World Labor May png. May Day postcards - Peace, Labor May

I recently decided to freshen up my kitchen a bit. And I thought it would be nice to do it, let's say, in a vintage style - to take old bottle stickers both in a frame and on the wall. Stop! Stop! Stop! We already read this five days ago. Yes, there was a case, there was a post about it with labels from Soviet wine "" But if you read carefully, then there is in the text "When I was looking, I found something else from my" riches "I will have to put it out somehow." So, during the search, a box of shoes was found, and in it a thousand postcards. May Day publish. Specially scanned in high resolution can be useful to someone.
So that they don’t think that I copied it somewhere on the Internet ...

So that the post would not be a boring set of pictures, and to give it more solemnity and authenticity, I found on the Internet "Appeals of the Central Committee of the CPSU for May 1" of different years and added them. Just do not look for any subtext in this, I just wanted to convey the spirit of the times.
Yes, and he also wrote the year, the artist and the price, it's interesting how the prices have changed. For some I scanned the reverse side, just to show how it looked in the 50s-60s-70s

1954, Artist V. Brodsky, Pravda Publishing House, shooting gallery 100 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Under the banner of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin, under the leadership of the Communist Party, forward to the victory of communism!

1954, Artist Pencil V.D., Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR (the edges are cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

Fraternal greetings to the great Chinese people, who are successfully fighting for the socialist industrialization of the country, for the advancement of the national economy and culture, for the further development and strengthening of their people's democratic system!

Long live and flourish the indestructible fraternal friendship and cooperation of the Soviet and Chinese peoples—a powerful factor in preserving peace and ensuring the security of the peoples of all countries!

Artist V. Ivanov., "ART", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 25 kopecks (edges cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

pay attention to the stamp

Pioneers and students! Persistently and persistently acquire knowledge! Be hardworking and disciplined, achieve success in your studies!

Long live the friendship of the peoples of Britain, the United States of America and the Soviet Union in their struggle to ease international tension, to prevent war and secure lasting peace throughout the world!

Artist Gundobin E.N. (the edges are cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

Soviet women! Strive for new labor successes in all areas of the national economy, science and culture, in the noble cause of raising children for the good and happiness of the Soviet people!

Long live Soviet women - active builders of communism!

1955, Artist S.V. Adrianov, Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR

Workers of public education! Improve the quality of education and upbringing at school! Raise your children in the spirit of love and devotion to the Soviet Motherland, friendship among peoples! Train cultured, educated citizens of socialist society, active builders of communism!

1955, Artist M.A. Marise, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 50 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Long live friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the peoples of France and Italy!

1955, Artist V.N. Basov, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 100 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Workers of Soviet institutions! Tirelessly improve the work of the state apparatus, resolutely eradicate bureaucracy and red tape! Strengthen state discipline, strictly observe socialist legality! Be sensitive to the demands and needs of workers!

Long live the working class, the leading force in our society!

1957, Artist V.S. Ivanov, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 50 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Fraternal greetings to the peoples of the colonial and dependent countries who are fighting against imperialist oppression for their freedom and national independence!

Long live May 1 - the day of international solidarity of working people, the day of brotherhood of workers of all countries!Raise the banner of proletarian internationalism!

1957, Artist A.V. Gorpenko, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Greetings to the democratic forces of Germany, who are fighting against the criminal plans of turning West Germany into a hotbed of a third world war!

Long live the German Democratic Republic—a reliable bulwark of the struggle for a united, peace-loving, democratic Germany, for the preservation and strengthening of peace!

1957, Artist N. Smolyak and V. Sigorsky, "Izogiz", shooting range 1 million, price 20 kopecks.

Greetings to the Japanese people, who are courageously fighting for national independence, for the democratic development of their homeland, against the revival of Japanese militarism and the transformation of Japan into a military foothold of the imperialists in the Far East

1957, Artist T. Aleksandrova, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 300 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Long live the indestructible alliance of the working class and the collective-farm peasantry—the unshakable foundation of the Soviet system!

1958, Artist V. Matsepura, Factory of mass photography for the trust "Ukrfoto", price 65 kopecks.

Long live fraternal friendship among the peoples of our country—the source of the strength and might of the multinational socialist state!

1960, Artist A.I. Shmidshtein, Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR, shooting gallery 50 thousand, price of a card with a stamp 40 kopecks.

Working people of the Soviet Union! Let us rally even closer around the Communist Party and the Soviet government, mobilize our strength and creative energy for the great cause of building a communist society in our country!

Artist V. Livanova, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

1963, Artist E. Solovyov, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 700 thousand, price 3 kopecks.

Artist N. Vukolaev, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 900 thousand, price 10 kopecks. custom format, mini postcard

Long live the mighty socialist camp, the reliable bulwark of peace and the security of peoples! May the great community of peoples of the socialist countries grow stronger and prosper!

1969, Artists A. Golubev, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", price 3 kop.

Long live the foreign policy of the Soviet Union—an unshakable policy of preserving and consolidating peace, a policy of fighting against the preparation and unleashing of a new war, for the establishment of normal relations and business ties between all countries!

1969, Artists V. Milov, V. Kondratyuk, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kop.

Citizens of the Soviet Union! Learn to live, work and fight in the Leninist, communist way!

May the community of peoples of the socialist states grow stronger!

1969, Artist V. Leshchev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

Soviet women! Everyday caring for the welfare of the family, actively participate in work and public affairs, the struggle for peace!

1970, Artist P. Kudryavtsev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

May our great Motherland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, grow stronger and prosper!

1971, Artist V. Isaev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

Long live the indestructible alliance of the working class, the collective farm peasantry and the people's intelligentsia!

1973, artist Y. Lukyanov, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 15 kopecks.

Long live the Soviet people's intelligentsia!

1974, Artist A. Lyubeznov, Fine Arts Publishing House, shooting gallery 2 million, price 3 kopecks.

May Day greetings to the communist and workers' parties, to all the democratic forces of foreign countries!

1976, the price of a double art card with a stamped envelope is 10 kopecks.

May the Marxist-Leninist teaching, the ideological basis of the revolutionary renewal of socialism, live and develop!

1977, Artist Y. Lukyanov, Pravda Publishing House, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union—the vanguard of the young builders of communism, an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!

1977, Photo by V. Kalnin, Publishing House "Liesma" Riga, In Latvian, shooting gallery 125 thousand, price 5 kop.

Workers of literature and art! Fight for the further development of Soviet literature and art! Raise the ideological and artistic level of your creativity! Create works worthy of our great people!

1978, Artist S. Vitola, "May 1", Publishing House "Liesma" Riga, In Latvian, shooting gallery 150 thousand, price 5 kop.

Working people of the Soviet Union! Strive for new successes in the socialist competition for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the five-year plan! Let us develop a broad popular movement for high labor productivity—the basis for the further advancement of the national economy and the growth of the well-being of the Soviet people!

1978, Artist Y. Lukyanov, Publishing House "Pravda", the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the Soviet Armed Forces, fanned by the glory of victories, standing guard over the peace and security of our Motherland!

1978, Photo by M. Morozov, Design by artist L. Kuznetsova, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kop.

Long live Soviet women - active builders of communism! Glory to the woman - mother! Peace and happiness to the children of the whole earth!

1978, Artist A. Archipenko, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kopecks

Long live the glorious collective-farm peasantry!

1978, Artist T. Panchenko, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 4 kopecks.

Peoples of the USSR! Preserve and develop the traditions of socialist internationalism and Soviet patriotism! Let's resolutely rebuff manifestations of nationalism and chauvinism!

1978, Artist F. Markov, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kop.

Citizens of the Soviet Union! On the day of elections to local Soviets, let's vote for the best sons and daughters of our Motherland!

1978, Photo by G. Birkmanis, Artist L. Yudze, Publishing house "Liesma" Riga, In Latvian, shooting gallery 300 thousand, price 5 kop.

Peoples of Europe! Let's create a common home of security and cooperation on our continent!

1979, Artist A. Savin, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kopecks.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

1979, Artist F. Markov, Plakat Publishing House, shooting gallery 1.5 million, price 3 kop.

Long live the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the great inspiring and guiding force of the Soviet people in the struggle to build communism!

1979, Artist I. Dergelev, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kopecks.

Long live the Soviets—organs of genuine democracy!

Working people of the Soviet Union! Let's mark the eleventh five-year plan with hard work!

1982, Artist S. Borolin, Pravda Publishing House, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the great Soviet people—the builders of communism!

"Sunrise", non-standard format, mini postcard

Working people of the Soviet Union! Accelerate the development of the productive forces of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East! Higher pace of construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline!

1986, Artist Y. Lukyanov, Publishing House "Pravda", the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the great Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—a stronghold of friendship and glory for the peoples of our country, an invincible bulwark of world peace!

This is the children's collection. Completely unsystematic, just postcards, and not mine - I collected stamps, coins, corks, beer cans (I had two of them, both from under the Golden Ring) and everything else that boys are supposed to collect. They are most likely sisters. She collected, begged from her parents (well, not in the 50s, of course, apparently later she collected them), because in my childhood ...

In my childhood, a couple of weeks before the holiday, on the way to the supermarket, we went with my parents to the Post Office. The post office was on the corner, behind the tram line. There was a smell of sealing wax at the Post Office, and a stern man in a blue dressing gown was carrying plywood boxes. We chose the most beautiful postcards, although they were so-so at the Post Office, for the beautiful ones we had to go to the bookstore. Relatives in Siberia - Avia, the rest in Moscow are simple. Then I was torn away from super important matters - building a destroyer to launch on the Terletsky Ponds, drawing a starship landing on Uranus, making another oven and forced me to write congratulations. And imagine being taught to write in such a way that until today I can’t stop. True true! Until now, I write LETTERS, manually, myself and send them by mail. Not SMS! Don't believe? But I even have a post about this, I swore with the mail that my letters did not fit into the mailboxes ""

May Day ... Father took out the siphon. The siphon was delivered on major holidays, not because they were sorry, it was just that the cans were in short supply. Or maybe they were in short supply at home? Healthy glass flask. I considered the siphon a dangerous object, it was not for nothing that it was braided with a net - this is so that the fragments do not scatter.

I immediately volunteered to make soda, hoping to whistle at least one can in the process. Mom immediately exclaimed: “No, no, there will be an explosion now! Just don’t let it go,” although there would have been an explosion if I still managed to get with a can and friends to a wasteland near the school.

A cake was solemnly taken out of the refrigerator. And not some simple "Fairy Tale" for a ruble with something, but, for example, "Flight".

Big, round. Creamy and crunchy at the same time, sweet and even cloying, It always had a few little "bezes" on top. They could be pushed whole into the mouth, and then slowly broken, crunched and enjoyed the taste ...
The knife cut him badly, rather broke him. I looked and thought that the icebreaker at the North Pole was also crushing ice floes, and I remembered that I still hadn't glued the Arktika.

Or was it "Bird's milk", for which they went to some special restaurant (Prague?). Delicious was...

And on TV, workers with red banners walked along Red Square. Peace Labor may!

Happy holiday everyone!

Kovylyaeva Elena

Good evening, dear colleagues! How to tell children about May 1st holiday?

Holiday this has been celebrated in many countries for a very long time. In Finland, the first of May is the spring student carnival, in Germany and France it is lily of the valley festival. Therefore, many women on this day wear outfits that depict lilies of the valley. And in Sicily, on May Day, all people gather meadow flowers, which, according to local beliefs, bring happiness. In Russia the first of May is celebrated very long time since 1891. This holiday symbolizes the arrival of spring and it used to be called international day working people. People with flags, banners and balloons went to the demonstration on this beautiful spring day. And now this holiday is called the day of spring and labor. On the first of May, people go to work in garden plots, some go for a picnic, some go for a ride in an amusement park.

And we made these with the children postcards so that the children remember this holiday for a long time.

For the manufacture of such postcards, you will need these blanks.

FROM holiday, dear colleagues!

Related publications:

Dear colleagues! Our children should know the history of their country, the history and traditions of holidays (state and religious). Children are interested.

Summary of the lesson “Peace, labor, May. May 1" in the middle group Purpose: To clarify and systematize children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring (the day increases, the sun warms more, the snow melts, they are released.

Good to everyone! As promised yesterday, I'm posting a lapbook. But Oksana Korneeva and I consulted and decided that she herself would publish about Chelyabinsk.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked for centuries! The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms. Let her have the sun.

To the great holiday "Victory Day!" always prepare very reverently, feeling proud of all who gave us life, peace, victory! Organizing.

Report on the activities carried out in a preschool institution dedicated to the Orthodox holiday of Easter In order to educate the younger generation of spiritual and moral feelings and familiarize children and parents with Orthodox culture, it was developed.

Original taken from radimich_ru in May Day postcards - Peace, labor May!

I recently decided to freshen up my kitchen a bit. And I thought it would be nice to do it, let's say, in a vintage style - to take old bottle stickers both in a frame and on the wall. Stop! Stop! Stop! We already read this five days ago. Yes, there was a case, there was a post about it with labels from Soviet wine "To the festive table!" But if you read carefully, then there is in the text "When I was looking, I found some more of my" riches "I will have to put it out somehow ". So, during the search, a box of shoes was found, and in it a thousand postcards. May Day publish. Specially scanned in high resolution can be useful to someone.
So that they don’t think that I copied it somewhere on the Internet ...

So that the post would not be a boring set of pictures, and to give it more solemnity and authenticity, I found on the Internet "Appeals of the Central Committee of the CPSU for May 1" of different years and added them. Just do not look for any subtext in this, I just wanted to convey the spirit of the times.
Yes, and he also wrote the year, the artist and the price, it's interesting how the prices have changed. For some I scanned the reverse side, just to show how it looked in the 50s-60s-70s

1954, Artist V. Brodsky, Pravda Publishing House, shooting gallery 100 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Under the banner of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin, under the leadership of the Communist Party, forward to the victory of communism!

1954, Artist Pencil V.D., Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR (the edges are cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

Fraternal greetings to the great Chinese people, who are successfully fighting for the socialist industrialization of the country, for the advancement of the national economy and culture, for the further development and strengthening of their people's democratic system!

Long live and flourish the indestructible fraternal friendship and cooperation of the Soviet and Chinese peoples—a powerful factor in preserving peace and ensuring the security of the peoples of all countries!

Artist V. Ivanov., "ART", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 25 kopecks (edges cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

pay attention to the stamp

Pioneers and students! Persistently and persistently acquire knowledge! Be hardworking and disciplined, achieve success in your studies!

Artist Gundobin E.N. (the edges are cut off, maybe it was glued somewhere)

Soviet women! Strive for new labor successes in all areas of the national economy, science and culture, in the noble cause of raising children for the good and happiness of the Soviet people!

Long live Soviet women - active builders of communism!

1955, Artist S.V. Adrianov, Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR

Workers of public education! Improve the quality of education and upbringing at school! Raise your children in the spirit of love and devotion to the Soviet Motherland, friendship among peoples! Train cultured, educated citizens of socialist society, active builders of communism!

1955, Artist M.A. Marise, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 50 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Long live friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the peoples of France and Italy!

1955, Artist V.N. Basov, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 100 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Workers of Soviet institutions! Tirelessly improve the work of the state apparatus, resolutely eradicate bureaucracy and red tape! Strengthen state discipline, strictly observe socialist legality! Be sensitive to the demands and needs of workers!

Long live the working class, the leading force in our society!

1957, Artist V.S. Ivanov, Happy May 1, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 50 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Fraternal greetings to the peoples of the colonial and dependent countries who are fighting against imperialist oppression for their freedom and national independence!

Long live May 1 - the day of international solidarity of working people, the day of brotherhood of workers of all countries!Raise the banner of proletarian internationalism!

1957, Artist A.V. Gorpenko, Publishing House "Soviet Artist", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Greetings to the democratic forces of Germany, who are fighting against the criminal plans of turning West Germany into a hotbed of a third world war!

Long live the German Democratic Republic—a reliable bulwark of the struggle for a united, peace-loving, democratic Germany, for the preservation and strengthening of peace!

1957, Artist N. Smolyak and V. Sigorsky, "Izogiz", shooting range 1 million, price 20 kopecks.

Greetings to the Japanese people, who are courageously fighting for national independence, for the democratic development of their homeland, against the revival of Japanese militarism and the transformation of Japan into a military foothold of the imperialists in the Far East

1957, Artist T. Aleksandrova, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 300 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

1958, Artist V. Matsepura, Factory of mass photography for the trust "Ukrfoto", price 65 kopecks.

Long live fraternal friendship among the peoples of our country—the source of the strength and might of the multinational socialist state!

1960, Artist A.I. Shmidshtein, Publication of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR, shooting gallery 50 thousand, price of a card with a stamp 40 kopecks.

Working people of the Soviet Union! Let us rally even closer around the Communist Party and the Soviet government, mobilize our strength and creative energy for the great cause of building a communist society in our country!

Artist V. Livanova, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 500 thousand, price 20 kopecks.

Long live the friendship of the peoples of Britain, the United States of America and the Soviet Union in their struggle to ease international tension, to prevent war and secure lasting peace throughout the world!

1963, Artist E. Solovyov, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 700 thousand, price 3 kopecks.

Artist N. Vukolaev, "Izogiz", shooting gallery 900 thousand, price 10 kopecks. custom format, mini postcard

Long live the foreign policy of the Soviet Union—an unshakable policy of preserving and consolidating peace, a policy of fighting against the preparation and unleashing of a new war, for the establishment of normal relations and business ties between all countries!

1969, Artists V. Milov, V. Kondratyuk, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kop.

Long live the indestructible alliance of the working class and the collective-farm peasantry—the unshakable foundation of the Soviet system!

May the community of peoples of the socialist states grow stronger!

1969, Artist V. Leshchev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

Soviet women! Taking care of the welfare of the family every day, actively participate in labor and public affairs, in the struggle for peace!

1970, Artist P. Kudryavtsev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

May our great Motherland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, grow stronger and prosper!

1971, Artist V. Isaev, Fine Arts Publishing House, price 2 kopecks.

Working people of the Soviet Union! Let us rally even closer around the Communist Party and the Council of Government, mobilize our strength and creative energy for the great cause of building a communist society in our country!

1973, artist Y. Lukyanov, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 15 kopecks.

May Day greetings to the communist and workers' parties, to all the democratic forces of foreign countries!

1976, the price of a double art card with a stamped envelope is 10 kopecks.

May the Marxist-Leninist doctrine live and develop - the ideological basis of the revolutionary renewal of socialism!

1977, Artist Y. Lukyanov, Pravda Publishing House, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union—the vanguard of the young builders of communism, an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!

1977, Photo by V. Kalnin, Publishing House "Liesma" Riga, In Latvian, shooting gallery 125 thousand, price 5 kop.

Workers of literature and art! Fight for the further development of Soviet literature and art! Raise the ideological and artistic level of your creativity! Create works worthy of our great people!

1978, Artist S. Vitola, "May 1", Publishing House "Liesma" Riga, In Latvian, shooting gallery 150 thousand, price 5 kop.

Working people of the Soviet Union! Strive for new successes in the socialist competition for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the five-year plan! Let us develop a broad popular movement for high labor productivity—the basis for the further advancement of the national economy and the growth of the well-being of the Soviet people!

1978, Artist Y. Lukyanov, Publishing House "Pravda", the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Long live the Soviet Armed Forces, fanned by the glory of victories, standing guard over the peace and security of our Motherland!

1978, Artist T. Panchenko, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 4 kopecks.

Peoples of the USSR! Preserve and develop the traditions of socialist internationalism and Soviet patriotism! Let's resolutely rebuff manifestations of nationalism and chauvinism!

1978, Artist F. Markov, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kop.

Peoples of Europe! Let's create a common home of security and cooperation on our continent!

1979, Artist A. Savin, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kopecks.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

1979, Artist F. Markov, Plakat Publishing House, shooting gallery 1.5 million, price 3 kop.

Long live the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the great inspiring and guiding force of the Soviet people in the struggle to build communism!

1979, Artist I. Dergelev, Ministry of Communications of the USSR, price 6 kopecks.

Long live the Soviets—organs of genuine democracy!

1982, Artist S. Borolin, Pravda Publishing House, the price of a postcard with an envelope is 17 kopecks.

Communication workers! Develop and improve means of communication! Improve the quality of the post office, telegraph, telephone, radio! Improve public service!

This is the children's collection. Completely unsystematic, just postcards, and not mine - I collected stamps, coins, corks, beer cans (I had two of them, both from under the Golden Ring) and everything else that boys are supposed to collect. They are most likely sisters. She collected, begged from her parents (well, not in the 50s, of course, apparently later she collected them), because in my childhood ...

In my childhood, a couple of weeks before the holiday, on the way to the supermarket, we went with my parents to the Post Office. The post office was on the corner, behind the tram line. There was a smell of sealing wax at the Post Office, and a stern man in a blue dressing gown was carrying plywood boxes. We chose the most beautiful postcards, although they were so-so at the Post Office, for the beautiful ones we had to go to the bookstore. Relatives in Siberia - Avia, the rest in Moscow are simple. Then I was torn away from super important matters - building a destroyer to launch on the Terletsky Ponds, drawing a starship landing on Uranus, making another oven and forced me to write congratulations. And imagine being taught to write in such a way that until today I can’t stop. True true! Until now, I write LETTERS, manually, myself and send them by mail. Not SMS! Don't believe? But I even have a post about this, I cursed with the mail that my letters did not fit into the mailboxes "Post of Russia - Such a mail ..."

May Day ... Father took out the siphon. The siphon was delivered on major holidays, not because they were sorry, it was just that the cans were in short supply. Or maybe they were in short supply at home? Healthy glass flask.

I immediately volunteered to make soda, hoping to whistle at least one can in the process. Mom immediately exclaimed: “No, no, there will be an explosion now!”, although there would have been an explosion if I still managed to get with a spray can and friends to a wasteland near the school.

A cake was solemnly taken out of the refrigerator. And not some simple "Fairy Tale" for a ruble with something, but, for example, "Flight".

Big, round. The knife cut him badly, rather broke him. I looked and thought that the icebreaker at the North Pole was also crushing ice floes, and I remembered that I still hadn't glued the Arktika.

Or was it "Bird's milk", for which they went to some special restaurant (Prague?). Delicious was...

And on TV, workers with red banners walked along Red Square. Peace Labor may!

Happy holiday everyone!