Leonidas briefly. Lenya (male name)

Leonid is characterized by optimism and confidence, his aspirations are based on an interest in life.

The name Leonid is translated from Greek as “derived from a lion”, “like a lion”, “lion cub”.

Origin of the name Leonidas:

The name Leonid comes from the ancient Greek language. It was given to boys who were to become warriors.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leonid:

From childhood, Leonids are demanding of others and squeamish in everyday life. The Leonid child does not tolerate sloppiness, uncleanliness, tasteless and poorly cooked food. They are often sickly, often injured and miss school, but academic performance rarely suffers from this - Leonids grasp knowledge on the fly and willingly catch up. They are morbidly orderly and ambitious, tending to adults in early childhood and may be afraid of their peers.

Leonid usually clearly represents his profession and work and calmly and confidently goes to the chosen goal. The inner harmony between strength, confidence and curiosity awakens in him a strong interest in the new and the unknown. An excellent sense of time helps them to cope with all the tasks. He achieves great success in his field, but he should avoid unjustified risks and adventures - Leonid does not have a very sensitive intuition, although he is capable of a quick and clear analysis of the situation.

Leonid is friendly, sociable and does not like quarrels and disputes. He is compliant, non-aggressive and diplomatic, but if his moral principles are strongly offended, he can become hard to the point of cruelty, vindictive and vengeful. As a leader, he is rational and persuasive, knows how to manage people, but has nothing against obeying. With friends, he is easy and funny, loves joint trips to nature and willingly organizes them.

The fate of the Leonids is often difficult, with many ups and downs. The hardships of life that have fallen upon them can strengthen their natural isolation and suspiciousness. Many Leonids become hypochondriacs from morbid anxiety about their health. They carefully protect their pride, react sharply to public criticism.

On the love front, the Leonids are greedy and impulsive. Leonid, who conquers a woman, is swift as a lion, but he experiences failure acutely, licking his spiritual wounds for a long time. He is demanding, longs for constant change, sharp feelings and new experiences, and sometimes his chosen ones simply cannot keep up with him. In addition to flexibility and resemblance to his own character, Leonid really appreciates a quick and lively mind in his partner. Smart women do not scare him away, but attract him. In sexual life, he is selfish and dominant, but at the same time he can be shy, he does not immediately “open up”.

Leonid expects a lot from marriage, it is difficult to live with him - he needs to be constantly surprised, or at least not disappointed. Many Leonid families broke up due to the fact that his wife did not cook tasty enough or did not know how to set the table and keep the house clean and comfortable. Subconsciously craves new experiences, can not stand the routine and base life. He is always affectionate and attentive to children, respectful to parents. Admirer of family and friendly gatherings.

Born in spring and summer, Leonids are reliable and faithful in love, "autumn" ones are hardworking and gifted, "winter" ones are cold, have a heightened sense of justice.

Leonid's relations with women named Svetlana, Lyudmila, Alla, Natalya and Kira are developing successfully, but life with Zhanna, Tatiana and especially Galina can be difficult.

The meaning of the name Leonid: means "descendant of a lion". This affects the character and fate of Leonid.

Origin of the name Leonidas: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form: Lenya, Leonya, Lenyusya, Leonidka.

What does the name Leonid mean? it comes from the ancient Greek Leonidas, which comes from the word "leon". Leonidas is translated as "descendant of a lion". Another meaning is "like a lion". A guy with this name highly appreciates moral principles, he is diplomatic and flexible in communication, but he will not allow himself to be deceived - he smells a lie right away. In love, Leonid most of all pays attention to the intellectual abilities of a woman.

Patronymic name Leonid: Leonidovich, Leonidovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: Leonid celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 16 (9) - St. Martyr Leonid and his comrades (III century) were drowned in the sea on the first day of Pascha for confession of the faith of Christ after torment.
  • July 30 (17) - Saint Leonid, an ascetic of the 17th century, founded a hermitage on the Luza River in the Vologda province.

Signs: On Leonid, July 30, the height of the harvest. The first compressed sheaf is honored - it is called the birthday man. Threshing begins with it in the fall, sick cattle are fed with straw, the grains of the first rye sheaf are considered healing for animals, birds and people.

The meaning of the name for a boy

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Leonid?

Early childhood: As a child, Lenya is a cheerful, sociable, kind boy. Since childhood, Leonid is demanding of others, he claims increased attention and care from adults, cannot stand it when they do not listen to him or interrupt him - in this case, he will throw such a tantrum to his parents that will certainly make them pay attention to his son. Leonid is anxious about his health, if something hurts him, he always informs his mother about it and requires her to take appropriate measures.

Teenager: At school, Leonid strives to study no worse than others, he certainly wants to be a headman or a leader in the company of friends, but classmates and peers do not always agree to see him in this capacity. The guy Leonid is lucky, even getting into an unpleasant situation with friends, as a result he can get a good friend, he himself will be at the height of his position and will be admired, or so sorry that others will become envious ... In a word, he will definitely get some good compensation.

Adult: Leonid is proud and ambitious, a career and a good position in society are extremely important to him. He will strive to achieve significant success in any field of activity that he chooses for himself. Basically, he is attracted to professions that allow him to be famous and popular, for example, Leonid can successfully realize himself in journalism or in the political sphere.

The nature of the name Leonid

Positive features: The name Leonid gives emotionality, enthusiasm, sociability, curiosity. Frequent childhood successes, nevertheless associated with some degree of risk, will develop in the adult Leonid an amazing instinct for people, the ability to predict circumstances, to perceive and comprehend the new.

Lenya is an esthete, but without much charm. In his youth, he is very handsome, but over time he loses this quality. He is a proud person, very sociable, quite dexterous. Lenya quickly adapts to new conditions, knows how to resolve conflicts, gets along with colleagues and superiors.

A man named Leonid is a loyal and reliable friend. He remarkably adapts to people, will be able to resolve any conflict. He can also be firm and principled. Leonid has both a synthetic and analytical way of thinking, which especially helps him in solving complex and intricate problems.

Leonid has a flexible, diplomatic character. This, as they say, is "an absolute friend", loyal and reliable. He has very stable moral principles, and, defending them, he will go to great lengths. He is very proud, although one can only guess about this by the fact that in any business he will try to be better than others (and, as a rule, he succeeds). A man named Leonid is soft and affectionate in circulation; Yes, and with him caress and love you can achieve miracles. Leni has one more rare property: time, as it were, obeys him. In a day, he does not have 24 hours, but much more, he manages to do so many things in a day!

Negative Traits: Leonid brings arrogance, pride, vanity, the desire for luxury. Lenya treats the world around him with indulgence, good-naturedly cool. Attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. In addition, he is squeamish, suspicious, takes his health too seriously.

Name Leonid in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Leonid promise happiness in love? Love for Leonid has a special meaning. She is the meaning of his life. A guy named Lenya manages to combine feeling, sex, pleasure in an amazing way. Women for Leonid are an opportunity to have a good time. He is well versed in female psychology, prefers beautiful, outstanding ladies, and is not afraid of smart ones. For the manifestation of his sexuality, a familiar environment and a familiar woman are needed.

Lenya is not in love, does not allow a woman to command him, will not agree to indulge the whims of a partner, even if he is seriously carried away by her. At the same time, it would be a tragedy for Leonid to marry a cold, not sensual woman.

Leonid is a foodie. He is the same classic type of man, the way to the heart of which lies through the stomach. He can't stand hunger at all. A wife should not only cook well, but also remember that a man is squeamish, and a poorly washed plate can ruin his mood for a long time.

From his wife, Leonid requires fidelity, tolerance for his own shortcomings. He reacts painfully to criticism of his wife, especially if she utters it in the presence of strangers. Jealous, especially when drunk, which often happens because he likes to sit over a bottle of wine with friends. In this case, Lenya does not tolerate any remarks from his wife. So marriage is quite difficult, sometimes unsuccessful. Having been wrecked, having the name Leonid is especially acutely experiencing loneliness and soon creates a new family.

For his children, Leonid is able to be a strict, just father.

Compatibility with female names

Perfect Name Compatibility:

  • Leonid and Alla
  • Leonid and Anna
  • Leonid and Valentina
  • Leonid and Vera
  • Leonid and Veronica
  • Leonid and Lyudmila
  • Leonid and Natalia
  • Leonid and Polina
  • Leonid and Eleanor
  • Leonid and Elvira
  • Leonid and Julia

Unfortunate name compatibility:

  • Leonid and Galina
  • Leonid and Zhanna
  • Leonid and Inessa
  • Leonid and Love
  • Leonid and Tatiana

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Lenya does not shine with special talents and logical thinking, he usually relies on intuition and "maybe", but, nevertheless, he achieves good results in his chosen profession. The range of his professional abilities is very wide. He has developed artistic abilities, especially for painting, a penchant for artistry.

A guy named Leonid attaches great importance to discipline and order. In dreams, he strives for awards, sees himself surrounded by honor and respect. He prefers to follow a sober calculation, which is why he rarely loses in business, and when making a decision, he is not afraid to make a mistake.

The best positive qualities of Leonid are applied in the field of electronics, mathematics, journalism or government activities. Leni has especially skillful hands, he can be a car straightener, a great driver. "Spring" is especially sensitive, it is a musician, actor, satirist, humorist.

Business and career: If life puts Lenya in front of a choice - love or material wealth, then most likely he will choose the latter. Due to his large requests, Leonid cannot live in cramped conditions.

In relations with colleagues and friends, Leonid often demonstrates flexibility and loyalty, he is able to give a person a second chance after he has shown himself not in the best way. However, from time to time Leonid is uncompromising, unnecessarily categorical, stands his ground, not wanting to accept the opponent's arguments.

Name health and energy

Health and talents named after Leonid: The meaning of the name Leonid from the point of view of medicine. There is a risk of injury to the arms, legs, spine.

Leonid Horoscope

Leonid-Aries: temperamental and open personality. With all his might, he strives for recognition in society, values ​​the opinions of others. Leonid is frank in his feelings: without serious intentions, he will never flirt with a woman. He is looking for a partner who would appreciate his dignity.

Leonid Taurus: a loyal person, with noble goals and aspirations. He is endowed with natural charm, is popular with the ladies. Leonid-Taurus does not tolerate instructions and pressure, but he himself is not averse to imposing his opinion, especially in relation to his partner.

Leonid-Gemini: nature is versatile and completely charming. Leonid always expresses his feelings openly, does not tolerate pretense in others. He sincerely admires his chosen one and expects the same reciprocal admiration: in this case, Leonid-Gemini will become a gentle and sensitive partner.

Leonid-Rak: a person is impulsive and somewhat narcissistic. In society, he always tries to present himself as a noble person, to show off his virtues. As a rule, Leonid-Cancer is monogamous, remains faithful to his beloved and will never violate his obligations.

Leonid Leo: haughty, self-confident person. He loves to impose his opinion, while not considering the opinions of other people. Leonid-Lev often offends his partner with his imperiousness and authoritarianism. You should not let him dictate his will, you should delicately show that you also have your own opinion.

Leonid-Virgo: a thoughtful and timid person. He is often possessed by pride, which makes him search for some incomprehensible ideals: an ideal job, friends, relationships with his beloved. At the same time, indecision does not allow him to openly achieve his goals.

Leonid-Libra: a romantic and refined personality. He has a refined manner, with which he misleads women, makes them fall in love with him, and then leaves them without regret. Any obligations burden him, and Leonid-Libra will change only under the influence of really strong sincere feelings.

Leonid Scorpio: a man of power and temper. He does not accept compromises, preferring to defend his own opinion to the end. He is attracted to compliant soft women to whom he could give instructions and who would unconditionally fall under the influence of his personality.

Leonid-Sagittarius: good-natured, sociable, enthusiastic person. He is too fickle in his affections, so in his life there are a large number of novels, as a rule, fleeting and non-committal. Leonid-Sagittarius has a stormy temperament, and he chooses a woman to match.

Leonid-Capricorn: an enterprising and reliable person, but overly demanding in relation to others. He has a clear logical thinking, and in life he is used to thoroughly laying everything out on the shelves. The feelings of Leonid-Capricorn are also thorough and calm, he does not accept passions, love sighs and moonlight walks, so a romantic woman does not suit him.

Leonid-Aquarius: a controversial personality, he puts his interests above the rest. When he achieves his goals, he shows remarkable perseverance, is able to go over the heads for his own benefit. However, for the sake of true love, Leonid-Aquarius can change his character and switch all attention to his beloved woman.

Leonid-Pisces: suspicious nature, sometimes capricious. He has a tendency to hover in his own thoughts and dreams, he is able to lie, and he himself believes in what he says. A rich imagination endows him with the art of courting the fair sex. He has a myriad of partners, however, with his soul he will love only one.

Numerological horoscope named after Leonid

Number 2 will bring happiness and success to Leonid.

The deuce for Leonid symbolizes balance in relationships with others, tact, kindness. At the same time, this number endows Leonid with some selfishness. He is more likely to succeed with good companions than alone. At the same time, it is better for Leonid to be guided in his actions by reason than by feelings and emotions, under the influence of which he often falls.

Leonid is sometimes too passive, he does not dare to put his ideas into practice, but in vain - he can go far thanks to his mind and these brilliant ideas.

Talismans of Leonidas

  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - gold
  • Auspicious tree - cedar
  • Treasured plant - wild rose
  • Patron - lion
  • Talisman stone - diamond

The fate of the name Leonid

  1. Leonidas I, in 488-480 BC. king of Sparta, commanded the allied army at the battle of Thermopylae. The heroic death of his detachment is sung in verse by the author Simonides.
  2. Leonid A. Govorov (1897-1955) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War he commanded an army in the battle of Moscow. After - the air defense forces.
  3. Leonid I. Solomatkin (1837-1883) - Russian artist, one of the most interesting genre painters of the mid-19th century.
  4. Leonid of Tarentum - Leonid from the city of Tarentum; Hellenistic poet, wanderer poet.
  5. Leonid Pcholkin is a Soviet and Russian film director.
  6. Leonid Bykov - famous Soviet director, screenwriter, actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965), People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1974).
  7. Leonid Ramzin - Soviet heating engineer, inventor of the once-through boiler, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1943).
  8. Leonid Filatov - Soviet and Russian actor, director, poet, publicist, People's Artist of Russia (1996), laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of cinema and television, laureate of the Triumph Prize.
  9. Leonid Yakubovich - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, producer, host of the TV game "Field of Miracles", People's Artist of Russia (2002).
  10. Leonid Yarmolnik is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor.
  11. Leonid Amalrik - Soviet director of animated films, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965).
  12. Leonid Yengibarov - mime clown, creator of a new role in the circus: "sad clown", People's Artist of the Armenian SSR.
  13. Leonid Solovyov - Russian Soviet writer, screenwriter, author of the dilogy about Khoja Nasreddin.
  14. Leonid Zhodeiko is a Russian portrait painter.
  15. Leonid Uspensky - an outstanding Russian icon painter, theologian, author of the work "Theology of the Icon of the Orthodox Church".
  16. Leonid Buryak - Soviet football player, coach.
  17. Leonid Martynov is a Russian poet.
  18. Leonid Varpakhovsky - director, screenwriter.

Name translation

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in English as Leonide, in French: Leonide, in Spanish: Leonidas (Leonidas), in Italian: Leonide (Leonide), Leonido (Leonido).

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Leonid
  • Genitive: Leonida
  • Dative case: Leonida
  • Accusative: Leonida
  • Instrumental case: Leonidas
  • Prepositional case: Leonide

The name Leonid is a two-root name of ancient Greek origin. In ancient Hellas, it sounded like Leonidas (Λεωνίδας). Linguists claim that the name comes from the Greek words λέων - "lion" and είδος - "similar" and "descendant". It turns out that the meaning of the name Leonid is "a descendant of a lion" or "like a lion".

The name owes great popularity to Leonidas, the king of Sparta, the Greek city-state. It is with his name that the legend of 300 Spartans and the Battle of Thermopylae is associated.

The meaning of the name Leonid for a child

Leonid grows up as a cheerful and active boy. He is a kind and sociable child, and his sociability is combined with diplomacy even in childhood. The boy easily avoids conflicts and helps others in unpleasant situations. At the same time, Leonid tends to show strong masculine qualities from childhood, so he rarely shows his emotions to other people. He usually has many friends and comrades, as he is simply the embodiment of an ideal friend. Leonid is distinguished by honesty and devotion, which of course attracts people to him.

The boy usually learns well, in which his good innate abilities help him a lot. Leonid easily learns new information, and his memory allows him to remember quickly and for a long time. It is also worth noting the ability to impress others. This often helps Leonid if he came to the lesson unprepared. He usually has a good relationship with teachers, which of course allows him to be somewhat freer in studying the material.

Leonid's health is strong enough, but the boy is often prone to excessive vigilance. From an early age, Leonid shows increased attention to his own health, which often surprises those around him. This remains a characteristic of him even into adulthood. With any oddities with health, he does not hesitate to go to the doctor. The boy is growing quite athletic, which of course has a positive effect on well-being. His passion for physical education will also accompany him all his life.

Short name Leonid

Lenya, Lenka, Leo, Leon, Lid.

Diminutive names

Leonidushka, Lenchik, Lenechka, Lenyushka, Leonchik, Lidushka.

Patronymic of children

Leonidovich and Leonidovna. A common form of folk abbreviation can be called patronymic Leonidich.

Name Leonid in English

In English, the name Leonid is spelled as Leonid.

Name Leonid for passport- LEONID.

Translation of the name Leonid into other languages

in Belarusian - Leanid
in Bulgarian - Leonid
in Greek - Λεωνίδας
Spanish - Leonidas
in Italian - Leonide
in Polish - Leonid
in Portuguese - Leonidas
in Serbian - Leonid
in Ukrainian - Leonid
in French - Léonide
in Czech - Leonid

Church name Leonid(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Leonid.

Characteristics of the name Leonid

An adult Leonid is distinguished by the ability to get along with people, a businesslike approach to life and reliability. Everything is the same as in childhood, Leonid easily finds a language with almost everyone. He knows how to build relationships even with the most difficult people. His ability to understand people often helps him out and helps in life. The same can be said about the business approach to problem solving. Sometimes it seems that Leonid can handle any problem, and this is not far from the truth. Well, his reliability is well-deserved respect from his friends and relatives.

All of the above positive qualities of Leonid are perfectly manifested in the work. The ability to negotiate is especially useful for his career. This makes Leonid an indispensable HR specialist. He also has excellent leadership qualities, which makes it easy to occupy leadership positions. Leonid is no less successful in other industries, but life itself often pushes him up the career ladder.

Leonid builds family relationships with a serious approach. He is very picky about the everyday habits of his partner, so that the future wife will undergo a serious selection. At the same time, his courtship is quite elegant, which almost always reaches the goal. Leonid loves his children, so much so that if he is not stopped, he can spoil them. However, he is still quite strict with his family.

The secret of the name Leonid

The secret of Leonid can be called his ability to manipulate people. Moreover, this is not only a skill, but also one of the constantly used methods to achieve the goal. Leonid very subtly feels the motivation of others, so he can easily push a person to the "right" decision.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Wood- Cedar.

Plant- Rose hip.

Stone- Diamond.

The name Leonid means like a lion or the son of a lion, it comes from the ancient Greek name Leonidas. Other derivative names: Leo, Leo. The short form includes: Lenya, Lech, Leon.

According to the church calendar, Leonid celebrates the day of the angel: April 16 - in honor of St. Leonid, who was drowned in the sea for faith in Christ; July 30 - in honor of the martyr Leonid, who founded the church in the Vologda region.

  • The ruling planet of the name is the Sun;
  • The meaning of the name is suitable for the sign of the zodiac - Leo;
  • The color that attracts good luck and happiness is pale yellow, orange, gold;
  • Totem animal - lion;
  • Charm stone -;
  • The tree that nourishes with strength and positive energy is cedar;
  • A plant that promotes health is a rosehip bush.

Features of the character of Leonid in childhood and adolescence

Little Lenechka grows up as a sunny and cheerful tomboy. He is curious, active, business-like and resourceful beyond his age. He is a very good-natured, charming and sweet boy who is constantly looking for something to do.

This child is very social. Parents will not be afraid to send him to kindergarten, as he quickly adapts to a new place, finds friends, gets used to circumstances and sees positive things in everything.

Lenya from childhood does not like loneliness. His openness, sociability, as well as charming appearance contribute to the fact that he is surrounded by many peers. They see in him an ideological inspirer, involving them in funny ups and downs.

During his school years, Lenchik always does not have enough time, twenty-four hours a day is not enough for him. He is in a hurry to live, paying attention not only to basic subjects, but also attending creative circles, sports sections.

Possessing an analytical mindset, the ability to reason and analyze competently, Lenya begins to understand people well. In addition, he sees a systematic approach in everything, adheres to a certain discipline and order.

This does not mean that Leonid is growing up as a very serious boy and obsessed with self-education. He is artistic, knows how to move well, has a hearing and a voice, shows abilities in music.

For such a versatile nature during this period, the participation of parents is very important. Lenya is a proud, impressionable, vulnerable boy. Therefore, relatives should support his interests and inspire him to achieve.

In high school, Lenya begins to change. He becomes less active and industrious, but still benevolent, sociable, flexible and diplomatic. This young man now needs more affection, attention, love and compliments. Only in this way is he able to show some kind of activity and show a good result.

At this age, he does not try to shine with special talents, he is more lazy, relying on previous merits, experience and intuition. Surprisingly, his certificate will be full of good grades, and he can easily enter a good educational institution.

Lenya is valued at the institute as a good and faithful friend. He is reliable, straightforward and decent, able to resolve any conflict, even if he himself is not involved in it. He likes the role of arbitrator, he feels significant and unique.

Student Lenya is still good looking and attracts a large number of fans. But with girls, he does not behave lightly. Intimacy is possible for him if he trusts his companion and feels a spiritual connection with her.

Leonid often gives preference to girls who have not only good looks, but also intelligence. It is important for him to find out the opinion of his girlfriend on an issue of interest to him, he may need advice or just a kind parting word.

However, the shortest way to Lenchik's heart is through the stomach. He has special gastronomic passions. Perhaps this comes from childhood, when his mother taught him good home cooking. He is very picky about food and often becomes quite a gourmet.

Professional realization, love and health

In mature years, the external brightness and attractiveness of Leonid disappear somewhere. But as for internal qualities, he becomes very businesslike, collected, ambitious, energetic and principled.

In many areas of activity, Leonid can apply his knowledge and skills, achieve his goals, making a successful career. A lively mind, logic in actions, perseverance, developed intuition - in many ways are its advantages. He is also well versed in people, knows how to accurately determine the motivation of a person.

Successful labor activity can take place in the field of science, state or political activity, journalism, and the introduction of new technologies. Leonid, born in the spring, is a creative person. Such a person may well become a famous comedian, artist, pop genre, musician or artist.

Lenya is sometimes dreamy and sentimental, he can imagine himself surrounded by a crowd of fans or at the main prize of the year, where he is awarded an honorary award. Such visions contribute to the fact that he does not deny himself anything, preferring to live in a big way. Therefore, it is very important for him to have a stable, high income.

Personal life and health

As for Leonid's personal life, he just needs to be in a state of love. This gives him a certain meaning of life, brings pleasure in sex, inspires him to implement new original ideas.

Lenya is used to enjoying life, especially when it comes to the family hearth. He will never choose a beautiful but selfish fool as his wife. He is attracted to smart, calm, affectionate and charming people. Only with such a woman Leo will feel happy.

Leonid loves children, but in education he is quite strict and principled. His children most likely will not be spoiled with gifts and expensive toys. But they will receive the best and most prestigious education.

In the family, Leonid pays great attention to order and cleanliness. He will not tolerate dirty dishes in the sink or a layer of dust on the cabinet. But Leva himself is not ready to wash and clean, leaving this responsibility to his wife.

Over the years, Lenya may become less tolerant of others, including those close to him. Dinner not cooked on time or a long conversation between a wife and a girlfriend on the phone - everything can cause conflict and claims from Leo. He is also jealous and quick-tempered.

Therefore, marriage with such a person may seem unbearable for someone, and Lenya is left alone. But Leonid cannot remain a bachelor for long and prefers to start a family a second time.

Good compatibility of the name Leonid with women named:,. Unfavorable alliance with Lily, Zhanna, Taisiya, Dina, Ninel.

Leonid's health throughout his life can be quite stable, as he tries to monitor nutrition, weight, and does not have any particular bad habits. There is a risk of injury to the spine, legs or arms, so you should be careful when choosing a hobby or sport.

Notable people named Leonidas

  • Leonid Bykov - a talented director, actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • Leonid Filatov - actor, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, poet, director;
  • Leonid Yakubovich - popular TV presenter of the folk game "Field of Miracles", actor and producer;
  • Leonid Yarmolnik - film actor, member of the jury of the Cheerful and resourceful club, humorist;
  • Leonid Solovyov - writer of the Soviet era, screenwriter;
  • Leonid Martynov - Russian poet and journalist, translator of foreign authors, laureate of the RV Prize;
  • Leonid Pchelkin - Russian film director;
  • Leonid Solomatkin - nineteenth century artist;
  • Leonid Govorov - Hero of the Soviet Union, marshal, led the army during the battle near Moscow in the Great Patriotic War.

Short form of the name Leonid. Lenya, Lenya, Lenyusya, Lesya, Lesya, Lyoka, Lyokha, Lyosha, Leonidka, Leonya, Ledya, Leo, Leon.
Synonyms for the name Leonid. Lenid, Nelid, Leonidas.
Origin of the name Leonidas The name Leonid is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Leonid comes from the ancient Greek name Leonidas, meaning "like a lion", "son of a lion". From the male name Leonid, the female name is formed - Leonida

All acquaintances and friends of a man named Leonid note the breadth of his nature. Indeed, Leonid is a man with a solid inner core. He has a flexible and fairly diplomatic character, which makes him an indispensable, loyal and reliable friend and companion.

Leonid easily makes new acquaintances. He is undemanding to society, quickly adapts to circumstances. Often Leonid becomes a peacemaker in the circle of his friends, shows firmness and adherence to principles at the right moments. Leonid is a very capable person, the matter is always argued in his hands, and there is literally enough time for everything.

The fate of Leonid is largely determined by his kindness. A man is characterized by the best intentions, for the implementation of which he chooses erroneous ways. From this, the fate of Leonid is not simple and smooth, especially if a man, by chance, has power over other people.

Leonid is sure that showing the mental anguish that torments him is tantamount to a manifestation of weakness and is unworthy of a real man. Often Leonid cares only about satisfying his desires, becoming selfish even in bed. But at the same time, he is well versed in female psychology. On the one hand, high feelings are not alien to this man. However, a poorly washed plate or a tasteless dinner can spoil his mood for a long time.

The man, named after Leonid, is quite quick-witted and easily perceives and comprehends new information. In addition, he is quite hardworking and reasonable. He also appreciates intellectual qualities in other people. So in his wife he will choose one that will not be lower than him in terms of intellectual level. The mind in a weak field does not repel a man, but, on the contrary, only attracts him.

Leonid is characterized by firm moral principles, which he is able to defend and defend with stubbornness. Often, Leonid from childhood gets used to taking care of his health.

In love, Leonid is a gourmet. He is loving, but changeable, and it is not easy to love him. The companion of Leonid must be able to change with him. Usually a man keeps his chosen one in a state of uncertainty, constantly slipping out of her hands. Leonid is very hard to endure the crash in love. He does not imagine a lonely life. In courtship, a man is swift and impulsive. He is quite attractive, but only the woman he is used to will be able to see it. In the endless search for the ideal, Leonid often gets involved in all sorts of love adventures.

Expecting an ideal relationship from life with the chosen one, Leonid is often disappointed, and the marriage is short-lived. A man in family life is pleasant, but rather colorless and quickly boring. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, it can be unreasonably jealous.

Among Leonid's hobbies, the first place is occupied by trips to nature and night fishing with an indispensable fire and fish soup. Evenings with delicious treats and good wine will also please a man. In general, the way to Leonid's heart is through the stomach.

Leonid's abilities allow him to achieve success in the work of a journalist and statesman. He gets along well with colleagues and superiors, as he has considerable flexibility. The pride of a man, as a rule, is expressed in the desire to be the first in any business. He achieves his goal not only by diplomacy, but also by gentleness. However, on a risky path, Leonid is often unlucky. He can easily become a tool in the hands of others.

Name day of Leonid

Leonid celebrates name days on March 23, April 28, April 29, June 9, June 18, July 30, August 21, September 12, September 15, September 28, December 27.

Notable people named Leonidas

  • Leonid Trauberg (Soviet film director and screenwriter)
  • Leonid Brezhnev (first and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1964-1982)
  • Leonid Agutin (singer, songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Leonid Andreev (Russian writer of the Silver Age)
  • Leonid Bronevoy (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Leonid Filatov (Soviet and Russian actor, director, poet, publicist, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Leonid Leonov (writer, classic of Soviet literature)
  • Leonid Bronevoy (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1987))
  • Leonid Gaidai (Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974), People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Creator of the most popular comedies of his era, which later became cult, phrases from which have firmly entered the modern Russian language, becoming "winged")
  • Leonid Govorov (Marshal of the USSR)
  • Leonid Kuchma (President of Ukraine in 1994 - 2005)
  • Leonid Utyosov (real name - Lazar (Leiser) Weissbein; Soviet pop artist, singer and bandleader, People's Artist of the USSR (1965, the first pop artist awarded this title); Utyosov performed songs in various genres from jazz to urban romance, starred in movie)
  • Leonid of Tarentum (Leonid from the city of Tarentum; Hellenistic poet, wanderer poet)
  • Leonid Pcholkin (Soviet and Russian film director)
  • Leonid Bykov (famous Soviet director, screenwriter, actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965), People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1974))
  • Leonid Ramzin (Soviet heating engineer, inventor of the once-through boiler, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1943))
  • Leonid Filatov (Soviet and Russian actor, director, poet, publicist, People's Artist of Russia (1996), laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of cinema and television, laureate of the Triumph Prize)
  • Leonid Yakubovich (Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, producer, host of the TV game "Field of Miracles", People's Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Leonid Yarmolnik (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor)
  • Leonid Amalrik (Soviet director of animated films, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965))
  • Leonid Yengibarov (clown mime, creator of a new role in the circus: "sad clown", People's Artist of the Armenian SSR)
  • Leonid Solovyov (Russian Soviet writer, screenwriter, author of the dilogy about Khoja Nasreddin)
  • Leonid Zhodeiko (Russian portrait painter)
  • Leonid Uspensky (an outstanding Russian icon painter, theologian, author of the work "The Theology of the Icon of the Orthodox Church")
  • Leonid Buryak (Soviet footballer, coach)
  • Leonid Martynov (Russian poet)
  • Leonid Varpakhovsky (director, screenwriter)
  • Leonid Zhabotinsky ((1938-2016) Soviet weightlifter (heavyweight), twice Olympic champion, repeatedly world and European champion and six years in a row winner in the USSR. He has 19 world records behind him.)