Pisces man and Aquarius woman. Zodiac signs according to literary characters Who according to the horoscope Sherlock Holmes

I do not consider myself a fan of anything or anyone, including one of the most famous literary heroes of all eras - Sherlock Holmes. But I keep track of films dedicated to him.

English mini series "Sherlock" at first I watched it fragmentarily on TV, curious but not carried away, then I bought a CD for entertainment and found that the more I watch it, the more I like this film. Stylish, highly professional, excellent performance by the performers of both the main and secondary roles, and, which makes it interesting not only from the point of view of the plot, but with all the dynamism and outward eventfulness, there is a relational, psychological aspect. Ordinary detectives live one, maximum two viewings; this picture can be reviewed, savoring the details.

The obvious feature of the film is that the action is transferred from the Victorian era to the 21st century. Holmes uses high technology to receive and process information. Watson writes stories about solved crimes and celebrates a friend's deductive methods on a blog; however, Sherlock also has his own blog, where he describes, for example, 243 types of tobacco ash.

But modernity is not limited to a simple investment in the hands of the heroes of smartphones and laptops. In the film, in principle, there is no primitiveness and straightforwardness. The most diverse trends and nuances of our time are unobtrusively noted. For example, the famous pipe Sherlock Holmes, which helped his brain work, was replaced with a nicotine patch. (Holmes: "It's impossible to smoke in London these days! Bad news for the brain." - Watson: "Good for the lungs." - Holmes: "Oh! Breathing is boring!"). This was done on the grounds that the film is shown at a time when all forms of smoking propaganda are prohibited on English television, but how it is played, how appropriate it looks, giving an additional shade to the character of the hero. The communication of the main characters is devoid of the stiffness that was naturally present in works created a century ago. Now people do not address each other by their last names, as was customary before, but less formally, by their first names: Sherlock, John, Molly (and the series is simply called “Sherlock”).

The fate of all films and performances based on classical works: they will definitely be compared, and not only with the original, but also with numerous previous staged versions. According to some experts, Benedict Cumberbatch- best Sherlock Holmes out of 72 known variants. Martin Freeman who played the role John Watson, earned an honorable third place on this list. Russian viewers, of course, remember Vasily Livanov's Sherlock Holmes. For us, he has been the best for a long time - until now. Everyone is good in his time, Livanov - in the Soviet. (By the way, the screenwriter of the Soviet series Vladimir Valutsky admitted that Sherlock was the first interpretation of the work of Conan Doyle, which he liked, after his own work, of course).

A little earlier than the series with Cumberbatch, a film version appeared with Robert Downey Jr. A little later - an American remake "Elementary" with Johnny Lee Miller. Who cares, but quite a stylish, self-sufficient film by Guy Ritchie stopped at the level of a classic action movie, nothing more. In relation to the American series, even the lead actor prefers the English Sherlock. Miller and Cumberbatch are buddies, by the way.

Members reacted curiously to both seasons of Sherlock Sherlock Holmes Society of London. This literary hero is a national treasure of Great Britain, like, for example, Eugene Onegin is a national treasure of Russia, and Scarlett o Hara is of the United States of America. Connoisseurs acknowledged that the BBC's interpretation of Holmes is a perfect fit for the classic image, when transposed into modern society. Holmes remained Holmes. (This is not the American interpretation of Holmes the drug addict). Cumberbatch himself once joked that if he took coins for every phrase “we expected another and were pleasantly surprised,” he could treat all the journalists.

I'll try to sort this unexpected success of the film for many.

The series is not a series at all.

Not a series in the usual sense. So far, only six episodes have been shot, or rather, six separate films. They are full-fledged films in terms of timing - the duration of each is an hour and a half. They are staged by different directors, each has its own style, tone, idea, meaning - and at the same time develops a common plot. The first series is the acquaintance of the characters, the second series is their getting used to each other, the third is the appearance of an antihero, the fourth is a love test, and the sixth, which is very different from the previous ones, does not look like a detective at all, almost a drama in genre. An excellent script Steven Moffat and Mark Getiss wrote in turn and in collaboration. Superbly built dialogues, appropriate humor, intellectualism, a well-defined, clear composition of each series. How elegantly transcribed, reformatted, the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, preserving the plot details, but often changing the essence!

Attracts meticulously executed staging part, thinking through every little thing, quality in everything. Apartment on Baker Street, where many episodes are filmed, was recreated not on a crowded street near the city center, where the Sherlock Holmes Museum is now located and there are a lot of plates with his name around, but in a remote area - but close to the original (I happened to see it). The operator actively uses the "circumferential shooting" method, when one situation, one object is fixed from different angles, creating a three-dimensional image. Text messages popping up on the screen, not stopping the action, but superimposed on it. Great views of London, special atmosphere. A catchy soundtrack, the pace of which changes depending on the rhythm of events. And - a non-serial feature - the absence of clichés, and if they are, they are deliberately introduced, as signs of modern clichéd thinking.

Actor's "parting"

Amazing accuracy with the choice of artists for almost all roles. Unexpectedly charming, intelligent, albeit lacking stars from the sky, Sherlock-respecting Inspector Lestrade (Rupert Graves). A professional in her field (and this is an autopsy in the morgue) is a pretty, but femininely insecure Molly (Louise Brealey). Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is just an actor's holiday, insanely expressive facial expressions. It seemed to me very interesting and the image of Mycroft Holmes performed by Mark Getiss.


But the main success, of course, is in the duet of the main characters.

Benedict Cumberbatch should be grateful to his hero Sherlock Holmes for making him famous. But Sherlock should also be grateful to Benedict for the fact that he managed to portray him so organically, convexly, charmingly (although the actor is far from handsome), making him a truly extraordinary person. Every gesture of Cumberbatch's is precise, his rich voice, posture, ease of movement being perfectly exploited. The role is not easy, there are a lot of words that have to be pronounced quickly, his speech sounds almost at the speed of thought.

Actor Cumberbatch

Cumberbatch is from an acting family, the parents did everything possible so that their son did not follow in their footsteps, but did not succeed in this. He received an excellent education, but his acting fate began to take shape only by the age of 30 (now Benedict is 36). And yet, before the role of Sherlock, he was not widely known. Now it is in great demand (the filming of the third season was delayed, among other things, due to his employment in other television and film projects). When the authors of the idea, who are also the screenwriters, chose the performers, they did without long searches and disputes regarding the main person: both saw Cumberbatch as the modern Holmes and only him.

Sherlock-Benedict is by no means the sensible, unhurried gentleman puffing on his pipe, which has grown into our consciousness thanks to previous film adaptations. His internal computer operates at a fantastic speed - millions of gigabytes per second! He is eccentric, incomprehensible, annoying by his unwillingness to fit into the conventions of this world, he calls those around him idiots to his face. "Shut up, Andersen, we're lowering the IQ of the entire street!" Police Sergeant Sally Donovan refers to him as "psycho", about himself he says "I'm not a psychopath, but a highly active sociopath, learn the terms, Andersen!". He is absolutely whole, almost autistic, he knows not only everything about everything and everyone, but everything about himself. He is a genius and constantly demands that others recognize this: “The weakness of a genius is the need for an audience!”. “Yeah…” Watson nods. But the authors do not allow their hero to endlessly revel in his own mind, from time to time putting him in funny situations, allowing him to make miscalculations, tiny, insignificant, which, nevertheless, emphasize that nothing human, including mistakes, is alien to him.

One of the reasons for the success of the image of Sherlock is that in our era the theme of the proportionality of the mind and feelings, the correlation of technologism and humanity is very relevant. Increasingly, there are speeches about "superfluous emotions", about the triumph of reason. In principle, the whole series is about this, about the possibility of combining intellect and feelings. Well, more about the relationship of the two.

A couple is not a couple

Another detective classic, Agatha Christie, also has wonderful characters who have been worshiped for more than a century. Yet neither Miss Marple nor Poirot can compete with the Holmes-Watson duet precisely because there are two of them. "We are not a couple!" - John constantly proves, fearing that he will be suspected of unconventional inclinations. “No, a couple,” says Irene Adler. And where there are two, there is the main thing - there is a relationship.

Watson - Freeman

So, another big plus of the series is the relationship.

The starting series, where the main characters meet for the first time, is interesting to revisit after the entire series has been completed. We meet new people who are weekly, who are daily, but then we remember the details and savor the details of only those meetings that became milestones for us, changed our lives - and we forget the rest forever. That's what happened to Sherlock and John when they met: life changed. And John is no less important to Sherlock than Sherlock is to John, perhaps even more so. (By the way, Watson's role in the film is more significant than in the literary source, where the doctor is mainly a target for ridicule and some balance of everyday life for an eccentric detective).

The 21st century Dr. Watson is back from service in Afghanistan, just like his late 19th century prototype. The war was different, but still the same, endless, invincible Afghan. He is bold, stubborn, principled, internally steadfast, resolute, ready for action, reliable and even moderately insightful, if measured on an ordinary scale. What did he become for Sherlock? "Maybe not the brightest head, but an unsurpassed conductor of light."

Watson is Sherlock's moral code. Already in the first hours of their acquaintance, Holmes, noticing the frozen faces of those around him in response to his remark about the death of the daughter of the murdered woman: “It was a long time ago, why would she be so sad?”, It is him who asks: “What? Badly?". Watson helps the "highly active sociopath" to socialize: he apologizes for his rudeness, smooths out harshness and outright impoliteness. He builds it into this boring, horizontal, flat, but relentlessly real world.

Watson's fear of being branded not as a friend, but as a "friend" runs through all the series with an unobtrusive ironic line. In the UK, after a long debate, a law was passed legitimizing same-sex marriage, and this topic is still actively discussed. So what is between them?

Already in the second series, Sherlock, who has never had friends, introduces John: "My friend", but for some reason he corrects: "Colleague." But in The Hounds of Baskerville, Watson, who easily endured Holmes's many arrogant antics, is seriously offended when he declares: "I have no friends!" The scene of Sherlock's apology looks almost sentimental. However, he immediately uses the established contact in order to conduct a rather harsh experiment with a friend as a guinea pig.

And so constantly: something happens between them, uneven, changing, then irritation, then recognition, from time to time they save each other ... What is it? In my opinion, something more than friendship. This is already love. Know-no, no indecent hints. They are usually just friends with a person who is close, in some way related. Friends - for something. Love - nothing. Only love is unconditional. John Watson endlessly admires Sherlock, appreciates his intelligence, but also perfectly sees the shortcomings with which it is difficult for him to come to terms. And yet he accepts it entirely, as it is, as a mother loves a child - any, weak, wretched, if only his own. His love is also unconditional because it does not require anything in return. Doesn't ask. But it has. Because Sherlock, of course, loves him too.

Well, what about the love of a woman?

The question of Holmes' relationship to Irene Adler is not so clear. The performer of the role believes that his hero loves her in his own way. But as if without "chemistry", without physiology. "Don't worry, it's about sex," Brother Mycroft's words. "Sex doesn't bother me," words of Brother Sherlock. "How do you know?" Brother Mycroft's words. Now he knows. Irene Adler is dear to him. Because she is the same. Everyone dreams of meeting their soul mate. Sherlock did not dream, but met. But he is smart, he understands: in this life he must be alone. It's fate, you were born that way, you can't argue.

Irene Adler

But Watson in future episodes (as well as in the literary original) seems to have a personal life. Because he is still an ordinary person and lives his “ordinary history”.

Here is the main question. Does Sherlock have a heart?

"I'll burn your heart out!" Moriarty is angry.

- It is known from reliable sources that I do not have it! - the spiritually steadfast hero is ready to joke at a critical moment.

"Well, we both know that's not entirely true...

A superbrain, a superhero who can keep from worrying if worrying doesn't help. Cold? Indifferent? As if. However, everything he does, he does for the sake of people, for the good. Everyday trifles, social conventions and, especially, empty words may not be important to him, but he helps, he saves. (And he does not even want to take money for this, which the earthly Watson, as a true friend and protector, does not allow). "You're on the side of the angels!" Moriarty delivers his verdict. (However, their dialogue contest on the roof at the end of the sixth series is not one of the strongest “pages”, in my opinion).

The film has a strong humanistic component. Perhaps the creators did not consciously set such goals, but the series turned out to be very “correct”, it presented modern man in his extreme, extreme manifestation, but convincingly beautiful. A person in our technogenic time is able to develop the mind - and save the soul, to be a brain center - and a center of attraction for people. “You are the most humane of all whom I knew,” says John Watson at the grave of a friend.

In the article "Hands of Sherlock Holmes" (heading "Palmistry, Reading Lines" on my website) I write about how often an actor fails - hands. A talented person can play anyone with a face, but the palms, fingers, their shape, features are ready to give out the artist “with a head”. So, Cumberbatch's hands correspond to what his character's hands should be. In a long-written article, I briefly analyzed the palms of the performer of the role of Holmes and made some assumptions about the artist himself. Later I got acquainted with the information about this person and was convinced that the guesses turned out to be correct.

Cumberbatch and Freeman and life buddies

About Benedict Cumberbatch. According to his half-sister, he has a lot in common with the hero of the series. He is an intellectual, reads a lot, has little free time, because he works a lot, he thinks very quickly. They say he's weird. And not even married (yet). Since student times for 12 years, Benedict's relationship with actress Olivia Poole continued, but they recently broke up. Like Sherlock, he has a difficult personality, although not as harsh. He also loves to joke. “The other day I accidentally read in some blog that I have a horse face, an idiotic last name, that as an actor I am mediocre and stupid. And if I can still somehow argue with the last two, then with the first, alas, this has been with me since childhood.

Sherlock's hands

I will complete my impressions of the film "Sherlock", as it should be for my site, with astrological "fabrics". I like to “guess” who the famous literary and cinema heroes are according to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, I am convinced that Nastasya Filippovna (Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot", the television series by Vladimir Bortko "The Idiot") is Scorpio, Prince Myshkin is definitely Pisces, and Rogozhin, performed by Vladimir Mashkov, is most likely a Taurus, he is too stuck on feelings, and the woman he loves is killed by his possessive instinct. ( Do you disagree? Can be discussed. By the way, you can read about the fact that quiet-peaceful Taurus are the leaders of some categories of criminals in the article "Zodiac Signs and Criminal Inclinations" on my website in the "Astrology" section,). Sherlock Holmes, played by Cumberbatch, is very similar to a mixture of Gemini and Aquarius: intelligence and speed, rationalism and fixation on oneself. John Watson is most likely a Taurus, well, or Capricorn. In general, there the element of Air is the element of Earth.

According to astrologers, since any phenomenon or event can be described by appropriate astrological images, it is not a problem to determine which sign of the Zodiac this or that literary hero belongs to, based on what the writer’s fantasy or folklore brought to us. And in this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether Baba Yaga actually existed or not, since this is already a kind of archetype that can be referred to and cited as an analogy for the concept of the psychotype of a particular zodiac sign. So let's get started.


Active and enterprising heroes. They simply can’t sit in one place, they will always find something to do. But for the most part they live in the present moment, they prefer not to think about the future until it has come. Not averse to fighting, they are easily involved in adventures that do not require long preparation. They are not indifferent to melee or firearms, they love speed, so their indispensable companions are a sword, a pistol, a frisky horse, a car, an airplane or a spaceship. In the course of the plot, such characters often take part in a fight, saving the world or performing some important mission. Usually they defeat their enemies, although they themselves are fairly beaten, in some cases injured, and if the work is fabulous or fantastic, then they are generally killed or destroyed in some other completely unusual way, however, with subsequent resurrection.

Often, writers endow the Aries hero with fiery red hair, a bold and even daring look, freckles on his face, and a chased profile.

Outstanding Characters: Ostap Bender, Nozdryov, d'Artagnan, Duncan McCloud, Scarlett O'Hara, Tom Sawyer, Pippi Longstocking, Little Red Riding Hood, Fox Alice, Lilu (V element).


If left untouched, he is calm and not prone to adventure, so writers rarely endow the characters in their works with the characteristics inherent in this sign. In the life of the Taurus hero, usually nothing interesting happens for a long time, and only some extremely important event makes him get up from the stove or tear himself away from his favorite chair, leave a cozy house, having previously stocked up on provisions for a long journey, and begin to fulfill his mission. And it is usually simple-minded - to protect someone, for example, their country or a person dear to him, or to stop evil, in most cases, by the way, directly or indirectly threatening his own well-being. When everything is done, such a hero returns to his usual way of life.

Outwardly, the Taurus character is usually a strong man with a wide nose and beautiful, expressive eyes.

Outstanding Characters: Ilya Muromets, Kotigoroshko, Shrek, Commissioner Maigret.


Characters who could well have been born under the sign of Gemini are damn intelligent, curious, sneaky and do not climb into their pocket for a word. They are swindlers and jokers. Sometimes they are frankly funny, but only because they put on such a mask of their own free will. Even in a negative incarnation, they still endear themselves. However, according to the actions performed, it is difficult to initially determine which heroes they belong to - positive or negative. And in the course of the work, they may well “re-educate”. Being sometimes heroes of a negative plan, the Twins, however, are not malicious. Rather, they manifest themselves as liars, rogues and swindlers. They can also be sarcastic and thieving. For some of them, the duality of nature is manifested in the literal sense of the word. Think of Gollum, suffering from a frank split personality, from The Lord of the Rings or the pirate Jack Sparrow with his visions. However, it would be a mistake to attribute the Serpent Gorynych with his three heads to the Twins. The character of this creature, rather, scorpions. In addition, regenerative abilities (in some fairy tales, severed heads tend to grow back very quickly) are also characteristic of this sign.

The Gemini character can be found in adventure stories or travel tales, and they are recognizable by their general mobility, sometimes long and skinny build, sly eyes, and an elongated, slightly pointed nose tip.

Outstanding Characters: Jack Sparrow, Koroviev, Chichikov, Odysseus, Passepartout, Panikovsky, Baron Munchausen, Gollum, Peter Pan, old woman Shapoklyak, Dunno, Pinocchio, Kolobok.


If the hero of the work needs care, sympathy, support and love; if
he has close ties with his family, or vice versa - there is no family, or relations with her have completely gone wrong, and this depresses him very much; if he lives in an old, but very comfortable dwelling, to which he is very attached; if he loves his home, his homeland, strives for it with all his heart when he has to stay in a foreign land; if he is often sad and crying; if any little thing can plunge him into the abyss of depression; if its main goal is peace of mind, you can be sure that you have the image of Cancer in front of you. It is interesting that science fiction writers practically do not display Cancers in their works, but in fairy tales they are quite common.

Outstanding Characters: Master, Robinson Crusoe, Box, Little Prince, Romeo, Pierrot, Eeyore donkey, Harry Potter (although according to JK Rowling he was born under the sign of Leo, he is more like Cancer in character).


A bright, central character, on which the whole work rests. Sometimes his name is taken out in the title of a novel, story or short story. The main idea pursued by him is that a person is the master of his own destiny. Indeed, having read carefully, you begin to understand that the character of this sign, making this or that decision, sets the tone for other events. That is, his role is key. As an example, it is appropriate to cite Margarita Nikolaevna - carnal love and the heavenly muse of the Master. If she hadn’t come out with a bouquet of yellow flowers (by the way, the yellow color is most loved by the Lions), she would not have met her betrothed. If she had not made the decision to link her fate with him right there on the spot, there would be no work. With all his strength, the character of Leo is noble, true to his word and compassionate to someone else's grief - Margarita did not ask Woland for herself, but for the sinner Frida. In some cases, Leo is also presented as a hero-lover.

It is easy to recognize such a character in the description: he has a bright, beautiful appearance, rich clothes, and a hat is a must on his head.

Outstanding Characters: Margarita, Don Juan, Ivan Tsarevich.


Balanced, intelligent, hardworking and executive hero. Sometimes too strict, but always fair. Most often appears in detective works, because attention to detail and the most thorough logical analysis are the strongest sides of his nature. Another interesting observation: Virgo characters in most cases are not married. At least nowhere in the works is their marriage partner mentioned, or it is directly indicated that the Virgo hero is not married (not married) and is not even going to spoil his life in such a strange way. The same is true for children.

Outstanding Characters: Sherlock Holmes (although Conan Doyle indicates in Notes on Sherlock Holmes that he was born under the sign of Capricorn, any more or less literate astrologer will confidently attribute the famous detective to Virgo), Miss Marple, Mary Poppins, Malvina, Snow White, postman Pechkin, Dr. Aibolit. Cardinal Richelieu can also be attributed to this sign, as Alexandre Dumas presents him in his novels, especially since the real prototype of this politician of France was indeed born under the sign of the Virgin.


Usually someone's friend or partner, constantly accompanying the main character, such as Piglet - Winnie the Pooh or Dr. Watson - Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes Libra is represented in the works of aesthete heroes, and writers in some cases deliberately display their inherent characteristics in a somewhat hypertrophied form (Ellochka the Cannibal from "12 Chairs"). Perhaps there is not a single novel, story, story or fairy tale where this sign would act in a negative incarnation. Compliant Libra, in principle, is not against following someone's will, even if it is evil, but in the end they understand the balance of power and go over to the bright side.

Outstanding Characters: Dr. Watson, Manilov, Ellochka-Cannibal, Piglet, Thumbelina (applies here solely on such grounds as small and pretty, but due to diligence, she should be considered a Virgo).


Scorpio is ideal for a detective or deeply psychological work, where you can, without skimping on bright colors, reflect the whole ins and outs of the human soul, amaze the reader with an abundance of emotions and experiences. More often than others, a character of this sign meets with death, more often than others he knows how to deceive her, get out of a seemingly hopeless situation, survive after severe injuries or losses. It only strengthens him. The insightful Scorpio hero loves to control people and is ready to use force for this. He always remembers the offense inflicted on him, does not stop at revenge until the murder, and sometimes he himself is ready to commit suicide - either according to his own convictions, or to spite his enemies. It happens that it is through the mediation of Scorpio that writers describe a different, afterlife side of life. The inner world of such a hero is rich, but feelings are contradictory to the extreme. He loves deeply, but his love is only one step away from hate, and if necessary, he takes it.

Almost always, writers endow Scorpio heroes with a demonic, sometimes ugly, and sometimes damn attractive, fatal appearance.

Outstanding Characters: Count of Monte Cristo, Milady, Professor Moriarty, Anna Karenina, Juliet, Raskolnikov, Dorian Gray, Azazello, Kaa's boa constrictor, Serpent Gorynych.


The main feature of such heroes is spontaneity. They are truth-loving, smart, fair, sometimes idealistic, always optimistic and often hide behind the guise of a jester, such as the Behemoth cat. Another, no less important feature is that they never stay in one place. Fairly fluent
look at the list of bright characters of this sign below to make sure that they are all travelers to some extent, because the action of the works in which they appear takes place anywhere, but not in their place of residence. The only exceptions are, perhaps, Winnie the Pooh, Baba Yaga and Carlson. But how often did Winnie the Pooh sit at home? No, usually wandered somewhere. And the main witch from Russian fairy tales and Carlson generally knew how to fly, and the issue of distance was not a problem for them, so they didn’t stay too long at home either. It is also interesting that Sagittarius characters are often found in fairy tales, and among them there are almost no negative characters. Even Barmaley is kind of cute and capable of scaring, perhaps, small children, and even then, for fun.

Outstanding Characters: the good soldier Schweik, Don Quixote, Shura Balaganov, the cat Behemoth, Baba Yaga, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, the Scarecrow, Alice, who made a trip to Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Sinbad the Sailor, Barmaley.


Perhaps most of the villains are concentrated under the auspices of this particular sign. Capricorn characters personify the idea of ​​power, justice, duty. They are influential, calm, excellently lead others, although sometimes they are heavy and gloomy. Human passions and lofty feelings like love or compassion do not surprise or touch these heroes. They are cold and sometimes cruel. At best, they are fair. There are few such characters in classical, adult literature. In a slightly exaggerated form, they appear before us in fairy tales. These are usually misanthropes who do not like not only people, but also animals.

Outstanding Characters: Woland, Plyushkin, Captain Blood, Sharikov, Koschey the Deathless, Snow Queen, Karabas-Barabas, Cruella, Darth Vader (this character has a lot from the technical Aquarius, but his tough character allows him to be attributed to Capricorn).


They embody the idea of ​​freedom, equality, fraternity. They are bred as rebels, revolutionaries, conductors of higher justice, progress and reason. They are often indifferent to material goods. The main qualities that distinguish them from other representatives of the Zodiac are ingenuity, ingenuity, and technicality. In fantastic works, they are sometimes a strange mixture of man and mechanism, less often described as mutants with some kind of extraordinary abilities, which allows them to do good, protect the weak and maintain a balance of good and evil in the world. It is Aquarius that the writers send to act in other worlds, in other dimensions. For example, Neo can enter the virtual world of the Matrix, and Anton Gorodetsky is able to enter the Twilight. But even those characters who are embodied in a completely normal, human form are extremely inventive, able to think outside the box, which is the basis of their success. For example, the same Ivan the Fool. A fool, of course, he is a fool, but in the end he snatched half the kingdom and a beautiful wife to boot.

Outstanding Characters: Stirlitz, Erast Petrovich Fandorin, James Bond, Robin Hood, Huckleberry Finn, Ivan the Fool, Emelya, Anton Gorodetsky, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, Batman, Spider-Man, Cipollino, Puss in Boots, Tin Woodman, Old Hottabych, Mowgli, Neo , Captain Vrungel, Malchish-Kibalchish.


There are two types of such characters. The first is positive, which is characterized by such qualities as compassion, sacrifice, gentleness, understanding and forgiveness. The second is negative, or rather, not so much negative as erring and trouble-free, due to their naivety, who fell under the power of other, sometimes not very decent people and were forced to follow their lead, like, for example, the cat Basilio or Duremar. Sancho Panza can also be attributed to this category: it was necessary to be so imbued with the ideas of the idealist Don Quixote in order to drop everything and follow him on a difficult path. There is also a third type of Pisces heroes - self-sufficient and mysterious. They usually exist in fairy tales, they are good wizards and wish-fulfilling genies. Such strange animals as the non-material, Cheshire cat dissolving in the air or belonging to an unknown type of animal, according to the classification accepted among zoologists, Cheburashka can also be considered Pisces.

Outstanding Characters: Yeshua Ga-Notsri, Sancho Panza, Cinderella, Gerda, Assol, Cheshire cat, Basilio the cat, Duremar, Cheburashka, Ichthyander, Mermaid.

Irina Romanova specially for the site

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Once upon a time there was Sherlock Holmes

Such a strange literary phenomenon as a detailed biography of fictional characters, such as Sherlock Holmes and his friend and biographer Dr. Watson, arose thanks to the efforts of a whole galaxy of enthusiastic English people who called themselves "Holmesians" and fanatical Americans - "Holmesians". Taking as an axiom two positions - both literary characters are real persons, and Conan Doyle is just a literary agent of Dr. Watson, they created many fascinating books about the Victorian era and Holmes and Watson themselves.

Sherlock's date of birth is considered to be 1854. Mr W.S. Baring-Gould considered Holmes the third son of Seeger and Violet Holmes of Yorkshire, and E.W. Knox is the second son of Sir Staitley Holmes of Carshelton in Surrey. Holmes' maternal cousin was Dr. Horis Werner (an anglicised form of the French surname Vernet), who later settled in San Francisco. It is also known that the French painter Emile Vernet (1789-1863) was a distant relative of Holmes. Of Sherlock's siblings, only his older brother, Mycroft, is known for certain.
It seems most likely that Sherlock Holmes was born in Sussex, where at the end of his life he retired to a small farm. At any rate, his parents were, in his own words, "country squires who led much the same life as is natural to their class." He was well acquainted with the horrors of country inns, several times demonstrated an excellent knowledge of rural life, and devoted several free hours during the investigation of the "Black Peter case" in Sussex to birds and flowers. Some other references also point to his rural origin and to the county of Sussex, namely East Sussex, since Sherlock Holmes did not know West Sussex.
In 1873, Sherlock entered Oxford University and in 1877 he first came to London, where he settled in a corner apartment on Montague Street near the British Museum. Sherlock Holmes began to develop his deductive method while still in college, when, after two semesters, he went to Doniforp to visit his friend Victor Trevor for the holidays. After he moved to the capital, he was approached either by his university comrades themselves or by their recommendations. Gradually, Sherlock Holmes formed a fairly extensive, although not very profitable practice.
In 1878, Holmes helped to avoid death in London at the hands of one of the members of the Suicide Club, Prince Florizel, as Colonel Geraldine mentioned: "Everything was settled by the simplest means. In the afternoon I agreed with the famous detective. The secret was promised and paid." At this time, he struck up acquaintances with detective inspectors of the newly created Department of Criminal Investigations at Scotland Yard, among whom were Tobias Gregson and a detective with the French surname Lestrade.
In 1879, Holmes traveled to America, as evidenced by his many expressions such as "warpath" and "hunting grounds", showing familiarity with the culture of the Apache, Blackfoot and Pawnee. He joined Mikhail Sazonov's Shakespeare Company, which left England for America on January 23 on the White Star liner Queen Empress and landed in New York ten days later. It was then that Holmes met Wilson Hargreave, who later became an important rank in the New York police and whom Watson mentioned in The Dancing Men. Holmes' first role was as Cassius in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
Mikhail Sazonov wrote in his book Seventy Years as a Showman (London, 1923):
"Sherlock Holmes was not so much absorbed in his own accomplishments as in the accomplishments of others. At the time, at least, there never was a greater pleasure for him than to watch others play."
Stage practice in Sazonov's Shakespeare Company later allowed Holmes to easily transform into various characters that he needed during the course of the investigation. During his tour, he apparently became addicted to playing the violin. Holmes returned to England in the summer of 1880 and took up his practice, as well as various applied sciences, which allowed him to solve the most difficult cases. For chemical experiments, he was allowed to use the laboratory at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he was introduced to Dr. Watson.
In January 1881, shortly after they met, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson rented an apartment on the second floor of 221-b Baker Street from a housewife, Mrs. Hudson. For seven long years they lived side by side, and Holmes never ceased to amaze his friend with his clear mind and powers of observation, which allowed him to find a clue even when the official police investigation came to a standstill. In 1882, Scotland Yard was shaken by a huge scandal involving the corruption of detectives from the Criminal Investigation Department, which increased the number of clients who preferred to use a consulting detective.
His fame as a detective reached even government circles, and in the autumn of 1886 Baker Street was visited by the Prime Minister of Salisbury and the Foreign Secretary, Lord Iddesley (formerly Sir Stafford Northcote), whom Watson hid under the pseudonyms of Lord Bellinger and Trelawney Hope, "Minister for European Affairs". Holmes managed to find a missing letter of extreme importance, hidden by Lady Iddesley, and he even tried to hush up this matter, but Watson, in his story "The Second Stain", left Lord Iddelsey's sad end behind the margins. At the very end of 1886, there was a series of ministerial changes that shocked England, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was literally ousted from his post. Eight days later, Lord Iddesley died suddenly in the anteroom of the Premier's official residence in Downing Street.
The following year, Sherlock Holmes first drew attention to the forty-year-old professor of mathematics, author of the book "Dynamics of Asteroids" James Moriarty. Analyzing many criminal cases, he came to the conclusion that behind all of them, it seems, the figure of a professor looms. Perhaps this discovery was connected with the case of the Netherlands-Sumatra Company and the grandiose fraud of Baron Mauperthuis, which Holmes was engaged in during February-March 1887 on the continent. The extreme nervous tension from fifteen hours of work every day caused a breakdown and the need for a week's rest in the country, which was completely uncharacteristic of an active detective. And the collection of evidence against Professor Moriarty dragged on for almost five years.
In the autumn of 1888, Sherlock Holmes was left by his friend Dr. Watson, who married Miss Morston, having met her while investigating the Agra treasure case. The Doctor moved to Paddington while Holmes stayed in Baker Street, still investigating. On his account: the disclosure of the murder of Trepov in Odessa, the tragedy of the Atkinson brothers in Trincomalee, the commission of the Dutch royal house, as well as a number of cases described in Dr. Watson's notes. In early January 1891, Sherlock Holmes began the final hunt for Professor Moriarty, which ended on April 24 on a rocky ledge near the Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland with the death of the professor.
For three whole years after the fateful meeting, Sherlock Holmes was hiding, as two of the most dangerous members of the Moriarty gang remained at large. Fearing the revenge of his mortal enemies, he left first for Florence, then traveled through Tibet under the name of the Norwegian Sigerson, visited Lhasa and spent several days with the Dalai Lama. Then Holmes traveled all over Persia, looked into Mecca and visited the caliph in Khartoum.
Returning to Europe in early 1894, he spent several months in the south of France in Montpellier. All this time he kept in touch with his brother Mycroft, who reported the London news and supplied Holmes with money. Finally, Mycroft informed his brother that only one assistant to Moriarty, Colonel Sebastian Moran, remained in London, and Holmes decided to return to England. Colonel Moran was defeated and brought to justice, and Sherlock Holmes returned to his usual activities.
Returned to his old apartment in Baker Street and Dr. Watson, whose wife had died the previous year. Thanks to the publication of The Sherlock Holmes Papers and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in the Strand, the Baker Street private detective became famous and his clientele expanded considerably.
Holmes was already close to fifty when he began to think about retiring. Forensic science by that time had made significant progress, and it became more and more difficult to investigate cases alone, without the use of the latest research methods. In 1902, Dr. Watson bought a practice in Quinn Ann Street and left Holmes, and a year later Holmes himself settled on a small farm in Sussex, raising bees.
In 1912, the inability of British counterintelligence to find the organizing center of the German Kaiser's agents forced Prime Minister Earl Asquith and Foreign Minister Viscount Gray to turn to Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes went across the ocean to Chicago, then joined a secret society of Irish nationalists in Buffalo, moved from America to southern Ireland, where in the town of Skibburn he participated in anti-English demonstrations, finally managing to attract the attention of one of the smallest agents of the Kaiser resident von Bork. It took Holmes two years to reach out to von Bork and gain his trust, until on August 2, 1914, the day after Germany declared war on Russia and two days before England declared war on Germany, von Bork's career was brought to an end.
This was indeed Holmes' last case. He published a "Practical Guide to the Breeding of Bees, and Some Observations on the Separation of the Queen" and returned to his farm in Sussex, where he spent the rest of his life.
January 6, 1854 - Sherlock Holmes' birthday.
This date was first named Sherlock's birthday at the first dinner of the New York Baker Street Irregulars on June 5, 1933, during a report that operated on various astrological speculations. The chairman of the society, Christopher Morley, accepted this date, since his brother Felix was born on January 6, 1894, on the day that thus became the fortieth birthday of the great detective. In 1957, to confirm this theory, Nathan Bengis pointed to a sentence in The Valley of Fear, which described how on the morning of January 7, Holmes "leaned on his hand, without touching the breakfast in front of him", which could indicate "some a little fun the night before."
In Doyle's text, this indicated, of course, Holmes's interest in Porlak's letter, nothing more. But the date was finally fixed after the publication of a book by William Baring-Gould, in which he insisted on this date on the basis that Holmes quoted twice from "Twelfth Night", the only Shakespeare play quoted by Conan Doyle more than once (the term "twelfth night" the feast of the Epiphany on January 6 was usually designated, but, strictly speaking, this is the night from January 5 to January 6). A message that flashed in one of the English newspapers in 1957: on January 6, on his birthday, Sherlock Holmes died at the age of 103.
So did the great detective really exist?


Last name, first name: Holmes, Sherlock.

Year of birth: 1887 (see Encyclopædia Britannica). However, a certain Nathan Benjis, one of the admirers of Mr. Holmes, called a completely different year - 1854. And even specified the day - January 6th.

Parents: father - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; mother - name unknown. Granddaughter of the sister of the French painter Horace Vernet (1789-1863).

Family status: single.

Close relatives: brother - Mycroft Holmes, seven years older than Sherlock. Political figure.

Appearance: thin build, over six feet tall (more than 180 cm), thin aquiline nose, square, slightly protruding chin, sharp, piercing gaze, "somewhat raspy" voice.

Education: Possibly studied at Oxford. Cambridge is excluded.

Address: UK, London, Baker Street, 221-b.

Occupation: private investigator or consulting detective.

Friends: doctor named Watson (or Watson). The acquaintance took place in 1881.

Main Enemies: Professor Moriarty, Colonel Sebastian Moran.

Bad habits: smoking, addiction to morphine and cocaine.

Hobby Keywords: chemistry, playing the violin. Has a weakness for Turkish baths.

Favorite newspapers: Daily Telegraph, The Times.

Sports hobbies: boxing, fencing, golf, swimming, martial arts. Shoots great with a pistol.

Published works: brochures "Identification of tobacco varieties by ashes", "Guidelines for breeding bees", works on footprints, on the influence of professions on the shape of the hand, the monograph "Lassus' Polyphonic Motets". Peru Sherlock Holmes also owns two stories about his own investigations. The best of them is "The Lion's Mane".

Special Notes: Nothing is known about Sherlock Holmes' life after 1914.

Counseling Investigator Habits:
If there was no urgent work, Mr. Holmes woke up late. When the blues came over him (oh, that notorious English spleen!), he, dressed in a mouse-colored dressing gown, could be silent for days on end. In the same "cheerful" attire, he conducted his endless chemical experiments. The rest of the robes - red and bluish - expressed other states of mind and were used in a variety of situations.
At times, Sherlock Holmes was overwhelmed by the desire to argue, then, instead of the traditional clay, he lit a pipe made of cherry wood. Being in deep thought, the famous detective allowed himself to bite his nails (on his hands, of course). Food and his own health interested him unreasonably little. By the way, for some reason the consulting detective kept pipes and cigars in a coal bucket, and tobacco in the toe of a Persian shoe.
However, this was only the most innocuous detail of the mess he made in the house. Justifying himself, Holmes said that in such a mess he thinks better.

Is Watson right?
Once Dr. Watson wrote a playful "Certificate": Sherlock Holmes - his possibilities:
1. Knowledge in the field of literature - none.
2. Knowledge in the field of philosophy - none.
3. Knowledge in the field of astronomy - none.
4. Knowledge in the field of politics is weak.
5. Knowledge in the field of botany is uneven. Knows the properties of belladonna, opium and poisons in general. Has no idea about gardening.
6. Knowledge in the field of geology - practical, but limited. Identifies samples of different soils at a glance. After walking, she shows me the splashes of mud on her trousers and, by their color and consistency, she determines which part of London she is from.
7. Knowledge in the field of chemistry - deep.
8. Knowledge in the field of anatomy - accurate.
9. Knowledge in the field of criminal chronicles is huge. Knows, it seems, all the details of every crime committed in the nineteenth century.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Excellent fencing with swords and espadrons, an excellent boxer.
12. Solid practical knowledge of English laws.

However, the biographer of Mr. Holmes was mistaken in many ways.
Let's start with the fact that Holmes did not just play the violin, but was a true music lover. He improvised, composed music himself, adored the work of German composers and constantly dragged poor Watson with him to concerts. In addition, Holmes was well versed in the merits and demerits of Cremona violins, easily talked about "the difference between the masterpieces of Stradivari and Amati." Was not alien to the detective-consultant and fiction. He could choose the work of the English writer George Meredith as a topic for conversation. From time to time he quoted Goethe, G. Flaubert, and in the original, and once, by the way, in front of Watson, he pulled out a pocket volume of Petrarch to enjoy poetry on the road. “Holmes had no knowledge of horticulture,” said Dr. Watson. The fact itself is doubtful, because no Englishman has yet been born who would not understand anything about growing plants. What can you do, national tradition! In addition, feeling London as his element, the great detective, as it turned out later, secretly dreamed of "immersing himself in the peace and silence of nature."
"Let's go for a walk in these wonderful groves, Watson, let's admire the birds and flowers."

Sayings of Sherlock Holmes
Holmes, as a rule, spoke little, but his speech was filled with aphorisms. Here are just a few of them:
“My whole life is a continuous effort to escape the dreary monotony of our everyday life. little riddles,
which I sometimes unravel help me achieve this goal.
"Crime investigation is an exact science, at least it should be."
“It seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can
set it up however you like."
“If we discard everything completely impossible, then exactly what remains - no matter how incredible it is
no matter how it seemed - and there is truth!
“I never guess. A very bad habit: it has a detrimental effect on the ability to think logically.
“You see everything, but do not give yourself the trouble to think about what you see!”

In the 19th century, the American poet, writer and scientist Oliver Wendell Holmes was very popular in England. A. Conan Doyle always had his books on the shelf: The Autocrat, The Poet, The Professor at the Dinner Table.
Sir Arthur once said: “Never have I understood and loved a man that I have never seen. To meet him became the goal of my life, but ironically, I arrived in his hometown just in time to have time to lay a wreath on his fresh grave. Now it is clear where the name Holmes came from? But with the name, everything was not so simple. A. Conan Doyle hesitated for a long time what to call the great detective: Sheringford or Sherlock.

deduction method: this way of thinking was “taught” by Sherlock Holmes by Joseph Bell, surgeon
Edinburgh Hospital. By the way, the famous detective partially inherited from Bell his extraordinary
appearance. Don't believe? Ask A. Conan Doyle.
“Bell was a very remarkable person, both in appearance and mind. He was tall, wiry,
dark-haired, with a long-nosed penetrating face, attentive gray eyes, thin shoulders and
jerky gait. He had a harsh voice. He was very strong in diagnostics, and not only
diseases, but also profession and character. For reasons that remain a mystery to me, he singled me out of
crowds of students who often visited his chambers, and made me his outpatient secretary ... But I
had ample opportunity to study his methods and to see that he often, glancing at
patient, learned more about him than I, who asked him questions ”(A. Conan Doyle).
By the way, Joseph Bell was sympathetic to Sherlock Holmes and carefully followed his progress.


Physiognomic and psychological characteristics of the Holmes type:

Large protruding nose with a hump.
Sharp cut of the wings of the nose "angle".
Chopped profile - Active phlegmatic.
Massive chin, "brick", "shovel" - Steady emotions.
Tightly compresses lips - Restrained internal nervousness.
Well-groomed appearance.
Doesn't wear a mustache or beard.
Careful handling of clothing.
British stiffness.
Dislikes familiarity.
Complete, tense movements.
"Kol ate" - a proud fixed posture.
"Chest with a wheel" - a developed chest.
Solid constitution. Pronounced muscularity.
Athletic warehouse of the figure - clothes fit perfectly.
Filigree adjusts things to the figure.
Stylish clothes, original shoes and hats.
Always dressed with taste.
Harmonious stylish decorations.
Demonstrative courtesy and gallantry with the ladies.
"Lays" words like bricks.
A tenacious gaze that captures objects and details.
Slowness, slowness, balance.
The most stable type.

Analyzing the facts of the biography of Sherlock Holmes, I tried to rectify his horoscope. The birth time of the great detective turned out to be 6 hours 1 minute 20 seconds.

Here is a brief description of the main features of his horoscope:

01/06/1854 06:01:20

Born in the year of the Buffalo
Sun sign Capricorn
Rising sign Sagittarius (16 degrees - ruler Mercury)
Psychological features: rational personality type, ability to maneuver.
Elemental: Fire = 2 Earth = 6 Air = 0 Water = 2
Crosses: Cardinal = 3 Fixed = 3 Movable = 4
Synthetic sign - Virgo(significant zodiac sign in the horoscope)
In life, repeated changes of address, long-distance moves are possible.
Personal life- Few indications of marriage.
Abilities and aptitudes:
basic sports skills
stage presence is high
ability to play high
the talent of the actor is high.
Intellectual Interests and Inclinations:
very high intellectual activity, creative, exploratory mind
have a strong inclination towards science
high ability in exact sciences
to mathematics and engineering high
to astrology high
to physics high, ability to work with devices
to chemistry high
to psychology high
to mastery of the word high
good for languages
good for journalism
to history satisfactory
to pedagogy high (Watson's training)
to jurisprudence high
to the economy high
organizer - high
consultant - good
medicine: the tendency to morbidity is moderate.
Financial opportunities are good.

In harmonious aspects, it gives a person purposefulness and the ability to plan, healthy ambition, diligence and perseverance, perseverance, diligence, practicality, thoroughness, vigilance, forethought, caution and prudence, the ability to use the slightest chances and opportunities, the ability to overcome difficulties and use other people to realize their goals. plans and goals, to delve deeply into the essence of problems, concentration of thought and a clear memory, clear reason and thoughtfulness of actions, frugality and thrift, self-control and discipline, calmness and prudence, endurance and patience, the desire to belong to the chosen circle. Capricorn is a real collectivist, he does not like to do things alone, this can make him depressed. Therefore, he attracts others to the common cause that he has planned or that he needs to complete (together with Watson). If the SUN is damaged, then the character of the subject may manifest such negative traits as the ability to fall into depression, melancholy and susceptibility to pessimism, melancholy, straightforwardness, dryness and coldness, rationality, excessive severity and severity, authoritarianism.

Since Mercury in this sign is in detriment, its positive qualities are somewhat weakened, but in harmonious aspects this position gives a person great mobility, love of travel, business trips, adventures, diplomacy, justice, nobility, frankness, independence, eloquence (fast, energetic speech), the talent to express thoughts that hit the target, ambition and good organizational skills, interest in literature, languages, science and medicine, education, publishing, journalism. The mind is active, enterprising, impulsive, endowed with a good gift of foresight.

This is one of the strongest positions of VENUS, as here the planet is in exaltation. In harmonious aspects, it gives a person kindness, mercy, peacefulness, sympathy, compassion, tenderness, caring, modesty, attentiveness, diligence, conscientiousness, love of beauty, the ability to win sympathy, romantic, refined taste, rich imagination, creative inspiration. Interest in poetry, music, painting, art, religion, aesthetics, faith and spirituality.

In harmonious aspects: very great diligence, discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, realism, enterprise, technicality, interest in technology, technical service, medicine, farming, breeding of small domestic animals. A person learns quickly, gains experience and practice, has a sharp, penetrating mind and good business qualities.

In this sign, JUPITER is in a fall and therefore somewhat weakened, but in the absence of damage in the character of the subject, such traits as ambition, ability to plan, self-control, will, perseverance, energy, thoroughness, foresight, enterprise, deliberation in actions, discipline, endurance are manifested. , vigilance. The personality has a constructive and serious, analytical and theoretical, fundamental and deep mind, good managerial and organizing abilities, creative abilities; person who is authoritative and trustworthy.

In good aspects, it endows the subject with very great diligence, patience, endurance, determination, perseverance, perseverance, constancy, the ability to save, plan income and expenses, a deep, serious and fundamental mind. The subject is calm, thoughtful, prudent, thorough, cautious, thrifty, economic, diplomatic, tactful, attentive to details, methodical, punctual, disciplined, very responsible and executive. Very stable and constant in tastes, attitudes and affections, very pragmatic, realistic and materialistic. Such people have a solid financial position, authority, reputation and respect, strive for steady accumulation, love for gardening, animal husbandry, and work on the land (towards the end of life!).

In harmonious aspects: the richest inner world, the strongest imagination and inspiration, dreams, visions, spirituality, religiosity, high sensitivity and receptivity, compassion, mercy, attentiveness, diligence, patience, adaptation, frugality, frugality, attention to detail. Interest in medicine, pedagogy, art, music, poetry, psychology, religion.

Great contact, sociability, popularity, enterprise; research, progressive mind, excellent organizational skills, business qualities.

Unusual abilities, intuition and strong psychological intuition; insight, up to telepathy and clairvoyance; interest in parapsychology, high susceptibility.

Wisdom, deep understanding, very strong imagination, rich intellect, deep psychologism; high states of consciousness, high moral and spiritual ideals. Good commercial ability, good material wealth, material security.

A combination of energy and diligence, courage and foresight, courage and strength; the ability to solve difficult problems, take on great responsibility; perseverance and ambition; physical endurance; self-control, endurance, self-discipline.

Regarding the date of Holmes' death (January 06, 1957), an interesting thing is observed: for this period, the horoscope does not indicate a danger to life or the threat of a serious illness, which are characteristic of the possible moment of death.
However, in the Solar (chart of the annual circulation of the Sun) for 1956, which runs until 5 hours 56 minutes on January 6, the ruler of the Solar Venus is the ruler of the 8th house (house of death) of the Solar, and stands in the last third of the 4th house (which symbolically characterizes the natural end of life).
At the same time, in the map of the next Solar, working from 05:57 on January 6, the boundaries of his houses almost completely coincide with the boundaries of the houses of the great detective's birth chart (this can be symbolically regarded as the beginning of a new round of life). The esoteric symbolism of the described signs corresponds to a voluntary natural departure from life - that is, a transition to a new quality and a new world!

“Don't you know that I'm not the creator of Sherlock Holmes? It was the readers who created it in their imagination.". Conan Doyle said these words at a gala dinner in honor of his seventieth birthday. So, did there actually exist on the subtle plane of the Earth a certain structure - an egregore (not necessarily embodied in a physical body), which could have such a strong influence on the souls and minds of people and literally LIVE a whole, such an interesting and full of impressions life?

author: Vitaliy Korad, Vedic Palmistry Association
Thank you for the useful information from the materials of the authors:
Nadezhda Voronova (materials of the BiblioGuide website)
Stepan Poberovsky (Since 1986 he worked at the Leningrad Documentary Film Studio. In 1991-93
worked as a scientific consultant on the film "Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna", participated in
as a consultant in the canonization commission under the Moscow Patriarchy)

Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes (Compatibility)

In continuation of this topic, it is interesting to make out how compatible Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes are according to the horoscope. Holmesian specialists consider the year of birth of John Hamish Watson (or, as it was customary to write earlier, Watson) 1852 (even the number is called - July 7). In the notebooks of the literary agent Dr. Watson (who was, we recall, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), there is a mention that the doctor could become known to the world under the name of Ormond Sacker, but this did not happen.
Almost nothing is known about his parents. Michael Hardwicke, author of The Private Life of John H. Watson, M.D., states that his father's name was John Henry Watson and his mother's name was Violet Watson, née Hudson. They both lived in Scotland, married in the autumn of 1847 in Bagshot and settled on the banks of Loch Rhyne. On the other hand, Watson's nostalgia for the clearings of the New Forest and the beaches of Southsea, where Watson sought to vacation, points to Hampshire (where both are located) as his place of birth (see the story "The Cardboard Box"). Watson had a brother, Henry, who was three years older than John, but by 1888 he had drunk himself and died. It is assumed that Watson's uncle was Dr. J.K.

Taking for granted that the date of birth of D. Watson is July 7, 1852 and combining the data of the doctor's cosmogram with the detective's cosmogram, we get:

1. Both friends were born in the same country with a difference of 1.5 years, which makes the location of the higher planets approximately the same. At the same time, Neptune is strong for both in its location in the sign of Pisces. According to the influence of this planet in the cosmogram of one on the Sun of the other, we have a mutual harmonious combination. This gives mutual understanding on a subtle spiritual level!
2. When considering the "conflict" planets in both cosmograms, there is not a single (!) Indication of their negative interaction, which, with the perfect "non-conflict" of both partners, completely excludes serious misunderstandings and quarrels between them!
3. There is a "formula of happiness" - the harmonious influence of Watson's planet Jupiter on the Sun in Holmes's cosmogram. This aspect implies a beneficial effect on the partner's personality in the form of support for his social significance. What took place in the form of literary masterpieces of the doctor about the activities of Holmes, bringing the latter fame and creating significant advertising for him. And in response, it gave rise to some kind of subconscious attachment of the detective to a friend who has a strong positive planetary influence. (By the way, dear ladies! Such an interaction is one of the very beneficial effects on the strength of marriage between spouses, if it comes from your horoscope to the horoscope of your husband. This is a word about choosing a partner.)
4. The location of the Sun in the cosmograms of the doctor and the detective is exactly the opposite. The exact aspect of the opposition. This aspect for marriage is not always the most successful, but for friendship and partnership it often serves just as an addition to two opposite characters of people. Which is beautifully shown in the works of Conan Doyle.
5. For Holmes, communication with the outside world occurs through the energies of a strong Venus, that is, creativity, for Watson, communication with the outside world occurs through the energies of a strong Moon, that is, a house and a hearth. Both of these planets have energetically related motives, which also indicates the similarity in spirit of these two people.

The secret of Holmes and Watson's success is in a harmonious duet and in the glorification of male friendship. Indeed, what is Holmes without Watson and Watson without Holmes? No wonder the stories where the great detective for some reason finds himself alone are much weaker than all the others. Astrological analysis confirms this. And I'm still amazed - how Conan Doyle managed to create two such believable and truly LIVING heroes.

Vitaly Korad, Togliatti (certified astrologer with applied skills in the field of palmistry,
anthropology and physiognomy, certified doctor)

Optimistic ARIES (03/21 - 04/20)

Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind" Margaret Mitchell - a true ARIES

Quote:"You'll see, I'll still get married, even if I stop flinching, squealing and losing consciousness."

Aries optimism is simply inexhaustible, and his seething energy always accompanies him. Undoubtedly, these qualities are the cause of an endless series of adventures, twists and turns, various kinds of alterations, awkward situations and clashes in his life. An interesting fact is that these very qualities of character can not only cause Aries a lot of trouble, but also lead him to the right place at the right time. And when Aries feels himself at the epicenter of a whirlwind of events, then all his best personal qualities manifest themselves. This makes Aries feel like a full-fledged "inhabitant" of the planet, when he feels that life does not flow through his fingers, but boils around him and in himself. The heroine of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara, had many difficult trials, although she dealt with them with the grip of a true Aries - stubborn, strong and courageous. And, something tells us that if there was no hurricane in Scarlett's life, she would still organize it on her own.

Quirky TAURUS in a red cap (21.04 - 20.05)

Reflection of Taurus in literature - Charles Perrault.

Quote:"It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter.”

Taurus stands firmly on the ground, resting on all four legs. Taurus never look for easy ways, they are used to fighting for their well-being, and therefore they know how to do it very well. They are rarely visited by impulsive desires - they are pragmatic and rational. Taurus are able to find a way out of any situation, even if they are in a deep forest with Little Red Riding Hood on their heads, and around there is impenetrable darkness and a pack of wolves. The sign of the Zodiac Taurus has extraordinary ingenuity, which allows him to find a way out of any situation, even the most intractable at first glance. In addition, do not underestimate Taurus, because he has an enviable resourcefulness, which, alas, is not given to everyone. However, these Red Riding Hoods are completely unsuitable for the denouement of events, when only Taurus is satisfied with the result of the events. Little Red Riding Hood is overwhelmed with the thought that everyone around should be happy. And diligently achieves the fulfillment of their desires!

Two-faced GEMINI (21.05 - 21.06)

Don Juan- 100% GEMINI


“My hand is rather heavy, although I may look quiet.
Wherever the game takes us, I'm not afraid of my offenders,
And those who offend my appearance, I will teach both honor and decency! (J. Gordon Byron, Don Juan.)

Every minute and every hour, the twins unsuccessfully try to cope with the struggle of two personalities in themselves. While one of the personalities is in the process of making a deliberate decision, the second is preparing thousands of reasons in spite of the latter. It is noteworthy that this approach works for Gemini in any situation in any sphere of life. In particular - love. Because Gemini is sometimes called don Juans - in honor of the famous hero-lover. The problem of Gemini is not in their ability to win the heart of any beauty or any handsome man, but in the fact that a Gemini Man or Woman is simply not able to refuse any of them!

Romantic and touching CANCER (22.06 - 22.07)

A full-fledged representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer in literature - Romeo from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Quote:“Love is wise madness: it is full of both bitterness and sweetness.”

Cancer-Romeo is romantic, vulnerable, sincere, unquestioningly believes in eternal love and strives for it with all his heart. Despite the tenderness and timidity of character, Cancer is able to stand up for himself. He loves silence, loneliness and peace, prone to long reflections and deep thoughts, but he will not miss the chance to spend time in good company and the prospect of having fun to the fullest. Cancer refers to those zodiac signs who tend to perceive the injustice of life as a personal slap in the face. Due to excessive sensitivity, Cancer-Romeo repeatedly finds himself in tragic situations, committing a series of rash acts one after another!

LION that lives on the roof (23.07 - 23.08)

The brightest representative of the zodiac sign Leo - Carlson, who lives on the roof: handsome, damn smart and moderately well-fed, and, of course, in the prime of life.

(Astrid Lindgren, "The Kid and the One Who Lives on the Roof".)

Leo is a sign of the Zodiac, full of optimism, love of life and friendship. He wins hearts, collects sincere smiles and eaten cakes, never loses heart, always full of cheerfulness and love. The best toastmaster, organizer of mass events, unexpected reincarnations. Lions are made for fun, they just don't know how to be sad and yearn for more than 5 minutes.

Carlson is real: moderately well-fed, enchants any creature, always in the prime of his life. He is in constant delight with every day and with himself. We should thank the Lions - they are trying their best to infect others with the same positive emotions. And we must give them their due - they always succeed in this!

VIRGO with the mind (24.08 - 23.09)

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the best literary reflection of the zodiac sign Virgo is Anna Karenina.

Quote:"Respect was invented to hide the empty space where love should be." (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.)

And who would have thought that the Virgo, so rich in tenderness and gentleness, is capable of such tough actions that can be condemned by society. But for Virgo, when the question becomes an edge and concerns happiness, no boundaries of decency and social laws exist. "Anna Karenina" are capable of a desperate struggle for happiness, love and their interests. But, no matter how reckless the actions of Virgos look, one should not underestimate the thoughtfulness of each step of such recklessness, since Virgos are the last sign of the Zodiac who is able to rush headlong into the pool without having a well-thought-out plan!

LIBRA, who are not trifled with (24.09 - 23.10)

The most prominent representative of Libra in literature, perhaps, Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Quote:“I put myself in the place of the protagonist, first of all, having clarified for myself his mental level, I try to imagine how I myself would have acted under similar circumstances.”

It is typical for Libra to think a little about the issue, to be silent a little, to weigh, to analyze. One would like to compare Libra with Sherlock Holmes, as if they came to Earth to judge and give conclusions on various topics. It is the silence of Libra that is much more verbose than any chatter of other signs of the Zodiac, and their inspector's gaze, like an X-ray, shines through the interlocutor, noting small details and inconsistencies. Representatives of the Libra sign are cunning, attentive and smart people. And, often, like Sherlock Holmes himself, they direct their forces to the fight against evil.

Devilry and SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)

Real, notorious Scorpio - Woland Mikhail Bulgakov from The Master and Margarita.

Quote: "I like to sit low... It's not so dangerous to fall from low."

Like it or not, but from any side in Scorpio a certain devilry shines through, mysticism and obscurity shine through. Whatever Scorpio is, it is a mystery with an eerie appeal of the image, a depth of gaze and a hidden threat at the same time. Everyone knows that even a fleeting glance of a Scorpio can pierce to the very bones. And what to say if Scorpio "takes aim" ...? Scorpios are praised not for their ability to gracefully strike at an opponent, but for the fact that they do not do it as often as they can. Although some individuals will not miss the opportunity to sting more painfully. Some mysterious knowledge is attributed to scorpions, which may be why Woland can be safely called the most prominent representative of Scorpio in literature!

SAGITTARIUS who loves to visit (11/23 - 12/21)

The typical Sagittarius in literature is Winnie the Pooh.

Quote:“The right company is one where I will be treated to something and listen to my Grumble with pleasure.” ("Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All," Alan Milne.)

Sagittarius is: the same open, impossibly charming, trouble-free in any respect, occasionally tactless, but very kind, sweet and constantly tipsy. If Sagittarius, such a misfortune happens, visits some crazy idea, he will certainly try to implement it in all possible and impossible ways until it becomes clear to him that the reason for his failures lies in the “wrong bees”. But the moment when Sagittarius understands this comes too late ... However, Sagittarius has no time to lose heart, because a new batch of amazing ideas is already swarming in his head!

Stubborn CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)

The true representative of the zodiac sign Capricorn - Mary Poppins- the heroine of fairy tales by children's writer Pamela Travers. I think everyone remembers this nanny-sorceress from the feature film "Mary Poppins, goodbye", directed by Leonid Kvinikhidze.

Quote:“Oh, what a blessing, Oh, what a blessing, To know that I am perfection. Know that I am the ideal.

Capricorns are sedate, persistent, serious and stubborn. This is exactly the heroine of Mary Poppins, who will not allow children to play pranks for a moment, raising them as exemplary citizens. Capricorn will not make concessions, indulging the slightest whims and whims of the children, he will teach them strength and perseverance. Capricorn with all his being will set an example of good tone and behavior and strive to educate adult feelings in kids. And, despite their seriousness and steadfastness, Capricorns know how to make their children's childhood the best in the world!

Lover of life - AQUARIUS (21.01 - 20.02)

True Aquarius - Ostap Bender.

Quote:“We have to think. For example, I am fed with ideas.” (The Golden Calf by Ilf and Petrov.)

Aquarius is one of the most "mobile" signs of the Zodiac: there are always a lot of ideas, words, forces, noise, din, body movements and, as a result, as a result of the zero effect. Although Aquarius himself is not upset at all, for he is full of courage, cheerfulness and optimism. Aquarians themselves suspect that the result of the work done is not so important for them as its process. Aquarius enthusiastically enjoy every second of life itself, a breath of fresh wind, the look of an attractive brunette ... Aquarius does not need to learn to enjoy life - they know how to do it, and use their skill with or without reason ... They are such - Aquarius! And the most prominent representative of Aquarius in literature is Ostap Bender, who has a holiday every day, and life itself is an inexhaustible carnival!

FISH (21.02 - 20.03)

As the most prominent representative of the zodiac sign Pisces in literature can be called Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Quote:"In order to become wise, one must pretend to be insane."

Don Quixote of La Mancha is cunning and smart, mysterious, living in his transparent and spacious reservoir, understandable to him alone. Pisces are accustomed to swim according to the laws that are known only to representatives of their zodiac sign. They think about unknown, alluring distances, they are tempted by knightly battles. Pisces think about justice, about truth, about everything extremely important, worldly ... It is not for nothing that they are considered one of the most unusual and unusual signs. Pisces carry some extremely noble mission, even if it consists in fighting windmills!

Reading a book, we often find a lot in common with some literary hero. Sometimes the plot of the book corresponds so accurately to our situations in life that you want to exclaim: “Yes, it’s written about me!” With the help of astrology, we can recognize our literary hero, who is fully consistent with the character of our zodiac sign and, perhaps, has the same habits, mindset and similar lifestyle.

“And strong in the spirit of her people, irreconcilable with defeat, even when it is obvious, Scarlett raised her head. She will bring Rhett back. She knows she will return. There is no such person whom she could not win if she wanted to ... "The prototype of Aries is Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine from the novel" Gone with the Wind ". The fate of the heroine Scarlett was full of hard trials and shocks. However, she dealt with them with the grip of a typical Aries. She never lost her optimistic attitude and confidently walked towards her goal.

"The wolf did not return, but the villagers still lived in fear - they did not know another life." The reflection of the character of Taurus in literature is Little Red Riding Hood. Taurus are firmly on their feet. They do not look for easy ways and achieve everything themselves. Like Little Red Riding Hood, they wander through the dark forest, although they are afraid. But for the well-being of relatives and friends, they will overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious from any situation.

“I never take advantage of women. I give them pleasure if they want it." Hero-lover Don Juan is a true Gemini. This heartthrob is always ready for any turn in his life. He will find an approach to each person, adapt to any situation. Don Juan, like a typical Gemini, is subject to a constant internal dialogue with himself, but his fragmented personality does not prevent him from achieving success, both in work and in love.

"I'd rather die than suffer like this!" Famous words from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. These are the words of Romeo, who is a typical representative of the constellation Cancer. People of this constellation are very sentimental and romantic. Due to the discrepancy between what they want and reality, they can make many mistakes. Cancers live with feelings and sensations, which is why they are often disappointed in the real world.

“I am a small ghost with a motor. Wild but cute! This is a quote from the book "Kid and Carlson". People born under the constellation Leo, fully correspond in character to "a man in the prime of his life" - Carlson. Optimism, inexhaustible energy, love of life and friendliness - this is all about Leo. They, like Carlson, never lose heart, they try to help everyone and create a sense of celebration. Lions are charming and attractive, and this helps them achieve their goals in life.

“If you have an emotional range like a teaspoon, it doesn’t mean that we have the same.” These are the words of the heroine of the novel "Harry Potter", Hermione Granger. She is a typical representative of the Virgo zodiac sign. Just as pragmatic, attentive and rational. Business acumen, practical approach and focus on results - these characteristic features of the Virgo are fully consistent with Hermione. Virgos live with their plans and ideas, but when it comes to the well-being of people close to them, they are ready to rush into any recklessness.

“I play for the sake of the game itself” is a quote from the great detective Sherlock Holmes. His character reflects the true essence of Libra. They like to analyze, reflect, connect one with another and find cause and effect relationships. Libras are cunning, sociable and intelligent. Even when they are silent, they radiate the energy of their thought and mind.

“What would your good do if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?” - Woland's words from the work "The Master and Margarita". Whatever you say, but in Scorpions there is still some kind of devilry and mysticism. The people of this constellation, like Woland, are always mysterious and deep. Their gaze can confuse and make you afraid. They can be merciless towards their opponent. All this is hidden under the mask of charm and external attractiveness.

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud. I’m not a bear at all ... ”Winnie the Pooh sang, flying in a balloon near a bee hive. This funny bear cub reflects the full range of qualities of people of the constellation Sagittarius. They are adventurous and love to find adventure on their own. Like Winnie the Pooh, they value friendship. They are distinguished by inexhaustible optimism and purposefulness.

“Ladies don’t answer questions like that because gentlemen don’t ask them,” Merry Poppins used to say from the novel of the same name. She is the prototype of a typical Capricorn, just as persistent, stubborn and serious. Capricorns do not want to make concessions, their decisions are not subject to discussion. Everything they do is premeditated and planned. People of this sign strive for recognition and respect: “Oh, what a blessing it is to know that I am perfection, to know that I am an ideal!”.

"The first move is E2-E4, and then... And then we'll see!" Typical Aquarius - Ostap Bender. The people of this constellation, just like him, are active, full of ideas and always ready for adventure. They know how to enjoy life and, as a rule, take everything from it. For them, every day is like a holiday, and all life is a carnival!

“It is given to God alone to know times and dates, and for him there is neither past nor future, for him everything is present,” Don Quixote often repeated to his faithful squire. This literary hero is a representative of the Pisces sign: just as mysterious and extraordinary. He lives in his invented world, makes grandiose plans, and looks at people through rose-colored glasses.