Who are the Illuminati? Illuminati sign. Who are the Illuminati and Zionists? Illuminati religion

Who are the Illuminati? Their sect began its ascent in the 2nd century. A bunch of priests among the incredible Greek nature began to worship the cruel and vengeful goddess Cybele. It was at the suggestion of the high priest that the cult got its name. The worshipers of the goddess performed bloody rites, especially sadistic ones during the reception of new members of the sect. Temple priests drove themselves into a frenzy and inflicted deep cuts with sharp daggers, and the neophyte had to castrate himself in order to enter a new life. From all the rituals breathes mysticism and blood.

What are they

Who are the Illuminati? They considered themselves "enlightened", because their secret knowledge was shrouded in a veil of secrets and mysticism, which caused the appearance of legends. Some of the believers came to the conclusion: if a person in past births served the cult of the Illuminati, then all the following incarnations must atone for the atrocities that the Illuminati committed in being. According to hidden data, the secret organization has been thriving for over 2,000 years. They changed their appearance and functioned in various countries, but retained the original name "Illuminati".

Seven Illuminati have passed the highest degree of initiation. Even before they are born, a woman is chosen for them to be their mother. For the Illuminati, who had the lowest degrees of initiation, they chose especially smart and developed children, but with a lack of conscience and compassion. Members of the order clearly follow orders and know their direction of activity. But if they go astray, they will immediately die. Each Illuminati considers himself unsurpassed and exceptional. The members of the society manipulate the governments of the countries and create the rules of life for the people. Thanks to them, international conflicts and crises flare up, leading to the collapse of great powers.

The Illuminati are unfamiliar with the feeling of pity, compassion, reverence, they are called to dominate people. They do not trust anyone, prudent, scrupulous, cruel and heartless. Fanatics offer material goods to gifted people in order to use their inventions in various fields of activity.

There is another more fantastic claim that the Illuminati order appeared 6,000 years ago. This story is voiced in the Masonic legend, which claims that it was at the dawn of mankind that extraterrestrial entities presented the Sumerians with the Book of Power carved on stone. A little later, the Egyptians rewrote it on papyri in order to hide it from the eyes of the uninitiated.

Who are the Illuminati? According to another version, they appeared during the Middle Ages. The secret order patronized famous scientists who opposed the Inquisition. Membership in the organization is attributed to such brilliant scientists: Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus. A parallel was drawn between the scientists of the Middle Ages and antiquity, it seems that since ancient times the order has collected ancient Greek scientists and philosophers under its wing.

The birth of the Illuminati society. Founder

A new Illuminati society was born in France in 1722. The enterprising law professor Adam Weishaupt is considered its founder. He lost his father at a young age, so he received his first education among the walls of the Jesuit gymnasium. He encountered early the ignorance and cruelty of the Jesuit teachers, so he developed an aversion to the tenets of the faith.

At the age of 15, he enters the University of Ingolstadt, where dogmatism and illiteracy also flourish. Adam brilliantly defended his doctorate, and quickly became a law professor at his alma mater. His attempts to understand church truths lead him to the society of Freemasons. The young scientist was ordained a member of the Lodge of Strict Obedience. In two years, he rapidly goes through all the existing stages of initiation, but they already seem empty and meaningless to him. Weishaupt decides to create his own secret society. He puts the primary task of establishing a "golden age" on earth through a bloodless revolution.

Adam passionately hated his Jesuit teachers, but adopted their discipline and tactics. He liked the ability of mentors to use a huge arsenal of means to achieve their goals. Therefore, he believed that the achievement of the highest goal justifies the means spent. The ambitious professor decided to create a society for the reconstruction of the world, thanks to the influence of the Jesuit school, coupled with the postulates of the Masonic lodges. Weishaupt believed that enterprising and active people should become members of the new society. He preached: “Search for the rich and noble. The ideal convert will be a sociable and agile person, but even better if he turns out to be noble and influential.

The number of members of the order soon numbered 2,000 people. The organization functioned until 1786, and after the order of the elector was dissolved. The police searched the houses where the representatives of the elite lived. A pile of papers was found confirming that the existence of the Illuminati was sponsored by the Rothschild clan.

Secrets of the Order of the Illuminati

The Order of the Illuminati, in spite of everything, continues to secretly exist. Now the society has turned into a closed club of oligarchs, linked by financial benefits and business contracts. The oligarchs have a strict hierarchical distribution, so each controls his own area of ​​power. The rich pull the strings in all areas of human political and economic activity. Members of the elite club are in the highest positions, and at the present time they call themselves the "Victorious Wind of Moria".

Who are the Illuminati? They are also called "black nobility", because only they dictate their conditions and rules of action for world governments. Their genealogy is lost in the mists of time and goes back thousands of years. They are very scrupulous in matters of blood, so from generation to generation they take care of its purity. The power of the Illuminati rests not only on wealth and power, but also on secret knowledge. They own the oil business, the world banks, commercial industries and organizations.


The Illuminati triangle stands for power and unity. It is often depicted as a pyramid, found ubiquitously on dollars, buildings, logos, and even movies. The pyramid is a symbol of the hierarchy that is in the universe. The symbol helps to move from the lowest plane of fragmentation and weakness to the highest plane of unity. According to legend, the shape of the pyramid was not chosen by chance. The rays of the figure converge at the top into one point, which means unity for humanity. The pyramid has 13 steps, and at the top is the all-seeing eye. Society consists of 13 degrees of initiation, which can be clearly seen on the 13 steps of the pyramid on dollar bills.

Society symbol

Everyone has seen the symbol of the Illuminati. There is a large pyramid seal on the US dollar, and an eye is drawn in a triangle above it. The pyramid is an occult emblem denoting unity, the desire to achieve light harmony. The Great Seal signifies change and knowledge of the essence or the New World Order. Below the figure is inscribed Novus Ordo Seculorum, or "New Secular Order". The eye, enclosed in a triangle, is a radiant delta that calls for enlightenment and constant change.

The pentagram or star, the sign of the UN, the Star of David, the base of the coat of arms of the USSR completely repeat the signs of the order. The roots of the figure are from Ancient Egypt, where they worshiped the deity of the Sun, and if you look at the origins themselves, then the worship of Lucifer is at the head of the magic sign. The concept of "illuminati" means "enlightened", and more specifically - "associated with the light", and Lucifer is his angel.

The seal depicts a bald eagle holding an olive branch in one paw and 13 arrows in the other. There is a scroll in the eagle's beak, where the slogan "one" is inscribed, 13 stars are drawn above the bird's head. 13 (this is the number of steps of initiation into the order of the Illuminati) is the number of Satan or a figure from the Jewish Kabbalah.

Signs of adherents of society

Signs of ranks of initiation - rhombus, pyramid, eye in a triangle or pyramid. The pyramid denotes a power structure when a group of "chosen ones" is at the head of the world. The symbol is enhanced if the eye hovers over an unfinished pyramid, then the All-Seeing Eye means. An inverted triangle is also used.

The sign of three sixes denotes the number of the beast, it is used as an oath of allegiance to Satan. When the number is shown in front of the eye, it represents the eye of Lucifer.
The sign of the "devil's horns" is an expression of love for Satan. Researchers believe this is a hypnotic trigger used to program the obedience of slaves.

The Illuminati sign "The All-Seeing Eye" denotes service and allegiance to Satan and the Illuminati.

Card incarnation

In 2013, a deck of Illuminati cards, the Tarot, was published. She is bright and memorable. The deck is the work of artist Eric K. Dunn. According to the author, the Illuminati Tarot calls a person to knowledge and opening the gates to a fantasy world. The plots of the Arcana are very carefully drawn with attention to small details, although the colors used are the most catchy. At first, this ratio is tiring, but after getting used to the style of the Tarot, the Illuminati cause admiration for the skill of the artist. Dunn highlights the structure of the Major Arcana through the prism of the embodiment of divine radiance, which is depicted in the drawings as the Sun, the light of the Moon and the brilliance of the Stars. The Minor Arcana are depicted in various costumes:

  • The wands depict Persian culture with the scorching Sun and vast expanses.
  • The swords are shown in the relative austerity of the Elizabethan era, with gloomy skies and mountain slopes.
  • Cups is an enchanting fantasy with waterfalls, lakes and fountains.
  • Pentacles will introduce you to the exotics of the Far East.

Card game

Back in 1995, the Illuminati card game appeared, which became famous after the fall of the twin towers, and this is the image on one of the cards. Time has passed, and events repeat the pictures on the deck. There are more than 500 cards in the deck.

It is divided into three groups: actions or events, individuals or groups, and 9 Illuminati cards. Everyone has heard about the mysterious organization "Union of Nine Unknowns", ruling the world since ancient times. According to legend, all the knowledge inherited from ancient civilizations is described in nine books. Each of them is protected by its Guardian.

Secrets of the Illuminati

There are many rumors about the Illuminati: from fiction to truth. What is true here - only members of society know, and we should only guess. Some argue that the Illuminati are in collusion with aliens, they conduct illegal experiments on people, hide important knowledge and information from society. There are fantastic speculations about underground bases controlled by reptilian beings.

If the Illuminati have secretly occupied power, then they have sufficient means to hide and veil their secrets.

Basic postulates of society

The Illuminati clearly outlined their postulates in the book The New Testament of Satan.

The main place in the art of manipulating human consciousness is the capture of public opinion. It is necessary to plant discord and doubt, to sow misunderstanding and contradiction between people. Such a delicate process should lead to the loss of their own opinion, then the peoples will decide to rely on the Illuminati in political matters. The press should stir up interest in the inability of the current government to make the right decisions, so popular discontent will increase.

The second sacrament is considered to be the raising to the forefront of human weakness, mistakes and habits - to such a state when people stop finding compromises. It is necessary to defeat the power of the individual - it is she who represents the danger. If it is saturated with creative energy, then more will rise than a million weak-willed people. Through hatred, envy, hunger, deprivation, war, devastation and the spread of disease, absolutely all nationalities must come to the conclusion that there is no other way out than to surrender to the power of the Illuminati.

Illuminati conspiracy

The goal of the conspirators is the imposition of a New World Order or the unification of world states under a single government. It must control the entire planet, while moral, state, religious, state and national boundaries will be eliminated. Control of people will be carried out by introducing a microchip. The doctrine says that the “Golden Billion” will be reached, according to its canons, the population will be reduced to one billion.

Society in Russia

Are there Illuminati in Russia? Yes. Their community is also located on the territory of our country. The task of the Illuminati is to achieve unity and equality on earth, which will give people Light. How they will achieve this is not known, everything is shrouded in mystery. Perhaps only the initiated reveal the truth, but for ordinary mortals it is behind seven locks.

While you mockingly read notes about "conspiracy theories", secret societies and the management of world processes, the chosen ones of this world silently change the course of history in their favor ...

The Illuminati are members of a secret society of the elect, eager to establish a new World Order, led by their own government and a single currency.

To this day, conspiracy theorists argue about the time frame of the origin of society - starting from antediluvian times, the period of antiquity, the Middle Ages, or even the intervention of extraterrestrial otherworldly forces. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of the Illuminati is present in each of the listed historical milestones, not to mention the present. The basis of their worldview of society is the occult and service to Lucifer. Yes, yes, the one who was expelled from Heaven and became Satan!

Given that the Illuminati society (although it changed its name many times) is secret, and all the rules and goals have always been kept in the bitterest secret, the frantic struggle against God affected their activities.

Even the "New Testament of Satan" - the ideological document of the Illuminati, first received publicity only in 1875 after the courier delivering it from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning!

Carefully! Even a few theses from this covenant can shock you:

  1. In the matter of managing people, mastering public opinion, sowing discord and planting conflicting views, soulless music and literature.
  2. Put people's weaknesses and bad habits at the forefront until they no longer understand each other, make people chase after pleasures, etc.
  3. Through envy, wars, hunger and artificially created diseases, bring people to a situation, the only way out of which will be to surrender to the Illuminati!

The ranks of the Illuminati were replenished with the best members after special selection and training. Their level was determined by the degree of initiation into the secrets. Only seven were admitted to the highest degree! Each Illuminati knows about his chosenness and exclusivity, he clearly fulfills the task, because for its failure - death.

All spheres of life are subordinated to a secret society - political, financial, scientific, sociological. And here are the most common symbols:

  1. The pyramid is like an abyss between the "enlightened" elite and the rest.
  2. All-Seeing Eye (Eye of Osiris, Eye of Horus).
  3. Inscription in Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ("New World Order").
  4. Head of Baphomet (horns).

Well, let's check how the modern chosen ones of this world change the course of history in their favor, and once again make sure of their existence?

Is there an even more coveted banknote in the world?

2. 13 Obama Candles

The list of the thirteen most powerful Illuminati of our time includes families such as Astor, Freeman, Kennedy, Rothschild, Rockefeller, or rather, all those who own world banks, the oil business, and write rules for rulers in their spare time!

From the first steps in her career, the singer realized what was happening. And the second pop queen never appeared! Do you think by chance?

4. Show business stars

In the entertainment industry, there are names that do not hide their belonging to the Illuminati society at all. They carry their symbolism and gestures not only through their work, but also in everyday life. And agree, aren't they the most popular?

Well, take a closer look, are you and your parents worshiping these Illuminati? And do not deny that Lego is not your child's favorite toy.

Although the main "childish" intrigue will be revealed to you a little later ...

You will know them by their fruits!

“Listen to me and do everything, as it is sung in this song “smoke weed ... kill and get drunk” - is this really just a line from his song ???

7. Keshi tattoo

And this is just the beginning...

9. Rihanna is an Illuminati princess!

This is a still from Rihanna's music video for "Umbrella".

In the Western press, Riri has long been called, none other than the "Princess of the Illuminati." However, she does not deny it.

What was the name of one of her albums? Isn't "Good Girl Gone Bad" - "Good Girl Gone Bad"? And we still haven't mentioned a word about her producer Jay-Z!

10. Beyoncé

Hey, our puzzle is coming together soon. Be careful!

Well? What couple in the world of show business can be called the most popular and richest? And who gave them the opportunity to be so? Or maybe you remember at least one performance by a rapper without the symbols of the Illuminati - the All-Seeing Eye in a triangle, the "Eyes of Horus" and the "Head of Baphomet"? And by the way, Jay-Z is never photographed near the cross!

And this inscription on your own clothing line where was it borrowed from?

Looks like the little girl didn't have a choice...

13. Fancy Cans of Pepsi

"You are the Pepsi generation." And how many generations since 1989?

14. Quote from the 41st US President George W. Bush

15. ...and his pyramid

16. MTV Canada Office

Yes, this is the temple of the Masons!

Get ready, the symbols of the secret society of the Illuminati, consisting entirely of the most successful and influential people on the planet, you will meet more and more often!

22. Advertisement for Nickelodeon children's channel

Are you still wondering why this channel has the highest ratings?

23. Cartoon characters SpongeBob

The fact that the Illuminati secretly manage the entire historical process, we have already guessed. But why is SpongeBob the new childhood idol???

Scientists from the University of Virginia have been sounding the alarm for a long time, having found in fans of a strange cartoon character a decrease in concentration and mental abilities, unconscious and chaotic actions, but the goal has been achieved ... And isn't this necessary for absolute power?

By the way, have you noticed that the seven main characters have to embody one of the seven deadly sins? Let's check?

And if that evidence wasn't enough, get ready to see...

Yes, yes, this is Squidward in the Masonic Lodge, the All-Seeing Eye and the pyramid, and it seems that from this moment on, everything secret will become even more obvious to you!

The Illuminati or "enlightened ones" - they have always been hidden by a veil of secrecy and therefore gave rise to a lot of legends. Before them experienced mystical fear. at different times the name of various associations (orders, brotherhoods, sects, societies) of an occult-philosophical and mystical nature, to varying degrees permitted or secret, often in opposition to political and religious authorities. According to some historians, a person who was an Illuminati in one of his life manifestations, in all his subsequent lives, must atone for sins for crimes committed while being an Illuminati. Historians claim that this secret organization existed for 2,000 years. Acting in various countries and changing their guises, they kept only their name unchanged - "Illuminati".

According to one version, the mention of them, relating to the second century, and they are filled with nightmares. The Illuminati sect appeared in Greece among the adherents of the dark and cruel cult of the goddess Cybele. Its high priest, Montanus, first coined the name. About what the rituals associated with the worship of the goddess were, it is clear from the description of the rite of admission of new members of the sect. Documents that have come down to our time tell how the temple priests in a wild frenzy inflict wounds on themselves with a dagger, and the neophyte himself (a new member of the secret society), as a sign of renunciation of the world and complete departure into the bosom of the goddess Cybele, castrates himself. Their other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror...

Only the seven Illuminati had the highest degree of initiation. Even before birth, a woman was selected for them, who was to become their mother. In the Illuminati with a lesser degree of dedication, especially gifted children with well-developed mental activity and an absolute absence of such a quality as conscience were selected.

The members of this secret society know what they are supposed to do and clearly fulfill the task assigned to them. For refusal to comply with the order - death. Each Illuminati was convinced of his chosenness and exclusivity. They make rules for the people, secretly run the governments of many countries. Their orders cause crises and armed world conflicts. For the Illuminati, a sense of respect, compassion is alien, they want to dominate other people, they do not trust anyone, they are smart, prudent, insensitive and heartless. They use talented people in the field of activity they need, creating good material conditions and providing various benefits.

Among scientists there are those who are sure that the Illuminati order was created 6,000 years ago. Such beliefs are based on the Masonic legend, according to which, around those ancient times, either otherworldly forces or alien beings gave the Sumerian civilization the so-called Book of Power, which was written on stone. Subsequently, the Egyptians copied it on papyri, and strictly guarded it from the uninitiated.

There is also a legend according to which the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages. In those days, the order was a secret educational society of scientists who fought against the persecution of the Inquisition. According to this legend, this secret society included such world-famous scientists as Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Issac Newton. In particular, this is stated in the book of the French journalist Etienne Cassé "A Falsified History". It also says that a similar secret order of scientists who kept secret knowledge from the common people existed in ancient times, and among its participants were famous ancient Greek scientists.

Historians also say that there was another society that was close in its functions to the Illuminati. This is the so-called Philadelphian Society. There are references to it from the beginning of the 14th century. It was organized in France, and Guillard de Cressonessart became the head of the Philadelphia, who proclaimed himself the angel of the Philadelphia church. 1310 - Cressnessar was declared a heretic and imprisoned. In the XVII century, Philadelphia reappeared on the territory of England, they soon moved to France, where one of the Masonic lodges located there appropriated the name Philadelphia.

There is also a version that the secret society of the Illuminati was organized in the second half of the 18th century by a scientist from the University of Ingolstadt (Bavaria), Professor Adam Weishaupt. At the very least, it was at that time, in May 1776, that the Illuminati came out into the open. Then the first neophytes were accepted into the order. At first, the society included only 5 people, but after a few years it already had four branches in different Bavarian cities. 1782 - the number of the order was 300 people, and a few years later - reached 650 people. By that time, the Order had offices not only in Bavaria, but also in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Poland, Holland, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Russia.

It should be noted that the management preferred to work with a different contingent of people. So, if the founder of the order chose talented people from among the students as members of the society, then the other wanted to see the most famous, noble and learned people in the society. The society of the Bavarian Illuminati, thus, included the dukes Karl August of Weimar, Ernest II of Gotha, Ferdinand of Brunswick, many Göttingen professors, including Pestalozzi, Prince Neuvid.

So the number of the Order of the Illuminati reached 2,000 people. The Bavarian Illuminati existed until 1784-1786, after which the order was defeated. Then the decree of the elector appeared, which prohibited the activities of all secret societies and organizations. The Illuminati and Freemasons were forced to close their temples. In the meantime, the police began to conduct searches in the houses of the leadership of these societies, and found many interesting documents. In particular, it was established that the order was secretly financed by the Rothschild clan.

According to some scientists, the top of the Illuminati society did not consist of people at all, but reptilian aliens who were able to take on the appearance of people ...

If we turn to the meaning of the word "Illuminati", then in Latin it means "enlightened". The Illuminati, judging by some reports, exist in our time. And this secret society is hiding under the guise of an elite club of oligarchs, secretly woven together by financial ties. All these oligarchs are distributed along a clear hierarchical ladder and control power, being, in fact, puppeteers in all significant areas of political and economic life. Members of this club occupy the highest positions. Lately, they've been calling their organization none other than the Victorious Wind of Moraya.

Most of them are among the wealthiest families in the world, and it is they who rule the world from the shadows. This is the so-called "black nobility", the people who make decisions dictate the rules for rulers and governments. Their genealogy goes far back centuries and even millennia. At the same time, it is especially important for them to preserve the purity of blood from generation to generation. The power of these people is based not only on economic power, but also on secret knowledge. The Illuminati are the owners of the world banks, the oil business, they own the largest trading organizations and industries.

In the list of the 13 most powerful Illuminati of our time, the Bundy families, Astor, Collins, Freeman, Du Pont, Lee, Kennedy, Onassis, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Van Duyne, Russell and Merovingian (this name means all the royal European families). Several other families have close ties with these people, in particular, Disney, Reynolds, Mac Donald and Croup.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to create a one world order and one. This goal brings the Illuminati very close to the influential US/British secret society The Committee of 300, which is likely part of the larger Illuminati system.

In the end, we should not forget that the Illuminati over the centuries created subsidiaries and, in addition, political currents. In them, perhaps, were Freemasons, and Philadelphia, and fascists, and communists, and the Illuminati itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have repeatedly managed to change power in different states of the world, play people off in wars, extracting incredible profits from everything ...

In Wikipedia, the Illuminati are defined as various associations of an occult-philosophical persuasion, a kind of organization secretly participating in the management of world political processes, influencing the course of history.

In SaLuSa from Sirius, great importance is placed on information about the end of the reign of the Illuminati and their expected mass arrests. The Portal 2012 website says that the arrests will be carried out by the Resistance Movement, an underground group that consists mainly of former agents of the US special services and the military.

The article by Svetlana Fridrik "The Illuminati" says that a person is an Illuminati in one of his incarnations, during subsequent lives he works out his crimes committed in that life when he was an Illuminati.

The secret organization of the Illuminati has existed on the planet for about 2000 years, often changing its name to distract people from themselves, covering their tracks and confusing people. What is hidden from people's eyes always works for Darkness. None of the Illuminati will ever openly declare themselves Illuminati, as for this he is threatened with death. Each Illuminati greatly values ​​their life, although they know about a series of many incarnations. The conscience of each Illuminati is blocked by the main dominant, which is put into his head by mentors and works until his death.

Depending on their personal qualities, the Illuminati were specially selected and trained accordingly. Depending on the degree of initiation into the secrets of the secret government of the Earth, the degree of personal training was determined. The seven major Illuminati had the highest degree of initiation. Even before birth, they carefully chose the future mother. The article by Stewart A. Sverdlov "The Hierarchy of the Illuminati" refers to the thirteen ruling families of the Illuminati: the Rothschilds, Bruce, Cavebdisch, De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefellers, Romanoffs, St. Clair, Warburg (del Blanco), Windsor.

The Illuminati, who had a lesser degree of initiation into the secret of the affairs of the Dark Ones, were chosen among the most capable and talented children with well-developed mental activity and with an initially absent conscience. Each Illuminati knows that he is an Illuminati, knows the scope of his duties, and always performs every task to perfection. Disobeying an order given from above is suicide for the Illuminati. There is a rigid and harsh hierarchy in the organization, each Illuminati knows only what he is supposed to know. All Illuminati are the highest professionals in their fields.

In the head of each Illuminati lies his personal dominant, which drives him through life. The Illuminati are convinced of their exclusivity and chosenness, in their personal strength. The Illuminati create the rules of life for other people, they secretly control the rulers and governments of different countries, their finances and media are hidden. By their secret orders, wars and crises begin on the planet.

The Illuminati fanatically carry out their tasks without asking themselves: “Am I being honest?”. Their conscience is blocked by the dominant. They choose the future Illuminati, taking into account not only the strength of a person, but also his weakness. The weak point of the Illuminati is its desire for personal superiority over people. The Illuminati have no respect for other people. There is no self-respect either, he knows one thing: "The boss is always right, I am faithful to him to death." The Illuminati believe in nothing and no one except their boss. This organization has the most severe structure of unquestioning obedience. The Illuminati are smart, cold, calculating, heartless and insensitive to people. They are convinced of their exclusivity and the correctness of their boss. They act prudently, fearlessly and coolly. Gifted people are used by the Illuminati, providing them with high monetary pay and excellent material conditions, calming their conscience with the words "for good."

In the Illuminati article, Svetlana Fridrik says that the purpose of the Illuminati on the planet is to store and transmit knowledge to each of the Seven Dead at the appointed hour. All the Seven Dead and their helpers need living people, their inner Light. The Dead themselves are not capable of carrying knowledge, they have nothing to carry and store it in. They have no soul, Light and love inside. Inside each of them is icy darkness and fierce fear. Inside them is a black funnel without a bottom instead of a soul that sucks in the living Light of people.

The Illuminati tracked the incarnations of the Dead, giving them the necessary knowledge and money. For example, the Dead Lenin at the appointed hour was given money for a revolution in Russia. The two dead men, Stalin and Hitler, were given the necessary knowledge and signs at the appointed time.

The articles "" and "" talked about the harmful effects on the development of mankind of some alien civilizations, such as the Annunaki Reptiles and Zeta Dragons. The role of reptoids in the secret organization of the Illuminati is revealed by Stewart A. Sverdlov in the article "The Hierarchy of the Illuminati".

So at one of the meetings of the Illuminati club, an "important guest" was introduced - a representative of the reptoids, who, on the instructions of the reptoids with Draco, oversees the state of affairs on planet Earth. The name of the Head of the World Secret Society of the Illuminati is Pindar, (the abbreviation of Pinnacle of the Dragon, meaning "the dragon's penis"), symbolizing control, supreme power, penetration, expansion, fear and invasion. The tasks of the Head of the Illuminati Society were to provide directly to the head of the Reptoids, who is under the Earth, a report on the activities of the organization. In recent centuries, the holders of the title of Pindar were representatives of the Rothschild family. Location of Pindar near Frankfurt in Germany.

In the late 1970s, Pindar ran a sister Montauk project called Malda, an anagram of Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Activation. Interestingly, the winery located near Montauk Point is called Pindar Vineyards. Red wine is a symbol of the blood that enters the body of reptoids.

On planet Earth, the Secret Society of the Illuminati has created a pyramidal governance structure, just like Draco's reptoid empire. The symbol of such a control structure is a pyramid with a reptoid eye. Such a symbol is depicted on the American banknote in denominations of one dollar. Pindar is represented as the golden top of the pyramid.

The next layer represents the thirteen ruling families of the Illuminati, each of which has its own domains, each of them is given specific tasks, such as control over the mind, the global economy, religion, military equipment and the media. Each of the Illuminati families is part of the Council of Thirteen. For the Illuminati, the number 13 is of great importance, because out of the twelve types of energies, ten can be used for mind control. The Illuminati knows that there are thirteen signs of the zodiac. For centuries, the thirteenth sign of Ophiuchus, the symbol of the dragon, has been kept secret in order to hide the mental model of the reptoids.

The next layer of the pyramid is the "Committee of 300", consisting of three hundred families of the Illuminati, which are subordinate to Pindar and the "Council of thirteen". Representatives of the Illuminati who are members of the "Committee of 300" DNA is very similar to the DNA of reptoids, members of the "Council of Thirteen" have a modified DNA.

To achieve its goals, the "Committee of 300" used many institutions and organizations, such as: the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Relations, the Internal Revenue Service, the National Security Agency, the Bilderburg Club, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund, CIA, Interpol, Mossad. These organizations and corporations, trying to look like public institutions, designed to help countries and peoples, but in fact are in the power of the Illuminati, which, in turn, are controlled by reptoids. The Illuminati created such artificial states as the USA, Switzerland, Israel, Kuwait, Panama, many African countries, all Arab and Latin American countries to achieve their goals. Switzerland was created as a neutral country for the purpose of preserving the treasures of the Illuminati during the wars. Thirteen colonies were originally founded in America, and the American flag originally consisted of thirteen stars (today thirteen stripes). The American symbol, the Eagle, has thirteen arrows in its claws. The first American bank was founded in Virginia with the direct participation of the Rothschilds. US assets belong to the Vatican.

Everyone knows that America is named after Amerigo Vespucci. It turns out that this is not so. America is a combination of the phrases: AM (from the Hebrew עם "people"), ERI (from the Latin "love" and from the Hebrew אריה "lion"), RICA (from the Spanish "rich"), Ka (from the Egyptian "fortitude" in the body, "soul"). There are two semantic meanings. It can be translated from Hebrew and Egyptian as "The people of the lion with spirit force" ("The people with the strength of the spirit of a lion"). Or perhaps an anagram of Lyra-Sirius-Draco, or an LSD drug created by the Illuminati. The combination of these three civilizations could create the most powerful technological empires in the universe.

It is interesting that in 1776 the US Declaration of Independence was adopted, according to which a new state was created, and Adam Weishaupt publicly announced the existence of an official organization of the Illuminati, which consisted of the European elite and contributed to the development of mankind. This is not a coincidence, but part of the Illuminati rite. The US has served as a tool to achieve public acceptance of the Illuminati. According to the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, the prototype of George Washington, is depicted on the one dollar bill.

There is a constant rivalry among the thirteen ruling families of the Illuminati for control of the territories. For a long time, the British, Spanish, and French Illuminati fought for control of North and South America. The Rothschilds sent Hesse troops to monitor the situation during World War II. The leaders of the Illuminati use wars to pit each other against each other to see which side will win. For them, millions of ruined lives do not matter!

How can we survive in this world? Loving our neighbor, seeing ourselves as part of everything, according to the Law of One, expanding our consciousness will help us survive in this complex world in the hope of an end to the rule of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati were called several secret groups operating from the Middle Ages to our time, societies - both existing and fictitious. Of course, we only know the revealed or revealed groups. And one can only speculate about truly successful secret societies.

Usually, under the Illuminati, they understand, first of all, the society of the Bavarian Illuminati - the most disclosed of all secret societies. Self-disclosure followed because of the strife, although it may be - in order to divert attention from the real ones. To begin with, let's get acquainted with at least the known about the "light-bearing".

What kind of light and to whom did the enlightened bring?

In 1650 in Rome, a group of scientists, including mathematicians, physicists and astronomers, rebelled against church dogma. At secret meetings, they discussed methods of opposing religious teachings and fighting for the authority of science.

The group called themselves the Enlightened Ones or the Illuminati (from the Latin illuminati, "carrying light"). The Catholic Church fought the Illuminati with the utmost cruelty. They were caught, tortured and executed. So they had to flee Italy.

But the secret brotherhood expanded every year. Then they joined the Freemasons, whom they managed to use mercilessly for funding. At first, only scientists were members of the society, later almost all outcasts of the Catholic faith joined it - Jews, mystics, alchemists, Muslims ...

At first bright thoughts about the triumph of science turned into a war with the Catholic Church. Presumably, the Illuminati society still exists today.

Destroy everything for complete freedom - the end justifies the means

The Bavarian Illuminati Society was founded by law professor Adam Weishaupt at the University of Ingolstadt on May 1, 1776. It can be described simply as a radical offshoot of the Enlightenment, which was then gaining momentum.

The founder of the "Order" was a well-known supporter of deism, and under his leadership the group actively contributed to the dissemination and popularization of this doctrine. The official goal was the improvement and ennoblement of all mankind.

Weishaupt argued that a person is not bad by nature, but the environment, primarily religion and the state, makes him so, taking away the natural rights to equality and freedom.

Thus, if a person is freed from the pressure of social institutions, he will be guided exclusively by cold reason and knowledge, so moral problems will disappear by themselves.

To achieve enlightenment, Weishaupt suggested using all possible methods, arguing that the end justifies the means.

Breakdown and self-disclosure

All this was also a personal struggle of Weishaupt, brought up by the Jesuits, against the Church, the head of which Pope Clement XIV in 1773 banned the Jesuit order.

At the beginning, the society attracted new members from the professorship, but soon the resource was exhausted - with the exception of two, all the professors joined. I had to go to external sources, but still the order grew slowly.

Weishaupt joined the Munich Masonic lodge. The attraction of a large number of Freemasons and rapid growth became possible thanks to the activities of Baron Xavier von Zwak. As a result of the Wilhelmsbad Congress carried out by the Freemasons to converge the positions, many lodges fell under the influence of the Illuminati.

But active growth attracted the attention of the authorities, and opposing currents formed inside. The organization was shaken by numerous scandals due to adultery, theft and deceit. Weishaupt himself had an affair with his cousin, as a result of which she became pregnant.

The conflict with Weishaupt forced the second main member of the brotherhood, Baron von Knigge, to leave the Order. Others followed him. And the heyday was largely due to the organizational talents of von Knigge.

Still, the secret society continued to exist, although recruitment was declared a crime punishable by beheading. So there is no exact evidence that the order finally disintegrated, and did not go much deeper underground.

Organization and initiation

Many traditions and rituals of the Illuminati were borrowed from the Freemasons. The core was the Areopagus of 12 approximate Weishaupt. They were even called apostles. The whole structure included 6 steps of initiation. The Illuminati did not openly recruit into their ranks. The Order itself selected and recruited members.

The convert participated in circles devoted to the study of the philosophers of the Enlightenment. True goals and methods were not revealed to him. With each new level of initiation, more truth was revealed. The Illuminati constantly monitored each other to identify possible traitors.

The order had representations in almost all countries of Europe. But its number probably never exceeded 2000 people. After entering the order of Baron von Knigge, it became possible to recruit people from high society. The poet Goethe, the Dukes of Weimar and Gotha entered...

Conspiracy theories are reality

There are many conspiracy theories associated with the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies in general. The motivation of secret societies is the thirst for domination, control over resources.

The priest Augustine de Baruel wrote the book "Memoirs to the History of Jacobinism", where he described a global conspiracy involving many secret groups that were coordinated by the Illuminati. He believes that the result of this was the French Revolution.

Former Scottish Freemason Professor of Natural Philosophy John Robison also published The Evidence of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe.

The Revolution in Russia and the American State Press

Much points to the involvement of the Illuminati in the 1917 revolution in Russia. The most striking is the coincidence of the dates of the May Day holiday and the date of the founding of the Order.

There is a version that many of the founding fathers of the United States, being Freemasons, were also Illuminati. On the reverse side of the state seal is an image of an unfinished pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye - the symbol of the Illuminati - above it.

Although it is unlikely that in a very short time the new secret organization managed to gain a powerful influence at such a great distance. But that's why it's secret... Who knows?