What questions can you ask your future husband? Questions for a guy about love and relationships to get to know him better

This article consists of twelve questions that a man should ask the woman he has decided to marry; and ten questions a woman should ask the man she decides to marry. These twenty-two questions cover the rights and responsibilities of spouses, the observance of which is the key to a happy family life.

Questions a man should ask a woman:

  1. Marriage is not for wealth or beauty, but to create a good family, to control the desires of the nafs and for the sake of procreation. What do you think about it?
  2. In verse 34 of Surah an-Nisa, Allah Almighty assigned responsibility for the family to the man. Do you agree with this?
  3. In accordance with the requirement of Islam, no one can look at a woman except her, so she must cover herself in front of strangers. What is your opinion on this issue?
  4. A woman should call her husband whatever he likes. She should also greet her husband with a smile and show respect for her husband through her behavior. Do you agree with this?
  5. In this life, Allah Almighty tests us. Can you tolerate unemployment and poverty for a while? And can you protect yourself from envy of rich women?
  6. Basically, a woman should be at home, doing household chores. If she wants to leave the house, then she should ask permission from her husband. What do you think about it?
  7. A woman should understand her husband’s problems and not leave him alone in this. The husband should demonstrate the same understanding of problems. What do you think about it?
  8. Spouses should not reveal each other's secrets and shortcomings to their parents or anyone else. Must be strictly stored family secrets. Do you agree with this?
  9. A woman should show her parents and in-laws the same respect and love that she shows her own parents. What do you think about it?
  10. A husband and wife should always support each other and protect family ties, even if their relatives, due to envy or meanness, want to destroy their marriage, even if it turns out to be their parents or siblings. What do you think about it?
  11. I, like any other person, believe in the beauty and attractiveness of women. However, I believe that external beauty is not the most important thing. Do you agree with me?
  12. A woman must obey her husband, both from the point of view of Sharia and from the point of view of customs. If a woman is not submissive to her husband, then she is considered to have failed in one of her duties, and therefore the husband may not provide her with the means of subsistence. What is your opinion on this matter?

Questions a woman should ask a man:

  1. A man must provide his wife with food and the things she needs, and if he allows financial condition, then buy jewelry for your wife. If a woman falls ill, her husband must provide her with treatment. Do you agree with this?
  2. A woman should not be looked at as a burden, since she is the main component of the family. According to Islam, a woman is an amanat given to a man by Allah, therefore a man must treat a woman with respect and understanding. In addition, Islam characterizes spouses as “a covering for each other.” What is your opinion on this issue?
  3. A man has no right to beat his wife. But if it happens that a man beats his wife, then he is obliged to pay her the compensation established by religion. If a woman disobeys her husband, she must first be admonished. Do you agree with this?
  4. A man, like his wife, must observe the rules of personal hygiene and take care of himself. What do you think about it?
  5. A man should not prevent his wife from attending wedding or funeral ceremonies that do not go beyond the requirements of Islam. Since if he interferes with this, then the woman may refuse to perform such duties as cleaning, washing, cooking. What do you think about it?
  6. In order for a husband's love for his wife not to weaken, he should greet her when he comes home, and when leaving home, he should say goodbye to her. What do you think?
  7. A man should help his wife with household chores, as the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) did. Do you agree with this?
  8. If a woman makes any mistake, then the husband should not shout or swear at her. What do you think about it?
  9. How do you feel about married woman worked earning halal money?
  10. A man should not treat his wife with suspicion and doubt. Therefore, he should not believe slanderers and those who try to spread fitnah, and believe everything that others say, even if it is his own parents. Do you agree with this?

These four words are the nightmares of all women who date unfree men.

What questions should you ask yourself and your man before dreaming of getting married to him?

These four words are the nightmares of all women who date unfree men. More precisely, these are the answers to the questions that we ask ourselves if we know for sure or suspect that we are in a non-exclusive relationship with a man.

Exclusive is when you don’t doubt your man. Not even when you are planning a wedding or are already married - today, alas, there are plenty of examples of people running away from the wedding or living for years with two families. Namely, when you have no doubt...

The key word here is unfree. A man can be married, divorced and continue to live with his ex, engaged and waiting for the wedding, or searching. The point is not this, but the fact that he is not planning anything with you. This is called “unfree”. And you dream and plan a future with him.

At first everything looks good. You go to restaurants and cinemas, start dating at home or somewhere else, you have amazing sex. But at some point you realize something is going wrong. You can even spend weekends and travel together. And still something worries you. In the subcortex, someone in a vile voice asks terrible questions and gives them even more terrible answers, from which you wake up in a cold sweat.

Thousands of women who find themselves in relationships with unfree men dream about these four answers at night.

Yes, honey, I'm married.

No, honey, I'm not going to leave my family.

No, honey, we can't meet more often. And we also cannot spend holidays together, go to public places and meet your or my friends.

Yes, dear, when I said relationships, I meant sex. And some fun for dessert.

Everything that will be said after - of great importance does not have. They may promise you gifts (“just tell me what you want, I’ll buy you everything”), set deadlines for divorce (“as soon as the youngest graduates from school, we’ll immediately apply”), console and appeal to true love(“after all, everything is real with you, and nothing connects me with her”). It's all nonsense.

Your man is not free and you should not hope for a happy and long life together with him.

He is already acting dishonestly towards you and most likely will continue to do so.

What would seem simpler? Why can’t we ask the right questions during the first or second meeting? It's so obvious and so simple.

No, it's not easy.

Firstly, we are afraid to ask a man about what is important to us, because we are subconsciously afraid to hear exactly these answers.

Secondly, our relationships go through several stages of natural development, and at each of them some questions are appropriate, while others are premature. In order not to rush things and not to put pressure on your partner, you need to ask questions on time and know what exactly is worth asking.

Third, under the influence of a partner’s arguments or due to inexperience in life, we may consider existing model relationships are normal and you just don’t know that there are others.

From this place - tadam! - read carefully. I don’t encourage you to immediately ask a man all these useful analytical questions as soon as you met and he invited you for coffee. Then he will most likely run away. And I think it’s pointless to start detective investigations with calls at odd hours, peeking at his phone, and so on.

It is enough to know that any relationship goes through several stages, each of which has its own question. These questions move your relationship forward, either toward development or toward closure. Your task is to understand what stage you are at and ask the right question. Get an answer. And then make your own decision.

The reasons why relationships break up are often because we go through stages and don't ask the right questions or ask them too early. The secret is that you need to get an answer to the relevant question at the end of the stage, and not delay with questions until “after the wedding,” which may not happen.

So, what are these stages of relationship development?

Stage 1. Interest/attraction. You have just met, you want to please, to captivate a man with you and your world. You don't know if he's right for you yet, but you don't want to miss out on a potential candidate, especially if he looks promising.

Your question #1: “Are you married?”

Your actions: If you received the answer “Yes, dear, I’m married,” then it’s better to take your feet in your hands, finish your coffee and, with a sweet smile, part with the potential candidate forever. Married men by definition cannot be promising. One divorce procedure will take time, nerves and require a lot of money. You can’t marry them without problems, you shouldn’t have children with them, because the child needs a dad every day, not on Sundays. No? Don't you think so? Then get ready for problems.

Stage 2. Doubts. You've been dating for some time now and know quite a lot about each other. You like the man more and more, but you haven’t decided for yourself whether this is the man you want to be with for the rest of your life. You are not satisfied with this or that. You may have other boyfriends whom you keep as an “alternate airfield.” Let's face the truth - your man also has such “alternate airfields”. You don’t know what stages those other relationships are at; you know little about them. But if you continue to deny reality, it will definitely come out later. It's time to ask the next question.

Your question #2: “Are you ready to break up with others? Option – “Are you ready to leave your family?”

Your actions: If you received any other answer other than “Yes, dear, I’m ready,” then it’s better to break up. Don’t fall for comforting phrases that you just have to wait a year or two until your eldest/junior graduates from school, enters a university, gets married, until your mother-in-law moves to the dacha in the summer, and so on. Run.

Please note that the fact that your man is ready to break up with others does not mean that he will become yours. To do this, you need to move to the next stage.

Stage 3. Exclusive relationship. At this stage, you can really sing the old song “I'm the only one in your soul” in the shower. You live together or spend a lot of time together, so there is not even a physical place for another woman in your partner’s life. Ok, ok, you will object to me that you can’t do it for a long time, but we don’t even consider options for quick lunch sex. However, it's time to take a mental audit of your day and understand what exactly you do together. Are you visiting your friends? Do you go to the theater? Are you visiting relatives? Are you renovating your future apartment? Or instead of all this, do you still meet in a rented apartment or hotel, have sex and order pizza to your home? If this is the case, then you have not moved to the stage of an exclusive relationship - at any opportunity your man will disappear. This is not so much about the exclusivity of sex (although this is implied by definition), but about your place in the life of a particular man. If you want to make sure you're in an exclusive relationship, ask your man a tricky question.

Your question No. 3: “We will be with you... (and then list everything you want to do with him - go to the theaters, go to relatives’ birthdays, hang out at parties, barbecue at your friends’ dacha, and so on)?”

Your actions: If you received the answer “No, honey, we won’t ... and then all of the above is listed, break up. This is not your man. He is stuck in the previous comfortable stage, and will leave as soon as someone with whom he wants to be in an exclusive relationship appears. That's when he will do #that's all.

After this, your relationship reaches the finish line. The next stage is coming.

Stage 4. Proximity. Physical, emotional. You are actually already a couple. You live together, sleep together, have breakfast and dinner at home. You both know what you like in sex and try to satisfy each other. Conflicts, of course, arise here and there, but they are all easily resolved in bed. You both have a great time there and that’s the main thing. Do you both think so or is it just your illusions? Test them with a question to your partner.

Your question number 4: “You said that you value our relationship very much and trust me completely. Did you mean sex?

Your actions: If the answer you heard was “Yes, dear, sex comes first. And a little fun for dessert” - crawl away as quickly as you can. Endorphins will run out in six months to a year and all that will remain from your relationship are photos on your smartphone mixed with bitterness and a feeling of loss.

The practical benefits of all this are as follows.

1. Determine what stage your relationship is currently at.

2. Analyze whether you successfully completed the previous stages? Were the questions asked that needed to be asked? If not, ask these questions and then act in accordance with the answers received.

3. If your relationship is not progressing, identify where you are stuck and admit it. Ask a stage-appropriate question. And if your relationship has not progressed further, think about it, maybe it’s time to end it? Don't build sand castles and waste time.

The formula “YES-NO-NO-YES” describes a failed relationship with an unfree man. Change it for another one. The “NO-YES-YES-NO” formula at least opens up other possibilities for you in a relationship.

Invest your time and energy in a man with whom you can build a future and be happy with him.

In this article I have collected the most important questions for a guy about love. You can ask them to your man or husband. Frank questions for couples will help make your relationship more harmonious and take it to a higher level.

Many people take the relationship between a man and a woman for granted. But in order for them to bring mutual joy and pleasure, you need to work on them, receive feedback from your partner and draw conclusions.

This article is for those who:

  • Is in a relationship or married
  • Afraid of losing the emotional component in a relationship
  • Wants to get closer to a man and understand him
  • Interested in developing harmonious relationships

How to deepen the relationship between a man and a woman

Instead of working on relationships, many couples prefer to ignore minor troubles and conflicts and live by the principle “if I hide the garbage under the carpet, no one will see it there anyway.” Over time, dissatisfaction with each other accumulates, turning into a series of mutual claims and discontent. How to avoid this? Talk. Ask each other questions and get feedback.

Before we get into the basics, let's figure out what stage your relationship is at.

If you are currently in a conflict phase, you should not ask these questions. They can provoke a negative reaction. Ideally, you should do this when everything is smooth in your relationship.

In addition, please take into account that if your couple does not have closeness and openness to each other, the answers to these questions can be quite categorical and even hurt you. Are you ready to face the truth and work through the “uncomfortable” moments? Then keep reading.

Question No. 1

What pros and cons do you see in me as a woman?

Psychological questions for a guy may be easier than you might imagine! If you want to know what your man thinks about you, just ask him about it. How to do it? Whatever is convenient for you: you can ask this question out loud or ask him about it in text format - this way the man will have time to think about his answer and formulate the thought normally. Ask him to write 5 main advantages and 5 disadvantages.

“What pros and cons do you see in me as a woman/wife? The more honestly you describe them, the better. It is very important for me to receive feedback from you. Exactly as in a woman - not in a person, not in a person, but in a woman/wife.”

Watch my new video on this topic:

Click on the video and you will learn even more interesting things about how to improve your relationship with a man and bring them to new level. Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Question No. 2

Tell me what makes sense for me to learn?

This question goes in conjunction with the previous one: “Tell me, please, what do you think makes sense for me to learn? Please advise which training courses you think make sense for me to take? I want to go somewhere to study, to become better. I’m interested in your advice, what else can I improve in as a person, as a woman?”

And here it is important that you yourself understand the essence of this issue - not “to become better for you, so that you love me more,” but in general. Not from a bottom-up position, when it comes to deserving love, no. And from the position of equal, full-fledged individuals who are interested in each other’s opinions.

Question #3

How can I support you when you feel bad?

Men are people too. It is also difficult, sad and painful for them, but most often they do not show it. The woman, intuitively feeling that “something is wrong” with him, instead of supporting him, begins to nag the man, in an attempt to still find out what is happening to him.

The man gets angry: he’s already not ok, and here you are with your questions and obsessive support. Perhaps at such moments your man just needs to breathe out and sit in silence so as not to be touched? Having received an answer to this question from him, you will know in advance how to behave and will be able to understand what kind of support he wants to see in your face when he has to face problems.

“Please tell me how I can support you as a man when difficulties arise in your life? What kind of support would you like to see from me? And, very importantly, what would you definitely not want in such a situation? Perhaps I have already made some mistakes and somehow acted wrongly towards you. Please share.”

Question #4

What is the best way for me to act when I want something?

The man is not a telepath. He really doesn’t always understand your hints and is not able to predict your desires. Deal with it. It happens that a woman waits for months for flowers from a man for no reason: “I’ll wait another week, maybe he’ll figure it out. Spring is outside, tulips are everywhere. Doesn’t he understand that he should look after me and give me flowers?”

No, you shouldn't. No, he doesn’t. It is quite possible that in his family scenario flowers were not given. It is quite possible that his father simply brought money and gave it to his mother.

“I want to ask you, what is the best way for me to act in those cases when I really need something, or I really want something? Now I will explain what I mean. Perhaps some kind of gift, your attention or some action on your part. Maybe I just want you to give me a bouquet of flowers. Please tell me how best I can hint to you about this? Should I speak directly or maybe write you an SMS with a request?”

Question #5

How would you diversify our intimacy?

Intimate life is very an important part relationship between a man and a woman. And this question will certainly help make your relationship better. But you shouldn’t ask him directly whether he is satisfied with your sex life.

He won’t show you with his fingers or explain in words how he would diversify your games in bed. Or, imagine, you ask him this question before bed, after a hellishly hard day - what do you think he will answer? Most likely, he is satisfied with everything and he dreams of only one thing - sleep.

Most The best way- write to him and ask him to send you 3 links from the network about what he would like to try in bed. Intrigue him and promise to send him 3 links in return. Surely, you also have desires in this regard.

Question #6

What can I do to make you feel even more comfortable with me?

A question that can be asked about your pastime and personal communication. A man may want something specific that you will never guess. What is important to him as a man. Talk to him about what makes him especially happy when he is around you.

Question No. 7

How would you like us to communicate with you after work?

Women and men may have different presentation about daily rest. Perhaps he wants you to wonder how he spent his day. Or maybe he just needs to be silent after important negotiations, and your best gift for him will be half an hour of absolute silence. Talk to him about important points about his mood: when he is in good mood returns from work, and when he arrives tired.

“What is your ideal vision of our communication after work? Can you give me some step by step instructions? In what cases do you want me to communicate with you, and in what cases do you want me not to touch you at all?”

Question #8

I want to become the best for you, tell me how?

Once you know the answer to this question, you will be closer to understanding it. inner world and seeing you as the woman of my dreams.

“What can I do, improve in myself, change, so that you look at me with pleasure and understand that this is the most best woman in the world? Name 3 points.”

You will receive valuable advice from him, you will find out what is truly important for him to see in his chosen one. In most cases, this question can strike the right chords in your partner’s soul and awaken in him the desire to talk about his desires. Well, or you will find out that for him you are already the embodiment of the ideal and find out why he fell in love with you!

Question No. 9

How should I behave if I'm offended by you?

I can imagine that in the process of reading this material, some readers had a question not for their boyfriend or man, but for me.

You, Yaroslav, listed only those questions that are aimed at making me better in relationships. But you can’t always be good, right? Life consists not only of pleasant things, but also of quarrels and misunderstandings. Both boys and girls are wrong. How then to act, how to behave if I am on my own young man offended?

Every couple has minor quarrels due to mutual misunderstanding. And that's okay. After all, relationships are based on gradual learning of each other in different situations. What to do in case of a quarrel?

Talk to him before this happens.

“If there is something that confuses me in our relationship or I am upset for some reason (I may or may not be right, but at the same time I feel some kind of sadness or resentment), can I talk to you about it? When is the best time to do this? Immediately or, for example, during your work? Give me some vision of yours, please.”

How to ask a man the right questions that will help take your relationship to the next level?

  • Don't ask him all these questions one after another. You shouldn’t say every day when you come home from work: “Darling, we’re about to have a serious adult conversation!” You can sort them and ask them casually.
  • These questions are only suitable for couples who are in a relationship. It is very important that you understand exactly what is between you. Perhaps you don’t have a relationship now, but for him you are just a mistress and that suits you. In the end, this is everyone's personal right. But then be prepared that such questions can scare a man away.
  • If at this stage your life together you have formed great trusting relationship: a man really loves you, doesn’t criticize you with or without reason, you have closeness, trust and understanding - all questions can be asked at once. Present them as a kind of game, and you will see how the man will show interest and begin to ask you similar questions in response.
  • Another important and very subtle point: unfortunately, not all men will be able to answer these questions. Many of them themselves do not know how best to support them, how to properly respond to the fact that you are offended. Why? Because he never thought about it. In this case, don’t push and give the man time to think about the answers.
  • I believe that building relationships is like building a house. In order for a house to be good, at a minimum, you need to lay a proper and solid foundation. Mutual understanding and the process of constantly studying a partner are a sign of an advanced woman.

That’s why I invite you to my free online course “Man Honest Instructions for Use,” where for 5 days in a row I tell women absolutely free about the psychology of relationships with men. Make up your mind! The course takes place every week and is available for viewing from anywhere in the world.

And, of course, I will be happy to receive feedback from you. Please leave a comment under this article: write what you liked and what you didn’t. Was the material useful for you and what questions would you like to start a confidential conversation with your man with?

Thank you for reading to the end. Yaroslav Samoilov.

ENGAGEMENT OR WHAT QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ASKED TO YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND When a guy and a girl want to get married, they sometimes only think about how they will enjoy each other, how someone will make them happy, fulfill their wishes and solve problems. But there are very important, but not very romantic things that you should pay attention to even before the wedding. Although they often don’t think about this at all, entering into marriage on the basis of some sentimental considerations - we will understand each other, why think about it now. Each of us has our own picture drawn in our heads. ideal family, which we certainly want to recreate in real life . But in reality it turns out that expectations are not met almost completely, because we did not know what to expect, we did not ask about it in advance. After all, creating a family must be treated very responsibly. These are serious changes in our lives - a lot will change and will never be the same again, especially with the advent of children. And the time before the wedding is precisely that precious period of time that needs to be spent on clarifying exactly those issues that we, as a rule, run into almost immediately after throwing the wedding bouquet. It all depends on our seriousness, our focus in family life. If we just want to show off in a chic white dress for a day or two, receive a lot of gifts and go on a trip, and then just have a nice time together in the evenings, then of course, you shouldn’t strain yourself too much and ask your future husband about your life together in the near future - how will it work out, if anything, we can get a divorce. But if it is important for you to live a conscious family life and create a strong family, then I highly recommend finding out the main points from your future husband, asking him a few questions, without answers to which family life will be a dark forest through which you will have to grope. The most important points in family life that are subject to detailed discussion are: - Children! Do both spouses want to have children? If yes, when exactly is this planned? And how many children would each spouse want? It seems that it is natural that children will be born in a family. After all, this is what it is created for. But everyone may have their own ideas on this issue. Some people love and want as many children as possible, others agree to only have one child at most, and still others cannot even imagine that a little person could appear in their life who needs to be taken care of for 30 years. Therefore, the issue of children must be clarified before the wedding, because we cannot even imagine what our chosen one’s opinion on this matter might be. One of my friends, having gotten married, was completely shocked that when she started talking about children six months after the wedding, her husband calmly told her that he did not plan to have children. Any arguments, requests, scandals, hysterics did not convince him one bit to change his point of view on this issue. Then she decided to get her mother-in-law to help her convince her husband not to deprive his mother of the opportunity to have grandchildren. But the mother-in-law, looking at her, said: “Why do you need this? Enjoy your life! I didn’t want to have children either, but that’s what happened. And I, of course, love my son, but I don’t advise you to condemn yourself and my son to such a life.” As a result, this couple divorced. Now they have different families. And she has three children, but he never decided to become a father. But if they had discussed this issue before the wedding, then there would have been no talk of an alliance at all. Although, unfortunately, sometimes it seems to us that a person can change his mind after the wedding or we will be able to convince him, but practice shows that not many managed to do this. - Money! You need to find out whether your spouse wants you to work after marriage. For some men it is very important that their wife does not work, but for others, on the contrary, that she works. There are, of course, those for whom you will work anyway or not. But it’s still worth finding out this issue in advance so that there are as few unpleasant surprises as possible. It is equally important to ask how it will be distributed family budget and who will manage it. Money is a very strong energy and, naturally, whoever has the greatest concentration controls the family. Therefore, if you want your husband to be the head of the family, then you should think about letting him manage the money. But again, you need to approach this issue very seriously and try to discuss all the nuances that interest you. I know a lot of cases where, as they say, “a scythe found a stone” in this very place. One of my friends really wanted to quit her unloved job after getting married. Her future husband there was a foreigner and after completing all the documents, she finally quit and went to live with him. Her plans were to sit at home for a year or two, take a little break from the hated work, think and, after looking around, choose something she liked, but her husband said that his wife had to work and he simply couldn’t imagine being a housewife next to him. A few days after the wedding, she had to go to work, and the first one she came across, so as not to create a conflict in the family. Although it is possible that if she had talked to her future husband in advance, she would have won him over over time, because engagement is the time when we can set our own conditions, with minimal damage to the relationship. After the wedding, “downloading your license” is already fraught with serious complications for the relationship. After the wedding, you need to look for other ways to influence a man, more delicate ones. - Housing! The place where the young family will live should be determined before the wedding. If one of the spouses wants to live with their parents or in another city, this must be agreed upon in advance. You shouldn’t shock your husband that you don’t want to move out with your mother, because it’s so convenient to live with her. It is also necessary to discuss the level of comfort of housing, i.e. reduce your general expectations and capabilities to some common denominator. Ideally, of course, a girl should accept the level of comfort that her future husband can give her. This is one of the most important laws of a happy family life. Therefore, it is worth finding out in what place and at what cost you will have to create family comfort and build a family nest. - Relatives! It is very important for both young people to get to know their future relatives better. Because you still have to deal with them and very often. As they say in the East, a man marries not only a girl, but also all her relatives. It is also worth discussing how often you will visit your parents and how often they can come to you. It’s just that one of the spouses may think that their mother can live at their house for weeks without disturbing anyone, while another may be frightened by the thought that a stranger will spend the night at their house. - Parenting! When children are born, many questions immediately arise about their upbringing, education, nutrition, etc., at least some of which should be clarified before the arrival of new family members. When my husband and I got married, we both didn't want our children to go to school. kindergarten. We wanted to educate them ourselves and instill in them those principles that are close to us and our position in life. But imagine if our opinions on this issue differed radically! We would constantly quarrel over this and demand one - one thing, the other - another. Also, for example, if one of the spouses is a vegetarian and the other is not, then it is necessary to discuss how their children will eat. This is important because it will at least make it a little clearer what you should prepare for in the future. Although opinions can change in any direction... - Religion! If you and your future husband are from different religious denominations, then you need to find out how things will be in this area after the wedding. Of course, when a woman gets married, she accepts her husband’s way of life and those religious views, which her husband adheres to, but if the issue of religion is fundamental for you, then it must be discussed. Also, before the wedding, there may be moments that may seem suspicious to us in the life philosophy or behavior of our chosen one, and we should pay special attention to them, otherwise after the wedding they can grow into global insurmountable problems that will be either very difficult or even impossible to resolve . Starting a family is not a sentimental romantic adventure, it is a responsible, serious decision that can change our lives for both the better and the worse. Natalia Bogdan

The first and most necessary question that you will have to ask your future husband is: “Why do you love me?” Many people find this question stupid, but, nevertheless, it still has meaning. And by the way, the answer: “I love you simply because I love you” does not count. If your future spouse claims that he sincerely loves you, then he should certainly know why exactly he is doing this. In other words, for what reason? Is he impressed by your beauty, or is he captivated by your intelligence? Or maybe he saw an extraordinary personality in you?

Yes, each of us has our own criteria for choosing a partner; we are looking for a faithful, kind, intelligent and attractive person. However, hearing: “I love you because thanks to you my whole life has changed” is priceless. Knowing for sure why a man loves you, you can be confident and calm about your future together.

Why do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?

The answer: “Because I love you, baby” is not appropriate for one simple reason. The point is that any passionate love tends to end at the most inopportune moment, so there must be some other reason. Your lover must understand why he invited you to grow old together. This seemingly simple question will not only help you assess your own importance in your partner’s life, but will also help your future husband realize what life’s ups and downs he is ready to share with you. You set small goals and achieve them together.

Do you agree to grow with me?

Life does not stand still, circumstances change rapidly and it is necessary to keep up with these changes. Your future spouse should realize that you are not going to lock yourself inside four walls, devoting yourself exclusively to culinary arts and cleaning. Sooner or later, you will want to leave the cozy family nest into the world, throw yourself into work, achieve some heights, and, in the end, feel significant not only in a shared apartment, but also in big world Same. So the question is, is your beloved man ready to develop with you or at least not interfere with your personal growth is of great importance. And then, in the end, marriage is not the end of your existence as a person. You, like your lover, have the responsibility to continue to develop and try to achieve your dreams.

Will we stick together in difficult times?

As you know, life is like a zebra, so the white stripe will certainly change to black, the question is how soon this will happen. Each of us needs to know that if we find ourselves in a difficult situation, our loved one will remain with us, will be our support and support. Otherwise, by and large, why is it needed at all? If this is truly love, no difficulties should prevent you from being together; on the contrary, problems only bring those who truly love each other even closer together. But the question is: is your partner ready for difficulties? Does he agree to share not only joy and success with you?

Are you ready to give up some things in favor of a relationship?

Since childhood, we have associated the word “love” with love for family and friends, for our favorite dog or toy. And it is very difficult sometimes to switch to feelings for opposite sex. In childhood, love was unselfish. We were loved for who we were and did not demand anything in return. And as we grow up, we understand that in our lives we need to sacrifice something in the name of love. Personal time, habits or style. However, when love is mutual, then all our sacrifices become justified. To save your marriage, you need to be able to prioritize correctly. No, this does not mean at all that immediately after a stamp appears in your passport, you will certainly have to say goodbye to friends, hobbies and everything that you loved before the wedding. However, it is necessary for both you and your chosen one to understand that now you have something more important, so between a family outing to the store and watching a football match, the man will most likely have to make a choice not in favor of football. Don't forget to ask him if he is ready to make such sacrifices for the sake of love?

Will you support me when I need it?

Not only financially, but also spiritually. Sometimes we just need support. And when real trouble happens, and even if it’s just a hard day. By the way, this does not mean at all that you need to move mountains every day for our sake (although it would, of course, be nice); just a hug when we are sad and lonely is enough.