How to cure bronchitis completely. Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults and children

Bronchitis most often begins in the flu or SARS program or as a complication of them, when a dry, debilitating or wet cough joins a runny nose and a reddened throat, and if you help your body quickly turn a dry cough into a wet one, then bronchitis can be cured faster than for 10 days.

However, with untimely therapy, violation of a calm half-bed regimen, or even worse - going sick to work, acute bronchitis easily becomes chronic. Read more about the symptoms, signs of bronchitis in adults in our article. We will talk about how to treat bronchitis at home so that it does not become protracted or chronic in this article.

Any treatment should be complex:

  • Active fight against virus and infection
  • Improvement of bronchial patency, liquefaction of sputum and its fastest removal
  • Elimination of provoking factors

Regime for bronchitis

At the very beginning of the disease, it is simply necessary to keep bed rest for 2-3 days, then you can keep half-bed rest for another 3-4 days, when it becomes easier, the temperature is normal, you can go out and take short walks in the fresh air, preferably in the park, not along the highway.

It is necessary to observe mainly a vegetable - cereal, dairy diet, during the period of illness the body especially needs vitamins, it is better if these are natural vitamins - fruits and vegetables.

If a person smokes, smoking cessation should happen as if by itself, since smoking increases and provokes a dry cough so much, and delays the day of recovery, that it is not even worth talking about. Many heavy smokers who think about their health quit smoking after acute bronchitis, pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis!

One of the options for a quick recovery from bronchitis is the speedy liquefaction of sputum and its removal from the body, and this is very simply achieved by drinking plenty of warm water. This is a banal advice, but the most correct and true, the more fluid a patient with bronchitis drinks, the faster the sputum is liquefied, and hence the release of the bronchi.

Also, during inflammation during intoxication, a lot of harmful toxic substances are formed that poison the body, and drinking plenty of water up to 2-3 liters per day is the way to cleanse toxins and speedy recovery.

You can drink any drinks, it is best if they are fortified with natural vitamins - a decoction of wild rose, raspberry, linden, mint, chamomile tea, milk-mineral honey cocktails (mineral water without gases Borjomi, Narzan + milk + honey). And you should refrain from strong tea and coffee, since caffeine dehydrates the body, which is not desirable for any illness.

When the air is dry, the cough is much stronger, so try to moisten the air in the room where the patient is. It is best to use an air purifier and humidifier for this purpose. It is also desirable to carry out daily wet cleaning of the patient's room to purify the air.

Do you need antibiotics for bronchitis?

There are cases of very severe bronchitis with obstructive syndrome and respiratory failure, in such a situation, hospitalization in the pulmonology department is indicated. With a mild form of bronchitis, uncomplicated by other pathologies, after contacting a doctor, acute bronchitis can be treated at home, using various medicines or traditional medicine.

Usually, it is not advisable to use antibiotics for bronchitis if it is caused by the flu virus, the common cold. Strong immunity copes well with inflammation of the bronchi. Antimicrobial agents, in the absence of corresponding changes in the blood and in the absence of purulent sputum, cannot be used for bronchitis, since they not only do not have an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, but also increase allergization and can provoke broncho-obstructive syndrome. But in case:

  • high fever lasts for a long time, purulent sputum is released when coughing
  • or after an acute period of the disease, after 4-5 days, the condition suddenly worsens, a new jump in high temperature appears, purulent sputum (yellow or green) is released when coughing, the general condition of the patient worsens

you should once again consult a doctor who will examine, listen to patients, send them for tests and x-rays, after which he recommends a course of antibiotics aimed at destroying the attached bacterial infection. Antibiotics should never be started without a doctor's recommendation. 11 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly.

How to quickly cure bronchitis at home


If bronchitis occurs against the background of influenza, then antiviral drugs can be connected for therapy. You can use interferon preparations intranasally, that is, instillation into the nose of both children and adults, the use of other antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza is widely advertised and recommended today, however, there are no convincing studies and evidence of their effect and safety, so the decision to use them is a private matter for everyone.


To improve sputum discharge, the doctor prescribes expectorant, mucolytic drugs, there are many of them in the pharmacy network - the most popular and effective among them: Lazolvan, Ambrohexol, Bromhexine, Herbion, herbal chest preparations (which can be used in the absence of allergies to medicinal herbs). With a prolonged cough and elements of bronchial obstruction, Askoril (Joset, Cashnol) containing salbutamol is prescribed.

At the very beginning of bronchitis, the patient usually has a long dry non-productive cough. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, you should take drugs such as Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Levopront, which suppress dry cough, and expectorants are taken later, when the cough turns into a wet one. You can also use combined preparations, such as Sinekod - instruction, Bronchicum, Bronholitin. For the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies, with a dry cough, thermopsis, licorice, coltsfoot are used.

After 4 days, as a rule, sputum begins to depart, therefore, cough suppressants should be discontinued and sputum thinners should be taken:

  • Mucolytics - these include acetylcysteine ​​​​- ACC, Mukonex, Fluimucil, as well as carbocysteine ​​​​- Fluifort.
  • Expektorants - means that improve expectoration of sputum, that is, a reflex effect, these include the well-known plantain (Gerbion), ivy leaves (Prospan), marshmallow, thyme, anise drops, and also Breast collection.
  • Mucokinetics - means that facilitate the movement of sputum, for example, Bromhexine. Such popular drugs as Lazolvan (in Ambroxol tablets), Ambrobene, in addition, have the ability to thin sputum, making it not so viscous, and easily remove it from the body.


It is very effective to treat bronchitis with the help of various inhalations. If you want to quickly cure bronchitis, then you should definitely do inhalations. Just make sure you don't have a high temperature or palpitations first.

There are many recipes for steam inhalation with bronchitis - these are saline and soda solutions, and essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, myty, herbal preparations, inhalation of phytoncides, which are rich in essential oils of garlic, rosemary - they reduce cough tremors and facilitate the process of coughing. However, it is not uncommon for essential oils and medicinal herbs to have allergic reactions, and therefore it is better for people prone to allergies (hay fever) not to take risks and avoid the use of various herbs and essential oils.

Also, for those who have a home inhaler, it is possible to carry out inhalations for bronchitis with a nebulizer with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, and other special medicinal solutions designed to improve the release of bronchial sputum.

In the case of obstructive bronchitis in children or adults, Berodual is an effective bronchodilator; special solutions are available for inhalation.

Massage, breathing exercises

It always effectively and quickly helps to cope with almost all diseases - massage, with bronchitis it can be carried out only if the body temperature is normal, you can do it yourself, using various massagers, Kuznetsov's applicator, or vibration massage. To date, there are many different types of massagers, so you can buy any of them.

After the acute period of inflammation ends and there are only residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can begin to do therapeutic breathing exercises, for example, according to Strelnikova. Women can try to perform simple exercises from Bodyflex breathing exercises, which strengthens not only the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Oddly enough, but the old proven means are forgotten by modern man, and methods such as banks, mustard plasters, warm compresses are rarely used by people. But these are safe and very effective procedures.

In every family there are grandmothers, great-grandmothers, who used to treat all diseases, exclusively with folk remedies. Among all the methods of treating chronic bronchitis with folk remedies, we will talk about the most simple and accessible to everyone:

Radish, honey

A very old and effective recipe is a radish, a small depression is made in it, into which a teaspoon of honey is placed. After a while, the radish gives juice and can be consumed 3 times a day. This is a good way to relieve a cough if you are not allergic to honey.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, calamus

Medicinal herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calamus, calendula have anti-inflammatory properties and in the absence of allergies, infusions can be made - 1 tbsp is enough. spoons in a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour and drink 3 r / day.

Garlic, dill, butter

Sandwiches with garlic, dill and butter - to prepare such a sandwich, you should take 5 cloves of garlic, squeeze through a garlic press, mix with 100 g butter, you can add finely chopped dill or parsley. Eat this sandwich 3 times a day.

medicinal plants

  • Plantain has always been valued by traditional healers for its excellent expectorant properties. Therefore, for the treatment of bronchitis, you can buy plantain leaves, 4 tbsp. grind spoons of leaves, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours, strain and drink this amount during the day.
  • Medicinal plants such as thyme, eucalyptus, pine buds, cumin, St. John's wort, fennel have an expectorant effect, so infusions and inhalations can also be made from them.
  • Medicinal plants such as decoctions of plantain, yarrow, violet, marshmallow roots, coltsfoot help to increase immunity in chronic bronchitis.
  • Taking natural mummy, echinacea tincture, licorice root syrup also improves immunity.
  • Decoctions of parsley, juniper, horsetail, birch, lingonberry leaves. These remedies are not direct methods of treating acute bronchitis at home, but they are very helpful in strengthening the body and speedy recovery.


To relieve the symptoms of intoxication in viral and infectious diseases, in order to quickly remove toxins from the body, you can also use pharmaceutical sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum STI, Polyphepan, etc., but they should be taken in the intervals between taking medicines and food, best of all 1 time per day at night, 2 hours after the last meal and medicine and a short course.

Psychological attitude

It may seem strange and unacceptable to many, but the psychological, emotional, positive attitude towards recovery is always of great importance, especially in chronic diseases. Faith in healing - gives the brain a very strong impetus to intensify the struggle of the body itself with the disease. Daily reading of positive attitudes that you can come up with for yourself, saying affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation - can help more than some medicines. The main thing is to believe that it works, to believe in the strength of your body and the disease will go away.

juice therapy

Juice therapy has long been considered the most powerful way to improve the whole body. Vegetable juices are especially useful:

  • Beetroot juice is considered the most highly effective juice for cleansing the blood of toxins, it helps to normalize the composition of the blood, increases platelets especially well, the only condition for taking it is that you can’t drink freshly squeezed juice, first raw beets are rubbed on a grater, squeezed out the juice, and then put in refrigerator, after 3-4 hours you can drink it.
  • Carrot juice - it is not recommended to drink a lot of beetroot juice, no more than 100 ml, it is better to dilute it with useful freshly squeezed carrot juice. It is both delicious and extremely healthy.
  • Cowberry juice - helps very well for sputum discharge.
  • Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is not very pleasant to drink, but if you add a little sugar, then it is very effective as an expectorant. In addition, cabbage juice helps with stomach diseases.

If, in addition to a reddened throat and a severe runny nose, a patient has a dry, and later a wet cough, this indicates the onset of acute bronchitis (edema and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa). So that the disease does not turn into a protracted or chronic form, it is necessary to understand how bronchitis can be treated at home.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home

Bronchitis can be treated at home with folk remedies. There are many different methods used in the treatment of this disease.

Plantain is often used for bronchitis, as it has very good expectorant properties. To prepare the tincture, you need to cut the plantain leaves (4 tablespoons), pour them into 0.5 stack. boiling water, and then insist for 4 hours. Next, the broth should be filtered and gradually drink this dose throughout the day.

Various plants also have a good expectorant effect, including cumin and eucalyptus, as well as pine buds, thyme, fennel, St. John's wort. Medicinal tinctures are made from these herbs, and in addition, fees for inhalation.

Decoctions of yarrow, coltsfoot, as well as marshmallow root and violet flowers have a qualitative effect on the bronchi.

To improve the state of the immune system, take licorice root syrup, echinacea tincture and natural mumiyo.

Contribute to a quick recovery, and at the same time strengthening the state of the body, tinctures from juniper, birch, parsley, lingonberry leaves, and horsetail.

Folk recipes for bronchitis

Some folk recipes for bronchitis:

  • The use of warm whey;
  • If there is a night cough, you should rub the patient's chest with goose fat, and after the procedure, put on a warm woolen sweater and drink milk (1 stack) with the addition of raspberries or honey;
  • Put mustard plasters on the chest (higher, close to the throat), as well as the calf muscles. Keep them until the moment when they start to burn;
  • You can replace mustard plasters (or alternate with them) with a mixture of turpentine and castor oil (in a ratio of 1k20);
  • Another way is to rub the horseradish and moisten a piece of cloth with it, then wring it out and apply it to the above places;
  • Inhalations using sea salt - for this, pour 1 kg of the ingredient into a container and heat it up. Next, add chopped herbs (forest mallow flowers, thyme grass, coltsfoot, strawberry leaves, elderberry blossom (black elder)) to the salt heated in water. But it is not necessary to add all of the above herbs, only a few will be enough.

Recipes for bronchitis with aloe

For the treatment of bronchitis, you can use recipes with aloe.

Take 0.5 l of wine and pour aloe leaves (in the amount of 4 pieces) into it. Infuse the resulting mixture for 4 days, and then take this tincture 1 dessert bed. 3 times / day.

Finely chop fresh aloe leaves (fill 1 stack), take 1 stack. olive. oil, 1300 g of linden honey, 50 g of lime blossom, and 150 g of birch buds. Melt the honey and pour aloe into it, and then steam this mixture. Birch buds, together with lime blossom, brew in 2 stacks. water, and then boil for 2 minutes. Next, the broth must be filtered and poured into already chilled honey with aloe, mix this mixture, and pour into 2 bottles, while adding olives to them. oil (equally). Reception for 1 tbsp. 3 rubles / day. The bottle must be shaken before using the medicine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

In proportions of 1 to 1, mix aloe juice, melted honey and butter. Drink before meals for 2 tsp. 4 rubles / day for 5 days, then take a break in use for 5 days.

Recipe for bronchitis with aloe and honey

Since aloe promotes the growth and renewal of body cells and has wound healing properties, it is often used as a medicine. In combination with honey, its effect becomes even stronger. There are several recipes for bronchitis with aloe and honey.

From a dry cough with bronchitis, the following tincture is suitable - you need to mix aloe and honey in equal amounts, and then take the resulting mixture three times a day, 1 tbsp. This tincture should be kept in the refrigerator, placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Another recipe is to add some Cahors wine to honey and aloe. In this case, you need to take 300 g of aloe juice, 500 g of honey, as well as 500 ml of wine and mix all the components together. The resulting mixture should be kept in the refrigerator in a jar (made of glass) with a tight-fitting lid. You need to drink tincture before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. This medicine is often used for bronchitis, as it helps to strengthen the general condition of the body.

Recipe for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa

To prepare a cure for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa, you need to take 250 g of butter, bee honey and aloe (about 5 large leaves), as well as 1 tbsp. cocoa and 200 g of pork lard. Aloe must be passed through a meat grinder, and oil and lard should be held in a water bath to melt. Next, honey, aloe and cocoa are added to the resulting mass, after which they are mixed. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid.

With bronchitis, it should be consumed three times a day, 1 tbsp. until full recovery.

Bronchitis cake recipe

With a strong, painful cough during bronchitis, honey cakes are very effective. There are several good recipes for their preparation.

Recipe #1: you need 20 g of honey, flour, as well as sunflower oil, and a small piece of cloth or bandage. All of these components are mixed to the state of the cake.

Recipe #2: you need to take honey, dry mustard, as well as flour and sunflower oil (1 tablespoon each), mix these ingredients and roll out the resulting mass to form a cake. It must be applied to the back (between the shoulder blades) or to the chest, and at the same time remember that you can not put it on the heart.

Cough Recipes for Bronchitis

In diseases of the respiratory organs, you can use a decoction of elecampane with the addition of honey. For this, 2 tablespoons are taken. chopped dry elecampane roots, which are poured with 0.5 liters of water. After that, they need to be boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes, and after turning off, leave for about 1-2 hours. Then the broth is filtered and boiled water is added to it so that the total volume is 0.5 liters. Dissolve honey in the broth (to taste) and drink warm, 0.5 cups each. three times a day.

When coughing during bronchitis, turnips help well. You need to take 2 tbsp. lies. chopped turnip root, and then pour 1 stack. boiled water and keep on fire for 15 minutes. You need to insist the broth for 30 minutes-1 hour, and then add boiled water to it so that the amount reaches 200 ml. You need to use tincture in a quarter cup four times a day. Also, a decoction of turnips can be drunk 1 time / day at night, 1 stack.

Recipes for cough and bronchitis with ginger

A fairly popular home remedy is also ginger root. The recipe for cough and bronchitis with ginger is as follows.

You need to grate the ginger root and squeeze out the juice obtained from it. After that, mix 1 tsp. of this juice and the same amount of honey and lemon juice, and then infuse the mixture for 30 minutes. Then the tincture is poured into 0.5 stack. boiling water and cover with a lid. You need to use 1 tsp. every 30 min.

A very good alternative to pharmacy syrup is jam made from ginger - it is very effective in relieving coughs. For its preparation, the following components are needed: 0.5 stack. sugar, 1 tbsp. ginger juice, 1 pinch of nutmeg and saffron, as well as 1 stack. plain water.

Dilute sugar in water, add ginger juice to it, and boil until the mixture thickens. After that, you need to add saffron and nutmeg to it - the jam is ready.

Recipes from propolis for bronchitis

With bronchitis, propolis tincture made with alcohol is considered very effective. To prepare this medicine, you need to crush propolis into small pieces, then pour honey. alcohol and vodka, then shake the container and leave to infuse for 15 days in a cool place away from the sun. Take this tincture after a meal in the amount of 10 drops. It is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis.

You can also use a propolis cake in the treatment of cough, but it should be borne in mind that it cannot be used at elevated temperature or inflammation. Before going to bed, warm propolis rolled into a thin layer is placed on the chest. In order to soften this material, it needs to be held in hot water for a short time - after that it can be rolled out without problems.

Onion Recipes for Bronchitis

There are also several recipes for bronchitis using onions.

The first one is made in this way. Take 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 onion (it needs to be ground). Then they are mixed together and boiled. The resulting mixture should be consumed every 2 hours in the amount of 1 tbsp. The entire course lasts 1 week.

Bronchitis is also effectively treated with a mixture of marshmallow root, onion and plain water. First you need to boil 200 ml of water, and then pour 1 tbsp into it. Althea root. This mixture should stand for about 15 minutes, and then 1 grated onion is added to it. After that, the mixture is insisted for another 20 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and taken three times a day, 1 tbsp.

Another good recipe is a mixture of coltsfoot, onions, and plain water. This tincture is prepared in the same way as the previous one, the reception is also three times a day, 1 tbsp. If necessary, you can still drink an additional portion before bedtime.

Radish for bronchitis

Radish with honey works well against cough and bronchitis. It is necessary to take a large radish, remove the top from it and then cut a recess inside into which you need to pour 2 lodges. liquid honey. Next, the radish is placed vertically in some container, covered with a piece of thick paper and left for about 3-4 hours. The resulting mixture of radish juice with honey should be taken: for children, 1 tsp. 3-4 rubles / day half an hour before meals; adults - 1 tbsp.

Pine buds for bronchitis

Very effective against bronchitis and pine buds. There are several recipes for the preparation of medicinal tincture.

You need 10 g of kidneys and 1 stack. plain water - the broth should be boiled for 30 minutes under a closed lid. After that, insist for 2 hours and then strain. You need to take the medicine four times a day in the amount of 1-2 tbsp.

According to the same recipe, a decoction of pine buds made with milk is made and taken.

Jam made from pine buds is very effective for bronchitis - this medicine can help if there is prolonged bronchitis or an old cough, or the disease has passed into the chronic stage.

It is made in the following way. First you need to sort out fresh pine buds, removing all debris (remnants of branches and needles), and then rinse under cold water. After that, they are poured with water so that it covers the kidneys, and boiled for 20 minutes. As a result, we get a decoction that has a green color, which must be left to infuse for 1 day. Next, the tincture is drained and sugar is added to it (about 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of broth is needed). This mixture must be kept on fire for about 1.5 hours. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to carefully remove the foam. The final product has a dark amber color.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis at home

Obstructive bronchitis can be treated at home, but you need a doctor to control this process. Along with procedures that help remove inflammation, methods should be used to help restore bronchial patency. In both cases, drugs are used in the form of suspensions, syrups, and inhalations. The patient must comply with bed rest, take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs, and eat a balanced diet.

Treatment of the obstructive form of bronchitis with folk remedies is in many ways similar to the treatment of simple bronchitis, therefore it is not able to eliminate the main cause of this disease - bronchial obstruction. But in combination with drug therapy, alternative recipes can enhance the effect and speed up recovery. There are several methods of folk treatment:

  • 4 large leaves of aloe insist in 0.5 liters of wine, filter and drink 3 times / day. 1 dessert spoon;
  • Mix 400 g of sugar, 500 g of chopped onion and 50 g of honey in 1 liter of water, and then boil over low heat and leave to cook for another 3 hours. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. You should use 1 tbsp. mixtures 4-6 times/day;
  • Mix 25 g of coltsfoot leaves and licorice root, 40 g of marshmallow root, and 15 g of fennel fruit. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture and pour it with 20 ml of boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes, and then use a quarter cup 3-5 rubles / day.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis at home

Treatment of chronic bronchitis at home with folk remedies:

  • 1 tbsp lime blossom pour 1 stack. boiling water, wrap and let it brew for 1 hour, then strain. You need to drink 2-3 times / day. 1 stack;
  • 1 tbsp thyme pour 1 stack. boiling water, wrap and insist 1 hour, and then filter. You need to consume 0.5 cups before meals 3 times / day;
  • 30 g of licorice root pour boiling water (0.5 l), boil and hold on low heat for 10 minutes. Next, the broth must be cooled and filtered. Drink it for 1 tbsp. 4 times / day;
  • Boil water (1.5 l) and add 400 g of bran (any) to it. Cool the broth and strain. You can drink it instead of tea;
  • Crush 2 bananas to a state of gruel, then pour 1 stack of them. boiled water with sugar. Before taking the mixture must be heated.

Treatment of allergic bronchitis at home

Allergic bronchitis at home is treated with folk remedies. The main emphasis is on eliminating the main symptom - cough.

To remove phlegm from the bronchi, a licorice root tincture is made with calendula flowers (2 tbsp) and dill seeds (1 tbsp). This mixture must be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes, after which it must be insisted for some time. You need to use the tincture 3 times / day. before meals, 0.5 stack. for 2 weeks.

In the same way, a decoction is prepared and consumed from a mixture of herbs such as coltsfoot leaves, licorice root, and plantain.

Treatment of bronchitis in children at home

If the child has the first signs of bronchitis, he needs to breathe steam. The effectiveness of inhalations will add honey, soda or medicinal herbs added to boiled water.

There are also folk methods that help treat bronchitis in children at home:

  • Boil water and add 1 tbsp. soda;
  • 1 st. lies. herbal collection, which includes peppermint, sage, and raspberry leaves, you need to pour 1 stack. boiling water, then hold on fire for 5-10 minutes. To make inhalations, the right amount of water is added to the tincture;
  • The above procedure can be performed with a tincture of raspberry and lime blossom, as well as coltsfoot;
  • An effective remedy for bronchitis is a tincture of medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • Boil water and dilute honey in it in a ratio of 1d5;
  • In acute bronchitis, inhalations using essential oils (coniferous and eucalyptus) help very well, since the needles remove the secret liquefied by eucalyptus from the lungs. A few drops of the product must be added to hot water.

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults

Treatment of bronchitis in adults at home is carried out in the following way.

If there is a high temperature, you need to adhere to bed rest. But when it subsides, you should start walking in the fresh air (but, of course, not in severe frost).

The room in which the patient is located must be ventilated and constantly maintain the desired level of humidity in it - you can use a humidifier, or simply leave a wet cloth on the radiator (when it dries, it needs to be moistened again).

Any irritants (such as pungent odors, dust or cigarette smoke) must be eliminated. You should also do a wet cleaning every day.

To reduce the level of intoxication, as well as reduce the viscosity of sputum (and thereby make the process of its discharge easier), you need to drink a lot and plentifully. A variety of drinks are suitable - herbal teas (mint, linden, thyme), juices, fruit drinks, as well as mineral water (alkaline warm).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol) effectively reduce fever and reduce intoxication, and in addition reduce bronchospasms and bronchial edema, and also contribute to better sputum discharge. The safest drug in this group, which is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis, is now fenspiride (Erespal).

Treatment of bronchitis with herbs at home

Bronchitis can be treated at home with herbs.

If an acute form of the disease is observed, you can drink a decoction from the mother-stepmother. This plant is a very effective expectorant medicine and, moreover, has an antipyretic effect. It is necessary to brew 1 tbsp. herbs in 1 stack. boiling water, then hold on fire for 15 minutes. Next, cover with a lid, leave for about 45 minutes, and then strain. Add water so that the amount of tincture is 1 stack. The medicine is not recommended to be stored for more than 2 days, after this period it should be made fresh. Drink warm tincture, before meals for 30 minutes-1 hour, 2-3 times / day. 1/3 stack.

Elecampane root also has expectorant properties. You need to take 1 tsp. dry chopped root, pour it 1 stack. boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is allowed to brew, after which it is filtered. You need to drink tincture 3-4 rubles / day. ¼ stack. 1 hour before meals.

Knotweed grass has a good anti-inflammatory effect. For tincture, 1 tablespoon is taken. dry chopped herbs, which are kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then infused for about 1-2 hours and filtered. The medicine should be taken 3-4 rubles / day, 1 tbsp.

Effective treatment of bronchitis at home

Treating bronchitis at home can be beneficial. Among the most effective methods of treatment are inhalations, because their use allows you to act directly on the bronchi - the medicine goes directly to the inflamed areas.

If you are going to use folk recipes for treatment, inhalations should be done by bending over the pan and covering yourself with a towel. At the same time, the steam is inhaled through the mouth and nose, in turn. A kettle can also be used - for this, a simple plastic funnel is put on its spout.

There is only one restriction for steam inhalations - they cannot be performed if the patient has a high temperature.

Bronchitis can be cured effectively and quickly at home, but for this it is imperative to start treatment on time.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home in adults

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Bronchitis is successfully and quickly treated at the initial stage, if its symptoms are identified in time.

But in a neglected form, it gives numerous complications in adults to other organs and becomes chronic. How to treat bronchitis at home to avoid it?

The symptoms of bronchitis are as follows:

  • Coughing;
  • Headache;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Weakness;
  • In some cases, tachycardia.

The causes of bronchitis in adults are:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Infections that have entered the upper respiratory tract from the outside.
  3. Infectious diseases of the respiratory system - influenza, runny nose, SARS.
  4. Chronic or acute infectious diseases of other organs - pyelonephritis, cystitis.

The infection, having penetrated into the respiratory tract from the outside or from the inside, is introduced into the tissues of the alveoli and bronchi. The patient feels discomfort in the throat, perspiration, then there is a dry cough, pain.

If the treatment of bronchitis at home is started, the accumulated mucus will leave the bronchi. This often results in an increase in temperature.

Factors provoking the development of the disease in adults are cigarette abuse, poor working conditions, and weakened immunity. To quickly and permanently get rid of a cough, you must definitely eliminate them too.

Timely treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies will help to cope with the infection and overcome unpleasant symptoms - primarily a painful cough.

How and how to treat acute bronchitis in adults

Three main methods are used to treat bronchitis in adults:

  • Drug therapy - pharmaceutical tablets, powders, solutions for injections and rinses. Antibiotics, antiseptics, analgesics, mucolytic cough medicines are used, and, if necessary, antipyretic drugs.
  • Folk remedies - medicinal herbs, plants, bee products and other cough remedies.
  • Physiotherapy - inhalation, heating using various devices, ozocerite, quartz, massage.

In chronic bronchitis in adults, the cough is often protracted, which cannot be quickly eliminated. How to cure bronchitis in this case?

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be effective for bronchitis in adults as both therapeutic and prophylactic. A variety of rubbing and compresses, inhalations and infusions help:

  1. Defeat even a prolonged cough of any nature;
  2. Eliminate accompanying symptoms - sore throat, swelling of the mucosa, temperature;
  3. Prevent the development of complications;
  4. Strengthen immunity.

They are made mainly from medicinal plants. Those herbs are selected that would help thin the sputum in the bronchi and stimulate the patient's immune system. These are licorice and ginseng root, eleutherococcus, nettle, echinacea.

You can prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions on your own, or you can purchase preparations containing extracts of these plants in a phytopharmacy.

Rubbing and decoctions for coughing with bronchitis in adults

Rubbing has a strong warming effect, dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. This is important if you need to quickly cure a cough. The following substances are used for adults:

  • Camphor alcohol.
  • Turpentine and ointments based on it for coughing.
  • Essential oils.

If cough is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, severe weakness, chills, warming rubbing is contraindicated.

In this case, rubbing with vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 will help alleviate the patient's condition and symptoms.

With bronchitis, drinking plenty of water is indicated - you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, especially if the temperature rises.

For the preparation of medicinal tea or a decoction for coughing, such plants, fruits and herbs are suitable:

  1. Raspberries and currants;
  2. Violet and clover;
  3. Elderberry and linden;
  4. Sage and thyme;
  5. Kalina and rowan.

All these plants can be used not only to treat coughs, but also as a diaphoretic for bronchitis in adults. We must not forget about such a proven cough remedy as heated milk. It is good to add honey, butter, badger fat, soda, cocoa butter to it.

Some recommend treating coughs in adults with alkaline mineral water, which also needs to be heated. The minerals contained in it contribute to the dissolution and discharge of sputum, increase immunity. This is Borjomi or Essentuki.

Onion syrup helps to quickly defeat a cough. It is prepared like this: an average peeled onion is lowered into a saucepan, 2 cups of water are poured. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and cook over low heat for half an hour. The resulting cough decoction is taken half a glass three times a day before meals.

To cure a cough as quickly as possible, you should alternate all means and procedures. Treatment at home with folk remedies will consist of the following stages:

  • Regular consumption of warm drinks, including herbal decoctions with honey.
  • Therapeutic inhalations and rinses.
  • Massage with fir or eucalyptus oil.
  • Compresses before going to bed (usually they are put on all night).

If massage and inhalation were performed when coughing, then the compress does not need to be put on that day.

Cough compresses for bronchitis

Cough compresses are a proven home remedy that can quickly alleviate the patient's well-being and stimulate the discharge of thick mucus from the bronchi. Dry cough after 1-2 procedures turns into a wet one, sputum begins to be expectorated, inflammation decreases.

The simplest and most affordable compress, if you suffer from a strong cough - mustard plasters. They are pre-soaked in warm water, then applied to the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on both sides of the spine. You should not keep them for more than 20 minutes - this is quite enough to get the desired therapeutic effect.

Otherwise, you may burn your skin. It is possible to determine when it is time to remove the mustard plasters by the patient's sensations (burning, feeling of heat on the skin under the mustard plasters) and by the characteristic red spots. To prevent burns, a bandage is applied between the mustard plaster and the skin, folded in two or three layers.

Rubbing with turpentine ointment, camphor oil or ethyl alcohol also gives a good effect. But first you need to accurately determine whether the patient has a fever. The chest and back of the patient are rubbed with the agent, polyethylene or special paper for compresses is applied on top, then the torso is insulated with a woolen scarf or bandage.

After the procedure, you should lie down in bed under the covers. Warm milk with honey or cocoa butter will enhance the effectiveness of the compress. After three hours, the scarf and polyethylene can be removed.

Potato compresses are put on all night. To do this, potatoes need to be washed and boiled or baked in their skins. Then knead still hot, add a little vodka, fir or camphor oil. The resulting mass is applied to the patient's chest, covered with a film, warmed with a scarf from above. By morning, the cough will be much less.

The most gentle compress for coughing is steamed cabbage leaf with honey. Dip the cabbage leaf in boiling water and hold it there for 2-3 minutes. Then squeeze lightly, generously grease with honey and apply to the chest. From above, as in previous recipes, cover with a film and a woolen scarf or scarf. After an hour, the compress can be removed, the remnants of honey washed off and the skin lubricated with a greasy cream or ointment.

For resorption, you can prepare your own lollipops. To do this, sugar is heated in a saucepan over low heat until it turns into a thick golden brown syrup.

You do not need to add water, you can add licorice or a little marshmallow root syrup. The resulting caramel should harden, then it is broken into pieces and absorbed several times a day.

Inhalations in the treatment of bronchitis

For inhalation, solutions with essential oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs, boiled potatoes, onions or garlic are used. Ideally, use an inhaler or nebulizer. But if there are no such devices at home, you can simply place the treatment solution for inhalation in a saucepan or basin, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the fumes.

The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to burn yourself. Hot steam dilates blood vessels, improves blood supply to tissues, and the medicinal substance relieves inflammation and helps to thin the sputum in the bronchi.

After inhalation, it is useful to do a massage so that the liquefied sputum leaves better. After the procedure, you can not go outside for an hour. A specialist will tell about all this in the video in this article.

Bronchitis treatment with folk remedies at home

Traditional medicine is widely used to treat many diseases. Folk remedies are very effective for diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis. Treatment at home is effective for all types of the listed diseases, and in particular for pathologies such as bronchitis. This is the name of acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The main factors in the occurrence of the disease are a decrease in immunity, smoking, the effect of toxic substances on the respiratory tract, inflammation of the larynx and trachea.

Features of the treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

With the advent of spring came colds - cough and sore throat. The main cold disease and the most common is bronchitis, which causes a lot of trouble for adults and children. Immunity after the winter is weakened, and the fruits that we try to eat every day do not help. And then such diseases as bronchitis appear, we run rather to the pharmacy for pills, syrups, lollipops. Although there is no more effective remedy than badger fat for bronchitis. And other folk remedies will also help you to give up drugs or partially reduce their use.

Recipes for folk remedies for bronchitis

1. Black radish is used to treat bronchitis - it is an excellent expectorant. It is necessary to rinse, peel one and a half kilograms of radish, grate and squeeze through cheesecloth. The output is almost one liter of juice, to this juice you need to add two glasses of melted honey, mix everything thoroughly. Consume before meals and mostly at night, two tablespoons;

2. The use of swine health, oddly enough, is one of the oldest methods of treating bronchitis. Health is internal fat, in the form of a grid. You will need to take such a pork net and put it in a slightly preheated oven, where the fat will begin to melt. When the fat is all drained, drain it into any container and put it in a cold place. The cooled mixture must be added in the amount of one dessert spoon to a glass of hot milk and then slowly drunk in small sips. This melted lard is also suitable for external rubbing.

3. For chronic bronchitis, take four pieces of large leaves of aloe and put in 0.5 liters of wine. Set aside to infuse for four days. After the tincture is infused, take one dessert spoon three times a day.

3. Soda water. An excellent means of removing sputum is water with soda. It is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach to drink half a glass of clean, heated, boiled water, diluted with tsp. soda and some salt.

4. Also, melted goat fat, which is taken before eating food according to Art. l. per day. Before going to bed, carefully spread the chest with salt-free lard.

5. Just a wonderful recipe for cough and bronchitis: 250 grams of aloe leaves, 250 gr. good quality butter, 200 gr. pork lard, 250 gr. honey, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder. Melt butter and lard in a water bath, grind aloe leaves in a meat grinder, mix everything thoroughly. Use a tablespoon three times a day. Such a remedy is desirable to use for the prevention of colds. Best stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

What is the most effective remedy for bronchitis?

Consider how to treat bronchitis with folk methods, without harm to the body:

1. An ancient remedy is effective in the treatment of bronchitis. The disease is well cured by the internal fat of animals, mainly pork fat is used, which has the appearance of a grid. Such a greasy mesh is placed in a bowl and put on a slow fire so that the fat from the mesh is melted. The fat melted in this way is drained and put in the refrigerator. After that, one dessert spoon of such cold fat is diluted in a glass of hot, preferably natural milk and drunk in small sips. Also, such fat is used for external rubbing, for this it is mixed with turpentine and rubbed dry on the patient's chest and back.

2. Medicinal preparations are very useful for the treatment of bronchitis. Thyme grass, elecampane root, anise fruit, tricolor violet, coltsfoot are mixed in equal proportions, brewed with boiling water, allowed to infuse for a certain time and taken after meals, 1/3 of a glass after meals.

3. Pine buds are especially effective: brew half a glass of buds in two liters of water and do inhalations, covered with a terry towel. Then you need to wipe yourself dry and immediately after such a procedure, a glass of tea with lemon or raspberries, the result of such a procedure is amazing, although there are restrictions for people who suffer from heart disease, you should consult a doctor for such a procedure.

Another equally effective remedy for bronchitis put 4 large leaves of aloe in a half-liter bottle of wine, insist in a dark place for 5 days and take a dessert spoon for chronic bronchitis 3 times a day.

5. To facilitate the release of sputum from the respiratory tract with bronchitis, it is recommended to take lingonberry juice, which must be mixed in equal doses with bee honey.

6. For chronic bronchitis, the best remedy is herbal tea from cherry stalks. Dried and chopped stalks are brewed with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and take it, and it is advisable to drink a tablespoon several times a day.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions for the treatment of bronchitis

1. Pour a glass of milk into the pan and pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage Cover with a plate, boil the mixture over low heat, let it cool slightly, strain, boil again, covered with a lid. Drink this folk remedy hot, preferably at bedtime;

2. A very good folk remedy with a diaphoretic effect. We put two hundred milliliters of water in a water bath, add linden flowers and ordinary raspberries in equal parts. Bring to a boil, let stand for some time, filter the solution and take a glass at night;

3. Raisin decoction

Pour boiling water over raisins (50 g), leave to brew. Add onion juice to raisin broth. Drink warm at night.

4. Wine tincture with pepper

Boil 50 g of pepper rhizomes with 250 g of wine. Strained warm liquid to take with bronchitis twice or thrice a day.

5. Eucalyptus inhalation

Inhalations with eucalyptus are very helpful in bronchitis. Pour boiling water over chopped eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil. Inhale eucalyptus vapors under a covered towel for 15 minutes.

6. If the cough is strong and does not go away for a long time, you can take a decoction of plantain at home to treat bronchitis. 3-4 tablespoons of dried and crushed raw materials are brewed with 500 ml. boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap with a towel and let it brew for 1.5 hours. Filter and take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Compresses in the treatment of bronchitis at home

Boil potatoes in their uniforms, ceiling. Without removing the skin. Add three teaspoons of soda to this mixture and mix everything thoroughly. We make two cakes from the potato mixture and wrap it in gauze, which is folded in several layers. We put them on the back between the shoulder blades, they should be warm, in no case hot, so that the patient does not get burns, naturally cover with a warm blanket. After cooling the cakes, they are removed, and the skin is wiped dry. This method is very effective for small children;

Juice in the folk treatment of bronchitis

1. Cowberry juice is very good at helping to expel sputum. Add honey to lingonberry juice to taste.

2. Make juice from carrots, mix in equal parts with sweet syrup. Five times a day, 4 tbsp. l. take the remedy inside (baby - 1 tbsp. l.).

Herbal teas - effective home remedies for bronchitis

There are many recipes for self-combating the disease at home. Breastfeeding is used to treat bronchitis. The medicinal collection contains a certain combination of medicinal herbs that help cleanse the respiratory organs of mucus, relieve inflammation in the bronchi, and prevent the growth of microbes. This is a ready-made pharmacy collection that can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

1. Such a collection can be prepared at home. To do this, mix the following herbs in equal proportions: mint, linden, pine buds, licorice, thyme, lungwort, coltsfoot, calendula, plantain. Two tablespoons of this collection are steamed with 500 ml. boiling water, keep it under the lid for 1.5 hours, filter and take 150 ml from bronchitis. 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Breast collection does not affect the health of the patient and it should be taken until complete recovery, that is, when the cough is completely gone.

2. Existing still proven and effective folk methods for the treatment of bronchitis. Take cumin, coltsfoot, violet, elecampane root and anise. Mix all ingredients. Then take one tablespoon of this mixture and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Set aside for the brewed herb to infuse, 30 minutes is enough for this. Then drink 13 glasses after each meal, but no more than three times a day.

2. Buy a young root of medicinal algea and cumin, then mix until the mixture is obtained. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for half an hour. In acute bronchitis, drink 13 glasses after meals, but at least three times a day.

3. Expectorant infusion

Required: 1 part coltsfoot leaves, 1 part calamus roots, 1 part dry comfrey roots, 1 part linden flowers, 1 part black elderberry flowers, 1 part couch grass rhizomes, 1 part common mullein herb (bear's ear), 200 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation for the treatment of bronchitis at home. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Mode of application. Drink 400 ml of warm infusion per day.

4. Decoction of primrose and mint leaves

Required: 20 g of primrose leaves, 20 g of mint leaves, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method. Pour 40 g of the collection with water. Prepare a decoction in a water bath.

How to use a folk remedy. Drink up to 500 ml of decoction per day.

5. Infusion of calamus roots and primrose leaves

Required: 5 g of calamus roots, 5 g of medicinal primrose leaves, 200 ml of boiling water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the collection, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application. Drink in 3-4 doses per day for bronchitis with abundant sputum. The best result can be achieved if the infusion is taken simultaneously with mustard honey.

6. Infusion of coltsfoot leaves and marshmallow roots

Required: 5 g of coltsfoot leaves, 5 g of marshmallow roots, 5 g of knotweed grass (highlander), 200 ml of boiling water.

Cooking method. Fill the collection with boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain.

Method of application for the treatment of bronchitis at home. Drink 3 times a day.

7. Anti-inflammatory infusion

Required: 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves, 1 part of oregano herb, 2 parts of chamomile flowers, 500 ml of boiling water.

Cooking method. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed collection pour boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 5-6 hours, strain.

Method of application for the treatment of bronchitis at home. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals in a warm form.

8. Expectorant decoction for the treatment of bronchitis. Required: 3 parts of yarrow leaves, 2 parts of stinging nettle leaves, 2 parts of licorice roots, 1 liter of boiling water.

Cooking method. Pour 70 g of the collection with boiling water, insist overnight in a warm place (possible in a thermos), soak in the morning for 25 minutes in a water bath with a slight boil of water, strain.

Method of application for the treatment of bronchitis at home. Take 100 ml 5-6 times a day, reducing the dose by 1 tbsp daily. spoon.

9. Decoction of calamus roots, plantain leaves and thyme herb

Required: 3 parts of calamus roots, 3 parts of calendula flowers, 5 parts of large plantain leaves, 5 parts of thyme herb, 5 parts of coltsfoot leaves, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method. Pour 5 g of the collection with water, boil for 15 minutes. Strain.

Method of application for the treatment of bronchitis at home. Take 50 ml every 3-4 hours.

10. Decoction to cleanse the bronchi

Required: 5 g of coltsfoot leaves, 5 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of calamus roots, 10 g of self-seed poppy flowers, 10 g of mint herb, 5 g of anise fruits, 10 g of marshmallow roots, 25 g of licorice roots, 200 ml of water.

The method of preparation of a folk remedy. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, strain after cooling.

11. A decoction of primrose flowers, yarrow flowers, St. John's wort

Required: 5 g of primrose flowers, 2 g of yarrow flowers, 2 g of St. John's wort, 2 g of mullein flowers, 2 g of anise fruits, 10 g of marshmallow roots, 30 g of licorice roots, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation for the treatment of bronchitis at home. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, strain after cooling.

Mode of application. Drink the decoction during the day in sips several times.

12. Anti-inflammatory decoction

Required: 10 g of marshmallow herb, 10 g of fenugreek seeds, 10 g of fennel fruit, 10 black elder flowers, 20 g of linden flowers, 20 g of tricolor violet herb, 200 ml of water.

The method of preparation of a folk remedy. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, strain after cooling.

Mode of application. Drink the decoction during the day in sips several times.

13. Soothes coughs and thins thick secretions.

1. Licorice root - 40 g, linden blossom - 60 g, marshmallow root - 20 g, coltsfoot leaves - 20 g, oregano herb -10 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. The infusion is taken 1/2 cup 2-3 hours after a meal.

Sweating fees for bronchitis at home

1. For the treatment of bronchitis, folk remedies recommend drinking plenty of hot infusions of raspberries, lime blossom, black elderberry flowers or diaphoretics.

2. chamomile flowers - 25 g, lime blossom - 25 g, peppermint leaves - 25 g, black elderberry flowers - 25 g.

1 st. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. Take 2-3 glasses a day hot.

3. chamomile flowers - 30 g, black elderberry flowers - 30 g.

1 st. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes.

Liquefaction of sputum with fees in the home treatment of bronchitis

It is difficult to separate sputum can be thinned with tracheobronchitis.

1. Collection No. 1: marshmallow (root) - 40 g, common coltsfoot (leaves) - 40 g, oregano (grass) - 20 g.

1 st. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. Take in the form of a warm infusion of 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for respiratory diseases.

2. Collection number 2: marshmallow (root) - 20 g, licorice naked (root) - 20 g, common anise (fruits) - 20 g, medicinal sage (leaves) - 20 g, common pine (buds) - 20 g .

1 st. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. Take 1/4 infusion 3-4 times a day.

3. Medicinal herbs for bronchospasm: licorice root - 20 g, anise fruits - 20 g, sage leaves - 20 g, pine buds - 20 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes.

Take 1/3 cup after meals every 4-5 hours, at night - 1/2 cup.

4. During the period of exacerbation, an infusion of rosehips, blackcurrants, rowan berries is prescribed.

Taken in the treatment of bronchitis with folk methods, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of bronchitis with immunostimulating folk remedies

Do not forget about tonic and immunostimulating herbs.

1. Manchurian aralia (roots) - 15 g, safflower-like leuzea (roots) - 15 g, blood-red hawthorn (fruits) - 15 g, cinnamon rosehip (fruits) 15 g, officinalis calendula (flowers) - 10 g, tripartite string (grass) - 10 g, chokeberry (fruits) - 10 g, large plantain (leaves) - 10 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. Stimulates the functions of the adrenal cortex. Take 1/3-1/4 cup of infusion 3 times a day as a tonic and immunostimulant.

2. May lily of the valley (flowers) - 10 g, common fennel (fruits) - 20 g, mint (leaves) - 30 g, valerian officinalis (root) - 40 g. 1 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 glass (200 ml) of cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 15 minutes. Drink in 3 doses during the day, 1/3-1/4 cup.

Honey is a folk remedy for bronchitis

1. The following folk remedy is suitable for children: mix 300 g of honey with half a liter of water and add one leaf of aloe there. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for two hours. Wait for the mixture to cool down and stir it. It is better to store the received medicine in the refrigerator. Give your child one tablespoon three times a day.

2. Honey with white radish

Mix a tablespoon with squeezed radish juice. Take in the treatment of bronchitis before meals for 25 minutes for a couple of tablespoons. l. Preferably often.

3. Honey with onion juice

Finely chop 500 g of onion, add 350 g of fine sugar, pour 1 tbsp. l. Melted honey, pour one l. purified water and put to smolder on the stove for about 4 hours. Pour the finished chilled mass into a darkened bottle. Take a folk remedy warm according to Art. l. six times daily until the cough disappears.

You need to know that the rapid treatment of bronchitis also contributes to the ventilation of the room, humidified and cool clean air, heavy drinking and taking various expectorant drugs.

Badger fat from bronchitis at home

Today, traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of a disease such as bronchitis: mixtures of medicinal herbs, infusions, decoctions. Also, many suggest trying badger fat for bronchitis.

This is a well-known folk remedy that has found application both in traditional medicine and official medicine more than 150 years ago. It is completely absorbed by the human body, supplying the blood with vitamins, organic acids and other components. When badger fat is used for bronchitis, protein metabolism is significantly improved, immunity is increased.

For the treatment of bronchitis, badger fat is used both inside and for external rubbing. Badger fat has a specific taste, and is completely unpleasant for internal use. These unpleasant sensations are removed with the help of rosehip broth or chocolate candy.

How to prepare a folk remedy for bronchitis based on badger fat:

1. 8 teaspoons of melted badger fat;

2. 6 teaspoons of cocoa;

3. 100 grams of quality butter;

4. bar of dark chocolate without filler.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and consumed, spreading on bread in the form of sandwiches 3 times a day. Badger fat can be used not only for the treatment of bronchitis, but also for prevention.

We learn: bronchitis and its treatment with folk remedies at home

Many, probably, faced with such a common disease as bronchitis. Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home is the best way out in most situations.

Severe forms of bronchitis, such as bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, of course, cannot be treated at home.

This disease affects mainly older people. Moreover, bronchitis can be considered a disease of men, since they suffer it more often than women by 3 times.

Now developed many methods of home treatment of bronchitis. Often, for such therapy, folk methods are used, which include, for example, honey, black radish, inhalation with infusions of medicinal herbs. Some recipes will be discussed below.

Basic information and classification of bronchial diseases

A disease of the respiratory system, accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi, is called bronchitis. Bronchitis is usually caused by an infection in the bronchi, which is caused by viruses or bacteria and, accordingly, is treated with virus vaccines or antibiotics.

Bronchitis sometimes develops into chronic from the usual. The reason for this change is complications or prolonged exposure to irritants. When the bronchi are blocked with mucus during bronchitis, an obstruction appears, and the disease develops into an obstructive one. Chronic bronchitis in a neglected state is very dangerous and often leads to death.

When choosing medicines and methods of treatment, they always take into account the cause that caused bronchitis (a provoking factor), the form of bronchitis and, of course, the nature of its course or individual characteristics.

Bronchitis is classified as follows:

  • acute bronchitis, accompanied by coughing and expectoration of mucus;
  • chronic bronchitis, characterized by a deterioration in the condition, while the function of the bronchi is impaired.

The duration of acute bronchitis can be up to a month, but with proper treatment, it disappears in a week. Bronchitis usually accompanies all colds, acute respiratory infections, including influenza.

Chronic bronchitis can be recognized by a persistent cough with copious secretions of mucus from the bronchi. This form is typical for heavy smokers.

The following simple measures can reliably protect against bronchitis:

  • first of all, strengthening the immune system, walking in the fresh air, moderate physical activity, a lot of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • limit or completely stop smoking and alcohol;
  • do not overload the body and avoid stressful situations;
  • nutrition should be balanced and complete, you should try to avoid eating junk food;
  • all seemingly insignificant diseases, even a runny nose, should be cured completely;
  • you can not stay in the cold for a long time;
  • it is advisable to regularly perform breathing exercises to stimulate the activity of the bronchi.

Causes of the disease and its symptoms

Let's take a closer look at these two forms of bronchitis. The main cause of acute bronchitis, as already mentioned, is viruses (most often influenza) and bacteria - streptococci, pneumococci and others. Among the reasons may be allergic reactions, intoxication. In addition, bronchial lesions can also be fungal in nature. The disease is transmitted through the air or through direct contact with a sick person, such as kissing.

The following factors can provoke or contribute to the development of bronchitis:

  • smoking is always put first;
  • genetic factors, heredity;
  • the ecological situation, that is, living in cities with harmful emissions into the atmosphere, metallurgical and chemical production is considered especially dangerous in this regard.

The reasons for the second plan can still include alcoholism, smoking of relatives, household disorder. After all, with continuous irritation of the bronchi, the disease comes very quickly. The climate also plays a role, for example, a humid climate or frequent changes in weather conditions are contraindicated for many people.

The symptoms of bronchitis are probably known to everyone, so it can be quickly recognized without resorting to the help of specialists. Runny nose, cough and headache are its first signs. Of course, they are very similar to the flu or acute respiratory infections. Bronchitis, on the other hand, can be recognized by an annoying cough that is very difficult to soothe.

Acute bronchitis is characterized by dry cough and high body temperature, which can reach up to 39-40°C. Rattling is heard in the chest during breathing.

If, with improper care of the patient, acute bronchitis becomes chronic, then this can be noticed if the cough does not go away for a long time. Wheezing in the bronchi is accompanied by hissing or whistling.

And if chronic bronchitis is not treated, then there is a risk of its transition to a purulent form, which is characterized by the fact that pus is secreted from the bronchi along with mucus. Purulent bronchitis may indicate a weak immune system. This form of bronchitis is already expressed in difficulty breathing, chest pain, weakness and shortness of breath. In addition, purulent bronchitis characterizes and increased sweating. This ailment, left unattended, turns into pneumonia.

In the case of bronchitis caused by allergies, the following signs are added:

  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid breathing;
  • burning in the chest;
  • voice often disappears.

Traditional medicine - methods and means

Herbal preparations, badger and goose fat, garlic, onions - these are the most popular folk remedies for bronchitis. Of course, traditional medicine recipes can be used in parallel with traditional medicines.

Even plain mineral water is a good folk remedy for bronchitis. With the help of such water, inhalations can be done, which well dilute and remove sputum. In this case, it will be useful to add soda to the solution or simply use, for example, “Narzan”, “Essentuki” or “Borjomi”.

The main indication for bronchitis is drinking large amounts of warm liquids. Tea with the addition of honey or linden, tea with raspberry jam, milk with soda - all this well relieves discomfort. Herbs such as thyme, celandine and horsetail are also useful to brew and drink warm.

Onion is used as an antiviral agent. You can eat it fresh or drink squeezed juice, make onion decoctions. Warming up the chest with the application of ointments or with the help of mustard plasters helps well, and an iodine grid is also used.

A variety of inhalations are popular, even a simple inhalation with Asterisk balm brings a quick tangible effect. Not to mention inhalations on herbal preparations - both pleasant and useful.

What are the most popular remedies offered by traditional medicine for the treatment of bronchitis? Consider several recipes - onion infusion, black radish, propolis, inhalation.

The most popular folk recipes

Treatment methods are very diverse.

Vegetables, fruits, animal products, and herbs are also used.

It is difficult to choose a particular method, so they often use the advice of friends and acquaintances. Of course, the symptoms of bronchitis are also taken into account.

Onion infusion is prepared according to the following recipe. Half a kilogram of chopped turnip, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar and one liter of water are mixed and boiled for three hours over low heat. The decoction is taken warm five times a day, about a tablespoon. For long-term storage of the broth, glass containers placed in the refrigerator are used.

Black radish is a good remedy for chronic bronchitis. The crushed radish is covered with sugar and placed in the oven for two hours at a low temperature. As a result, we get a syrup that is taken warm in a teaspoon after a meal. It also needs to be stored in the refrigerator. The use of this recipe relieves bronchitis in less than two weeks.

The most popular inhalation is to breathe over a pot of freshly boiled potatoes, covered with a blanket on top. It is very useful for cough relief to breathe over propolis added to a pot of hot water.

These recipes do not carry any harm and are even suitable for the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, for which there is another very effective folk recipe. Probably everyone knows that honey for bronchitis is a very effective remedy. One teaspoon each of honey and butter is heated in an enamel bowl. As you heat up, you need to bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass, then allow it to cool. Apply the resulting ointment to the chest area, covering with gauze and a piece of cellophane. The compress is left on all night. To achieve the result, this procedure must be repeated daily for one month. The first results can be felt within a week.

The following recipe describes the preparation of a healing composition for bronchitis, which is suitable for the treatment of both children and adults. In the prepared pan, one glass of beeswax, flower honey, sunflower oil and pine resin is placed. Bring to a homogeneous mass, warming up on the stove, but do not boil. The resulting liter of the mixture will be the medicine. You need to store it in the refrigerator. Drink a teaspoon with half a glass of warm milk. The course of treatment is considered completed when the entire mixture is used up.

Folk methods based on herbs and plants

All recipes are designed to be prepared at home and aim to give the sick as much liquid as possible, delivering the healing substances contained in plants to the body.

Cherry stem tea. Dry the stems and chop. Brew a teaspoon of dried stems with 200 ml of boiling water. Drink a glass several times a day.

The following recipe has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect. Linden and elderflower inflorescences, raspberries and dried raspberry leaves, sage are mixed in equal parts. One teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Leave for one hour. Drink warm before bed.

A decoction of raisins is prepared as follows: grind 100 g of raisins in a coffee grinder. Boil, pouring a glass of water for ten minutes. Strain, squeeze and take several times a day, one tablespoon between meals.

A glass of milk and a tablespoon of sage in an enamel bowl are heated to a boil. Let cool and then strain. Boil one more time after straining. The decoction is drunk hot at night.

Bring one liter of water to a boil and pour 400 g of bran into it. Bran is boiled for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered. Take several times a day warm.

Honey 300 g, water 100 g and a pre-cut aloe leaf are mixed and boiled over low heat for two hours. Mix thoroughly after cooling. Take one tablespoon three times a day. This recipe for bronchitis is very well suited for sick children.

We treat bronchitis at home

In the cold season, our body is constantly attacked by viruses and bacteria, and immunity weakens due to lack of vitamins and constant cold, and now you are tormented by a constant cough, stuffy nose and chest pain. In the autumn-winter period, the treatment of bronchitis at home becomes one of the most urgent problems. The use of traditional medicine recipes and symptomatic treatment can quickly put the patient on his feet without antibiotics and injections.

Most often, acute bronchitis develops against the background of a viral infection: body temperature rises, nasal congestion, sore throat and headache appear, then dry cough and chest pain join.

How to quickly and easily cure bronchitis at home

At the first signs of bronchitis or SARS, you need to:

  1. Observe bed rest - when the body temperature rises above 38.0 C, in order to exclude complications, it is better to spend the whole day in bed, and then gradually expand the regimen, avoiding hypothermia and overwork.
  2. Provide the patient with fresh air - a patient with bronchitis needs fresh air, even on the coldest days you need to ventilate the room at least 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Giving the patient as much warm alkaline drink as possible will help soften the throat, soothe the cough, and avoid dehydration. For the treatment of bronchitis, warm milk with honey, decoctions of wild rose and lingonberries, herbal teas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes or alkaline mineral water without gas are perfect.
  4. Humidify the air in the patient's room and try to protect it from any irritating factors - for this you can use a humidifier or simply hang a few damp sheets in the room, changing them as they dry. Tobacco smoke, fragrances, air fresheners or any harsh and strong odors provoke irritation of the bronchial mucosa and increase coughing. Therefore, in the home of a patient with bronchitis, such things should be avoided.

Taking antipyretics for bronchitis

It is worth taking an antipyretic if the body temperature is above 38.5 degrees, the patient is tormented by a headache and symptoms of intoxication of the body. You should not take pills at the first sign of a fever - high temperatures kill bacteria and viruses and help fight infection and inflammation.

Plentiful warm drink, a cold compress on the forehead - they will be able to alleviate the patient's condition without bringing down the temperature inside the body. And if necessary, it is better to limit yourself to drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or Efferalgan.

Expectorants and antitussives for acute bronchitis

The main goal of therapy for bronchitis is to get rid of the cough or make its attacks less painful. But coughing is a protective reaction of the body, with the help of which it frees the lungs from accumulated mucus and microorganisms, therefore, taking antitussive drugs that suppress the cough center in the brain only complicates and delays treatment.

The intake of drugs such as codeine and its derivatives, libexin, glaucine and the like is justified only with severe painful attacks of coughing without sputum separation and should be carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Taking expectorant drugs in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis is the basis of pathogenetic therapy, which allows you to quickly make the cough productive and improve the patient's condition. Mucolytics help thin sputum, expectorants facilitate its removal and cleansing of the bronchi.

For the treatment of acute bronchitis, the following are used: ACC, licorice root preparations, bromhexine, prospan, bronchipret and other similar herbal and chemical preparations.

Taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs can be very effective, but only if they are used in the first days of the disease - interferon, anaferon, viferon - all these drugs should be started at the first sign of malaise or as a prevention of colds and flu. If more than 3-4 days have passed from the onset of the disease, it is already pointless to start taking them.

Antibiotics for bronchitis are needed only in case of complications - almost all bronchitis occurs against the background of viral infections that are not sensitive to the effects of antibacterial drugs, so antibiotics are recommended in some cases for chronic bronchitis or purulent complications of acute.

If, despite the treatment, the body temperature remains high, the symptoms of intoxication increase, purulent white or green sputum appears - all this is a reason to consult a doctor and start taking antibiotics. Usually, in the treatment of bronchitis, penicillin preparations, 2-3 generation cefazolins, or macrolides are used. When taking antibiotics, one should not forget about the possibility of developing dysbacteriosis and the need to take drugs such as linex, hilak-forte or fertal.

Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

Treatment of bronchitis with the help of traditional medicine at home remains popular in our time, such methods give a good result, unlike drug therapy, they do not affect other organs and systems and have no side effects. But, deciding to try this or that remedy for bronchitis, it is better to consult with your doctor, and only after his approval to take certain measures of traditional medicine.

The most popular cough remedies:

  1. Inhalations with propolis - bring water in a saucepan to a boil, add 3-5 ml of alcohol tincture with propolis and breathe over the steam for 5-15 minutes. You can make an inhalation with pure propolis - for this you need to heat water in a large container, lower a metal dish with carefully crushed propolis into it - a small piece, 50 grams and breathe over the steam.
  2. Inhalations with a decoction of medicinal herbs - inhalations for bronchitis - one of the most popular and effective means, they soften the irritated mucous membrane, soothe coughs, kill germs and act directly in the depths of the respiratory tract. Inhalations can be carried out with a decoction of any medicinal herb with anti-inflammatory properties - chamomile, sage, oregano, mother and stepmother, with finely chopped onion or garlic.
  3. Compresses with honey and propolis - honey and propolis have an antiseptic, warming, immunomodulatory effect, in the absence of allergic reactions, it is recommended to use honey with propolis inside, do inhalations and compresses. A compress with honey or propolis is very easy - spread warm honey or propolis on the back and chest, excluding the heart area, apply a compress of cotton wool and cellophane film on top, leave overnight or until the skin starts to burn.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis, unlike acute bronchitis, develops gradually, most often it occurs in adults against the background of smoking, working with harmful substances, or living near a highway. Chronic bronchitis worsens several times a year, and then the patient is tormented by bouts of severe painful coughing with sputum. In chronic bronchitis, the bronchial mucosa gradually atrophies, so treatment with folk remedies at home is not always effective. Treatment of chronic bronchitis requires a lot of time and the use of other drugs.

Chronic bronchitis - treatment with folk remedies

Very often, the consequence of colds, bronchitis and pneumonia is a regularly occurring cough, it is also called chronic. It can be provoked by smoking, hypothermia, harmful working conditions and even an allergic reaction. During the period of exacerbation, doctors prescribe a large number of drugs: antibiotics, expectorants, bronchodilators, immunomodulators. After long-term drug treatment of chronic bronchitis, people begin to use folk remedies that are very easy to prepare on their own.

In this article, you will find out whether chronic bronchitis can be cured at all, and what folk methods at home can effectively treat.

Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis - tinctures and decoctions

Recipe #1:

  1. We take 500 g of onions, chop and put in a container.
  2. Add 400 g of sugar and 50 g of honey.
  3. Pour all this with one liter of water and put on a small fire for 3 hours.
  4. Then we let the resulting mass cool and filter it.
  5. This decoction is taken 20 ml every 3 hours.

Recipe #2:

  1. We take the root of the medicinal marshmallow, the herb of creeping thyme, the leaves of the coltsfoot in 2 parts and add to them a leaf of sage and dill fruits in 1 part.
  2. Mix all herbs well.
  3. We measure out 20 g of this collection, put it in a bowl, pour 250 ml of hot water and put it in a water bath.
  4. We heat the tincture in this way for 15-20 minutes and remove it.
  5. Add boiled water and set to cool.
  6. Then it is necessary to strain and drink 80 ml after 6 hours.

Recipe #3:

  1. We mix in equal proportions a sage leaf, linden and elderberry flowers, dried berries and raspberry leaves.
  2. We take 2 tablespoons of this collection, pour boiling water (250 ml) and leave for an hour.
  3. Drink the tincture warm before going to bed.

Recipe #4:

  1. 1 st. spoon of licorice root pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. We insist 15 minutes, and drink hot, wrapped in a blanket.
  3. It is necessary to take such a decoction daily, until recovery.
Use of fats

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis, the use of badger, pork, goat and even bear fat is very effective. They can be dissolved in warm milk and drunk, rubbing based on them and even taken 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, if necessary, mixed with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1. You can also do it differently:

  1. We take 1 part of aloe leaves, pork or cow fat and honey in 2 parts.
  2. Mix and put for 5 hours in the oven with a high temperature.
  3. The resulting mixture must be cooled and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Take 3 times a day, adding 5 ml to milk.

To make a compress with fat, you should:

  1. Apply a thin layer of lard to the paper (while holding it over something warm).
  2. Sprinkle with alcohol and put on the back and chest.
  3. Then cover with oilcloth and wrap the chest with a warm cloth.
Honey and radish for chronic bronchitis

Honey is very popular in recipes for folk remedies for chronic bronchitis, which can be added to decoctions, tinctures and compresses based on it. Radish is also very commonly used. For example, you can mix radish juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take it daily.

And you can also:

  1. Take a large radish, cut a hole in it (approximate diameter 3 cm) and put 1 tsp in it. honey that has already been candied and cover.
  2. Put it in a small bowl.
  3. Drink the resulting juice the next day.
  4. Cut off some pulp and add another 1 tsp. honey.

The course lasts 1-2 weeks, during which every day you need to drink the whole the resulting juice, if it is not there, then the vegetable must be replaced.

Inhalations for chronic bronchitis

You can supplement the treatment with the listed folk remedies with inhalations using a compression inhaler. Or just breathe in vapors of boiled potatoes, soda solution or herbal decoctions. This is especially true during pregnancy, as well as if there are contraindications for the use of other means.

Knowing how to treat chronic bronchitis at home, you can save money and get rid of this problem, as well as increase your immunity.

Most often, a disease such as bronchitis occurs along with the flu and the common cold, as well as due to complications after an illness. Bronchitis (from lat. Bronchitis)- it is an infectious disease affecting the respiratory tract, bronchi and mucous membranes. The disease is one of the most popular and common and can occur in both a child and an adult.

With bronchitis, the nose first of all begins to suffer, congestion and excessive secretion of mucus from the nasal cavity appear. Due to nasal congestion, less oxygen enters the body, so a headache develops and general malaise appears. Cough and fever can worsen and aggravate well-being. Perspiration, sore throat and sputum are a protective reaction of the body, in which case the immune system works and tries to get rid of the infection. The most important thing when coughing is to know that, having coughed up sputum, in no case should you swallow it, but you need to spit out the mucus. The sputum contains bacteria, and if it is swallowed, the harmful microorganisms return through the oropharynx to the bronchi and lungs, and a vicious circle is obtained.

Based on this, three stages of the disease and the accompanying symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Stage 1 - Runny nose and nasal congestion.
  • Stage 2 - Cough and expectoration of sputum, and with it foreign microorganisms.
  • Stage 3 - Cough, accompanied by bloody discharge. Drops of blood are released when the lungs are damaged and coughing is severe. Vessels and capillaries that are in the lungs are damaged and provoke the appearance of blood. There is no need to be afraid of this, but the doctor should be informed.
  • Stage 4 (final) - Chronic bronchitis, which worsens during abrupt periods of temperature and weather changes, as well as during the change of seasons, when the body is rebuilt for the new season. If you do not treat bronchitis for a long time and simply do not pay attention to it, then it can easily become chronic.

How to know what exactly it is bronchitis

When receiving at the district clinic, the therapist must send the sick person for an x-ray of the respiratory tract and lungs. Very often, a doctor without this picture makes an incorrect diagnosis and prescribes the wrong treatment, which can aggravate the situation, for example, by the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

With frequent diseases, an adult is prescribed a bronchoscopy - this is an assessment of the mucous membranes, trachea and bronchi using a special camera.

Sometimes a laboratory study of mucus and sputum is carried out to determine the desired treatment.

Ways of spread of infection and types of bronchitis

There are several types of this disease. As a rule, with the onset of the autumn-spring period, the human body and its immune system are weakened and can at any time take over foreign and pathogenic bacteria, which, under various circumstances or after suffering a common cold, can cause bronchitis.

Types of disease.

  1. Viral look. Even if a person has good immunity and does not get sick during periods of the spread of colds and SARS, then the risk of getting bronchitis is about 80%. The reason for this is the various viral forms that first enter the body, and immunity against them has not yet been developed. People who are in a large crowd of people, for example, at work or in public transport, are especially susceptible. Children in this case were more fortunate. In winter, kindergartens and schools are closed for quarantine, so the likelihood of the disease is reduced to 40%.
  2. bacterial look. This is a complication of a viral species, that is, a transitional form to a bacterial one. This type is not treated with antibiotics, and if they are mistakenly treated, they can only cause harm. It is transferred, as a rule, by contact from a sick person.
  3. allergic look. Spring, flowering plants, raising dust in the air and a dirty room - all this can provoke an allergic type of bronchitis. It is accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing in the lungs. This type of bronchitis is transmitted through the atmosphere from a polluted environment.
  4. Chemical bronchitis or infection with toxic substances. This type of bronchitis affects people working in industrial and chemical industries, who are close to harmful substances and are not limited in any way from them. Way of transfer - atmospheric or industrial.

As soon as the body begins to hurt, certain rules should be followed. Doctors advise to observe bed rest and not to endure the disease "on the legs" in order to avoid even greater complications and pneumonia. It is required to adhere to bed rest in the first 3-4 days, then you can get out into the fresh air, take a walk in the park, then the general condition will become better.

During illness, the body needs more vitamins, should eat fresh fruits and vegetables, take liquid foods such as chicken broth and drink more water. A huge plus will be the consumption of hot fruit drinks from wild berries and cranberries, such a drink helps to liquefy sputum and quickly remove it from the body. You can drink any drinks that are rich in vitamins. It is better not to drink strong tea and caffeinated drinks during this period.

How to quickly cure bronchitis

It is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious disease that affects the respiratory tract and can cause serious complications. It definitely needs to be examined. It is unlikely that it will be possible to defeat the disease only with folk remedies, so you will have to resort to medications. Treatment for adults and children is very different. As a rule, potent drugs are prescribed for adults, which, if exposed to a child's body, can cause an allergic reaction or worsen well-being. Also, do not rely on the treatment of home recipes, they can only be used in a set of procedures.

How to quickly cure bronchitis in an adult

Prolonged and prolonged cough, nasal congestion - these symptoms cannot be quickly eliminated, only the temperature can be quickly reduced. Antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis are prescribed very rarely, and they are usually taken for no more than five days. Antibiotics must be supplemented with remedies for dysbacteriosis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and antifungal agents (for thrush). The exact dosage of each drug is prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment regimens and medications:

  1. Antipyretic drugs, the main components of which are aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen. At temperatures above 38.0 degrees, injections are allowed to lower the temperature faster, tablets and any other forms of drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also suitable.
  2. Throat remedies. Basically, this includes expectorant drugs for the rapid discharge of sputum and release from the mucus of the bronchi and lungs. Such drugs are used in the form of syrups and tablets. In this case, mukaltin and brombexin are excellent helpers.
  3. Remedies for shortness of breath. Against the background of clogging of the bronchi, temporary shortness of breath may occur, it disappears after all the sputum comes out. Theotard will help in the fight against shortness of breath.
  4. antibiotic agents. They are used only after consulting a doctor. In each case, the desired drug is individually selected, or vice versa, it is not required. Groups of antibiotics act on a certain type of microorganism.

In the fight against bronchitis, these are the main tools that need to be applied in order to shorten the time of illness.

How to quickly cure bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis in young children occurs very often, since in the process of the first year of life, the respiratory system is fully developed and its own immunity is built. Usually bronchitis in children under 1 year of age occurs very acutely, accompanied by a sharp jump in temperature and does not subside for a long time. The most important thing is to notice and start treatment in time, then you can do without complications, and they can be very different - from pneumonia to brain damage.

The treatment of children is different from the treatment of adults. Methods will depend on the age of the child and how the disease progresses. In no case should you engage in self-treatment. The child may need hospitalization, but this is only in especially severe cases, when the body temperature reaches 39-40.0 degrees Celsius. Bronchodilator drugs are mainly used, which help to remove sputum from the bronchi, as well as relax the respiratory system and make breathing easier.

Bronchodilators are:

  1. In the form of tablets.
  2. in the form of aerosols.
  3. In the form of solutions for inhalation.

Small children up to 3-4 years old are prescribed mainly aerosols and inhalations for more convenient use, while older children can already take pills on their own. Eufillin is taken from tablets, Salbutamol from inhalers.

Doctors by all means try to avoid the use of antibiotics to quickly treat bronchitis in children, but this is not always possible. With a long process of the disease, antibiotics are still prescribed. Along with them, expectorants will help facilitate sputum discharge. Folk remedies that will positively affect the body up to 14 years will also benefit.

If the doctor correctly approaches the treatment of the patient, examines his tests and the course of the disease, he can easily prescribe the right treatment that will help get rid of the infection in one week.

Quick treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

Folk remedies are not used as a separate procedure, it is included in the complex for drug treatment. Practice shows that only folk remedies will not help or simply prolong the healing process. When bronchitis is only noticed by a sick person and a competent treatment is prescribed by a doctor, the process of restoring the body can take only a week. Nevertheless, there are a lot of articles on the Internet and scientific literature on the topic of treating bronchitis with folk remedies. For example, it is advised to grate a radish, squeeze the juice out of it, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the juice and take it inside before each meal and at night before going to bed.

In some cases, they take badger fat or lard. They are mixed with turpentine and also taken orally several times a day. But be sure to warm up the mixture before taking it, otherwise everything will go down the drain. Such a mixture is used only in a warm form to warm the bronchi, lungs and esophagus and remove excess sputum.

Mustard plasters are used to warm the lungs and bronchi, as in the good old days.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of bronchitis recommends using many improvised means that are always at home. The standard drink is milk with butter and, if desired, with the addition of honey. All sorts of methods are suitable, primarily for warming the throat.

Outcome. When treating bronchitis, be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations in order not to get complications. The simplest tips and rules will quickly help get rid of an unpleasant disease and completely restore the body.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial tree, in which there is a productive and unproductive cough, mucus secretion. You need to know which drugs, as well as the most effective folk remedies, can be used for effective therapy.

Key principles for effective treatment

Before considering the main drugs, folk remedies and procedures, it is necessary to highlight important principles of therapy. Experts point out that without integrated approach it is extremely difficult to achieve a positive result. Here are the key points.

Key principles Description
Compliance with the rules of hygiene at home, as well as in the workplace. Doctors recommend wet cleaning every day. Of course, it is desirable to avoid harmful conditions at work. When a person is already suffering from chronic bronchitis, and “harmfulness” is observed at the workplace, it makes sense to change the type of activity. This is especially important for allergic, asthmatic bronchitis.
Compliance with seasonality when choosing clothes. It is important to protect yourself from hypothermia, drafts. Clothing is most useful if it is made of natural fabrics: such materials prevent overheating as well as heat loss.
Transition to medical nutrition. Nutrition for chronic bronchitis should be fractional. It is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day. Increase the amount of protein, drink warm drinks.
Complex therapy. It is required to use folk remedies at the same time, as well as use modern medicines. Heating and inhalation help.

All factors are of great importance for the general condition of the patient. You need to change your lifestyle.

This is especially important when it is not a temporary acute disease, but a chronic form of bronchitis.

Smoking ban

Most experts argue that the negative impact of smoking on the organs of the respiratory system is really significant. It is extremely important to give up the bad habit completely, since it is very difficult to treat a smoker.

Many patients complain that they are being treated in full accordance with the recommendations of doctors, but the therapy does not give the desired result. At the same time, they cannot quit smoking, which nullifies all the efforts of specialists. And medical practice confirms that nicotine for the bronchi, the respiratory system as a whole, is extremely dangerous.

Interestingly, when treating a disease with folk remedies, special attention is always paid to the menu. And in determining the optimal diet, followers of traditional medicine and doctors are unanimous. Here is what they advise to add to the menu in the treatment of bronchitis:

It is this kind of nutrition, specific vegetables, fruits, drinks that support the body. With a rich menu, patients cope with bronchitis faster. Strengthening health, you can achieve a decrease in temperature, improve the condition, eliminate symptoms.

A well-known folk remedy for inflammatory processes in the bronchi, respiratory tract - raw eggs.

Even doctors admit that drinking a couple of raw eggs a day is actually very healthy. But not all embryos will do. The optimal solution for treatment, especially in severe cases of the disease, is to take hatching eggs. It is in them that the maximum amount of valuable substances is contained.

Medical therapy

Therapy is primarily based on the principles of modern medicine. Consider the most effective drugs in the treatment of bronchitis in adults:

Therapy with antibiotics. The attitude towards them is ambiguous, but they are really effective.

Experts note: the best solution is to make samples for antibiotics in order to determine the most suitable drugs for a particular person.

When testing for different antibiotics, the body's susceptibility to specific drugs is determined. For example, the same antibiotic can be perfectly perceived by one person - it will help him. But for another patient, it may well be useless.

Folk recipes

Among folk remedies, several types can be distinguished in accordance with the method of treatment:

A fairly good effect can be achieved if you combine different types of therapy. So, experts recommend combining the use of herbal decoctions with inhalations, compresses. These are inexpensive but effective tools.

Inhalations are one of the most effective methods, since they provide deep penetration of active ingredients.

Now, for inhalation procedures, special steam inhalers, modern nebulizers are used. But many continue to simply breathe steam over the container, which also provides the desired effect.


You can consider different types of inhalations in accordance with the severity, course of the disease. The prescription will depend on the specific condition of the patient, as well as the type of cough. You can do the procedures at home.

Let's dwell on useful folk recipes:

It is important to carry out the procedure correctly: you can breathe steam over the container, but you will have to cover yourself with a towel or sheet, leaving a small space for air to flow.

Effective remedies

It is advisable to use different folk remedies in a complex. Let's take a look at the most popular:

Apply different techniques, compositions. Together with folk remedies, it is imperative to use modern medicines. Then it will be possible to quickly cope with bronchitis, relieve symptoms.

Bronchitis - diffuse-inflammatory disease of the bronchi, the focus of which can be the mucous membrane, and in more complex cases, the entire thickness of the bronchial wall. According to the international classification of diseases, bronchitis is divided into two types: acute and chronic.

Spicy- an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree, which will be characterized by an increase in the volume of bronchial secretion, with the presence of a cough with sputum.

Chronic - diffuse, progressive process of damage to the bronchial tree with a restructuring of the secretory apparatus of the mucous membrane with the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by hypersecretion of sputum, a violation of the cleansing and protective function of the bronchi.

Bronchitis symptoms

Symptoms will be similar to all acute respiratory infections. Dry, lingering cough, turning into a milder, fever, weakness, chills, excessive sweating as treatment progresses. Increased sweating mainly in the areas of the back, neck, face.

Certain differences should be distinguished, depending on the type of bronchitis:

  • Dry or agonizing wheezing cough;
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath up to suffocation;
  • General weakening of the body or a growing headache up to an obsessive migraine.

Cough is the main symptom of bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is acquired mainly by working in a hazardous industry, or the influence of such a bad habit as smoking, as a result of exposure to the body of various external factors.

It is for chronic bronchitis that a painful, protracted, sometimes wheezing cough will be characteristic. Acute bronchitis is most often the result of interactions with viral infections and bacteria.

Diagnosis of bronchitis

Modern diagnosis of bronchitis is diverse, objective and very informative. In addition to patient complaints and external signs of the disease, X-ray studies and relevant laboratory tests are taken into account.

  • Clinical examination- Collection of complaints from the patient. In addition to the symptoms, the statute of limitations and the nature of the course of the disease are important at this stage.
  • Auscultation- General examination of the patient. With the help of a phonendoscope (an apparatus for listening to the work of the heart and lungs), the type and nature of breathing (rigidity, wheezing) is determined. A general examination of the chest is also carried out and the presence of pain in this area.
  • General blood analysis– a study to determine the cause of a possible infection, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body
  • Sputum analysis takes place in the determination of the pathogen and its resistance to certain groups of antibiotics.
  • Chest x-ray- a picture that accurately excludes the suspicion of pneumonia (pneumonia)
  • Spirometry (spirography)- study of airway patency.
    A method for excluding bronchial asthma and chronic lung disease (abnormal inflammatory response of lung tissue to irritation by various pathogenic particles or gases).
  • Computed tomography of the chest- a study that determines with high accuracy diseases of the lungs, heart. The method most accurately diagnosing a possible pathology.
  • Bronchoscopy- examination of the respiratory tract: throat, trachea, larynx, lower respiratory tract, direct examination of the condition and assessment of mucous membranes.

Folk remedies in the treatment of adults

At home, subject to general prescriptions, it is quite possible not only to improve the patient's condition, but also to completely cure it.

  • Bed rest
  • Plentiful warm drink
  • Comprehensive compliance with the intake of medicinal drugs: antiviral, expectorant, according to the doctor's prescriptions
  • Alternation of inhalations, breathing exercises, massage

For wet cough

All remedies aimed at treating a wet cough are aimed at helping the body to separate and remove sputum.

The most simple and affordable universal at home will be mustard plasters, compresses.

For treatment with mustard plasters, you should:

  • In a deep bowl filled with warm water, pre-prepared mustard packets are lowered for ten minutes.
  • These packages are placed chest, upper back
  • Wrapped up in a warm blanket covering mustard plasters with a warm towel, stand for about ten twenty minutes. At the same time, burning may occur at the points of contact with the skin, this indicates the process of warming up.

It consists of several layers, which are characterized by features:

  • first layer, impregnated directly with a substance (ointment, honey, fat, water)
  • second layer, barrier (oilcloth, polyethylene), tightly holding the substance used, to avoid leakage
  • The third, fixing layer, a scarf, a warm scarf or a diaper can come up.

When using a compress, direct contact with areas of the heart zone should be avoided, which can adversely affect its work.

For dry cough

Very often, the cause of dry cough is irritation of the upper respiratory tract. The very first remedy will be a systemic gargle.

At home, the most used means will be soda, you can add a decoction or essential oil of chamomile. Drinking plenty of tea throughout the day will help reduce a sore throat.

The most common drinking options for dry cough are:

  • Alkaline mineral water slightly preheated
  • Warm herbal breast preparations(plantain, chamomile, wild rose)
  • A teaspoon oil solution in a glass of warm milk, with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. Consume one glass twenty minutes before meals.
  • Grass elecampane- an excellent remedy for cough, in particular dry. It is necessary to boil 20 g of crushed dry roots of elecampane in 250 g of water for 10 minutes, insisting for 4 hours, you can take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times 20 minutes before meals. This is a wonderful expectorant.

Juices for bronchitis

For the treatment of bronchitis at home, black radish juice is most often used - an excellent expectorant. By combining a liter of root juice with two glasses of melted honey. Consume in the form of syrup, two tablespoons at night, before going to bed.

Juice of houseplant aloe and lingonberry connect one to one with bee honey. The use of carrot, beetroot, apple, pomegranate, orange juice will be an excellent therapy to improve immunity and improve the general condition of the body.

Adding lemon juice to tea (half a teaspoon is enough) will be an excellent tonic and antiseptic.

Do you need antibiotics for bronchitis?

The effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis is due to the course and type of the disease:

  • In case of viral etiology diseases, in acute bronchitis, basic general recommendations for the treatment of the disease without including antibiotic treatment are sufficient.
  • For chronic bronchitis it is permissible to use groups of antibiotics, taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, the presence of concomitant complications and inflammatory processes, the frequency for a single period.

In fact, when it comes to acute bronchitis, if the patient did not previously have a respiratory disease, the symptoms quickly disappear, although a prolonged cough may be accompanied, as a residual phenomenon of the infection. You should not immediately resort to the use of antibiotics. Enough home procedures.

How to quickly cure bronchitis at home?

By diagnosing the disease at an early stage, from the first day of the onset of symptoms, undeniably adhering to the basic recommendations, using complex treatment, it is possible to recover on average in ten days.

If no improvement is seen, and the condition tends to exacerbate and aggravate, the necessary additional examinations should be carried out, and it is possible to apply more aggressive methods of influencing the disease (adding a course of antibiotics), and possibly reconsidering the entire treatment process.

Antivirals are effective at the earliest stage of treatment, because if more than two days have passed since the onset of the first symptoms, these drugs can be considered useless. An example of the most common antiviral agents would be: interferon, geneferon, viferon, deoxyribonuclease, kipferon and others.


To improve sputum discharge, expectorants are used, these include various syrups, herbal breast preparations, infusions of thermopsis, licorice, coltsfoot will be effective.

When sputum is already discharged, the aforementioned herbs must be replaced with plantain, ivy leaves, marshmallow, thyme, anise drops.

Inhalations- a complementary and highly effective treatment for any form of bronchitis, in which drugs (herbs, oils, various natural ingredients) enter the respiratory tract with the help of heated steam when inhaled.

The simplest medicines for inhalation are a decoction of chamomile (one tablespoon of dry herbs per cup of boiling water) or pine needles. Essential oils of cedar, pine, spruce are also suitable.

At home, initially it is enough:

  • Place medicinal liquid in a container (a regular pot, kettle will do)
  • inhale the vapors pre-wrapped with a thick towel, creating a closed space above the container, protecting the lips and around the eyes with a nourishing cream

Consider the presence of rules and contraindications when using thermal procedures:

  • body temperature, above normal (over 37.5 C)
  • the presence of interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, hypertension)
  • the presence of bleeding
  • allergenic manifestation
  • age restrictions (children under 2 years old, not recommended)

Be sure to follow the rules for inhalation procedures:

  • not earlier than one hour after eating
  • limit any food intake after the procedure for 30-40 minutes
  • after the procedure is in a warm room
  • inhalations and exhalations during the procedure should be smooth

Massage, breathing exercises are accompanying, auxiliary procedures. These include medical banks, rubbing, mustard plasters. Improving blood circulation in the chest is a complementary tool in the complex treatment of bronchitis.

As a result of improved blood circulation, muscle contraction of the walls occurs, and the movements of the bronchial epithelium improve. Previously accumulated sputum is easier to move away and does not stagnate.

The most common types of massage:

dotted- massage with fingertips on certain points of influence.

Canned- a vacuum stimulator, formed in a special massage jar, which enhances the flow of lymph, blood, improves tissue nutrition.

The use of respiratory gymnastics in the complex contributes to positive dynamics in the treatment of respiratory failure. Moreover, positive dynamics is characteristic of both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body.

A simple exercise using a container filled with water and a tube. Having collected enough air on inspiration, you should exhale through a tube lowered into a container of water, which involves a small effort, which should also be normalized, and in no case should you overdo it.

Prevention of bronchitis

Prevention of bronchitis implies a set of actions aimed at strengthening the immune system, which, if necessary, can actively resist a viral infection, prevent the development of acute bronchitis or chronic relapses.

These actions include:

  • Compliance with the daily routine and diet
  • Sufficient outdoor exercise
  • hardening,
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Optimal temperature and humidity conditions in the room.

All these activities are aimed at the overall strengthening of the human body and can become the basis for the prevention of various diseases.

Prognosis for bronchitis

If we are talking about acute bronchitis, which has an uncomplicated form with an optimally fast reaction and active involvement in the process of diagnosis and treatment, after two weeks there is a complete recovery.

Longer treatment process It will be characteristic in the presence of concomitant diseases, including chronic ones, which complicates the recovery process. The chronic form of the course of the disease has foci of inflammation and remissions, which is associated with its long course.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease that is most often diagnosed in the cold season. In this case, the inflammatory process affects the bronchial tree and adjacent organs. This disease develops due to infection in the body. Basically, initially the disease is provoked by viruses, and only a few days later a bacterial infection joins. The main task of treatment is to transfer the cough from dry to wet, as well as to fight infection. It is possible to treat bronchitis in adults at home, but in compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

What is bronchitis

Bronchitis is an infectious disease that is most often caused by viruses and bacteria. With this pathology, the bronchial mucosa becomes very inflamed, which is manifested by characteristic symptoms.

Most often, this ailment occurs after severe hypothermia of the body, so many people associate bronchitis with a cold. This is not very true, since the main way for the spread of bacteria and viruses is contact or airborne.

With this disease, the bronchial mucosa swells strongly and this leads to the accumulation of purulent-mucous secretions. If bronchitis is severely neglected, then there may be streaks of blood in the sputum. Due to edema, the lumen of the bronchi narrows greatly, the patient's breathing is disturbed and a strong cough occurs. Often, along with bronchitis, tracheitis also begins - a disease in which the tracheal mucosa becomes inflamed.

The disease is easy to recognize even on its own by characteristic signs that are more pronounced in acute bronchitis.

  • The disease always begins with a classic malaise and a slight sore throat.
  • The temperature rises, and intense bouts of dry cough periodically occur. After a few days, the cough becomes wet and is always accompanied by coughing up a large amount of purulent-mucous sputum. Such attacks are especially painful at night, a person cannot sleep normally, he becomes lethargic and irritable.
  • Breathing of a patient with bronchitis is very difficult, after a few days severe shortness of breath appears. All this is accompanied by weakness, pain in the joints and weakness.
  • The acute form of the disease can last about two weeks. But it should be borne in mind that the healing process of the bronchi is quite long, so bronchospasms can occur for a longer time.
  • If the acute form of the disease is not treated, then there is a high risk of developing chronic bronchitis. This form of the disease is quite difficult to treat and can quickly develop into bronchial asthma. The chronic form is often diagnosed in smokers with a long history of smoking.

If a person's immune system is severely weakened, then bronchitis can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, asthma, or emphysema. People with chronic heart conditions can develop severe heart failure.

When the first symptoms of bronchitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only with timely and comprehensive treatment can the functions of the respiratory organs be fully restored.

Fundamentals of treatment

Bronchitis should be treated by a doctor. He diagnoses the disease, prescribes drugs and physiotherapy, and also controls the entire course of treatment.

If bronchitis is not severe, then adults can be treated at home, in compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist. To get rid of bronchitis, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Antivirals.
  • Expectorants and mucolytics.
  • Immunomodulators.

In addition, mustard plasters, medical cups and rubbing are often included in the treatment. A good effect is given by inhalation treatment.

We should not forget about the daily routine of the patient. He should get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous physical activity, which can lead to an attack of intense coughing and shortness of breath. In the patient's room, the optimum temperature should not exceed 21 degrees and the humidity should be close to 55%.

Many people believe that the more heated the room, the faster the recovery will occur. This is absolutely not the case, with very warm and dry air, the bronchial mucosa dries up, and sputum does not come out well. This leads to stagnation, with all the ensuing consequences.

To humidify the air, you must use a special humidifier or simply hang wet terry towels around the room. The room is often wet cleaned. This is necessary not only to humidify the air, but also to reduce dust particles in it, which can provoke an attack of severe coughing.

Drug treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with alternative methods, but all of them must be agreed with the attending physician.

When are antibiotics needed?

It is possible to treat bronchitis and cough in adults at home, but only if the disease is not very difficult. In a severe course of the disease, when obstruction and respiratory failure are observed, the patient is hospitalized, he must constantly be under the supervision of health workers.

If bronchitis is provoked by viruses, then the use of antibiotics is impractical. With the normal functioning of the immune system, the body itself will very quickly cope with the pathogen. You should not resort to antibacterial drugs even if pathological changes in the composition of the blood are not visible and when coughing, sputum is released without an admixture of pus. In all these cases, antibiotics will not only not be beneficial, but can greatly aggravate the situation by causing allergies and intensifying bronchospasms.

The appointment of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs is resorted to only in such cases:

  • If the high temperature lasts more than 5 days and does not go astray.
  • If a characteristic purulent sputum is secreted during coughing or there is an admixture of blood in the coughed up secret.
  • When, after an acute period, the patient's condition improves, but after a couple of days the temperature rises again and the condition worsens.

In all these cases, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, but only after a complete examination of the patient, which includes an x-ray and tests.

For the treatment of bronchitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are most often used - penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. When treating bronchitis at home, oral antibiotics are mainly prescribed, although if there is a health worker in the house, then antibiotics in injections may well be prescribed.

If the prescribed antibiotics do not give an effect for 4 days, they are canceled and drugs of another group are prescribed.

When do you need antivirals?

If bronchitis is caused by viruses, then this indicates the need for the use of antiviral agents. The drugs in this group cause a lot of controversy among doctors. Some experts consider them ineffective and only talk about wasting money, other doctors believe that it is impossible to cope with viral pathology without antiviral drugs.

For viral infections, Viferon, Groprinosin and Isoprinosine are most often prescribed. Interferon may also be recommended. All these drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict control. . Quite often, antiviral agents are prescribed for chronic bronchitis.

If bronchitis is mild, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs are not needed, the body itself will cope well with the infection. It is worth resorting to such medications only if there is a risk of complications.


At the very beginning of the disease, a painful dry cough is observed, which greatly disturbs the patient's well-being. That is why, with any form of bronchitis, expectorant drugs are simply necessary, aimed at translating a dry cough into a productive one. Medicines may be prescribed to thin the sputum and make it easier to pass from the respiratory organs.

Preparations based on thermopsis herb, ammonium chloride and some essential oils will help to quickly recover from bronchitis. All drugs to stimulate expectoration have a short therapeutic effect. An overdose of these drugs may cause nausea, diarrhea, and tearing.

In almost all cases, mucolytics are prescribed for bronchitis. These are drugs that help thin the sputum and at the same time do not lead to an increase in its volume. This includes all preparations based on Ambroxol - Lazolvan, Ambrobene and Ambroxol. Not bad help natural medicines based on marshmallow root.

The medicines necessary for treatment are selected by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the age of the patient.

Antipyretic drugs

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults can be supplemented with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. With acute bronchitis, the patient's body temperature often exceeds 38 degrees. In this case, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol should be included in the treatment regimen.

If a person normally tolerates elevated temperature, then it is allowed not to bring it down to 38.5 degrees. With a tendency to convulsions, it is worth resorting to antipyretic drugs already at a temperature of 38 degrees.


Treatment of bronchitis at home is always supplemented with therapeutic inhalations. It is possible to carry out such physiotherapeutic procedures using a nebulizer that sprays medicinal solutions to fine particles. Steam inhalations are also allowed, but they can only be carried out if the temperature is not elevated.

It is necessary to start doing inhalations at the first manifestations of the disease. If such procedures are carried out regularly and the medicine is chosen correctly, then the treatment of bronchitis will not take much time.

Most often, in acute and chronic bronchitis, inhalations are carried out with such medicinal solutions:

Ambroxol-based drugs are diluted with saline, but such a drug can also be used independently. It reduces irritation and helps reduce swelling and inflammation.

Inhalations should not be resorted to if the body temperature exceeds 37.3 degrees. You can not breathe medicinal vapors and with tachycardia. These two conditions are the main contraindications to the physiotherapy procedure.

Inhalations with various medicinal solutions are considered the most effective method of treating bronchitis.


A special massage will help to quickly recover from bronchitis. Such procedures can be carried out only after the temperature returns to normal, and the general condition of the patient improves. Before the massage, it is advisable for the patient to take a bath with essential oil. This will moisturize the bronchial mucosa and facilitate sputum discharge.

  • The patient lies on his back. During inhalation, you need to move your hands from your chest to your back with a little effort, and during exhalation, the direction of movement of the hands changes.
  • The patient is placed so that the lower part of the body is raised, relative to the upper part. This position can be achieved if the patient's legs are placed on the sofa, and his hands rest on the floor. After that, the back is gently rubbed. Movement should be directed from the waist to the head.
  • Several times a day, it is useful for the patient to tap and pat his back. This must be done very carefully. Such techniques will facilitate the removal of sputum.

An expectorant can be taken a few hours before a therapeutic massage. Due to this, sputum will become less frequent and it will be better to leave the bronchi.

Massage movements should be gentle. It is unacceptable to rub or tap the heart area strongly.

Folk methods

You can supplement medical treatment with traditional medicine recipes. This will greatly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up recovery. The attending physician will help determine the choice of alternative methods of treatment.

  1. Take 15-20 large sheets of aloe and grind them in a meat grinder. The total volume of such gruel should be 500 ml. 0.5 liters of pork lard, the same amount of honey and 0.5 kg of grated dark chocolate are added to the vegetable raw materials. Everything is put on a slow fire and kept until all the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained. You need to drink this composition 5 times a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals. Treatment is continued until the cough completely disappears.
  2. According to some folk healers, a cough can be cured in just 1-2 days using this method. They take 0.5 liters of refined vegetable oil, heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 50 degrees, then soak a large terry towel in it and wrap it around the patient's torso. On top of the towel, they are insulated with a film and a warm scarf. Keep such a compress should be at least 3 hours.
  3. Well helps with bronchitis and a drug based on horseradish. You need to take two large horseradish roots, wash, peel and grate. Two large lemons are washed and twisted together with the peel in a meat grinder, the resulting slurry is added to the horseradish, 0.5 liters of honey is poured there. The resulting composition should be consumed 3 times a day, 1 full tablespoon.

Good for coughs and sage. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of hot milk and bring to a boil. Insist 20 minutes and drink. It is advisable to drink such a decoction before going to bed.

Home treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with mustard plasters, foot baths and compresses. Do not forget about medicinal teas based on herbal ingredients. Such a folk remedy as black radish with honey helps perfectly. Such treatment does not require large material investments, but the effect of it is not lower than that of expensive drugs.