify the route of your movement). Remember: you do not need to demonstrate anything on purpose, you do not need to try to give your face a friendly expression, and your voice - ingratiating intonations. All you need is to kindle the inner light.

Make it a rule to turn on the inner light in any situation when you have to communicate with others. Over time, this will begin to work out for you automatically. Do not be surprised if very soon the people with whom you communicate begin to speak of you as a very good, pleasant person who is surprisingly accommodating.