Grind at the mill. Home mill, or how to grind grain at home

Option 3

Read the text, complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages entailed the destruction of temples, luxurious country villas, the destruction of entire cities, the loss of many works of fine art, the destruction of written monuments of the past and, as a result, the decline of culture as a whole. (2) the legacy of the ancient civilization, turned to dust, did not disappear without a trace. (3) The new culture was based on a synthesis of the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic, Germanic peoples and a number of achievements of ancient culture, and Christianity became the factor that facilitated the gradual unification of such different cultures into a single culture of medieval Europe.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages led to the decline and destruction of the great culture created by ancient civilization.

2) On the basis of ancient culture, almost destroyed in the early Middle Ages, and the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples, united by Christianity, a new European culture was formed.

3) The legacy of the lost Western Roman Empire, combined with the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples and the unifying force of Christianity, became the basis of the new European culture of the Middle Ages.

4) Christianity became the main unifying force during the decline of the new culture of the European Middle Ages, which was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Celtic, Romanesque and Germanic peoples.

5) The death of the Roman Empire was natural, since ancient civilization had to give way to the stronger traditions of the Romanesque, Germanic and Celtic peoples.

2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combinations of words).

In addition, meanwhile, because the fact is that, so

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word CULTURE. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CULTURE, -s, w.

1) The totality of the achievements of mankind in industrial, social and spiritual terms. History of culture.

2) The same as culture. A man of high culture.

3) Breeding, cultivation of some kind. plant or animal. K. silkworm.

4) A high level of something, high development, skill. K. speech.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.




5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

Global changes will have to UNDERSTAND the entire European world.

If the suit is a little baggy on you, then this is a purely ETHICAL flaw, it only concerns appearance, and besides, it can be easily corrected.

This man was all mercilessly polite, IRONIC, strict and understanding.

In addition, special prizes of the government, the mayor's office, the prize of the union of circus workers and AUDIENCE sympathy have been established.

On the day of the wedding, the father put on a full dress with a ribbon over his shoulder and was unusually handsome at the marriage ceremony of his daughter.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.



wash with SHAMPOO

GRIND grain at the mill

SLIP on ice

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Sitting on the shore, we admired both the beauty of the sunset and the happy faces of each other.

2) The order will be canceled at the expiration of the storage period.

3) She was lying in her chair, for the hundredth time going over a few phrases she had heard today.

4) I did not recognize my favorite tree: its branches were cut off, located low.

5) Being in the forest, many things are dangerous, so be careful and attentive.

6) The paintings of this group of young artists were not only exhibited in modest clubs and urban venues, but also in large museum halls.

7) Some students do not do their homework.

8) My friends and I are preparing for a citywide conference on social science.

9) The lecture given by the professor was a great success, as it touched upon topical problems.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



St. detail


(pre-election) company

9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..shelter, pr..been (in the city)

and .. move, not .. good (ropes), under..lingual

under..gral, vz..mother

o..been (punishment), pushed..


go over..wait



enamel..vy (wheat)

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

lined ..

(fog) stele..tsya

get some sleep (wind)

12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The door to the veranda was (NOT) CLOSED.

This manuscript sheds light on a country that is (UN)KNOWN in detail to no one until now.

The dressing gown had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of (UN) APPRAISED merits.

The air here was (NOT) OURS, alien, and my heart ached.

The crate turned out to be (NOT) THAN other than ammo storage.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(TO) MEETING the train flew poles, copses, steppes; I sat by the window and (PO) CHILDLY naively smiled.

In my letter SO (SAME) I inform you that all the cases have been successfully completed by me, so (ON) ABOUT this you can no longer worry.

Raisa Pavlovna (IN) THE BEGINNING was embarrassed, even (AS) AS if she had lost control over the situation, but quickly pulled herself together and continued the conversation.

(NOT) (ON) FAR from the pine forest, we ALL (TAK) decided to make a halt.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

Tragically tense (1), full of contrasts and contradictions, illuminated (2) from the inside by constant (3) searches for the ideal of the artistic (4) world of F.M. Dostoevsky is clearly reflected in the language of his works.

15. Use punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Along the banks of the rivers, bushes of currants and willows of alder and forest raspberries huddled together.

2) In the distance, the chalky rocky coast was white and the young green of oaks and pines was bright green.

3) I forbid myself to think about anything and mentally return to any of my feelings and refrain from making assumptions.

4) He heard only frequent heartbeats and a dull murmur of blood in his head.

5) Natalia moved away from her mother and then thought about it, then set to work.

16. Put all the punctuation marks:

Nikita (1) with difficulty straightening his legs (2) and (3) pouring snow from them (4) got up, and immediately a painful cold penetrated his body.


17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Thank you (1) sweet daughter (2) for your heartfelt attention. How I would like to (3) my kind, dear Kitty (4) thank you for the more satisfying news of your health. After all (5) your health is no less of my concern, and I warn you that (6) I strongly (7) do not agree to share that heroic humility with which (8) you (9) accept your present state as something irreparable.

18. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

The study was a high corner room with two windows overlooking a shady garden (1) because of the broken line (2) of which (3) one could see the strip of the factory pond (4) and the contours of the bulging mountains.

19. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

We need to look (1) in what spirit the adherents of pure art themselves write (2) and in what spirit the works they approve are written (3) and (4) when we look at this (5) we will see (6) that they are not concerned about pure art but they want to subordinate literature to the service of one trend, which has a purely worldly significance.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

When the cannonade subsided and they finally entered the house, they found a completely dead person on the floor.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. (2) The literature teacher suggested that this friend write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. (3) And in this essay, the schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his significance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. (4) The teacher considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. (5) And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? (6) I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. (7) No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our complex life.

(8) What is important to a person? (9) How to live life? (10) First of all, do not commit any acts that would drop his dignity. (11) You can’t do very much in life, but if you don’t do anything, even petty, against your conscience, then by doing this you bring tremendous benefits. (12) Even in our ordinary, everyday life. (13) But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when a person faces the problem of choice - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. (14) I am sure that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your own conscience. (15) A person must be able to sacrifice himself. (16) Of course, such a sacrifice is a heroic deed. (17) But you need to go for it.

(18) When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) No one is free from mistakes in our difficult life. (20) However, a person who has stumbled is in grave danger: he often falls into despair. (21) It begins to seem to him that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone lies and acts badly. (22) Disappointment sets in, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency - this is the worst thing.

(23) Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." (24) But even if it was not possible to save honor from a young age, it must and can be restored to oneself in adulthood, to break oneself, to find the courage and courage to admit mistakes.

(25) I know a person whom everyone admires now, who is greatly appreciated, whom I also loved in the last years of his life. (26) Meanwhile, in his youth, he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. (27) And then he told me about this act. (28) He himself confessed. (29) Later, we sailed with him on a ship, and he said, leaning on the deck railings: “But I thought that you wouldn’t even talk to me.” (30) I didn’t even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. (31) I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...

(32) The path to repentance can be long and difficult. (33) But how adorns the courage to admit one's guilt - adorns both a person and society.

(34) Anxiety of conscience ... (35) They suggest, teach; they help not to violate ethical norms, to preserve dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

(according to D.S. Likhachev*)

*Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev(1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The literature teacher scolded the student who made many mistakes while talking about the works of the great writer, and gave the schoolgirl an unsatisfactory grade.

2) If a person has not committed any evil deeds, has not made a single deal with his conscience, this does not mean that he is a good person who benefits humanity.

3) A person can be driven to despair by the very fact that he made a mistake.

4) You need to protect honor from a young age, because otherwise it will be impossible to restore a good name later.

5) Once a person confessed to the narrator of his bad deed, but this did not change the narrator's opinion about this person.

22. Which of the following statements are faithful? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 2-4 contain the narrative.

2) Sentence 7 indicates the condition of what is said in sentence 6.

3) Sentence 10 contains the answer to the question posed in sentences 8 and 9.

4) Sentence 35 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 34.

5) Sentences 23–24 present reasoning.

23. From sentences 1-5 write out the phraseological unit.

24. Among sentences 1-7, find the one(s) that is(-s) related to the previous one with the help of attributive, demonstrative and personal pronouns.

25. "Style D.S. Likhachev is extremely recognizable. Moreover, this recognition concerns both the lexical and syntactic levels of text organization. In the syntax of the presented text fragment, it is worth noting such means as (A) ______ (sentence 34) and (B) ________ (sentences 8–10). And in vocabulary - (B) ________ ("courage", "courage" in sentence 24, "to make mistakes", "stumble" in sentence 18). Throughout the text, the author repeatedly uses such a device as (D) ______ (“decorates” in sentence 33, “dignity” in sentence 35)”.

List of terms

1) synonyms

2) name sentence

3) parceling

4) lexical repetition

5) epiphora

6) rhetorical appeal

7) metonymy

9) question-answer form of presentation

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words


1 .Answer: 23|32.

2. Answer: meanwhile.

3. Answer: 1.

4. Answer: drill.

5. Answer: aesthetic.

6. Answer: grind.

7. Answer: 2,8,5,4,6

8. Answer: campaign

9. Answer: bad outcome

10. Answer: shy

11. Answer: sleep

12. Answer: unappreciated

13. Answer: also about

14. Answer: 1234.

15. Answer: 15

16. Answer: 14

17. Answer: 1234

18. Answer: 1.

19. Answer: 1356.

20. Answer: absolutely.

21. Answer: 35

22. Answer: 135.

23. Answer: 4

25. Answer: 2914

Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of mistakes in human life. (Is it possible to live life without making any mistakes?)

1. In our complex life, no one is free from mistakes. Making mistakes, realizing them is a natural process

2. The problem of the relationship between the greatness of a person and the mistakes that he made. The problem of publicizing the mistakes of great people. (Can the greatness of a person consist in the fact that he was not mistaken in anything? Is the concept of "greatness" connected with the mistakes that a person makes? Is it possible to talk about the mistakes of great people or should this be hidden?)

2. The greatness of a man is not that he has not made any mistakes. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to talk about the mistakes of great people.

3. The problem of the role of conscience in human life. (What is the role of conscience in a person's life? Does life "according to conscience" protect against mistakes? Does life "according to conscience" bring benefits?)

3. Life "according to conscience" does not protect against mistakes, but conscience is what prompts, teaches, helps not to violate ethical standards, to preserve the dignity of a morally living person. Even if a person has not done very much in life, but lived in harmony with his conscience, he has already brought significant benefits.

4. The problem of choosing landmarks on the path of life. (How should a person live his life? What is it important for him to focus on first of all?)

4. A person should not commit any act that would drop his dignity. You don't have to go against your conscience. Therefore, the main guide should be one's own conscience.

5. The problem of choice: to be dishonored in the eyes of others - or in your own. (Which is better: to be dishonored in the eyes of others or to lose honor and dignity in your own eyes?)

5. It is better to be dishonored before other people than before your own conscience. Of course, dishonor in the eyes of others is a big sacrifice, but it must be made ..

6. The problem of honor. (Is it possible, having committed a bad, dishonorable act in youth, to regain honor in adulthood?)

6. If it was not possible to save honor from a young age, it can and should be returned to oneself in adulthood.

7. The problem of remorse. (Is it necessary to repent of the mistakes made?)

7. Despite the fact that the path to repentance can be long and difficult, since admitting your mistakes is very difficult, it is very useful, it decorates a person, because repentance is a manifestation of courage

8. The problem of the consequences of mistakes. (What dangers await a person who has made a mistake? What is one of the worst consequences of a mistake?)

8. A person who has made a mistake may fall into despair. Then disappointment may come, loss of faith in people, in decency, and this is the worst thing.

* To formulate the problem, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the table. The problem can also be cited from the source text or pointed out using references to but

Hello! Our surname is Zialtdinova. Derived from the Bashkir name Zialtdin. They always pronounced it without the letter T. The child was explained that it was not necessary to pronounce the letter T, because. there is a rule about unpronounceable consonants, and the surname is, as it were, an exception - it cannot be checked. This year they have a new teacher of the Russian language, insists that the letter T must be pronounced, because. the rule talks about checked consonants. Makes her pronounce her last name the way she thinks is right in every lesson. There was a conflict. Please explain how to pronounce such surnames correctly, and what rules to refer to? Thanks!!!

The appearance of a voiceless or voiced sound can be predetermined by its position in the word. Such deafness / voicedness turns out to be dependent, “forced”, and the positions in which this occurs are considered weak in terms of deafness / voicedness.

Deaf paired consonants before voiced ones, except [v], [v'], [d'], [l], [l'], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [p], [p '], are voiced, that is, they change to voiced: grind ba [malad'baʹ].

Thus, the pronunciation [dd "] in place of [td"] corresponds to the orthoepic norm.

Good afternoon! Please help me understand: How to say correctly: they pray for coffee or they grind coffee? Thanks in advance for the quick reply!

Correctly: grind coffee. Grinding, grinding- word forms grind, a pray, pray- word forms pray.

Question #282714
Hello! I need to ask the salesperson to grind my coffee. How to ask the seller correctly, addressing him to you? Would you like coffee for me, please? or grind my coffee, please?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: grind.

Question #279096
Is it possible to say about fresh minced garlic that it is ground? I came across the sentence "It is better to use garlic fresh, in ground form" and for some reason it scratched me. I thought that "grinding" can only be something solid, in grains - coffee, wheat. I looked at Dahl: "grind (grind), rub, grind with friction and oppression, turn something into grains, into flour, into powder, especially by means of millstones." It is unlikely that fresh garlic can be turned into grits or powder. But maybe I'm wrong...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" gives a similar example: grind meat, grind minced meat. So the combination ground garlic Maybe. If in doubt, you can rephrase: chopped garlic.

Question #275404
Good afternoon!

Tell me, please, why did it happen that, for example, flour factories began to be called "flour mills"?
they grind not flour, but grain))) why not "grain-grinding" then ...
the meaning of the adjective is clear, but where did all this come from?

Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

According to the explanatory dictionary, the verb grind has not only the meaning of "crush, crush", but also "get smth. as a result of crushing, grinding smth. ": grind flour, grind minced meat. So the formation of an adjective is quite logical.

Question No. 270170
Marriage, wedding - what is BA? From the point of view of morphology, B is included in the root, but it seems to me that this combination is unusual.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In these words -b- - suffix, -a- the ending. Here is a partial list of other words formed with this suffix: struggle, divination, spree, friendship, complaint, mowing, grind ba, supplication, firing, boasting, request, thread, service, shooting, litigation, study,walking.

how to say: grind coffee or grind coffee

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: grind coffee - grind coffee.

Question #252869
Question No. 197902
how to say: grind coffee or grind?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language
Correct: _grind coffee_.

Question No. 176023
How to say: Grind coffee or grind coffee?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language
That's right: grind coffee, grind coffee, grind coffee, grind coffee.

Where is the logic?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Do not look for logic in everything. The prevailing literary norm: grind, but grind, me years, grind.

Good afternoon! Can you tell me, please, what is the correct way to say "coffee grinds" or "coffee grinds"? Or are both possible? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

3rd person singular part of the verb "grind" - grinds. That's right: grinds coffee.

A mill seen in a dream portends an increase in property due to new income, good luck in business and love, if the mill is working. An old, collapsed mill predicts life's trials that will take you by surprise if you do not take this dream as a warning.

To see rotating millstones in a dream is a sign of true love, to hear the sounds of a running mill - in reality you will receive fabulous profits.

The windmill portends gossip, stupid arguments and idle talk, while the watermill is a sign of a fast and long journey. Seeing a miller in a dream means that an addition will occur in your family, and the financial situation will improve at least a little, but improve.

Talking with a miller means that in real life, harm yourself with excessive frankness. If the miller is sprinkled with flour from head to toe, this portends disappointment, or the state of affairs of your chosen one may not be as brilliant as he himself claimed. Imagine yourself as a miller - a good deal awaits you.

If in a dream you turn a millstone, this portends you with a great surge of energy and a life full of bright events, your prudence and prudence will bring the desired success and you will get rich.

The dream in which you are preparing the mill for work means that soon you will have real assistants in business that you can rely on as yourself.

Seeing a mill filled with sacks of flour is a hectic life. Wasted rotating millstones - a waste of money and time. A mill stopped due to a breakdown portends a decline in business due to the departure of one of the companions or someone's illness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Genuine C5-Special Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) from Sri Lanka! Why real? Because what we sell under the guise of cinnamon is cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum), a relative of the cinnamon tree, which is also called Chinese cinnamon or fake cinnamon. At your request, we can grind cinnamon into powder, for this, when ordering, write that you want to get ground cinnamon. The grind is free. ⯈The difference between real cinnamon and cassia⯇ Cinnamon and cassia differ significantly from each other both in useful properties and in appearance and taste. Ceylon cinnamon has a delicate and delicate spicy aroma and slightly sweet taste, while cassia is sharp and tart without the tenderness inherent in Ceylon cinnamon. Outwardly, real cinnamon consists of many individual thin layers of young bark (up to 1 mm) inserted into one another, thanks to which it is easy to break it with your hands, and cassia consists of one turn of not young and coarse bark about 3 mm thick, which is very difficult to break. Why, then, do we have cassia, and not cinnamon? It's all about the price, the requirements for cassia are several times lower and its production is much cheaper. ⯈Pros of Ceylon cinnamon:⯇ ➕Real cinnamon has a very delicate, delicate spicy taste and aroma due to the fact that the bark is harvested by hand from a 3-year-old tree and only thin layers are cut from the most tender part, which are then manually twisted and dried at natural temperature . ➕It breaks easily by hand, because of this there is no risk of damaging kitchen appliances during grinding and it is easy to break off a small piece by hand. ➕Low coumarin concentration of 0.02g/kg (coumarin concentration in cassia is 2g/kg, 100 times more!), so it can be used regularly without health concerns in food, as a medicine, for cosmetic purposes and as a means to lose weight. Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of colds and gastritis, and also relieves joint pain in arthritis. ➕Ceylon cinnamon is rich in potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and zinc, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, E and K. insulin receptors, which is why doctors recommend cinnamon for people with type 2 diabetes. ➕Medical studies have shown that the use of cinnamon has a positive effect on all vital systems of the body. It increases the overall tone of the body, increases concentration and improves visual memory. Regular intake of cinnamon reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. ➕Due to the presence of cinnamic aldehyde in the composition, cinnamon helps fight cancer cells ➕Real cinnamon has a positive effect on bowel function, eliminates discomfort in the stomach and helps with flatulence. As you can see from this list, cinnamon is not only a delicious spice for your favorite treats, but also a powerful health remedy when used regularly. ⯈Use of Ceylon cinnamon⯇ There are a lot of ways to decorate a dish with cinnamon, for example, it can be added to: ● any hot drinks (for example, in carob or cocoa) ● desserts (for example, in ice cream or homemade chocolate, as well as in baked apples) ● fruit salads ● pastries (cakes, buns, cookies, gingerbread, cakes, pies, strudel, etc.) ● into milk porridges and puddings (for example, classic oatmeal will sparkle with new colors, with just one pinch of cinnamon) ● marinade for meat dishes (in the Middle East, cinnamon is a frequent guest of meat dishes)

grind. Nast. temp. from grind 2.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MELU in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • GRIND in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    you grind. Nast. temp. from…
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -grind, -grind; -bloty; soy., what. Resin, grind, finely grind. R. grain. R. e powder. II carry ^ grind, -ay, -ayesh. II...
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, grind, grind; nesov., that (colloquial). Say something. absurd. M. nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Meli, Emelya, your week (sweats, about empty ...
  • HAMMER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , grind, grind; ground; nesov. that. Turn into flour, powder; grind. M. grain. M. stone (crush). Ground coffee. II owl. …
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, - grind, - grind; - golden; owls, what and what (colloquial). Speak something. absurd. N. ...
  • GRINDING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -grind, -grind; - golden; owls, what and what. Prepare by grinding. N. flour. N. coffee. II Nesov. to grind, oh, ...
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -grind, -grind; - golden; owl., what. 1. Grind into flour, crush. P. grain at the mill. P. stone. 2. Grind a lot. …
    grind "th, grind", me "lem, me" lesh, me "fly, me" years, me "lyut, grinding", mill "l, mill" la, mill "lo, mill" whether, ground, "those who are grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, ...
  • SMALL FRY in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, m, small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, small fry, mi, small fry, ...
  • GRIND in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    stranded "t, grind", stranded "m, stranded" sh, stranded "those, stranded" t, stranded "t, stranded", stranded "l, stranded" la, stranded "lo, stranded" whether, stranded, stranded "those grinding" schey, grinding "schey, grinding" schee, grinding "schey, grinding" schey, grinding "schey, ...
  • GRIND in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you"grind, you" broke, you "grind, you" thrashed, you "threshed, you" thrashed, you "threw, you" thrashed, you "threw, ...
  • BLIND in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you're grinding, you broke, you "grind, you" grinded, you "grind, you" grinded, you "grind, you" grinded, you "grind, ...