"immaculate conception" in the animal world. Can a woman get pregnant from an animal? What animal delays conception

7. Fertilization in animals

Fertilization- the process of fusion of male and female germ cells, as a result of which a zygote is formed. Zygote- a fertilized egg. It always has a diploid set of chromosomes. The zygote develops into an embryo that gives rise to a new organism.

Fertilization stages

The process of fertilization begins with the penetration of the sperm into the egg. Upon contact of the spermatozoon with the shell of the egg, the contents of the acrosome are brought to the surface of the shell. Under the action of hydrolytic enzymes contained in the acrosome, the egg shell dissolves at the point of contact. Special proteins ensure the penetration of the contents of the sperm into the egg (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. The sequence of stages of fertilization: A - convergence of the spermatozoon and the egg; B - penetration of the sperm into the egg; B - fusion of two nuclei; G - the formation of the spindle of the first division; D - the formation of the first two cells of the embryo

Further, a number of processes occur synchronously. The spermatozoon, as it were, launches the development program embedded in the egg. First, the shell of the egg becomes impermeable to the rest of the sperm. Secondly, an increased synthesis of proteins begins in the egg, which will ensure the development of the zygote. Next, the fusion of two haploid nuclei, which are called pronuclei(translated from Latin. "predecessors of the nucleus"). As a result of the fusion of pronuclei, a diploid zygote nucleus is formed. In a fertilized egg, DNA replication of two nuclei occurs, and it prepares for division. Together with the pronucleus, sperm centrioles also enter the egg, which play an important role. They provide the formation of the spindle of the first division.

In animals, there are two methods of fertilization: external and internal. During external fertilization, the female spawns eggs (caviar), and the male - sperm into the external environment, where fertilization occurs. This method of fertilization is typical for aquatic inhabitants (sea urchins, fish, amphibians).

During internal fertilization, the fusion of gametes occurs in the genital tract of the female. This method is typical for terrestrial and some aquatic inhabitants (worms, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals).

A fertilized egg can develop either in the body of the female, as in mammals, or in the external environment, as in many birds, reptiles, and insects. In the latter case, the fertilized egg is covered with a special shell or shell. The female lays it in the safest place.

The biological significance of fertilization lies in the fact that when the gametes merge, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored, and the new organism carries hereditary information and signs of two parents.


A type of sexual reproduction in which an adult develops from an unfertilized egg is called parthenogenesis.

Parthenogenesis occurs in lower crustaceans (daphnia), insects (bees, aphids), some birds (turkeys) and, as a rule, alternates with normal sexual reproduction. A new organism develops from unfertilized eggs with a haploid set of chromosomes. During the first division of mitosis after DNA duplication, the chromosomes do not separate and the diploid set is restored.

Parthenogenesis can proceed both under favorable conditions and under unfavorable ones. For example, in aphids, daphnia, females develop in summer, and males develop from unfertilized eggs in autumn. In bees, males (drones) always develop from unfertilized eggs, and females (wombs) and worker bees from fertilized eggs.

Parthenogenesis can be caused artificially, by the influence of any factor on the egg.


Another type of sexual reproduction is conjugation - the temporary connection of two individuals and the exchange of parts of the nuclear apparatus and a small amount of cytoplasm. This process is typical for protozoa, in particular ciliates. Before the start of conjugation in ciliates, the large nucleus (macronucleus) is destroyed, and the small generative nucleus (micronucleus) is divided by meiosis. Three of the four formed haploid nuclei are destroyed, and the fourth is divided by mitosis into two nuclei. One of these nuclei is exchanged by conjugating individuals. The exchanged nuclei merge with the second nuclei remaining in the cells. As a result, a diploid nucleus is formed in each cell. After that, the individuals disperse.

The new core is divided into two unequal parts. One, most of it turns into a macronucleus, and the other - into a micronucleus. This process resembles fertilization, since the fusion of the nuclei of different organisms takes place and the genetic information is updated.

Questions for self-control

1. What processes occur during fertilization?

2. What is the name of the cell formed as a result of the fusion of two gametes? What set of chromosomes does she have?

3. Compare two methods of fertilization: external and internal. Which of them provides a greater probability of the appearance and preservation of offspring?

4. What is the essence of parthenogenesis? What is the significance of this for organisms? Why is parthenogenesis considered a type of sexual reproduction?

5. Compare conjugation and fertilization. What are the similarities and differences between these processes?

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Sometimes questions arise in your head that you don’t dare to ask your loved ones. What if they misunderstand? "Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?" is just one of them. However, many people want to know the answer to it. This answer is very simple - a person cannot get pregnant from an animal, just as an animal cannot get pregnant from a person. Under natural conditions, this is impossible.

The fact is that fertilization occurs at the chromosomal level, and each chromosome must consist of pairs of genes that are identical in functionality. Man and animal belong to the type of mammals, but they have a completely different DNA structure, chromosome set and biological classification. And all these three components are responsible for the process of fertilization. If they do not match, fertilization is impossible. Nature is wise in this sense: a woman can only get pregnant from a man, a dog from a dog, a horse from a horse, and so on. Even if sexual contact occurs between an animal and a person, in which the seminal fluid of one or the other enters the genitals of the female, pregnancy will not occur. There will simply be a rejection of some chromosomes from others.

In nature, crossbreeding is possible for genetically close relatives. For example, when a lion and a tiger are crossed, a liger is obtained, and when a donkey and a horse are crossed, a mule is obtained. Is it possible to get pregnant from a primate, because they are our closest relatives? This is impossible, since the genetic codes for the development of primates and modern humans are very different, and as a result, chromosomes will be rejected, but not fertilization. Similar cases may have been in the prehistoric era. Then our Neanderthal ancestors could interbreed with other animals and anthropoids.

The question of crossing a man and an animal has long been of concern to mankind, in particular, scientists. Experiments on artificial crossing are being carried out. For example, experiments in Great Britain are known. Previously, this was prohibited, but certain amendments to the laws allowed scientists to conduct experiments on crossing human embryos with animals. These experiments continued for three years, 155 embryos were grown containing animal and human genetic material. Many people were against such scientific experiments, because they believed that it defames the honor and dignity of mankind. However, scientists look at these experiments differently: many are confident that such crossing will help create a way to treat cancer.

There were also numerous experiments on crossing a man with a monkey. It is possible that they are held to this day. But they became very popular in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Such experiments were carried out by the famous scientist-breeder Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. He believed that the most favorable place for such experiments was Africa. In his opinion, there lived a large number of great apes and illiterate natives, to whom he was going to offer the seminal fluid of animals. Ilya Ivanovich saw the main goal of such experiments in obtaining new and important information about the origin of man. But what looked brilliant in theory caused a lot of difficulties in practice. One of them was connected with the capture of the necessary monkeys. They were all wild, lived in the jungle, behaved aggressively and had great strength. As a result of their capture, many hunters who helped the professor suffered, and his son ended up in the hospital. The second difficulty was related to the search for women who would agree to become pregnant from a monkey. African women were not as stupid as the scientist thought. They did not agree to the experiment for any money. As a result, he managed to impregnate several female monkeys with human seed. Who became the sperm donor is kept secret. As a result, the fertilized females began to die slowly, and when they were opened, pregnancy was not found in any of them. The experiment turned out to be a failure.

In any case, even if science experiences difficulties in crossing a human and an animal, then in the natural environment this is all the more impossible. Now to the question: "Is it possible to get pregnant from an animal?" - you know the exact answer: no.


Pregnancy in mammals is divided into several stages: fertilization - the fusion of male sperm with a female egg, the penetration of the fertilized cell into the muscle sac - the uterus, the development of the fetus. Childbirth is the logical conclusion.

Depending on the number of offspring, there are singleton and multiple pregnancies. Here the figures vary from species to species. So, on average, 2-20 cubs are born in predators, 1-2 in ungulates, 2-10 in rodents, 1-2 cubs in bats in a litter.

The duration of pregnancy in most cases depends on the size of the animal. A huge elephant bears a fetus for 20-22 months, a rhinoceros - 15, - 8, - 9, a horse - 11, a lion - 3.5, a dog - 2. The pregnancy of smaller ones is calculated in days: a hedgehog and a ferret - 40, a mouse - 21, columns – 28. But this pattern has exceptions. In the marten, ermine and sable, the time from conception to birth is 9-10 months. This period is explained by the fact that the fertilized egg does not develop immediately after conception, but waits for favorable conditions.

Marsupials have a very short gestation period, because the fetus is not associated with the mother's body, but receives nutrition from the yolk sac. The emerging cub looks more like an embryo: pink transparent skin, lack of hairline. It continues its development in the brood pouch, feeding on mother's milk. A baby kangaroo spends only 35 days in the womb and up to eight months in the pouch.

Childbirth in animals lasts up to several hours. After birth, the female cleans the mouth and nostrils of the cub from mucus, licks it. How developed and independent the cub will be born depends on the habitat.

The longest pregnancy is in the black alpine salamander (31 months), the shortest is in the North American opossum (8 days). The most developed cubs are born in elephants and ungulates, the most helpless - in marsupials. The largest broods are in rodents and predators (up to 20), the smallest are in elephants and whales (1).

An elephant calf is born with milk five-centimeter tusks. A kitten is born weighing up to 800 kg and up to 5.5 meters long, and drinks up to 380 liters of milk daily. Immediately after birth, the female brings it to the surface for independent inspiration. Normal pregnancy of pigs lasts 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months, childbirth - up to 6 hours. Blind young marsupials reach the mammary glands of the female in minutes. Cats, dogs, foxes and wolves, thanks to common ancestors, have an equal gestation period (2 months).

Pregnancy in animals is a special physiological state of the female, which occurs at the time of fertilization and ends with the birth of a calf. It should be noted that pregnancy in mammals (with the exception of oviparous), reptiles and viviparous fish is significantly different.

The duration of pregnancy directly depends on the size of the animal itself and the environmental conditions in which it develops after its birth. The larger the living being and the more developed it is, the longer its pregnancy and vice versa, but there are exceptions, which we will talk about later.

The most developed creature on Earth is man. A human child is born after 9 months of pregnancy, in other words, after 275 days spent in the womb. Around this period, women give birth. The baby is born almost fully formed. A human baby is called a child. An example with a person was given specifically for ease of comparison.

10th place. cows

The female cow bears her cub longer than a man - 285 days - this is the average.

The period of pregnancy, called in cows (lat. Bos taurus taurus) pregnancy, can last from 240 to 311 days, so it is almost impossible to establish the exact date of birth (calving). After 7.5 months after insemination, it is recommended to stop milking the blood, i.e. transfer it to dry land. This is due to the fact that the last 3 months of pregnancy is the most active development of the fetus. A baby cow is a calf.

9th place. Alpine salamander

And here is the first exception to the rule - the alpine, or black salamander (lat. Salamandra atra), living in the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula and in the Alps.

Her body length is 9-16 cm, and the pregnancy lasts about 10 months (306 days). This is a viviparous animal. There are 30 eggs in the oviduct of the salamander, but it develops from only 2 larvae, while the rest of the eggs turn into a yolk mass, which these larvae feed on. After all the transformations that will take place in the body of the salamander mother, two fully formed and adult individuals will be born. Alpine salamanders live for about 10 years.

8th place. Roe deer

In roe deer (lat. Capreolus) pregnancy ranges from 264 to 318 days, which is slightly more than 10 months.

Offspring are born in April-June. Before the start of childbirth (calving), the female goes to her birth area, where she masters it and drives away other roe deer. Scientists have found that most of the cubs are born in the daytime in the meadows - approximately 74%, in the forest - 23% and in the fields - 3%. A baby roe deer is a roe deer.

7th place. buffaloes

The Asians (lat. Bubalus bubalis) and (lat. Syncerus caffer) pregnancy lasts about 300-345 days (10-11 months), after which one cub is born (twins are rare).

It should be noted that only 20% of born calves survive to adulthood (they die from various diseases, heat and from predators). A buffalo cub is a buffalo (the common name for cattle is a calf).

6th place. Horses

Pregnancy in a horse (lat. Equus) is quite long - from 335 to 340 days (sometimes longer than 11 months).

As a rule, one cub is born. If a male (stallion) is to be born, then the pregnancy lasts 2-7 days longer. A baby horse is a foal.

5th place. Domestic donkeys

Domestic donkeys (lat. Equus asinus) are smaller horses, however, their pregnancy lasts longer - an average of 360 to 390 days (more than a year).

The cub feeds on mother's milk up to 6-9 months, it starts eating grass (little by little) 2 weeks after birth. Fully grown by two years. A baby donkey is a colt. The diminutive name for a donkey (regardless of age) is a donkey.

4th place. bactrian camels

Due to the long pregnancy, which lasts 360-440 days (13 months), the female Bactrian camel (lat. camelus bactrianus) bear offspring only once every two years.

According to some reports, pregnancy can last up to 411 days. The female gives birth while standing, and the newborn cub can follow her already 2 hours after birth. The cub is a camel.

3rd place. Badgers

The second exception is (lat. meles meles).

Although it is small (50-90 cm in length), the pregnancy of a female badger can last quite a long time. If the mating took place in the summer, then the offspring will appear in 271-300 days, but if the mating period fell on the winter, then the cubs will be born only after 400-450 days. A baby badger is a badger.

2nd place. giraffes

Giraffe (lat. Giraffa camelopardalis) is one of the largest land representatives of the animal world. Pregnancy in females lasts 14 to 15 months (428 to 459 days).

The female gives birth while standing and the cub has to fall to the ground from almost 2 meters high, therefore, during childbirth, the cub “comes out” with its feet forward, in addition, the height of the newborn itself is about 2 meters. The cub is a giraffe.

1 place. elephants

It is quite natural that the winners of this rating were elephants (lat. elephantidae).

Both in and in the African elephant, pregnancy lasts from 20 to 22 months (almost 2 years), so female elephants can only give birth once every four to five years. Usually one cub is born (very rarely - twins). The fetus is fully developed by 581 days (19 months), so the rest of the time it only increases in size. An elephant cub is a baby elephant.

We once again made sure that the gestational age depends on the size and level of development of the animal. But as you can see, there are exceptions.

Immaculate conception, or parthenogenesis, is a modification of sexual reproduction, when the female gamete begins to develop into a new individual without the participation of the male gamete for fertilization. Parthenogenetic reproduction is common in the animal kingdom, plants, and usually this increases the rate of reproduction.

Parthenogenesis in animals and plants

There are two types of immaculate conception - haploid and diploid parthenogenesis, depending on the number of chromosomes in the female gamete. In many insects, in particular ants, wasps and bees, as a result of the first type of reproduction, various communities of organisms arise. In haploid parthenogenesis, meiosis occurs and haploid gametes are produced. Fertilized eggs can develop into diploid females, while unfertilized eggs develop into haploid fertile males. In the honey bee, for example, the queen lays eggs that produce females (workers, queen), and unfertilized eggs that produce males (drones). A similar reproduction mechanism in insects plays an adaptive role, because it can regulate the appearance of offspring depending on the type of gametes.

Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in aphids. In this case, the female oocytes undergo a special form of meiosis - the chromosomes do not diverge, but pass into the egg, polar bodies remain without chromosomes. The development of eggs is carried out in the mother's body, newborn females are fully formed and do not hatch from eggs. This process of live birth continues for several generations, until a cell appears that contains one X chromosome and all autosomes. It develops into a parthenogenetic male. The main advantage of partogenesis for aphids is the rapid growth of the population, because its sexually mature members can lay eggs.

"Immaculate Conception" in various forms is widespread among plants. One of them is called apomixis and is parthenogenesis that mimics This form of conception is observed in some flowering plants, in which the diploid cell develops into a full-fledged embryo without the participation of the male gamete. In other cases, a pollen grain must be present to stimulate parthenogenesis; the pollen grain produces the hormones necessary for the appearance of the embryo, and such cases are almost no different from sexual reproduction.

Parthenogenesis in humans

Forensic experts are well aware that when exposed to high temperatures, stressful situations and extreme conditions, a woman's egg can start the process of division, even if it is not fertilized. There is an opinion that if a woman is ready to conceive, then she can simply take a steam bath for a while, and the egg will activate the process of transformation into an organism, but, most likely, it is not viable and will soon die.

There are 23 chromosomes in the ready-to-go that determine sex.

"Immaculate Conception" occurs when the mature female chromosomes are divided into two halves, forming in the egg 46 chromosomes necessary for the birth of a new life. After that, the process of crushing and development of the embryo can begin, but only for the female.

According to doctors, parthenogenesis in humans occurs when there is a bacterium that lives in the body of insects, but it can move into the human body, causing the division of the egg and the formation of the embryo. The bacterium destroys male embryos or transforms them into female ones.

Many cases have already been recorded when the sex of a human embryo changed under the influence or in a hot climate, while the male embryo always changes to a female one, it never happens in a different way.

Previously, this phenomenon was not heard at all. In any case, the word "parthenogenesis" appeared recently. The "Immaculate Conception" of the Virgin Mary was regarded by Christians as a miracle. And the fact that it could be a normal pregnancy, no one had any idea.